Gluetun, and oh ya I F*cked up!!!

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what's up Freaks and Geeks welcome back to Lowes DIY so uh some things have changed with uh true nass you know they have a new update out Bluefish I finally got around to to updating to that and because of that uh true charts had to change the way that they did a few things which ultimately means if you update to Bluefish or fin whatever it is you're going to need to reinstall all of your applications and everything and you're going to notice that some things are deprecated like uh open VPN it's deprecated they're not supporting it anymore they've changed to tail scale and to gluten so that's what we're going to go through on this video is we're going to show you how to set up gluten and get you back behind that VPN wall but uh we're also going to do a little housekeeping things uh also so if you're not interested in the housekeeping uh steps go ahead and Skip to uh that time and uh we'll see you [Music] there so a little bit of housekeeping I wanted to go through started couple weeks ago uh this other YouTuber Lawrence from Lawrence Tech pretty good Channel I'll throw a link in the description for you and everything so you can check him out he did a video that I I came across while I was up here playing video games and I was half listening half not but he was basically going through through talking about how in true Nas scale you need to be careful because you don't want to lose your data and he he didn't want people losing their data and I listened to it but I thought H it's no big deal you know I've set up different Z pools or ZFS pools and different data sets and everything kept everything separated so my movies are in a media directory my torrent are in a Torrance directory my important data is completely on a different uh ZFS pool uh and all that so I thought okay I get what he's saying but yeah we're good no big deal that's what I thought at least until I updated from Angel angelfish I think it was to Blue Fin and like I said in the opener that I ex systems they had to do a little bit of uh I ex systems they did a they they changed some things in the background there of how the apps operated and and kubernetes and everything else which forced TR charts to change the way they were implementing things also and that's we've been using true true charts the whole time because they just there's so many apps out there you know we've been using the easy ones getting them set up and all that so you know life was good life was good did the update apps were working but I couldn't do updates anymore for the app you know a new version would come out and I couldn't update to it thought well crap what the hell's going on here looked around I can't remember where I found it app but basically because of the the behind the scenes changes you needed to uh delete your old app and then reinstall it so pretty easy apps you know Plex pretty easy to hook up uh sonar radar all that stuff it's pretty easy to set up uh but and this is where where my mistake came in if we let's have a look here and go into our uh apps and let's let's look at just we'll just grab anything tail scale so you do an install and then let's scroll down and where is it at now let's not use one of those let's use one of these guyses let's use one of the true charts ones and scroll down to our storage right here on all the videos that I've done up until now and I've done it with every app that I've installed I have just kept it on the PVC option that was a mistake because that is controlled by the data set that true Nas scale sets up for itself and when I deleted the old app it deleted everything it deleted any configurations I had made in the app just everything it was gone so I reinstalled it I used the PVC again and it I was starting all over again which is not a big deal like I say for those smaller programs but I had home assistant hooked up to it with uh zigg uh hooked up to it with mqtt and and uh node red and everything and they were all joined together that was no small task to to to fix so what we need to do and I and hopefully this doesn't screw too many people up do this from now on is you want to use this one right here host path and what a host path is is basically a data set that you set up for in my case that specific app so if you look look down here you'll come into Mount and then I have my bulk which is my pool then there's data sets and one of the data sets I made is apps and you drill down a little far and right here I made two more data sets under apps Cubit torrent and net data and chose those as my host path now when I install this program I would have made one called a serve to Sock as as my uh host path you know down in here and it would save all your configurations in that host path not in the I uh system uh data set that you can't do anything with because they got locked down to keep you from doing anything with it so if I was to go through and install this and then take it back out and then use that same data set again all my configurations are still there everything is still there so from here on out we're going to you know instead of using PVC we're going to use the host path uh I definitely want to apologize if that you know really screwed anybody up I I wasn't thinking about it I was just you know rolling along and life is good type of deal so there's that that I wanted to talk about the other thing I wanted to talk about real quick is when you update to Blue Fin really the main thing that I've noticed is just kind of your your your ease of use changes that they made everything else is behind the scenes I guess that that we're not going to fool with but for storage and data sets they kind of made it a little easier to where you can more readily access some information you know you just have to nothing's changed it just looks a little different look through it and and play around with it it it's actually pretty pretty nice uh once you you have a chance to look at it so okay that's it that's the housekeeping stuff apologize again uh let's go ahead head and set gluten up because now if you go into your apps and you set Cubit torn up like we had set up and you go all the way to the bottom this one's already set up we'll go through all these steps but when you would go to your VPN and then your VPN type you would be able to click on that click on this and you can uh could choose open bpn or wire guard but it says there they're deprecated true chart's not supporting them anymore they're changing everything over to gluten and tail scale so we're going to go ahead and we're going to delete this Cubit torrent setup and we're going to reinstall it and we're going to use gluten as our VPN okay finally time for the main event so let's uh do it right let's go to data set and here's our bulk our bulk our apps and then those are the two we had set up already we're going to click on apps and we are going to add a data set so we're going to click on that and we're just going to call it qb2 and we're going to keep everything else the same as our main pool we're going to save it then you'll see right there it has created it so let's click on that and we are going to go over here and edit the permissions for that data set so let's edit it we're going to change it to apps we're going to apply user we're going to also include the group for right access apps apply group apply permissions recursively of course we do that's why I clicked it and apply permission to child data sets which would be any data set underneath the qb2 data set and we're going to save it all right so now we are set up if you look over here there you go our permissions have changed let's go to apps available applications and we're going to go to QB and we're going to install Cubit torrent I'm not going to go through every single little thing here just because this is about gluten not Cubit torn I have another video about uh Cubit torn if you want to check that out but I know there's a few things I need to change because I already have an instance of it running lord lord lord so and the ports is one of them so let's change the ports and here we go let's let's do the right thing here not PVC host path and we are going to drill down until we get to qb2 and we're going to pick qb2 and if you look right there there you go there's our host path so all of our configurations and settings will be saved saved there which uh thanks Lawrence I wish I would have figured that out prior and let's go ahead and get gluten rocking are rolling so VPN disabled nope we want to enable it let's click on gluten and then uh first thing we'll do is we'll we'll set up our kill switch right here so let's add that and it is just the main uh Network for your home network mine's 192 16 8.1.4 sl24 and then okay what do we got going on here well if you have a configuration file you can tell the location of that similar to what I did in the other video uh the other Cubit torn video I did but you'll still have to add some variables so so what am I talking about all right if we go to the true charts uh page for gluten you know it'll give you a little walkr of what's going on you gluten you know there's your kill switch right here and the way we're going to set it up is by inputting variables like VPN type they have here and VPN service provider and all this information here but where do you get that uh information well they've been kind enough to direct us to to the wiki for gluten and if you go over here you look up here in the upper right or left corner uh qm12 Quinton McCraw he put all this together for us and uh was pretty awesome is what it is so you can read through all this stuff if you want to but the things we're interested in right now for this quick little run through is providers right here he has given us the variables for different providers myself it's private internet access so I'm going to click on that and if I scroll down required environment variables now these three you're going to have to have them every time even if you use a configuration file you're going to have to have them we're not going to use a configuration file so we're going to use some of these optional ones down here and to be specific we're going to use the server region host name the encryption strength and the port and uh I'll show you how we get that going on we are going to close that and all right kill switch for ip6 nope configuration nope there were seven in VPN environmental variables so I want to add 7 one and you can see here it's going to want a name and a value so let's jump back over and our first thing we want to put in is our provider VPN service provider so we're just going to copy everything and paste we're just going to make it easy bro and if we go back look at that private internet access we're going to copy it and we're going to paste it and we're just going to go back and forth with this copy paste and username and then password copy paste password and scroll a little bit here and we're going to put our server region but what's our region where do we find that information out well again quinton's a pretty awesome dude apparently because if you click on regions you you'll come to this table and up here we have two columns one is region and one is host name and we're going to use both of those so I'm in the US of a so I'm going to scroll down to us servers and I'm going to pick Denver and we're just going to copy this as our region name and then we are going to go back to the top and we're going to skip server name because there aren't any and we're going to pick host name and then again we'll scroll all the way down till we get to us Denver and we're going to pick our host name and and oop I forgot to paste that other thing in there so there's our host name let's go back to the top and let's pick server host names okay that's better and then I wanted to tell it the strength that I want the encryption to be so let's go ahead and paste that in and I'm going to pick normal AB normal normal whatever you want to be and we're going to paste normal in there and then the last thing we want to do is tell it the VPN Point Port this is the port that will be opened between you and internet access provider but you can go on the the interwebs and do a search for whichever provider you have to see which ports they're using or you can be lazy like me because I don't I don't know if it's Quinton or if it was the folks at CH true charts who are freaking awesome I'm just going to put in 12 which that's not going to work for a port for me and then I'm going to save it all right let's go to installed applications there is our qb2 and it's trying to deploy it won't deploy though because it doesn't have the correct Port what we're going to do is we're going to click on the three little dots there we're going to go two logs and you have a cubit Cub Cubit torn 2 and if you click on the little arrow there now you've got a VPN one also we're going to go into that guy and info shut down shut down successfully well that does not sound good so it just it killed itself well the reason it do was because of the ports if you read this whole line right here and you get to the end look at that they provided you which with the ports that you need to make this work myself I'm just going to pick uh 1197 because that's what I've always picked it's just that simple so then you want to go back edit scroll all the way down change that 12 to 1197 and hit save Let It Go through its steps again all right it's starting to deploy while it's doing that let's go look at the log again and if we scroll down well it looks like something else is going on here what do we have oh you know what it's not going to happen right now because I forgot to put my real password and username in so I'm going to do that off camera of course if I refresh this well it says it's active but believe me it's it's not active and okay off camera I'm going to put in my username and password and we're back from that brief commercial break it's starting to deploy again let's go to logs VPN choose and looks like something might be going on here okay that's what I wanted to see right there all right so what happened was I used 1197 as uh the port well that's actually associated with the encryption of strong so I change it from normal to strong and now it works and how do I know what works because of that guy right there says public IP address 3719 21188 that is not my public IP address so I'm going through the VPN now and if you don't believe me let's uh let's take it a step farther and we'll go into the shell of Cubit torrent 2 and we'll do a curl ip config doio enter and look at that same IP address so we are now going through the VPN but we're not done yet we want to open this up admin admin admin and uh oops didn't hit that tab there log into Cubit torrent and we want to go into our settings and then Advanced and then the interface we want to utilize is the tunnel which is what we just created we hit save and Bam just like that you're behind that thin veil and I mean it's a thin veil of anonymity if they really want to punch through that you know it's kind of up to private internet access or whoever you're using to uh they really they need to be hard asses because they're promising you privacy and they need to deliver you're paying for it man so hopefully they they hold up their their end of the bargain so again I want to say sorry for screwing up with the pvn stuff hopefully it doesn't mess everybody else up and uh yeah next up it'll be uh radar which I've had a few people asking about it I just been lazy and haven't done anything yet but the next up will be radar and uh until then check you later
Channel: LoRes DIY
Views: 18,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gluetun docker, gluetun unraid, gluetun vpn, Gluetun Truecharts, gluetun truenas scale, gluetun truenas, server, vpn, private internet access, private internet access vpn, vpn software, truecharts traefik, truecharts plex, truecharts nextcloud, truenas scale setup, truenas scale pl
Id: tHnXNq8EMyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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