Gloomspite Gitz vs Blades of Khorne | Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Battle Report

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War rages across the Mortal Realms new alliances are formed While others lie shattered and the dominant powers ever seek their next Conquest while this and countless other battles rage on one fact is becoming clear the season of War has [Music] begun this video is brought to you by the support of our channel members and the flgs partners war fire minies and xplanet Baron of dice is the exclusive dice supplier for season of War take a look through their incredible designs or even get your own custom dice made hello and welcome to season of War my name is Jordan I'm joined by Joe tonight super excited to have you down um but we are excited to bring you guys a game of AG of SAR again tonight Joe we're just recently back from lvo got to hang out a ton and uh you happen to be in town so thought we would grab a game yeah it it was pure luck that I happen to meet Jordan at the lvo and then I was going to be in town just a few days later so I already have my Army packed he said let's have a game so I brought it with me yeah perfect well uh super excited to see it and you have a beautifully themed Army so I know got lots of love down at lvo so I'm sure you guys will be enjoying that today as well but to jump right into things the mission we're playing today is power flux so we got four objectives on the table it's hold one hold both storying because only two of these objectives are active at a time either the north south or the east west uh and the player going second in each battle round gets to choose which two are active you do also get a bonus point for each endorian Locus you have or each objective you control with an andorian Locus on it so potentially two bonus points there and then there are also points for slaying Wizards in there so hopefully I'll be doing that CU I don't have any wizards of my my own but uh Joe do you want to jump in and take us through your list first yeah so uh I'm running the king's gets so I'll be rrolling on my uh Shrine in order to bring back a unit so if I fail the first time time I can try to get another one back other than that we have the dankle trog boss who's my general he has the glowy houset for a four up Ward which he loses on a roll of one at the end of each phase if he takes uh if he gets allocated a wound he's also got uh the uh alpat trogs he'll have two extra wounds and he'll be my only monster I have a big unit of nine Rock guts who throw rocks for Mortals and uh they're really really tanky with a five up Ward I have a unit of three of them as well I have a unit of three fell Waters so they have the sticky save for no positive modified a minus one uh to save as well uh they have an aura of within three minus one and I also have the same minus one on my GRS in the front here these stabbas who have minus one to hit if you're within one inch of them and you can control objectives with them from 9 in away if they have a full unit of 20 I Allied in a wgog shaman for his little stair as a a nuclear deterrent for for Jordan to stay away from me I have four other Wizards so I took the extra uh Battalion so so I could uh get uh the extra spells so each of my Wizards has two spells scrag Roat knows everything I have one wizard with so all my fungoids have merciless blizzard and then one has hand of gork one has hor Frost and one has rupture which won't be any good to me today and then on top of that I think we just have the uh spores spatter Fanatics here in the back they have a 9in aura of plus one attack they block line of sight and they have a pregame move I think that might be everyone here I believe so awesome well uh to face off against the trolls today I brought out corn so we got the bloodthirsters we've had a few of them on the table in different lists but not uh kind of the full selection uh the full menu out today so I'm playing baleful Lords which is the sub fashion for the bloodthirsters it lets me or it lets them perform at top bracket if they're holy with an eight of another Blood thirster starbrand doesn't count he's left out of that that group but uh still brought uh star brand today as well so I do have a Wrath of corn blood thirster I have a blood thirster of insensate rage and then uh the blood thirster of unfettered Fury who is my general he's got the command trait to make him a priest uh and the artifact to uh allow him to strike first Halo of blood then uh in addition to those four uh greater demons I have a blood Master uh who is a priest and a Slaughter priest as well so a bunch of prayers I did take the enhancement to get an extra prayer on each of them so a good variety of options where I can kind of again pick U the right ones for the right situations then to fill the rest of the army I just have four units of battle line uh five units actually sorry three units of five flush hounds and then two units of five blood reavers uh again storing screening and generating me blood tithe uh hopefully throughout this game and with all that together I came in at six drops here with a battle regiment and the command Entourage Joe I know you were a bunch more than that yeah I think I'm like 11 or 12 drops so y yeah so it does does give me choice of who goes first and as is tradition I'm going to give away first turn I thought so and I think for this uh situation this turn one I'm going to make the the East West objectives the active two objectives this this game uh you've got the wizard Advantage so I don't want to want it to be an even game I want to try and take the scoring Advantage at some point so sounds good with that yeah we can just jump into Gloom spite gets turn one all right oh I'll just go for Magical dominance I think that's the only real clear one right now I normally get a pregame move with my fanatics but they're way back there so I'm actually going to leave them exactly where they are and I guess we'll roll off for some Primal dice nope nope and then uh my extra one on a three up nope so no primals so for my heroic action I'm going to go uh for an extra CP on my trog boss uh yep so he'll get an extra CP nice and I'll go for uh heroic willpower for the unbind with the blood thirster of insensate age perfect okay so I'll go for my extra CP on my uh for my fungoid so on four UPS I will uh end up getting an extra CP from each of them so I got two more all right so we're going to be doing uh fist of gork from the so this goes off on a five up uh that is an 11 all right well I'll let you get that one off I'll try and save the unbind sounds good all right so this will be Mortals on fours uh not a terrible roll about half even so I do have a spell nor oh that's you got it no matter what okay so I ignore the spell and that will also generate me a blood tithe so uh I did get that spell off so on not I don't want to do this but I'm actually going to end my casting there so I don't I don't end up rolling a low one cuz I know I'm going to yeah started good with the 11 you got it actually I might have to do H I might have to do one more Jordan cuz I think I need to get these GRS out of my way so I think I'm going to have to go for hand of gork uh oo five six so fails better than being Unbound yep so I guess we're going to be on to movement while the bad moon covers the northwest corner of the battlefield the stabbers use at the Double for free thanks to scrag Root's babbling wand don't forget you can get access to four extra battle reports every month by supporting the channel through our YouTube membership hit the join button below the video to learn more not straying to too far from their Lon Shrine the Gloom Spike gets claim one objective but do contest it with a wizard so they score four points after also completing their battle tactic and everybody rants nobody's shooting nobody's charging so I'll hold one and I'll get a second Point uh for the endorian locus and I'll get my battle tactic for uh four nice yeah solid start got your battle tactic which could have been a little dicey there yeah was a little a little bit worried that that first roll that second one I I I was a little scared but yeah I'm glad it actually failed in the end yeah better than getting a seven cuz you would have got that one yes and I did get a blood tithe point though from the because I ignored the first one so that's great yeah so I guess with that we can just uh look at jumping into Blades of corn turn one yep all right well I will go for surround and Destroy for my battle tactic this turn makes sense and just a heroic leadership with um let's go with my blood thirster general which I get I am also going to go for a uh an extra CP on my trog boss so yeah I'll go for Heroic leadership as well got one the blood thirster is a chant for Unholy Flames fails that I'm holy eight so I have to reroll uh nope I needed a four so I failed that one the slaughter priest is then going to go for bronze flesh which he fails I'll reroll that and still fails uh and then the blood Masters going to go for blood sacrifice which he fails I'll roll that and he gets oh there we go at least I get blood sacrifice so that's going to generate me an extra blood tithe and do D3 Mortals to my flesh ounds for one not bad not too bad at all at the end of my hero phase I am going to spend one for a decent move on uh this unit of Flesh ounds for 4 in then we adjust into the movement the flesh hounds on the western flank use at the Double to ensure they secure the corn battle tactic and the rest of the army tentatively moves [Music] [Music] forwards while the greater demons restrain themselves and are poised to strike at a moment's notice the blades of corn also Score Four Points matching their [Music] opponent and I think that's it for my turn um equally not very exciting um not in in shooting range with any of my whips and just doing enough to TI the objectives um because I had the blood tithe I had the the easy surrounding destroy which obviously was deployed for and didn't even I didn't get many many of my prayers off um I did get blood sacrifice off but I thanks to the spell no I already had SCP so that that one was again reliable uh to give me the extra move for surround yeah there you go we I mean tied it up so that was yep so I hold one in both but because you had the wizard Advantage we are tied yes glad did that so yeah so it'll be 44 and I guess we can just look at going into priorities sure you're going to win point let's go oh I'm cocked six that's a one okay um I think I'm probably at this point going to have to take the turn because now you're in a good position to get my meat and potatoes and then I'm really held back in this corner and I don't want to be cuz I'm slow um all right yeah so I'll take the turn cool sounds good so we will go into Gloom gets turn two do you know which objectives you like to activate sir I will keep the same two AC empty sides okay I'm actually still going to do follow the moon so okay everyone's got to be within light about Moon so uh we'll go start with some primals yep see what's going on there hopefully you get some all right got one for me two each two each and then I got go for my extra one on a three up for my accoes Battalion no I do not heroic action um I'll roll for one on the chog boss for Heroic go heroic leadership there we are uh he does not and I'll go for Heroic willpower again I'll roll my three dice uh for the uh mouthpiece of Mor from the fungoid shaman so four ups are extra CP I get two extra moving into spellcasting the Wargo profet casts fists of gork and Deals one mortal to the blood reavers then scrag root casts fangs of dead moon but it's ignored by the blood Master the madcap shaman then cast hand of gork to teleport the stabbers but itchy nuisance and wh Frost are both Unbound and merciless blizzard fails though Mystic Shield is cast on the nine tras and I think that's it okay all right so we go on to the movement shuffling around but remaining in the light of the bad moon the Gloom Spike gits look as though they'll take control of both active objectives all right so I think that's everybody moved now s so uh we'll move on to shooting so I ran most most my stuff so the only shooting we'll have is we'll have a few Rock guts that can throw some stuff into here for Mortal wound so because you have a unit of five or more these will roll mortal wounds on threes normally they're just fours uh so three mortal wounds okay uh it's going to get three guys all right so that help should secure me the objective there now I believe cuz I'll be down to seven you're at eight Perfect all right so uh I'm not going to do any charging right now that should end my turn I think so I'll take this objective here I'll take this objective here back y uh so it should have one and two and then I'll have my uh battle tactic for four yeah uh I know you're you're playing a little bit safe with that wizard you didn't want to risk that extra point like I may regret that later but uh right now he still has some utility we'll wait because now you're going to be with if you come into me at least you'll be within range of some blizzard and I'll be a little more I'll probably put everything into there because a lot more of my spells will be a little more useless now and this this one's left still a little vulnerable here I got some important guys over there with scrag root but we'll we'll see because I feel like you're going to have to abandon at least one objective here if you come in so I I think I'm set up okay for now we'll see if I'm right yeah yeah you're in your Castle so it's not enticing to go in again knowing that all those potential blizzards are there at least have the spell ignores that have been working for me so far this game yeah and those rock that big unit Rocka just slaps so uh yeah I I I feel confident so far but we'll see well yeah we'll uh figure out how things go as we jump into Blades of corn turn two awesome we're going to go for the trial of skulls here for my battle tactic so I'm going to pick scar brand and he's going to kill ad models from a unit so you can guess where he's going yeah very easy should be very easy and then I'll go for just hero leadership with him which he fails it I think I might want to finest our scrag root so I don't want him to die right now so yeah I'm going to find a sty Scag out just in case okay sounds good the slaughter priest is going to chant for bronze flesh which I get and I'm going to put on scar brand for plus one to save the blood Master he'll just go for blood sacrifice which he gets the blood Ser INF FedEd Fury is going to chant for uh Killer Instinct gets the roll from the shrine still fails it no Killer Instinct so we're going to go into movement the flesh hounds on the Eastern flank use at the Double to help claim the objective then when Scar brand moves forwards the stabbers redeploy in fear moving 6 in further away While most of the Demonic force repositions it seems as though only scar brand is looking to join the fight this turn and we're just going to jump into charges uh starting with scar brand looking for a nine that's a 17 yeah I think you're I think you're in there yeah yeah so we'll take that mhm that's going to be my only charge here and Scar brand is going to go for a roar I I think makes sense which he gets off on a three sounds great and I am going to go for all that attack to bring him back to base profile makes sense so it'll be twos and twos two wound four at r two looking for sixes uh no sixes three damage each o and then I believe Carnage is automatic at this point an additional eight mortal wounds so I think that yeah that'll do it that will do it so you go battle tactic achieved and that's a blood tithe oh yeah after scar brand has his way with the little gits the blades of corn complete their battle tactic and again control both active objectives to score four [Music] points and that's going to be it for my turn so starbrand uh bringing it home had the big 36 in charge now uh your redeploy did bring me within range of some spells in your word drop profit which is kind of what I was hoping for as a worst case scenario yeah I mean I'm not shocked that you got yeah that you got your nineish charge on 3d6 yeah um I was hoping to get the hero phase move so that you wouldn't get the option to redeploy cuz then I would have been star BR would have been outside those ranges now I positioned here where I'm hopefully be going to be in a good position yeah with priority I'll be able to you know throw all the all the uh nut jobs into the middle yeah I think you you're doing see yeah I think you're set up really well if you get a double so yeah so where did to see though um as we look into priority for round two or round three sorry ready the All Points that's a six okay uh Joe I you know I can't deny you know the nature of corn so blood for the blood God yeah I think we got to go into it with a Blades of corn turn three okay so start a battle round I have to see what happens to the moon but since I don't know if scrat's long for this world I'm going to make him Force the moon to the middle so that at least if he dies in my turn I know that I'll have uh have the moon on your side you you got it yeah it's a little spread out right now and I don't want to have to worry about pylons over there I don't know why I'm pulling him and I will activate the center two objectives okay so that makes sense and I think now is probably a good time for let into the mstom for my battle tactic and I'll just go for a command Point uh with my unfed Fury blood thirster which I get I in case you get really into the potatoes here I'm going to uh Best Day Ever the so prayers I don't care about K Kaylor Instinct right now so I'll go for Unholy Flames with the blood threr of unfettered Fury which I get got it I'm going to put that on starbrand so he's now going to be a plus one Ren the blood Master will go for blood sacrifice which he gets then the last one will be bronzed flesh with the slaughter priest he fails that I'll get the reroll from the a shrine which he fails to den no bronze flesh and that's my hero phase after two bloodthirsters March forwards The Rock gut trots redeploy and try to protect scrag rot but with four greater demons bearing down it'll be tough to survive the oncoming Carnage um so into shooting as the massive demons look to soften up their enemy the blood thirster of unfettered Fury fails to deal any wounds while scar brand deals two Mortals to the Wargo profet and the wrath of corn blood thirster deals eight damage to the fellwater trogs wheel will charge the wrath of Cor in this guy first makes sense he's getting a five the last fellwater trog unleashes hell but deals no damage then the blood thirster of insensate Rage fails his charge even after using forward to Victory as do the blood reavers the demons then fail to Roar the rock guts but they deal two Mortals when they stomp the profit in combat the blood thirster of unfettered Fury strikes first using allout attack and scrot uses allout defense just hoping to survive sounds good so it'll be twos and twos eight attachs here uh six at r two D3 damage each o uh c three big roll so Scraggy wants to live uh 3d3 is going to be two four five five okay so scrag has a four up W save so we roll that uh takes three uh so that's it for him I'm going to go with the wrath of corn and just try and finish off Str rot so it'll be threes and twos run two D3 again nice love it yep twos oh there you go drop one that's seven a ren two okay so be on sixes again I don't think I'll roll that twice another heric roll uh not bad two yeah so five and with uh the sness of the D3 and the the ward sa know yep 1 two 3 4 5 6 7 eight all right five not over he could definitely could I don't think so but let's see so he takes one two three yeah he's dead probably very close a yeah I think he has six yeah so I think to get him uh no so yeah you would have got one more one okay after scrag Rock goes down the rock guts use all out attack and Scar brand uses allout defense but still suffers three wounds as does the blood thirster of unfettered Fury scar brand then retaliates and takes down two Rock guts and the last fell water deals no damage while the wgog deals three damage to the wrath of corn bloodthirster so let's stand to combat so I'll owe you uh two battle shocks so inspiring presence the water and that's my last command point and yeah so I'll roll for this guy now he's gone okay so rocket runs you got it after failing to charge a battle line unit the blades of corn do not complete their battle tactic but do get an extra point for slaying a wizard scoring three points well that was a obviously a good turn here now not getting the blood thirster uh into combat and the blood Reaver is not going in um means I actually failed my battle tactic I had rerolled on the blood thirster um the charge so I do fail my battle tactic which means I only get hold one and hold two because I do have enough bodies to take that objective yes you do so you will have a so a very solid turn on the double of of getting in yep but it didn't you know didn't kill everything which I didn't expect to took down um strw which is probably the biggest piece he was going to he could do work right now I mean maybe the were go gets some St off maybe blows himself up yeah yeah I did get um some damage on him in shooting and then with a stomp so he he could kill himself pretty quickly yeah between that and your spell noris too I think like it could really like this battle right here could go either way if I can get enough damage in I I could be maybe okay especially if I get something back from the shrine but we saw well we saw how squishy the bloodthirsters can be right we all yeah they're taking some wounds already they each they've each taken three y um star brand obviously I mean they're all squishy star brand does a lot of damage but the other blood thers they don't do a crazy amount of damage as we saw it took two down SC Rod yeah and yeah I mean the fourward help but yeah he's only got five or six wounds so yeah I was a little surprised um I was really hoping I they're not as intimidating as they look in like they should be but they're still solid um again the chain of activations though is is pretty good like I know that you didn't get that one this time but I know that that's a scary this is the guy so the inate rage didn't make it in he's the one that could do the chain or do AOE mortal wounds which is always scary yeah um again putting wanting to have the blood reavers there to charge would have been you know would have been great I actually did a bunch of damage in shooting which is uh what caused you know two of the fell Waters to be gone and made all my charges harder yes so kind of kicking myself because that was my own fault but again we're getting into combat we're killing things so we're having what we both want to do these Aries so yeah cor loves it so yes he does yeah with that I guess we'll get to see how the gets answer back that's right go to Gloom gets turn three so I'm going to go for moonlight raid there we going to pick one objective help of the opponent complete this uh complete this battle tactic if you hold the objective and each unit contesting it is affected by the Light of the bad moon should be easy since everything's under the moon yep sounds good all right into hero phase so I'll go for my extra CP for my mouth piece of Mor from my fungoids they're all alive so four UPS so I get one extra yeah I think I'll go for an extra CP on the trog boss I think that's the only one that makes sense right now y so he gets an extra Alo for um finest hour on the unfettered fury so the middle blood thirster makes sense all right so if wants to stare he has to do at the start of the hero phase we knew this was coming cuz he's about to die I'm going to go ahead and I think I'm going to have to stare into scar brand I feel like he's probably the best Target beatest threat hopefully you got it's gambling time yes it is yes it is but he's going to die anyway so all right IND brand three up nope uh so he's fine right now but I will continue uh-oh uhoh six no that's it's yeah so it's six so six seven eight he's dead already okay boom so I will go uh for merciless blizzard so blizzard o that's a rough start so five all right so 11 12 13 uh 17 all right so we got 20 I think yeah 20 20 okay I got to be 20 that's a six uh-oh nine uh 13 14 15 16 uh so I need a five oh well done well done all right do the do the blizzard needed that one needed that one all right so he'll go for spor next so he'll he's going to pop his second spell per game uh so seven all right got a 10 11 on that one goes through all right so you want to roll your spell ignores first to see sure if who's affected not uh so starbrand not affected blood tie uh unended Fury not affected uh last Blood thirster there goed all right so D6 for five five Mortals okay he just takes them rounding out the remaining spell casting the shaman failed to cast for frost but do cast hand of gork and teleport the Fanatics all right yeah so that should be it for Heroes so into movement and your hero phase yes that's right it's of her spend one blood tithe for murder lust uh on those flesh hounds they're to move one inch and I'm just going to tag you a little bit sounds good it's on the edge of three all right so we're into movement all right so they're done they're done um I think that's all my movement so on to shooting cuz this might actually help hurling their Boulders The Rock guts steal five mortal wounds to the flesh hounds but are still stuck in combat then the fwat trog fails to connect with the blood thirster okay so just on on to charges so then it's just the trog boss so yeah so he's in there leading into combat the trog boss uses Titanic duel while the wrath of corn blood thirster fails its Roar the unfettered fury blood thirster gets to fight first though and takes out the fwat trogo then the trog boss uses allout attack and the wrath of corn blood thirster uses allout defense all right so five attacks will be hitting on twos wounding on threes Ren two damage D6 nice come on let's get it ohoh uh so drop one hitting on threes uh so you have four saves minus two okay so from threes to fives all go through D6 each uh that's going to take him down all right so that was worth it in the end after the blood thirster dies the flesh hounds hold their ground but are then quickly pummeled by the trogs though the blood tithe continues to mount I think that's it you kep the uh I guess you have your Mo your Shrine so yeah so I don't owe you any so yeah we don't owe any battle shock so it's just a shrine so on a four up I'll bring back 10 Of the Goblins nope rrolling this is going to be big they do okay there we go so after returning 10 stabbers and reclaiming their objective the Gloom Spike gets complete their battle tactic and hold one objective but score an extra point thanks to their antoran Locus and they take back the lead good turn in a bad spot oh yeah that was um that could have went a lot of different ways uh lost my but I mean I didn't think he'd stick around I figured he'd roll eventually um I was hoping he'd do a few damage but yeah so we got um I'll end up taking back this objective so I'll get one for that I have an Andor Locus on there so I'll have two points and then my battle tactic over here by taking this uh this objective back yep uh stores you four yes sir so which is Big cuz dropping the tactic I do score a point at the end of the battle round for killing a wizard So you you're going to have a onepoint lead right now yes and I need every point I can get because it's going to get a little tough for me I think here on out we have to wait and see what happens okay well the big priority rle is going to make a big difference too I think yes sir so we can jump into it going into round four that's a six for corn the blood's flowing Corn's happy so we're going to try and keep it going yeah so I'll see what happens to the Moon first yep s moon moves to the back objective so that's not good for me either that's fair but yeah again Corn's happy so we're going to jump into Blades of Cor in turn four all right so I think for my battle tactic I need to go for intimidate the Invaders I'm going to activate the two side objectives I think this time to make you come to me perfect makes sense and then I think the next next step is going to go be going for a heroic recovery yep uh which I get cuz I'm a demon I'm going to heal D3 on my general yep for three so he's back nice yep so for my heroic action I'm going to go for Best Day Ever on Mr chog okay yeah that makes sense that's the only thing to do here cuz he's staring down a lot of angry stuff so yeah and we'll start off with the unfettered fury chanting for Unholy Flames uh which I fail the blood Master will go for blood sacrifice which he gets so that's that slaugher priest gets to do blood boil so 16in range he'll pick these guys uh looking for a four up and it does D6 Mortals okay I four there we go for two mortal wounds all right in the movement phase the flesh hounds use at the Double to help take control of the Eastern objective fearing the on-rushing demons the trog boss redeploys and moves 4 in further away at the end of the movement phase the blades of corn spend 10 blood tithe points to summon another Wrath of corn blood thirster and then we're going to get into shooting in the shooting phase the unfettered fury blood thirster deals five damage to the stabbers then scar brand takes down two more and that's all of the shooting that I care about so we're going to go into charges mhm after charging into combat one blood thirster Roars the trog boss another uses Titan tanic duel and Scar brand fails to Stomp The stabbers then the trog boss titanically duel scar brand fighting first is going to be the unfettered fury cuz he fights at the start of the phase so we're going to have eight attacks on twos and twos uh when on twos four at r two the chog boss yep all right so who be on fives four looking for fives uh safety take two okay D3 four sit damage there all right so we have a four up Ward on the chog boss yep uh takes one two all right so that was the fight first Blood thirster now we're going to go with I think the in sensate Rage uh threes to hit so this is where it can get spicy yeah one two ones go everything within eight takes four mortal wounds okay I think that's everything and then these are Ren two each all right so this will be uh five UPS again uh takes one saves one so D3 plus three for six oof fours uh takes another one two three yes yes all right and he does the fight now when the trog boss attacks scar BR uses allout defense but doesn't even need it as the big troll completely misses oh not what you want to see no star brand gets his chance to finish him off uh so twos and twos five at r two five r two so we're looking for fives uh-oh okay so 12 and four UPS so I take another one two three four five six yep it's still I get the automatic eight mortal wounds from his other weapon Carnage four UPS uh-oh so one two three four again so what are we on 11 right now so that'll take him out okay y we did it and a blood tie for that continuing their Rampage the Blades of corn take down the enemy General and deny their opponent's Grand strategy also scoring four points for the [Music] turn all right so some more damage from the bloodthirsters coming in yes uh it took all three of them because I done that four up Ward 14 wounds on the trog boss he's pretty tanky but starbrand did more than the other two blood thrusters combined not really a surprise no but uh gets me back up four blood tithe after uh another Blood thirster so you killed one but he he popped right back into reality yes uh so it's getting scary and I I did get enough bodies on here with auto run s to take this objective I hold this one so get hold one hold two yep my battle tactic which was intimidate because I got more outside my territory now and again good turn for corn yep Four Points yep gloms my kits are still in it you um I'm only up three points right now so lots of fighting left to do and we'll jump into blade or sorry glom gets turn four let's do it so I'm going to need to do I think stab them in the dark it sounds like it might work pick an enemy unit destroy that unit with the friendly Gloom Spike gets that is not affected for the light of the bad moon uh I'll just go for an extra CP on uh this fungoid back here on a four up he does not and I'll go for yeah heroic leadership on my blood thirster General which he not does not get either all right the gaggle of fungoid shamans generate two command points as mouthpieces of Mor then the first one casts merciless Blizzard at scar brand dealing 12 mortal wounds and leaving him with just one Health remaining though the shaman dies in the process the other fungoids then fail to cast hor Frost but do cast an Arcane bolt I'm going to do spend a blood he point for murder lust y uh and I'm just going to even if I roll whatever I'm going to move one inch no problem tag your truns at the start of the movement phase the shaman releases his Arcane bolt and finishes off scar brand all right so movement so that'll be it for movement um I'll go ahead and throw rocks into the uh the blood reavers and three UPS Mortals and six Mortals sir okay all but one are dead all right um I'm to leave the one that you're in combat with figured that so that's it for shooting so we'll go ahead and uh start combat the only combat we have is that one there so that'll be 10 attacks they're dead he's dead that 18 damage all right but he held him up he did his job he did his job got your blood tithe as well that's right uh so I'll hold one I'll get an additional point for for my Locus and uh I also achiev my battle tactic for another four points so sir I'm still in it you're still holding that onepoint lead yes and I'll see if something comes back from the shrine as well yeah so okay at this point I can only bring back either half a unit of rock guts or half a unit of uh fell Waters so we'll say we'll go with the rock guts I think it's probably the wisest Choice Noe roll no no no okay now it's going to come down to it that's final round I'm a point down so got to scrape every point I think Grant strategies might be the key to Victory here yeah so I won't get mine for sure so you got to kill both my Wizards in the next round yes so we'll go into priority oh no is on fire today oh no yet you got it well you were going to get it anyway so I don't think I've rolled so many sixes for priority in a game before yeah you can tell rid you somebody but uh here today again corin's on rolling so we're going to keep going to Blades of corn turn five I'm going to have to leave it where it is okay so the two side objectives are the active ones my battle tactic is going to be blood for the alter so I got kill an enemy unit near the skull alter so we're going to go for these guys um it's going to be dicey but we're going to go for a Killer Instinct um as a prayer with Mod blood thirsts I'll go for Heroic leadership first which I get oh I know this is terrible idea but I'm going to go for Heroic recovery on that back fungoid just in case I roll under five he does not I didn't think so all right Killer Instinct looking for three uh to get some hero phase movement got it yep so that's big we're going to make this blood thirster move his move and he's going 12 MH coming to try and secure that battle tactic so I will go for a blood bind or sorry a blood sacrifice which I will get we're just going to get ready ready to do some fighting start killing some uh some everything as the bloodthirsters close in one fungoid Shaman redeploys scurrying 4 in further away that's all that really matters right now so we're going to go into [Music] charges well my unfreed Fury is actually going to try and stomp your little fundroid two up two mortal wounds you dead starting off combat the wrath of corn blood thirster swings his mighty Axe and takes out the Fanatics then the incense at rage piles in and eviscerates the last remaining Shaman do get your gr Str this last wizard yeah and uh that'll see me secure my battle tactic here for turn five yep and then you didn't take that I didn't take that objective so hold one get my battle tactic for three points wizard so you kill the wizard for fourth Point here yep so yeah it looks like with um going into Gloom Spike gets turn five because I have the you know the um axe over your neck which is murder lust there's there's not a possible tactic you think even like an intimidate you just move or charge or run over the territory but again the fact that I can tie these guys up in combat it'll deny the potential last turn tactic can't do it so yeah we're back to square one so yeah in this case nothing I can do because yeah if I had rolled maybe a one on murder you would have had enough room to get outside of the U 3 in and in Ho within my territory um but again murus is so good for tactics like you know came in clutch a few times for you this game oh I mean I didn't have to deal with this unit of nine Rock guts because of murder L I just kept throwing which that's where I wanted your blood thirsts because they will just go one after turn after turn after turn so that was huge you tied them up real well and you did that the game you just Mur lusted in with one unit at the other of the cheap guys kep them away just shows the strength of that ability in corn even though again we said that ability was so strong when the but first came out they even changed it down to like only being one unit instead of three um unless you spend multiple but even still it's so strong denying tactics like denying charges like oh yeah you know controlling what your unit gets to go into it let my blood thirst Ser kind of run wild the rest of the game yeah unfortunately yeah they were so tied up I just couldn't get them over there um and they are really needed the support here yeah big big some big things could have happened if I one of those double turns you roll a lot of sixes on the trios oh yes so couple of those double turns if even one hadn't happened that last one especially with the trog boss probably would could have went different if I blizzard him off and killed one more blood th St I think this could have maybe saved my bacon a little bit I don't know um but yeah securing your grand Strat as well and then losing mine in the same like you know within two turns unfortunately yeah even if I did score there it wouldn't have SA me anyway cuz I think you still would beat me like maybe two points yeah yeah I think in the end it was I think probably like um you were up one I scored um seven in the final round but you would got hold one so I think it would probably been a five-point difference after Grand strategy which is very close for um like again I mean the bloodthirsters always look big and intimidating it looks like they have so much on the table but once scar Brand's down it's not amazing damage output against you know I couldn't deal with this threat like in this situation other than Ty yeah if that if that had gone into your blood thirsts instead you'd have been in the hot water so I I agree I I think yeah that was a great strategy you definitely tied them up a lot of people don't think to do that or because they're just they try to stay away from them but then they just track you down yeah so yeah this is uh yeah it was great game I think you're right there like prios is obviously going in Corn's favor that always helps a ton a big double any kind of Mele armies mine or yours whoever gets that prios hug yeah so that's big and the early game actually spell noris i' rolled a bunch of fives which not only like denied spells which some of them weren't crucial spells um some were but it also generated me a ton of blood tie points like I probably got five blood tithe points from just spell ignor yeah yeah exactly I mean scar brand spell ignoring the first blizzard like that could have been a game changer if it went off um and yeah just a lot of your blood thrushes did ignore a lot of stuff so it was it was really your D6 AOE like I ignore two out of three exactly even that uh the fungoid spell where he's tagging three units and then you're like ignored one ignore too now you're getting blood tithe off each so yeah that was a huge help uh yeah the the next Blood Thirst you're coming out too that was hurting scar brand uh was was well he was scar brand yes he did the work ever consistent y y but no you know the Fantastic game super happy with the way that played out either way you know Jordan thanks for having me this was this was fantastic always always fun I mean you have a beautiful Army so it's great to see it always fun seeing the big demons on the table we haven't had four blood thrusters out in a while so yeah always a blast but made for a good close game in the end so that's all you can ask for absolutely thanks a lot for the game pleasure Joe guys we hope you enjoyed that battle report thank you so much for watching don't forget if you want uh more content to check out the our YouTube membership for four extra battle reports every month but either way thank you so much and we'll see you soon in another battle report see you later guys [Music] no
Channel: Season of War
Views: 14,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, age of sigmar, games workshop, battle report, batrep, miniwargaming, tactics, tabletop, wargaming, AoS, competitive, tournament, winning, list, meta, 3.0, new aos, faq, the honest wargamer, recap, review, battletome, season of war, ghb 2023, generals handbook, 2023, battlescroll, Blades of Khorne, Gloomspite Gitz
Id: Tpd8wKHAjfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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