Gloomhaven - The 6 BEST Solo Items

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let's count down the top six solo items in gloomhaven and for those of you that don't know there are scenarios that were created one for each class you play through it you get a special item and i think a lot of players aren't aware of this so i'll put a link down in the description to boardgamegeek you can download the pdf for free there or you can actually go and buy these officially from the cephalofare store the criteria for this video is the ranking criteria is you know how effective is it for the class and then also how effective is it for other classes can it be used by other classes or not and that's going to be you know combined into one overall ranking make sure you comment down below let me know which items you think are the best and also just a quick public service announcement when you unlock an item when you beat one of the solo scenarios you keep that item you can sell it back to the supply or you can play the character until it retires and then the item goes back in the supply and anyone else can buy it if they want some items people are really gonna want and other items nobody else can use it except you know the particular class so mileage may vary let's get started with number six [Music] at number six we have the phasing idol the biggest problem with summons in gloomhaven is that they can die easily especially melee ones so this item while not overpowered is very good it's very good for the summoner it's also very good for a lot of classes that want to play summons it's a small item so it doesn't take up a really useful spot like you know like your hand spots or your you know your chest spot or something like that so that helps increase the power and also you can refresh consume small items so you're going to be able to use it more than once and you also get to choose when to use the item to mitigate the damage so you know if you're someone takes one damage and doesn't die you don't have to use it so this can really help keep your summons alive and reduce some of the risk of playing summons at number 5 we have the sun shield and the sun shield can basically make your sunkeeper even more invincible than normal and it's really neat because it you know you don't have to spend it you don't have to consume it it's always just waiting there and there is some opportunity cost when you're consuming light to add 3 shield i mean that means you can't add plus to move to scales of justice or it means you can't add you know plus one an advantage to hammer blow but still you're gonna get to decide when you see what's happening so if you're gonna get smacked by a bunch of monsters and take some damage instead of you know adding plus one to hammer blow you might want to take this extra three shield i mean it's going to make you very very powerful and i also think it actually helps a lot of other classes which is why i think you know it ended up being in the top six is that you know another class can consume light and you know maybe that class doesn't care about consuming light for the rest of their abilities and so anytime light is around they can just consume light for a lot of extra shield and it really changes how some classes play and i think it's really really neat and it's pretty cool too because you can empower light on your turn and then as soon as the monsters attack you can use that i think it's just a it's a great item and you know for all those reasons it's at number five at number four we have the smoke elixir for the night shroud the smoke elixir it's not insanely powerful but invisibility itself is kind of an overpowered ability and the night shroud has a bit of an issue where it goes from a weak turn to a really strong turn when it does executes insta kills whatever you want to call them and so this helps us you know manage that so that you know we can empower dark when we need to without actually using a card and it allows us to string together turns much more effectively and it just allows us to go invisible whenever the heck we feel like it and because it's a small item you can combine it with the cloak of invisibility and have you know more invisibility or you can take it and use your chest spot for something else which is actually really valuable for other classes and so i think for those reasons it's actually just going to be super useful in so many situations and that's why it's number four at number three we have the master's loot and this item doesn't look like much when you first look at it but there's a few factors that really make it awesome the first is that the sooth singers attack modifier deck can get ridiculous when you can add plus threes and plus fours into your deck this attack two all of a sudden goes up to attack four attack five on average and so if i said to you hey by playing a couple cards you can give yourself two extra attack fours per rest cycle you'd probably be down with that you'd think damn that's really good if i could get that much extra damage per rest cycle i mean this card could potentially be worth 30 40 50 damage extra in a scenario and so you know depending on how you play the sue singer can be very very useful for attacking also the move part is really really helpful in certain situations it allows you to change plans on the fly so you know if you know monsters pull a card and you know one of the monsters pull the card that's a real pain you can go oh i'm gonna play this song and actually move over here because i've got some extra movement i can make it to this other monster and i'm going to attack that monster before it goes because it's you know turn is going to cause problems for us so it gives you a ton of flexibility it allows you to keep up with your party and it's just i mean for the flexibility and for just the sheer attacking power that it gives you it's great and that's why it's number three if you're liking the video so far go ahead hit that like button it really helps me out a lot and subscribe to my channel and turn on notifications so that when i publish new content you're notified it's the little bell and then i work with noble knight games noble knight games has an absolutely crazy selection of board games card games tabletop role playing games paint miniatures anything you name it they've got you know all this really cool out of print stuff so if you're looking for something obscure make sure go down into the description click on the link i've provided if you buy anything i make a small commission and i need your support to make sure that this channel keeps growing thanks and let's get on to number two at number two we have the utility belt just what the quartermaster needed another way to get back items i mean take a broken class and just smash it break it even further get crazy um it's pretty funny because you know the quarter match is so broken with its infinite looping capabilities and all the just shenanigans that can happen and this just compounds that and then it's actually good for literally any class it's amazing for any class gloomhaven is balanced mostly around consumed items only being able to be used once especially non-small items right you want to get back your war hammer and do another huge stun etc just a very very useful card and that's why it's number two at number one we have the beast iron and the staff of command and this item is just ridiculous it's the best item i mean that's the number one i guess because it changes how powerful the beast tyrant is it's a spend only item so you can use it multiple times there's things that allow you to untap spent items and then also you can long rest so you can easily use this six or eight times it's going to accelerate your power curve damage is king and gloomhaven and when you can play extra cards you can do more damage quickly and when you can do more damage quickly you can kill monsters and stop them from attacking you and when you do that the game is easy mode and so this allows you to just get crazy you want to play uh you know two extra command attacks you know play vicious ally and play jaws of death now you're doing attack five on the bears turn attack five attack five attack five attack five attack twenty five you're adding plus ten attack by playing this with this combo or you can you know attack and heal you can attack and just play any other card i mean the possibilities are in this it completely changes the beast tyrant and it pushes the beast iron up like a full tier in power when you have it and that's why it's the best solo item overall the power change is just so high even though other classes can't use it it's still the number one solo item in the game thanks so much for watching you
Channel: Neural Net Games
Views: 1,914
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: board games, table top games, gloomhaven best items, gloomhaven overpowered items, gloomhaven solo scenarios, gloomhaven how to beat solo scenarios, gloomhaven best solo items, gloomhaven item prosperity, gloomhaven which item should I take, gloomhaven how to play, gloomhaven too hard, gloomhaven best class, gloomhaven guides, gloomhaven common rules mistakes, gloomhaven errata, gloomhaven tier list, gloomhaven worst items, gloomhaven solo scenarios too hard
Id: 8zH5iU6AHTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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