Leagues of Votann vs Adeptus Custodes - #warhammer40k in 40 minutes

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industry and honor are at stake as the custodes attempt to purge this red planet of votan Prospectors this is 40k in 40 minutes greetings 40K fans my name is Tao the child of chaos and today we have a game between play on tabletop and Northern Nights gaming Anthony has flown all the way from Ontario Canada to play Nick with his own votan both armies are beautifully painted by the northern Knights team and each will facing off to see what is stronger the light of the emperor's golden Defenders or a grudge normally you know me as Town Nick you might know me as Imperial Guard Nick you might even know me as Jean Steeler Nick and sometimes even elari Nick Tia Nick but this time I'm short Nick short Nick himself has stomped into the fry today at the Helm of the votan votan have rail guns to have rail guns how hard could this be at 2,000 points you get a great pile of space dwarves and Nick's List has it all Uther the destined leads one of two squads of hearken a broker iron master iron here Champion call and grimnir Lead three units of Hearth guard three units of pioneers and a pair of hecaton land fortresses and from the tows perspective the votan are only one short step away from joining the greater good hey I'm Anthony from nkg I'm here to play the silver watch custodes and I can't wait to take down these does Northern Knights own Anthony is bringing the full force of the emperor the custodes cometh nkg is Northern Knights gaming where another battle report studio and it's just so much fun to be here and to play trasan vores himself with a blade champion and a watcher axe lead five custodian guards five prosecutors two pairs of alluris Terminators two pairs of verus prors two squads of sagittarum and two contemptor dreadnots what got me into playing the game was this channel when they started I've been here since the start as a fan watching and now I have my own studio and I'm here playing with them it's just a really big step up for me that I never thought would happen the custodians hit hard in Malle but are heavily outgunned in particular I do not see an answer to the land fortresses for the Imperial side hover bike Galore the objectives should be contested early and often I'm really excited to use a sagittarum today I took two units of them because it is literally heavy bolters as a normal gun except once game they can do devastating wounds they might if I get lucky enough just one shot a hecaton with heavy bolters this mission is taken hold hammer and Anvil deployment with the sweep and clear Mission rule that means five points for holding an objective which you can score 15 hammer and Anvil has the armies running in from the sides and sweep and clear means sticky objectives I think in this game getting first turn on the custodes would be very advantageous if I can get onto the objectives get some speed because my guys are slow slow I can get closer to those objectives take them and hold them I have a better chance of winning this game Anthony welcome to the studio excited to have you here oh yeah I'm looking forward to this it's I'm fighting an army that I play a lot of with an army I don't really play so I know your army better than I know mine let's roll off to see which side we get lucky for us I got a one immediately get A6 hey look at the in reserve for the custodes are both of the sagittarum units one of whom has Tran vores himself leading it two units of Hearth guard and one of Hearth kin are teleporting in Crest first a land Fortress transports Hearth guard and uar the destined we are running the middle stuff as ruins players always need to confer on how the terrain is going to be played a fair game is fun for all # nog gotas most terrain will be counted as ruins today making sure there are places for things to hide as they will block line of sight sod's uh dreadnut is going right here ooh power move move Nick responds in kind and puts his bikes right on the line I'm to put a Terminator unit down little hidden right over here these are the ones with Spears my deployment is going to be a little interesting here not all my stuff is going to deep strike like cod usually can the Terminators are going to be deployed on the corner to screen out some of his deep strike and if I get investigate they're going to be really good for that the vot 10 keep up the pressure in aggressive position Nick is true to form even when cut down to size oh you put these guys right over here my hold strategy for deployment has got to come down to where are those land fortresses going to go the first of two heatons these are big bad models and the custodes really don't have an answer for them on the line in the middle they have roll Advance rules another hecaton land Fortress ready to do a heck Aon of damage Ah that's pretty good I like that we got to do that some sisters don't have a prayer of scratching these at Advanced armored vehicles the Iron master my fix it guy is going to go right over here all his kin will uh uh squander out I just have the bikes left let's see the bikes custodian bikes quick and deadly out on the flanks the grimier and warriors hold the middle Nick's zone is full of stunty Warriors and he has a ton of stuff still in deep strike to finish up one last unit of bikes hold up the middle and the armies are set all right so we are deployed this is exciting I can't wait to get to grips but we got one important thing to do who is going to go first I kind of hope I go second since he's very slow if I go first and I have to go out to meet him I might have to essentially skip the first turn and just be like no I'll wait a second you can move without me death Anthony gets first turn but that isn't what he wanted let's see if he can find a foothold in the early game to Stage his assault from our sponsor today is game mat EU boy howdy do these guys make great mats and terrain right out of the box prepainted for your gaming enjoyment everything you need to have a great tabletop right here right now P1 will give you 11% off at game EU you lucky folks you you'll get some amazing mats and terrain and have the tabletop of your dreams game mat you so before we start this game we've got a couple pregame stuff to do for one I've got some Scout moves but more important than that I get to judge you votan judgment falls upon custodian guards in the middle and both bike units on the flanks and the spear dread two tokens each will give plus one to hit and plus one to wound against those units nasty the votan pregame Shenanigans continue as the bike units take their Scout moves Nick is hoping to gain position but not give up an easy charge I got first turn it's really not what I wanted since I wanted to have an extra turn of him coming to me for me to play safe and just charge into him if I can I might have to go to him now and it's a little open field it could be a shooting gallery I'm going to be hiding a little bit this turn all right you might call it cowardly I'm calling it preparing for the next step secondary draw for the custodians are area denial and secure no man's land these are scorable first turn not a bad draw both players to one command point so I will auto advance these bike six okay movement phase Anthony is going for it there are big points to be scored Gus dreadn is going to advance so dreadn goes four more he's going to be going like that so those bikes are going to auto advance 6 in letting them go 18 in I'm going to fly over my own unit and go all the way to touch this objective this dreadnut is just going to hug the terrain hugging they're going to go this way ooh going that way that's not what I expect expected you to do everything has a purpose it might be confusing but there is a a method to my madness I'm thinking a couple steps ahead I just got to go forward a bit I will lock him down and just control the whole board the custodes score five points for ARA Deni and pull into the lead well that was a very uneventful first turn for Anthony I you know like nothing of my stuff died is that a perfect turn my turn we get a command point we're up to two each secondary draws are bring it down and deploy teleport homers very nice draw for the votan Nick should start his climb up the scoreboard okay so in this round I got to make sure I kill these bikes because killing these bikes will not only net me a bunch of extra CP but will take you off the objective it'll be great it'll be fantastic Nick bombs up the field to put down teleport homers no fear otherwise Nick doesn't seem to be his usual aggressive self he is just making sure he can see those bikes if I can take out both of those bikes units I'm going to go position here we got the grimnir Grim Grim's got the psychic powers all right so I'm going to have to just to be able to see this guy right so we're going to move up all the way to just barely holding that objective but I also want to kind of like stagger that I want to prevent shooting from over here and I want to make sure all of them can see these guys right here so so in the shooting phase cuz the moving phase is done here it comes first Folly from the votan is often deadly ancestral sentence on his hearken Warriors but he does not Farm a command Point sustained hits for days however I have judged these bikes which means I'm going to get their plus one a hit plus one to wound and I'm going to use this awesome strategy to sentence them to sentence them to death one CP and if that unit is judged I get sustained hits too which means I'm going to get extra hits on sixes so let's shoot this entire unit into these Bikes let's do the rail gun first cuz it's cool uh hits on a five up but I have you judged which means I'm going to hit you on a four cuz I got plus one to hit so hitting on a four with a Ral rifle I hit this is strength 12 four up in Golden Boys no a rail gun zaps one verus pror and a command reroll can't even save him all right and then I have 18 bolters the rest of the stunty host easily dispatches the remaining bike in a hail of sh the votan will gain three command points for killing a judged unit in the first turn for ruthless efficiency in the next command phase that bike unit is toast I didn't even need to shoot anything else one unit of hearin Warriors boom we're going to go with these pioneers and they're within eight then I'm going to use one of them for the grenade strategy from these Pioneers onto those bikes the prors on the other side eat a big grenade and then die to the votan guns no more command points left for the votan by are gone I killed all the bikes you know what that was all I really wanted to do anything else is bonus like this rail gun bonus is going to happen right now the land Fortress now blasts away at the exposed red knot and takes it down to seven wounds but that's all no joy on the big game hunt that rail Cannon styed by a golden force field that's all I've got I've got nothing else to shoot at you with but I will score a bunch of points losing those two bike squads I lost a lot of my front line This gz dreadn he needs to do his job I paid the points for him to take that shield and get a four up invol he has the same coin flip of everyone else it is bound to happen eventually I need him up there Nick discards bring it down and scores five points for deploying teleport homers tie game at five into turn two up to three command points for the custodes and two for the votan secondary draw is defend stronghold and extend battle lines this is a great draw and could put the custodians into a commanding lead five points for holding one primary objective Anthony back into the lead he will need to get aggressive or he's just going to keep losing models let's see how he does I can't hide from them forever the dreads are leading the charge they move up aggressively the Terminators scoot out undercover looking for a charge that Terminator unit is going to walk closer to your bikes because it's uh funny that's it oh deep strikes upon beams of Golden Light the sagittarum arrive when I used to I would think about holding the psychor down for extra turn you know play it safe put them where they're really needed but I was taught get them down right away don't lose out on that extra tourament damage pop the devastating wounds right away because you just got to get the full damage potential out right away it go down hit hard strike like lightning all right shooting phase I got the Gus dreadn he's ready to Flame those guys Purge with flame the dreadn pours fire into the Hearth kin and torches a single dwarf I'm going to do the that thread knot into your bikes over there let's see let's see the stormbolter first the spear dread takes aim at the Trikes and only tickles one Nick uses reactive reprisal for two command points and shoots back at the dread knot that unit of pioneers is barely damaged and has so many guns I have a real chance of taking down that dread knot hnin Pioneers two high La rotary cannons the bikes tear into the dread and drop it down to four wounds after a command roll on his armor two command points left for Anthony none for Nick I didn't manage to take it down but imagine I get close the Sagar metran are going to shoot and I'm going to immediately activate their ability for devastating wounds nice I'm going to shoot at your Pioneers that just took a chunk out of my dread knot yeah let's go six is being devastating is multiple damage two damage each two damage each so to go through the sagittari and blast the tries on the hill I have another unit to do the same thing ooh you going to do the deting wounds at the same time yes because if I don't and you start killing them it doesn't get effective anymore I'm going to shoot the hearin in the back because uh I hate them let's go boys the other sagittarum go after the Hearth kin and take them down to eight you've killed a good chunk of that unit and then how many one devastating one devastating so I can kill this guy boom they're going to shoot their Castell and axe into the Pioneers castellan axe first because this is the best chance of doing damage to you two the Alerus custodians shoot at some bikes uh now it's just time for charges all right this is big charge phase this is it success or failure May ride on these few rolls the Castell and guard this is the one I need first I'm getting it out of the way first charging the Pioneers over here on the objective I think it's a seven please you can do it you can do it you can do it oh no free roll just need a seven oh no orange I mean you can still get in there with the dreadnots I still have the dreadnots let's go boy 100ed yeah that Dr not's going to charge in because this is the one I got to reroll if I need need it I need a 10 10 CL a command Point roll down to one makes the failure of the other dread even worse that is the fun one so might as well the Terminators make up for it making a huge charge into the hover trikes deploying the center homers see if I could tie up the hecaton a big charge from the Sagittarian as well get them onto the hecaton how's it going phase I got to pick a guar dotory stance morses shots more hits zaka this is the important fight first so let's do it over here the dreadn murders the bikes and he stands tall on the objective he is now judged for being effective their axes are unwieldy they hit on threes but I still have sustained hits and this is also three damage nice hitting on threes the Terminators are next axes Flash and Slaughter the squad and now they are judged too over here what do you think what do you think's in these land fortresses it's just a whole publishing house there's three guys in range four attacks each twos twos are so nice I I miss this I'm going to miss playing codes if I stop look at three of them on fours I saved two of them one goes through taking me down to 15 wounds I'm going to fight back with the Flying Fortress The Fortress rolls back doing three wounds but the armor of the custodes hold a great turn two for the custodes five points for extend battle lines puts him to 15 and a healthy lead he should be able to hold on to his home objective to score another three after the vot and go for defend stronghold one command point for the the beginning of the round and I score three because in round one I did kill a unit with a judgment token yep no prisoners and defend stronghold is a good draw for the votan 10 primary points will tie the game as Nick dives into his second turn uar the destined my named character as well as as his fiveman unit of Heth guard are going to get out of that transport right beside it OverWatch from the custo as the Hearth guard get out of the hackaton but it misses no luck all right now I feel bad doing that little cheeky OverWatch cuz I didn't even hit once it uh I don't know sometimes it happens Nick pops ordered Retreat for one command Point down to three so his hecaton will be able to shoot after it falls back ruthless efficiency indeed my plan for this turn is to try to take out both those dreadnots get on some objectives and hold off those sagittarum if I can I'm going to move these Pioneers up here to double down on this objective and maybe I could take these guys out that'd be great so I will have to advance with those guys to get on the objective the grimnar and his unit of hearin Warriors is going to advance one in but that's all I need that is all you needed to move 6 in what a normal non squish Warrior uh would do when you run you move normal what I'm going to do is this is already sticky and mine so I'm going to move backwards with these guys and get a bunch of shots on these guys over here as the movement phase ends a huge contingent of deep Strikers start teleporting in hearth kin go deep and the Hearth guard drop in to protect the deployment Zone and then lastly I have one more fiveman unit of hear guard and and they also have it attached in here Champion all right moving phase done into the shooting phase let's go with this unit right here and they're going to Target uh this unit of Terminators over here and cestal sentence on the Pioneers for more sustain action one left of the big scary highas rotary cannons so we're going to do one of those first hitting on threes because you're threes one goes through oh yeah now three wounds remaining here all right then we're going to go with the shotguns the alluris Terminators are under a bullet buz saw and he loses one to weight of fire I'm really glad there's one Terminator left cuz I'm going to revive and just he didn't do anything he's going to come back stand right back up and get revenge so all of these guys that can shoot are going to fire into these sisters right here rail rifle that manages to hit it does H look at that that is a wound the hearin shoot the sisters in the back rail rifle pink Mists one and the bolters tear down two Hein Warrior is going to fire into these Tran and the sagittari s s ra rifle it misses four of the regular bolters take I wanted you once please custodia save hey good and then we'll go with these guys right here these he hear guard Warriors into the Sagittarian and Tran the vulite from The Hearth guard only manage one devastating wound good so one guy takes a wound you manage to Slough off the wounds but can you Slough off a rail cannon at Point Blank Range I'm going to hit you with all my heavy bolters hitting on fours and oh sorry I have twin linked I forgot about that you twin linked yes uh saves good all right well I'm going to shoot my hecaton War Warhead the D6 plus three shots with the hecaton Warhead hitting on fors and you're blast so I get one more hit nope really poor rolling there let's see do I save it Inon I'm good all right now take a rail gun to the Head one hit hits wounds minus four five up four up oh four up in Shield bounces right off he just stands there he's like huh Earth guard Warriors are going to fire into these sagittarum in this case all right fives fives oh those are all devastating no that does pop a guy and a half and at more than a half and then I've got utar the destined with his vulkite disintegrator with three attacks hitting on twos and he wounds them so once we return I can change that to a six I'm going to change that to a six and make that a devastating wound take a another one off flop there you go the vulite train continues and losses Mount all right I have one last unit to shoot shoot with and it is this hecton land Fortress Nick is not going to split fire his last land Fortress looks to kill the dreadn no sweat the rail Cannon lands and blows that dread into next week that's all I can do for shooting let's try some charges hearken Warriors are going to try to charge your sisters of Silence the hearin charge needs a nine to steal the custodes home objective 5 six s let's try that Big epic charge all those Hearth good Warriors are going to try to charge that dread knot 679 it's exactly what I needed that is exactly it that iron here Champion has a mass Drive accelerator on a 2 to five you suffer D3 mortal wounds which could kill you on a six you you suffer D6 oh you suffer D3 Immortal wounds as I run into you with a mass Drive accelerator three three mortal wounds did you say Mortal wounds bis I take two he's alive with one wound all right and then we've got a charge here from these Hearth guard Warriors into the sagittari Hearth guard fail one charge but their Brethren led by uar make it and crash into the sagittarum that's all the charges let's fight let's continue with that fight then if you can the Iron Heart Champion might do it all by himself and we'll go with him first you can get he hits all three y the big hammer goes Bop but the armor holds however his fight is a bit of a foregone conclusion his guards finish the job and the robot goes down good job her guard all right I did lose both the dreadnots I didn't really need them cuz yeah they're nice at melee but they're just one model we got one more combat right here the guard Warriors into your s term I have uh utar there utar is going to go first cuz he has five attacks hitting on twos fours yep fours one the other he guard hitting on threes uh failed one of them fours I four times at minus two uh let's go make them all this time I fail three only one damage each but I'll kill one and one and one goes to one so now fight me back I'm going to pick lethal hits I got my space Shanks the misic cordas the fight back kills a guard all right and that is the end of my turn sir upon Golden Light will allow the Terminators hanging in the back field to go back into reserves they will deep strike in the next turn one command point two points for no prisoners gains four points and Nick holds on to defend stronghold Anthony scores three for defending his stronghold and the score is custodes 18 to the votan 19 super close game into turn three at the end of my turn I'm pretty happy with how that went I took out both dreadnots I'm on four of the obje Ives I am threatening his home objective I think I've got this round three command point for each of us I go up to three go to two From the Ashes with vigil unending an alluris Terminator is returned to the fry that costs a command point he will have one remaining for the round to Nicks three losing one Terminator hurts losing one of any custodia hurts so let just have him stand right back up no wound's too great for the custodies secondary draw is engage on all fronts and assassination these are scorable with some work battle shock is no problem now Target priority will be the question five primary points nexim 23 victory points and the lead I'm going to tactically withdraw and run away right around setting up for charges there is not a ton of movement here tactical Retreat tactical retreat the Terminators look to secure the center and return to the battlefield at the end of the movement phase all right shooting okay Sagar in the back corner with Tran are going to shoot the Hearth guard let's go the sagittarum pump shots into the Hearth guard dropping twoo AAR custodians into the Pioneers got it the Terminators fail to hurt up Spike and the custodian guard shoot at the hearth guard void armor puts Nick to two command points remaining and should blunt the shooting here hitting on twos roll wound rolls wow and two go through how much Dam this doe two damage two damage each you Nick is mad he pops reactive reprisal and shoots back with eight volti disintegrators vulcanite disintegrators judgy judgy this is brutal a custo falls to the heretical Future Weapons but I'm not done yet oh you're still shooting Nick remembers his grenade launchers this time and makes a lot of noise and scores a wound the iron here Champion the iron here Champion chips a wound as well but two wounds remain no command points left Terminators to the middle into the herkin twos fives one W another votan Falls to bolters charge I'm charging right here yeah please don't let this be dou ones double ones I can make that yeah you could please don't roll High I need the high over there six come in the sorum in the corner with TR and Voris are charging the Hearth kin with the iron master the ones it's a four sagittarum get in needing a command roll trun will fight get more distance this way for when I consolidate and go even more onto there tron's team has got to go up there take his objective it's going to force him to hold defense stronghold for another turn so he can't draw an extra one and it could just compound him denying his secondaries who knows maybe he'll just stay low the rest of the game one more charge the less important charge in the middle the Terminators fail in the middle but the bikes get jumped on the objective so I got to pick a stance I'm going to pick sustained hits I will fight first over here I'm going to do the guy with the Miser accordia first an objective I get to roll the wound roll oh boy I get to roll three of them look at that the banner bear Shanks a hearth guard and the swords go to work these are basically the Mis cordas with plus one strength let's go oh my God three more go down and now the sword wizard will do his thing I'm going to pick the Precision profile I'm going to behead the Beast here okay because I have assassinate with full re to wound roll so fours oh boy and these are Precision so all wound on four Ops yeah I failed One champion I am here Champion oh sry oh so he's down to three wounds remaining I don't ahead the Beast then I get to fight over there I need a pile in you want to do that yep okay and then this guy um he's already in base contact there yeah so he he goes there now for TR this is a big one trasan only manages to kill two eogs that's a bit weak you ready for the space Shanks space Shanks twos no rules that sagittarum weigh in slaughtered big assassination points and with a pile in Anthony has nabbed the votan home objective great move take that judgment token and I got one more fight I just remember more fight here see if you can take out all of these spikes eight attacks hitting on threes wiing on threes on fives I save one kills one bike kills two bikes kills three bikes you killed all the bikes hey oh have the tables turned double judged what happened all right so that was amazing I got to fight you back now the champion and the he guard are going to try to take you out down to twos I hit them all oo two move them all oh four up oh yes I'm going to kill them all the Iron Heart Champion smashes down three custodian guard he is mad oh yeah all right so now the Hearth guard see if they can take you out so I've got four left the gauntlets next the unit is killed and the blade Champion is down to four wounds judgment tokens are dangerous score five for assassination Anthony was unable to do engage in all fronts and cashes it in for a command Point Nick did not secure his stronghold all right so he's taken my home objective but I can take it back I have two land fortresses count them two so at the beginning of my turn I'm going to get a command points going up to one I go up to two and I still have defense stronghold because I can't do it Nick draws cleanse he can do it but it will blunt his Firepower and he needs to take back his home objective insane bravery on the hearth guard to ensure 10 primary points Nick is in the lead utar the destined will judge these stupid sagittarum and give them a the Judgment token they're at one judgment token then we'll go into my movement phase these Earth guard Warriors 5 in up and we're going to try to take this objective back away from you to get within 3 in of this objective I need a four two two five oh that is easily in boom yeah my objective now and no one can say otherwise lots of standing around and shooting for Nick here the hecaton returns to his wall position and utar looks to chase down the Sagara let's go a shooting yeah these guys are going to shoot all their volite into here first I'm going to fire my mega Urus bter thing into these guys The Hearth guards vulkite blasts the Uris unit big damage the other sagittarum a man to more vulite fire from uar all these guys are going to shoot those guys all right so one vulite hits you twice wounds you none it's a vulkite disintegrator and wounds you none but I'm going to turn that into a six to automatically make that a devastating wound and kill one of them one such a ter down all of these hkin into these guys right here rail rifle uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven there it is I take four wounds twos great one damage I got one to one wound great grimier psychic abil oh I've got in range of psychic abilities oh this is going to be fun ancestral wrath we're going to do focused witch fire so it's hazardous and does multiple damage hitting on twos all of them fives I hope I make them all all right first one does D3 two damage and then kill that one Terminator all right time for some charge oh not for charges I've got some fighting here yeah big giant rail guns into Tren first rail gun from this one right here fire it misses the bolters I got one sustain and uh that is one wound twin link twin link thank you two wounds three up I fail one hey I killed one you did well that was was fine cuz I was leading up for the next one cuz I judged I hit you excellent oh and it wounds atus 40 billion for B vong saved yes I do have two CP left you know what yeah get a lot of CP press so much CP who cares about using C50 look at this no D6 plus a billion damage one guy gets completely iced some more heavy bolters becomes two wounds at Twin link com four wounds let's go here we up I fail one two damage on one of them I kind of forgot you had two lastly I have two moror autoc cannons the major autoc Cannon Fells another into the charge phase we're going to charge this unit of herf guard Warriors into this S one lonely Sagittarian Hearth guard go for the charge and make it with a four nipping at the heels of the fleeing sagittarum the Hearth kins swoop onto the last alluris Terminator not many custo codes left all right let's do this one over here hitting on twos hits them all utar the destined hacks down the Craven sagittarum and let's go over here he's going to do his Dark Star axe the Call's darkar axe fails to fa the Terminator only had more attacks oh wait I do but the Hearth guard plasma blades swing away and Anthony will need a command Point roll to survive no he goes down uh we have one last fight over there but you got fight first yes I'm only on Force you know what I will do lethal let's go twos fours he kills the einon heart champion and a hearth guard he needed that last round you will be remembered in the halls of our ancestors I have concussion gauntlets scenario all right re re I wondered you only twice I wish you were double judged or can make them both I make one all right down to two wounds almost got him that's the end of my turn I think that was actually a great turn Nick scores no secondary and keeps cleanse and defend stronghold the score is 29 for Nick and 28 for Anthony very close game but Anthony is really starting to run out of killing power what can he do to turn this around and turn four start turn four what do you got in the command phase Anthony spend his command point for Vigil unending again and gains another Terminator all right smart play from Anthony here he's brought back another guy that middle objective is very scary now those two Terminators can take out probably that entire unit of earthin Warriors by themselves bring it down and storm hostile objective mean the land fortresses wall needs to break for the custodes to have Victory tall order even for The Golden Boys the game is telling me to kill that hecaton he's going to fall back yeah around you oh and triple OC so now he's oc6 and Nick uses OverWatch for his land Fortress I've got enough guns with the land Fortress if I manage to get just one through these multi- damage he's only got two wounds left if I manage to get one shot through that blade Master will be gone and that objective will still be mine big giant rail gun start it off see if I can't get it come on give me the six give me the sixes sixes toe no opposite of six autoc Cannon booom no sixes heavy bolters heavy bolters just give me one six to go through two sixes or and twin link that is two wounds twin link two wounds I can't look and Fs he's gone even the one that got out oh no I got him going to walk up 5 in tran and the sagittarum secure their charge and so do the Terminators I got to go for the gamble I don't have much left yeah so they're going to pop back out yeah you never know you could get lucky the guardian Spears Two Shots each it can happen yep oh all hit strength seven two wounds AP1 three same both damn they're shooting in so this whole unit is shooting into them six heavy Bolter shots attempting to soften the land Fortress with bolters goes about as well as can be expected the sisters who have bolters four shot one miss and oh fives one four up save I don't know much left so it's time to charge time to charge uh I'm going to charge the he can unit with the Terminators no CV can't do anything about it charge of the Terminators and sisters and sagittarum make this a Malle to be remembered all the custodians are in combat now TR is going to activate his ability to have 12 attacks instead of six and I'm going to pick my Kat stance this is strength 10 so it be fives lethal hits yeah 15 wounds let's see fives um and I saved two of them three damage only one goes through three damage I'm down to 12 wounds remaining hey still got the misery accordias misery you got a little bit of misery left sixes one at ap2 you're the emperor's chosen you were trained for this it goes through how much damage one all right down to 11 wounds but you do not take that OB away from me I do not I couldn't kill it but he couldn't can't kill me because it's just tread marks so I should be safe for a little bit and you do have a chance here twos with threes the Terminators Slaughter six but that is not enough 1 2 3 4 5 six oh fight quick four attacks and fives and and this technically puts you in objective then I get to Pile in and fight you back and I will try to smack you with the axes of the dwarves Faruk kazad uh nice and easy two up good Mass Gauntlet with three attacks hang on threes hits twice wounds twice and minus two minus two five up five Ups three damage each ah you only kill one I only kill one but the rest Pile in and should be able to Slaughter you uh hits you twice wins you once three up Sister battle time no you die she tried Nick does the only scoring netting three for defense stronghold bad news for the custodians this game is getting away from them all right I go up to one command point you go up to one command Point cleanse is held and the draw is engaged on all fronts back to one command Point each Nick just needs to close this one out there is real danger of there being no custodians left at all at the end of the turn I control all five objectives all five I am going to fall back with these guys okay ordered Retreat again on the land Fortress for one command Point Advance them 6 in and they're going to go way over there getting me uh getting me engag all fronts yep one last movement one last mov just in case you don't die to rail guns let's die to UTD The Hearth guard and hearth kin each perform the cleanse action of their respective objectives they control all right real guns judged you're judged the land fortresses turn on the flower of the Empire Tran valoris but they fail to kill him his bodyguard however is no more charge face I'm going to charge Tren with utar utar the destined and his hearg guard make the charge trasan is alone let's fight hearg guard with their power blade plasma blade gauntlets the plasma blade Gauntlet will fire into you Wars and I wi you four five times trasan parries the plasma blades and utar goes to work hitting on TW on four sixes are devastating I'm going to use uars once per turn a AB ility to turn one of those misses into a six automatically wounding but also causing devastating movs one Devastation and two wounds Tran needs a command point reroll to survive the onslaught and attack back one wound remaining so six attacks it's no longer 12 I'm going to pick sustained hits okay so sixes uh one so one out one in six hits and three wounds The Hearth guard armor holds so I have Clans on two objectives then engage all fronts I have one two three table quarters Valiant effort but the alien Firepower was too oppressive and trasan could not cut down a land Fortress with an axe Nick will score three victory points for engage in all fronts and five for cleansing two objectives good game sir good game thank you so much for coming down and playing add paint and the final score is 38- 60 for Nick and the votan thank you Anthony for coming out and showing off your awesome models dude you taught me how to play votan here like thank you so much for for spending the time and uh making it a good game and not just not just steamrolling because I didn't know the Army you like you were kind and gracious in how you showed me how the units work thank you so much check out the Fantastic battle reports on Northern kns YouTube channel they have a ton of great content thank you as well to our sponsor gameat EU for the Fantastic terrain and mats most of all thank you for watching we do it for you if you like what we do please consider supporting us through YouTube membership or patreon you'll get exclusive releases as well as behindth scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around I lose by a decent amount but it's not a total stomp top Army against bottom Army and I did okay it was a valiant effort from Anthony thank you so much for playing if Tran could have done just a little better he could have done a lot more points and made this game a lot closer what a game until we see you next time play [Music] on I'm really happy to be here it's a weird feeling nothing like doesn't matter how much I get stomped nothing's going to bring me down from this I'm just so excited to be here this is amazing Anthony you're a great opponent and player it was fun to play with you is enjoyable to play with you I thank you very much for coming down and I hope you come back again to play on Play onetop and get another chance to win those dice no Victory dice for me uh I hope I get another chance to go for it I'll bring a better Army this time maybe guard maybe genan Seer cult something I really know how to play and uh I want those dice I I was rooting for you I wanted I wanted you to win those I wanted to see them on your channel and I got to say voten are awesome these allies of the greater good they're just uh they're awesome they're great yeah yeah yeah too bad uh hey gws can you can you make them Allied that' be really really cool [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 182,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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