Gmod FNAF | Scrub's Ultimate Custom Night Voice Impressions

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[Music] ready yeah don't kill me don't kill me oh how are you today Oh can't leave I'm just gonna stay here wait if I could do weathers withered Bonnie's voice I could probably do it in I could probably do it in Flour hey you stupid chicken look at me turn around look I know how to stop watch pretty I was gonna stop you I'm gonna be the night guard and I know exactly how to stop the chicken where's the chicken at why are these buttons so far away Oh No I did not see you become Phantom foxy here I know how to stalk you okay wait become free where'd you go hello are you okay okay okay now I'm dead United hello hi wall there how are you sir - lady hmm I heard there's an animatronic and good luck I'm pretty sure he's the killer wait wait wait wait wait this could be funny wait stay in the office stay in the office yeah I'll have to come find you wait what the now puff available are you not talking in this freaking voice anymore oh I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running the blur of it fire have you ever covered what is that it's scaring me bro no oh my god where am I Oh what kind of voice would wouldn't bleh Oh in the office go in the office go in the office okay yeah I'm in the office now stately what the that molten Freddie where's it yet what the Frick where is he oh there you are you Frick what the Frick easier and for the frikar you come out there you are die this isn't fair it's completely fair this is definitely right up top big gun well let me see what else I got Oh watch out that actually scared me though what like the gun I pulled oh yeah what do you fired it at even to do that oh my god everything why is everything in their own fire maybe because spring traps in general it's because I've been playing csgo how did you not die I don't know oh oh I just killed myself right Oh he'd killed himself what a loser why yes coach name what kind of voice would GJ have uh oh no like Balloon Boy but like them I see that's a good question wait wait wait yes we have to listen for the phone call okay your new job phone ringing noise phone ringing noise hello whoa welcome to your new job at Dave's diner I guess you can call it Dave's diner yes it's a brand new Bob building which was inspired by Freddy fazbear's pizza it has the same animatronics yet again they're just made in China so they're not that big of a deal but they do come after you because the the sweatshop workers were very pissed off about it so yeah all right so you have a good night and I'll talk to well dang what the frick was that was this thing whose cry in the corner jeans hello somebody's here I don't have cameras I'm sad we should go on to the other fanatics you baptize cameras hello sirs is there a child got left behind here what the ribbon back get back here where'd that ugly man go oh now I just want to play someone to the office oh my gosh what even is that it's like it send us always it's in the sci-fi weapons it's like now it's in the second-to-last list it's like the second-to-last still not list I don't not explain it it's like a purple one on the second last row get back here balloon would like nightmare BB from like are you trying to be nightmare balloon boys no are you just the press that's Africa yet oh hey guys my name is [Music] mr. get back these doors are broken for me hi listen I'm not here to hurt you hey I'm not gonna hurt you once I started the gun I took earn what I do if I let go little fire I can't make it stop fire don't hurt me I'm actually here to help you turn I can't hurt you you're missable fire something there is hello I started the fire burning down yeah like a purple guy skin or something I'm gonna fight whoa where's the fire thing you do I want to find the fire Hagen look at me I'm William Afton over yeah I'm William Afton look at me um no I'm the budget made in China will yay okay I'm looking at you look hey I'm looking at you I'm looking at you I'm looking at mr. Afton no you're looking at the wrong mr. optimum real mister [Music] burning [Music] oh my gosh comes to the main area comes to like the entryway oh my gosh come to the entrance would you do there's a fire in the kitchen girl yeah you know we have to put it out here help me put the fire don't go in there who hired retards to take care of this job oh my god it's chica burns everything bro oh my gosh no I'm running you're in T pose for me [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 274,666
Rating: 4.8794365 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Scrub, Five Nights at Freddy's, Voice, Garry's Mod, Fun, Funny
Id: bGryIMc0DoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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