Gloomhaven -- S02E01 Scenario 01 Black Barrow -- IT HAS BEGUN!!!

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hello friends and welcome back to gloomhaven this is this has been released just minutes ago i had to do a few updates and i am super excited to be starting up the original core campaign for gloomhaven this is going to follow i think parallel to the core game that is the box the physical board game of gloomhaven i think there are still going to be a little bit of mechanics that they can use here that wasn't really implemented in the board game because of uh you know management issues but um nonetheless i'm super excited it's going to be a amazing adventure so follow me through the campaign of gloomhaven we are going to start a new campaign we will go just on normal for now we might increase that later but i just want to show the normal difficulty from level one or scenario one we're going to be known as olympus's chosen because i kind of have a naming scheme that i have used for the board game and i'd like to continue it here i i really enjoy history and greek history is a major interest of mine so we'll be naming the mercenaries after greek gods and goddesses welcome to the harsh lands of gloomhaven recruit you think you have what it takes to become a mercenary out there on the edge of the world we are paid to venture into the darkest forests of the region and to step into ancient crypts with the unmistakable stench of death and rotting flesh lovely places to earn a name for yourself be ready to face cutthroats undead fearsome tribes and dreadful demons from other realms you didn't find yourself as a mercenary without knowing how to crack a few skulls did you that was beautiful okay well let's dive right in i do want to say a few words about this really quickly this isn't necessarily well i guess we'll see how this goes but this isn't necessarily going to be a tutorial i'm i'm going to be skipping over the tutorial i've been playing this quite a bit on the channel already so if you're interested in learning you can watch a few of those videos but i'll explain some of the rules along the way as they pop up so before going into the harrowing wilderness surrounding gloomhaven you'll need at least two mercenaries in your party brave and greedy enough to seek out adventures in exchange for gold and i have already chosen this was at total random i'll show you the wheel of destiny here and we're going to be going with the brute the crag heart and the scoundrel so on the left you'll find the party panel here you'll see the basic information of the mercenaries in your party click the first character slot to open the roster panel got it you can create view and add mercenaries to the current party using the roster panel right now it's looking as barren as the copper neck mountains so best click on new mercenary to create your first character [Music] next you'll choose one of the starting character classes each one has unique abilities and game style as you progress you'll level up earning new ability cards and unlock more classes click on any of the portraits to learn more about them and select whichever you want to be your first mercenary so the brute good choice now remember looks aren't everything uh mercs ability cards are what define their actions in battle you can click the starting ability cards button to make sure this is the right mercenary for your party once you're sure about the decision hit the select mercenary button to move forward got it so this is the starting level one cards he's given ten cards for his hand and that will never change he can only ever have ten cards in his hand and these are the starting ones that uh he gets for level one there are three x level cards and i'm just going to be skipping over those for this first scenario the roots name is of course ares the god of war [Music] hmm ah right okay okay the personal quest is the mercenary's sole reason for adventuring once the objective is complete the merc will retire this is a new thing that we did not get to play with very often or we didn't get to play with in the guildmaster campaign and this is one of my favorite parts about gloomhaven the fact that you have a personal quest and when you fulfill it you have to start all over fresh completely with a new character it can be the new it can be the same class or it can be a class that unlocks due to one of these personal quests in this case implement of light would unlock the sun character is what we're going to be calling it there's going to be a ton of spoilers just understand that uh there's going to be a lot of spoilers so if we unlock this one or choose implement of light we will unlock the sun character and this would be available to be chosen by anybody actually by any of the the characters that retire later on including the brute aries if we go with seeker of zorn we unlock the cthulhu or squid face character and in either case we increase prosperity by one which is another thing we did not get to play with in uh the guild master campaign there is an entire city management mechanic with the markets with prosperity though farewells can often be better some things have to move on to give away to new horizons completing personal quests and retiring mercenaries is the primary route to unlocking new character classes choose one of the two right okay i feel like implement of light is probably the obvious choice here if you are um familiar with the classes and i feel like it's kind of a lore friendly one anyway for the brute the scourge of the undead is upon you you can feel the presence of unnatural life choking the world you have heard tales of a legendary holy axe held by a vile necromancer your goal is simple kill the necromancer take the axe and lay waste to the undead menace i think that sounds like a great idea so we'll go with implement of light nice that's one merc sorted but you'll need a minimum of two mercenaries before you can go out seeking adventure it's important to build a party of mercs who complement each other in battle click on a second character slot in the party panel and create a new character know that you can't have more than one merc of the same character class in the party at the same time so be sure to create a different one next up is the crag heart here are his starting ah okay actually if i just scrolled down in the first one then we would have seen the other the x cards so in this case uh here are the x cards that you can choose to replace up to you know one two or three of the level one cards for now but again as i said before we're going to just be sticking with the level one card so that we can jump into the gameplay as quick as possible and the craigheart's name is oxalis he is the god of is one of the gods of nature we have fearless stand which kill we need to kill 20 elite monsters or merchant class owned two basically of everything two helmets to armors to boots three one-handers or two-handed items and four small items we're gonna go for the fearless stand i think you've never been the biggest among your peers in fact all your young life you were bullied for being small and looking different this is perfect for the crag heart if only those bullies could see you now it's time to take a stand for the little guy step up to all those who think they are better than the rest and show them they are not they will sleep in the dirt just like everyone else so this is going to unlock the phoenix i believe is what we're calling this one uh character so fearless stand sounds perfect for the crackheart awesome time to do some adventuring if you are confident with your current party click on the center of the screen to close the party roster panel and head back to the world map well i'm not i'm not happy we are going to be bringing in a third click on this center before heading out okay on your first quest you should gear up after all the first time out and the open you'll notice each mercenary has a modest stash of gold it's encouraged to take that money over the over to the merchant shop and spend it on anything they might keep you from dying well right i see it down there i'm hoping that i can still add another one because it wasn't it wasn't allowing me to so let's let's uh think about that a bit more remember each mercenary has his or her own stash of gold and a personary inventory personal inventory so make sure you click on the right mercenaries portrait before you purchase an item when you're ready click on the world map button below to return to the world map so this is something else each character or mercenary has their own stash of gold when they move through a through a dungeon through a scenario and they pick up gold it goes into their pockets and it is not shared with anybody else i'm gonna try and get the third character here before okay it's not gonna let me gloomhaven isn't known for its well-mannered folk and good samaritans but there's a lot to gain from its city streets you can choose to partake in city encounters by clicking the button below it's encouraged that you do this whenever you're in the city as they often give good rewards if you ever find a quest that looks too hard or one you've repeatedly failed to complete the temple of the great oak can grant you a blessing for a fair price of course you can choose to access the temple using the button below the first quest location is marked just north of gloomhaven you'll see it flagged with an icon as you progress more quest locations will appear across the map to keep track of them you can use the quest log on the right hand side of the screen but click on the black barrel or the entry in the log quest to the select the quest you can embark upon a quest with up to four mercenaries but the more mercs you bring the more dangerous the quest will be once you set out of the quest you won't be able to change the members of your party until you return to gloomhaven okay there we go finally we do not want to go anywhere too far without the scoundrel let's take a look at her starting ability cards so she starts with less cards this one's only nine in her hand at once here's her x cards just for future but as i said before we're just going to be going with the level 1 cards and i'll deal with some of the x cards and leveling up later switching cards [Music] the scoundrel is to be named ate one of the greek goddesses of mischief and we have our two personal quest options are a study of anatomy and the thin places oh man we're getting really really lucky with uh some of these so the thin places i think this is a good one complete six side scenarios the study of anatomy experience your party members becoming exhausted 15 times probably not this one i think i think this is a good one to go for with the scoundrel ate the air is thin in gloomhaven well not there exactly but whatever is behind the air like there's something on the other side pressing and scratching to get out this troubles you greatly you've decided to travel to a number of locations in the surrounding area and study this phenomenon further with luck the air won't get any thinner this is going to unlock the crescent or the moon character this one would be unlocking the saw i think this one is a good one for her fantastic oh cool we can still change the uh the skin i like that one i like this one more actually yeah we'll go with the the normal here but i do i do like this one for the nightcrawler for ate all right well let's go back to the market now the merchant and start purchasing some items we each start off with 30 gold i think we want to give ares some armor right i think that's a good start so [Music] 10 gold [Music] for aries [Music] there we go [Music] and probably the iron helmet too but the heater shield would be a good option i just i really like the iron helmet um another good thing could be maybe not the poison dagger boots of striding is a good one form too i'm gonna go for the iron helmet and i'm also going to go for a minor healing potion for him there we go oxalis i was thinking just the warhammer or maybe the piercing bow could be a good one too but i kind of want to get a potion too so i think i'll go minor power potion with him and i'll give him a heater shield there we go and i think we want to go for leather armor or let's go stamina potion now let's go leather armor there we go so we've got some defenses for each of them let's i guess i need to remember to do this okay in the equipment panel you'll find different types of items mercenary can carry clicking on an item slot will display all the items of that type the mercenary owns if the item slot is displayed in gray it means you currently have no types no items of that type so leather armor and stamina [Music] now the problem with this hide armor of course is that it comes with a bane of additional attack modifiers two minus ones that are added to his attack modifier deck so instead of having just five he now has seven but that's the price you pay for carrying heavier armor we can take fortitude later which is going to remove that effect and then give him a plus one that's probably something we'll do with aries okay with the money spent i think we should head back to the world map it wants me to click here for the city encounter right sure let's uh let's start off with a city encounter as you shop for supplies in the sinking market which is exactly what we're just doing your hand instinctively goes for the purse at your waist it's gone well we don't have any money so you quickly scan the crowd and see a small firmling darting away from you heading directly toward a sewer grating uh well i mean we don't have any money right so he just stole a a pouch filled with some lint perhaps now so we either take a shot with a bow or give chase i feel like this would probably get us in trouble so we'll just give chase yeah well we don't have any brimling disappears into the sewers and you try to give chase but after a few minutes you are hopelessly lost and are forced to give up we lose five gold each it could have been a lot worse uh if we did that beforehand so glad that i spent the money first uh okay wow this is great back to the world map so this is the there we go this is the world map gloomhaven is right here surrounding areas i'm blanking on the names but i'm pretty sure these are the copper neck mountains uh i know this is a marsh oh man and then dagger forest is good to see you guys all right so and then the temple of the great oak mercenaries will be blessed every time they do give a donation of 10 gold to the temple of the great oak a blast mercenary will gain two additional times to attack modifiers in the next dungeon just in the next dungeon though remember each mercenary has his wrong stash of gold and a personary inventory so make sure you click on the right mercenaries portrait before you donate to the temple right we're not going to be able to do this obviously we don't have enough money but i think we're okay right now okay reputation so if we make good choices versus bad choices the modifier there's a modifier to the merchant shop so as this increases our reputation increases for the better then prices will drop slightly which is pretty nice okay well i say we jump into black barrow right embark on your first quest corpse wood that's the corpse wood here kill all enemies in all rooms now might be a good time to go through remarks ability cards and inventory to make sure they are ready for battle in the quest description you can see the enemies you'll face hovering over them will reveal their stats so bandit archer bandit guards and living bones i'm not sure if this means we won't see any elites because i'm pretty sure we're going to be seeing some elites but i'm not uh i'm not entirely sure and we aren't able to see the rewards here cool well let's go to black barrel everyone needs to eat whatever your reason for coming to gloomhaven out here on the edge of the world that simple fact is never going to change my mercenary can't fight on an empty stomach so when jaxera a valrath woman wearing a red cloak and enough gold jewelry to keep you fed for a decade approaches you in a sleeping lion and offers to pay you 10 gold coins to track down a thief and retrieve some stolen goods well seems like as good an excuse as any to sober up and start paying off your tab this thief has taken some important documents says the red-skinned merchant her tail whipping about in agitation i don't care what you do to him just bring back what is mine based on jack sarah's description it was easy enough to knock around a few alley thugs and get a location of the thieves hideout you don't find yourself as a mercenary way out in gloomhaven without knowing how to crack a few skulls so your target is the black barrel sounds like a lovely place this is awesome i was not expecting any voiceovers and that is just perfect i'm loving it wow totally impressed all right so we'll travel and on the road we will always have an encounter so when we get to cities we can have city encounters but when we're traveling out on the roads we will always have the uh road encounters you see smoke on the horizon and catch the vague stench of burning flesh you hasten your step to see what catastrophe lies ahead of you on the road after a few moments you come upon a trade caravan ravaged by a pack of firmlings stinking vermilings we've already seen those in the city if the tracks and the mud are any indication dead bodies and broken upturned carts lie across the path but you can also see a few survivors wounded and bloody on the ground a woman limps across the road carrying pieces of wreckage so here's our first choice do we want to be good guys or do we want to be bad guys or do we want to be somewhere in the middle a neutral so lawful neutral or [Music] evil i mean i'd i'd like to be more neutral and i always have a hard time being evil in any any game that i play really it's it's very difficult for me to do this we have the brute ares the god of war and we have ate a goddess of mischief and oxalis is going to be extremely neutral i'm gonna say finish the job of the vermiling started and loot whatever is left it fits it fits the two that we have aries not a let's let's go for it that way it takes very little effort to finish off those who survived and put them out of their misery unfortunately the vermilings were quite thorough in their raid of course they were you only managed to find a handful of goods and the rest presumably either taken or burned so we gained two gold each it'll be helpful somewhere down the road the hill is easy enough to find a short journey past the new market gate and you see it jutting out on the edge of the corpse wood looking like a rat under a rug moving closer you see the mound is formed from a black earth its small overgrown entrance presents a worn set of stone stairs leading down into the darkness as you descend you gratefully notice light emanating from below unfortunately the light is accompanied by the unmistakable stench of death you contemplate what kind of thieves would make their camp in such a horrid place as you reach the bottom of the steps here you find your answer a rough group of cutthroats who don't seem to have taken very kindly to your sudden appearance one in the back matches the description of your quarry [Music] before entering a dungeon each mercenary must choose one out of the two battle goals we have seen this before but now we're getting perk points which are spent on perks instead of was it experience i think and i think it was just straight up experience in the guild master campaign a battle goal is a secret objective the mercenary tries to comp complete inside the dungeon failing it has no drawback but successfully completing it and the scenario will earn the character the reward shown straggler take only long rest during the scenario purist use no items during the scenario if i use no items in the scenario i don't really have that choice with the iron helmet and the hydar so i'm not really going to be able to do purists so we have to go for straggler for oxalis hoarder loot five or more gold or workhorse gain 13 or more experience i feel like ate is probably going to be more of the hoarder so i'll attempt workhorse i don't think it's going to be happening but we can attempt it at least for atte zealot have three or fewer total cards in your hand and discard at the end of the scenario or aggressor have one or more monsters present on the map at the beginning of every round during the scenario let's go with aggressor let's do it okay i am so excited so excited enter the dungeon take care of these unfortunates your target says backing out of the room you can vaguely make out his silhouette as he retreats down a hallway and through a door to his left well it's not every day we get people stupid enough to hand deliver their valuables to us grins one of the larger bandits unsheathing a rusty blade we'll be killing you now jokes on them if you had any valuables you probably wouldn't be down here in the first place well put okay well what we're looking at here just really quickly but i won't go through everything is first off we're up against six normal bandit guards none of these are elite you can see here this is the the over all overall goal of the mission of the dungeon and then this is the secondary goal for each of the uh for each of the mercenaries oh cool that's a that's a pretty good one i won't be using it very often but and what we want to do is every turn will be choosing two cards for all of the mercenaries and then ending the selection and moving forward each card has a number this is the initiative if we choose these two cards i can click here if i want to go initiative 27 or here oops or here to make initiative 10 if i want to go early or later now i could go with drop that and go with this if i want to go really late but still use provoking roar for instance all right do the same thing for everybody else and end selection and take our turns they're going to have a turn as a group they'll have one initiative and when it's their turn all six of them are going to be going so we need to deal with them quickly we need to control them as much as possible and spread out the damage would be uh ideal too so in the guildmaster campaign the way that i played this and the way that i'm going to continue to play it here is i will make the choices um off camera come back show the choices that i've made in the initiative order and then i'll hit end selection i feel like it it helps with speeding up the video a little bit but it's it's also gives me enough time to think about my whole turn without you guys just listening to nothing or me mumbling or something like that so uh with that i'll go through the cards now and uh i'll show you what i've come up with all right and for the opening hand of the gloomhaven core campaign i've gone for the craigheart going first oxalis going first let's get those names down oxalis going first at 13 more or less just using this to go as early as possible because i want to get avalanche down right now create two single hex obstacles and epstein an empty hex is adjacent to you let's kind of make an opening so that one can attack them but then the others can't move over here this is going to create a lot of bottlenecking and we'll be able to do a lot of fun things with bottlenecks next is the brute ares with shield bash to get that shield up and then spare dagger to start dealing some damage and then finally 86 for ate the scoundrel going for single out and special mixture and this way i'm hoping that they are going to be moving up that's that's always an issue when they don't move up um but in this way we can now i'm afraid that they're not gonna move up okay a little bit of uh little bit of an audible here i'm going to use smoke bomb so if they don't actually move up then i can use single or i can use smoke bomb to pull one closer and then single out so it'll be adjacent to the brute and this way these two will be taking the brunt of the damage but it might not be a lot of damage and i'm um that going early with these two that they do move up after once we got the shield up and these avalanche or the the obstacles down and then we can have the scoundrel dealing some heavy damage after they've all moved up so let's see how this is going to work perfect that's perfect bender guard's going at 50 between our two kind of early and late moving three and attacking two so that means all of them except for this one should be able to get adjacent to somebody or at least attempt to get adjacent to somebody let's throw down let's throw down one here and here [Music] yep so this is going to create an opening there for one to get through and then there's going to be spaces for three here which i'm not going to be able to stop them but this way he's going to be attacked and then he's going to take two attacks and then she'll take one attack we'll see how that goes though i could do i could do something like this and then oxalis wouldn't take an attack at all that sounds like a good idea too sure let's do it that way instead and this also creates or infuses the element of earth which we'll be able to use later we're just going to be skipping our attack here and that's it okay i'm digging the new music too by the way this is this is good good stuff very very good ambience going on here all right next shield up [Music] it is still f2 it is i love it spare dagger um let's go for you i think there we go a plus one is added to the attack of three at range three and then we gain one experience for doing this [Music] now it's their turn yeah we'll block one of those good zero damage on that [Music] and there's the amazing miss so he had to draw two this uh bandit guard here had to draw two on the uh on ate because of her leather armor so they get two disadvantage attacks um while this is you know the first two while this is available and then it becomes um exhausted until we take a long rest but okay well this is perfect we'll make an attack here fantastic well done and that's going to drop to gold due to the level but also every enemy that starts on the map is going to draw that is going to drop gold do we want to you know pull the next one into this space or do i want to just move up and start picking up money let's do it this way let's do it that way all right we'll end our turn so that was round one pretty fun right um but we've we've uh created some good bottlenecks here there's only going to be this one space so only one of them is going to get there then this other one's going to have to go all the way around and try and find another way to get through but there is a hex available here so once this hex is filled then this guy is going to have to run all the way targeting this hex all right it can't get to here and it can't and it won't be able to get there so and you can see a little number next to there trying to get it okay well it's not gonna work but you can see a little number here next to the bandit guard that says five and then this one says three that's one six and two and it goes in order first it goes in initiative order and then when they're all the same they go in order of their number so we need to keep in mind that this one will go first then this one and then number three we've already killed five four so then five and six so it's a little bit more strategy that um that's underlying the the overall strategy like which one do we kill first well let's try to kill the ones that are first you know closer to us but if they are later in the round then they might not even get to you if there's no hexes for it for them to stand so just another layer there but well round two we have earth element is in waning form so we can use it still in this round and then it will disappear if we don't use it this round so round two we're going to be starting off with the scoundrel this is not going to be a surprise for very frequently uh she's going to be going fairly early very often but flanking strike she's going to be doing basically that same attack but on a different target and extremely early and then thieves neck so that we can maybe start dealing some damage over here she'll be fine for now she still has one more one more go on her leather armor so she'll be fine and then the brute provoking roar or the disarm or leaping cleave for the cleave for the attack up here we'll see who's left available if if the bandit guard is dead then i'll just do provoking roar and if he's not dead then i'll go with leaping cleave so this is kind of a backup plan which one is going to be better not sure yet but in any case we're going early and we should be able to take both of these guys out if i don't of course draw a minus card right then 29 as fast as i could with craig harp rumbling advance so that we can keep earth infused and dirt tornado to start dealing some aoe damage and muddling the enemies if um if they do end up attacking us they'll be muddled and attacking at disadvantage am i going to attack here or here not sure yet but we have plenty of backups and ways to mitigate incoming damage and killing the enemy two very important things here and they're going very late with a move to an attack three which is perfect so we should be able to deal quite a bit of damage before they get a turn and hopefully take them out so we don't have to deal with that but you can see here it's attack three add plus two and gain an xp when your target is adjacent to any of your allies so this is just an attack three but this is an attack five because it's an adjacent to an in an adjacent hex to an ally the brute so let's make this attack first oh a minus two okay so we didn't really get what we were looking for there but we'll use this to start dealing some damage over here yeah i would have rather that over here but that's okay that's okay and we do have the stamina potion if we want to use this now so that we can okay there we go but i think two okay so she has oh oh i see uh three there it is okay she has four cards that are discarded at the moment and five cards in her hand if we use the stamina potion we can get one of these cards back so do we want to get one of these back now or do we want to wait and now is a good time because we have an odd number of cards and the stamina potion is going to give us just one card the minor stamina potion so it might be in our best interest to go for it but i think i'm going to pass on it now and we'll see maybe by opening the door soon which we want to do as her because we want to have one or more monsters present on the map at the beginning of every round so we'll probably want to open these doors here before we we kill all these enemies this is just a quick layout of the map we have a hallway here and then a kind of a large room back there but i think i'm gonna pass on that for now okay well look at that leaping cleave so we can make this attack here at attack three and attack three we do have some minus ones in our deck because of the uh [Music] because of his armor but we definitely want to make this attack right [Music] perfect that couldn't have gone any better we got the minus one here but a zero there which made it two and three and enemy any enemy who targets one of your adjacent allies with an attack this round targets you with that attack instead regardless of the attack's range so in this case this bandit guard is going to attack her if i play this ability the attack is going to land on him instead of her uh the same thing could be said about you too um or we can just move that's the the other option with top abilities we can always just do a default attack of two and bottom abilities always a the option of moving two or up to two we could start picking up gold for the brute before the scoundrel gets it that could be a good option too but if i move too far then this one will be able to attack so do we want to do that hmm i'm thinking i'm thinking that we just move up pick up a couple gold i think that's a good option we've got this these obstacles in between um so now i guess this one would be moving here but we don't want to continue off either we pick up the gold or we don't we could go and pick up four gold instead i kind of like that idea too i think whoops i think instead i'm just gonna go for provoking roar that way anybody that's getting attacked adjacent to him is going on him instead of them he's got the the healing potion he'll be fine now let's hit these guys here we will consume earth so this is an attack of two now we could increase that further with a minor power potion sure why not we'll use the power potion here we'll be attacking these two i don't want to use it on them on this guy of course so all right fair enough and they're muddled too so i think in this case we want to move move to all adjacent allies and enemies suffer one damage now if i move here and pick up gold but everybody here would take damage i think i'm just going to move here [Music] and know that that ability is not going to impact the crag heart oxalis anymore so we'll confirm this movement that's okay we'll skip the rest confirm that action for one more point of damage and further infuse more earth for next turn great i'm just gonna take it oh that was a mighty hit but it's okay it's okay he's got the he's got the uh healing potion he'll be fine and then of course oxalis here has a has a couple healing cards brute also has some healing and the scoundrel no she does not want to heal anybody else she only has one healing card and it's for herself only so very uh very selfish of her but what do we what else do we expect here right okay well round three and it's once again scoundrel up first looking to do some throwing knives and a special mixture we'll see who that's going to be not sure but uh we do get attack two at range three targeting two so we might be able to hit a couple and then move up and poison or in the other way we'll we'll see [Music] next up is the brute at 18 with i-49 to heal a little bit and grab and go to pick up some money i'm kind of going back and forth on that because i'd like to use this move for for something else yeah i think i'll do this instead uh sweeping blow we'll do that instead and crack heart crushing grasp and opposing strike we'll see we'll see how that one goes too 55 though move to attack two and strengthening themselves so in the next attack they're going to be going with advantaged we do want to open that door quickly though don't we okay i think what i'm gonna have to do then is maybe maybe what i can do is move i think what i'm going to do is move to here get some poison on you [Music] and then pick up some gold and we can make some attacks i think that's a good idea we'll do this to get moving [Music] i'll poison you we've already used our minus two and a couple plus ones so i'm probably not going to be attacking at range because that if i attack with a range here then it's at disadvantage so i think i'm just going to attack these two yeah i think that's the better action there well we got rid of another one i'm all right with that and i think i'm going to use our manner a minor stamina potion now because we only have three cards left and i'm thinking of grabbing blanking strike or singled out let's grab flanking straight that'll give us two early cards and two later cards i think that's a better choice okay now for you i think i'm going to have to let's see here i was kind of hoping to do this but i think what i'll do is just start walking to the door i don't want to leave this gold behind but but i think it's in an interest to start walking away yep let's get moving and i'm just i'm gonna skip the push and i'm going to attack here with our default two of course all right all right i will heal now i think no no i will not we've got some we've got some lung rests coming our way so i'm going to skip that heel okay well let's make this attack good [Music] and just going to loot instead of moving i was considering to move to just stand here to get closer to the door but i think from here we could go this way to pick up the loop for the crack heart instead minimal damage [Music] and strengthened so we need to we need to kill you before you get a choice a turn round four we're starting off with the brute at 32 warding strength make an attack this is as early as i could go and grab and go to get moving probably kill him and move away hopefully that's early enough we i guess we'll see then 41 for oxalis we're going to destroy one of these to try to get some more points here we only have two and i need to get 13. it's probably not going to be happening for for oxalis this time around however back up ammunition to move three start picking up some of that gold that we're leaving behind and then last is the scoundrel with venom shiv or move 5 and quick hands for move 2 and attack 2. or i can go in the other way if i feel like looting nah probably not but in this case that's a move five and then i still get to attack let's go as late as possible 35 okay so we've got we've got time to take care of this guard before but of course there could be more guards behind that door okay well i think since we're going into this door that we should perhaps heal up first so let's do this okay there is one back here this is an elite bandit guard and is going to move one and attack three at range two so even if i move back guess if i move back here you won't be able to make that attack and then there's these three back here so elite archer and two normal archers they can move two one two and then range six one two three four five six wow so i think i'm gonna move back there uh that way they'll move and they won't be able to do too much for that yep let's do it wait for them to come to us a little bit so elites will go first and then the normals follow no incoming damage that's why i like it so crush this get one experience out of it and then move over here to pick up some gold i'm probably going to have to play this card but i wanted to use it for the movement first and then i'll go for backup ammunition uh when we get it back she's not doing her job is she she's not looting as much as a bike or two um let's see here and get to here and then a move two so five six seven it's not enough to get to make any attacks against them but i am going to be able to go very early in the next round too so well i think the better option here is just move up into here take this attack oops no i'm not gonna be able to reach okay yeah so we'll still we'll do it this way and then we'll just do a normal attack we don't need to move from this position nothing [Music] sounds about right round five since we only have a couple cards left for everybody i'm just going to take those two cards and hope for the best i could just have him take a long rest now instead um so probably probably that okay let's go with that i couldn't take the long rest with the brute with aries immediately right now and that way he would get the armor back and um we don't have to worry about what's going on here but i kind of like the trample anyway and this i'd be able to walk up and then just uh hit him with the trample piercing that armor that shield that he's got so let's go for it it is late but uh you'll be fine okay so yeah we're going early with the scoundrel with atte then we have the bandit archers going at 32 moving a little bit and then dealing quite a bit of damage and then it's the crag heart the elite guard and followed by the uh ares now i could do backstab here this is going to be three plus two because he's not adjacent to any of these uh allies but because he's not adjacent to any of our allies i think i'm gonna skip that one i'm just gonna do flanking strike now a couple damage it's something and i'm not gonna come all the way back to here uh instead [Music] instead i'm just gonna move behind the uh behind aries yeah let ares take the the brunt of the damage coming in so these are traps and they're going to avoid them as much as they can can i hit from i can but if i had earth then i would go for it and then i could just immobilize yeah but that's not the case so we'll move up we want to make this attack so we'll go here this will bring earth back in again oh beautiful well done this does make him the target for this attack but we got lucky we'll we'll use the heater shield we're getting close to a a um a rest here so move up here now if i had just a little bit more movement i could push one of them into one or two of these traps and that would do quite a bit of damage each are three but uh don't have that extra movement so i'll just move to here and then we'll use trample to attack here so we pulled another minus one that's the way it goes okay that's the end of round five round six now so we're looking for some long rests or basically everybody i think which means there's gonna be some damage coming in uh i could take a short rest with craigheart instead and i think i will do that so oxalis let's take a long rest there's there's worse cards that i could be losing but um there's definitely better cards too so i'll drop that one i think i'm going to go for as early as possible we want to we want to hit him and then kind of move too i'd like to get this out now but i don't think i can oh here we go this would allow us to move uh to push but we also need more movement with that oh man and all this movement is way too low so i'm not sure i don't think i'll be able to do a push here which is fine i could also do this that does burn the card it's not a bad idea either but it is 41. yeah so i kind of want to be going early i won't be able to use crater unfortunately so i think i'll go for crushing grasp so that i can continue with the infusing go with that and then this to go as early as possible okay well he's not doing much anyway these aren't going to be too bad uh that's two three four plus some modifiers um shouldn't be too bad we'll see okay well we we don't have to deal with you anyway what i could do actually i might do this to keep you from taking too much damage i might do that it is going to you are going to suffer damage hmm let's go for it they're going to to heal that right back anyway so not too worried about it well that's helpful good well zero incoming damage anyway we can heal that off and because we're going late we'll lose the immobilize as well but we want to get rid of a card that i don't think we're going to need the pushes are going to be very useful in this case so we want to we want to keep that this is another push and then cleave is also another good one there's another push i'm thinking [Music] i'm thinking still dropping sweeping blow because it's target all adjacent enemies and i'd rather be more picky and these ones push for more anyway so i'm gonna go for that we're gonna drop sweeping blow and that's burned and gone forever now for well until the end of the scenario we'll get all of our cards back of course as for you it's a little bit more difficult but we could also disarm a trap with thief's neck instead but i'm thinking this one we don't need to heal too much a move and a poison is nice but we can play with that another time too so there we go round seven and first up is brute this time oh that's not what i wanted though i did want to have craigheart go first but that's okay we'll we'll go this way i don't i don't necessarily need to like i kind of make my choices and sometimes sure i'll pull an audible i've already done that once but i don't really like spending too much time choosing my cards which is kind of why i started on the normal level if i had spent a lot more time picking the cards and uh going through how to make them all synergize then then i would increase the the level of difficulty for sure but i kind of just like taking a couple cards moving on to the next one taking a couple cards you know and uh making my choices and kind of living with them to keep the difficulty where it is if uh if i find that it's getting easier or i find that it's that i'm synergizing too much then i will increase the the difficulty of course so anyway going first with aries with spare dagger and overwhelming assault to get that push going and then we've got a spare dagger to uh to make an attack else elsewhere yep then we have oxalis with earthen clawed we'll be able to reach basically anybody with this and then immobilize them which is nice and then opposing strike mostly just for the movement that's basically it i'm not going to use this unless i'm unless i'm in position but i don't think i am i could hit you that's about it and then scoundrel going last with single out and throwing knives oh that's not gonna help at all actually i wanted to do the top action here and the top action here so i'd rather give you some movement let's go with bennett venom shiv i wanted to go later with her so yeah we'll take that move five and then we'll use the throwing knives later so let's see when they're gonna go okay i'm a little disappointed that they squeezed in between us but that's all right they are going to be doing some pretty nasty damage here but let's try to take care of at least one of them right so move up and we want to push this one over both of those traps that's going to deal 6 damage immediately and then we can use our spare dagger to take her out there we go well done aries okay we can reduce that and we'll certainly reduce that okay so in this case one two three four five i think yeah we'll be fine if we stand here yep now there might be a button that i just don't know about that will show range like uh not not the range but show what you can see and not see there's what's the word line of sight if there's a button for line of sight i'd love to know what that button is i know f2 does that uh the other f's don't do anything okay i'm kind of afraid of pressing them but all right anyway let's make this attack here while picking up some gold mostly for the point but i'll i'll i'll take the uh the damage regardless a couple more gold you're actually picking up quite a bit and i'm wondering is there a way to see is there a way to see how much gold you're picking up along the way because that would be good to know too i don't know okay well let's really run into their faces here and thrown knives good cool cool so we are blasting through this pretty easily but this is i mean this is the first uh the first scenario so this is meant to be a little bit easier so that you're not dying immediately but i do have to say the first time i played this scenario and gloomhaven when i had you know very little understanding of how the game worked i lost i definitely lost this first scenario so don't uh don't worry about it if you do lose it's okay it's uh it happens it definitely happens um and after playing it you know i think i played this first scenario four times because i kind of wanted to get to understand the uh the rules a little bit more and this one's kind of an easy one to set up and you know but um this one was was painful the first time i played because i just i did not understand and i didn't know what was coming so with with that uh surprise gone it's still a very exciting game i still i still love it a lot and i'm so man i'm so excited to uh to unfold this story with all of you now so yeah super exciting okay well round eight and we're starting off with the brute aries i need to need to remember these names now it okay i'm going to suggest that they put their name here uh potentially instead of brute we already know you're a brute we already know we already know that uh you're the scoundrel so it'd be nice if the name was displayed here instead of brute i'm gonna suggest that so aries up first with provoking roar to go as early as possible but this might come in handy or the or leaping cleave but we'll we'll probably use leaping cleave depending on how much damage is about to come in and then the scoundrel with 12 i'm going to go open that door with uh six movement and then go smoke bomb myself and the back of that room and we'll see we'll see how much damage we can do late next round smoke bomb being on your next attack while invisible which we will be invisible gain the value of the attack double the value of the attack and gain two and we are also infusing darkness but we're not able to use that now and then oxilus crag heart with rumbling advance just to get moving but i want to bring in the earth element and then back up ammunition to get ready for this last room okay okay so we should be fine we're all going pretty early you're not going to be making an attack you're not going to be making attack actually and you are but i think i think it'll be fine is always the uh the last words right so let's let's just move up here we should be killing you pretty decent chances there right got them both okay well we got one of them we got one of them scoundrel let's bust through this door now kicking through the door you find yourself face to face with the reason these bandits chose this particular hole to nest in animate bones unholy abominations of necromantic power nothing more to do but lay them to rest along with the remainder of this troublesome rabble amazing man i love it so i think let's see what they're doing they're not moving and they're going to move one so they'll move up to here and then at range four so that's one two three four they're not gonna be able to reach anybody i think it's better for us to hmm i think it's better for us to kind of just move over all right okay there's plenty of gold in here and then there's that treasure chest in the back and there's going to be a treasure chest in every scenario i think if not every then maybe two don't get a treasure chest but um i'm pretty sure every scenario gets one or very close and a lot of gold to pick up back here so i think it's best for us to maybe create a bit of a funnel here but because we're going invisible we won't have to deal with any incoming attacks this round and if we go late enough next round then we don't have to worry about them next round either okay creating earth element as well we're getting ready with backup ammunition there's not much i can do i can burn a card if i want but uh wait until that's necessary round nine and we're going with the brute first he's in a bit of trouble back there uh with shield bash mostly for the initiative and warding strength hoping that's going to be enough to kill the uh the bandit archer there then 41 rock tunnel because i need to get moving this is going to give him another point but i really need the movement points right now and dirt tornado with backup ammunition allows me to do this big aoe and then just target somebody else so i could potentially target here if 41 is early enough and it doesn't kill the brute of course but um and then and then make this aoe attack up there let's let's hope for the best on that and then the scoundrel is just going really late with thief snack hoping somebody stands next to her and single out hoping somebody else stands next to her too so we'll see how that do again they're throwing down some traps too oh they're going late which is good 45 is late considering 41 um i was hoping to go earlier so that's perfect perfect okay yeah i don't think they're gonna move at all i'll take it now there's some traps in there thank you they're you're actually helping me quite a bit and you're helping me too because now i can move around um and i'll do that we'll do this yep we'll do this and then attack if it doesn't kill you then we push you into there and it was enough to put or to kill so that's good we're picking up some gold too okay well let's get uh let's really get in here this time it does burn that card but i mean this is the last room we don't have to worry too much about uh exhausting all that much now so we do want to consume and we'll make this big attack here and can i yeah okay so i can't attack all of them and use oh wait a minute [Music] on your next four range attacks gain at target so if i did this yes okay that's what i want to do and we're consuming earth i want to be using this so that uh we're getting those points i guess i don't need to use it but anyway it's fine it doesn't matter nice times two over there not a lot of damage but it's okay now they're all muddled for the next i guess not you though but that's all right you're not gonna be able to get through perfect now it's my turn yeah we definitely want to use this so we're getting 3 plus 2 times 2 so that's 5 times 2 is 10 because of the uh the smoke bomb effect so this is why i wanted to have a major attack i'm hoping this is enough know what i should do instead if i do this and fail then i at least have a major attack coming there too because what can happen is i pull this and i've done that numerous times so i'm gonna do it this way look at that oh i'm so glad that i i waited okay so we're yeah we're going to be doing single out now two major attacks that i just did not do a whole lot of damage and i'm glad that i did it the other way because if i had gotten a zero on that um yeah i i would i'd cry okay we bought a couple more points out of it anyway so that's good but we've put we've put uh targets different targets between the brute between ares and all of the enemies so he'll be safe back here maybe pick up some coins uh you know take a rest i don't know we'll we'll think about how to do it but we've got eye for an eye so we don't necessarily oh actually you know what eye for an eye to heal grab and go to loot there we go but um yeah i guess we can just make our choices here yep and we'll do it that way i could take another short rest with craigheart but i'm not too worried about incoming damage here so we can take a long rest after probably these two taking a long rest together again i don't know yeah i'm not sure about that actually now i think about it well i think this is fine uh they are going early but not too much damage and they're doing i think the same exact thing as before so but they can only attack well they'll be he'll be able to attack both but you'll be dead before that happens there we go there we go now i kind of feel like i should get moving if we want to pick this stuff up but i could also just do this and i think that's what she's wanting to do good i mean three's better than what was that gonna be six uh four i guess it's not that much of a difference but okay well heal yourself pick up some money back there that's also going to create some earth for you which is pretty decent oh you're getting pretty lucky over there okay well i think i'm gonna do something like [Music] i was considering to do this to jump into here but that would probably that would kill the scoundrel unless she gets rid of a couple cards which she could um that would put him right in the middle and then i could use this let's do it that way let's just do it yeah we're at the end and he needs the points so let's go for it confirm so we're gonna burn a couple cards probably probably get rid of that and let's get rid of quick hands too all right [Applause] and we're gonna jump back here we're gonna consume earth which is going to do two more damage yep let's do it that way i mean either case we're going to get a xp here or here and we're already getting one here and here so we're gonna get three regardless [Music] and this is this is damage that it cannot be mitigated so i'd rather the extra damage here than there so we'll go for it that way [Applause] and we'll just burn this card too screw it why not [Music] there well done uh gonna have to find a way to pick up all this gold here so he's gonna want to take a long rest anyway it's unfortunate but he he needs to for a straggler and i'm okay with that you i think we need to take a short rest with you oh the one card the one card that i wanted to keep that was her only loot card and from here she couldn't do anything from here but um man i want to jump over and you you've completely blocked me now so i think what we're gonna have to do is just we're going to we're gonna spend some time here i'm not just gonna run out of here so um let's walk away quick and i'm gonna use this one and you take a long rest this jerk is gonna rest um okay there's some gold way over here do you think i could get there i can so i'm gonna do i'm gonna do that with you just get out of here oxalis is gonna be able to handle it so again i think that's his third time that's amazing we definitely want this so that when we get over here we can loot all of that it's just a matter of getting over there now probably wording strength and oxalis we do have one more loot okay closing strike all right round 12 i'll just keep going with this because we're pretty much we're pretty much done and it doesn't matter we do have a move six i've counted this out that's six so we'll be picking all that gold up and you need to move early so let's use rumbling advance and earthen clawed and then for you we want to go late and i think i'm going to burn this one that's one two three four and then i'll use uh grab and go to just grab these and if i get that then then cool i'll take it yep okay i mean he's still healing that's kind of annoying but it's okay i didn't think i'd be coming all the way back here for this but here we are all right um well if that's the case then i'm just gonna move back here and we'll make an attack and if something happens cool if not then hey i'll take it one damage and from here we'll be able to pick up a lot of stuff we'll use this to jump over here i was considering to do this but i do want to pick up that loot although i could pick up this loot instead now let's go over there there we go next round 13. um let's go spare dagger and then we can move away uh you can finally take a long rest i guess and we'll do that okay going 74 should be fine maybe [Music] go here [Music] and we'll use this we've already picked up workhorse i can't believe it and i did zero damage but it is muddled so that's a good thing now we can pick up all this treasure chest found chained aisle unlocked we'll we'll get to what that means later [Music] good here comes another nothing okay well we've picked up all gold except for what he's going to drop and what's back here [Music] so how can we well let's get moving again uh probably we can just do this top attack here and then move over there to pick it up that looks like it's good we can just take a short rest and figure out what we can do return here and not much okay [Music] he is going to heal again so i'd like for him to die first [Music] so we'll stun him well we picked up all of the loot here so can't complain right and he's stunned so he's not going to heal himself um i feel like i should just do this and i'm just gonna attack there it's over now we lost out on two gold but i think we're okay here with the last bandit dead you take a moment to catch your breath and steal yourself against the visions of living remains ripping at your flesh your target is not among the dead and you shudder to think what horrors still await you in the catacombs below here we go here we go okay yeah again i'm gonna say this over and over it would be way better to just have the names here instead of the class so i'm i'm definitely going to suggest that because we already know what the classes are and um we need to use those names what's the point of giving them names if we're if we're not able to use them so anyway i mean i'm not knocking on it just i think it's a good i think it's a good option so uh brute killed six enemies damage done by the crag heart uh oxalis and then ares you know damage healing is actually the healer too so we picked up a lot of flute there uh 15 18 loop piles we had that one more and everybody picked up their perks um we've got aggressor a new perk point perk point perk point i wonder why she starts i don't know we'll see what that means okay let's get out of here so six experience because we've completed the quest and then on top of all of the experience we've gained in the uh in the quest itself so chained isle is now a new location that we can't get to yet i'll talk about why but this one is now open new quest location barrel layer occasionally you'll come across linked quests which this is one since we're standing here we see a map like a little path that leads from here to here i assume is what's showing link quest share narrative arc and are encouraged to be completed one after the other by going directly to the linked quest you will avoid running into road encounters which is pretty good if you prefer you can return to gloomhaven by clicking on its location on the map remember while outside of gloomhaven you cannot buy or sell items level up create new mercenaries or retire current ones those are all things we don't really have to worry about but aries does have 18 gold that he could spend and oxalis could potentially buy something too but uh we'll definitely just be moving on instead of returning to gloomhaven but not today or at least not in this episode uh so i hope you enjoyed this episode you can let me know by leaving a like or a comment i'm really looking forward to this adventure with all of you yeah it's it's very exciting it's great to see this map again man it is it's just been it's been too long since i played the board game but uh it's it's good to be playing this where i don't have to set it up every time right this is gonna be amazing chained aisle let's talk about this real quick this is a quest a side quest that's going to help uh not you oxless was it no complete six side scenarios this is a side scenario this is not a scenario that um well maybe there's a there's a chain that goes beyond it but um we don't we're not able to i don't know if we're actually able to get here yet either i know we can't now because we'd have to go back to glue maven first you can't go to new quests until you go to gloomhaven unless they're connected like this one so we'll see man okay i could go on and on but for the next time what i will do is go through okay here we go mercenaries will unlock new and more powerful ability cards each time they level up look for synergies between ability cards and adapt your hand depending on the enemy types you'll be facing having the right cards against the right enemies might just keep you alive on the ability panel you can edit the deck of cards you you take to a dungeon each mercenary has a different amount of cards they can carry and can only go adventuring with a fully equipped hand hover over the abilities to view their full description yes thank you so these we have skewer balanced measure and wall of doom and i'll find which one two or maybe all three cards we can bring into our hand for next time for oxalis there's heaving swing forceful storm and nature's lift and finally for atey sinister opportunity trickster's reversal and swift bow so we'll take a look at at least one of these x cards probably for all three of them and adding those to our hand of cards for barrel layer well i'm really looking forward to it i hope you're looking forward to it and with that thanks for stopping by and hope to see you next time [Music] you
Channel: JaugerPlays
Views: 21,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gloomhaven Digital
Id: yiSSL-2-R_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 17sec (6617 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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