Ironjawz vs Ossiarch Bonereapers | Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Battle Report

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War rages across the Mortal Realms new alliances are formed While others lie shattered and the dominant powers ever seek their next Conquest while this and countless other battles rage on one fact is becoming clear the season of War has [Music] begun this video is brought to you by the support of our channel members and the flgs partners war fire minies and xplanet Baron of dice is the exclusive dice supplier for season of War take a look through their incredible designs or even get your own custom dice made hello and welcome to season of war and we are excited to bring you another game of age of Sigmar I'm Jordan and joined by my lovely and destructive wife C wife Cassidy tonight uh playing the iron jaws and it's your first game in a while yeah it's been like many months since I've played many moons have gone by since I've uh picked up Warhammer so so we're in for a big and bloody match today but we'll get into that in a little bit first things first the mission we're playing is every step is forward so we got four objectives on the table it's hold one hold two hold more scoring two points for battle tactic three for Grand strategy at the end and then the twist with this one is if you uh charge each of your models count as an extra body uh for contesting objectives and if you retreat you can't contest objectives at all I'm hoping that'll be more of a you problem well I do have the ability to retreat and charge so uh even if I charge after retreating I still can't contest objectives so uh yeah we might just get stuck in and have a good bloody match here which neither of our armies really mind too much but cast do you want to take us through your iron Jaws list first surely I can do that um so I have uh two units of brutes here who are often times my like OG boys um who get me through a lot I also have some art boys here who will um a little bit more defensive hit less but good to have around um I have a a mega boss on a m Crusher here and a mega boss on foot who has the Destroyer axe um I have my um War chanters here I have my um weird knob shaman uh who was also my general um oh and this new guy here who is um the M Runa yeah first time playing with him first time playing with him he looks pretty cool we'll see he has that cool ability where like the more that I charge him into things he gets like momentum points I guess right so um hopefully that can come in handy for for some running up and destroying some some bones here also good to mention that my subf faction is iron Suns it's good so that I can charge in the enemy phase which um this guy will benefit greatly build that momentum yes well then to face off against the iron Jaws I playing OCR bone Reapers I'm playing more to sporian so I've got some counter charging of my my own I've got uh katros here today and then a smattering of different units mortech guards for screens I've got two units of death Riders to fill up my battle line also great for their impact Immortals then I have the arch Cavo Zantos a Moran o affector and uh the big boy katros himself then as kind of the big hammer in my Army I have a unit of four morgas here um obviously you know going to be synergizing with the ector getting some Buffs and hopefully uh kind of dealing the damage in my Army and I did bring in Endless spell the bone TI shrier just because it's so good stops uh enemies from using rally and inspiring presence to hopefully cause some guys to flee to battles shock but we'll see if that comes up all told I was came in at one drop here today uh with my list cast you were for because you had a uh a command Entourage so it does give me choice at first and unsurprisingly we're going to let the green skins go first uh give you the choice of what you want to do and we will just jump into iron Jaws turn one so my um battle tactic will be magical dominance and in my hero phase I'm going to go for hero leadership which I don't get so neither do you I do not get it either so so we are both not very heroic and then rolling for Primal dice nope neither of us jumping into the hero phase the weirdnob shaman casts Mystic shield on a unit of brutes then the war chanters Grant violent Fury to the brutes and art boys all right so now I'm going to jump into movement showing a surprising amount of restraint the Oro only tentatively move forwards tagging two objectives to score five points don't forget you can get access to four extra battle reports every month by supporting the channel through our YouTube membership hit the join button below the video to learn more all right so that's kind of it for my turn which is like an unusual cast kind of turn but not the uh yeah throwing everything in Iron Jaws turn we've seen from you before it'll come it'll come it'll come it's just not yet yeah so yeah uh take two objectives you'll get hold two and more uh you just barely got off your battle tactic or got off your spell if your battle tactic yeah so yeah that'll be five points MH and we can jump into ooc bone Reapers turn one all right so I'm also going to try and do magal dominance uh because I'll be able to get it off with M uh if I get the cast off I'll guarantee it with dark Acolyte and I'll go for Heroic leadership which I get I also get it in the bone Reapers hero phase the ector cast Mystic shield on a unit of mortech guard and grants plus one Ren to the morast with Asa barbs next catac cross uses Supreme lord of the bone Reaper Legions granting plus one to hit and Save in a 24in aura and then he gets a debuff someone on the battlefield your unit of brut's back there which makes them minus one to hit just automatically automatically in the movement phase the mortech guard use at the Double and one unit of death Riders uses Unstoppable Advance at the end of the charge phase the unit of AR boys use all right get him hoping to charge in the enemy turn need to get a nine yeah they're in so I guess we're going have a little combat and I'll start off with the morch guard the Ard boys use allout defense when the mortech attack and only suffer one casualty then the green skins deal eight damage when they retaliate even though the mortech use allout defense as well so now I get to do some Shield back is which is new for me I don't think I yeah first time playing the new Ard boys actually uh one more Mortal I save it though so all right well that wasn't what I hoped for out of my turn I I kept 9 in back with my screen trying to make it hard for you to countercharge or do the charge but I yeah really was not hoping to lose my screen there because I wanted to be I also needed to move up to be in a position to counter charge here I was hoping to be in a position where I could give away for or giveway turn next round if I won priority uh but now I don't have a screen so we're I guess yeah cast going to jump into priority for turn two tied we tied uh you win ties because you went first so it's going to be up to you I'll take it okay sounds good uh so we will just jump into iron Jaws turn two uh so the battle T I'm going to pick for this round is uh DS are Turf now which I already feel like that is like the impression I'm very much giving right now of um this game already taking the center yes um and good old fash C uh good old cast fashion I'll go for Heroic leadership on my mega boss nope and I'll do the same on catros I get it so I'm going to do violent fury on my um M gruna and my brutes all right so I'm going to attempt to teleport my mega boss on foot just to kind of like get in behind let's see if we did any Primal dice so I roll a four up which means we each get one so I'm going to attempt to test it I'm assuming it goes off on a seven 14 I'll try to unbind for an eight I can't beat 14 even if I got a six so you got your teleport off nice nice hey do you remember that one time when we were playing you had um araria and I backel and I came and totally destroyed her from the back I do uh yeah that it comes up on Discord from time to time does it actually that still comes up yeah yeah that's I aspire to continue that Legacy next the mega boss on M Crusher uses fast stun and uses Mighty destroyers to let the brutes and MOG grun move and the Ard boys Pile [Music] in as the Oro Advance one unit of death riters redeploys 6 in looking to escape the on-rushing M Crusher ready to release his iner bursting Bellow the M Crusher targets Arch cavalo Zantos so three uh they're Ren ones will I'll be on three up saves I fail all of those I do have Ward saves after what the hell I make them all so that was a a roll getting ready to charge a war chanter empowers the brutes with the get them beat giving them a 3d6 in charge then the Oro General calls the W I feel like I'm just going to use the W it it looks like it's probably a good time yeah I'm going to use the wall in the charge phase the mega boss uses forward to Victory but fails to complete his charge then the M Crusher Roars at Arch cavalo Santos as the M grunter starts the fighting the morast use allout defense but still suffer seven damage the morgas then retaliate dealing three damage to the MOG runter and nine to the yard boys fighting next the mck crusher attacks the arch kavalos easily taking him down triggering smashing and bashing the Ard boys finish off the last mortech guards which then also lets the brutes fight and they deal seven damage to the other unit of mortek and six to the morast as this round of fighting nears its end the mortech guard used bludgeon for extra rent and deal two damage to the brutes but as katakros finally joins The Fray he swiftly takes down the m runter and I think that's it for the turn that was a bit of a bloody one yeah you took down two more Gast and I I think the biggest deal is my Arch um Cavo Zantos after roaring him so he didn't get to use his command ability for plus one to wound but how do you feel about the turn not really sure how to feel about it I was like kind of excited to try out the M grenta but he severely disappointed me um but it's fine cuz then I switched ice and I felt better about my life a little bit so um yeah I guess we'll kind of just have to wait and see what happens next yeah you lost the mod runer and returned from katro but he's tagged in combat now yeah and you do take this objective though I mean you literally take all the objectives um so you'll get Five Points MH and I did my battle tactic and you got your battle tactic yeah and worth mentioning or noting the Dilemma you have had about uh whether you wanted to roll the charge with your meab boss on foot yeah I mean I was just being YOLO at that point cuz I feel like life's more interesting when you can you wanted wanted him in there I did and it's like honestly like the safe play would have been to save the CP for like all out attack for sure which could have made a huge huge difference in taking things down and probably should have been what I had done but um that's boring and uh I don't play often so when I do play I like to exude complete chaotic energy so I apologize in advance anyone watching being like she shut up done that but um I don't know I just like to take chances sometimes and I feel like the times where I have done that in the past and it worked out it made for a really interesting and fun turns so but you win some you lose some yeah you did take like obviously deal devastating blow here I going get the chance to fight back now yeah um yeah so I guess we'll just see what I can do to retaliate as we go into occh bone Reapers turn two okay so my battle tactic is going to be trample the defiant so I have to get one of my units of death riders in combat and stay in combat at the end then for my heroic action I'm going to do finest Hour on katakros I'm going to do finest Hour on my Mia on the mega boss in the hero phase katakros uses endless Duty on the morast to Grant an extra attack then the ector casts Empower Nite weapons on them granting exploding hits on fives and also bestows an additional Ren from oied barbs katakros and the bone tie Nexus then make the ma Crusher and brutes both suffer minus one to their hit rolls and then into movement without much room to maneuver the death Riders close in then charge into combat dealing three mortal wounds to the brutes on impact but just one to the mega boss on mock Crusher then the mck crusher Roars at katakros and I think I'm going to start off combat with the mor Gast here and they'll use all out attack so all be twos and threes exploding fives threes to wound so each of these didn't kill Brute so it's going be four brutes dead while eager to fight the mega boss is also cunnin and piles away from katakros though he only deals five damage to the death Riders after they use allout defense the other unit of death Riders then uses bludgeon and takes down three more brutes who in turn deal two damage to the Mora the death riders in combat with the mega boss then deal four damage to the big Oro while the our boys deal no damage at all all right so that's it for the combat on my turn not ideal uh I made a huge blunder that you uh caught me out on with not attacking with cat first I didn't charge so I don't get to do his Pile in so as soon as you piled three away for or just you had to do a millimeter outside of uh cat away from katakros and the death Riders over there had only made a 3in charge so they couldn't really trap you in wasn't thinking about it though should have fought first with katros but now uh your M Crusher is uh running free so to speak he has debuffed though um so he didn't do much damage but uh that's about it and I think you will owe me a batt shock on the brutes which actually they will both automatically flee so not uh a great turn overall I was hoping to two objectives score another four points but I will get my battle tactic and uh holding one point so I'll score hold one but not more yeah hold one not more forgot to bring three mortech back at the beginning of the turn but I was would have been able to combat anyways and that's about it so yeah not ideal with I was really hoping to take down the M Crusher uh we both did finest to but again that blunder uh is going to cost me so we can look ahead to priority for round three cast you win ties I got a four I'll take it okay uh so you got a four as well and we're to go into iron Jaws turn three so my battle tactic is led into the Maelstrom essentially I am going to try and get my mega boss on foot to come in and deal with these more gas here I'm going to do finest Hour on him as well and I'll go for finest hour on the bone shaper the weirdnob shaman casts hand of gork and teleports a war chanter then the war chanters Grant additional damage to the mega boss and brutes with violent Fury after the remaining orics draw close and look to join the fight the M Crusher takes down another death rider with its inner bursting Bellow after the war chanter fails it's gam beat the brutes are forced to use forward to Victory but do make their charge into combat after they charge katakros uses the dread Legion to countercharge and finally engages the M Crusher who fails to Roar the mortarch the mega boss on M Crusher then Begins the fighting and takes out the death Riders which trigger smashing and bashing the brutes are next to fight and while the death riters use impenetrable ranks they only have one death rider survive the morgas then finish off the yard boys and then use impenetrable ranks when the mega boss attacks all right it's time I'm going to use my axe from behind Swinging The Destroyer axe the mega boss swiftly takes out the two remaining morast and the mor Gast go down what about that shitty thing hey that's my hero well I guess we'll try to retaliate and katros is going to do his best katakros uses all out attack and Deals 11 damage but fails to take down the M Crusher all right so I mean obviously some big losses but the biggest thing being that my mega boss survived that low so that means you're going to be tied up with me again at the start of your turn turn yeah means one I can't I was hoping to come here clear stuff so I could start just spreading it onto objectives yeah but now you're except for your little dudes over there you're more Tech you are tied up in combat everywhere y so unless you're going to try and run those guys and get them far away um and unfortunately I still have like once I get out of combat like my following turn if you don't get a double would be if I can um wherever you try and run them to I can just try and catch you after yes not to mention you you still have a counter like the ability to countercharge as well yeah um and I'm just trying to think about scoring at this point cuz you get another five points here yeah five points and you'll have a bit of a lead um but hopefully katros is going to take down the Messer as we'll see as we jump into Oar bone Reapers turn three well I actually don't think I have any Battle Tactics available to me this time turn that I can achieve so we're should to throw uh magical mayhem out there to get it uh get rid of it and I'll go for a heroic leadership with catros which I get I will also go for Heroic leadership which I get katakros and the bone tithe Nexus cause the brutes and mega boss to suffer minus one to hit rolls then katakros uses endless Duty on himself the ector attempts to cast The Bone tie shrier but is Unbound then fails to cast Mystic Shield while the death Riders are able to tag the southwestern objective when they retreat they won't be able to take control of it because of this mission's rules after the mortech guard charge in the mega boss uses all right getum to charge in behind them the M Crusher Roars cutacross then the mortech guard use bludgeon but are only able to take down two brutes choosing a life of pure aggression the mega boss on M Crusher uses allout attack but only deals eight wounds to katakros then when the mortar of the necropolis attacks he takes down the mighty Oro last to fight the brutes are able to completely Wipe Out the remaining mortech guard and the mortech go down all right well I've taken down the M Crusher um lost my mortech though I don't know I don't know what the right answer was potentially could have just stayed out of combat but you still are charging something in either way like the mortech aren't going to move fast enough um that when you countercharge here it meant you got to have both units in combat but you didn't even have to fight with the mega boss it was good to have that as like a saf just in case and you still could have fought with like countercharge with both of them anyways cuz he can issue it to two units yeah if I had have tried to go that way to that objective that was my fears like I was just right susceptible to all of them I was hoping to get the bone tie Sher off throw them into combat deal enough damage to force a big battle shock didn't get it didn't even get you know I end up killing two only in combat anyways so that wasn't big I did Retreat out my death Riders to tag this objective but I don't control it because I retreated so I'm just getting hold one I didn't have a batt tactic achievable so it's just one point this round yeah uh so I'm down quite a lot uh and we look to head into another priority role it's a one oh I wi TI you wi TI yeah still yep still win T I'll take it obviously okay so we will go into iron Jaws turn four jeez Louise so my battle tactic will be intimidate the Invaders um I'm going to go for Heroic leadership and I get it yeah get it the weirdnob shaman cast hand of gork to teleport himself to safety securing the iron Jaws Grand strategy the Mega boss then uses Mighty destroyers on himself and the brutes and both of them make their charges leading the fighting the brutes use allout attack and wipe out the remaining death Riders triggering smashing and bashing but the meab boss fails to take down the O affector after they use allout defense all right so solid use of Mighty destroyers yes um a little sad I didn't kill your hero there but or your general sorry y all defense and I was in cover so yeah but um yeah I really just don't want you to get that the bone tie streer off but realistically I don't have any threat to the brutes right now yeah now that all my stuff is dead except pointwise I don't really know if you're can even get at this point to be honest well so you've with your teleport you guaranteed your grand strategy here um mine is for sure not being able to be got so um realistically the game yeah is unwinable at this point so the little that we could play for is me trying to kill your mega boss making a charge getting another objective I'm honestly like at this point I probably don't have many Battle Tactics if any left maybe like a turn five intimidate intimidate the Invaders if I get outside of my territory mhm looking at this turn after you score five points I would and then my strategy as well another three right I would score one point again for hold one unless I ran Catos that way got hold two um and I could do intimidate this turn for Four Points actually so just to talk it through quickly then if we roll priority I roll a one uh you can't lose to a one because you dies true so I'd obviously take the turn with that priority roll and I'd do my battle tactic would be surround and Destroy so I'd have to teleport my unit of brutes over on this end so we just roll out the magic yeah and see if we get any Primal uh we would get one Primal each but I'm out of onbind range so just up to you y and you got the spell I get it yeah so brce should go over there you have him here already on this Edge yeah you got this edge with the the Weir knob so I would have again hold more hold one hold more hold two I'm sorry hold two and more and get my battle tactic so that' be another five points so I would kind of be maxed out at that point you would literally be maxed out at that point yeah and with my grand strategy 25 28 for your grand strategy um my grant strategy has already been denied because I lost all my mortech and death Riders MH and again um I if I had done intimidate last turn actually I don't know that I could have actually done intimidate last turn that's a really Grand strategy to achieve well I have to have one unit survive at full health one of those four iend when you use a bunch of them as your screens like how do you not optimal here the other good one for this Army is spellcasting Savant but I don't have any Mor discard so this guy isn't super defensive like super survivable um but I probably actually wouldn't have had a grand Strat turn four it would have to do intimidate turn five assuming this guy's dead katros isn't going to be dead um if I had have ran actually and taged that objective um you would have been able to tag this one with your um teleport still on your brutes and still gotten the hold more MH um and then I basically would catros this turn at best case scenario get intimidate by and hold two by running over there and killing your bruts taking that objective whether or not that happens I would maximum be be getting like so it would have been probably two points on round uh four and a maximum of four points on round five I am well down at you know 13 points not getting my grand strategy so that's going to be big win here for the iron Jaws at least I didn't table you thanks yeah um no it's like was a bloody one on both sides I killed a ton of stuff yeah you did you did but I think the the it was the fact that the fighting was always in my territory yeah and you had two secure objectives to my none where I was fighting back for two at best I never got hold more this game yeah um show one of the downsides of of obr being the movement but um even though I have cat cross in the high Rend we saw that you could you know punch through my saves pretty well especially on your W turn yeah uh obviously I think like having that M Crusher survive I really wasn't expecting him to survive and then he did and and that helped tie you up even more um yeah I guess that was like my a big one for me that was notable um obviously the little Mega boss took out the last two more yeah I know little Mega boss did usually my mega boss on foot usually the last couple times I've played this Army didn't do too much but this guy with his axe finally got to do some dagio which was awesome um I think also actually big shout out to my weird dob shabin who got off most of if not all I can't really remember all of his spells he did pretty good there um but yeah well it was a bloody one uh so hope you guys enjoyed that it is always great to get the iron Jaws out and I love obr still um especially those morast are some my favorite models but a good uh honest smash them up in the middle so can't complain about that but again hope you guys enjoyed that bow report and we'll see you soon in the next [Music] one [Music]
Channel: Season of War
Views: 15,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, age of sigmar, games workshop, battle report, batrep, miniwargaming, tactics, tabletop, wargaming, AoS, competitive, tournament, winning, list, meta, 3.0, new aos, faq, the honest wargamer, recap, review, battletome, season of war, ghb 2023, generals handbook, 2023, battlescroll, ironjawz, ossiarch bonereapers
Id: 0SGxCXqJZvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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