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[Music] hello my love's welcome back to my channel oh my goodness my toenails need a revamp this is actually embarrassing guys but as University and rehearsals have taken over my life I have not shown my toenails any love in so long they look oh I know what you're thinking go ahead and trash my toenails in the comments it's about time I gave them a complete makeover and I am so lucky that the wonderful people at gel manicure have sent me some goodies to make my nails a beautiful again if you haven't seen my full manicure nail makeover make sure you go check out after this video it's one of my most highly requested videos and I know so many of you have been wanting a pedicure routine so here you are sit back relax and enjoy guys as I said in my last video I've been using gel manicure nail files for years and you know this if you've been watching my nail videos for a while I cannot credit them enough for maintaining my nails so well for so many years their products are honestly of excellent quality and I would highly recommend them so I've already done my first impression for most of these tools in my manicure video where I give a lot more information so I'll try not to repeat myself too much but of course if you want to see more go check the video out the tool are most excited to try today is their beautiful glass foot file which I haven't tried yet so stay tuned because this could be interesting okay guys so I'm gonna start out by trimming these gnarly little babies and I'm gonna be using the finnex 22 two-toned stainless steel and titanium nitrate self sharpening scissors here I know my nails are so yellow this guy's is staining caused by nail polish don't worry I don't have an infection or anything on my toenails it is just caused by the amount of nail polish that I wear now as these are not actually designed for my toenails for my big toe I'm gonna use a toenail clipper and then tidy up with the finnex 22 scissors and guys these scissors feel so amazing they are handcrafted with each screw tight into the exact tension for the most precise cut honestly top-notch QWERTY and you can feel this in their weightiness the smoothness of the metal and the sharp and accurate cut that they give next I'm gonna remove my nail polish using just some good old fashioned Cutex nail polish remover as always I try to just use one cotton pad each time I remove my nail polish I'm very supportive of minimalism so now to give my feet and my toes some extra love I'm gonna be soaking my feet to soften the skin and also to give my toenails a good old scrub and as I said before I just use an old toothbrush with some soap just got my nails it works just fine okay so a little bit about this foot file as with all Germanic your nail files the file texture is not sprayed or glued on it's actually chemically etched into the crystal so it will never wear away and it will literally last a lifetime they are handmade with tempered glass that itself has natural antibacterial and antifungal qualities and it's durable enough to hold in a chemical bath or steam sterilizer up to 170 degrees Celsius which I did not know found out on their website so they are fully sterilizable and they can be used both wet or dry and they are chemically hardened and tempered to resist breaking so the file itself has two sides one is a rougher texture for removing hard skin or calluses and it also have a smoother side to soften and finish the beat okay guys so this is my first impression using the file I'm sorry if this is a terrible angle so it's very actually very gentle it doesn't hurt you can feel the grit of it so I'm using the grittier side at the moment it's quite easy to use because of the shape of it you can rub quite hard because it's so gentle that it doesn't seem to hurt too much but it does feel like it's doing something oh my god this is a wet yeah my feet aren't really that bad I don't really have calluses or anything like that but just like everybody I do get you know like hard skin on the bottom of my feet on this part of the toe and stuff like that and here and then the softer side oh it feels really different actually it feels very different so the softer side I actually really like the way that the softer side feels because it's so fine that oh it just feels really nice I don't know it's kind of like velvet and I said that in my last video about the moon file but it really does feel like velvet on your skin it's really really weird but it's nice do you like my little birthmark pretty ain't it I remember finding that when I was about 5 years old and wondering what if it was so I'm gonna finish scrubbing up my feet and I will see you in a minute oh look it's got like some weird I don't know if that's the soap or like I don't know but it's got like strange liquid on it that's like kind of white is that my foot skin I don't know it doesn't feel like it's gonna break like it looks very fragile but it doesn't feel like it will break like it feels very sturdy even when I'm like rubbing quite hard you can see like that it's very thick glass it does say you can use this to file your nails as well I'm assuming just the smooth side so let's give this a little go I don't think I would use this but it's nice to know that you can yeah that seems to work pretty fine it's quite big so like for my little toes I probably just going with a smaller file but I like this but I'm gonna go ahead and now use the moon file so whoo I cannot believe that I didn't realize that this had a groove in it all along in my last video I just did not even realize that that was ours MIDI use it so I'm gonna use my toe I look so gross I'm so sorry guys this is like this is so embarrassing for me but this is real life this is what happens when you leave nail polish on your nails for too long without changing it they go yellow lovely I've got my toe nail in the groove in the groove so that's super easy you can literally just do this and it's not gonna go anywhere and it's pretty much gonna round off the corners for you and you can even like sort of go around yourself let's see if we can zoom in a little bit it's pretty much just rounding off the corners for me I don't like to file my toenails too short because then they can kind of look really weird and it doesn't take a lot to accidentally file them too short but um this one's a bit long so it's not a snip snip I usually really like a square shape but I can't really do that on some of my nails because they just grow in like a rounded shape you could also probably use it even for the smallest little nail which is quite handy so as it turns out in my last video I don't think I softened my cuticles long enough before going in with the cuticle stick so today I have soaked my toenails and I'm using a cuticle oil specially designed for softening to make this process a lot easier nonetheless I think it still worked pretty well in my last video considering my cuticles were quite dry so let's give this another try and here is my first impressions now going to go in with a cuticle stick having soaked my toenails and used a cuticle oil and see if it's any easier than it was last time so my cuticles are pretty soft already and yeah it's doing the job I didn't really doubt that it wouldn't because I've already used it on my fingernails and it worked so well you can see how much like skin is coming off like this really fine powder that's how fine the grit is on these vials really gets everything bugs it's not only pushing back the cuticles but it's exfoliating it as it goes around and I've got a little bit of red nail polish on here from my last video but just ignore that you can remove the nail polish from it you can just dip it in some acetone your turn-ons are really small so this little tiny end does a really good job but getting like the little tiny nails I'm gonna start with the base coat and I don't know if this really protects my nails from discoloring but clearly it's not doing the job but anyway I feel like it at least does something and it helps the nail polish go on just smooth ER I guess and the colour I'm going to be using is the Rimmel London 60-seconds super shine and this color is could lose your lingerie and it's just a really really light soft baby pink and you'll see that I don't use a toe separator sometimes they do but most of the time I don't really feel like I need one what I do tend to do when I'm painting my toenails because it's quite hard sometimes to get into the little corners a little tip that I have is to hold your toes especially for your big toe hold your toe and sort of pinch it so that it sort of pulls the skin from each side so it allows you to sort of get in there with the nail polish without going over your skin if you see what I mean and like always I always go along the edges as well just to see the nail polish and give a more finished look and then I'm going in with my second coat now as it's December at the moment I thought I'd give my nails a little bit of festive sparkle I don't usually use glitter nail polishes but every now and then it's nice to just give your nails a little bit of glamour this is just a little mini sea otter nail polish that I got in an advent calendar a couple years ago and the name of this is called snow globe it's actually not really blitter it's more like little flakes of like sparkly stuff so it can be a little bit of a pain to like get enough on one nail so I kind of had to like dip in and get the specific flakes to sort of like pop them in the place that I wanted them to go so that each toenail had enough sparkles with your toenails I feel like they get smudged particularly quickly because a lot of us don't have time to wander around the house all day with no shoes on waiting for your toenails to dry so it's very important with my toenails to use a topcoat that is fast drying so that I can just get on with my day without worrying about my toe smudging I actually didn't include the footage in it but just know that I did use a topcoat one of the uses of the cuticle stick is that it can be used to remove nail polish on the skin I did try this out in my manicure video but I didn't realize that you're actually meant to dip the cuticle stick into acetone which makes the removal process a lot easier so this time you can see that it's coming off a lot better I just go around all my toenails any imperfections and just like the finger hair my love's whether it's a little or a lot everybody has hair on their feet and their toes it's so normal so please don't worry about it luckily it's really easy to remove I don't do this regularly but whenever I did I used to use a razor for a quick fix but now I like using an epilator for a better result and also it's more environmentally friendly and it doesn't grow back or spiky so I just prefer this but do whatever you want so it takes a little bit of getting used to but I personally think the results are worth it and alternatively you can use hair removal cream like I did in my manicure video and last but not least I'm going to moisturize my feet and I'm just using this foot serum that came in a pedicure set so you can use anything you want foot cream would be better and this is just gonna finish off my feet and give me that luxury lovely smooth feeling and if you've got places to go like I said it's just nice to throw on a lovely clean pair of socks or whatever time of year is put on some sandals and your feet will look gorgeous and that's my feet looking a lovely clean and fabulous I am so relieved they are no longer in a state they were before and massive thank you to Joe manicure for working with me on these videos I'm always so thankful to work with brands that I truly believe produce quality products honestly love Germanic your nail files it's especially nice to know that they are a really ask conscious company no child labour is ever used in the manufacturing or distribution of their products they are big on upcycling their materials using minimal packaging and avoiding cost externalization if you want to find out more about their ethics and how their products are made you can find a link to their website below which has a ton of information about each product and I'll also leave a link to where you can purchase them also don't forget to check out my manicure routine for more if you enjoyed this video show me some love by leaving a thumbs up and leave a comment let me know you're there thank you so much for watching until the end and I will see you all soon in my next one bye bye ha [Music]
Channel: Isabella Demarko
Views: 69,606
Rating: 4.8516688 out of 5
Keywords: long nails, toenails, pedicure, pedicure routine, foot care, foot fetish, toenail fetish, nail fetish, asmr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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