Glock 19 EXPLOSION !!! (When Guns Go Boom - EP 3)

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i got a new gut i got a new gut i got a new glock hey hey hey hey oh yeah oh they smell so good when you first get them out of the box oh listen to that slide i can't wait to put the first round through this thing and now i forgot my ammo what are you doing no [Music] no [Music] [Applause] what's up everybody my name is scott and you're watching kentucky ballistics we're back at a little range and today we have another gun failure science experiment but before we get started check out the new shirts you all requested these so here they are kentucky chaina saurus i love this design it's going to be a limited run two weeks only ends on may 25th there's a link in the description down below and they're available in youth sizes now let's go get set up and get started so at this point we have blown up two rn50s one unintentionally and one intentionally a barrett m82a1 i'm still financially recovering from that one and a bolt action rifle so at this point i think it's time we shift gears and we try out some handguns so today we have arguably one of the most popular semi-automatic handguns out there a glock 19. this is a 9 millimeter semi-automatic handgun and it is something that is very popular when it comes to concealed carry and one of my personal favorites when it comes to concealed carry today we're going to see what happens when this thing fails in a catastrophic manner but before we do that let's try it out and make sure it's functioning correctly so first i'm gonna do a mag dump i have 15 rounds of 124 grain nine millimeter underwood ammo and i'm just gonna dump it as fast as i possibly can all right seems to be working all right but we need to shoot it a few more times all right first we're gonna shoot this little garden gnome he's been rooting around in my garden so uh we're gonna get rid of him [Laughter] it just looks like he has a giant mouth now okay up next we are going to shoot a miniature stretch armstrong he's got wobbly legs here oh come on stay well almost had it almost had it oh here we go here we go he went flying like 20 feet that way that blue red oh that blew right through him the last thing we're going to shoot before we set up for our science experiment is a premier body armor bullet resistant wallet i'm really curious to see if this actually stops around by the way i'm loaded up with some 115 grain plus p 9 mil rounds so hot little round okay so yeah there's where we hit and shot into the other side but it did not make it to the back of the wallet the bullet should be in there oh there it is and that is very hot well it's not that hot well that's pretty cool ow okay that was a little hotter than i thought it was bulletproof wallet actually works so now the moment you've all been waiting for the actual science experiment really excited about today's setup let me tell you a little bit about it we have a cinderblock wall as usual this is going to protect us from shrapnel we're also going to be back pretty far and we'll be pulling the trigger with this string now the gun is in a vice and behind the gun we have a ballistic dummy labs zombie head this has life like bone flesh and on the inside is squishy the hands here are new and i'm really excited about these you've got some simulated bone in there and simulated flesh we've got that wrapped around the gun as best as possible first we're going to take one shot with a normal round make sure our setup is working correctly and then we're going to put a super spicy round in there and most likely swim the barrel just to make sure this thing fails and we'll see what would happen to you if you had a catastrophic failure with a glock 19. okay so first we are going to load just a regular 9 mil round this is a 124 grain full metal jacket place that inside we will slowly let that forward and now i'm going to get back and pull the string let's see if our setup actually works probably going to pull the string pretty hard so i'm going to be down here when i pull it nothing's happening there we go so our test fire went well now it's time to see if we can actually get this thing to have a catastrophic malfunction so here's what i did i was going to squib the barrel but i started to do that and i was afraid i wasn't gonna be able to get the round far enough down the barrel so instead i stuck the round up here on the front of the gun so the front of this barrel is clogged and now the round that we're going to load this with now this is going to sound absurd because it is in theory if you had a gun that would actually hold together it would produce upwards of 400 000 psi if this little spicy boy doesn't blow up this glock 19 i don't know what will so needless to say i'm going to load this in here very carefully and then we are going to get back there hide and pull the string just going to slide that in there wrap me up okay um here we go a slider home very carefully and we are we're locked in folks all right let's make sure that this string is up on the trigger good and uh now we run all right folks here we go place your predictions in the comment section down below here we go so the gun did not explode surprisingly but it does look like we did some damage to the gun let's get it out of there and take a look at it so i looked at the slow-mo footage to have a better idea of what happened with this gun first of all mr ballistic dummy here he's okay this hand did not get messed up at all this is just from me trying to set it up this hand though you can see some black on that thumb so something zapped at the very end of that thumb on this hand as for the gun at first glance you can see right here that that piece blew out this rod is moving freely our mag has been released and the slide is not seated so we're going to try to take this thing apart now or at least just rack the slide back all right so we've lost some pieces of the gun that just fell out let's see if we can it's like it's pretty seized up the slide release is all bent you get a little movement you definitely would not be able to use it again here we go all right trigger's pulled back oh yeah there we go that barrel is not wanting to come out let's see if i can use this punch and a hammer to kind of get this out of there now i can just whack it that way i think that'll come out now oh it's so close okay we got some some bulge at the end of that barrel it's hard for you to see it probably but it is bulged i'm kind of regretting now not squibbing the barrel right here but that still was such an over pressure round that that should have done it in the first place so it looks like our brass actually just pushed out and molded to the barrel which is pretty wild and it is stuck in there real good so here is a normal glock 19 frame looks pretty good here is our frame from the glock 19 that just blew up so you can see here that this whole section here is kind of blowed out so those pieces are broken too see it's missing that piece did some damage but nowhere near as much as i thought it would here is a normal glock 19 barrel and here is our barrel from the glock 19 with the spicy round in it you can see the bulge now if you compare it to the normal glock 19 barrel and now you can really see how that brass just smushed into the barrel and kind of form-fitted itself in there here is a normal glock 19 mag and here is the mag from our explodey glock 19 and you can see there's quite a bit of damage to that and then here we have a normal glock 19 slide and then here is our slide that came off of the explodey glock 19. so you'll notice this glock slide has his extractor and the glock 19 slide from the spicy round is missing the extractor this is a normal healthy glock 19 slide and this is the one from the spicy round and you'll notice that this slide has some cracks there on the end so after dissecting this glock 19 and looking at the slow-mo footage it appears that when the round went off it managed to actually clear the barrel obstruction and then the gun started to lose pressure if this gun would have been sealed tight it would have achieved a maximum of 400 000 psi but this is a semi-automatic handgun the slide started to go backwards and it started to lose pressure but it still was a tremendous amount more than what this gun is meant to handle so when that happened we had pieces start to fail it seemed like the majority of the pressure escaped through this area and that's why our slide releases are kind of bowed outwards this gun did get damaged but it did not explode all in all i'm pretty impressed the glock 19 is one of my favorite sem automatic handguns and now i think i like it just a little bit more now it's time for a little bit of bonus footage you're swinging your hammer you get distracted and you smack your finger [Music] oh i hit the wrong finger let's try this one [Music] oh that's bad now the ring finger now the whole hand oh [Music] you definitely need to go to the doctor another example this is why you cut away from you and not towards you that would be bad gun safety knife safety and hammer safety i hope you learned something today i am really enjoying this series and i hope that you are too what gun would you like to see fail next leave your answers in the comment section down below if you enjoyed today's video do me a favor and hit that like button and if you're not subscribed to kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button also be sure and check me out on kentucky customs kentucky ballistic shorts patreon facebook instagram and twitter links to all those can be found in the description down below along with a link to just in case you want to pick up a shirt and as always my name is scott thank you so much for watching kentucky ballistics i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 1,418,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kentucky ballistics, kentucky ballistics gun explodes, when guns go boom, glock 19 failure, glock 19, kentucky ballistics when guns go boom, glock 19 exploded, kentucky ballistic, gun explodes, glock failure, kentucky ballistics explosion, glock torture test, when guns go boom kentucky ballistics, glock 19 torture test, gun explosion, kentucky ballistics exploding guns, most reliable conceal carry gun, glock 19 blows up, most reliable handguns, kentucky, ballistics, scott
Id: GFF1-ry-_Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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