Giving 100 Fruits to NOOBS in Blox Fruits

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I just spun for a legendary fruit at the Blox throughs gotcha and I'm about to give it to a random noob in the first seat here you go Bud yo he's eating it right away let's go man hey hey do you have something to say okay screw you too I guess but this is just one of the 100 fruits I'm going to be giving away to noobs in the first seat to hopefully help them with their blo FRS journey and make sure you stay tuned for the whole video because it gets pretty crazy all right here we go for uh fruit number two what are we going to give away now oh yo this is really useful in the first seat you noobs are going to be real happy to get this who's here all right looking like a Noob To Me struggling with the monkey so uh he definitely needs this hey here buddy now it's going to make her grind a lot easier this this dude got the pipe and the dark stab like come on man that's a mid-tier grinding strategy right there yeah yeah now you got the ice Trident all right don't you you know don't you have something to say maybe like a thank you or no he's just you're just going to leave okay wow all right pretty good luck so far with our first two fruits let's go for number three lucky number three come on now oh even better than the first two mythical bomb hey just join this game Cool didn't ask can you say use star code in you I never played it before okay yo thanks for the autobiography homie I'm just kidding I don't want you you're so rude you start yo this guy sit in all caps my boy yo hey hey hey hang on to this that's all yours man you earned that I never had a fruit before thank you it's the only third fruit that we gave away we already we got to thank you this is going to be a good video another ice what the you're going to need this real bad yeah eat that ice fruit eat it go on go become somebody great damn I got ice on all these accounts let's go I'm ready for the grind too yo maybe I should get on this should get on the grind just like the rest of these noobs oh hey it was bound to come at some point I see somebody I see a noob AFK right here how poop hey yo I was literally about to give you rocket fruit man now you get nothing give me something good the hell Blox fruit said you have to give a rocket no matter what okay there's nobody here at jungle so I'm going to have to uh travel far and wide to find somebody I'm hoping this olofi guy uh who has a little bit higher Bounty than me is over at pirate Village I'm I'm making a gamble here all right please somebody be here please oh no you've got to be joking all right guys I'm not going to go to a third island just to check uh if somebody is actually there to give a freaking rocket fruit to I'm sorry I'm not I'm not doing that hey no way bro somebody had the exact same idea as me I'm going to drop this rocket fruit here uh right at the starter Island in hopes of a noob spawning in uh as a brand new level one and finding it yo great mines think alike all right let's go over the next one I've done my deed this better not be another rocket hey ooh this is a good one all right I'm going to give it to this guy because he's the one that's like actively out here grinding he looks like he probably needs it there you go buddy take that D eat it eat the tentacles slurp the tentacles like noodles all right you got something to say no no still no why do I keep doing this for noobs in the first seat I don't appreciate it are there even noobs in the server okay there is hey look I'm going to need you to hold on to that there you go now you got now you're loia you don't have to worry about monkeys hitting you no more eat it eat it fast before you die eat it quick hey how does it feel to be Invincible bro cool the most NPC B response I've ever seen in my life if I'm out of here I'm looking for our second thank you of the day with these fruit giveaways oh hey yo I mean I'm getting excited cuz it's a legendary but probably not very useful to noobs chainsaw man yo get that gorilla come on man you got this there you go all right I'm just going to give it to him anyway maybe he could store it for later bye have a good yo wait where you going huh all right guys I literally have no choice I don't know where anybody is I can't find somebody to take my fruit I'm going to give it to um I just knock him off over yeah I just dropped a quake on his head hopefully he doesn't suffocate to death all right we're going for spin number 11 already a tenth of the way there oh and there's a noob right there waiting for this fruit all right I got you bro just just hang on a sec you're in for a treat little buddy there you go man oh look at this guy struggling to get up there hey you got no hops what's going on man wait a minute it's another one of these robot guys what are y'all being cloned or something all I'm not going to ask any questions this dude has 10 honor I could literally give you any food and you should just be thankful here hold this bomb bro hold that all right lucky number oh my God is that Shanks jeez yo I don't want any part of that I'm just here to spin for my fruit oh my God yo it's not my fault I'm not hooking these guys up I'm trying okay blame Blox fruits you noobs blame Blox fruits are giving me bad fruits there's nothing I can do about it now that dude is killing shank so he technically not a noob but I'm just going to I I don't know maybe he wants it don't give it to him hey I did not give you permission to give that fruit away oh yo this dude this dude ate it straight up yo respect respect it's okay man I'm not doing this for the recognition I'm doing this for the Love of the Game oh let's go yeah there you go get them flame Powers flame on I know I say I don't do this for the recognition but damn it is a hard with no recognition oh my God there's already a bomb here you know what I'm just going to give the bomb away pretend like I got that one what's up little Noob here hold this bomb and hold this chub he's got two free foods whoa gra beard just yeah hold that bro you should bow down to me for how grateful you should be for giving you time for that I'm hurt my feelings my feelings are hurt I'm a person too you know just going to drop the fruit I gave you right in front of my face I'm about to quit doing this video [Music] what yo no no the smoke yo rest in peace the smoke oh that was shortlived okay we're on H fruit number 20 1/5th of the way there I can't wait to get this over with oh ice fruit okay this is a good one this a good one and luckily we got a noob right here come on man you're supposed to run away from me after you take the fruit yeah there you go hey we got a noob here with me hey follow me bro follow me if you want a good fruit hey what did I say this guy just says fruit yo these noobs don't even say please no more that's out of the question say please n I'm going to force you to say I don't give I don't care I don't care you got no manners I'mma put some manners in you 21 oh my God this guy's going to melt me yo this guy would rather kill me in the fruit than to say please I hate everybody in the first SE I hate everyone I'm going to give it to this homie right here man there you go buddy don't let that magma idiot get it another ice okay yo what a great way to start the game off with the ice fruit I mean you can't ask for anything better honestly ly maybe the light perhaps here hold this there you go another ice what's going on there you go crazy fish hey he here we go number 25 quarter of the way there we got to get like at least another two or three legendaries in this video come on now ooh it's worth good money so I mean I'm technically giving them like almost a million berries all right little buddy I got some for you and your chicken legs holy there you go John pick that up why does he look like an actual person that is so creepy this is Roblox all right this is spin uh fruit number 26 I don't know how I just spawned in and got killed but uh who can I give the chop too all right I know you're going for a fruit spin but here we go here's a chop you're welcome uh let's try to speedrun this next couple ones huh shall we I'm a girl said please smoke a you're going to be real disappointed girl there's a flame thank you so much hey that's our second one of the day let's go we only have to give away over 30 fruits for [Music] it gracias let's go that counts number three the third thank you we [Music] got I think I just got him killed by giving him the rocket see if I could do it again oh crap oh wait he died but he didn't get the spring no and I died with the I guess that's what you call Karma ooh is that our first life Fruit here we go bro take this life Fruit before they kill us eat it quick oh yo he almost died woo another legendary let's go yo here hold that hold that Caleb whoa yo this guy's actually eating I'm about to steal your kill say something I got to get a thank you out of that bro come on another flame oh honestly Yo No Cap this might be the best fruit that we've gotten so far I know we had the Phoenix and the Quake but the magma is actually just the best one for grinding I see a noob come back I need to give you something great turn around looks like I made me a gun at his head telling him to don't move man you know what what is he somebody translate that uh I hope he means used star code in you and thank you so much for this magma fruit that's that better be what he said gracias another one hey this is feeling good I'm starting to this is starting to feel rewarding I like it let's keep it going oh bad luck is coming back yo hold that and just like that everybody couple more fruits given away later we are now at the halfway mark all right here we go spin number [Music] 50 well that was a little anti-climatic um you know for the halfway mark of the video but hey better than nothing all right just take it why won't it land in her hands come on there we go all right let's start off the second half of the video strong we're about to pick it up in the second half let's go first spin hold that come on man all right 52 start to keep count I mean I guess I can't really get mad it's the first SE right you're not supposed to get good fruits from the spins even though the admin try to lie to us and say the chances are all equal pick that up that's what I thought time to step it up come on and you let's go baby he said please after I gave him the FR oh thank you hey you're welcome um you know what guys I'm not even going to bother looking for somebody to give a rocket to I'm just going to drop it on Zola's head hold that do something good next time Man mark my words guys one of these days we're going to get something good and I'll be I'll get the last laugh I'll get the last laugh I see you in there bro don't try to hide from the rubber fruit it's your destiny you're the main character now [Music] spin 61 let's go oh let's go we got the dark here hold that hold that before this love user kills us look he's aiming right at us no don't run out idiot oh thank God his PVP was disabled I'm just counting down till spin number 69 I know I'm going to get something good from that so let's just try to get through these next couple of ones till we get there oh my God here hold this diamond it's going to help you with a grind trust me you that's not my fault I'm leaving oh man we got somebody out here collecting trash that's not a good sign this server might be cursed all right hey no no no no don't go don't go yo yo yo look at this look at this don't teleport all right I'm just going to I'm going to leave this right here the leader of the Trash Pack all right maybe somebody will find this and uh I don't know what they're going to do with [Music] it bin number 69 feel like a kid on Christmas Day Zol list we meet again buddy give it to me give me this mythical I I've worked hard for it oh my God time to wrap it up guys I I need a break I can't do this we'll be back let me give it to that poor victim over here the next victim I'm about to claim with this trash fruits there you go buddy hold on to that all right boys I'm back I literally got a haircut it's been that long I just did not want to spin for any more fruits but uh continue on with number 70 let's see if we can't try to turn this uh turn this around I think we can I really believe leave it cuz I'm I'm I'm not off to a great start that was the dark Fruit by the way in case you didn't see it which would would have been a pretty good one hopefully a lot of bad luck means something great is just going to hit us how many spins have we got him this is kind of ridiculous I was not going to hop Islands to give away a fruit but I'll give it to you hold that spin ooh we I'm going crazy hey stop the fight I got something for you this will make sure you'll never get hit by monkeys again bro eat that all right okay I see some noobs in here this is good that means that at least uh at the very worst do not have to travel to another Island to give him a fruit look how is's eagerly waiting trying to slobber on this fruit that I just spin for yeah you want this fruit don't you well you're not going to be real happy do you want this damn this guy actually wants it yo hold that no way he's going to eat it no way he'll eat that even a bacon Noob knows to just just store it don't even try eating it I believe we're currently at number 78 guys so depression is really kicking in is seem like really you know out of out of 78 fruits okay I have a zero bouncy player in the server you know what it's better than nothing let's go give that to him yo I swear I literally just swam all the way over here if he's not even he's not even here bro well some noob's going to end up with this when they spawn in [Music] okay just when you least expected something unexpected happens oh my God this guy said give me cookies Richard 4547 could he be the lucky winner that gets this legendary oh no this is a mythical fruit he just asked what level I am let's see if he's going to try to scam me 52 is this good oh he said yes it is a good fruit should I eat it or keep it this guy said keep okay chicken well what's your answer Richard keep it's so good damn yo these two guys are actually out here trying to help me out I'm going drop this who's going to get it who's going to get it yo chicken picked it up can I get it back damn yo these guys they both picked it up and both dropped it yo MVPs Richard and chicken let's let's go man it's okay you guys split this I don't want it somebody take it hurry oh my God bro there you go Richard hold on to that man I don't want it back damn Richard trying to give it to this next guy yo why are blockers players so nice these days you need it yo these guys are crazy congratulations chicken you just got a free venom fruit holy smokes all right I'm out of here man this server is weird all right let's see if we can't capitalize off of that last spin guess something else tremendous right now tremendous look it's the sun god nru let's go maybe we could give it to uh katakuri goat 69 I must give you this fruit I know you hate Luffy I know you're enemies but you're going to want this on your block fruits Journey trust me it's not the Mochi but it's something bro say something man come on say something this is why kakur is the worst yonko commander of all time ungrateful all right we are are going into uh spin number 81 so just about 20 left remaining 80% of the way there I mean hasn't been the greatest 100 spins but yeah no no butts there's still chance for us to do something legendary once again we got the Phoenix we got the Venom let's go for Kitsune what's up what's I mean they're both kind of blue right Kitsune and spin so it's close enough all right let me go to let me give to this Noob who's getting absolutely pounded oh dude's got the flame I feel embarrassed to even throw this to him how about this guy I'll give it to this guy doesn't seem like he got a fruit Sigma crew Ohio so we're going to fast forward through the next couple of spins guys and just like that were spin number 90 and I'm about to get something real crazy watch this all right uh onto the final 10 spins we got with Zola strong best e what a terrible name dude I don't even feel like spinning for fruit beside you if we were going to get something trash before it's definitely going to be real trash now oh I stand corrected 92 o my god let's get this over with yo hey Noob hey Noob look over here there you go take that all right I'm leaving 93 just give this away quick we'll try to speedrun these next couple trash fruits here we go 94 Jesus Christ Jesus hey hey take that rock pick it up there you go I'm not even going God oh this is sad there's actually still people that want these look at this person standing right in front of my face hey as long as there's a noob out there that wants my trash fruits I'll give it to them 96 [Music] 96 damn this dude's holding a magma making me feel bad here hold on to this bro all right 97 yo dud got the T-Rex too all right let me run away from him 98 the final three spins rubber ice okay this n probably needs it eat it I say thank you oh he's eating it all right what do you have to [Music] say damn this guy actually did exactly what I told him to do that's crazy anyway uh spin number 100 that is what we end our 100th spin on the bomb fruit guys congratulations y us this is the final Noob victim that we're going to claim today with by by forcing a trash fruit upon them he clearly doesn't want it our final message just please just you don't have to say thank you just say use code in you just say that that's what millions of people waiting at home watching at home wants to see say use code in you editor let's let's just Photoshop a chat box on top of his head there he said it use code andu all right all right you know what I'm actually going to go for a spin number 101 just so I can clickbait you all because uh I'm probably going to put a 100 in the title so get click baited noobs another all right thanks for watching everybody
Channel: MeEnyu
Views: 1,095,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, blox fruits, pvp, new fruits, blox fruits live, meenyu, robux, noob, pro, blox fruits troll, trolling, blox fruit gift, blox fruits update, indra, bloxfruits, bloxfruit, noob to pro, max level, event, update 20, blox fruit, enyuzee, blox fruits admin, mythical fruit, legendary fruit, kitsune fruit, dream fruit, sword revamp, yoru, tty, admin, anchor, update 22, update 21, winter update, trex, kitsune, t-rex, beast bundle, dragon, dragon rework, awakening, awaken, winter update part 2
Id: grejaGtJ-K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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