Satisfactory by Epiphane in 21:43 - Awesome Games Done Quick 2024

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gdq how's everybody doing today I'm Epiphany uh I came here in sgdq 20122 and I'm back for more uh last time we were playing on the same patch we were doing what was called a package percent it was the first category today we're upping the game we're going one more milestone in and with a Twist we're doing it in half the time so without further Ado I think we need a count off does my couch want to provide that for me ready all right Count Me Down 3 two 1 go go go go all right so to get everything started here satisfactory is a factory building game as implied by the name uh you want to do a couple different things but mostly we're going to be trying to build a lot of parts to send back to our definitely not overlords living on Earth uh I'm going to be focusing a little bit on running and picking up stuff uh so if one of you want to talk about how movement works and stuff in this game that would be swell sure so uh like all good video games it's got slight uh slide jumping which is the fastest way to move so you'll see him doing that constantly uh other important thing you'll see him doing at the moment is running around and picking up a whole bunch of materials from the ground it's got a mixture of a bunch of plants which we're going to be using for biomass to uh burn and use as energy but then also a bunch of parts from some down ships that we're going to be selling later one quick thing I did right there was I want to be able to fight these Hogs uh and even though they're in passive mode uh we can manipulate the AI to get them to run to us by swinging at the air they get a little bit triggered by that so we call that door [Music] Dash Why do we call it door Dash well cuz we're going to cook them later straight to your door tasty tasty hog so I'm also trying to set up this hot bar as fast as I can because I'm going to need that for not having to menu later while I'm actually building the factory yeah so all these items he's picking up on the ground uh we're going to use to sell later along with a whole bunch of hog DNA don't worry about that in order to purchase a bunch of different Goods that we're going to use later in the Run cuz it's a lot easier to just pick up these items sell them and buy other pieces than building them manually we're now going to get into the first factory building part of the game here and you're going to notice I do something a little bit special I don't uh put inputs into any of these machines instead I'm going to be using a glitch that we're going to talk about in a little bit called 7 and I'm just going to get them running with nothing in them sounds good Mr Bond I'm also going to get the first Milestone of this game field research will which will allow us to unlock a few things most notably overclocking so we can take these machines and make them produce two and times as fast giving us voice over yes we love how much she contributes she's what keeps you all on task ultimately when I can't be here to make sure has provided as well as an object scanner and beacons all right so we're going to grab that power slug we were just producing and start researching using it uh a lot of this run involves using things that we didn't earn to research things that we can't have I'm going to be setting up this bug a little bit more here so to explain a little bit about7 uh there's a way that you can trick machines uh on this version of the game uh we've actually down patched a little bit uh but you can you can trick machines into thinking that they have all the inputs they need to produce anything that you want uh so as long as there's a recipe for it you can make infinite of it uh needless to say in a game about Automation and Factory building that's pretty good so one of you able to break that down for me so I can added it to the employee guide book please yeah sure so uh all these machines he's using you have the ability to copy and paste settings between them this is really handy normal gameplay because you can set up one machine to build the way that you want it to copy it settings paste it on a whole bunch of others and it sets up much quicker than normal in this situation though the thing that Epiphany is doing is uh what we call the7 glitch uh named because it basically requires zero inputs and essentially Zero Energy U and was discovered on patch 7 hence the name um and the way it works is when you first open the the menu uh you can copy settings even when you haven't set anything up yet and it copies sort of like the null settings state for that machine if you then take those settings and paste it on another machine that's already producing it puts it in this weird limbo state where it kind of thinks it's producing but it isn't if at that point you then select something for it to produce even though the machine has no inputs it just starts producing It Anyways for free um that's part one the second part is that you also want to be able to overclock it make it go faster than normal uh this can be done by setting the production rate of the machine down to 1% of its normal production rate so it takes 1% of the energy uh pasting the null settings on it overclocking it to 250% adding the material to it and then it will produce at 250% speed at 1% of the cost so build in all sorts of stuff real fast real cheap yeah so I'm finishing up the initial Factory here uh once I'm done with that we're going to be researching uh something called alien DNA which is going to allow us to basically uh produce as much money as we want uh which we're going to be using to buy uh parts for building the factory later cuz I don't want to do it myself that's too much work using alien DNA to fund your entire Factory not Financial advice but it is advice that fix it would like to know free money is definitely something we need for more Factory building thank you also important question Mr Runner Epiphany where is your safety equipment I don't see a hard hat uh you can't see it because it doesn't fit on my head my brain is a little bit too big unfortunately uh so they had to for safety sake take it off it's still going to have to be a dearit correct thank you 50 dkp minus all right so I'm going to prep those last two machines these are the only ones I'll be using uh after I dismantle the rest uh now what I'm going to be doing is selecting everything else and tearing it down to take all the equipment and the pieces inside uh so these machines have all been producing things for the last two or so so minutes uh and I want all of that but rather than go to each one and pick out the parts individually I'm just going to sit here and dismantle them all once they're done making what I need what we're looking for here is a couple different numbers uh I have that to-do list there on the right which I'm using as a guide to tell me exactly how much I need looks like we're couple seconds away here and there's 500 concrete so we should be good now let's pop it in here and get moving on normally you can only launch but byting in what you early you can kind of glitch it into to multiple things at so we're able to send three pods instead of just one and specifically that third pod that got sent was selected specifically because when you submit a pod there's a time limit between when you can send the next one um and that last one was chosen just because it has a relatively short return time so if you look in the upper right corner of the screen you can see it says pod will return in whatever it minutes 2 minutes and 42 seconds so he can't send off the next uh pod until that completes and so a 3-minute pot is used there because that's about how much time it's going to take Epiphany to get to the next step yep so we just bought our first batch of building materials now I'm going to use them immediately to make the second Factory of this run this time using assemblers instead of Constructors which take two inputs instead of one so a fun story about the uh the D7 glitch it was uh originally shown in a three package percent run now back when it was first discovered the three package percent run took about 4 hours to complete uh and all of a sudden out of nowhere one day this Runner named zedu submitted a 2 and a half hour run severely undercutting every other run that had been on on the docket so far um very casually just dropped that in but then also in the Run explained this glitch and took a bunch of time and an effort to uh make it so other people could jump in and do the same um never submitted any other runs before or after that and as far as we can tell has never submitted any other run for any other game so literally just kind of appeared out of The Ether uh submitted this super helpful bug for everyone else to use to make the game Run so much faster and then just kind of vanished again so thank you for that we consider him our Angel he was an employee of thanks them for their service we gave him a pizza party yeah so you can see me doing the the glitch here again what I'm doing is I'm going to each Constructor I'm giving them enough inputs to start producing you see that thing turn to constructing 0% and then I move away after pacing the null recipe into them I'm going to grab some more power shards here and I'm going to get them all producing think we have time for one quick donation okay I got $50 from trash cat that says hello it is I your local safety inspector I would like to applaud the couch and Runner for their adherence to OSHA standards however cancer is not OSHA compliance and should be forcefully removed from the premises in the background fix it is also helping to research cancer and how we can prevent it but remember by donating to agdq here you can also help us get further in that research thank you for your fix it compliance absolutely appreciate that donation why do I have a power slug in my clipboard did one of you find this no that's not oosha safe we can turn that into Parts I say the runner needs this if you can hand it off there things are going to get a bit interesting here so because we had a grid trip uh we're going to actually have to reclock all these machines that's okay happens sometimes a little bit bad for safety but it's not the end of the world ironically the reason something like this can happen is because I set up the factory too fast yeah so talking about the7 glitch again and everything takes basically zero power except that there is a caveat to that the moment that you start a machine running for like the first small period of time that it runs it runs at full power so if you are too fast and you enable machines too quickly it can cause your grid to get overrun because the grid do not set up to actually be able to power this many machines it's yeah just enough to cover them with the glitch so yep so we're going to go around here and toss in that new recipe and in the meantime we probably have time for a couple other donations and there's so many to choose from they are rolling in $50 from CJ limb 2007 so excited to see my favorite Runner break one of my favorite games good luck Epiphany we got $50 from spider who says fix it strongly recommends the use of donations in Aid to fight against cancer good luck on the Run Epiphany I'll donate another $25 for a bean bounce I think you're required to by the user uh guide book to do that bean bounce now $25 more towards cancer research if you could when we have time we'll have to go find one yeah we had do we have one right here on the couch with us actually uh if anyone is curious about all the lovely plushies we have with us there is a satisfactory Prize Package that you can be entered to win with a large enough donation tat how much is that if you could remind us oo give me a moment to look that up but tell us more about these amazing plushies since they're right in front of us you want to go from Max wars's side here yes we have a beautiful cast of characters here starting with our fluffy tailed hog and of course the fan favorite lizard doggo we also have the lovely confusing creature or our uh Bean the bean there is uh also some sweaters included which is really cool including this fantastic uh fix it sweater I'm not going to fool you on fold it cuz I probably can't fold it properly again afterwards there's also this Christmas sweater like one there's a couple more Plushies that are still in the prize room there's also a skateboard it looks fantastic I don't know how we can make that safe in the workplace but if you donate and win it I can't realistically say anything I think sent is actually taking notes behind the stage right now on the prize bundle uh it is a $50 donation and it's the whole bundle so it's all the plushies and the t-shirts and everything and they all look amazing shout out to lizard doggo for donating that Prize Package thank you so much Epiphany how we feel and where we at all right so we just finished fixing up that grid uh and we are now starting to complete the factory that we're going to need for this first package here so again as a bit of a reminder uh in sgdq 2022 uh we did a package percent in about 21 minutes uh today we'll be doing it in closer to 10 but that depends what kind of time are we looking at right now that current I'm seeing we're just about to hit 12 minutes perfect 12 we're cutting the time in about half so this point this is where Epiphany is using all that money from you know the hog DNA in order to buy additional Parts as a heads up you cannot turn the Prize Package fluffy tailed hog into any hog DNA we don't advise that yes we're going to get a reset here um we got to do it one more time because ironically and this is one of actually the things that are the most interesting about satisfactory speedrunning if you go too slow you run out of biomass and then you face more power problems it's a little bit of a compounding issue here but it's no big deal we should have this back up and running in a couple moments what I want to make sure I do is get everything working sometimes I have to trip it a couple times and once we see this thing take back on we'll be good to there we go uh we'll be good to set these up one more time I'm also going to go ahead and make some biomass to be safe and I can actually once again make use of this glitch here and just just have this guy make it for me thank you very much I do like to see the efficiency going on I will uh definitely recommend you to the higher ups for a slight raise of one more lizard doggo pet per day such luxury not everybody gets that does that cost more or less than the traditional Eevee pet I let's say it's about similar they're both very beloved within their own spheres one just a little more slimier we love it [Music] anyways doing one more quick go around and then we'll be pasting in smart plating the good news is because of this extra setup time uh and another thing that I actually really like about this game uh if you find yourself in a situation where you're a little bit behind on one part the factory makes up for you so in this particular example uh even when I am going through and fixing some machines other machines are working and so the the game kind of or speedruns I should say um they they compensate for for some small issues by by giving you boost in other areas but what also makes that fun is you get to improvise a little bit so in this case I'm I'm going to be switching up the run a little bit we're going into nonm Marathon safe situations but I'm pretty confident audience definitely don't applaud for nonm Marathon safety if we could thank you we're just going to go ahead and put this space elevator on top of a pine tree that's one of my favorite places in perfect place world that's to dearit steal that and we are going to get on to steel production soing up for another multi submit here yep so the reason we didn't submit Base building earlier is because it has a 2-minute return time and that actually ends up being much more useful here uh where we're going to be making one more Milestone to finish this runr so I'm going to need to make a couple rotors here cuz I don't quite have enough building materials uh normally you're supposed to make a few hundred on your own uh instead we're going to buy all of the ones that we need and then make like 12 it's very good use of your employee benefits package using the awesome shop there thank you very much and how many more rotors are we going to end up needing I believe it's usually around eight uh it's around 16 like that yeah off by 2x unfortunately by the time I'm done setting up these machines uh we'll probably have finished making them all I love the background music in this game I can't get over how good everything about it is it feels great to play and it sounds great just to be in the Ambiance shout out to analog sense yeah satis satisfactory has that terrible terrible thing where uh it convin es you that you're having a good time and at peace and then all of a sudden it's 4: in the morning and you really need to go to bed all right looks like we got another trip here so I'm going to pop that into underdrive and we're going to do this one more time maximum underdrive do you think we have some time for some more donations we always have time for donations got $50 from saan it says personally I think this run is more than satisfactory it's awesome can't wait to see Mario 6 before played on a drum so let's all donate to make that happen it was an incredible interview if some of you didn't see it it's going to be an amazing run definitely suggest you tune in I think that and like one of the Pokemon runs later is what I'm personally looking forward to most so yeah let's donate to get the bonus run absolutely please do donate for that and remember if you donate a minimum of $50 you're entered for this amazing satisfactory Prize Package so you're doubling up there you're helping the marathon you're adding to it and you have a chance to win amazing things I think we got time for another donation of course we got $50 from Wolf who says love the runs have been playing tons of saus factory I so I am hyped for this run love to hear the love to hear the love yeah honestly it's great to see how many people are super hyped to see a run like this on agdq I know two years ago when I got to be on the couch with Epiphany I had no idea people were speedrunning this game I was definitely doing the exact opposite in my playthroughs so it was great to see how much faster it could go I'm always mindblown and in 2 years the progress that has been made is sincerely Incredible 2 years ago Epiphany how long would two package percent have been two package was I had just gotten it to 58 minutes 58 and that was a huge achievement yeah that's incredible the time that has been saved in just two years so shout out to zedu shout out to spider who have helped develop this run to be so much faster in the time being there we go all right let's toss these back in here and then once we are done setting up the first two pieces of our uh our second package then we are going to go unlock the third Milestone [Music] here I think we have time for another donation real quick T you're getting so much love for this run it is amazing we got $250 from n Goose I've put hundreds of hours into this game and haven't Beat It watching you destroy it is amazing yeah another thing that uh I actually wanted to mention that I think is uh pretty fun about this run is did you know that four package runs used to take approximately uh 17 hours well now they take only I think two let's see here all right we're going to toss these in here looks like we are looking for a couple more rotors I'm going to actually steal them from you and you and we're going to toss that in here Milestone reached leg sticks can be improved with a larger storage container enhanced conveyor belt efficiency as well as the ability to store Excess power for later use thank you an additional project par can now be constructed further progress to the next phase is now possible how many of the project parts do we currently have unlocked now uh we have now unlocked all three and we are producing them all as you can see in that tool tip uh I've got some versatile Frameworks ready to go I've got some smart plating and now it's just to wait on them to to finish doing their work you know I think it's a good time to pet some of the plushies we have here and of course if any donations would like to say which ones we should pet we will give them extra how about let's just say one pet per $50 donation I would love to do that okay $50 from Edward mlles my husband loves satisfactory and I'm loving this run gdq Pride $50 from Power Clock satisfactory prize pack now wow now I got to get in on this $50 from stealthy Dragon got to donate am amazingly fast Factory building and the very good boy lizard doggo $50 from hobo Sho donating to charity counts his work $50 from rickety cat I'm sure the OG team is all cheering you on I am don't worry about the Hogs beside what you crying for we're just making oil it's a lot of $50 donations I'd love to see some more coming but thank you all so much for the love thus far that's incredible a satisfactory pet Sanctuary is open for business part of your employee benefits package of course you get time in the sanctuary I mean I see thus far we're already at $544,900 45,000 like right now I would love you so much I will give a pet just for that $9 please I want to see that happen right during this run how far can we get it before the end of this run I do have to warn you we're coming up on the end here the last thing I'm looking for is this automated wiring looks like I need to hit about 60 or 70 down to the wire here there it is I just saw a $100 donation came through so tat how much are we at now in total yes $545,000 for the prevent Cancer Foundation you love to see it good work Team all right time's coming up and yep as soon as I pull this lever to the bottom part at send we are at time and time wait can you get a bean boun inand I don't know if that's let's see that thing go off to space bye there it goes there goes my hero and once again thank you for watching everybody I'm Epiphany uh behind me are Max s Aaron and zener thank you all for helping me explain some of the crazy stuff that goes on during this run there's a lot to pack into 15 or 16 minutes you both broke laws in the employee handbook and the principles of science that you've produced something out of nothing but the efficiency is there so you get a pass from me job well done all right that should be all from us yep yeah thank you
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 124,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, AGDQ 2024, Awesome Games Done Quick, Awesome Games Done Quick 2024, GDQ, Games Done Quick, SDA, SGDQ Competitive Gaming, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Speedrun Gameplay, Speedrunning, Speedruns, Summer Games Done Quick, Twitch, recorder, Satisfactory Gameplay, Satisfactory Speedrun, Satisfactory Glitches, Satisfactory AGDQ, Satisfactory Speedrun AGDQ, Satisfactory AGDQ 2024
Id: GbslNVzse28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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