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would you liked it would you like to lick it alright that's pretty good you sure the balls in the mouth I believe that the balls in the mouth the balls in mouth just like the [ __ ] in Pulp Fiction so I'm gonna say it was a a pounding gag whatever bound and gagged was that was it a yeah alright let's find out continues this is actually a scene from fifty shades of orange Oh aren't you glad I didn't say my safe word oh wait sugar time sugar Tom server time with your Mead stick as a theme song for a movie that I don't recommend Randy they also translated Marley and Me as Marley and me are in Russia Titanic was released as women don't sink in Russia yeah Titanic was released as women don't sink wack don't like I mean to turn away to do this did we just create a jeff so one in the baby maker hello brother now this is the first time we've ever tested this prototype so really what's at stake here is the health of link spine never put a garden hose down my pants but I wouldn't do it again just like watching a plant grow it's like a time-lapse of an eggplant growing what is this on top don't touch it man egg mm-hmm I'll tell you what it reminds me of what but I don't want to say egg an egg tower it's like a time-lapse of an egg tower growing in the forest no he's like you and you got back home from camp caraway well what just happened it's got a retractable water one that sucks back up inside itself dude what are you supposed to sit on that thing what is that I don't understand you pull it up a date you pull it out and one day I'm already in the bath I don't think you have yours anymore point to your previous prepuce your previous you know I don't have it or you don't think I have it I'm pretty sure you don't have it prepuce pretty sure you don't have it I've never heard of a prepuce but I don't have my tonsils okay actually the correct answer is right here oh it's your foreskin link oh okay you don't have that anymore right I I mean I I mean boxers and briefs I'll answer that well be honest do you have a foreskin I've made I've made what I would call in direct eye contact with it a number of times throughout our life doesn't mean I'm just like locker rooms hot springs that kind of thing but I never settled on it right enough to know is it there or not you know what time it is they should have spelled chocolate with two K's - they should have gone all the way you know let's just drink it but first here's the question that must be answered today is if you had to swap your head hair for body hair which body hair would you put on your head mmm any of it because none of its great whoa mmm are you looking man body hair just my body look at your body on your own time no I'm I made a decision I'm proud of the gray when in doubt go with hoppin this is beautiful right that's good and of course I'd love to see him behind the counter doing this hungry the real test is how does it taste after your best friend blows some sausage one for your pizza yeah let's see I'm guessing this is Papa John's John's all the way cuz he cuz it's good the cheese hits your teeth but the first time I don't know what I'm saying anymore the sausage the sausage came from John himself no no first of all I don't want you guys to know that we each have two balls you gave each one of us one ball and why's mine gotta be blue I think we know what I think that tongue has got a tight ball sack listen I mean he's probably got the tightest ball sack of any 55 year old man or however old he is but Clooney me exactly plenty lists like some people I know Clooney went gray in his 30s and what's that got to do it there all I'm saying is sometimes I make indirect eye contact and you could use some ironing what are you doing back there I'm trying to fall asleep why are you beating off a make it a make it a beat and she doesn't say she doesn't say anything so I wonder maybe when she's lovely she can't hear it hmm what do you think right I don't see I don't think any more the bond or I think that should I bring it up whether I'd like to live does me making a beat does it does it disturb you because you haven't mentioned it since be right to dream where are you gonna put it in your mouth and swallow immediately are you gonna put it in your mouth and hold it there for a while and haven't thought about it take me to Scottish Christmas Christmas my favorite time of the year [Music] brother and Link breaks out the Franken beasts cookies I really love the wash I think he'd really compliments my skin tone
Channel: Jemma Stewart
Views: 1,942,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q39YXMaRvyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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