Hernkyn Yaegir Kill Team Review!

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command point now has merch Link in the description war zone Studio was kind enough to send out a couple of their battl Ms for us to review and I have to say you guys I absolutely love them the mats we received have the kill team layout on them making it quicker and easier to place objectives and terrain pieces to create a good play experience the mouse pad material the mats are made from is an upgrade from the foldable card stock boards that you are used to seeing come in Kill team boxes so make sure to check them out and thank you to war zone studio for sponsoring this video a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello everybody and welcome back to command point I'm Shane and I am joined here by Ryan Ryan how's it going good and today we are going to be talking about the other half of the termination kill Team box that just came out or that is coming out soon it's not out yet um with the herin ERS specifically we did The Brood Brothers already which is in another video that's currently out right now but today Ryan we're talking about the second leagues of otan kill team to be introduced into our game and I am very excited about them I don't know about you yeah these guys uh they look good off the rip so the sculpts are so cool too I just want to build these guys and special shout outs to our new patrons over at patreon.com commmand Point uh at the weird boy tier uh special shout outs here to Daryl Turner uh Nat tuen vo I'm sorry if I butchered that um and Gator uh thank you guys for supporting us we're going to have I'm going to be working on getting some of those uh TTS uh bat WS out pretty soon so stay tuned uh mrees are going to be one of them and there's another Secret Surprise one that I'm going to be doing soon o so uh check that out um but uh Ryan let's get into the Jaggers because I I think this team looks cool yeah um obviously it's going to be hard not to compare them to hearin salvagers every step of the way who are kind of like a undercooked team at the moment um so I'm curious to see like how we really feel about this team because uh I I don't want to say they're o for one with votan teams because I think that hearin salvagers have like a really they capture the Vibe very well but I think in a power level like viability stance they definitely are missing some Mark and I guess let's see if if the Jagger do any better yeah but before we dive into this team Shane I do want to go ahead and thank Games Workshop for providing with us with the kill team termination box for us to review and uh releasing alongside this video today this podcast today we're going to be having also The Brood Brothers uh kill team review so make sure you go ahead and check that out after you watch this one yes so uh let's get right into it so the heners uh they have two archetypes infiltration and Seek and Destroy I don't know how many time times we've seen teams with that combination it's going to have to be they're gonna have to be amazing in infiltration just off if if they're going to take that um but they come with one Jagger thing presumably the leader and nine Jagger operatives uh selected for the following list so there's the blade kin the bomb Bast the Gunner the iron break the rifle kin the tracker and the basic Warrior and obviously you can take multiple Warriors but you can take more than one of any of the other ones so I count seven there which tells me that you're going to have three Warriors presumably if you're taking all the Specialists um so worth noting uh I know the mandres are like that where you have like four Warriors and then you take all the Specialists first things first Ryan let's talk about their faction abilities the the kind of the core stuff behind this team so do you want to talk about do you want to go over dauntless explorers first yes so um dauntless explorers if you are not using the Close Quarters rules in the setup operative step up to three friendly uh hearnen Jagger operatives can be set up with a conceal order wholly within uh two circle of your drop zone and more than three from uh enemy operatives and your opponent's Drop Zone operative set up in this manner cannot make shooting attacks or perform the charge action during the first Turning Point uh and then it says here in ordinary circumstances this will always be more than three from your opponent's Drop Zone but some Mission Maps May differ for example Shadow operation um if you are using the close combat rules at the end of the setup operative step in an order of your choice up to three friendly operatives that have a concealed order and are wholly within your Drop Zone can perform up to two different actions from the following for free normal move operate hatch and dash operatives that do so cannot make shooting attacks or perform the charge action during the first turning point so uh this team at the I mean like really kind of like pregame sort of like pre- turning point one you're getting a bunch of basically like free movement going on so yeah pretty cool I mean if they're dwarves that are slow which I presume they are that's a pretty big deal um what is it three guys uh yes three friendly operatives it's like they have 4 Ines extra movement so the noteworthy thing here that I'm noticing too is that they can't shoot or charge so these guys are just setting up to like grab objectives and stuff if this team could take Recon that would be pretty great yeah but alas they cannot so I mean I and I also like how they did it with into the dark um I think this is the first team whose like faction identity is like forward deploying unless I'm blanking uh I mean I would argue like vet guard yeah that's just like an ability it's not their yeah but it's like it's it's not vet guard's faction identity but it's I mean this basically is it yeah except with them you get to do it you get to move three with the entire uh the entire kill team and it costs a CP yeah um all right well that's kind of cool though I I I like it um and then uh resourceful points here so uh keep a pool of resourceful points in the ready operative step of each turning point after the first add resourceful points to your pool determined by the number of friendly henager operatives in the Kill Zone that aren't within engagement range of an enemy operative at the end of each Turning Point discard the resourceful points in your pool so if there are six or more friendly operatives in the Kill Zone not engagement range you get two resourceful points if there's three to five you get one and if there's only if you're basically down and out you don't get any resourceful points yeah um which is interesting it's like not it's like the opposite of like uh the oh what do you call it the elite points from cin kind of because like in this one you're just like gain you're just gaining them right you don't start with a pool of like 16 or whatever yeah it doesn't appear that way um and you don't gain them in the first turn either well anyway let me keep reading what they do yeah um each time I friendly Hearn caner operative that isn't within engagement range of an enemy operative is activated you can spend one of your resourceful points to do one of the following effects uh add one to its APL pretty good that is that is incredible or regain D3 plus one lost wound so probably not going to do that one but um it's interesting that you discard them at the end of the turn so you don't carry them over into the next turn yeah um maybe there's ways to get more but uh interesting very very interesting um it's hard to like like say for sure how strong this is without looking at the rest of the team um so how about we go into the leader Ryan we'll The Specialist and do you want to talk about the th yeah so the th uh has uh four up saave nine wounds uh they have a bolt revolver or attacks on three oh yes yep 4inch movement uh so the B revolver has four attacks hitting on threes damage 35 range six lethal 5 up uh it also has a bolt shotgun uh the short range profile is four attacks on twos damage four4 range six long range profile which you should probably never use is four attacks on fours damage 22 and it is equipped with a plasma knife four attacks on threes 35 lethal 5 uh for abilities it has uh veteran Adventurer in the ready operative step uh of each turning point after the first if this operative isn't within engagement range of an enemy operative add one resourceful point to your pool and then it also has outright conviction the first time this operative would be incapacitated during the battle it is left with one wound remaining instead and cannot be incapacitated for the remainder of the action all remaining attack dice are discarded uh including yours if this operative is fighting in combat what the heck wow so a lot here a lot here um at first I looked at the weapons that he has and I was like oh it must be like you either take the shotgun or you take the revolver and the knife and then I looked up and I realized no he just has all three yeah I don't know when you would use I mean I guess the revolver I don't know the damage break points are pretty different but the shotgun is pretty dang good in 6 in range mhm um knife is just solid uh I was going to say at first oh that's how they get a resourceful point on turn one looking at his veteran Adventure rule but it specifies after the first yeah yeah so that's kind of too bad um maybe there's something else here but uh you'll always be getting at least one while he's alive and not in engagement range after the first turn nice yeah um in all likelihood you're going to be getting three on turn one or on turn two yes uh cool and then that outright conviction ability oh my God yeah not not a very tanky model but definitely hard to kill um you know just because of that ability oh I'm not going to die I'm actually alive with one wound left like yeah that's like horrifying like if you're only two APL or you don't have a way to like shoot twice or fight twice I mean you just like can't deal with him in one activation which is like a huge tempo problem yeah like you're GNA you're going to have to get dedicate at least two models to try and kill this guy yeah I mean because he will just like if you're a melee guy you can't charge and kill him like he'll just hit you for five probably and then live I mean you can shoot him and then charge and kill him because it says um cannot be incapacitated for the remainder of the action MH and not the remainder of the activation so like if you're a Space Marine or something you could could see shoot charge and fight and kill this guy so I'm not really sure how strong this is I think it's pretty good I mean like how often are you able to like charge fight shoot happens a lot you're dedicating you you have to do this you can't like shoot him and then go charge and fight and kill another model you know and also like I I just in general I think it's rare that you're able to shoot something and then charge and fight it like I think it's more common to charge something fight it and then shoot something else yes very true has to already be aaid Target and a charge threat um so like I don't know that's pretty good um yeah that's that's a very strong ability yeah you want to talk about the uh the blade kin here yes so next up uh oh and for starters just in general only differences on the data card here from the salvagers at the moment is that these guys have four up saves compared to the salvagers three up saves okay um so we'll see how much that matters it could matter a lot uh next up we have the blade kin which is a cool name uh same profile but he has eight wounds obviously because he's not the leader um now he's got throwing he's got a range attack a throwing plasma knife it's uh four shots on threes three five range 6 in Lethal five limited which is makes sense cuz he's throwing his knife it's not knives it's knife he's throwing one knife at you uh and it's silent of course um so decent not bad um and then he's got the Dual plasma knives melee weapon so four tax on threes three five lethal five up Relentless so it's just a plasma knife with Relentless and it does hit on threes which is pretty cool uh he's got two abilities Hunter lets him perform the charge action while it has a conceal order always nice yeah and IR repressible hardiness if this operative is incapacitated in combat you can strike with one of your remaining attack dice before it's removed from the Kill Zone so we've seen some stuff like this before with the Dozer with Hearth consell and I think the blooded fener has this um this is pretty good it makes him like hard to deal with on an objective for melee teams like if you charge him his odds of killing you is pretty high unless you're like a marine or something um I will say uh unless there's like extra movement Tech um this guy seems to just be relying on a 6-inch charge and that is really really bad I will say from experience playing Hearth cons solers a 6inch charge is horrible it is just anybody can charge you but you can't charge them necessarily all the time um fortunately he's hard to like deal with when even when you charge him so I don't know cool model decent offensive profile um a little afraid still I'm going to be afraid of this team's movement the whole time we talk about it yeah um next up here we have the Jagger bombast uh they are armed with a pair of rot loock revolvers so four attacks on threes damage 35 range is uh Pentagon Plus Square oh shapes so for those of you following at home that's uh 9 in 9 in range a balanced lethal five up uh he's he's got his fists uh and then he's got rot lock negotiation at the start of the fir frade phase before operatives are activated this operative can perform a free shoot action if it has a conceal order you can change it to engage to do so oh my God that is very interesting um and then he's also got Brazen killer each time this operative incapacitates an enemy operative roll 1 D6 separately for each other enemy operative visible to and within two of that enemy operative if the result is greater than that other enemy operatives APL subtract one from its APL this guy is awesome yeah I I really love that rot loock negotiation yeah like Strat oroy but no it's just uh it's just an ability that is so strong man yeah I mean like you can like if you out activate the other team you can just move Dash him like say on turn one this guy four deployed and then you're playing against like Marines you can like just last activation try and move Dash him and range to shoot somebody and then next turn you shoot them and if you want initiative you just activate him and shoot again yeah uh that's really hard to like play around I think yeah uh pretty good and just I just can't get over the six plus three it's it's it is laughable really really dumb um okay uh so next up we have a jger gunner the one Gunner the lone Gunner and there's only one weapon uh it is the APM launcher I don't know what APM stands for oh wait no it says right there adaptive payload missile launcher uh so this weapon has like three profiles so I'll read the top one there's an armor piercing profile that is five shots on fours damage 4 five AP1 and cumbersome and cumbersome just means you can't move more than six inches and an activation in which you perform the shoot action um the breaching profile which is five shots on four is 35 blast two inches cumbersome that's a great blast attack oh my God yeah five shots blast two inches 35 and then there's the high explosive which is five shots on fours two4 blast three in so that's just a grenade launcher with one extra attack and blast three in that's awesome as well uh and then he's got the weapon bipod ability whenever he makes a shooting attack with the APM launcher and the roll attack dice step of that shooting attack if he's not moved during the turning point you can reroll any or all of your attack dice results of one result okay so that kind of makes up for the hitting on fours um all three of those profiles are pretty good I like them um note that it says for the bipod rule if it hasn't moved this turning point so that implies that you can activate first action shoot but then after you'll be able to move yeah so you're not like locking yourself into staying still I like that um and then cumers some so yeah pretty good Gunner uh you're going to take him every game I assume um oh and he has fists three Texs and Forest two three yep uh okay next up we have the iron Brak uh the iron Brak is armed with a bolt revolver and a entr trencher the entr trencher is three attacks on fours damage 34 um his bolt revolver hits on fours um for abilities he's got two whole Yu-Gi-Oh cards worth attacks on this data card here so bear with me you have five Minefield so excuse me this is Minefield you have five Minefield tokens for the battle on the reverse side three of them are hpex mines which I'll I guess I'll read the hpex mines now each time an enemy operative moves or is set up within a circle of one of your reverse side down Minefield tokens as long as no friendly uh operatives are within circle of that token interrupt that action and flip the token over if it's a blank there's no effect if it's a hpex mine that enemy operative suffers three mortal wounds and roll 1d6 if the result is under the target save characteristic or invulnerable save opponent's choice of which It suffers additional mortal wounds equal to the dice result uh in any case leave the token where it is and the any and the enemy operative then continues its action um and okay so three you have three hpex mines and two blank tokens you get five tokens total at the end of the setup oper operative step you can set up any number of your Minefield tokens revers side down there specific are not revealed uh each token must be more than circle from objective markers enemy operatives and access points and more than six from your opponent's drop zone and your other Minefield tokens each time this operative is Reed if it's not within engagement range out of an enemy operative you can reset one of your flipped Minefield tokens within circle of it flip the token back over again all right so I'm a little laded after reading all that so I I'm going to try and break this down in the simplest terms possible so you have five mines three of them are your hpex mines and two of them have no effect when you put these down per the restrictions outlined in the Minefield ability um your opponent is basically playing a guessing game where they are if they want to move within two of any of those hypex mind tokens they run the risk of the model taking three Mortals and then uh they can suffer more Mortals on depending upon the role of a D6 compared to the armor class whatever um but then the the interesting part is if it's not within engagement if the each time this operative is ready if it's not within engagement range of an enemy operative you can reset one of your flipped Minefield tokens within two of it the token B Okay so it's not as interesting as I thought you you can reset the Minefield token but the iron Brak itself needs to be within two of these hpex M tokens so you take him to put some like Mortal wounds down potentially um it's just free damage me it's I mean I love it like allocating these on the board is going to be like kind of hard I think maybe I'm wrong but there's definitely going to be a curve to it um well first of all I mean like yeah putting them in the right spot is hard but just the act of like fitting them all on the board because they have to be more than two inches from every objective yep more than six inches from the enemy deployment Zone yep and more than six inches from any other mines like that's like a lot of 6in bubbles I guess 12in bubbles but like that's that's going to be hard to put together I mean you want to put it in like choke points yeah fres your opponent is try to get to make it awkward for them to get there yeah I would imagine I me do you even like try to I guess you put the blanks down in a way but I mean it's going to be very obvious which ones are there yeah it it is a guessing game but like at the same time it's like oh you have two of your five tokens set up on your side of the board and here your own objectives gee I wonder which ones are the the hpex mines and which ones aren't yeah it is interesting it's it's a lot of text though it's a lot of text um all right next up is the rifle kin uh so he has the Magna coil rifle so this is a sniper four shots on twos 33 AP1 heavy silent mortal 3 this is oh my goodness is this the best sniper in the game just uh yes maybe he doesn't ignore obscurity I don't think well let's read uh he has the weave weave work cloak I don't know what that word is uh each time a shooting attack is made against this operative in the rooll defense di step of that shooting attack before rolling your defense dice if it's in cover you can retain an additional oh this is the cruit special ability this won't come up very often um but it is there you basically can make a critical save or two normals instead of one if you're in cover H but wow that that Magna coil rifle is brutal that will just delete things mhm uh what do we got next Ran So next up we have the Jager tracker uh they are armed with a CER hand bow four attacks on fours damage 35 silent a throwing Hatchet excuse me a throwing Hatchet for Attack on threes damage 35 range six limited silent and rening and a hatchet four attacks on threes four five for abilities they have the pan spectral visor one determining line of sight for this operative enemy operatives within six of it that aren't ready cannot be obscured and are treated as having an engage order they also have the tracker ability so each time this operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack against an enemy operative that is within six of it if that enemy operative is not ready in the roll attack dice step of the combat or shooting attack you can re any or all of your attack dice results of one result this guy good I I really like how both of the abilities um require that your opponent have or that the uh enemy model already be activated before you get uh the benefits from the pan spectral visor or the tracker ability because you are tracking the enemy he's the tracker yeah that does make sense um I don't know really I don't think this guy's like too crazy um is good he's like solid he's a good melee like operative just like and he all he's got all these cool rules but you could just look at him as a good melee operative um yes yeah the the fact that he can just walk up on conceal and throw his throwing Hatchet at like anybody he can see literally like anybody that is within six of him even if he's concealed because it's silent same for the handbo like yeah if he's within six of you and he can see you he can shoot you because you're not obscured and you're treated as being engaged so that's pretty cool and last we have the Jager Warrior let me just make sure this guy I think does have choices to make okay so you can either give him a bolt revolver and plasma knife or you can give him a shotgun and fists so just looking at it now the bolt revolver I mean it's the same profile it's four and fours 35 range six in and then you have a knife which is four and four is 3 five lethal five but the shotgun is four and thre is four four range so I think the shoty is the way to go maybe I guess the plasma knife is a good melee weapon depends on what kind of rolls this team gets access to um let's go over do we want to do equipment or strategic play first uh we'll let's talk equipment okay so uh the plasma knife bolt revolver and bolt shotgun are all equipment choices so the plasma knife is two the revolver is one and the shotgun is three and it's all taken from the warrior data card so that's pretty cool like cuz you can now Flex the team into being like very melee heavy or having like better shooting cuz even the bolt revolver is pretty good mhm I mean it's four attacks on fours but it's 35 so it's better than a bolt pistol I mean I guess in the sense if it hits on fours um um the shotgun is great if you take that and there are a few guys here like like you could say the blade kin I mean I guess the blade kin has a good M I guess a decent shooting profile um but like guys like the bombast who just have fists and the Gunner who just have fists um and the rifle kin who just has fists you can give those guys knives for six equipment points and that's pretty sweet we have climbing equipment for 1 EP we all know how good climbing equipment is especially for a team that's this slow mhm um I think that's going to help out a lot there are stabilized shells for one equipment point and Ryan we've got another Yu-Gi-Oh card here yeah I'll I'll take this one Shane go for it uh operative equipped with a bolt shotgun only in the setup operative step select a type of ammunition for this operative to have loaded into its bolt shotgun for the battle standard shells or stabilized shells if it has loaded standard shells it uses either profile of its bolt shotgun as normal if it has loaded stabilized shells it can only use the long range profile of its bolt shotgun but add one to both damage characteristics of that profile and improve its ballistic skill characteristic by one for that operative so it becomes more accurate and it does more damage so the long range profile gains it goes from four tax on five damage 22 to four tax on fours damage 3 three mhm which is uh fine I guess I don't know it's worse than a bolt gun mhm uh and then the operative can also they can perform one action to load their shotgun and change the ammo type um I think that's cute if you're really into shotguns um yeah but uh don't do that in a game don't waste AP on reloading your shotgun with a different type of ammo just choose the correct ammo type before playing the game um honestly I don't know if you'd ever take this because that long range profile still sucks even with the stabilized shells yeah so The Firestorm bolt shells are another ammo type for the shotgun select a bolt shotgun uh that weapon gains the following additional profile for the battle uh if a thean operative is equipped with this with this equipment improve the ballistic SK characteristic of the following profile by one for that operative so you get The Firestorm bolt shells profile which is for attacks on threes uh damage two four it has range six and blast one so my first thought was oh into the dark you take it and get lethal five yeah but like thinking this is kind of a trap right is that worth losing to normal damage to get lethal 5 especially when the lethal five the crit is the same damage as the normal on the normal profile it's 44 um this seems like something you take into like gerox maybe yeah um at least you don't have to change the like ammo for an a you just get it if you need it yeah I don't know it's okay there is the gravitic concussion grenade for two EP this is four attacks on threes damage two4 range six blast indirect and limited for two equipment points if I haven't said that already it's just it's a frag with plus one crit damage so it's and this team actually doesn't have a Grenadier yeah you do take this a lot yeah uh and then do you want to talk about the KV camide undersuit yeah we have another one this team has a lot of one equipment Point options yeah everything except the shotguns and the knives yeah so and a grenade yeah yeah so the KV camide undersuit each time a shooting attack is made against this operative if the ranged weapon has the blast or torent Special Rule and the rooll defense di step of that shooting attack you can reroll one of your defense ties and this operative is unaffected by the splash critical hit rule um so like I actually think like say you're on into the dark and you're playing against like high tech yeah who was going to spam Teslas that's actually pretty good yeah that's really good you get you get a roll and you're just not taking the splash Mortals uh I don't know how many other teams are like spamming Splash weapons I like that you would take this against I mean I also I mean just getting like one reroll against blast like that just sounds good for one EP yeah it's decent there's not a lot of the thing about this is most blast attacks are like weak in nature weaker uhuh and these guys I mean they're not tanky but eight wounds for up saves and there's only 10 of them so you're not you don't have to stack up if you're playing smart mm um I'm thinking like frag grenades and stuff yeah you're not really afraid of stuff like that granted there are some things that are good I don't know I like it against H off the top of my head all right so now do you want to get into the Strategic play here yeah let's see let's see what makes this team click because I'm sure there's stuff here um so first strategic playy we have for one CP uh hidden engagement so until the end of the Turning Point each time a friendly hen Jagger operative makes a shooting attack and the roll attack dice step of that shooting attack if it's in cover from the target's line of sight you can reroll one of your attack dice note that your opponent still determines the targets line of sight okay um that's like kind of easy right that's not that hard um it's interesting because like if you go within two inches to break somebody else's cover um you're not in cover from them so you don't get a roll yeah but like you know just being within like you can kind of counter punch I mean this team's slow anyway they're not going to be like playing Super aggressive just cuz they don't have the threat ranges but um I do like that I think that's like probably not too hard to accomplish uh next up here we have masterful blade work for one CP until the end of the Turning Point each time a friendly operative fights in combat as the active operative or with a conceal order in the roll attack dice step of that combat you can roll one of your attack dice or with a fights in combat as the active operative or with they conceal order so it's like if you get if you're concealed and you get charged you'll have a reroll still um but if you activate and kill something and you're engaged and then somebody charges you don't get the roll that's like cool again this is like conditional but it's not that hard to do which I think is a good balance mhm uh next up we have tough survivalists for one CP until the end of the Turning Point the first time each friendly he can Jagger operative fights in combat or a shooting attack is made against it and the resolve successful hit step of that combat or shooting attack you can have the damage inflicted on that friendly operative rounding up from one of your opponent's successful hits ooh that is good that is very very good really good so this is almost the same as the star strider Ploy where you have the damage but the starstrider ploy has conditionals like you need to be on an objective or like within six your opponent's drop zone and that is easy to get this there's no condition you just get it um so just amazing I mean that's happening like almost every turn yeah uh probably not turn one because you're not in a lot of danger but like you just use this liberally yeah I mean all three of these play sound good right now so I don't know maybe you can't afford to do everything all the time but that's the one I think to prioritize but let's go ahead and take a look here at imposition for 1 CP until the end of the tourning Point while friendly operatives have a concealed order they are always treated as having a Concealed order regardless of any other rules EG vantage point oh my goodness you know me Shane I love stuff like this yeah you do that is a great strap Ploy yeah you're going to use that turn one if you need it um it's just nice that you have the freedom to deploy a lot safer since your guys are slow so they don't want to sacrifice like better positioning to be safe uh like hearken they kind of have to sometimes if they don't want to make make something heavy um but these guys can basically sit on a barricade and pop super conceal and then be as close as they need to be to an objective so really good turn one um I like that a lot uh next up we're going to go into the Tactical place okay so I just want to say by the way the strap play four for four in my eyes yeah I like them all yeah um stalwart defense tactical Ploy 1cp use this tactical Ploy when an enemy operative ends a move with an engagement range of a friendly Haren yagger operative select one other friendly henager operative visible to in within 6 in of that friendly operative the selected operative can perform the OverWatch action but it can only Target that enemy operative and only if it's a valid Target however ignore all other operatives When selecting a valid Target and determining cover oh oh man you just set your guys up within six in of each other so I guess you have to be engaged in order to do the OverWatch but like the SN oh I was going to say the sniper but the sniper you can't OverWatch from conceal anyway you have to be engaged so I mean this isn't as strong as it appears it is really strong if you can set it up yeah if there was like a thing that let you flip your order before you do it um this would be sick but still pretty cool it's just you have to work to pull it off uh next up we have Hardy for one CP uses tactical play at the start of the Roll defense dice step of a shooting attack made against a friendly operative change your opponent's retained Critical Hits to normal hits any Critical Hits they've already resolved are unaffected for example a P1 yeah so Hearth canoun this too uh next up we have bonds that bind for one CP now use this tactical Ploy when friendly Jagger operative is activated select one other Jagger operative visible to within 3 in that is eligible to be activated after the first operative activation end ends you can activate that other friendly operative neither operative can be a bombast operative if it's rot lock negotiation abilities used at the start of the firefight phase okay well that's fair but hey just like a regular old G2 for one CP Ploy those are always good yeah like I know that a lot of I think you can like win a game just by like because say turn two you win initiative and then you do the thing with the bomb bass to like flip and shoot a guy and you activate a different guy on the other side of the board and GA do the G2 Ploy and have that first guy go and kill somebody and then the second guy goes and kills somebody and you just like wiped three models yeah like I'm obviously I'm describing like the dream turn here but that is the kind of thing that just wins you a game yeah off the rip uh f finally we have no kin Left Behind for 1 CP use this tactical Play When a friendly operative is incapacitated before that operative is removed from the Kill Zone remove your Fallen kin token from the Kill Zone if any then place it underneath the operative as close as possible to the center of its base each time a friendly operative within three of your falling K token fights in combat or makes a shooting attack in the roll attack dice step of that combat or shooting attack you can retain one of your failed hits as he successful Norm hit instead or retain one of your successful normal hits as a critical hit instead so you get a bonus for being close towards where one of your models had died before previously yeah I like it I I want to like this but um the fact that you have to pay a CP in order to unlock it um it this makes me think of um uh what is it what's the hearin like Army wide trait oh Grudge tokens yes yes this is like somewhat similar to The Grudge token except you need to you're losing um I mean they don't have Grudge tokens so it's nice to have something like it but you're spending a CP on this and you have to you have to be close to this token so you're giving up some freedom of movement if you want to unlock this plus a thing of CP in this team that already has not the best movement so I don't really know how often I would be using this one personally I like yeah I think it's pretty good like if it's say there's already a guy within three um you almost can guarantee you're going to get that value anytime a guy gets charged and killed you can pop it and get pretty easy value because you can countercharge okay yeah um so I I don't know if you're going to be using it more than once per game but um I do like it okay as it's like you know it's it can't hurt to have more liability especially when a lot of your guys hit on fours mhm um yeah I don't know I think that I can see myself out out of all these playes I probably don't use Hardy a lot stalwart defense I don't think I'm going to get the chance to use a lot I mean if I can I will um but the the Strategic play I like I want to use them all well okay I don't want to use in position but the fact that you have the option to use it is really nice mhm um on games when you don't have to use it that's great because you have more CP to work with like I want to use tough survivalist turn two and three for sure and then it's like I don't know do I expect to be fighting then I pop masterful blade work do I think I'm going to get a lot of shooting off I'll do hitting engagement but like bonds that bind I'm looking to use that turn three or turn two um so I don't know there's a lot of good plays here I I really like their selections let's go ahead and take a look at their tack Ops now right yes so I'll start us off with ruthless exploration exploitation exploitation excuse me if an enemy operative that isn't ready is incapacitated in a subsequent Turning Point you score one VP and if you achieve the first condition in another subsequent Turning Point you score another VP holy easy that's easy man that tracker that tracker is a big fan of taking down guys who uh are not ready I mean like what oh my God because that's like dumb easy actually yeah like anytime your opponent decides oh I'm G to kill something it's like oh well I'm just giving them a victory point is this the best kill secondary in the game chain I think it is oh my God it might be cuz there's no there's no your opponent's model just has to activate yeah so we're if they activate are engaged and you have guys left it's not like route where you have to be within uh six of their Drop Zone you don't need to your opponent doesn't have to choose a model you're not head hunting you don't have to kill a model within the first two turns of the game um I think I mean Here We Go Again taking King Seek and Destroy and we're just pairing better tack Ops with already great tack Ops yeah I think you might be I think this might be the best kill what is easier than that I can't think I mean nothing you're just killing models man this is it the the hearin salvagers one is very good I think this is better yeah um let's go ahead now and move on to bonds of loyalty here do we even need to talk about the other two before we even read it so true so true but let's we'll come back to it if we want to but yeah yeah um so bonds of loyalty right what what do we got uh I was waiting for you to read it oh I'll read it I'll read it so reveal this tack up on a friendly Haren Jagger operatives incapacitated already not a fan okay I'll give it a I'll give it a fair chance yeah yeah yeah if an enemy operative that incapacitated a friendly he kager operative is itself incapacitated during the same Turning Point you get a victory point if you achieve the first condition in any subsequent turning point so like this is like literally the same am I crazy this is the same thing as the first one but worse any model that killed one of your models and is no longer active is not ready and would therefore be able to be killed with Ruth ruthless exploitation mhm and the only difference is ruthless exploitation you can kill anybody that's already gone it doesn't have to be somebody that killed one of your guys already Yep this is just the uh why would you I mean the funny part is it's good but it's just it's would but it's just purely worse yeah yeah imagine if you could take more than one faction tack up you just take both yeah exactly let's read the third one let's go the third one right okay uh protect Locator Beacon reveal this tack op in the Target reveal step of the first Turning Point uh select one objective marker at the end of the battle if enemy operatives have never been within uh circle of that objective marker during the battle you score 1 VP and if a friendly Haren Jagger operative is within two of that objective marker and controls it you score 1 VP that one's not bad but once again ruthless exploitation is just so dumb good it's like why would you even risk taking the the protect you select an objective marker you select it you can pick the one in your Drop Zone yeah if there is one yeah and then you just keep them off it I mean yeah oh my God so not I mean I can't even this is such a shame because these this is such a good T op but I don't think you can ever take it no yeah okay here's the thing if you're playing like custodies and there's four custodes MH you don't take ruthless exploitation okay valid guess okay valid I guess you take protect Locator Beacon and you try to keep the custodes off of your objectives which is still probably hard to do I mean you're you're still going to have to kill him anyways yeah but like there's only if there's only four of them then it's like you don't want to have to pass up killing a guy because you want them to be not ready you know yeah I mean all three I this is a excellent group of fashist yeah it's it it's a real shame that there's only one well I guess there's one or arguably two well if you could take more than one would be arguably three yes so yep I mean are we in agreement here that you just throw infiltration in the trash just throw it in the dumpster what's the point it's already the worst of the arch types yeah you take ruthless exploitation and then you go like eliminate guards and Robin rans Sack or route and something I I don't know like yeah maybe route is harder with this team rout probably would be harder but only like marginally cuz remember you can give these guys um plus one APL with the um with the resourceful tokens so you know you know can we go back to the resourceful tokens because I know I was a little bummed that you couldn't do it on turn one but assuming you don't lose half your team on turn one okay that's a safe assumption assume that you go into turn two with three resourceful points which basically means you have three guys that are threea on a whim so like mandres everybody's talking about how op mandres are uhhuh mandres need one guy to kill something to get one guy three APL uh this is a million times better than that yeah this is like what hearken should have been kind of um because like not in terms of like the design like approach but like power level wise you need to make this team so sick to make up for the fact that they have 4 in movement like they need to be awesome in every other way yeah and I think this team looks like they accomplished that okay because this team on a pure like if you ignore the movement yeah characteristic this team looks like Bonkers yeah and yet despite that they still might not be S tier just because their for movement right so I actually want to take this conversation with the resource with the resourceful tokens a little bit further what are those three operatives because um the these resourceful points they're thrown out at the end of the round if you don't use them right yes so you want to use them so what are the three operatives that you're looking at um assigning these resourceful points to to give them plus one APL so you want ideally so I mean you can you can approach it a couple different ways you can say like I want a guy to charge onto an objective and kill a guy and then take the objective it's if it's like loot or something um you could be very aggressive and top of turn two activate a guy use bonds that bind like say you activate the blade kin and use bonds that bind to G2 with the F and then you use resourceful points to make each of them three APL and then maybe they can both like charge fight kill and then you just you just killed four like because I actually don't know is there another team in the game that can ga2 with multiple 3A models I I don't think so I don't think is that something we've ever seen I don't think we've ever had that I guess the closest would be the talons the emperor Ploy where you can G was just GNA say yeah yeah a custodi and that's Bonkers yeah because it's like the amount of actions you get is pretty crazy I guess in theory like theoretically felg gor could do it technically like you'd have to have a guy whip a guy that's gone and then next turn whip a different guy that's within three inches of the guy that you whipped last turn before you go with them and then G2 them but like that's so hard to set up so like nobody's ever done that um this is just you just need them within three inches of each other and you need to have the resourceful points which you will at the top of the turn um so I mean I like it my favorite plays theoretically are obviously you don't do with the bomb Bast because the bombast can't do it yes if you used his cool ability um but like I'm thinking models that have double kill potential which the nice thing about this team is almost all of them have that yeah like let's go down the line the thing obviously does cuz he has a shotgun and he has the knife and he has the revolver if that's better the blade kin has the throwing knives which are pretty decent four shots on threes three five lethal five up silent and stuff and the Dual plasma knives so good melee good shooting MH um the Gunner now hear me out give him a plasma knife for 2 EP and as long as he doesn't charge more than six inches which he literally can't anyway he can charge kill something with a plasma knife maybe and then shoot his APM launcher um the shoot you can do it in reverse yeah yeah just going to two different models yeah yeah um a lot of the time it's I'd only say it that way because a lot of the time you use the movement from the charge to set up another shot that you didn't have okay um the iron break uh he's not particularly good at it but you could just replace his entr trencher with a plasma knife again and the revolver is like okay the rifle kin okay rifle kin maybe you don't G2 with the rifle K he has a shot um but I guess you could give him both a knife and a shotgun um oh that is cursed that's actually cursed funny um the tracker is a great G2 Target yeah uh the warrior can be if you give him uh I guess I mean he already has the revolver knife you could give him the shotgun or give him the shotgun and then give the knife because that's cheaper I think than giving in the shotgun um I mean every single model on this team can be a dual threat if you spend your equipment points right yeah so I like that a lot okay um there's I mean that's there's redundancy which is like fantastic that's one of the things I like about mandres is almost all the models can shoot well and fight well um granted this team is like not fighting as well as mandres even though they are fighting well and they're much much slower than mandres but they do have an extra body so I don't know yeah this is a good team yeah solid I don't know any other thoughts Ryan um I think what I want us to end here with now that we've reviewed both of these teams the hin jger and The Brood Brothers what do you think is the strongest of the two out of this box I think both these teams are great I have to lean towards the brood Brothers I think that brood Brothers team just has the potential to be like completely cracked um that being said I mean Jaggers are pretty nasty yeah uh this is maybe one of the strongest boxes I mean en nightmare is a strong box too so I don't know if this I think this box is stronger the nightmare I'll say that as a whole um Brew Brothers might be S here just release just I mean just historically shooty hordes are good in this game and they appear to be a good shooty horde mhm um and then Jers appear to be so like some people think salvagers are like mid-tier I think they're lower than that but um I'll say they are M tier and those people are right there's no doubt in my mind that Jagger are a lot better than salvagers at the very least I would say they're probably an a tier team I'm curious to see what people do with them yeah like cuz their movement is going to suck for like projecting threats after turn one but on turn one they can just use the four deploys to like play the mission really well yeah like that's one of the biggest problems with hearken is they just suck at playing the mission because they're so slow yeah but you know you for deploy a guy four inches past the deployment Zone it's like he has an 8 inch move so but yeah I think that's going to do it for for this review of the harken Jagger kill Team guys let us know what you think of this team down in the comments below uh if you have not already make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube uh or you can follow us on whatever podcasting apps you're listening to but uh definitely make sure if you are listening on those apps to come over to YouTube and hit that subscribe button um if you have not already but you want to support uh command point you can go a little bit further and check out the patreon like Shane had mentioned earlier ear in this episode uh he's uploading some TTS content there for the $6 and up weird boy tier that you can only see uh there and those are all competitive level uh either prep or uh TTS tournament games that he's been working on and playing so but yes thank you guys all for watching thank you again to Games Workshop for sending us this box for Shane and9 to review and we'll see you all again in the next one a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Command Point
Views: 3,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #AdWIP, #KillTeam, #WarhammerCommunity
Id: vh_VJCpM8YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 33sec (3513 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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