Rhett & Link Rank Top 5 Pizza Chains • Top 5 Beatdown

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My two favorite YouTube duos!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ForgetfulLucy28 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

R&L are my favorite YouTubers, and S&R are my fiancé’s favorite YouTubers, so when I saw this video pop up on my feed, I was like, “No way!” Couldn’t have asked for a better duo for us, personally!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ChwatBot 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hi i'm ryan and i'm shane and welcome to top five beat down a show where we compare top fives for topics that seem completely asinine yet somehow garner strong opinions and to add some credibility to the mix we compare our top fives with that of an expert in the field today's topic is us pizza chains and today's experts are renowned tasters of pizza and hosts of good mythical morning please welcome to the void rhett and link you made us sound very official i hope we deliver get it deliver oh we're off to a great start here i think it sounds official because it could be argued that you guys have the most traveled buds in the game and i'm talking taste buds people say our show is now a food show uh it's the sore subject let's not let's not talk about it before we get into our top fives let's talk about the rules and there's only one rule and that rule is that the pizza chain must be in the united states you never know where this is going to go and that's why this show is so fun that all being said last week that was the best one yet little caesars dropped off of our list so that we could put at number five cpk california pizza okay all right that's i like this i do like this it wasn't originally on the list until we had to collaborate and again this is also being informed by a recent experience we were doing an episode that was about something tangential to pizza but we tasted this pizza that was just a regular like margarita sauce pizza and we were like whoa that's what is that that is good and it turns out it was cpk and because i'm not because listen i don't go there on a regular basis but since tasting it again for the first time uh in probably 10 years i recently we had we did get lunch and we both got the barbecue chicken pizza which they're known for they say i think they say that they invented the barbecue chicken pizza or certainly popularized it it's it's still good they bring it you can also get a pizza that has shrimp on it i mean they're trying really hard it gives you it gives you some variety and if you don't live in california i think it's legit here it's a little sus going there and i you know i don't want to admit to that you know i respect them for for putting weird stuff on it you know it is truly californian they're blazers ryan you probably ate this this is probably your thanksgiving growing up right [ __ ] you i would say that these folks were the ones who really brought that artisanal craft pizza onto the mainstream and as you guys said that i regretted not putting it on my list hey all right my number five is california pizza kitchen oh wow oh man this is the second time it's happened where i've had the same number five as a guest and i'm not just doing this to earn a little goodwill with the guests clearly it is a ploy that is not what's happening here i'll say this blatantly transparent and ryan i want you to know i you know i really enjoy southern california uh it's a great place you've propped up here um i think california pizza kitchen chain wise you know it might be the best pizza you can get in california um it's really it's really a desert i'd call it a pizza desert there's so many good pizzerias in soquel it's a rough town for pie my number five is piology now i don't know if you guys have heard of this place oh yeah oh but piology is part of that uh create your own individual pizza craze now it was not the first on the scene that was mod mod was the first to do that in fact the creator of mod also created biology in 2011. whoa why why would you recreate the same thing yeah it's kind of you really just set me up there you set me up there oh glad you asked 40 different choices of toppings at biology sourced locally when they can be and they have excellent crust varieties they have this very thick crust this thick premium crust and they have their very thin original crust which is what they started it with which is beautifully crispy yet fluffy at the same time somehow while still being thin uh i also don't feel like a garbage monster when i eat one of these individual pizzas myself they're specialty pies which is like you could go into the shop you can make your own or you could build off a base that they give you and their specialty pies i think are the best in the artisanal individual pizza game i think it's a solid choice to take one of those because they have shaken up the pizza game so much yeah and it's really up to you because a lot to screw up yeah it's like when you go i mean i i always say this about the mongolian places where you go and you're making the decision about what you're going to put together there's such a delicate balance and don't go over it really happened build your own pizza yeah i mean when i'm there and going down the line i'm constantly saying now stop me if i'm wrong correct me if i'm wrong just step in here and put into way too much trust please do that please intervene they just hit me with a nice little subtle yeah just a little wins yeah you sure about that yeah you care about that okay a pizza critic to just follow your journey our number four uh comes with its own disclaimer papa john's oh it made it on the list as a testimony to its pizza but not let's say it's ingredients it's it's ingredients but not it's uh former spokesman oh yeah yeah yeah papa john's is our number four if we were going on taste alone i mean i had this thing like number two but in good conscience we just can't keep it up there they've they've cleaned house papa's out pop it i don't papa's gone their sauce is sweet their cheese is thick and they're i mean it's they go hard on the cheese that and they also they do the thing that i do whenever i make a pizza for myself at home which is there's cheese there's ingredients and then there's another layer of cheese to hold everything in place oh i see it as an adhesive that is a great technique and it i mean more cheese is better but it also just creates this like uniform thing that no other place really does in the same way i believe that they're very consistent too you know it's no no matter where there's other things on our list higher but but it's a bit more of a crap shoot uh when it comes to your front door i'm very curious because i'm surprised this didn't come up right off the bat but one of the most commendable things about about papa john's to me is that they provide you with a butter garlic dipping sauce yes yes yeah yes it is revolutionary not a lot of other people do it we actually did an episode where we tested out different dips of pizza we we've gone from pizza all the way to dips and i do think garlic butter it may have won or it was very very close to the top you know you you guys might be living up to the title of renowned tasters of pizza okay moving along my number four is spa savaro you put zabarro on your top five yes yes i did and let me tell you why because i love the mall i love them all i know sabaro look it gets a bad rap as being low quality pizza yeah it does i frankly have never had an issue with it i know what i'm getting when i go to sabaro it's kind of like going to mcdonald's and getting a cheeseburger you know you're not getting an incredible cheeseburger but you're getting a mcdonald's cheeseburger and the same can be said for tomorrow's pizza at the mall i love a pizza place that you know it's just got it sitting out and it's probably a few hours old and then they just pop it right back in the oven for you and heat it up a little bit yeah that sounds about right i love walking along the window it's not a build your own pizza place but it's it's sort of like you know you just point at stuff and they're like okay here you go uh and it's uh it's not a good pie but it's a it's a pizza pie it's not a good pie okay if the only place you can get it is at a mall food court what does that say about it frankly i well one i would ask you to respect my list uh politely i'll ask you politely and next time not so polite listen shane i i do respect your list i respect the fact that the only reason you could come up with for liking sabaro is that it was in a mall no he said the point thing too he said you can point oh yeah he said you could point yeah don't forget you pointed stuff this is not a newcomer here everyone knows this guy everyone's good friend it's pizza hut you know one of the more iconic pizza chains out there in terms of look their slice of the market share pie it's not as big as it once was it used to dominate and now unfortunately it's number two behind domino's in terms of sales but uh i still think that pizza hut when you're talking delivery hard to top it i have a lot of pleasant memories associated with pizza hut it was always the pizza of choice at sleepovers growing up so i think maybe that nostalgia is perhaps uh factoring in here pizza hut is not afraid to throw toppings on there they will they'll they'll hit you with some time and they're super experimental in the way that they you know i think they came out with a stuffed crust which was is a super solid choice and before that meat lovers pizza i'm going to give that to pizza hut as an originator yeah don't know for sure well and i think the reason that they didn't hold on to that market share is because they miscalculated how important it was to have the ability to go in and sit down right and they held on to that idea for too long you kind of felt just a tad bit regal when you were eating pizza because you were like you know this is delivery but i could be sitting down in a restaurant eating it you know that is part of this they put way too much stock into the hut and not to the pizza the biggest hut i've ever seen go into any town and you'll still see these huts now they've been turned into like that that pizza hut's now a sushi place or that's a yeah forget about the pizza let's just talk about the hut here 10 out of 10 hut the hut endures all right let's move on to number three but before we do that let's have a word from our sponsor this episode of top five beat down is sponsored by bridesellers now bright sellers is a unique wine service that uses a quiz to determine your taste preferences and then from there they send you a list of your top six based on those preferences from around the world i consider myself a very casual vino drinker so i was pleased to see that the questions on the quiz are non-snobby very easy things like what kind of chocolate do you prefer what kind of fruit do you like and then from those answers they give you the suggestions of the wines you should be drinking and then they send you this box as you can see i already drank one with my girlfriend uh buttery is how i would describe that very uh i guess matched to my preferences each box also comes with these education cards you see the name of the wine you see where it's from you see what temperature it should be served at you also see what it should be paired with this one is should be paired with a tropical fruit salad with lime dressing or a large spicy chicken larv or relaxing bubble baths and who doesn't love a bubble bath and if you happen to not like one of the bottles of wine in your box there is the bright cellars delight guarantee which means they will replace that bottle for free in your next box viewers will get 50 off their first six bottle box if they use the link in the description now back to top five beat down coming in at number three for us um let's borrow oh my god against our own better judgment and here's the thing here's the thing this is really important to note during that episode which again was a blind pizza taste test we knew the five different places that we were tasting from and what we did is we tasted something that was not good i believe that it was a little caesars and we were like talking so much trash really this is so bad this has got to be sabaro yeah like in our minds we just thought sabaro was bad so we we thought we were ranking it really low but because the balls are bad but it turns out i think it ended up being like the second best tasting pizza in that blind pizza taste test for both of us yeah yeah it was great and so tomorrow it's yeah listen i thought it was bad too but listen on a side-by-side test it proved itself whenever you go to the mall just put on a blindfold first and then eat that pizza but how can you how can you point if you have the blind no you you go to a mall with a blindfold it's good the the vapor's gonna travel through the the place and you're gonna float to it like yogi bear smell in a picnic basket yeah i think if you're gonna eat sabaro in a mall you might want to make that blindfold even bigger and just call it a mass because you don't want anyone to see that you're eating sabaro it's embarrassing how much do expectations play into our enjoyment of things because you said it yourself you thought sabara was bad maybe i perhaps think sabra is just bad and if i were to do it blindfolded i would enjoy it the value of the blind tape test it's knocking down uh prejudices tell that to papa john's [Laughter] the my number three is uh it's papa john's uh and with the all the necessary uh uh excuses up front and shane i'm gonna stop you right there because my number three is also papa john's okay all right well it's all out there then look we've made the statements that we need to make here papa john a vile human yeah look this is not an endorsement of that man i think he's out of the picture now but for all the things we were saying before uh i love that they're giving you a pizza but then they're also giving you a lot of uh elements to to spice it up with the dips and the peppers uh it's it's a delightful experience and frankly one that is one of a kind i mean let's just say it shane when it comes to condiments best in the game best in the game that garlic sauce is crack i don't know what's inside of it but it is amazing so guys shake it up before you open it though that's true that's a rookie move that garlic sauce ban i think if i could just rank that on the list on its own i probably would i would drink it i would drink it i wouldn't go that far but i i might sleep on it may i man chefs kiss that yeah that's you know what i'm gonna tandem that i think it's all gets going all around i've never had a tan you can't chef kiss yourself i guess we just did i chef kissed shane's and shane chef kissed mine which taken out of context could be great no it's all for the sauce it's all for the sauce we're going back to the hut pizza hut is our number two i gotta put it out there right now it's also my number two wow yeah shane right all right wow all right first of all our list so far is not completely in order but we're the same four are out of four right cpk's john cebaro and pizza hut whoa freaky yeah you're one wow i see there's a coalition forming here and uh i don't like it you know we talked about this already but the inventive nature of it it's just a solid tasting pizza but there is a nostalgia factor for us personal paying pizza that was just magical as a kid i didn't have to share you know it's like book club you know remember that we had the book club it was called book it oh yeah and then for every book you read you'd put a sticker and then when you got a certain number of stickers you go get a personal pan pizza yeah i don't know how how long that program continued but it was certainly around when i was a child and it really endeared me to reading because uh pizza is great i forged my entire button it just endeared me to pizza i'm not a well-read person you're a well-fed person i'll say what you know we want to talk universally panned talk about their pan pizza it's marvelous i don't know where else you can get a pan pizza that's mass produced like that that's really good also i don't know how universal this is but the pizza hut in my town was a pizza hut buffet which meant uh for the for lunch you pay like i don't know it was probably like 15 bucks 12 bucks yeah you could eat until you were sick yeah ours was too now let's move on to my number two here it's a bit of a wild card and outlier but it is available around the states my number two is shaky's pizza parlor oh yeah that's right all right now now made in 1954 here they uh i went on their website they appeared to have trademarked the phrase world's greatest pizza it has a big tm after that i don't know how they did that i don't know if that's even true i think some crazy intern just put tm after world's greatest pizza i believe it though it's very good understand a lot of this is caked in nostalgia shakey's for me growing up i used to be an ayso soccer and if you would win or if you would perhaps you know score some kind of a scholastic achievement in class you would get a pizza party and the pizza party of choice usually was shakies and shakies as you may or may not know has arcade games in there they have beer for the adults and just a very fun environment it's like a pizza community that they've built under shakies and uh i also enjoy the fact that they're a buffet one of my favorite things on earth and once i am a garbage human so with that disclaimer i wish i wish i would have saved my chef's kiss for uh that admittance let's go ahead and mute shane [Laughter] one of my favorite things on earth is their bunch of lunch which is a thing that's the name of their lunch buffet because hey it's a whole bunch of lunch so uh it's eight it's 8.99 you get their buffet which is unlimited access to pepperoni pizza and their famous mojos perhaps the best side item available what is it what is that glad you asked it's a hockey puck of a potato skin it's like this it's fried it's crispy yet it also still tastes very much like a potato it's an incredible thing you owe it to yourself to have a mojo before you die also the wings not bad all of this included in bunch of lunch i'm not in the pocket of big shakies here i just really love their lunch special bunch of lunch i can't safely say or confidently say that i've had it i've never had it because i didn't want to eat it a place called shakies it just seems like they're not confident in themselves but they may not be capable of putting everything where it needs to go right it's like i can't think of any positives just in terms of what i'm seeing from the outside my phone haven't given it a chance that's a good point my point of reference for this type of place is round table yes yes dude which i do not enjoy like that's where like my kids frown some sort of sports thing and the same deal like at the end of the season we went there and i was just like ah this is i'll just need something after this yeah shane is no longer talking he's looking around as if he's lost something let's unmute shane i'm actually curious what he wants to say here well thank you um i would like to say that we worked uh in an office that was on the same block as a shakies for two or three years and uh every time we walked past it ryan would say we should get lunch at shakies we and we never once most people in that restaurant looked like they were sleeping yeah because they just had a bunch of lunch let's move on to number one here so our number one puts us right in line with the palette of america i think we might all be on the same page that's my prediction it's dominoes oh you're with us number one for shane it's not it's an undollar that is incredible okay listen we got a lot to stand up for here i i'll say before you guys get into it i will say it almost made the cut almost for me too i didn't think domino's was any good but that's because i was thinking of the old dominoes from years back domino's has truly transformed themselves in in very big ways over the past decade yeah the people it would not have been on my list 10 years ago honestly i see so this is the opposite of i like the old kanye you like the new color right this is we love the new religious dominoes lots of i mean the pizza itself is is really good and yeah it i don't think it has the consistency at your doorstep of a papa john's that being said the ingredients are just as good and they have completely nailed the delivery game that's true no i'm not necessarily talking about consistency which i i haven't really experienced any consistency with dominoes but i i guess bubbles timing pizza bubbles in their app yeah yeah listen they're not a sponsor i know we're talking about them like they're a sponsor they're not a sponsor this happens often on the show we get it you know we're here to chill we're at believe it or not we're actually in shaky's pocket that's why ryan didn't even make the list yeah but i mean listen i'm sure there's other places that are doing this now but when i see something where it's like mark has just put your pizza in the oven and i see yeah and it's happened it's fun oh that's cool i did not know that this is after i've ordered it i mean the the the precision that their pizza tracker has is very respectable i wouldn't be surprised if at this point they've gotten down to like mark has placed the fourth piece of pepperoni on your pizza yeah just related to the minutia the this is the number one pizza chain in the world in terms of sales it actually passed pizza hut a couple years ago listen we've chef kissed each other up and down and all around about papa john's garlic butter but domino's has that domino's also has like 18 other types of dips that if yeah they got that you can try too you could order a flight of of dips that would i mean they're stretched clear across this table it could also be argued that maybe they don't have a lot of confidence in their dips i i would agree with that if they have dips if they're giving you hiding them get those bad boys out in the open i haven't heard about these you know papa john's they just throw it in there they're like this is our dip and you're gonna love it right domino's is like oh we got some dips in the back a whole bunch of them yeah okay all right domino's is our number one we're sticking to it and i'm just disappointed that we didn't have a five for five for change i can't believe we were right with shane we were watching the whole thing and this didn't even matter what is your number one i don't let's hear it shane what is your number one my number one is lumelnotti's pizzeria it's available in several states look i understand that this is not uh in every city all over the world i will say you can order it online and they'll ship you frozen pizzas they're incredible i i didn't even this was a happy accident no way there's no way ryan i'm not gonna mute you because i want you to be a part of this conversation it's unbelievable i don't know give you the pleasure of muting here look here's the thing guys as someone from chicago if i turned my back on deep dish uh look i'd be i'd be laughed out of town they never let me back in the city limits and look there's some deep dish out there that's straight up gnarly but malnotti's pizza has been there since i was a child i have some in my freezer right now i'm probably going to make some right after this if you are not a fan of deep dish i would recommend trying lumel nadis if you haven't had it because it is um it's a work of art we love this place and we i mean we we took a tour years ago that warms my heart they took us in the back and they showed us how they made the pizzas and the big freaking sausage that covers every single square into the pizza okay if you guys love that then i love to hear that that is not my cup of tea you two see what happens red and link what what happens when you extend an olive branch to shane midday he sets it on fire yeah it's like right one thing we love he doesn't even like glad you guys like my pick hate what you just said though no no i'm i'm saying you know nowhere else in the pizza business are you going to be able to get a hub cap of sausage on your pizza and that's that's worth mentioning it's very commendable is it perhaps generous to call this a chain chain i do think so yeah yeah i mean you don't have another one lumonadis is clearly the best tasting pizza that has been mentioned by a long shot i think but i just feel like we couldn't go there because it just yeah there's multiple locations but well because of the topic of this video you know because of the assignment we follow the directions i know i am sometimes controversial uh uh oh my god 57 locations now let's move on to my number one and i'm sure this is going to delight you folks because it's been mentioned already my number one is round table pizza okay all right what is yeah round table pizza that is crazy what is wrong with you you have any idea how hard i had to hide my smile when you guys were sitting on round table pizza it was so hard for the record we cannot we cannot mute you on your own choice right i even have some fun facts for you guys here we go oh boy i got some i got some notes here love the king arthur theme that's not a fact that's just an opinion i i think it's very novel started in the late 1950s uh they got a this is also not a fact i don't know why i said i'm reading off facts but pretty decent caesar salad there their caesar salad is decent write it in stone baby that's a fact number eight in sales in the united states as well that is surprisingly pretty impressive all that to say this was my number one destination when it came to pizza parties after a sporting event a sporting game in which i played in or some sort of scholastic achievement shakey's was number two round table was the cream of the crop for me when i was when i was a kid i was so excited to go to this place they had my favorite tasting cheese and they have these tiny little adorable pepperonis on there they're not a little pepperoni they have they pack a lot of flavor and their and their dough i loved it this was one of the few places where i ate the crust as well have you had it recently i have not the last time i had it was like five years ago because i don't know pizza i've had it as an adult still great and that could be like you know when you go to disneyland as an adult and you ride a ride that you wrote as a kid and you're like still got it and if you got that if you got on that ride you know with blind eyes or a fresh eyes you probably wouldn't think it's that great maybe that's happening here but i do genuinely think this is the best tasting chain pizza i've had i'm having so much trouble now because moving forward you're having trouble as i watch as i continue to watch your videos the whole time i'm just gonna be thinking you know when before i was like you know what when it comes to paranormal stuff i'mma give him the benefit of the doubt i'm gonna try to be open-minded this is this is fun i'm into this now i'm just gonna be thinking that guy's favorite pizza place is round table like i can't believe anything this guy's saying that's that's here's the thing though it's not my favorite pizza place it's my favorite pizza chain now there's plenty of other pizzas that taste far superior to this round table pizza is great ghosts are real i just you know it's i don't know what to do with it they go together like some pepperoni you know what i think i might do it to myself after this i'm going to get pizza i realize i made it seem like i was going to go you know beat it but i'm not i'm going to go get a round table pizza do i realize this is a hot take absolutely but i stand by it i'll put round table against sabaro any day of the week also for pizza hut dominoes any of those cats i'm putting round table above them you're sticking by your list and and that's i respect that you know what ryan for you i'm gonna give it another shot yeah you know what shane why don't we eat that after this video and we'll compare notes oh okay all right you guys do that make sure you guys chime off in the comments if you agreed with our list or thought our lists were garbage or maybe you thought somebody got a little more flak than they needed to you could do that too i'm not saying you should but you could do that uh red and linked you guys have anything to plug check out our show good mythical morning check out our podcast ear biscuits we do so much food on the show that we actually created a channel uh with our mythical chef josh it's called mythical kitchen so if you're into food con he knows more than we do yeah he actually brings not just an opinion but like some insight and some experience to the food world so mythical kitchen check that out and steven lim was on that show right yes you could see watch your own stephen lim on that show go check that out and check out the most recent episodes [Music] you
Channel: Watcher
Views: 917,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watcher, wearewatcher, steven lim, ryan bergara, shane madej, video, top5beatdown, ranking, tips, food, good mythical morning, rhett & link, pizza, dominos, pizza hut, round table pizza, california pizza kitchen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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