Glitching Production - AIMBOT - GDQ Hotfix Speedruns

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all right what's up everyone welcome to the new time for Aimbot uh so in case you are unaware um this is Aimbot a show all about fps's uh third person shooters uh satisfactory which we're doing today counts because there's a gun in it those are my rules and I make the rules for the show so it can be whatever I want to uh that said if you haven't seen this before uh this is a new time for the show I used to be on Tuesdays but now I'm on Wednesdays at 7 p.m Eastern so hi everybody welcome I hope you enjoy uh Shooters and the like and that's pretty much what you're going to see here for me sometimes I get a little more embedded with it but usually it's going to be pretty bog standard stuff a couple quick announcements before we get into it uh frame vettel's gdq's all-women speedrunning Community uh has its next event flame fatales coming up August 13th to the 20th schedules live at schedule and if you want to check it out exclamation point FF in twitch chat to submit prizes get more info on the marathon and the most important thing is gamesone quick it's hiring uh if you have experience in web design and development and want to help overhaul our website or have experience in social media creation and want to help out at Live Events uh go to jobs to apply and check it out and you know come work with the uh the hotfix team in the mainline team I think we're a lot of fun to work with so with that said uh so this run I've had my eye on this run for a while right so this was I've always been fascinated by satisfactory runs I think they're really cool um the math and the strategy involved in them uh is something that I could never personally figure out but I love reading the like documents that all the runners generate for them this runs specifically for package uh in the previous patch before all this was discovered was I think 17 hours and that was with a team of people and then uh the satisfactory routers found a glitch that breaks the game in half and now the run is under two hours so without further Ado take it away epiphany hello hello everybody thank you Amy for the introduction uh I'm Epiphany and I'm going to be running satisfactory today like you mentioned we're going to be going through the whole game as it is right now uh from start through the end of the four package or the fourth space elevator package which is conventionally or currently known as the end of the game uh I'm gonna be I'm going to be accompanied here by spider who is another speedrunner of satisfactory uh he's done a lot of Investigation into this bug which we've been calling 007 he's helped figure out ways to make it more effective as well as ways to undercut the power which I'll be demonstrating during this run uh with that being said I'm going to prepare a new game here and as soon as we get the right spawn this is the only RNG in the run really but as soon as we get the right spawn the timer is going to start so here we go yeah we got the wrong start off to a great beginning uh let's see if we can get it on the second try like Amy mentioned this is a two-hour run but uh because of the spawn RNG we upped the estimate by 30 minutes and we got the right one let's go so the first thing I'm going to be doing here is a little bit of movement Tech I'm also going to jump into advanced game settings and set all the creatures to passive that way I don't get attacked while I'm doing this run uh it's a setting that was updated in the most recent version of the game and the other thing I'm doing here is setting up a hot bar so by setting this up before I get to the factory building I'm collecting resources and also hopefully going to be able to start building stuff as soon as I get to the right destination uh Spider if you want to talk a little bit about the uh automated running and how that works I'm going to be kind of focused a bit on doing it yeah so there's basically a bug in the game that exists where if you have a window open when you're holding a key uh as soon as you close that window the game still thinks that the key is being held down so you can get the materials by holding I think the default to see so that's why he's grabbing grass and bits like that off the ground that he's going to be using later as long as he has activated the glitch he doesn't really have to do that so he can hands-free with his shift key no e key and that'll just all happen in the background which just makes moving around a whole lot easier does have some nasty side effects later when he's using the hover pack for example if he's moving around up the game will think he's holding spacebar and it'll just fly off into the distance if he's ever interacting with his inventory at the same time which can kind of be annoying but otherwise the book's pretty useful yeah so we're getting to the main area where we're going to be doing most of this run here and I'm going to set up the first buildings using this newfound glitch uh for the season satisfactory veterans you might notice that I'm preparing a lot of machines but not actually giving them input that's because the key of this glitch is that we can convince every machine it has everything it needs without actually putting anything in it the molecular analysis machine referred to as yeah this is kind of a nuts Discovery I think Z2 posted a run uh seemingly out of nowhere and then from that we've all spent a bit of time kind of figuring out how it works and what's going on and the obviously you can see 18 hours down to two hours it's a bit nutty basically what the what the glitch is at least it's best we understand you set a machine up uh as you would normally and provided some inputs uh but before you actually do that you want to basically copy the the stateless recipe so when you set a machine up by default it doesn't have any recipe that it's making once you get a machine producing you can paste over the top of that this stateless recipe and it kind of breaks and once it's broken uh you can set it to whatever recipe you like and the Machine will just happily produce it uh indefinitely it'll just never take inputs and just keep making the thing that you set it to which is awesome you might also notice he's putting powershards in all of these and overclocking them to 250 so they'll be making things way way way faster the trade-off for that is they are way more expensive to make from a power perspective um realistically we can't afford to be doing this you saw the grid crash earlier and we'll talk about that in a bit but if you don't have enough power to support all of your machines they stopped working which obviously sucks uh with this glitch though you can see it's underclocking the machine and then overclocking it again he's convincing the machines that they're actually fully underclocked so they're going to be drawing power basically almost zero megawatts but they're going to be acting as if they're completely overclocked which means we get all of the benefits of overclocking and we consume none of the power which is again pretty game breaking we can do this for pretty much every machine in the game except for one really important machine that will come up much much later but it's the whole reason we're able to sort of shoot past this early game and mid game one um one big day oh sorry you go I was just gonna say so the thing I'm trying to do right now is uh repair all these machines so that I can easily get the two most important starter Milestones of the game resource sync bonus program and part assembly you can go ahead and keep talking about it though while I try to remember what all these numbers are yeah it's just sort of juggling things in your head remembering uh how much of every different thing you need as he said he's getting milestones at the moment so in the game of satisfactory to actually complete the game where Bill is leading a bunch of project parts so there's specific fonts that the company needs us to make um but to get those we sort of have to unlock our way through uh tier tree of different components and and different machines um to get through that tree basically the game has to we have to prove to the game that hey I can make all of these different things so it asks for you to submit you know a stack of plates and a stack of wire and a stack of screws here and there um realistically that's all we actually need to be doing at the moment to be progressing through the game so he's currently setting up a whole bunch of machines that will make those things for him in the background so he can then turn them in and unlock the next sections of the game yep and now I'm preparing to make a bunch of things that are not going to be useful for the factory itself but they will be useful for something that we like to do during speed runs which is buy the items we need rather than produce them what I'm doing for that is and that's the key of the resource sync bonus program Milestone it's by unlocking that I can donate these computers that I found as well as a bunch of other stuff that I'm making uh to buy the parts that are actually important yeah we rely pretty heavily on the awesome shop in this game on this run at least rather than making everything we just buy it I think it was was it update seven where they came out with alien DNA uh yes it was in this update yeah so effectively we're going to be Mass producing that and normally when you donate items to the awesome shop you get there's coupons that you can spend to buy if you're a normal player playing this casually you'll probably buy things that are like functional and cosmetic um at speedrunners we just buy a bunch of materials that we didn't have the time or couldn't be bothered making so we'll be relying pretty heavily on mass producing alien DNA donating it to the awesome shop and that'll make us just a ton of coupons normally those coupons come in at sort of a very diminishing returns I think it's exponential how many items you need to provide to get coupons but with alien DNA it's linear so we get them at a better rate over the course of the game yeah so I'm just about ready to submit the first two Milestones of the game there's one and then we're going to go ahead and double submit the second one which is actually not supposed to happen yeah you can see there's a five minute timer in the top right of his screen every single time you submit one of those Milestones uh that's this is the mechanic that sort of unlocks the next section of items for us or the next tier of buildings um every time he submits one of those he can't submit another Milestone until that time it hits zero um fortunately though we can actually provide the materials for multiple components or multiple milestones at the same time and as long as those have all been satisfied we can press the button on as many Milestones as we like and it will only sort of charge us the time for the latest one that we submit sort of kind of override all the previous ones in terms of how long we have to wait that's something you'll see all throughout this run um it'll either be getting multiple milestones at once uh sometimes because he needs both or he might get a milestone literally just because it has a shorter time to wait so later on some of the Milestones get very very time expensive 15-20 minutes while you're waiting but he can actually pair those up with something that takes maybe two or three minutes and then he only has to wait that three minutes instead of 20. it's one of the main ways we get the DraStic amounts of time down in this run again casually you probably don't really ever you wouldn't notice it it doesn't really matter that the the shuttle's kind of coming back yeah so what I'm prepping to do right now is make the first actual objective parts of this game uh smart plating which is going to satisfy our first major Milestone here uh once I'm done with making 50 of these I'll actually be done with the first category of this run which we call fittingly package percent but also when we do that category we don't make this many assemblers because well we do it in less time yeah something also also worth mentioning with the 007 and the power glitch um while they are obviously incredibly powerful they don't work persistently throughout saves so if you've got your own safe and you're thinking of playing around with this which I'd encourage you to have a have a crack and numb and Fiddle around with it can be a bit of fun but as soon as you save and then reload your save the 007 glitch that causes sort of like that infinite production that ceases uh and the power glitch is even more finicky so that will definitely break on reload but something that even Epiphany has to be aware of here and very careful is if anything causes a machine to sort of rethink its power it will fix that glitch so to speak which means if the power ever goes out if a machine stops producing if it changes the speed at which a machine is producing there's a handful of ways that it can cause that to happen and they'll start drawing real power from the grid again and once that happens that's likely to cause the whole grid to collapse because he's not planning for all of his machines to be taking all of their intended power yeah it can be really dangerous too once we get manufacturers up and running because at the rate that we run them they're if they go idle or they recalculate their power they're going to draw about maybe 50 to 100 times more power which nothing that I've routed is prepared for but just in case I mess something up here I'm going to make a couple extra biomass burners that way in the event that one of them goes out unexpectedly at least I have something prepared a bit of a safety Strat here I didn't realize that idling broke that that's wild that might be yeah I was having problems with action yeah that's the thing that gets a lot of people is you have to make sure that the machine has no reason to reconsider how much power it's using because as soon as it does it it's going to mess you up foreign so the next thing I'm going to try doing here is uh both spider and I really like Fast movements so we're gonna try and get some cores unlocked while we wait for our project parts to finish assembling I'm gonna go place a minor down on some quartz and then come back to it in about a minute or so hopefully it'll have enough that I can just research Blade Runners which makes running about 10 times easier in this game this stuff blows my mind I didn't think there'd be any room for getting Blade Runners in this uh category you just can't trip the power grid it was I wasn't gonna commentator cursive but the last time you were on Aimbot you had some real problems with that specific section of movement yeah everybody getting stuck underneath the uh it could very well for like a minute yeah that was embarrassing this is good it's also one of the reasons we really like Blade Runners yep uh something that's not necessarily obvious you can see him running uh up and sort of pressing his face into machines here and then things are magically entering his inventory um what he's actually doing is copying and pasting a recipe back into the machine so if something's making wire he can just copy the wire recipe from the machine that he's looking at paste it back into the machine and whenever you paste or set a recipe it actually empties the machine so he's getting back all of his resources and everything that the machine has made all right just about now we're finishing the first Milestone of the game that's package percent right there but we're gonna move right along because we are not done a quarter of the way done right uh just about maybe a little bit less Milestone so I'm going to do a triple submit here submitting basic steel production which is the one that I really want and then a couple other semantic ones that are useful for factory building also going to go ahead and start producing a little bit of Steel but more importantly we're just waiting for this two minute timer to come back this is why we submit base system or Base building here by giving me a two minute return time I Can Begin unlocking more Milestones which is useful because what I really want right now is logistics Mark III which will give me much better conveyor belts this mineral shows Purity levels akin to synthetic cords manufactured on Earth and can be used I'm going to go ahead and research silica using this 100 quartz stack and new resource all goes well I'll be able to buy some silica there we go two gonna buy a couple other things that I'll be needing soon just not yet and let's research Blade Runners okay I can drop that off and then I'm going to do a little bit of inventory cleanup here also research a couple extra spots because it is tedious having to deal with all these things all right let's get some Blade Runners just realize you can get expanded inventory out of that too okay yeah it's turned out to be a lot nicer than I thought yeah all right and we're 20 seconds away from the next Milestone let's let's go ahead and prepare uh some of this stuff for submission I need to also go and grab some wires so I'm going to go do that I'm going to be taking advantage of these Mark III belts uh by making a lot more alien DNA and once I get the advanced Felts I'm going to be putting those uh directly into the awesome sink but I get a lot more coupons out of it okay let's prepare all this grab the rest of the stuff from here and pair another triple submit by a couple more things that I forgot earlier and with that we'll be at Advanced steel production once I have this the next big task on the plate is going to be twofold first I want to make sure that I uh begin producing the rest of the parts that I need here so I'm going to start making some automated wiring and then I'm gonna go that up all of the conveyor belts and logistics for this Factory where you prepare a whole bunch of things for later on just so that you've got the materials you need when you're doing Mass turn-ins yeah a bit of the interesting uh part of runs that have to do with like automation games like satisfactory is that like we mentioned one of the biggest risks that's constantly looming over our heads is if the power grid fails the run is basically over not 100 but it becomes a lot harder to salvage uh and so I'm in a way being fastest is a good Marathon safe strategy because that way you guarantee that you don't run out of uh Power I'm just throwing a couple things in here to make sure I'm extra safe then I'm going to get back to building all this so any little so you gotta go ahead I'm just gonna I was just gonna say a handy little tip that you can use even if you're not using glitches or anything like that on the right side you can see he's got the space elevator there highlighted and materials and in a to-do list you can actually use that as a checklist just so you can keep track of how much you have in your inventory at a given time without having to constantly stop and open it up just a nice little tip that you can use casually okay so I've got most of the logistics set up which means that the next thing I want to do is begin making versatile framework the last project part for this phase I'm going to convert everything over and then I'm going to work on building the space elevator again oops yeah so in the early game like this like how important is it to get all of the materials set up for late Gamers that like is it kind of a like pay as you go you know you do you set up everything for package one then you set up everything for package two or is it you know setting up stuff for you know three and four right now well uh or no major glitches runs it's a lot of uh in the moment building so I'm doing uh or excuse me that's the other way around uh for glitch runs there's a lot of in the moment so right now I'm building pretty much just the stuff that I'm gonna need for this phase as well as it does pay some dividends later but right now I'm focusing primarily on just getting to phase two as soon as possible for the no major glitches of runs though a lot of it is around setting up a factory smartly so that when it's time to move on to the next phase you have everything you need already and so a lot of that is like setting up heavy modular frame production like well in advance so that by the time you need them at high capacity you already have a lot prepared kind of like pre-producing um but yeah like I mentioned here because we can buy a lot of things that we need for uh the Milestones it becomes a lot of how fast can you build the parts that you need right now [Music] okay I guess the secondary question is how do you remember which things go where because I've I've been paying attention I would have forgotten which machines do what at this point uh that's a great question a lot of trial and error combined with practice but mostly the trial and error part um what I try to do is at least set up everything the same way every time so that I can lean on a couple consistencies like I always convert this the first row to versatile framework for example or excuse me to automate a wiring when I'm doing this I always try to buy the same things at the same time because any change anytime you have to adapt it ends up um like right there uh you end up doing something incorrectly I usually don't buy screws earlier but I did this time and now I've spent a coupon I didn't need to it's kind of interesting because the Run doesn't really have any RNG or anything like that but there's so much going on and everything is sort of so free form with the fact that you're never going to be in the same place doing the exact same things at the exact same time that you do still have to adapt a little bit all right so we're going to plop down the space elevator for what should hopefully be the last time and we're going to start shuffling Parts into it okay once we get the rest of those we'll be good to go now I'm just going to start preparing the factory for after I finish so this is this is when we start doing a little bit of prep work so to speak for the next phase a lot of concrete a lot of wire a lot of cable um a lot of Milestones require those as sort of like bulk items for turn-ins and additionally once he hits some of the very late game buildings they're going to take very substantial amounts of concrete and cable to produce he could just buy them but you do still have to be a little mindful of your tickets in this category yep even though we can create theoretically infinitely many of them um we certainly have so much time yeah that's one of my favorite things about uh satisfactory speed runs is every time you get faster at one thing it ends up you end up shooting yourself in the foot somewhere else uh and so for example every time I've made a Time Improvement to this run I'll end up not having as many coupons which means that I either have to wait or I end up making a mistake somewhere else in the run you kind of have to constantly adapt to how fast you're running something that makes this game very unique over other automation type games so here's the second package in terms of Milestones we're halfway done in terms of the run we're almost a quarter of the way can you tell that um the late game gets very dense so I'm gonna prep up another double submit here buy some parts for this Milestone because I haven't made any of them one and then that's two of those let's buy all that and oil processing we actually don't use on its own but it's important to get because it unlocks the parts that we're going to be buying for the next Milestones plastic and rubber uh until you've unlocked plastic and rubber you can't buy them so getting this Milestone as soon as possible is useful if only uh so that you can get onto the next Milestone sooner minimize duration during out of Base activities I'm setting up for what I like to call my donation box here which is uh anything that I have that extra that is extra like if I've overproduced something I put it in this box and send it in to get donated as well that's going to earn me a couple extra tickets all right it is kind of yelling at me uh that's gonna earn us a couple extra tickets and ends up serving us well here I'm also going to make our first blueprints of the Run uh this is going to be for biomass nothing incredibly crazy but by doing this I can pop down seven or eight biomass burners uh quickly without having to fill them individually with biomass that way I can make a big power grid to sort of Tide me over until it's time to make nuclear power which uh to many people's surprise is only going to be in about 25 minutes yeah skip straight from biomass to nuclear why not this is actually one of the really neat benefits of blueprints we normally when you create a building it's completely empty not hooked up to anything obviously the point of blueprints is that you can have multiple buildings all connected together and working the big Advantage we can get is that we can place uh things like biomass or power shards into the buildings as part of the blueprint so we don't have to go back and do that after the fact once we've created them it saves a huge amount of time overall actually and once we get to manufacturers you're going to see a trick with the blueprints that's going to massively speed up how long they take to set up and get going yep I'm going to do a bit of a marathon safe thing here I've previously been able to make a blueprint containing these biomass blueprints so I can make like three or four at a time but the last two times I tried it I ended up crashing the game so I'm gonna not take that risk here only takes a little bit of extra time to put all this wiring in but beyond that should be fine yes every one of these burners has three power shots in it and a whole bunch of bioms which just gives us a huge amount of extra overhead on our power grid yep and make as many as I can which looks like we get two more and then hopefully with this I won't have to mess with power again until we're ready to make nuclear we're also probably going to get hit by those bees a lot by the by the spawn it's okay set to Passive by the way is that the passive but they will still hit you as long as you collide with them while they are not actively hostile they still hurt I guess okay let's get all this stuff and we should be ready to submit industrial manufacturing which will unlock the manufacturer there we go Milestone reached the truck now let's make some manufacturers once again trying to underclock them so that we make or so we draw as little power as possible I'm gonna set this one up I'm gonna copy the empty recipe while I have it and then I'm going to go ahead and refill it so just like the biomass burners we're dropping in enough stuff that I can trigger the 007 bug as soon as I plop the blueprint down save that one clear and then I'm going to build a little stack it's Blueprints and blueprints now it's just a neat way to be able to sort of build them up vertically without having to sort of build floor between them I didn't know you could do this yeah you just have to paste a blueprint into the blueprint Builder or blueprint designer and then you can use the blueprint mode to be able to stack them on top of each other yeah it's blueprints all the way down from here this one a little bit differently than expected but it's fine that should be all good so let's go ahead and save this one I'm gonna override the old blueprint and now we should be ready to make it I have no idea why but the game really wants to increment 10 per 10 at a time from this to-do list probably thinks he's still holding shift when you open up your tab yeah open up your inventory one reason I wasn't able to undo it though which is kind of strange let's go ahead and buy a little bit of cable since I'm falling a little bit short and actually I'm gonna see why I'm short because that should not be happening right now oh oh I think it's because I'm two minutes ahead of pace that'll do it once again we're in the state where being ahead can sometimes be a detriment or can at least lead to unexpected results all right so we're gonna go ahead and put this on eight and we're gonna make 20 manufacturers let me get one more there we go all right now I don't remember how much of a power grid I made so just to be safe I'm only going to connect five of These Blueprints at a time uh there's an interesting thing that spider discovered which is even though we have these under clocks that they'll be drawing very little power uh a for a brief moment draw 100 power so if I connect too many of them I could trip the power grid and like we talked about before if I do that I'm gonna have a bad time yeah I think though when you plug a machine in regardless of its settings out of the sort of blueprint mode the second it starts producing it'll be at 100 until something changes and it updates its power again yep all right so now that I've got these all cleared out and prepped for overclocking I'm going to start making some modular engines my goal is to make a row here producing modular engines and then make one more row of 20 manufacturers for a total of 40 which I'll be using to finish up this package and grab whatever I can probably gonna have to buy some stuff once again I don't remember which one of these I have there we go overwrite that I don't need any more power shreds for a couple minutes it's going to ask you about power shards I imagine like double 07 makes a you can actually like use them way better now than before but is there ever just is there ever a decision you have to make with like are there any things that you can't double 07 like dude coal nuclear uh so you can't 007 buildings that consume items for power for example you can't double 07 a coal generator uh however what you can do is you can double 07 the things that produce coal uh so for example what we used to do in earlier versions of this run or in this route was uh I'll use a hard drive to unlock charcoal which is a Constructor recipe that makes coals so rather than mining it you could set up a bunch of Constructors I think did you do compacted coal spider uh yeah I did come back to code yeah so we went because I didn't think of charcoal ah I see uh so we would set those up and use those as a um source of power and I'm going to be doing kind of similar here I'm going to be using manufacturers and double o7ing them to make uranium fuel rods actually yeah one of the interesting effects from that that we will get to see later is you can't 007 a water extractor for example and because we're going to be using nuclear we're going to need a lot of water so we'll see in a little bit how he handles that yep made a small mistake here I accidentally copied a recipe that was not the empty recipe so that means if I want a double or seven I'm gonna have to do a couple Innovative strategies here translation we just said uh at least I at least I didn't mess it up yeah it could be worse all right so let's plug in the rest of these at least double of seven them make sure this one's good okay great last time I ended up in a similar position to this I accidentally fell off the cliff we're gonna try not to do that today at least you got your Blade Runners to get back up right that's true well I would probably just put everything in a box and respawn true I have successfully one time been able to jump off the cliff and land on the storage container thus avoiding death but it's only happened once I forgot to connect the bottom here but that's fine as long as they're still producing as long as they're still producing that's right okay oh yeah now what I'm going to do is I'm going to attempt to just connect everything back together and make a big old conveyor belts uh all of these parts if I do everything correctly by the time I'm done we should have nearly enough uh project parts to finish the run or to finish the third phase not the Run we're not even done with the last half of it yeah so that every tier gets exponentially more time investment required and materials required it makes sense from a regular gameplay point of view because everything sort of compounds on all of the things you've done before yeah so you're sort of using the factory that you've already built to create bigger versions of it and sort of ramp up production obviously here we're cheating substantially in that department that's fine I already learned everything once why would I have to do it again right what's the size for the Rita let's see okay I think that should be putting everything into the space elevator I think you've got the last one of that leaping back onto itself uh yes I do uh no actually it's coming at the end it just looks strange yeah an aesthetic Choice aesthetic indeed uh okay so the next thing I'm going to be trying to do here is I'm actually going to make a container for storing excess parts and my goal is uh that by the time I'm done with this Milestone I can actually uh have a bunch of heavy modular frames in computers the other items that manufacturers are good at making uh stored up in here that I can avoid having to buy them during the next phase of the game I'm also going to take this opportunity to convert all these uh assemblers over to something useful we're actually making building materials now might be the first and maybe last time I do it by making a bunch of Motors I can similarly avoid having to buy them because even though we can create infinite money that money still takes time to print so we'd like to if we can avoid it not uh not be gated on that I'm just setting up these assemblers to make pretty much every part that an assembler could make and let's make some modular frames that should just about do it I'm gonna go ahead and check on the power grid before I have any disasters maybe just in case um set that up I do have a hard cap of two minutes you can see in the top right before I'm allowed to um submit anything else so not hyper press for time those bees are going to get a little bit annoying though yeah it's that's actually something I was gonna ask for later um like how how constrained are you by the the shuttle coming back because like I know it's sometimes in in later things um you know seven to eight minutes in between block a bunch yeah that's a good question the current route that I have tries to optimize for as little turnaround time as possible uh in fact this might be the longest weight that we're dealing with and the reason that I'm comfortable waiting this long here is because I'm still spending time producing all the project Parts as you can see we're not even done with the modular engines yet uh so because of that I am okay having a little bit of downtime just by virtue of well I'm waiting for other things anyway uh most of the unlocks I'll be doing afterwards I actually have a note sheet uh most of the things I'm going to be producing later are are unlocking later I'm going to try to couple them with a milestone that takes less than five minutes to come back so that I don't spend too much time waiting all right so we're going to begin converting these machines over to building materials uh I believe that I'm actually done with the Milestone but uh just to be safe I'll go ahead and double check that before I convert them all I'm going to turn this one into heavy modular frames because I'll need that to stay there and I don't want to go to look at it again looks like we still have 40 to go so maybe I won't uh update it quite yet um but every modular frame I get I'll just be putting it by hand a little tricky you might notice when he's running up to bins quite often he's pulling out his disassembling tool that's not because he wants to disassemble the bin it's just that's the fastest way to be able to see what's inside of it yeah any machine or anything that you're going to disassemble it'll show you the resources that are inside of it when you hover over with the tool all right so I'm also going to begin prepping some uh building materials here the constructors that I set up at the beginning are good and they're doing a lot but they're not quite enough for the rest of the run because the Milestones that we're going to be running into in a minute here take a lot of materials to uh unlock it looks like I'm gonna be making seven for now yeah someone actually asked earlier um why uh concrete foundation instead of a normal foundation and I assume that's just because it doesn't take iron plates exactly uh in this case we're not uh totally strapped for the availability of iron plates per se um but having to only worry about one item in your inventory slot is a lot nicer than two so once I'm done with this will probably be good to send the package I'm just going to make sure I get this running beforehand so that I'm not bottlenecked on it later okay let's go ahead and get that sent up perfect once that's done I'm gonna let the wire produce a little bit and also give myself some more heavy modular frames here yeah this whole section where you are basically turning in a ton of different tier seven and eight Milestones back to back is a bit of an interesting one to Route because most of the time is just spent running back between the shop and different boxes getting materials yeah so I'm going to go ahead and start making more containers for storage because these are filling up quickly uh I'm gonna grab three of those I think and as much wire and concrete as they can hold and let's go ahead and see how much wire we've produced hopefully near 1500 looks like I'm good okay there's one and then we're gonna prepare a box at refinement I was off by one stack of Motors but that's okay I'm gonna want a hundred and 150 of those let me go and grab those Motors now more this I can buy rubber that's gonna be the last thing that we need here and that drop them in this and improved melee combat is going to be the smallest double submit that I do probably till the end of the Run oh I lied I'm going to submit part assembly alone but other than that the next thing we're going to do is a submission of four parts at the same time aeronautical Logistics uh hover pack and advanced aluminum production doing a quick little look-see to make sure that I have a good mental picture of what I need to make and now I'm going to update my manufacturers so instead of making computers I'm going to convert the back half to making all radio control units we're going to try not to jump off the cliff here it's always a bit of a heart leaps into your chest moment when you miss where you're intending to go [Music] especially am I going to plummet my death today especially with that bumpy the tops of Manufacturers are yeah you see on your toes for sure okay that should be good we're gonna need a total of I think 108 computers I'm gonna take the project Parts in here and put them in my little overflow donation box and then that should be just about it two minutes until we can submit this let's go ahead and see if we have enough wire I did not know you could sync project parts uh yes you can and it turns out to be very they are worth a lot more than you would expect actually okay looks like we're at 1500 not quite as many as I was hoping for but that is not too shabby I'm gonna go ahead and start putting these all in a box so that I don't have to get them all out by hand every time yeah this is definitely the point in the run with that extra inventory that you're able to grab or extra inventory capacity is going to come really really handy yeah I'm so excited about that that's so good this is actually my first full run where I'm taking advantage of it and it has been nice yeah I know this is the point where normally I sort of get back I'll get stuck wandering back and forward between boxes for five minutes just wasting time yeah that's probably still gonna happen though for being honest but hopefully just not as much I'm also gonna need to buy a few things aluminum casing being the biggest one as well as two encased industrial beams oh I'm already loving this enhanced uh inventory space though normally I'd be juggling a lot of stuff trying to like figure out how I can fit it all let's see it might not be quite enough but we're gonna do our best with any luck pretty soon I'll be able to unlock one of my favorite and the inarguably best milestones in the game which is the hover pack traversal is going to get 10 times easier I promise uh okay I'm gonna buy some wire because I didn't have time to prepare it all or produce at all that is and now let's see what I've forgotten I forgotten the all Cloud sheets at this point though it's probably going to be better for me to just buy them rather than produce I think I only need maybe two orders but I'll do three to be safe grab all those and plug them in so there's Advanced aluminum uh we're gonna need Aeronautical Engineering of a pack and Logistics Mark 5 looks like I got everything except for the motors let's go grab some more of those thankfully I have 650 so it won't be a problem and let's go ahead and put that in here oh this is going to be the ah I didn't grow enough here's that running back and forth we were just talking about yeah there it is and full display okay with any luck that'll be enough plug that in the nope no luck at all I'm just gonna take them all I know I only need 50 but at this point okay there we go the only thing that really matters is that we do Logistics Mark 5 last so I'm going to go ahead and submit just whichever one I click on first as well as Easy Transport okay and Logistics mark five perfect let's make ourselves a hover pack and now we can fly yeah I don't know why Logistics Mach 5 is the shortest milestone in the game outside of the like tutorial stuff at one minute long just by being in the final tier it is kind of surprising Stone reached so another thing I'm going to do is convert a bunch of these to concrete and copper sheets which are going to be necessary for uh nuclear power we need a lot of both of those I'm also going to start converting these belts to Mark 5 because I've actually over produced for this uh belt speed at this point so we need to make sure that we remove those bottlenecks fortunately All-Clad aluminum sheets turns out to be one of the like fastest producing items in the game so as soon as you get it you are set for life yeah something like 75 per minute when they're overcooked yeah per machine yeah okay that's just about cover it go ahead and update those and then yeah they're producing so fast that these just have a amount stored up our minute is over which means that we can go ahead and start unlocking nuclear but in addition to nuclear I'm gonna need to get four or five more milestones most notably Coal Power we're actually going to be unlocking Coal Power but not to make coal power not even for the pipes not even for the pipes we're going to be getting Mark II for that we only need coal power for the pipeline Junction so that we can split them that we can do there I definitely forgot to switch these over to supercomputers so I'm going to quickly man I really do have a marathon brain going on right now stinkers is still faster than my baby I wouldn't worry with any luck we'll produce 150 pretty quickly though so it shouldn't be much of a problem we actually don't end up being gated on any of these manufacturer Parts uh for the run because I think I did the math and with 40 manufacturers you produce everything you need in like 10 maybe five minutes so we should be pretty fine here I'm gonna go ahead and see how much I can plug in here to the Milestone though and also prepare the other or five things I need I'll need ultimate fluid transport I'm gonna take some of that wire I was producing earlier foreign [Music] okay we'll come back to that in a moment I need alternate flu transport Coal Power which is all good to go and then pipeline engineering Mark II is the other big one this one I'm gonna go ahead and just buy all the parts that I need because I'm a little bit ahead and therefore do not have nearly as much uh resources as I'm expecting to at this moment okay there's Mark II uh alternate flute is the one that I'm missing some wire for see how much I've worked up 600 almost enough but not quite there we'll buy another 500. it is no biggie and then yeah let's get engineering where two good looking good nuclear and Leading Edge production will be submitting at the same time as one another uh so let's go ahead and get one three four five a bunch of cables as well as many heavy modular frames as we can hold then I'm gonna be buying 1 000 steel pipes it's about Leading Edge production I'm gonna really breaking the bank here and okay one two and another 50 right there okay last thing I'm gonna buy for now is a bunch of fused modular frames these you need a blender to to produce and I don't think we found any way to 007 a blender oh you can you have to basically use a package here to get the liquid stuff oh yeah that's a good point all right so we're going to be submitting it it's fiddly a bunch of Milestones here uh the important thing is that we do coalesce so I'm going to not do that yet uh it's gonna be a seven minute turnaround time for coal which is why we do that one last and I think that that should be the last of them so let me go ahead and plop that in and we are good to start making nuclear power I've made enough power that I don't have to worry about it crashing we should be fine go ahead and make a blueprint designer we're gonna do another thing that is not very typical for playthroughs here uh which is instead of using water extractors like you would expect to get water uh we're just gonna be using packagers pressure handling for better okay I'm just going to pop that up I'm gonna move this somewhere else cool is an improved alternative yeah this is sort of one of the um the biggest current bottlenecks of the game or not bottlenecks but restrictions of the the category um up until now we've been operating off of biomass because everything has been effectively free on power um that's gonna change very very drastically here um anyone who's got to the end of this game uh has probably seen particle accelerators um the the sort of gimmick with these is that they have a variable power output or power drawer so they're going to start small and then over the course of about two minutes they're going to ramp up how much power they consume while they're creating their product um unfortunately that means we can't trick the game into telling it that it's going to be using no power and these things are absolute beasts in terms of how much they draw from your grid um a single one of these overclocked will probably consume more power than the rest of your factory combined in a normal playthrough and we're going to be making a lot of them which means we have to kind of go up to nuclear here and in a very big way if I'm also going to start making electromagnetic control rods we won't need them quite yet but when we make particle accelerators they're going to become pretty important okay so if all goes well I should have all the buildings that I need here hopefully not having to wait six minutes just to submit a single Milestone is never a fun time but I have done it before okay we do have pipeline Mark two so we should be good here go ahead and make this this is going to be a fancy little um blueprints sorry I forgot the word uh just for getting a bunch of water when I overclock these and have them unpackage water again using double 07 they'll make 600 just enough for one uh nuclear generator so let's uh go ahead and unmake this uh we also aren't going to need that anymore okay so now I want to start making things so I'm gonna while I go over to the hub I'm going to work on my to-do list again I'm going to want this is getting real Annoying actually I'm gonna want eight of those as well as eight even pressing shift again doesn't reset it and then we're going to want uh two of these manufacturer blueprints okay I dropped those in and it gives us exactly what we're missing looks like the main thing is just going to be a couple super computers I'm also going to or what I do have so that I don't confuse myself that's probably also a great time to research some more inventory space isn't it never bedtime okay let's get those and that's the reason that I've been holding onto these alien parts for so long is they allow me to get three more slots in addition to the slot that I'm not using to hold the alien parts perfect okay there we go uh we're gonna want a couple of those I think a bunch of all clad sheets uh let's see here I'm gonna be doing a bunch of math if you want to talk about something interesting spider what's going on now like doing the Euclid Tower than the pas this is usually where runs uh or early days at least this is where runs went to die literally anything can go wrong when you're when you're dealing with the Pas and if the grid blows it's going to be a bit of nightmare fuel in terms of getting it restored I think as Epiphany mentioned earlier you can kind of recover from it but uh it's it's best avoided if you can help it yeah to make the power so it's it's a lot easier to recover from this uh from a power failure if you have one nuclear uh accelerator going you have nothing running then uh you are going to have a really bad time yeah what I want to try and do is get at least some uh uranium fuel going as soon as possible a small backlog of this since you can't actually recover from what would otherwise just be a complete knockout and it is surprisingly easy to trip your power grid when you're dealing with the particle accelerators I think we've all sort of looked at our grid after setting up a couple and going yeah that should be fine then you turn around set up two more look at your grid again and it's exploding it's actually thinking about like how how are you gonna get uranium and then I realized that you can just taste the null recipe that's right produce some uh another fun fuel rods out of thin air another fun part of the game ruined by speedrunners so I'm gonna get four of these made as soon as possible but the important thing is that uranium is processing and it already is so that should be fine yeah we are going to lose access to this bug uh when update 8 comes out which I think is scheduled to be prospectively in about a month or so it's currently in uh the on the the test version the test branch of the game yeah and we've confirmed that it's it's no longer working there sort of incidental they're upgrading the engine to Unreal Engine 5. and just sort of through the reworking that's happened there it's been incidentally fixed yep unfortunately the devs actually did kind of want to keep the the bug around uh but there was another another bug that was caused by the same uh root issue or whatever so in order to make things better for the average player they unfortunately are going to have to fix this foreign all these runs in now while we still can that's it getting this right under the water so I'm gonna convert all these into making water make sure they're all hooked up and then once I do that all that's left to do is um plug in the uranium fuel rods I'm still letting them produce uh without connecting it because I want to make sure that the logistics are perfect so I'm making sure to put all my Splitters on uh first and then once I do that I can just drop them in and then any luck these should start working and we'll see a big spike in power there we go yeah big it might look a little bit untidy but these anytime we're doing these sorts of setups typically we're going to be load balancing them which in this game just means you're making sure that all of the machines are receiving inputs at the same rate that way they can work the most efficiently off the bat it's fairly straightforward to get all of your Machines working but if you're not load balancing it might take a little while for all of them to sort of spin up to full speed okay there we go so I've got all of my stuff good for the first one I'm gonna go get some more plastic and all clad sheets and then I'll make the second uh nuclear setup just now the Hub thing came back so I can launch particle accelerators uh or article refinement is that what it's called um but I'm not in a huge hurry to do it right now because without power it's useless I'm just gonna ask are you wait so they think the big question on everyone's mind who who doesn't know this run is the nuclear waste what yeah just like uh just like a lot of society we're gonna put that in a box and hope that everyone forgets about it that'll be a problem for future uh satisfactory Generations yeah thankfully the run is short enough that it doesn't become a problem um we just have to make sure we're clearing it out of the generators themselves but realistically we're not even going to fill up to Containers before the end of the Run holy moldy yeah I usually end up make making one container per or nuclear generators and so far I haven't had any problems with running out of space is a bit of a fun surprise though when you make a mistake on handling sort of like your Logistics or your belting or anything like that when you're setting these things up and there's a bunch of nuclear waste and then you dismantle something because it's not working and wonder why you're taking all of the spicy damage because when you dismantle something it goes into your inventory so now you're holding a you know a bunch of nuclear waste which is always fun there we go I've prepared the last to-do list before particle accelerators so I'm going to go ahead and make sure I have all the right things here a lot of comparing numbers it's very exciting it's a math game after all right yeah you you would also have seen uh just a minute ago you set up a bank of batteries um normally it would be nice to get those set up earlier and just have have a bank that we can draw from unfortunately biomass bonus will only consume materials when something is spending that power and batteries won't count for that um so now that he's set up nuclear he can set those batteries up they'll start charging and that'll give us a bit of a safety net in case the uh the particle accelerators spend more than our nuclear is producing at a time it'll draw from the power bank instead rather than crashing our entire grid because as we said earlier if the grid crashes um we kind of have to go into panic mode pretty fast thinking of trying to avoid Panic modes what I'm doing here is I'm just making a bunch of extra storage so that none of these machines will incidentally go idle is that would also be a bad time for me look I've got some floating super computers I'll uh leave that there okay here we go let's go ahead and drop down a couple more manufacturer blueprints oh I just messed up all the hot bars here all right that's gonna be on eight and that's on nine so what's your plan for um Power to particle accelerators how many do you intend to make I'm gonna start with 20 and then once I'm done with that and I'm sure that it's working I'm gonna move up to 30. uh one of the kind of interesting things you have to balance here as well in addition to you know not breaking the grid and all that is what order do you want to produce everything in um because of the fact that in the top right you'll see like my goal is four different space elevator Parts uh because there's four of them I have to constantly be deciding which one is the most important at this particular point in time ideally I set up set them up at a rate where they all uh you know produce at the same rate and finish together but it's hard to do that because the most efficient way to build is to do one thing at a time rather than putting your focus there's a little bit of how much am I going to min max versus how much am I gonna just uh try and balance everything out yeah also if you've ever tried to do this last milestone in a sort of legitimate glitchless playthrough you might have encountered the uh ads the first project part that is that has four thousand listed there if you've ever done that it might have made you cry um so maybe you've hurt your eyes when you see how how epiphonal it handles that in about 30 40 minutes yeah it's actually it is the bottleneck for every no major glitch run but in the case of this glitch run it actually ends up being the fastest thing for production because it only needs an assembler so ironically it's actually going to be the last one I put together yeah normally the components that go into it are some of the most complicated sort of logistics chains all the way through the game but we cannot bypass that with double 07. once again I'm going to be setting up load balancing here I want to make sure that they all right at the same time as one another and then once I'm done with that I can put in four more uh nuclear power plants I also want to make sure that they're all overclocked to 250 because if you make a building and you're not overclocking it in this run what are you doing okay there we go we've got our next four all working I'm actually going to move them off this way for putting them in a box because the other areas can be reserved for my particle accelerators once I make those while uh practicing this run whoever accidentally run into the uh spicy damage uh yeah actually it's a unique uh form of panic when you realize that you're dying quickly um unfortunately this is my first run to that yeah fortunately I have not fully died to it before um okay let's convert these all to Turbo Motors and then the second row we're actually going to convert to making project parts right now uh even though we're not gonna min max on making a lot of um the magnetic field generators uh it's good to get some of them going now so that we don't have to worry about it later all those super computers anyone who's tried to set up a super computer Factory is probably stunned how easy it looks slamming my hands on the ground yeah it's a little bit criminal because obviously you know we had to set up all of those manufacturers to get the uh the tier 3 project pots out and it's as simple as literally pasting a recipe to start working on the tier four ones yep I'm just adding more of these because I can tell that I'm starting to fill up all the containers don't want that to happen okay let's go ahead and grab some parts that might have been a bit much and I think yeah I should be good to go so let's go make our last uh nuclear plants here you can find a hole there we go I think yeah these have already banked up a couple we're gonna build those out over here on the coast I'm sure the local fauna is a big fan of what I'm doing here it sounds happy as long as they just don't get too close to them I'm sure it's fine exactly just don't get in the way and should be fine looks like I'll need more sheets we need a bigger inventory yeah if only there were more miles or more unlocks for it yeah this is what the end of the Run ends up turning into sometimes is kind of just like a Mad Dash to get all of the uh building materials they can because these these late game buildings end up becoming very very expensive to make that's a that's a tech that I like to do more often in my uh no major glitch in my nmg runs is uh if you jump off of a mark 5 conveyor belt you get a gigantic speed boost and so you can use it to kind of propel yourself Way Forward uh through the factory I don't use it as much here because uh the amount of map reversal we're doing is not as large but it is still pretty nice or if you want to get from point A to point B fast I think it might actually be the fastest mode of transportation as just eating yourself off of a conveyor belt yeah unless you want to count like a hyper tube Cannon true true hypertube cannons do exist the one downside of them is they require power so if you're adventuring for example you can't just create a hyper tube Cannon out of nothing uh that's actually the wrong direction hypertube Canon blueprint with a biomass burner uh that's true yeah it sounds like more of Fitness there's a lot of effort but it would work yeah one thing that I like to do during my uh nmg runs is when I'm on a hyper or hyper a hard drive run uh I'll bring one blueprint that's just like a a single belt that takes like two All-Clad sheets or something and I can just plop it down and if you chain it together correctly you end up uh going really fast throughout the terrain a little movement Tech yeah that's something we haven't actually mentioned uh for a factory building Sim the movement in this game is incredibly good um just sliding around jumping around in this game feels really really smooth and it's actually quite enjoyable that's true the developers had no right making it as fun to move in this game as they did especially once you get uh Blade Runners which let you move faster jump higher all that sort of stuff all right and there are four more particle or not particle accelerators former nuclear generators with that I'm pretty much good to start making a lot of particle accelerators so I'm going to go turn in that milestone I should hopefully have enough uh coupons in the in the awesome shop to buy the parts I need as well so this is where sort of that power bank is going to come in handy a bit yeah unfortunately a single battery can only store a certain amount of power per minute so most of what we've been producing has kind of not made its way into the power bank um but it's important to have the overhead so that when we do start producing we're not immediately dipping into our savings funds there exactly a bit of healthy uh pre-septicism on my own building abilities yeah Safety First yeah exactly okay so we are going to prep the to-do list one more time I'm gonna drop some stuff in here so that I can figure it out and then we're gonna start picking up everything we need [Music] underneath the turbo Motors 100 more of those a lot of numbers going on once again yeah this is a sort of pointing around where we're just trying to maximize the number of important things we can get in our inventory because every single one of these buildings costs I mean as you can see on the to-do list there's a fairly substantial amount of Parts going into these uh normally that would just be a case of complexity making sure that you can get you know turbo Motors and choose modular frames for example a very challenging to produce until you've got sort of very strong assembly line set up um in our case though it's just a matter of fitting all of the different bits in our inventory and he'll be purchasing some of those from the shop because cooling systems Infuse modular frames for example those come from a machine that we haven't interacted with it's possible to set them up using the glitch but it's also extremely fiddly and time consuming and given that we have the tickets this is like one of the best things we could be spending them on yeah this is where all of the setup I did at the start for alien DNA ends up paying off handsomely because if we hadn't been donating so much because of that exponential drop off and how much you get for each thing you donate it ends up it ends up adding up a lot over time so producing all that now or way back when I did ended up being a big uh big gain what am I looking for here yes I I know my first few attempts at this category I was basically just setting up DNA Farms all over the place to to make coupons and just buying literally everything and even then I was sort of struggling for coupons at some points because some of these items just are so expensive to buy all right once this is done I'm gonna need this part in order to set up the 007 glitch once again but as long as I have one I'm good to go and I I remember uh actually for for people that are coming in after the run starts you guys want to go over the double 07 glitch one more time so I don't have to guess at it and then get it wrong yeah do you want to watch me too uh you go ahead sweater yeah um it's a really short version of it is um when we set up a machine by default it has an empty recipe that when you interact with the machine it asks you to select one um what we actually do is we copy that recipe out of the machine um then when we set up a bunch of machines after the fact we start them producing so for example you're going to see him here approach these particle accelerators he's going to select the nuclear pasta recipe and then provide enough inputs for them to be able to start crafting as soon as they've started he pastes over the top that blank recipe that he'd copied earlier um but what's actually happened as soon as we paste that blank recipe we've tricked the game into sort of breaking the machine the machine was already working and it's kind of convinced that it's still working and it still has all of the inputs required to produce and it will just happily produce once we select a recipe again so here he breaks it selects the recipe that he actually wants and it will just produce indefinitely without consuming resources so he gets his uh pressure conversion Cube and he gets his copper powder back out of the machine and the Machine is convinced that it still has all of those things indefinitely so I actually forgot that I um but I've I've gotten to uh package for in my casual playthrough and I I went and I wrote down how much each thing takes and I think the most one of the most astonishing things is that at one point he needed 1.2 million cable uh uh one of these would that be uh EDS is that right it's better for the whatever the first one is remember the names of them yeah automated defense system uh assembly director system that's the one yeah it uses a huge amount of automated wiring which is one of the earlier project parts that just absolutely chugs through your cable um and this chokes through automated wiring so yeah you need just an absolutely Unholy amount of that all right so I've got my first 10 particle accelerators producing that would finish in about what an hour and 20 minutes uh we want to do better though so I'm going to go ahead and try and get all the way up to uh 20 of them for now here yeah even fully overclocked uh one of those particle accelerators is only going to make a little more than one nuclear pasta per minute uh and we need a thousand of those so it's sort of it does become a bit of a math game where you're working out you know how long will it take me based on how many particle accelerators I have okay looks like when you start sort of expanding those you realize just how many nucleogens you need too like I made just enough electromagnetic control rods so we should hopefully run into no issues uh setting up the last 10 particle accelerators here fingers crossed I didn't mess up any of the power grid as this is where we're gonna find out and we will find out we will absolutely find out we're all done effing around there's a there's a whole bunch of ways it could could have gone wrong something as simple as forgetting to connect one of the outputs for a nuclear waste for example means that that generator would get backed up I think could be something wrong with the the water extractors um initially something that screwed us up is those uh the trick we're using with packages to create the water one of the byproducts of that is canisters come out and you know we we put them straight into the awesome sink which if you've never played before is basically just a void that you donate items into it's where we get those coupons but we didn't necessarily realize initially how many canisters were coming out of that and it actually is slightly more than the tier 3 belts which means if you're using tier 3 belts and you try to put them into the awesome sink the machine backs up and then starts consuming power again or in fact stops producing water and no water means no power no power means very very sad particle accelerators yeah we found a lot of ways to uh I guess Embrace disaster it's the easiest way to put it at the end of the run here one thing that likes to be a nice contentious issue amongst the satisfactory Community is uh you'll notice whenever I am hovering over something it uh the color will either be yellow blue or red red means you can't build the building as you might guess uh blue means you can build it and then yellow is this nice little middle ground that they added where uh it clips into another building and it's kind of like a suggestion saying maybe you don't want to do that maybe you want a factory that looks nicer and depending on who you ask that can be a highly politically motivated question whether clipping is a good or a bad thing you can probably guess how we feel about it based on how I'm putting these factories together yeah so we're going to prepare the first project part to go back to the space elevator here all goes well we'll start to get some nuclear pasta in here and we'll begin working towards the end I think we've all got a Secret Safe somewhere that's full of nicely organized machines and uh void of clipping but we're not allowed to share it with people or we might get our speedrun license revoked oh yeah for sure I I definitely have the patience to not clear oh yeah I conveyor belts into each other I'm super organized and disciplined and have never ever relented on that okay so I've got my for my original 40 manufacturers making magnetic field generators this will figure finish excuse me uh just as soon as the particle accelerators would uh so they're working on the same Pace uh next thing I need to do is just begin um doing the same thing for the rest of the project parts I'm gonna drop in what I have here give it a second to all come down the pipe for those turbo Motors and I'm just going to drop the rest straight into the space elevator okay I think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to start by yeah setting up the manufacturers for thermal propulsion Rockets followed by some more particle accelerators and the last thing I'm going to do actually is assembly director system that really difficult one that spider was talking about we're gonna save it for lunch Save The Best For Last I suppose just the nature of 007 means we sort of reverse the order of the bottlenecks where um in a casual playthrough you might think that pasta is horrifying and and complicated um but then once you actually start setting them up you'll realize that simply address director systems are actually much much worse yeah yeah I think it all comes down to the automated wiring I believe turns out it's very difficult to make automated wiring on Mass yeah yeah I feel like the pasta is really really hard you gotta like acquire so much uranium yeah the pasta is difficult um because of yeah the power requirements uh the actual construction of it is a lot easier than you would expect okay make sure that's got the right recipe in it yeah if you're at that point in the game then you're probably already able to make uh the components that make up the pasta pretty trivially but it's more um it's a question of can you can you provide enough power for this thing to continue operating this is one of my favorite Parts about the hover pack is that we don't really need to build foundations anymore as long as the power grid doesn't fail if the power grid fails it becomes a very different story but we're gonna just hope that doesn't happen bigger problems if that happens I've also built One of These Blueprints backwards which is speaking of disorganized factories that's going to look real nice just another aesthetic Choice that's right another way that this run is unique from all the others yeah it's as simple as this is setting up 007 and then pasting in the thermal propulsion rocket recipe and that's all it takes to get one of the final items of the game it's so easy I don't know why everybody doesn't do this just as the devs intended and let's make sure we set up our uh invariables so that the parts actually go into the space elevator yeah don't forget this no you uh one on the manufacturers yeah I would never forget something so it's so simple as that it's the worst when you're used to using a specific blueprint like Epiphany would have made this blueprint a hundred times now uh if you accidentally forget a belt or something like that you're so used to just using it and having it work that you might set it up and forget about it and it's almost not worth going back and fixing the blueprint because that takes a whole bunch of time so you kind of just suffer and hope that you don't forget yeah when it comes to me that usually means forgetting okay so I've got some thermal propulsion Rockets working uh the next thing I actually want to do is first check the power grid looks like we're pretty stable but I'm going to want to make more of these so I'm going to drop an eight here another eight here once I can and then do more of those manufacturers look at those prepped up to go and then once we have all that I might actually have to buy some heavy modular frames I think I do it's like I didn't make enough of those earlier oh well oh that's not what I meant to do yes he's very much approaching the home stretch now most of the infrastructure is set up yep and it's a matter of um for the production of ketchup I think with the exception of assembly director systems I am making some of everything so if nothing goes wrong and I leave this game idle for like a couple hours I will finish maybe not fast but I'll be done let's go ahead and put those away and be still an order of magnitude faster than without the glitch that is certainly true okay let's go ahead and set up a more uh those and then we'll be good to make some more particle accelerators there's actually an interesting trade-off so this area of the Northern Forest this sort of four zones you can start in in the game it's one giant map no matter where you start um but this zone is sort of known to be difficult to build in because there's a lot of sort of hills and rocks and and just trees and stuff in the way it's there's not a lot of flat empty space um which means in a run like this it's not actually the ideal place to be building things it does turn out to be still a very very fast way or one of the best locations to start and if not the best because at the very start of the Run there's a few crash sites around that have materials scattered and unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it uh that's enough for you to sort of kick start some of the milestones at the very start of the game and so it's still faster to go here even though you've seen he's had to sort of like build a platform in the air uh he's now sort of wrestling with the terrain to be able to place large buildings and blueprints even down on the beach uh you know there was a lot of time spent where we're just trying to place nuclear power plants in a place where the game is happy but it's still faster just because there's a few uh crash sites now it's crazy how much like 100 cable and uh I don't know how much how many computers 26 computers out it can affects what we consider a good place to be spawning here yeah I think it's just all of the bits all of the materials at those crash sites are so useful you get a bunch of extra reinforced iron plates which are required to build Constructors the sort of first machine that you're going to be using lots of in the game and then there's wire cable screws which are all really important and things you need High quantity of for turn-ins at the start and then as you said computers give you that initial hit of tickets to be able to just absolutely um skewed past the the first section of the game the trade-off is we have to build stuff like this yeah things that are impossible to understand I'm doing a lot of relying on kind of Abbott here uh because I guarantee if I if I didn't already know what I was supposed to be doing I would have no clue what I was doing it's just an unfortunate fact of life at this point I also can't I can't count how many times I've been getting used to a run like this and because it's so hectic just had no idea what to be looking for and then it just as soon as it starts falling apart it it unravels pretty quickly yeah especially when you're using the power glitch yeah I gotta be really careful with that one okay I'll need to put a power shard in there but beyond that I think we're good on the first row looks like I'll need to get a couple more resources for the uh final setup but if I convert these to all class sheets so sometimes the belts don't want to connect there It's gotta go a bit wonky in roundabout to make it work yeah you'll see that in most games even if they're not speedrunners though to be fair true when you're doing the planning of her run like this like I've I talked about the spreadsheets a little bit at the beginning of the run but like how how much testing goes into this and how much you know proof of concept you know you say oh I can you know hypothetically make everything this fast obviously with 007 it's a lot easier because you just multiply everything by you know 150 and go from there or 250. but you know what at what point does it become okay I'm putting too much back into creating machines rather than outputting you know materials uh that's a really good question um because there are so many moving parts to a run like this I found personally that the best way to do it or at least the best way for me to do it has been to come up with kind of a rough guideline and then actually just there's a little bit of trial and error after that point because as much as you try to do calculations and I've tried to do calculations so many times over there's always something you can't account for and so really repetition ends up being kind of one of the most important things like uh that first maybe 10 minutes of the run where I'm setting up the initial Constructors uh the recipes that I decided to put in each of those Constructors has changed significantly over time as I realize you know if I put more wire on like sooner uh then like I end up not having enough concrete or something like that and the only way to really truly understand whether you're gonna whether it's gonna work uh is just trying it and then when it doesn't work trying something else which depending on the Run uh like if you're if you're talking about like a um not glitched four package run which is 17 hours you don't really get to iterate as much as you might expect um and so it doesn't get quite as optimized but here I've done a full run maybe uh six or seven times at this point and each time there's like small optimizations like that that are like uh some of them are like testing hypotheses and some of them are applying those those same things and hoping that it you know works out as as I tried to math it but there's always going to be something that's off assess my experience maybe maybe you're good with math spider uh a pretty similar experience to be honest usually as you said you go in with a sort of an idea where you think okay this is what you expect the bottleneck to be and you focus on that and then through trial and error it'll work out really quickly or hopefully quickly um whether or not that is the bottleneck or how much you need to devote to it um usually for me it'll be a case of I'll try something that I expect to need to do and it'll be done while I'm still setting up the machines that's probably a sign that you have enough but yeah the uh the slower or the longer runs um definitely make that a little bit more challenging you iterate on the the first section a fair bit yeah one fortunate side effect though is that because of the nature of this game where things kind of build upon each other as long as you like if you get a good start you're likely to get a good like continuation so to speak um it's like having a strong beginning to the Run actually affects way more than it seems like it would yeah absolutely similarly if you forget to plug something in at 10 minutes into the round or into the game uh you'll you'll really hurt by the end when you don't have enough of what you need yeah the number of times I've gone on a hard drive Adventure come back and like two machines have just not been connected and haven't been producing the whole time and I come back and I just reset instantly it's cursed yeah I've been there many times do like 20 minutes of exploration just to find out that it was all wasted because you earned one machine off and even worse is when well because I stream a lot of my attempts uh I have video evidence of myself saying I better not forget this and then lo and behold by the time I get there I've forgotten completely okay so there's our last eight uh nuclear generators let's go ahead and see if I can convert everything to or convert all my assemblers to assembly directory systems and work on the last particle accelerators pretty sure I've made enough by now so just gonna hope you can see in the top right there's a Tracker that shows how many of the different project Parts have made their way into the space elevator um at the moment it looks like the nuclear pasta that shiny blue one on the right is just not yet connected to the output um that's because there's really no risk of the machines filling up getting them into the elevator is certainly important for actually sending it off so it's sort of low on the priority list it might look like there's none but you're about to see that change very very drastically as he's just connected that line up yeah I definitely didn't forget to do that I've been waiting for uh yeah I've been waiting for a grand reveal moment look at all those nuclear pasta how much would you say is left on this run because this is you know uh yeah good question so the big thing that's left is to make a lot of assembly directory systems and then even though you see a lot of nuclear pasta pouring in right now I promise that that will dry up soon once the stuff I've already created it's in here though this is much further along than I expected it to be okay there we go we're at 400. still a very good amount um but yeah certainly not as many as I'm gonna need I'm actually gonna donate those get some tickets for them uh considering I only need 100 turbo Motors uh keeping or giving away the rest is going to give me a lot of coupons which will help me with this building phase yeah the the end here is something of a balancing act because your time is only going to be as good as your slowest project part yeah there's no point banging out a whole bunch of uh one of them if you're still waiting on pasta or ads or something like that so he's trying to match up the um the three on the right there as evenly as possible um and usually that that's why we sort of spent so much time investing in in the pasta but now we're about to go absolutely Ham on the assembly director systems yeah I think since these have probably gone through I should have a good amount here there we go I'm gonna go ahead and buy the last things that I need for uh nuclear pasta wrap that up before we get going yep I'm also gonna not gonna need this plastic or rubber anymore so I'm just going to try and get that out of my inventory despite having as much stuff as I do inventory management is still kind of a big deal okay those and I think that that should be about it I am going to be making a platform for this because the particle accelerators get quite large that extra inventory space is huge still this is pretty nice uh like I kind of alluded to uh with that whole trial and error thing uh a lot of what I'm doing here is stuff that I've done before mixed in with a couple of things that I think are going to be improvements for example the Blade Runners are new to this run uh I thought that they would make the traversal better and they seem to be paying off pretty nicely plus you know running with Blade Runners just feels a lot better so we're gonna call that a win I gotta say I'm sad you never got the jet pack though did they actually fix that movement because I know at one point uh sliding and jumping with a jet pack just made you go like ridiculously fast uh I don't know if they've fixed it as far as I know it's supposed to be that way update it's uh gonna be really really interesting with the jet pack uh currently it just consumes Fuel and does the same thing always but you're going to be able to put different fuel types in the jetpack that will cause it to behave in different ways so if you put turbo fuel in for example you'll fly really fast that's true I forgot they were doing that and we need to put nuclear fuel in my jet pack and just absolutely explode myself uh you can't dang I was really hoping no I I think it's uh it's biomass I'll buy a fuel the solid stuff um liquid biofuel regular Fuel and turbo fuel that'd be cool if you could have a nuclear jet pack though I'd be into that yeah it's like if you put a or it should be like if you put a uranium fuel rod in the what is it the Explorer or it'll yeah it lasts basically forever effectively you never have to worry about power again uh I think the the run time of an Explorer that's got a uranium fuel Rod is like five or six hours of Street driving okay so once I get these last ones reducing I'm not gonna bother with the belting yet because uh like we mentioned earlier uh my ads's are not really producing very much right now so I'm gonna try and get those going as much as I can looks like I messed this up a bit I'm just gonna put them in there so they have a home and then yeah there's all those ads's any rotors I got some but I'm definitely going to be buying more thankfully uh any lesson ideas production here while it's not ideal uh it's something of a drop in the bucket once once it starts getting the blueprint rolling you're going to see a lot of assemblers coming up very soon yeah this is probably the closest we're going to get to seeing a typical looking Factory even though it's all going to be glitched still well for typical in air quotes this is at least more structurally sound than the factories that I make so yeah the key is to uh glitch your factory out so that it doesn't draw any power and then also never yeah never quit your game because once you do that like we mentioned it'll it'll reset all of these machines they'll realize that they shouldn't have been producing this whole time yeah so you can see what he's doing here he's pre-filling uh all of these with not the recipe he wants to make but the recipe he wants to glitch them out with we can't glitch the blueprint itself but we can set it up so that it's in a state where they're very quick to glitch out so he under clocks them uh provides them with enough materials to start building so as soon as he plugs them in they start building happily very very slowly and then all he's got to do is paste that that null recipe that empty recipe over the top and they enter that broken state and then once again paste the recipe he wants so the ads with power shards and then they'll be all producing at 250 speed okay nice got those all good to go looks like we got one single ads oh that's the one I put in manually right but we still have it progress has been made that's right it's been the categories that aren't you know glitched let's try to fight a nicer way to say that but this is just broken in half um oh yeah do you wind up using things like trains or drones or any of the you know more esoteric uh non-built options that they've added in or is it too like part or cost power prohibitive uh at the moment I use um I use drones but I've actually been toying around at the route that doesn't because like you mentioned it's just uh it takes it actually takes a long time to set up and during that time it's almost just as easy to make a conveyor belt yeah it's sort of one of the unfortunate things uh I absolutely love using trains but the problem is anything in the game is never going to be able to move or operate more quickly or it's always going to be bottlenecked by the speed of the belt uh even getting materials into a train the heads bottlenecked by the speed of a belt and if it's already bottlenecked by a belt why not just use a belt exactly it is unfortunate though because they are a lot of fun trains is so cool I had trains just like movement they had they had no reason to make it as fun to use like the train mechanic as they did but here we are and trains generate power right I think uh they don't generate but they do kind of bring power with them so you can use trains as a mechanism for say like transferring um what's the word I'm trying to think of or like bringing power to other areas yeah yeah they go I don't think the rails them do the rails themselves provide Power I believe they do too and they're basically like glorified power poles yeah trains are definitely one of the coolest things in the game for me I wish they were a bit more useful for a speedrun but yeah they're just a bit too time consuming have you ever toyed around with any um like 100 quote-unquote runs where you you gotta unlock everything we've talked about it uh but I don't think anyone's ventured ventured an attempt yet at least not to my knowledge I know there was that low percent run you guys did which just looked like nightmare fuel yeah that's that was the exact opposite we said what if we unlock nothing unless it's 100 required to finish the game thankfully Coal Power even though it doesn't make a project part it is necessary because of those water extractors if it wasn't for the water extractors you wouldn't be able to use coal power you'd have to do the whole thing on biomass until you get to nuclear I think in total the Run took 20 minutes shy of an entire week to finish yeah like like real like real time uh yes real time we had a dedicated server running so it's not that somebody was constantly playing thankfully um but yeah it was an experience yeah one of the unfortunate caveats in that category is you can't get Logistics which means you can't split anything off you're limited to literally what one Miner can put into one machine yep and then one what one machine can put into one more machine which in the case of making things like automated wiring like we were talking about is not very many okay yeah how much copper powder can one uh Constructor produce oh not much we did have some I guess you could call it tech for that which was uh we would have 40 or 50 automated wiring on a single or automated miners on a single node and then somebody would periodically every hour or so go and like pick up from all the automated Miners and put them in a or excuse me portable manners that's what I'm thinking of uh and put them inside a storage container to act as a sort of makeshift um minor that sounds awful it was uh Hey God I gotta go log into satisfactory to pull all my automated miners off it felt kind of like doing chores to be honest yeah I can imagine which to be fair I think a lot of satisfactory feels like doing chores and actually fix this blueprint I forgot to put what I normally like to do which is our pulls on the end of it gonna make things a little bit easier here to make yeah so one of the benefits sort of of the way uh he's organized the end of this run is he can sort of scale up his ads production as he needs uh toward the end so if it looks like it's not catching up to the pastor you can add more and it's pretty quick to do so because all he's got to do is is what you just saw him do setting up a bunch of assemblers and then uh I don't think they're yet connected to the um space elevator so once that happens you're going to see that number start absolutely shooting up yeah here we're gonna that started at the very least as we start to get a progress determiner this is what you find out if anything actually went wrong okay let's go ahead and start making some more I think at this pointed the right way yeah that's another feature that um at least I'm very much looking forward to and update is at the moment if you put a blueprint down in the wrong spot you have to clear each building manually and that can be a pain in their butt when a lot of the times especially during the speedruns we make clip things into trees and rocks and walls and they just are completely inaccessible the feature and updated is you're going to be able to dismantle the entire blueprint in one go so that's going to be really really nice for that yeah I'm really looking forward to that as you saw when I put that uh manufacturer blueprint backwards the reason I didn't do anything about it was for exactly that reason I would have had to dismantle every single manufacturer individually it's just not a good time no put the rest of these plugged in this is why I like to have power poles on the end here yeah I've definitely stolen that tick from you thank you it also makes the the blueprint lock on so uh in case you haven't noticed one of the other things that I'm doing here is I am using blueprint mode to easily like flip the blueprints onto each other kind of connect them one easy way to make sure that you're working with kind of a uniform thighs is to put those power poles on the corner because that way you know it's going to be exactly I think it's 16 meters by 16 meters or something like that yep okay so yeah as soon as I can get all these things making assembly director systems we will be golden I think once again I might be looking at assembly directory systems as the bottleneck not a bad problem to have better than the alternative I'll put that much out there yeah it's sort of um initially I don't know if you experienced a lot of this but I would get to this sort of point in the run and just have nothing to do just sort of waiting for stuff to happen because I was waiting on pasta and I couldn't justify it well I couldn't I didn't have the power to be able to create more particle accelerators uh the nice thing about doing it this way is because ads become closer to the bottleneck this is actually sensible to just crank out a whole bunch more and um speed it up yeah skills kind of linearly which is certainly nice all the it I I know there's order to what you're doing but this just seems so precise like to know where on each belt you have to put the conveyor to not like screw up the connection oh I've screwed up plenty of connections unfortunately none of them have just been during fortunately none of them have been during this show okay it's certainly interesting um you know initially I watched these runs and it looks sort of like organized chaos once you start actually working with the blueprints you sort of see it as just sort of you know where the inputs are you know where the outputs are and nothing else realistically matters as long as it's got power and it's working you know what's going to happen and you can kind of treat it like a black box so it kind of helps a little bit to sort of simplify it down and you know as um as crazy as it looks stacking a whole bunch of these together it's also very easy to handle because it's just this chunk of assemblers you know what they're all doing they're all doing the same thing they're all pointing in the same direction a very very easy to manage even if it looks like it's a lot test all these in give them all the double 07 buff so to speak and then let's go ahead and Double R ads production yeah it's a bit of a weird name for a glitch too uh because it doesn't really tell you anything about what the glitch does um but it sounds cool yeah exactly that's the important part uh do you want to explain why we came up with the name or do you actually know why we came up with that okay I I haven't I think it was um Evil Steve it came up with a double O part I could be mistaken but uh effectively when you copy the the null or the blank recipe uh he tried to work out what you were actually copying and it seemed to produce the characters zero zero hence the double zero uh the seven is just because we found it during update seven uh smush them together to get something that sounds cool and there you go doesn't tell you anything about what it does but yeah I'm sure that's not important all these were missing pirate Shirts by the looks of it ah that should be fine though and we go back to just making more I suppose yeah the pasta's looking healthy yeah surprisingly healthy I was not expecting to have fallen this far behind on the ads's yeah I think the main thing was setting the power up in the forest just finding places to place things without the game telling us that there's an object in the way that's true I really wish I had found a better spot for that we're gonna actually oh look look at that we're done with the uh yeah Dune desert wouldn't be bad I've thought about ways to do it ultimately just comes down to the crash sites yeah as long as you can find the building materials to get started quickly it's uh viable I'm actually gonna switch this up a little bit this time I'm reversing every other floor so that um it can kind of loop into one another hopefully the belting between them will be easier you ever use the um lights on anything to figure out if you missed powering it or uh yeah I actually was doing that a little bit earlier I didn't really mention it but I saw a couple of red beacons and that's how I a couple red beacons and a couple green beacons uh what I'm looking for is white here which means that the machine is overclocked and so red meant that I hadn't put the recipe in at all and uh green meant that it was operating 100 which means that I had run out of uh Power shards but yeah if you see a bunch of white uh beacons that's a good sign I'm also doing a small uh movement optimization here which is a moving left while I do all the pasting and that's simply because I have my uh I have copy and paste rebound from control C and Ctrl V to T and G because they're close to wasd uh and so by moving the left it frees up my index finger to actually hit G on all these but I don't have to stop moving if I was moving left and I see there's a couple more green beacons which means I'm once again out of power shards not a big deal though I'm gonna go get more fortunately I've kind of Hit the point where I'm sort of saturated when it comes to uh building materials uh so I'm gonna make a couple more power shards here but uh yeah I sort of have everything that I need and it's just a matter of building it all quickly it's also the diminishing returns from here it's true that's why it's important to get something kind of passable going first and then worry later about scaling it up yep make sure these are all hooked up looks like we're good for here starting to wonder if I should just make a blueprint for uh like nine assemblers stacked together that might actually be a good idea here yeah I was playing with that originally another hypothesis for next run I suppose yeah I'm so convinced the uh the flat Stack's better but who knows I was convinced that Tupac couldn't go until like 15 minutes so okay let's just keep on buying parts that's basically what the rest of this run is is buying a bunch of building materials and building those buildings yeah if the pasta hasn't tripped the grid by now we're probably in the clear which means the uh sort of the the scary part of the runners definitely behind us yeah it's kind of just coasting until the ads is fill up now gonna get a little bit present guard just sort of fortunate that for us the the ultimate recipe that makes ads just comes out of an assembler which makes this very easy to mass produce the the actual complexity comes from the two components beforehand that both require manufacturers um but we get to skip that obviously through the the use of 007 starting to wonder how close of a finish this is going to be because yeah ads are finishing up and according to my I don't know what the timer shows like on stream but uh we're within we're within a couple minutes of of my current world record though this is going to get very interesting hopefully I can actually pull it off there's no power grid failure this time though which probably helped a lot with the timing certainly didn't hurt all right so I'm looking pretty close to the finish line here so I'm just going to chill at the space elevator time is going to be as soon as the lever gets down to send here uh so as soon as I can pull that all the way down it's going to stop on seal and then I'm gonna pull it one more time and then we'll be done 100 more ads's to go which looks like it should be no big deal we got a lot coming down these these lifts here all right there we go almost ready to go almost ready to finish our job getting it down to seal and then time is going to be once it hits send and time nice cool I think that might actually that might have been a new world record nice what was the final time there dude my dashboard's not loading hang on oh no you said 56 46 yep wow that was like a three minute Improvement [Laughter] just keep the power going that's all it takes yeah I also totally forgot to cash in on that um break in the middle sorry about that Amy that's okay uh we can actually do that right now if you want to uh because so I I invited I planned this knowing that you'd probably go way under uh and so as uh a backup so that I don't kick ignices off too early uh for the next I asked uh Epiphany if he'd be willing to do a vaguely unpracticed one package run so you can see how fast that is um so if you're down for that we could take a uh a quick break right now and then come back for that I would be very down okay well everybody uh again huge congrats to Epiphany for the world record that's like sick especially that this category is sub 2 which is kind of insane that like that's mental yeah it used to be 17 hours and now it's you know nothing basically uh but stay tuned we're gonna take a quick break and we'll be right back with a uh blazing Fest one package run all right welcome back to aimbot everybody you enjoyed that uh four package run I definitely did I even though it was I can't do it that fast I was watching that with my 500 hours on one save file and being very sad but uh we've got a little bonus run here a one package run but real quick before we get this going uh if you missed underneath the hotfix shows or any of the past events from the recent weeks uh we had a Resident Evil relay recently it was pretty cool uh be sure to check out the vods on Games Done Quick all right Epiphany I know you've fully practiced for this and you're totally ready right oh I am so ready excellent uh I'm gonna get within at least 30 minutes of my PB which is 20 minutes uh hello everybody glad to be back so previously you saw a run that featured a lot of glitching a lot of uh Factory buildings some crazy big stuff we're going to the Other Extreme this time we're gonna do a no major glitch package percent which means I'm going to be doing the first Milestone of the game uh we're gonna be starting in the same place actually um and yeah I guess I'll just get right into it let's hope we get the right spawn time we'll start as soon as we spawn in the correct place oh yeah skip intro on uh oh I did Skip intro that's not allowed well good thing I got the wrong spawn anyway yeah one thing we do add for the package percent run is you have to go through the tutorial uh there is one it's not super long but it does kind of give you the uh beginning of what you need to be doing a little bit of an intro to the game I'm going to be taking that opportunity since time has not started yet to set creatures to passive and then we're gonna hopefully get the right spawn we did not I'll give it one more and then if it doesn't work out I'll just run to the right spot new game Northern Forest type of random name and so here it's about a minute is it a minute it's about a minute difference if you get the wrong spot right yeah it's not too much so time will start as soon as I hit skip intro we can count this one down three two one and we've got the right spot anyway perfect uh so this is gonna look very similar to how it did before with a couple exceptions um one thing is that I'm gonna open photo mode I did it really quick uh you'll notice there's no Hotbar at the bottom for building um and also I have a lot less items that's because I haven't learned what those items are yet so I'm going to still pick up the same stuff as I did before um and I did one small glitch we're doing no major glitches but some stuff is allowed uh you'll notice there's now a Hotbar at the bottom of my screen and the reason for that is because by opening photo mode we tricked the game out of being in this onboarding session that it thinks it's in so the first thing it wants me to do is to dismantle this we'll go ahead and do that now the next thing Ada tells me to do is to equip my Xeno zapper uh open a couple menus kind of teaching me about the UI the game uh and then go find iron but I already know where it is so I'm just gonna go straight there I'm using photo mode to kind of get myself out of the um introductory part of the game so I can access my inventory and use the craft menu I'm going to go ahead and pick up all this stuff here and then the other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to grab this which I didn't do it during last run because we're going to be actually crafting stuff uh having those materials are going to end up being pretty important so I'm going to come over here go to the same place as before photo mode so I can build the Hub and we're going to drop it down there and now we're gonna actually mine or for the first time tonight disgusting yeah this run differs a lot from the uh from the Glitch versions in that uh rather than counting the amount of buildings I'm going to be counting a lot of resources here so I'm going to be doing a lot of well hopefully silent hopefully in my head uh number counting um but yeah while I do that you are welcome to talk about other interesting things about the game if you want Spider I haven't done this in a in a minute actually um but I do remember most of the numbers because it's kind of at this point baked in so I'm making 37 ingots followed by 10 iron plates and 22 iron rods and then one thing I'm going to do here cable uh did I really no no you actually don't get any cables so all I have is the cable I picked up uh so next thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to make a couple portable miners to help me out another thing we didn't do during the glitch runs is again getting this ore is not important at all of the glitch runs one small optimization that I do here is every time I finish crafting right before I close the dialogue I actually click the resource that I'm going to be making next so here it's still going to be ingots so I'm going to just leave it on that but as soon as I'm done with it here I'm gonna switch the recipe to what I intend to make next before I close the dialogue that will the the craft bench has a memory so it's going to remember what I was making uh or what I was about to start making excuse me and then as soon as I get into the craft bench it'll let me it's a really small thing but you know saving a couple frames is the bread and butter of these kinds of things so I'm gonna make a bunch of iron rods here and I'm gonna unlock smelter something I also wasn't using during the glycerons put those in and then put this on six uh I'm gonna drop this here and then I'm gonna plug it in oh God not doing the 007 book is actually really messing with me here oh yeah that was the first thing I noticed when I started doing no major glitches after doing the double seven for ages is I was absolutely petrified of accidentally glitching accidentally yeah yeah trying really hard not to not to copy and paste the empty recipe here um though I do want to copy it I want to copy the the actual recipe the next thing I'm going to be doing is making like seven I think portable miners um that I can place on copper and Limestone uh so I'm gonna go go ahead and go up to 37 ingots this time very important numbers to remember for everyone but me uh then I'm gonna make another 10 here I think it's only five portable miners now that I thought I'm doing the math in my head all right let's get those done and start crafting them one thing that uh I did touch on a little bit during the last run but is way more uh kind of obvious now is uh kind of rate of production so during the during the last run you know the rate at which you produce things is affected highly by how fast you get them set up at the very beginning uh that's still the same here but it's kind of more exacerbated because you can't just switch a building and get free items uh you have to actually like produce everything all the prerequises before that uh so I do a little trick there using the smelter to avoid having to go around the geometry normally I guess you could say there's a little jump Quest another thing I'm going to do is I'm going to mine uh six I want to get 12 Limestone looks like that's the right amount and I'm gonna put a thing right there dismantle that and now I'm going to use the pre-constructed uh iron ingots to craft what I actually need which is 17 of each of these things I'm actually going to go to one I think it's 36. yeah it's one of the interesting things you learn when you're actually playing the game normal I say speed running normally no major glitches different items obviously take a different amount of time to craft but it's not completely consistent between machines and what you're crafting by hand something like iron rods you can craft really quickly by hand but your machines will do slowly ingots on the other hand the smelter does pretty quickly but it takes a long time by hand so working out which items you want your machines to handle and which ones you want to handle is is sort of one of the puzzles you have to solve here yep I'm actually a little bit low on iron rods here so I'm gonna have to make some myself I think I want to have six totals so that should be good let's go ahead and put that back out there that's going to be important later and we're going to want those to go uh now while those produce some ingots I'm gonna go get these portable miners all I needed for this run is 200 copper uh ore so that should be just about it uh the next thing I'm going to do is I'm actually going to grab some more iron ore because I'm lower than I should be there I'm going to kind of refill at least this machine foreign go up here and we're going to kind of use the smelter for two purposes the first like I mentioned is uh oh man acing is such a muscle memory now uh but I'm gonna go get those Limestone and I'm gonna use this smelter in addition to being kind of liftoff point it's also going to be making me copper ingots I also forget that uh having the inputs is going to be important here isn't it uh it's a little bit Yeah so we're gonna drop those in there's also one small bug which I'm actually really glad that coffee stain is fixing this one there's a small bug here so you've noticed sometimes items won't automatically go into machines uh the reason for that is because there's um there's a bug where you have to activate so to speak the UI before it'll let you actually use it so every time I open a machine here I end up moving my cursor to try and you know Focus over one of these things if I don't do that then then the hotkeys actually don't work which is a little silly uh idiosyncrasy of the game yeah ironically it affects the uh the glitched run quite substantially in terms of how quickly you can set the glitch up uh but the same patch where they're fixing that bug they're removing the glitch exactly so out with one evil in with another do you think that the 007 glitch is something that could be able to like mod back in or is it just uh Gone Forever uh there may be a way to do that but uh depending who you ask I'm I've been kind of a big proponent of us not kind of adding bugs for the sake of a broken game I think that a lot of a lot of the fun when it comes to speedrunning and breaking games is in like finding things that were broken and exploiting them uh I I know other people might have different opinions there but uh for me at least uh there I'm just trying to get back into the right group of things for me at least I would prefer to find something that was left untouched and then take it full advantage of it uh but yeah again it depends if you ask I think a good example of that actually is um something we were talking about a little bit earlier is there's a bunch of advanced game settings that are coming with option uh with update 8 that will include things that are building range from quality of life to just straight up game breaking um things like free Power extra attacks or like having things already unlocked um so those those would be options in the game but currently the thoughts within the speedrun community at least are that we would not be using those because some of them either trivialize the game to a point where you could just instantly finish it or would remove things from the game that were otherwise enjoyable what you saw right there is a little Tech I like to call I forgot what to do next um so I'm doing a little bit of backtracking here uh we finally unlocked Constructors and for the first time ever I'll be using them the way God intended which is by putting inputs into them there's still no conveyor belts no we're going to be using conveyor belts I just don't have the uh I don't have them yet uh why is this not oh did I not put the okay we're gonna let those work a little bit I'm gonna actually grab some more of this so I can refill the smelters uh the another thing that I mentioned a while back uh I think during the last run is um kind of about expectations based on like rate of production uh something that I'm running into a lot here is that uh I'm not or I'm actually having way more materials than I expect to have uh for some parts of this like run and that's because because I'm going a little bit slower due to the aforementioned uh lack of familiarity uh some of this production is actually finishing way sooner than I expect which means that in a weird backwards way it's messing me up I have more things than I'm than I should have and it's blowing me down Suffering From Success exactly yeah but it does make the run a lot more in my opinion kind of engaging because uh even if you're not like depending on what you're competing against if you're trying to do personal bests on a run like this you're constantly having to innovate on your own like on your own material rather than just like let's say you know Super Mario is a big example right like it's all about copying a run that already exists and doing it better and better here there's a little bit of creative thought like you have to in addition to you know outperforming yourself you have to also out think yourself uh which I find you know super interesting and compelling yeah quite often when you solve one problem it will change every other I'll have a big knock-on effect on a bunch of other aspects of the game and so you might solve one problem only to create another one it's not a similar to programming in a sense probably forgot to grab the uh iron plates that I'm making here so here I'm using the paste uh to do two things one of them is to obviously get the outfits of the machine and the others to get the inputs by getting all these ingots I can finish crafting for the machine because everything in this game uh is crafted Faster by hand than by machine and a lot of the optimizations optimizations in this run come down to deciding what things you'll have a machine craft and what things you'll have you'll do yourself oh that was looking just about right I think I'm low one concrete so there we go now I'm going to be making a bunch of um a bunch of concrete so all this Limestone I've collected I'm going to be turning into concrete we're going to be unlocking the resource sync uh just like we did last time um but this time we're going to be using it on just these computers that I've picked up Yeah by this point in the other run we probably would have suited the first package by now shows you just sort of how hey how long the tutorial is by comparison and how impactful that glitch is even at the start of the game yeah I can agree more [Music] there's one small bug here that I'm trying not to abuse but it's actually nearly impossible not to is uh see if I can put these in uh item duplication but specifically with cable um an interesting little tidbit about um like dismantling machines is if you just mantle a machine and it's let's say it's connected to a power cable uh it will uh as you might expect it will give you that cable back that it was connected to um but one thing that they didn't expect is that if you dismantle a machine that's on the other side of that same cable that'll also give you the cable back so you get into a spot where uh oops you get into a spot where two machines give you a cable um and therefore you get two cables and then if you dismantle the cable itself you get three as you might expect so there's a small item bug but we haven't uh we haven't made it disallowed because it's so hard not to do actually that it would be it would be more cumbersome than not to try and verify that someone's not doing it and it would probably invalidate a lot of runs but people accidentally duplicating cable without meaning to uh literally anytime you throw down two machines and need to set them up somewhere else you're gonna accidentally do it yeah exactly so fun fact everyone's been item duplicating for as long as time has existed in this game we're all speedrunners the one thing that's nice about non-glished runs is that there's a lot of sort of downtime here while I'm crafting you're just kind of waiting on the crafting to go so there's more opportunities to chat you know talk about the weather make friends but you do still have to speedrun as well looks like uh I don't like what I was talking about before uh because I'm going a little bit slower the rate of biomass production and burning is a little bit different than I'm expecting it to be so this is getting a bit more Innovative I'll say yeah it's actually in these sorts of categories one of the things that gets a little bit harder is if you copy somebody who is uh more practiced in the route than you are and you go a little bit slower you might find that your power doesn't last the same or doesn't carry you as far through the uh progress as as what they did so you copy what they do you run out of power and you go what happened it means until you're getting it as quick and clean as the person you're copying it's almost harder which is a bit of a it's a bit backwards but that speaks to what Epiphany was saying earlier about having to sort of adapt how you shape your run to match sort of the the pace that you're setting I'm gonna get one more thing those uh that Limestone I'm gonna drop it into these Constructors and then that should hopefully give me enough uh concrete to finish up the resource sync bonus program milestone yeah and as he's doing this you'll see him sort of select all of his machines for Mass dismantle uh that's gonna serve two purposes one is he'll have that bar toward the bottom just above his Hotbar that shows all of the resources he's going to get back so in the middle of his screen you can see a whole list of things this is what the game's going to give him back when he finally dismantles them all um so he can check if he's got enough of all the things he needs in fact and then once he does yeah I was just gonna say it looks like I'm gonna need a bit more concrete so I'm indexing a little bit heavier on the doing that part myself side for now yeah once he does and actually buys the or pulls the trigger on the dismantle all of that hits his inventory or whatever can fit in his inventory and that makes it quick rather than running to every machine and and grabbing all of the bits he needs out of them he can just grab the or dismantle them to suck it all up exactly I'm going to do a bit of a live adaptation from my normal route here because I'm waiting on that concrete to finish I'm I find myself with a little bit of extra time so I'm going to take care of something I would normally do later in the um in the route and I'm going to craft these screws let's see if we can do everything right we should get to 700 and then we should still have enough iron rods to do everything okay we're looking a lot closer to 400 concrete which is exactly the number I want uh let's see here looks like I need about 40 more it needs enough concrete to be able to turn in the Milestone that you can see at the top right but also to be able to build a resourcing once he does so yeah so which is another 45 on top so just realized that I have 80 in my inventories so in fact I should be just about there once I hit 360. that's that's the reason that having that like to-do list set up is uh usually pretty nice actually okay so let's get this Early Access to it's like I needed one more of these on exoplanets bonus program following hearts into the awesome resource safe depending on there yeah so we're going to get a bunch of tickets out of this now um those coupons that we use to buy things the nice thing about where we're spawning here is that stack of computers that he's put in uh are worth a fairly substantial amount of tickets you get more tickets for higher complexity items and computers are like a fairly mid to late game item which means they're actually worth quite a lot yep we're now going to do something gonna look very similar to uh last run we're going to buy everything that we need so rather than putting a bunch of time into actually producing the parts for the space elevator which I'm going to drop on for here and put on my Hotbar or I said I'm going to Simply build everything that I need here so let's see I watched 250 followed by another small optimization here is to save on money it's cheaper to buy wire and turn it into cable than to buy the cable itself which is kind of funny uh weirdness I guess you could say thanks for processing fee to buy a cable straight up exactly and then I'm gonna make a bunch of biomass burners now that I've confirmed I have enough parts to make uh the space elevator I'm going to make I think it's 10 biomass printers and then these are going to because we can't use that power glitch from the last run we have to accidentally we have to unfortunately actually power our Factory can't imagine anything worse yeah it works yes status timeline yeah on the plus side if the power ever breaks we don't immediately break down in tears that's true we just flip the switch and everything's hunky-dory hopefully this is actually something that's going to come up uh especially once he does his assemblies but you'll notice he's splitting the biomass here into smaller smaller chunks it's just one of the the easiest ways to distribute it uh throughout a whole bunch of different machines or in this case generators yeah it looks like we're almost at the right amount that we're gonna need I think that in terms of Base materials I have everything so yeah all I'm waiting for here is the that same drop pod to come back with all the stuff that I need might actually go get some more biomass all right yeah so there's sort of like a two minutes off timer where we can't progress until that um that comes back yeah because we can't actually make the part we need until we submit the next Milestone exactly there's some there are some Advanced versions of this route that involve um double submitting with Base building uh the one challenge of that is you have to produce 100 more concrete or something like that and if you don't have all the resources to do that you're going to find yourself in a very nasty place or you spend so much longer trying to get that second milestone it doesn't pay off looks like we are just about set here I might actually need to buy more iron rods later let's see how many I have I'm gonna dismantle everything looks like I'm gonna be getting 150 so as long as I'm 50 over I'm fairly good I'm good on the iron plates concrete's gonna be fine and wire is just just there so okay the last thing that I need to do is just wait for a minute one of the more relaxing parts of this run uh if I had a pillberry I would make a new friend but unfortunately I don't know where to get one is there any pillow berries near here uh uh I don't know I don't think so I don't think so oh well guess we at the end of four package we're trying to get you to go find a pale Berry and feed some nuclear waste to a uh to a dog oh that would have been a great idea pretend to Cinda exactly sometimes when you make a friend uh for anyone who doesn't know those dogs you can feed them a pale Berry and they will become your friend and be you can then interact with them and they have one inventory slot and like good dog is they'll come back with the a little trade for you every now and then it might be some iron plates it might be some concrete might be a barrel of nuclear waste you never know you never know everything's it's a fun little surprise all right there's our last Milestone part assembly we're gonna go ahead and buy those and then we're gonna get to the last part of this run which is making all the smart plating of Parts can now be automated and very famously there's a YouTuber who constructed and sent uh just handled his nuclear power waste by uh feeding it to the lizard dogs and then catapulting them off a cliff is we don't talk about that let's move it out yeah yep looks like I have just enough tonight yeah a lot of people have um I I've appreciated this comparison a lot of people have compared my factory designs to to Let's game it out he has far fewer powerful yes he just doesn't uh upload them to YouTube I'm sure so this is something that spider mentioned before uh I made a specific amount of um whatever these are called assemblers so that when I right click the item Stacks I get exactly stacks of four which means that every machine will produce the same amount of smart plating and that's a small optimization there just to make sure that we I guess it's as close as you come to load balancing in this run manual load balancing exactly I'm making sure to put four in all of these looks like it's gonna work out just fine and now the last thing we do is we wait so I'm gonna prep up that mass dismantle again and the nice upside of doing it this way is that uh like spider mentioned you can see there in the bottom right it says how many smart plating I would get if I dismantled all the buildings right now so we're looking at 14 13 uh once that hits 50 we'll be good to finish the run so we're just going to watch that number tick up uh one small detail is that when the number only updates when you look at something new or remove something from the selection so I'm going to be moving my camera around a lot because as soon as I hover over this assembler it'll trigger an update otherwise it'll just sit at 25 forever and I'll never know if I need more I have actually made that mistake before just sitting there waiting to end my run yeah and then you move your camera and you've got like 55 yeah all right so we're 33 almost there if uh if people want to learn satisfactory speed running from one to four package percent what uh what do you see what's the best place for them to go um so there's we have a Discord satisfactory speed on Discord I'm trying to think the best way to find it uh the best way might be by going to the satisfactory page um because there's a link to the Discord in there would highly recommend check that out uh we have a channel for each type of run each category and a bunch of people that are uh either doing runs through your crafting stuff I'm gonna put down the space elevator here and finish it up uh and yeah a lot of people who are super helpful they'll give a bunch of advice they'll do your craft and stuff and that's time so there's there's the sort of uh bite-sized package percent run uh that one actually gets the most activity out of all the categories because it's the shortest I guess with your changes it's not the shortest anymore huh with two package being the way it is um but yeah I would recommend going to check out our Discord it'd be really great uh we'd love to chat either talk about ideas a lot of people have great category ideas love to chat about those blueprint ideas all that good stuff but there we have it yeah can definitely uh definitely endorse that from my own I joined because I saw epiphanies one package run so long ago I was like dang this is really cool okay any uh any other shout outs oh I have no other shot it's really shout out to spider for coming up with a bunch of the 007 Tech he was the one that I I think I already mentioned it but he was the one that came up with the way to glitch power uh which has been a huge huge Boon for this entire run uh he's got some really really great times he just set the world record for package percent glitched at 17 minutes I think it was and some change uh so congrats to you on that of course uh shout out to everyone else in the satisfactory speedrun Community you've all been great uh at helping me either learn stuff or coming up with awesome ideas for example the 007 glitch that's about it all right well thank you to uh Epiphany and spider and thank you to everybody for stopping by for the uh inaugural night of uh Aimbot on Wednesday nights I'm actually pretty stoked to be with this because a lot of the games that I'll bring on uh overlap with the show right after this speed runs from the Crypt uh because a lot of horror games are also really good FPS games um so excited to uh be partnered with the dices on that you know once again uh thank you to everybody for showing up one more quick announcement before you go uh if you're watching this on YouTube make sure to like subscribe to see more uh speed on content coming out and if you want to see all this live catch these uh at 7 pm Eastern on weekdays except for Fridays which is at 4 pm Eastern now and weekends at 1 pm Eastern at Games Done Quick uh that's all I've got I'm out of here now for now uh this has been Aimbot but stick around we're coming back with uh speed runs from the Crypt we've got inscription and it's other games following it so see y'all later
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 9,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GDQ, GDQ Hotfix, Speedrun, Speedruns, AGDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games, Speedrun gameplay, Games Done Quick HotFix, The Bargain Bin, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, games, gameplay, twitch stream, hotfix, speedrunning, speedrunners, Satisfactory, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory speedrun
Id: cARlZcVSnxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 23sec (9203 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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