Glitch in the Matrix Stories | Reddit Glitch in Matrix

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serious reddit what is your strangest glitch in the matrix moment that cannot be explained at around the age of 10 my dad and i were returning home from a trip to my uncle's house we were away for about three days and when we opened the door we found that someone had broken into our side door and robbed us of a lot of electronics and valuables at the time my mother and her boyfriend did not live too far away to make things easier with me going back and forth between households every day because of their work schedules my dad freaks out and loses it while i decide to run over to my mom's place and tell her what happened and to get her to call the cops now like i said before my mother and father while being divorced lived very close to each other only about four and a half blocks away on the same street a very open and plain street where you should be able to see everyone walking down it during the daytime and yet somehow in the time it took me to practically spread those four and a half blocks it turned out that my dad already called my mom she walked down to his house the exact same path i took beat me there and then said she had been there for a few minutes already to this day i do not understand what happened i should have seen my mother walking down the sidewalk or on the street regardless of where i was walking because how open everything was not only that but the fact that i ran and she still beat me by a few minutes makes me think i somehow lost a couple minutes of my life a few years back i was leaving to work abroad for a couple years so my dad gave me a necklace with a pendant of street christopher the patron saint of travelling on it i wore it daily until the chain snapped i remember it well because the pendant came off and there is no clasp on it only chain links fast forward to a few months ago i bring it with me still broken to get it fixed when i'm back in the states put it in the cup holder and leave it until i get to the jewel restore i pick it up and somehow it is complete again no breaks at all i searched for a spot it could have temporarily caught on the next link but it could not have part of it snapped clean off before could not find any breaks at all makes absolutely no sense but i'm wearing it as we speak my name tends to get lost a lot my government has a hard time with my name my school has a hard time with my name my bank my pharmacy it does not matter my name gets lost i feel like it is because of a curse on my scottish surname well documented 13th century curse from a church official but it could be because my name does not stick out of a crowd it is not wildly unique nor is it exceptionally common that might not seem like a glitch but two times my uni has denied i'm a student i'm in my second year of my degree and third year of being at the uni they straight up could not find me in their system i had to pull up my class schedule and email to prove it to them they had to re-enter me in the system despite it being two months into my second semester the first time and a month into my fourth not enough okay well i have walked into my bank the same branch i have been going to for nine years and the same bank i have been with for at least 20 years they had just updated their computer system and i guess my account was not carried over the teller said i was the first person she encountered with this problem the crack constantly has a hard time finding me in their system nearly every year during tax time i have to call them because my account does not exist they cannot find me and when they do they act like it was buried in some forgotten corner of their files or something my pharmacy lost my information a few times i even switched pharmacies and still have the same issue it happened so much that when it happens i'm completely unsurprised i have my sin healthcare number and driver s license numbers memorized because it happened so much when i tell my mother she goes wow you really are cursed it is like i'm either not supposed to exist am cursed or in the wrong universe at my old job we just got there and were listening to the radio and i for some reason thought of a song and after the song playing on the radio finished the song i was thinking of came on right after i think uh that s pretty cool no it happened three or four more times in a row maybe i just subconsciously remembered the radios playlist or something i do not know i barely listen to the radio except at work but it was really freaky this happened in 1965. during that summer i would go horseback riding several times a week with my three friends the last time we did this i was on a horse that i had ridden many times before but on that day he was in a really pissed off mood he fought me every inch of the way just being contrary i even took his saddle and blanket off at one point to see if something was wrong there but no he was just in a mood horses are all insane anyway we were all just riding our horses up this dirt road taking our time and talking when suddenly my horse starts violently bucking and running i remember thinking oh crap this is gonna hurt and i heard one of my friends scream then suddenly we were all a good quarter of mile on up the road just walking along and talking my horse all calmed as docile as a kitten man behaving perfectly i turned to my friends and asked what just happened they all three looked at me in genuine puzzlement and said when i was so shocked i could not even try to explain clearly and they really did not know what i was talking about i felt so weird things were so off things were off for a long time afterward for a while i thought that maybe i had been thrown and hit my head that i had just gotten back on the horse and kinda come to later but my friend said that did not happen besides i'd had been thrown before and you do not escape that without hurting somewhere on your body i did not hurt at all i asked my friends about me having removed my horses saddle at one point and none of them recalled that either this was weird because they had all stopped to wait for me when i had done this how could they forget that it made me feel as if i had gone insane it took me quite a few years to stop puzzling over just what had happened i still will wonder about it today some and it has been over 53 years i guess i should be thankful it saved me from becoming a horse girl never could bring myself to trust those critters again and i had been looking to buy a horse before this happened when i was really little like three or four i used to hold on to the shopping cart while my mother pushed it through the supermarket she had to get something from a shelf and told me to wait with the cart so i did for whatever reason i decided to close my eyes and a minute later an elderly woman said excuse me and told me this was her cart i opened my eyes and sure enough i was holding on to a different cart except i never let go of my mother s cart or moved this happened one other time and it was an elderly man the next time i was hiking alone in the wilderness i know bad idea to begin with i was coming down this increasingly steep rock face i get to a point where it is too steep to continue down i did not have any ropes or other gear i find a slot in the rock face imagine an elevator shaft that is open on the front 15 or 20 feet away is another similar structure i check out the first one and decide it is not doable the second one looks worse i go back to the first one my next memory is being below the slot and continuing my hike i have no memory of getting down i know i did not fall i had no bumps bruises or scrapes when i was 14 me and my family were getting ready to go to my cousin's birthday party his house was a five-minute walk away on the same street everyone in my household left me and my mum were the last ones to get ready and leave she was in her room with the lights on and i was outside as i was about to leave i shouted i'm going now and she replied okay i will see you there i walked down the street and entered my cousin's house to my disbelief my mum was already there i freaked out but didn't want to sound crazy and i asked her when did you get here and she said she had been here for around 20 minutes i didn't lock the main door of my house because i thought my mum would after i left and i was too afraid to go back so i asked my brother and cousin to come with me to lock it as i had forgot i still don't know who or what i heard that day mine finally happened a few days ago on reddit i made a long-winded comment about some abuse that was exposed in yet another church nothing new i noted a few sentences were clunky and were worded strangely but it was okay and i wasn't he going to retype it all over again because it was a fairly long response i posted my vital and moved on about six posts down from mine besides the first two sentences being completely different every other word was the same all of what i thought were my idiosyncratic phrasing and pun creation i was filled with pride though that this person thought enough of my response that he copied it put in a new little preface then traveled back in time an hour prior and beat me to it already posted this elsewhere but here it goes i work in an assisted living facility i wash pots and pans and i also take out the trash one night i was coming back inside from my trash duty and i see a co-worker of mine walk past me to the locker area presumably getting ready to head home so i get to the elevator back to the kitchen and i head up when i get back up who do i see in the kitchen my co-worker getting ready to punch out there is no way he could have gotten up before me without taking another elevator and even if he did he would have had to run if my co-worker was up in the kitchen the entire time then who the duck did i see downstairs heading towards the locker area come to think of it i did not get a good look at this person or enter ts face i recently moved into a new house and after unpacking everything i called and he seemed to find my pea coat this happened to be one of my favorite jackets just because it was very heavy and fit perfectly i tore my house apart looking for it going through every closet every unopened bag you name it i went through it spent months looking to no avail eventually it starts getting cold and i figure i need to go buy a new one i open my closet to find a dead center in the middle of my closet hanging i have no clue where it was or how it got there but i definitely would have noticed it being right there before a couple of years ago i was staying at my friend s caravan with my parents in the lake district england we visited keswick and i found a really beautiful and very unique looking silvering there made by a local craftsman i was very pleased with it that night i took the ring off and placed it next to the tea caddy in the kitchen while i went to get a shower when i came back the ring was gone i actually had a pretty bad argument with my mother she had cleaned up a bit and i was convinced that she had thrown it in the trash or something she was furious and insisted that she did not touch anything and we turned the place upside down searching for the ring we checked all our luggage everything six months later i visited greece with my parents i was the first one to enter my single apartment my parents did not enter at all they were staying in the apartment downstairs i set about getting ready pouring a nice glass of wine etc i noticed something on the bed it was the goddamn ring the exact same ring my size with the same unique pattern and twists in the metal work i was spooked and went straight to my parents apartment to ask if they had somehow slipped it in there of course they had tea they hadn't come near my apartment it was so damned weird and i have no explanation for it i wasn't even using the same suitcase and i had summer clothes in greece thick jumpers and stuff in the lakes so i can not even theorize that it somehow got ensnared in close eye hadn't he even unpacked at that point i once presumably had a skiing accident i had been skiing with a friend in coworker we were both lift operators at the mountain we lines call him ben and he was a bit faster than me so we usually just met at the bottom of whatever run we were on when we skied together this particular day i only remember halfway down our first run i could tell i was having an off day because i fell when i went into the trees on the first run and both my skis ejected off it took both of us like five minutes to find them in the deep snow i remember this fall vividly and i wasn't he going fast i basically just got launched forward and fell into a pile of soft snow i know this isn't where i got hurt but i don't remember anything past finding my skis and getting them on next thing i know i am in my room opening the door for another friend john he asks if i am okay and looks worried i was confused and he asks if i remember texting him and i didn't he so i looked at my phone i had a bunch of texts from ben asking if i am okay and i had texted him i hurt my hand and was tired so i just skied back home sure enough i look at my hand and it has swollen and i can t move my thumb turns out to be spearous thumb nasty injury i had also texted john and said i think i gave myself a concussion spoiler alert i did i didn't remember what happened or how i managed to make it back to my room my main concern at that point was if another person was involved and if they were okay or if we had exchanged information because if it had been my fault i could get sued then i realize i have no idea where my skis or poles are my friend john helps me look and we tear apart my room and can t find them next day i go to guest services and ask them where my season pass had been scanned the day before they tell me i took two different base lifts three times each at this point i have a vague memory comeback of being at one of the upper mountain lifts which then confirms is the last place he saw me i have no memory of any of these runs i then go to ski patrol to see if they responded to an incident and to see if they had my skis they didn't he have any record of me or any collisions with an unidentified party and they haven't found any skis i go back to my locked room and lay in the bed i slept in the night before only to find my skis i know john had searched my bed so it wasn't he just my concussed self missing them and surely i would have noticed sleeping in a twin bed with two long metal edge planks of wood i still wish i remembered what happened and how my skis ended up in my bed the weirdest thing was they were perfectly locked together and even had a velcro strap keeping them together that wasn't mine so i know someone must have helped me i was concerned i had just stepped out of them at the base of the mountain and walked home without them so i am glad i didn't he lose them but it has such a big mystery if any strangers out there helped a concussed girl in a buffalo sabres jersey at copper mountain last winter thanks in one year i won an all-expenses paid two-week holiday to l aim in the uk a luxury weekend in rome a brand new car in old clio a copy of a star wars phantom menace ps2 game a fortnum mason christmas hamper and season ticket to my local football soccer team for one season these were all separate competitions i entered for free online never won anything before that and i've never won anything since i don tkr what the odds of winning all this was but it s definitely glitch worthy it is not normal best year of my life though i was only 19. i have two but the weirdest one would be the time i was sitting on a bench at the park with my mom we were just chatting and people watching when i spotted a lady jogging in the distance with her dog she was a super small lady and her dog was comically large i remember thinking man if that dog takes off that lady is going to be dragged right behind him the lady stopped a bit away from us while her dog did it s business i looked away because i dunno it feels kind of rude to watch somebody s dog take a [ __ ] and watch as they struggle to pick up the poop by the time i look back at this woman she is much closer walking right in front of me and my mother and her dog is super ducking small i am talking dax and size at the largest i was confused and was going to write it off as my eyes being ducked up when my mother goes wasnt he that lady s dog much larger before went to the pet store to adopt a dog after a couple of hours of playing with all the furry friends i picked out a small dog that looked like a yorkshire terrier poodle mix had a great personality was cute and whom i had great chemistry with excited as ever i took him home anxious to show him his new forever home once i got home i brought him in and let him hang out in the small guest room while i went back to my car to grab his food and other accessories once i got back inside i realized he actually wasn't a dog at all he was a black a white spotted cat so now i have a cat that i could have sworn was a dog i have two both were on my motorcycle once i was riding down this dirt back road that connected to towns no houses no nothing just trees for like four or five miles as i'm riding along i see something small fall straight down perfectly straight down this is an important detail and hit the road in front of me curious i stop and turn around to see what it was again you have to remember there is nothing on this road anyway i pull up to the mystery object and it is a packet of sweet and sour nugget sauce from burger king the nearest back was at least three miles away as the crow flies not that it proximity would help explain why it fell straight out the sky anyway it hit hard enough that it had broken open and splattered in the road i got off my bike and searched hard for any sign of life fan nothing again even if someone had thrown it it certainly would not have explained why it distinctly fell straight down bothers me to this day the second one was sometime later my wife gf at the time and i were just out riding around some rural roads enjoying a beautiful day we hadn't he said anything to each other in a little while but suddenly out of nowhere we both began singing the chorus to travis trites it is a great day to be alive at the exact same time neither of us particularly like the song or have any affiliation to it it was just a nice day and we both made the connection to the nice day in the song at the same time and began singing the exact same words at the exact same moment very weird i had two ppl walk up to my house in the middle of the woods dressed in white polo shirts and khaki pants i remember one man specifically but the other seems to change appearances in my memories the two stated they were conducting a mandatory survey of random use for government statistics and that i was selected i told my mom who talked with them and said everything is okay we went to the back porch and they had a rolled laptop this was around d 2004 and they asked very generic questions nothing really intrusive or weird but questions you may get asked about from a doctor i then remember nothing not them leaving or talking with my mom about it until like three years ago jay brought it up to my mom and jokingly accused her of hiring them to see if i was having sex or drinking she said she had no idea what i was talking about to this day she adamantly denies know anything about the event and i'm certain i was not dreaming but the memory just seems different than others i can never describe it it is not fuzzy or distant just different was staying in a hotel in germany for a swim meet in vilsack nice little place like a super renovated bb not very many rooms but standard furnishings each room had a big tv on the wall such that you could watch from bed my friend and i watched book of elijah for a while and then he left and i went to bed i turn out the lights and i'm getting ready to sleep and then the room gets a little brighter it took me a while to notice cause it was pretty faint but i can see shadows and stuff that i should not without the lights on sort of like if you've got a tiny bright lead in an otherwise dark room i sit up and look around before realizing that the tv is sorter on there is no power indicator light and there was no picture or light on the screen it was like it had a weak backlight to me the screen was black but it was emitting light and no sound none at all no static or anything i grab my pocket knife ready to fight a demon tv and the light just stops the moment my feet touch the floor obviously i unplugged it but the sound thing really bugs me cause the tv would click when it turned on or off i hardly ever dreamed not sure why but i stopped dreaming almost entirely when i was about five roughly two five years ago i had a really vivid dream that i was lying in a hospital bed unable to move the curtains around the bed were drawn they were blue with a very specific pattern of squares and a blue mesh at the top and an oddly shaped rib the floor was old-fashioned industrial lino tiles in a nasty shade of greenish-brown a couple of months later i was nearly killed in a car accident the day i was released from the aiku they wheeled me up to a ward and drew the curtains around the bed as i lay there unable to move same curtains same rip same floor light in the room was the same just as in my dream possibly even more weird someone very close to me had seen it coming and had told me as much four years beforehand i have posted this one in other subs before many years ago a friend and i decided to visit our mutual friend at a university and spend the weekend with her we had extremely detailed directions to follow and we were told the trip should take about three hours while nothing went wrong on our drive it seemed to take forever i do not remember exactly at what point the wood started but i do remember traveling through these woods for a long time perhaps an hour we were already well past the three-hour time frame my friend had given us by the time we left the woods when we finally reached my friend s college town it was nearly four and a half hours since we d left we used gps and did not get lost we never hid traffic or stopped for more than a few minutes but we quickly forgot about it since we were happy to spend the weekend with our friend when the trip back was a little over three hours we did not think much of it at the time it wasn't he until my next trip to visit that i realized something had been strange i spent that whole next trip waiting for the long path through the woods that we had been on the first time but they never appeared following the same directions as the first time the entire trip took me about three hours as did every other trip i made out there in the following years i do not know what happened and i have never been able to replicate it i still wonder what happened and where we really were when passing through those woods tld are a three hour trip turned into four five hours and the woods we drove through do not seem to exist funnily enough i was in a queue last night to get into a gig the weather was pretty rough everyone one was in like waterproofs except this nine ten who walked past with this short skirt she glanced at while walking by lucky me now my back was against the wall so i was only facing one way plus i was at the front of the queue i swear this girl walked by me again from the same direction looked at me in the same way now it's not impossible that she walked a full circle around the block but in that weather in that area on her own deja vu me and my friend were in a bar talking about an old band we'd be seen about nine years before and wondered what had happened to them the lead singer sang world hold on which if you were around in the 90s you lines almost definitely have heard anyway literally the moment we moved on the conversation the ducking singer walks in and comes and stands next to us me and my friend have never looked more shocked turns out he lives in my city but it is still a city the chances of someone walking into the building urine at the exact moment you mention them have got to be pretty low a couple months after my dad died my mom received a call on her cell phone from his number it came up with his name and everything she was angry that scammers already spoofed his number for their robber calls really common in this area you get a lot of calls from numbers close to your own but when she picked up no one was there when she told my sister about it my sister told her that it couldn't he have been someone new with his number because my sister kept his line active to keep listening to his voice voicemail walking to class eating a banana for a quick breakfast then i finished it and wanted to change a song on spotify so i put the peel in my armpit to hold it hands-free i put my phone back in my pocket and go to grab the peel to hold on to it until i reach a trash can and it's just gone i look all around behind me thinking i dropped it but nope it literally just straight up disappeared i can't explain it at all thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 13,907
Rating: 4.8967137 out of 5
Keywords: glitch in the matrix, glitch in the matrix reddit, reddit glitch in the matrix, glitch in matrix reddit stories, glitch in the matrix reddit stories, glitches in the matrix reddit, reddit glitch stories, glitch stories 2021, glitch in the matrix stories 2021, true glitch in the matrix stories, glitch in the matrix stories, glitch in the matrix stories reddit, reddit matrix, glitch stories, glitches in the matrix, glitch in the matrixs, glitch in matrix stories
Id: l5qcR-IY-hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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