Gmod FNAF | Glitchtrap Gets Hunted Down By MrBeast!

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there well it's about that time once again start over in a new city ah time to restart my life once again I've been hunted down by so many monsters but I don't think I'll ever catch a break but hopefully just hopefully I'll be able to relax for a little bit here hopefully this city is completely normal and like every other town I've been in the entire world non-stop I get hunted down by monsters every single month it's been about another month and it's about that time for me to get hunted down again I know it's inevitable I know eventually a new monster will will show up somewhere to take my life once again but um oh there isn't a monster yet so I gotta make the most out of it while I can so all right let's see maybe this city will will finally be the one city where I can finally catch a break-in ooh hot dogs oh I would love some hot dogs um oh I I don't have any money I keep forgetting I'm homeless oh man why doesn't this world do anything else better for the homeless people oh but I really wanted a hot dog what else do they got they got hot dogs sausages oh my goodness even pretzels they have pretzels I want a pretzel but I don't have any money but wait hold on a second there's there's nobody working at this standing oh I could I could just sneak my little smelly fingers in there and steal one but uh no that that wouldn't be right I'm I'm not a thief but this world has been treating me so unfair recently I I might just have to steal a bite and no I can't do that I gotta be a good citizen you know I think those monsters have been chasing me down for a reason trying to trying to show that I've been a bad person so from this point on I think I'm gonna try to be the best bunny that I possibly can be even though I have severe depression but besides that all right you know what I guess I I guess I won't get a hot dog since I don't have any money oh well um oh gosh that's my stomach oh I'm so hungry I haven't eaten anything in Forever the last thing I've eaten was a newspaper and that thing was gross I don't want to eat another newspaper oh no there's yummy french fries over there but I have no money oh no why is the world so cruel I just want a snack or something no my stomach it just twisted up in knots I just need something anything and wait what's what's this thing popping out of this bush and wait what is this is wait is this it's a chocolate bar wait wait why is there a perfectly good chocolate bar just thrown in this bush who left this in this bush um oh I really shouldn't eat it though I I don't know where it's been and stuff but oh it looks so delicious though I I might just have to eat it wait what is this a feastable um I don't know I mean it does seem quite edible no my stomach I I need to eat it but I shouldn't no I shouldn't I said earlier I'm gonna be a good citizen and that means not stealing other people's food yeah somebody probably left this year while they went to go use the bathroom or something so I gotta find its rifle owner and bring it back to them yeah I I don't need it I'll just I'll just leave it where I found it and I I don't need it at all I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it I need it I'm so hungry give me that chocolate oh that was so delicious oh I'm so stuffed oh my gosh that was the best thing I've ever eaten in forever okay I might not be stuffed I'm still very hungry I would love more food but oh that was really good oh my gosh but some tells me I really shouldn't have eaten that chocolate bar but oh it was so delicious probably the best thing I've ever eaten in wait what what's this wait oh this was like a piece of paper that wrapped around the chocolate bar and wait hold on a second is this is this a note wait what's it say and put it wait what oh wait I'm reading it upside down he's stealing me uh wait what's it say congrats you are the one billionth customer I'ma find you winky face wait what the heck why was this note in that chocolate bar wait the 1 billionth customer wait does that mean I'm I'm the one billionth person in the entire world to eat that type of chocolate but wait what is this sign mean wait what does this mean though I'm gonna come find you why are they gonna come find me and wait wait was that was that type of chocolate bar going extinct did I just oh oh no I think I just ate the last the last type of chocolate bar in the entire world and not the person who made that chocolate bar is Gonna Come and find me and kill me or wait but it says congrats they seem very happy in this message well wait one billion a customer I've heard about these before um wait does that mean wait either a I'm gonna get hunted down by the chocolate bar King for eating the last chocolate bar in all of existence or B I just won a prize wait if I won a prize I I wonder what I won maybe maybe I maybe I won money or something but I'm still very curious who's gonna come find me I'm sure it's nothing it's Mr Beast left out ouch what the heck who the heck was that oh my gosh what the heck just happened what hello wait what ain't no way that was just in my mind I could have sworn I saw someone oh my gosh and if I if I'm not mistaken I could have sworn that was that was Mr Beast oh my goodness I've heard so much about him in the news oh my gosh I just saw him I think I saw him or I'm hallucinating maybe that was a bad chocolate bar I should not have eaten that chocolate bar I should not have eaten that chocolate bar but wait it all makes sense that's right he owns that type of chocolate bar oh my gosh it all makes sense but Mr Beast I've heard so much about him in the news and I've heard terrible terrible things he's like the worst person in the entire world oh my goodness he's done so many different types of crimes against humanity I heard that recently he cured a thousand people's blindness How could somebody ever do that and then he he apparently also solved world hunger and and gave money to homeless people and he even he even donated to charity a truly evil monster I'm dealing with oh my goodness this might be the worst monster ever but oh my gosh no no he's after me because I ate his one billionth chocolate bar oh no this is bad this is bad this is very bad um well maybe he just wanted to shake my hand or maybe he just wanted me for a thumbnail I I don't know he's gone now so I guess there's nothing to worry about okay sweet hold on this is uh oh it's Mr Beast Mr Beast hey bro bro we can talk about this it's Mr Beast oh my gosh listen I didn't mean eating your chocolate butter I didn't mean to eat it I didn't mean to eat your chocolate bar oh no no please he's gonna give me billions of dollars and I'm gonna suffocate him money no no goalie Mr Beast to the subway I gotta get back on my way where did my training go my train left me are you serious oh um Mr Beast Mr Beast did he leave um he's after me Mr bees um um um I'll let me out of here I'm skipping to the next town I ain't doing this bro I ain't living at this city I ain't living at the city it's Mr Beans oh my gosh he's crazy he's after me no no we don't even know me come back I need you oh my gosh okay I guess I can always go around him see you later Mr Beast I'm out of here I will allow you to give me billions of dollars oh no Mr Beast wait what is that is that a Lamborghini I'm taking it oh my gosh no you stole a tire oh no oh no no no no no no no go away Mr Beast wait I think this was his Lamborghini uh oh that makes this even worse I just stole his Lamborghini oh oh no but I guess it's not a problem because he has like a billion of those oh no I gotta get out of here I gotta play to the next city Mr Beast is after me no no what's up I know I might have might have made a couple mistakes in life but I never knew I made this many mistakes oh no I can't afford to be given billions of dollars I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here I need to find somebody who can help me yeah okay if I hide in here I don't think you'll find me oh my gosh that was so scary oh no Mr Beast is after me okay I just gotta stay calm and stay calm deep breaths deep breaths okay um oh my gosh I need help it's only gonna be a matter of time before he finds me and wait help wait a minute I'll just call the police yeah I'll just call 9-1-1 and uh wait what the heck why is Mr Beast on here and wait this is a brand new Mr Beast video wait he just uploaded this video right now wait let me press play on it what does it say hey guys it's me Mr Beast listen up I just had this or smelly rabbit eat my 1 billionth chocolate bar and I need your guys's help fighting him first person to bring this shmilly rabbit to me get some kabillion cadillium bazillion bajillion dollars okay bye-bye oh no wait what oh no just like that I'm Public Enemy Number One oh my gosh no oh why would you do this to me Mr Beast I should not have eaten that chocolate bar oh my gosh she just posted this video to over a hundred million people oh my goodness that means over 100 million people are gonna be after me oh no this is bad this is bad but they have no idea where I'm at right yeah he only just now posted that so I probably got like um I'll probably say maybe a maybe a day or two to flee the country yeah okay there ain't no way anybody's gonna be after me okay um oh gosh if that's the if I'm really in Public Enemy Number One now I I gotta get out of here um okay I gotta find a new place to hide um I'm gonna have to change my name to uh to something else um oh my God what the heck uh Hey guys hey how's you guys see the new Mr Beast video um hey we're all friends right you guys want to do anything I am right um guys guys there's so many people oh my gosh oh my gosh I can't believe it no no oh my gosh why is everyone after me no come on it's just a chocolate bar I'm so sorry I'll throw it out that it's really that important oh my God I gotta hide oh no do they see me are they oh please I'm sorry I'm sorry no come on please no no no no no no no no no no come on are you telling me I went through all these other monster systems something like this please don't do it please don't do it oh my gosh don't go that way oh my gosh oh no they're that way oh which way do I go oh my gosh I gotta get out of here um oh oh oh oh [Laughter] I gotta flee the town oh my gosh is that a car get me out of here oh my gosh oh my gosh I don't even know how I got on this roof oh my God oh my God anywhere right here somebody help me go upstairs oh a card perfect um okay oh no no come on guys oh my gosh I'm so glad this car was conveniently here to help me get away from the situation oh my god oh okay I crashed but that's okay I think I finally lost them uh wait no I did not lose them they're still after me oh my gosh dang it oh my gosh I want this to end oh oh guys guys don't do it don't do it don't do it oh my gosh he popped a tire oh my gosh I don't even know where I'm going no no come on Mr Beast oh my gosh okay okay oh my gosh okay that should hold him off for a little bit oh my gosh it sounds like a million people are in here oh no what do I do oh my gosh they're gonna break in here eventually oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my gosh I can't believe that I can't believe I actually picked off Mr Beast I'm gonna die this is the time I actually die I know I've like fought through like Helen back before and I've come across every other type of monster but this ain't no way I'm surviving this one ain't no way I'm coming out in one piece oh my gosh I gotta find some way I gotta I gotta figure out something oh before I die there's got to be something in here that could help me um a clock oh I ain't surprised until 6 a.m heck no um in a plus I never got one of those in school um a question mark yeah geez that's very helpful um wait what is this emergency information um something tells me this is a uh emergency right here um okay okay wait what's this say ambulance call 9-1-1 um I mean I think um I don't think I have any broken bones surprisingly even though I've been tossed around like 24 7. every time this happens but I'm surprised I'm still in one piece um fire rescue um there's not a fire yet so we don't need that uh the police 9-1-1 I think the police would definitely be helpful um wait if I could get the police then they could arrest Mr Beast for all the bad crimes he's done throughout his entire life and in that way it will get rid of all these people and they can all be arrested for for attacking me out of For No Good Reason besides I mean oh wait if I did call actually if I call the police some I might get sent to jail for stealing a chocolate bar dang it okay well it looks like I'm on my own um okay all I know is I just need to get out of here okay um okay I think I finally lost him I think they all think I'm I'm still inside there so I think I could just sneak away outside the back door um okay let me go this way oh my gosh why God why what did I do to deserve this is it because I kicked vanity in the face multiple times listen she had it coming there ain't no way she was gonna go into heaven I was doing you a favor she was gonna go to hell and you know it oh my gosh but seriously listen I made a couple people smell my fingers here and there but honestly what did I do to the service oh no please come on don't do this to me oh my gosh no come on why why come on oh my goodness please no I'm sorry I didn't eat your chocolate bar oh no it's a dead end I'm cornered oh no um extra tomato sauce wait what the heck wait where am I and wait was I was I asleep wait does that mean all of that was just a dream oh my gosh it felt so real though oh my gosh I mean I guess it makes sense I guess no one would go that crazy over a chocolate bar man that was some wacky dream I had but wait a second where where am I this ain't my house and hold on a second I don't even have a house I I normally sleep in the garbage what is what is happening something doesn't feel right um well I'm glad that's over with but uh we're the where the heck am I whoa this place looks fancy oh it looks like I'm spending the night in a fancy hotel or a five-star Mansion or something whoa this place is pretty cool wait sounds like there's noises coming from that room downstairs oh I better check it out but whoa I wonder whose house this is pretty cool whoa um hello anybody Here um does anyone know what's going on hello I know that sound Vinnie oh nice of you to finally wake up from your nap you happy wait what the heck vanny what's going on is is this is this your house no silly this isn't my house but I think it might just become your new permanent home tea I don't like that Vani Uncle Nichi it's been so long since we last saw each other I have more monsters been chasing you down um wait oh yeah that's right the last time I saw you yeah that's right the last time we saw each other was when we escaped the back rooms and you weren't feeling so good and I went to the store to get you some medicine and guess what glitchy it was a long journey and that medicine I got you was very expensive and I was super happy to give it to you but when I came back you were gone well they need the reason why I left as well you know because another monster was chasing me down and stuff hmm I feel like that's just an excuse how come you never came looking for me that was so long ago um I got lost hmm I don't know glitchy someone's telling me you've you've been trying to get rid of me for a good while now what me get rid of you that doesn't sound like me at all okay fine vanny you caught me yes I may or may not have been trying to get rid of you but I'm glitchy timing you don't like me I I don't understand why glitchy oh it makes me so sad it makes me feel like you rather spend time with being chased by monsters than time spent with me well you know getting chased down by a monster doesn't sound half bad right now glitchy how dare you hmm well I'm sorry Manny I don't know what to tell you well don't you at least tell me why why don't you like me why don't I like you well you're clingy and you always make those sassy noises and stuff I'm like whenever I'm around you it's always something you're always like snuggling stuff like that I'm like vanny I have my own personal bubble um you have your own personal bubble well it seems like it keeps getting popped by all these monsters that get chased that keep chasing you down well I can't help that vanny listen I don't like those monsters either well you let them spend time near you I don't let them spend time near me they just always chase me down when I run away hmm does that mean I'm a monster too then what yeah vanny you're not a monster oh really it sounds like the same situation for me you keep running away from me and the only way I can spend time with you is if I chase you and catch up to you like no it makes me so sad glitchy well Vinnie I'm sorry okay um I honestly I don't know what else to tell you but I I appreciate you trying to help me and stuff but I just don't want to spend time with you that that's all I'm just trying to be honest with you I'm sorry hmm well I had a feeling you're gonna say something like this and I really didn't want to do this but I guess I don't have any other choice vaney I do not like that laptop oh oh my head good work thank you wait what the heck what the hell phone wakey wakey glitchy witchy [Music] ouch I'm sorry I had to do that but um you didn't give me much of another Choice vanny oh my head wait like I can't move wait did you tie me up of course I did Silly Willy or should I say my silly glitchy glitchy Vinnie untie me right now I can't be I can't be tied up forever oh but yes you can wait what where are you going with this vanity well since you don't want to spend time with me willingly then well I I guess I'm just gonna have to force you to spend all of eternity with me wait wait what that's right glitchy I'm gonna make sure you never leave my sight ever again we're gonna snuggle and cuddle forever and ever and ever no that's like a fate worse than death no somebody help me uh I can't I can't break free owned and by the way don't worry glitchy witchy I have made sure that you will never Escape me ever again sure you might have you know escaped me sometimes before in the past but well I found a new solution to make sure we spend all of eternity together what what did you do vanny what did you do what did I do well you should say what did we all do wait I I don't get it [Applause] what happened I cloned myself T that way well that way if you try and kill one of me there's an army of me so now we can spin together forever and ever vanny you're insane like look at this this is insane in your in your question why I don't want to hang out with you it's because you're nuts and because you're crazy oh wow I can't wait to cuddle and snuggle with you forever and ever oh whoa no no this can't be this can't be so I can't get out no how the hey glitchy how about we cuddle and snuggle right now or maybe a kissy wissy oh well wait Mr Beast oh my gosh oh well wait what's happening to my Army what are you doing oh wait he freed me I'm free see you later vanny oh well you won't Escape get out of here baby oh my gosh Mr Beast oh my gosh get out of here baby oh my gosh Mr bees oh my gosh Mr Beast you saved my life oh my God she's killing all the veinies Mr Beast you did it you saved me Mr bees oh my gosh and uh wait hold on a second oh oh my goodness how many vanities are there oh well there's no Escape glitchy witchy or Mr boost oh my gosh get out of here vanity oh wow you can't stop all of us Mr Beast do something oh my gosh Mr Beast is going out of Killing Spree I've gotta have guns in my back pocket oh well glitchy witchy we're gonna stand together forever not online watch baby oh well I just wanted to snuggle and cuddle with you for all of eternity oh my God oh my gosh Mr D's we did it Mr Beast vanity is no more oh my goodness I can't believe it but Mr Beast I have to ask why why did you help me Mr Beast I mean listen I know a lot of people don't like vanity and stuff but I I thought you were trying to kill me and stuff foreign wait what's that you say because I ate your one billion chocolate bar you were trying to hunt me down so you could tell me that I won a mansion wait I want a mansion wait it's this Mansion wait I'm oh my goodness thank you Mr Beast for the Mansion oh my goodness wait you're giving me this Mansion for free all because I had a chocolate bar oh my goodness thank you Mr V's yo this is the best day of my life first Benny's no more and now I want a mansion oh my goodness thank you Mr Beast oh I'm so sorry I I ran away from you and stuff but wait then why'd you summon all your subscribers to try and kill me oh you were just getting them to track me down because you didn't know where I went oh okay I guess that makes sense oh my goodness but I can't believe it this is awesome thank you so much Mr bees oh my goodness oh wait you have to go bye Mr Beast thank you so much for everything oh look at him he's gonna go donate money to poor people good job Mr beast wow what a great guy completely misunderstood man he just really scared me because you know I mean I've been chased down by a lot of monsters recently so I was just really scared because of that and also the name Mr Beast does seem kind of threatening because you know he seems like a beast but he's very nice person and I want a man should bring the chocolate bar oh my goodness this is awesome and wait does that mean wait I just realized something after this entire time I finally did it I finally got the good ending I did it I finally got the good ending let's go my life has finally turned around for the better this is the best day ever let's go finally after this entire time I'm finally at peace no one will ever be able to chase me down ever again because now I can relax and enjoy the rest of my life in my nice and beautiful stylist Mansion oh my God oh my goodness I'm sorry I'm overwhelmed with joy this is truly amazing oh my gosh oh this is awesome this whole place is mine yo let's go I finally have a home yay oh my goodness this is awesome this is truly incredible huh but you know after getting hunted down by monsters for most of my life it's it's actually taught me to Value every second we get on on this planet so from now on I'm gonna use my time on this world wisely yes I'm gonna make the most out of the time I have left on this world and I'm gonna use it for good deeds and Good Deeds only I'm gonna go straight to sleep oh my goodness but this was still so amazing I'm just so glad I don't have to get hunted down by any more monsters ever again right I I'm not gonna get hunted down again right please please say no please say no please I'm having my good ending this is a happy ending to my story please don't let me ever ever get hunted down by anything else ever again please please yeah yeah see it's a good ending it's a good ending indeed well I'm gonna go to sleep That's all folks good night oh
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 244,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Glitchtrap, Hunted, Chased, Funny, NPC, Nextbot, Scary, Scream, Chase, Hunt, Fight, Battle, RP, Roleplay, MrBeast, Mr, Beast, Mr Beast, Vanny
Id: eoPXtJhD6EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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