GNOSIS, KING and THE PAWN Identities [Genshin Impact Theory]

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if you played through the story of monster and leeway we can notice that both barbados and morox have a gnosis in the form of a chess piece with this information it's easy to infer that each of the seven archons in the game also have a specific piece for themselves but when we start allocating queen the bishops the knights and the rooks to individual archons an interesting situation happens what about the king and the pawn in this video we will explore the concepts of the king and the pawn determine who they could be and speculate on what it might represent in the future story of genshin impact also at the end of this video we'll even discuss why a certain individual is going around yoinking all the gnosis pieces welcome to genshin theory the king and the pawn are lonely beings one can't do much anything really and the other is literal father but there is no denying the fact that these two are the most important pieces in chess the king is the overarching ruler mostly stationary but the game does end without the king and the pawn often utilized as a sacrifice for the overall picture of the game however the pawn does have a secret ability now if these two pieces are all so important they must represent something in genji impact right let's talk about the pawn literal throwaways cause this problem for everyone else on the chessboard in a sense the main character fits the bill way too perfectly for one the main character is literally a sacrificial lamb to the overall story of genshin impact why pretty much wherever we go we unknowingly cause problems which results in pushing the agenda for the overall story are we really powering up the scary tree for some rewards expecting no consequences were we supposed to be looking for a sibling gentian impact more like genjin of thrones impact despite this the pawn piece has a very important mechanic promotion in chess if a pawn piece reaches the other end of the chessboard it has the ability to change into any piece it wants except the king but what does this mean against an impact this mechanic represents the main character's ability to harness different elements but this theory does have couple issues first issue is that there are eight pawn pieces now if the pawns actually represent the ability to use different elements without a vision to somewhat mitigate this issue we can technically spread each of the eight pawn pieces out to a specific entities for example two for the main character's siblings one for the abyss one for hillary churros one for kenria or even possibly danes leaf the leftover three honestly i have no idea the second issue is once a pawn promotes in chess it cannot change to anything else meaning we can't change between elements if this is the case then all the seven pieces will have to represent the main character for each element and the extra pawn left over is for the twin sibling which you find in multiple sources does not currently use a specific element judging by the color of the outfit now which of these two issues and speculations do you think is more plausible the eight pawns to a different entities or 8 pawns between the two main characters siblings or do you think the pawn belongs to someone else entirely let me know in the comments below now for the king all other pieces work under the king even if they like it or not and as i mentioned before the king is the only piece a pawn cannot promote to so who represents the king i'm sure many of us have a pretty good guess i believe that the king is none other than the one true god of celestia or maybe even this calm down to earth pretty awesome mage lady but instead of guessing let's dive a little bit deeper into the world of genjin impact what we know so far is that barbados represented the queen and moroccs represented the rook the two bishops would most likely go to sumeru and fontaine for the god of wisdom and god of justice respectively the two night pieces possibly to baio and in azuma and murata and natalin for their aggressive personalities and their ideologies that leaves us with the last piece the second rook for saritza now why do i think that syriza the god of cryo of synesnia is the rook just like morock's in chinese the term rook and chess is called cho meaning a chariot and chariots were pulled by horses possibly attributing to the fact that morocc has the adept ties and saritza has the harbingers under their command to help them achieve their goals now why am i mentioning this judging by the fact that morocco knows what cyrissa is up to at the end of the leeway arc and willingly gave his gnosis to her as rooks they might understand what's going on and have similar goals but what is cerritos planning exactly if she knows that the king is the one true god of celestia what can she really do it would have been nice if mr know-it-all told us but instead he left us with the cleft hanger but there might be another method to finding this answer by using the very thing that started this whole video chess let's examine the rook interestingly similar to the pawn the rook also has a hidden mechanic castling castling is a move in chess where strictly used to relocate the king in a more favorable position now before we go on saritsa is still an archon and the god of celestia has ultimate authority over her and in chess the pieces from the same side can't take out their own king that's just ridiculous but what if saritza's goal isn't to take out this god but instead relocate it relocate it in a more favorable position so a certain event may occur in the future now in terms of castling there are two requirements that needs to be set in place first the king and the rook cannot have moved the second there cannot be any pieces in the way between the king and the rook it's very interesting that the god of celestia realistically only resides in celestia and saritza uses the harbingers to do her bidding while she stays put in synesnia and maybe this is the reason why saritza is collecting all the nasus to remove the pieces in the way so what does this all mean if the identities of the king and the pawn in this theory is accurate and sarissa succeeds in her objective she will be able to castle or relocate the king into the mortal realm which might pave the way for other events in the future of the story maybe all the occurrences in the current story about the main character going around messing everything up unknowingly just because we want some rewards is all predestined and necessary is pawn the main character is king the one true god of celestia what do you think if you have any thoughts make sure you let me know in the comments but most importantly remember this is just a theory if you enjoyed this video make sure you like subscribe and turn on that notification bell if you want to join the community make sure you check out my twitch and discord in the description below and as always thank you for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: IslandXD
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Keywords: Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Theory, Genshin Impact Lore, Genshin Impact Speculation, Genshin Impact Gnosis, Genshin Impact Tsaritsa, Genshin Impact King, Genshin Impact Pawn, Genshin Impact Gnosis Identities, Genshin Impact Gnosis Theory, Genshin Impact Dainsleif, Genshin Impact Rook, Genshin Impact Raiden, Genshin Impact Baal, IslandXD, Genshin Impact 1.3, genshin impact gnosis explained, genshin impact gnosis chess, Genshin Impact Chess, genshin impact gnosis venti, Gnosis
Id: zQ_qzWxwTuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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