Trying Flaxseed Gel on My Hair.

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I can't believe it oh my god hello everyone welcome back to my hair journey series where I share new methods on the journey to healthy hair today I am trying out flaxseed gel I'm going to attempt to make this and I'm gonna try it on my hair and we're gonna see if it works if you are also on any kind of hair journey or you're just trying to improve your hair please do subscribe I have a ton of hair videos that I'm sure will help you I've also just made a new Instagram account just for hair care it's called DiMarco hair I've already published a few posts already of just where my hair has been on its journey what worked what hasn't what it looked like you know two-three years ago it's a place to share the hair journey so I also want to post your progress photos as well so if you are also on a hair journey feel free to use the hashtag DiMarco challenge on any of your hair progress photos let's do this together it is a bit of a challenge it can take a long time but I promise you we will get there I've made a lot of mistakes and it's taken me a long time because of those mistakes but I learnt from them long story but check out my other videos if you want to know anyway let's get into the kitchen and attempt to make flaxseed gel okay so I'm using brown flaxseed also known as linseed yep it confused me too you want to use whole flax seeds for this not ground and not roasted and it doesn't matter if they're brown or gold because they're pretty much equal in nutritional value so don't be fooled by marketing the only difference is taste measurement doesn't have to be exact but I used about five tablespoons of flax and one and a half cups of water and because I have hard water where I live I'm using filtered now we boil it until it goes gooey and while we watch the goo form here's a bit about flax seed so flax seed is a superfood that has been used for centuries its scientific name is linen who sits at tea simoom I can't believe I could pronounce that which actually means of great use so that pretty much says it it's a fantastic source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids so it's great for vegetarians or just to supplement your diet and of course it also has many hair benefits it's said to add moisture to the hair improve blood circulation to the scalp increases hair growth conditions and soups the scalp helps define curls adds shine and it's a humectant so it helps hydrate the hair shaft because it's one of the best natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids besides fish it does a great job at moisturizing protecting and strengthening the hair cuticle some nutritional info just one tablespoon of flax contains 3 grams of fiber and according to various articles it also contains small amounts of copper magnesium folate zinc potassium calcium vitamin b1 b6 selenium and something called lignans which are said to reduce the risk of cancer and inflammation and just to back that up I've linked to study below involving 6000 women in Canada according to the study those who eat flax seeds are 18% less likely to develop breast cancer flax seed is gonna be great for your hair both internally and externally so if you're gonna buy some for your hair you may as well eat some as well a few common ways are to grind it up and sprinkle it on meals salads yogurts blend it up and put it in smoothies or protein shakes or you can add it to your bacon you can also get flaxseed oil which you can massage into your scalp but it's advised not to cook with it because the oil is sensitive to temperature and it can lose its nutrients at a high heat heating flax seeds to make gel however works a charm so once the mixture has thickened enough so that it's sort of stringing together like this it's ready to string it's gonna continue to thicken as it cools so make sure to strain it before it gets too thick alternatively if you have a clean stocking you can wait for it to cool completely and then just squeeze it through but I only had a strainer so I had to work quickly so as you can see I'm just pushing it through with the spoon and I'm scraping it off the bottom I couldn't quite get all of it through but I got just about enough check out this bit that fell whoa man I haven't like felt it yeah this is the first time Oh no I play with this all day whoa I think it may have cooled down too much now because I had to go wash my hands but this is what I'm left with this looks oh my god when you buy that slime when you're a kid it's literally its slime sorry I'm going to attempt to put it into here I don't know if it's gonna work because this is a pump but if it doesn't I've got a back-up plan I have a funnel but you know what I don't think that's going to get through this tiny hole so I'm gonna have to like try and pour it in myself hold on that is never gonna work okay how am I going to get it in there [Music] and you'd like a chopstick no literally look at oh my god that's never gonna go for a tube okay no you know what this is never gonna get through this little tube so I'm gonna put it into a squeezy bottle instead boy I can't even pick it off I'm just gonna guys I'm struggling no this do you know what I'm just gonna have to pick it up and put it in no in know what do I do with this look at it oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god hello blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I should probably make a new batch I didn't realize that this would be so much fun I've ended up just playing with it rather than making my hair gel but it's okay we'll make some more look at this this is all like cooled down now it's kind of like warm oh my god I just want to squish it a whole good squish squish so much fun I feel like I should taste it hmm anyway let's get on with making some hair serum [Music] okay two hours later I've just about my name's to get the gel into these little squeezy but always I've got like one and a half little bottle we'll see if it works when it comes out of here oh it's not focus okay so it does work so let's go have a shower wash my hair super sweat okay I'm out of the shower I don't typically wear makeup in the shower but when you're making a video needs must my hair is soaked I have started applying my products while my hair is like really soaking wet so I have not even dried my hair right now what I've been doing lately when I apply my gel after washing my hair is I apply in sections because I find that it's just more thorough that way you just make sure that all of your hair is getting an equal treatment so this is still slightly warm I'm gonna pop about that much this side little bit of my hair okay it's very slimy can it just feels like I'm things lime in my hair but yeah is what it looks like it feels like it's going to moisturize my hair so then what I've been doing lately it's just taking once I put the gel on I just see these little clumps but they want to go in I don't 12 them too much because it's wavy it doesn't really have a curl so I just sort of separate them briefly twist them I don't make too many I just sort of let them go how they not really want to go right so there I have a few little clumps and then I scrunch this is what I've been doing lately it might change I'm changing up my hair routine all the time at the moment because I am experiments and as you know but this is what been doing lately and I like how it works immediately not much curl is happening usually when I use my curl jelly I would see a bit more curl okay so it's kind of curling takes a little bit more scrunching that's what it's looking like so we're gonna carry on with the rest of my hair taking out that much can you hear that squelch in apparently that is what you need to have when you're scrunching product into your hair which means that my hair is nice and soaking wet okay I'm back it's been like three hours a thing my hair has never dried with this much of a cast maybe it's because I put more gel on but anyway it's pretty much completely dry now but I just wanted to get this over with because the Sun is going down I did have to use a diffuser to help it along but wow look at that gel cast we're gonna scrunch out it seems like the way it's held like actually feels like how a normal cold gel would feel whoa oh my god well my hair has been okay well my hair is being bouncy a air scrunch out these top bits because hard to get the top it's too unscratched without like a creating frizz whoa whoa I mean I am impressed man okay oh my goodness are you seeing this wow I just I could just can't aha it looks so nice I'm not gonna lie this exposure is way up I've got my lighting set up as well so it is looking very glossy I mean it is pretty glossy like I'm looking at in the mirror it does actually look I can't believe it I can't oh come on look at my hair if don't see there's no fries I can't I can't I could just can't I'm gonna scrunch out the rest now I wonder if it will hold up I'm pleased with it there is very little frizz the curls have stayed in tax curls waves yes on other waves I don't know if it's because like my hair is finally starting to take to the routine that I've been doing that it is looking better anyway but this gel considering its a natural gel like this has done a good job I don't think it will hold we'll see what it looks like in the morning but oh I like it I like it oh good morning I've got my morning cuddles with my little boy he won't leave me alone in the morning until I pick them up it's an injury is I had my hair in a scrunchie on a loose ponytail on top of my head the pineapple overnight unfortunately it was too loose and it kinda came out during the night so I don't think my curls are as held up as they would be but they're not bad like they've not come out all together you can still see the definition and each little piece this one back here always close nicely so yeah not bad back oh my phone's ringing so lately I'm just experimenting with not doing refreshes in the morning just because it causes my hair a bit of frizz putting water in it so I'm just letting it be until I find a better way to do it like well I've got ideas so don't worry I like this a lot I'm even tempted to like put mix on with water and put it in a spray ball and see if that would work help refresh my curls as well so I'm impressed I like it do try it remember to go and follow my Instagram hair account de março hair and if you want to join in the hair challenge hashtag DiMarco challenge on any of your hair progress pics so we can do this together if you enjoyed the video please like subscribe leave a comment thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Isabella Demarko
Views: 343,717
Rating: 4.9442763 out of 5
Keywords: hairstyles, hair care, curly girl method, natural hair care, flaxseed gel, flaxseed hair, natural hair gel, hair journey, fast hair growth
Id: 9J1IajaZlLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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