Giveaways + $3100 Fractal Mood Step by Step Build (7800x3D / RTX 4090)

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what is going on everybody welcome to another episode of Roby Tech today we are building inside of the brand new fractal mood and so did you guys wait did you guys hear the intro you guys heard the intro right yeah it'll be quite the mood yes that you I love that you're already starting with the jokes you did not stupid okay let me hold on let me see if I can fix I I want to like the intro was playing weird but this time it was coming through voice chat and so when I pushed this you guys did not hear it this time commencing Roby Tech broadcast checklist computer hardware cameras audio moderators deals giveaways dad jokes zip ties well now we're here and we're live worldwide so glad to have you here I know it's been a while since we've done a build I'm sorry I have been in Elden ring head um and uh we but we got through it I'm going to do we'll PL a play some more today but we are finally Building inside of this case and not only that we're actually going to go with a we're going to go with a um a build that's not approved but I got an anonymous source that said that they were able to fit a 4090 inside of this so today we test it which means if you can do a 4090 that means you can do a 480 Fe um as well as that 4080 super or 480 super Fe as well as that proart 480 super as well so we're going to we're going to watch it we're GNA we're going to try and see if we can get inside of it we're also for the first time wow sorry I had to cram down some food so I'm I've got a little bit of fleg uh we're also going to play with this it's a brand new uh brand new cooler that I actually haven't messed with with um noctua but I was talking with Andrew over at um Andrew over at fractal and he was like Hey this actually works really really well for this particular case given us a negative pressure situation so I figured hey why not use this so today we're actually going to build a build that I think is what I believe viable for what this case is really Roby music is a tattoo loud okay sure let me turn it down so today we're going to build a case um going to build a build that I feel like this case is really built around because this is supposed to be a build a PC build that doesn't look like a PC build and there were two kind of primary and I know how I'm walk I love how I'm walking around like I'm I'm talking about this case but hey luckily I have a good a good Siz room to do it in um this is supposed to be a case that isn't supposed to look like a PC build and it's really something that you could use as like a media center PC or something that's on your desk that um you know like doesn't makes it look like doesn't look like it's a standard you know RGB nightmare like what I which which are kind of the builds that I love so if you wanted to have something like that the only thing is is that when we thought about and if you watch my review on this case and we thought about what that means specifically it either means that somebody's doing like if they're stock investors or something like that that's high data sets which means they need something very very powerful wow a hype train wow you guys are amazing so we have a hype train going remember if we get to 20 uh level five we give away $25 newa gift card right away so let's let you guide on that and I'll talk about giveaways here in a minute but um you need a super High powerered CPU and the most that you can put inside of this because of a 240 mm AIO and what we saw with some of the breathability issues is like a 14700 k or a 7700x the 79 7950 really kind of over soak what this case is able to necessarily cool now lean Lee sorry not lean Lee uh fractal said that they were actually getting better temps that we did maybe we we just chose the one 240 mm AIO that doesn't work all that well and it takes a lot to kind of build inside of this case so one case that we can work on is the home theater system which if you think about it from the streaming standpoint sure that's not a big deal but this case is actually rather expensive when you think about it and if you were going to play on a 4K TV you need a GPU that's capable of playing and gaming at 4K and that when you think about non AI assist let's say pure rasterization those are like your 4080 supers and your 409s and there was only like one 4080 super that would fit in this and that has a tendency to be sold out quite a bit so it was like well it's kind of limiting for the two cases that I can think of for this so today we're going to we're going to we're going to put that to rest and actually build something inside of it um that I feel like is worthy of a case of this thing so that's what we're doing today we're going to be doing that with a 7800 x3d and a 4090 Fe mcsh Baggins thank you very much for the sub I also want to give a shout out to PC guy 8808 uh mugan shipa thank you very much for yours replica gaming 2 shochet uh Lola Bunny you guys are all amazing thank you very much for the subs and for being here today guys I'm sorry don't worry we are now like builds are coming we're also Shifting the schedule around because we just ended a brand new show that's with a talk a tech talk show with myself from ufd Tech uh that's going to be happening on Tuesday so you're actually getting more Roby Tech the other thing that I'm actually excited to announce today is that we're also bringing back mod workshop with Intel it's completely a build show there's no more of that gaming or Tech stuff it's literally just going to be building and we're giving every one of those PCS away right live on stream for the most part I'd say 90% let's not say every I don't want to make a promise it may not turn out to be true and the first one of those is coming up in July and we're going to be giving away a beautiful partner a beautiful PC in partnership with Corsair so the good thing is is that you have lots more Robi coming I'm actually going to be more often on here uh and we should have a lot of stuff going on uh let's talk about giveaways we have the usual we get uh we get 250 likes over at rchive uh and we will uh we give away a $25 newa gift card if we get to 25 Subs I mean I mean 50 Subs we give away $50 new a gift card and then here we have right here uh we have uh if we get to a level five hype train we'll give away a $25 new a gift card so that's kind of it uh one of the other thing toos is as the the show has kind of grown um especially when on the YouTube side and the stuff that we're doing and all that sort of stuff right again we're still going to have lots of awesome giveaways all of the money that we have that goes into this basically goes directly back into wow sorry doing give waste for you so that is that is the goal here would love to get level five hype train we're at level three right now that's only two levels we got to get through to basically knock it out and we go from there uh what I'm wondering what else is changing about the mod Workshop format well the other thing two is it'll here be in Seattle so it won't be in La so we have a new studio that we're kidding out for it thank you may Akens we have a new studio that we're kidding out for it um and it'll just be me on the show there's no there is no um there is currently you might see guests from time to time but for the most part it'll just be me building uh with uh cool um modded builds uh themed builds or build specific stuff on a consistent basis so that's I'm feeling completely fine I just I had to rush eating food and so uh I think I just have a little bit of fleem kind of built up so that's what's going on um trying to think of what else I'm trying to think if there's any other news new talk show mod workshops are back um we're we're we we got a lot of we got some other cool stuff coming up with AMD uh as as well which I'm actually very excited about we have nothing that we can publicly announce I'm just letting you know some cool stuff coming up with them as well um and then we got some cool builds we got this build the cougar build we have a brand new case we're debuting on Tuesday which you actually already seen a build in we're going to be building inside of the uh we're going to be building inside of the uh NZXT H7 flow that'll be happening on Tuesday so we have a cool build on that we're also going to be checking out the cougar uh we have a new build from a new case from gambus uh we have that new uh we have a new AIO that we're going to be da debuting from T Trix um which you guys have seen if you guys watched any of our computex coverage so we have a lot of cool stuff coming up plus we have an uh a blacked out commission build as well um so yeah we have some cool stuff coming up as well so it's just builds but intel only yeah it's it's just builds but it's intel only and then Intel obviously uh giving you guys cool stuff but it'll be cool themed builds usually around gaming and stuff like that so you might see uh you know a Star Wars Outlaws build or an Elden ring build or whatever it was or builds that they have Partnerships with on top of builds that we work with but it's all planned run by me so the issue that we actually had happen that uh Christopher ye brought up shouldn't be an issue anymore so yeah no more don't worry axus I have to go I don't have any problem with frequent flyer miles I still have lots of trips and stuff coming up so that's going on checking out the cougar cougar case not the other cougar but yeah so anyway I hopefully that answers questions I hope they give you guys some good answers in terms of what's kind of going on and all that sort of stuff it should be it should be it should be a very very fun time uh guys we have a minute 52 seconds still left on the hype train if we want to get there and do that if we don't fine it's all it's all good it's totally okay really appreciate those of you guys who financially support us on a consistent basis I you know what honestly I can't I I really can't blame you if you've kind of pulled support because we haven't been so consistent I'm sorry it just computex you know it's computex is be going to be one of those things that I have to question if it's worth not doing the streams the week before because you know that's essentially what happened now we brought you the streams they were different but the one thing is is that the the only concern I have is that then I'm not streaming to you guys and uh then you know you guys might feel like I'm abandoning you and I I never want you to think that so it's one of those things i' love to actually have your feedback in Discord um if you feel like the compy Tex time away was actually worth it when I'm gone for a couple days it's not a big deal there might be one stream that goes away but it feels like the month of of uh June and May we're very very limited just because of the blast radius of everything so uh where can we find the new program so the new program so the ufd tech 1 uh Tech Challenge will be live here at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesdays Bach dropping 10 gifted subs thank you very much my man uh will be happening on Tuesdays here at 11:00 a.m. uh we're more than likely going to move the Tuesday build to Wednesday so you'll have builds Wednesday Thursday you'll have inel live on Friday and then you'll have a build obviously on Saturday uh Monday and Wednesday mornings are really uh how Monday Wednesday mornings and Friday afternoons are when we shoot all of our YouTube content which I hope you guys have noticed is be has actually started to get more frequent and then we've moved YouTube vods yet again over to robit Tech instead of robit tech live we tried it the YouTube algorithm doesn't like it so we're just going to have to rebuild another channel so yeah uh I love the streams I felt worth it yeah and we're doing some stuff like that so we're going to be doing some stuff at Gamescom with AMD and with Nvidia and with be quiet that are similar to what we did at computex we also have it streamlined so it's not going to be as much work uh it's still a lot of work but it's not as much technology to actually pull it off um which I think will be cool as well uh so I don't know if we will do I don't know if we will do I don't know if we will hold on one sec I got to let my daughter know I'm streaming uh I don't know if we will do Pax West but I mean a week apart I'm in Pax West is in my backyard so I maybe maybe it'll be fine who knows um but yeah I'll figure I'll figure it out yeah yeah I'll figure it out so yeah okay guys well go ahead and hit the likes over on YouTube uh we are at level four guys we're 61% we could actually hit level five we're very very close on that stuff and go from there um let's talk about the parts list we're putting inside of that the parts inside of this right now uh so we're using an Intel no we're not sorry Force I've have it AMD ryzen 7 7800 x3d we're going to be using the Asus RG stricks B 660e I gaming Wi-Fi now the one thing that I know you guys are probably saying like Roby Roby Asus and AMD and you're right but the other thing too is I had postponed this build so much that I wasn't going to go buy another Mini ITX build mini ITX motherboard uh so like an MSI one or something like that just to move the build again it's what we had on hand it's why I'm using Asus I know that they like Steve's I don't know if you guys have watched but Steve's viewership on the Asus whole thing has kind of gone down since they've claimed all the stuff they're going to do with their customer service and all that sort of stuff but Bach and many members of our of our team have brought up concerns that they've had specifically with Asus and AMD um so it's what we had on board if you really wanted to do and replicate this same build I might recommend either an MSI ASRock or another one of those particular Mini ITX builds but yeah I I wanted to make sure that we go through from there so it's a b b650 sorry b650 did he put b660 that might be a I think he put b660 yeah it's a b650 sorry guys that was just a typo on his part that was with this original this build originally this build originally was supposed to be an Intel build I when I wanted to go to gaming I was like I need to make it an AMD build cuz the 7800 X 3D is the right thing so we just saw some amalgamations of parts anyway start it's a b650 not a b660 um so yeah that was that going from there so this should be a very good build it's a beast of a build um we're testing it because again remember 4090 shouldn't fit inside of this um but we're going to try and do it anyway cuz I got an anonymous mail that said hey look it does fit so we and they showed us kind of how to do it so we played with it it should be fine we're going to see how it does um yeah it should be it should be a very very cool build guys we're at 1 minute 22 seconds we can we just get a couple more just to get the other 30% and then we'll go from there um B yeah I know I I wish it was it was like that it's not I mean it's just guys it's got to I'll be honest little bit of a little bit of a an aside here before we get into the build it is going to be a heck a heck of a year um we have so much hardware and the thing is is the fact that we're like really into the laptop space as well as the desktop space now um between like uh stricks Halo uh lunar Lake uh basically ryzen 8000 we also have the ryzen you know the new Intel AOL Lake and plus their AOL Lake laptop processors this year is going to be absolutely Bonkers it's just like we're having this little bit of Calm before the storm but we're just like just a few we're like What six weeks away from really when AMD kind of starts to come come out of the gate we still need to have their answer to rad on because they're like selling none of them um and so it's just going to be a lot of fun it's going to be a great time to just be hanging out uh here on the show and uh seeing all the new stuff and all the new cases and all that sort of stuff so yeah yeah and the Snapdragon I'm interested we are actually we actually have some Snapdragon X hey guys 5 Seconds we're close we're close sorry I didn't mean to interrupt that we are going to have some nope looks like we're not going to hit it guys still appreciate all the help you guys were incredible we almost made it there you guys are rock stars though um Snapdragon X we're actually going to be testing those two Asus is sending us some some laptops for that um we're trying to get some stuff from MC from Microsoft as well let's be honest the arm thing is not new uh again it still has to have a hardware abstraction layer and all that sort of stuff to actually make it work I'd love to see how well this works and the thing the fact of the matter that people like apple aren't supporting it natively this will be kind of the stuff we're talking about on Tech talk I mean sorry on Tech Challenge where you know we're going to see like is it kind of hamstrung from the beginning because some of the biggest people aren't even supporting it right off the gate I don't know but I definitely want to spend some time with a Snapdragon x uh Snapdragon X laptop to kind of see if if it's really all that in a bag of trips CU I mean who cares if you have a laptop that'll last forever if you can't use it for everything you need still no release date for I thought they announced a release date yeah me too arxis I'm kind of in the same plate but anyway guys great job level four don't forget to go hit that like so we can give away at least a $25 new a gift card for that and let's get to building with a b650 not a b660 I know Bach's like dude Roby you're out of practice I know we've done a lot of Intel lately sorry about that it the AMD is coming guys lots of it too so don't worry it'll probably feel very AMD heavy here pretty soon when when we're only doing all the new builds because you know us right like we always have to use the new stuff right and so it'll it'll it'll all switch cuz a Lake's a long time away I'm assuming um okay here we go top down let's get started and likes are free she's absolutely right remember Roby you need to chew not inhale you know what it's funny it's one of those things where I I was like you know what I better eat now and I I did I ate too fast and it's my own fault and here I am paying the price right now for all of that titty all of that as well howdy Roby it's good to see you man I'm waiting for am6 well you're waiting a while dude am6 is like 2029 now right it's going to be a while Voodoo so you're going to be wa as long as you're happy with your build as long as you're happy with your build till 2029 it it might be 2027 it it'll probably have crossover like similar but the point is is that am5 is a while and they're they're all about supporting the uh supporting the chip as long as they can which I'm actually all about okay our little tiny mobo tiny mobo in my hand makes me happy makes me feel Grand Ram clicks uh you know what uh let's see it's it's non RGB Ram by the way so uh if you want to choose something something if you want to choose something uh go ahead and do it Blondie you were wrong last time though so we'll see we'll see if she you need to you uh we need you you'll need to to redeem yourself so just choose one and I'm I'm all about it you were too it did not hit it the last one that you did oh we hit 100 oh you were oh oh was I wrong okay well I get wrong all the time I mean just ask just ask ask all sorts of people so if I'm wrong it's I'll own that mistake okay so if you're 100% right let's hit see if we hit this one shots fired by the way speaking of questions this is an interesting one how many people have heard I know a little bit of gaming stuff I know I'm sorry Beach you're right I shouldn't do that uh how many people have heard about this whole thing where uh the Elden ring DLC is actually mixed because people say it's too hard um I know a lot of people rushed to kind of get there we were part of the team but where are you guys at where are you guys at with um with the game being too hard I'd love to anybody have any thoughts okay so she's going high with it I need to see what she actually put so I know 99 wow okay this is really testing your skills I mean I was watching oh and I can't can is it can I his name he's like the new kind of big streamer right now game streamer actually's he's actually a very entertaining gentleman um uh and uh so watched him and he's he's like 100 he's doing a 100 hour stream um and uh I was I watched a little bit of his stuff and I mean like again even with me and if you guys had watched the uh if you guys had watched the Intel live episode um I Sergeant nobody I think you would agree with this yeah Kai cannot Kai cannot sorry thank you very much Texas Kai cannot um and guys understand I I'm I think as I have gotten older and then the second thing is as I have met more people I find myself forgetting names or having a harder time remembering names because of just the sheer amount of people I now meet so I'm sorry if I mispronounce names and all that sort of stuff it's not it's not it's never anything personal but anyway uh the thing that was interesting with him uh is uh you know watching him and the same it's even with me is that as I do the fights I see I see where I make the mistakes it's like something that it's predictable like and once you kind of figure out how to get through it it's just about not making mistakes and then a lot of times I can call when it was me for instance when he was doing his jump swing and every time I was trying to do my my uh Power slash like that was every time I was like dang it I messed that up again and so it just feels like one of those things that uh I I go from there so yeah Kai cannot that's funny right there uh that is true I don't have you luckily I can read your guys's name so yeah that's that's definitely the thing as well also oops oops oops oops also don't forget guys um don't forget the build mats are in stock so let's put a link to those people have been asking the build mats are back in stock I do know some people have started picking them up but if you're interested build mats are available uh and they are in stock and we'll get you guys a link for those here in a minute I got to close this there we go okay so let's grab our Ram here uh we already are done yeah Zig PC thank you for the gifted sub the Roby Tech battle bus that sounds like a lot of fun is this yeah it is open okay okay there I just apparently I'm too dumb to open up these clam shells okay there we go h raxus i I took a lot of practice that's awesome I'm glad that you like the build mats they are available that that was kind of my point right there okay here we go guys going to top down here oh shoot me grab our s our stuff here almost forgot to measure the volume Blondie would have like lost her mind you know what I'm saying let me see if we can get yeah okay there we go there we go oh that was really very mushy guys I don't think this is going to be anywhere near 90.6 that was super super mushy that was oh man that was bad that was uh that was bad it was not operator error I try to get the loud clicks that's what the people are here for uh Astro jav uh we bring them up here the only thing is uh the motherboard is wrong on this um it should be a b650 um not a b660 and that was just uh that was just a communication error on my side but it's a ryzen 7 7800x 3D and RG stricks b650 gaming Wi-Fi we have the RTX 490 fe uh we're doing the uh Kingston Renegade 2 TB mbme Drive 32 gigs of ddr5 5600 the fractal mood the noctua NH NH d9l and The Cooler Master mpz 1100 W PSU is what is happening here so now we are just getting our nvme Drive installed there we go now you guys might be noticing I'm also recording with my glasses so we can get some uh need arm day dude nobody skips arm day it's if if if you I would understand if you said need leg day cuz everybody skips leg Bay but nobody skips skips arm day you know that I know that it was the it's the board's fault pop this in here there we go it's always the problem here there it goes okay so we got that in now let's put some thermal paste on this now the cool thing is is because because we're using a noctua a new noctua cooler which I'm actually very excited about here uh so those are so you can get access like if you wanted to so those ther those holes you can lift them up so if you wanted to do a 220 or 2230 um nvme drive that's so you can get access to where you would Mount those is what the circles are for oh my gosh ritro wow okay I I was curious if something like that was going to show up in this stream dude that has been everywhere that has been everywhere I am like so surprised how much that has just shown up everywhere Lord guys by the way this cooler is so tiny let me put this down literally everywhere and no I'm not going to explain it to people because it is definitely not familyfriendly at all um if you want to go look it up yourself um you can go do that wait you saw it on a sticker on a truck already it just happened wow that's impressive okay guys are you guys look at I'm I'm very excited about this look at how small this little cooler is this is like the Cutie cooler oh look isn't it dude isn't isn't that adorable I mean isn't I mean that's it's it's like a it's like it's so cool I I'm very excited about getting to use this it's so it's so small so yeah uh anyway and also apparently does very well with this this uh this um build so yeah I'm very excited about it it's like a little baby cooler it hasn't grown up yet there we go thr this in here it's just sorry it's very cute it's they have a chromax Black Version it's inside of a I I wanted to get the brown one they do have a chromax black one I wanted to get the brown one just because it's hidden inside of the case but there is a chromax Black Version suit to as well but this is this is my favorite thing about uh about getting noctua builds right there okay and we need AMD Parts here so we need these that is all we need and it's only got one fan so that yeah that's kind of it okay okay so I'm just going to see if there's anything interesting about installing this particular build this I've never done this before so let's go to top down and take a look um Intel see AMD it's a little bit of a new bracket North and South hold on one sec guys never mind it was solicitors okay North and South here so there's like an offset position and then a standard offset okay interesting so they want you to do offset a a series am4 is choose minus 7 mm off it on an am5 series am4 on am5 and ryzen 5000 3000 Series am4 CPUs choose minus 7 m offset position to ensure optimal contact on other am4 CPUs okay cool okay so we're going to be putting this on the offset position and this is the north one right okay so this is the north one and you want the minus 7 mm and this is the South one interesting this is a little bit more complicated than normal but they're doing offset a little bit like what we saw from uh from thermal uh um from the U Arctic freezers okay so let's take this off there we go and there we go uh no you want 850 watt minimum Astro so and honestly if I could recommend one for this um I would recommend the the Loki um 850 watt um mainly being that if you wanted to I was actually going to switch to that PSU and I changed my mind last minute um to do the th000 watt because a lot of people seem to get uncomfortable with the 490 and 1,000 watt PSU but the Loki I will say for this particular case having those more malleable the in any sfx build having the more Mal malleable cables with your PSU just makes your life way easier so that's my that's my two cents there yeah I would do it I would do at least 850 okay here we go guys let's see it says let's open this box here they sfx you are paying for the size you are not wrong uh Andrew so it's always it's always a little bit interesting with the one thing that you you do have to consider when you're doing uh when you're doing sfx is that there's a there's always a little bit of a a just because it's small kind of uh kind of tax almost okay here we go this says to do the minus 7 here [Music] and I obviously want to give it every chance to be optimal here because we want to make sure this is appropriately cooled and there we go okay now let's put some thermal paste on this bad boy both of it's offset the way that it says to be cover this IHS as much as I can got to get a little bit viscous there there we go nice light layer there we go might add a little bit more it's a little thin there we go I'd rather have a little bit more than a little than not enough just want to make sure that even with the pressure right like it's got a spread out and got a good amount there there we [Music] go looks good now one thing I'm going to do is before I I'm not going to put the cooler on first I'm actually going to put the build I'm going to put it inside of the build first and then we'll put the cooler on oh I think actually this cooler might be okay I don't know well I guess we're going to find out order operations I think we I think we'll I don't I don't know if this is like the ch60 where we may have to do that the cooler is pretty small this is my first air cooled build in here there's a little bit of I think this is the way it's going to work you know but we don't know have you used yes uh Michael Moss Yeah we actually have used them not on stream uh but the one thing I will say is it's just you just got to pay attention to the pads um I mean the cutting of the pads and making sure it's precise um but uh they have they from what we've done with our little bit of thermal testing we've tested on them they've been absolutely great great uh the ram is Kingston Fury uh non RGB 5600 5600 MHz Ram they don't actually make a 6,000 megga transfer kit of this that we saw at the time um and so we went to 5600 because we wanted to have low profile Ram there I you could replace this with a 6,000 MHz kit 6,000 me transfer kit I mean you know uh it if you wanted to uh Corsair makes it all that sort of stuff but we went with kind of what we had on hand um but 6,000 megat transfer would be fine if you wanted to I I more than likely I do Corsair um because their stuff is uh pretty easy I wonder if you can do this it almost feels like you can but maybe not hold on let's see there's our little hole here a little tiny cooler I like it oh make sure you take your plastic off oh look at that look at that coal plate man here we go definitely would have noticed that for sure there we go our little small cooler there we go right there looks good what do you think our little tiny cooler and then our little tiny fan cuteness overload for sure come on there we go there we go wow this is like a very stiff cable crazy how stiff that is okay but I mean that's it like it doesn't it does doesn't cover anything right like that's your little cooler it's so cute it's so cute look at that nice box style cooler 110 mm in length that little fan in there it is even not really maybe a [Music] little okay even okay yeah it's like a cute little cooler apparently it's a beast we're going to find out okay that's all out of the way now it is time to prepare our fractal mood okay so we're going to start right here just pull this like that so that takes that out and then there are two screws one there one there and then you just lift it up there there we go there is our build ready to go okay what do you guys think it does it's yeah it's naked it's naked right now okay so next part is going to top down we'll zoom out a little bit there we go so we're just going to remove these these two screws in the side here there we go and then that just comes out and now we have access to our motherboard area well this is actually the GPU no no no this is the motherboard side okay we're going to UNT twisty tie this it will it know it it fits to it if you want to know what fits inside of it it is actually what's called Nvidia sff ready and those if you go and find Nvidia sff parts that's what actually those are the gpus so you're talking about your pro Arts your stuff like that three and a half will not fit inside of this it's too big so and then our PSU is going to go right here [Music] yeah this case kind of looks like a trash can I hope no one dumps their drink in [Laughter] it sorry that's that's funny right there okay so now we just want to make sure we're going to remove our remove our small our our little cover right there and then we're going to move our GPU our build just like that apparently there's another twist py tie in [Music] here there we go okay let's get our Hardware out the one thing that's always fun about sff cases is just the fact that they don't require a lot of room on the desk to build with you know zip tie predictions up [Music] guys zip time man zip time man guess the count of them if you can even who can know make your wag on every show hey now Rob's the zip time man there we go and then we got a little Roby cat going on in there Roby cat yeah where you at you're a feline human hybrid who mostly you can see him sitting there near stack fans likes to cuddle with the zip timee man by the way we actually have a real Roby cat um so figment I don't is she here I don't know if she's here today um she actually has a cat that they have um they have actually adopted and they have called it Roby cat so uh there is actually a real life there's obviously the royat the stuffed one we actually have a real life Roby cat and if you want to go over to Critter Corner on Discord uh you can actually see the Roby cat yeah the picture on Discord and it does look like Roby cat obviously nowhere near as ugly it's a cute cat um but uh it was cool and very honored to have an actual animal named after it there we go let's put in our yeah I was H I was a little touched as I also have to say figment was as well because that naming anything after that atrocious animal okay man I don't know okay fractal one other complaint I I really wish that people would use standard screws it's like well it's like everybody else uses lip motherboard screws and fractal decided no we're going to use non lip mother foot screws see if I can get these out now there it is why is it not Lo this is Mini ITX yes come on give me the the screw back it's not even stuck in it's like won give me the screw back great all right I think trying to get this out so I can who calm down there we go want the screws back give me the screws oh the oh great this one the actual screw didn't come out of the the offset okay got it maybe they'll come out now there we go okay got the screws up wait where's the offset for the corner there the offset's missing weird did the offset just disappear I mean not that it really matters but it's weird that the offset's gone I don't have any spare offsets definitely not attached okay well that oh there's the offset of found it okay I like where's the offset it's okay raxus all right got it all right here we go okay here we go I got a little bit of some fingerprints on here so I want to get the fingerprints off of this I want it to look shiny there we go okay now we actually can we're cooking with something at this point yeah it did you're right s it got upset and like just set off or whatever it decided to do okay it's doing that weird thing where it's like come [Music] on trying not to cross thread the screws which is always like a problem here here we go okay so do not use the lip screws which is what you usually use use in most builds fractal decide they're going to be different why I don't know I feel like being different for no reason doesn't make a lot of sense but this is this is their thing and that's what they did all right there we go so we're in now so now we're just going to get stuff in starting with our there you go okay there's that that gets that in okay so now our GPU is ready we got our HD audio that's going to go right here right in the front which is kind of nice we'll zip tie all these up here in a minute there we go USB 3 and USBC all right here for USB 3 okay there we go USBC right here okay and then we have our front panel connector which I'm assuming looks like it's actually right here on the left here Yep this is it oops that is not plugged in weird there you go or it just comes out really easily which is crazy okay let's see if we can how close we can zoom in on this front panel header here power plus and minus there we go power switch next to it I really wish they would have given you an integrated front panel connector would have been nice okay guys so there we go all of our cables are here so now we just got to Cable manage it UNT twisty tie cables to make sure that are on their own here power plus and minus again there we go and power switch there we go perfect thank you Jimmy I'm glad you appreciate it glad that you like how it looks we're going to work on now is just getting our cables managed luckily we have like this whole Space right here so I'll see what we can do here oh don't pull too hard here Zoom this over a little bit I don't want to I don't want to bend this right that's what I'm working on right here but just trying to find the length that'll be ideal not to bend this right [Music] make it look a little bit cleaner here a bit of focus as I try to make sure I just don't want to overbend the cable here but it's just to kind of keep it [Music] clean we go nice clean one there okay do kind of the same thing with this one just to clean it up here everybody wants a clean build you know feel like I got allergies or something [Music] guys I'm doing good kurasaki sorry just in that little mindset that mini mindset about Cable Management right here so I should be back to paying attention to you guys here very very soon forgive me for my little bit of uh Focus here as we just kind of zip tie this up so thank you very much for the gazon tight yeah [Music] okay we go nice clean Cable Management same thing with this one there we go there's not much to have like the good thing is there's not much to Cable manage but we kind of want everything out of the way and off to the side here there we go okay cool keeps it nice and clean there we go and the only other thing too worth doing is zip tying that together so we're just kind of there on the side together there we go there we go all of our cables are kind of off to the side now really careful just a bit there we go there we go so we zoom out now see that looks nice and clean simple keeps everything off to the side so now what we can do is we're going to go and put in our our PSU oh I appreciate it Kurosaki thank you for the patience is everybody having a good time enjoying the build good I know you guys have missed builds oo looks like we got a dad joke by the way we need to get more more likes on YouTube guys there it goes so far oh we got oh we got a fan oops we got one more cable to get here is why I looked 114 to 250 guys let's get those last likes in so we'll probably just run this right here which I could probably do like this I don't see another fan header that's going to be easier to get to then kind of up here I might plug this in last let me see how the PSU works and then I'll make a call okay let's grab our PSU okay let's uh let's read our dad joke for [Music] today now another robit tech dad joke phone out okay here we go next dad joke on the dad joke calendar for my son here it is right here guys what did the lettuce say to the celery quit stalking me there you go quit stalking me guys but but but but jimo but but but but we have a dad joke calendar and a dad joke button we have a bunch of stuff so it's again that I also read some of the dad jokes we switch it up but I mean my son got it for me uh DJ so I got to use it cuz I mean he he you know Aaron by the way if you guys look at aj12 Greg sir Greg that one right there on the on the uh list on the uh sub list that's my son he's actually the second highest sub guy for this uh for this uh for this week I I I thought it was him but I didn't know and then he told me so he spent his allowance on gifting Subs to you guys which was actually pretty awesome and pretty touching uh I think we make them all the I think I make them all the time but they're usually like in the moment of a build you know what I mean so if you ever get a if you ever get a sub from AJ that's my uh if you ever get a sub from my my from AJ uh 12 that is my son how much allow I like how that's where Kevin goes he's like well wait dude how much allowance is he getting I want I want that U my son actually earns money by doing the cooking at the house he actually really wants to get into being a chef and so he cooks all of the meals so he does the uh we do uh we do uh hellofresh and he cooks the meals and we pay him to do that so he gets that's how he gets his allowance okay okay here we go so he does he actually does quite a bit and and honestly think about I mean think about as he gets older right um just I mean how what that's going to mean right like you can make money at College doing that too right like you could be like yeah I'll like how about we everybody here at the dorm pays we we all go on a hell fresh and you guys pay me to be your Chef yeah it's a tiny PSU there's that one I don't have any I don't have any SATA the only thing I need is the 16 pin there it is right there and this is a angled 16 pin which is awesome so we only need three power cables by the way guys I don't know I don't know if we'll ever see them on you know Top Chef or anything like that but you know you never know we're supposed to take some cooking lessons this summer okay so there's that you just pop it in like this there we go look at that that whoa are those already there for oh no okay I was like whoa that's cool so this thing has got little screw mounts check it out I'll show you this it's got little screw mounts for all six screws I like really like the way that they did the screws the screw stuff for this and they're like it's it's rough it's actually kind of a really cool way of doing it like I said I really actually like The Innovation that fractal has done with this case um you know I I I think there's some limitations in there like if you really were like the fractal Tera or even the fractal Ridge are probably more akin to what you may need for some of the stuff that this is supposed to do from a from a setup standpoint but this is still a very cool very different case you know oops okay see if we can do a better job of there we go and one more and the only other thing I got to do is plug in plug in our power cable there we go okay so now it's just time to run power there we go we'll probably do something like that just to run it nicely there we go okay now let's just make it look nice feel like all I got to do is just zip tie right there and that would look good right and then I feel like taking this cable and running this through and up well I can just do it as part of this string of cables and then just zip tie these together and then that'll look nice we will will show you you will see we're going to we're going to make it happen you'll see I've been given an anonymous tip so I will show you it only is one type of 490 though you can only fit the 4 90 Fe which means you could also do any of the Fe if you wanted to is it supported no but can you do it yes we're going to see what temps and stuff like that are like when we do this okay there we go guys we're almost done with this build that looks good good okay so here's our power cable for our GPU okay so now what we're going to do this is where we do we we do a little practice here um oh I forgot one part this goes back on like that there we go and then we screw this back in and you could put a 3 and 1/2 inch right there at the Top If you wanted to so if you wanted to fill that with a 3 and 1/2 in drive you could so which is actually very easy to do a mounting for a drive and there's plenty of room okay so now we do this okay so let's grab our case here oops I am going to go ahead and [Music] remove okay so what I've done is I've removed removed the PSU screws here I'm going to have to do these manually okay let's grab our GPU here we go okay let's grab my clean it off a little bit okay here we go this is the order of operations from what I think is is going to allow us to fix this to do this so first thing we're going to do power is going to be up here okay okay so we're going to put this on make sure this is right here there we go okay it's on okay here we go so you want to put the case you want to put the case fully together we're going to plug our power in and then this is going to be the struggle part oops we just got to kind of work there we go okay just don't want to push the going to be careful with the power cable here they don't have any room to mess with it here oops oops I'm going have to do it a little bit more and this is the struggle right because there's a little bit of being careful okay make this really short okay I had to make this really short the one thing that's really important is you just need to make sure that it's plugged all the way in wow I really wish I could get to really wish I could get to the it just has to be it's almost has to be like right here okay it's like the big thing I just don't want to put a lot of pressure on the power cable that's what I'm working on right now like I said so we're stretching the bounds of what's possible here okay this is where that Loki would actually be a little bit better because you can almost compress okay I don't know why this isn't I got it all right it's lined up going at top down there we go there we go okay it's in okay so now what we're going to do so there's a 4090 it's [Music] in you have to definitely do some [Music] work but it is in [Music] okay and then you could see you could then take your [Music] [Music] I don't know if I'm going toble trying to get one in there we go oh that is like not quite it's crooked huh definitely you can get two display ports but it does fit oh shoot Lo again [Music] oh okay I see I see it's [Music] crooked there we go there we [Music] go there it's back in the guides now there we go okay there we go we got it in it's in the right way now okay whoa that's even more crooked is that how is that crooked but yet it's like not I can see the 12 pin it's okay though this is why they say I why I said it's not an officially supported scenario you know what I mean I think it has something to do with this crossbar here too it's definitely in I mean it's like it's it's in okay there we it's still crooked but it's I think I think it actually has something to do with it's this crossbar that's the problem so you're in the question is can I do this oh yeah no no it's not quite okay disconnect this must be something here hold on okay I'm just going to push this out of the way for a second if we get this oh okay so some of it's also got to be like so you could go down here see if it was like that then it would fit so I feel like I may have to take this off of the support does that make sense and then it actually all fits fine it doesn't quite line up it doesn't quite line up but the thing is is that it would so in other words this would not hold it down so you actually are going to have to remove the Riser cable to do this so you have to take this off okay so like I said you could this is not supported yeah this is not supported but you can fit it and I figured out what you have to do so that's what we're showing here now the Riser is like it also makes it harder to get the top off here here here we go what was this hitting there he goes was hitting the PSU cable here okay so go to top down then we're just going to disconnect this there we go so we're doing some mod some modifications here okay now now I wish you could you you do have to I know for sure you have to you have to put the top on like you have to have the whole cover on for this to work there we go okay they basically need that right there okay oops it's like they could have just done a little bit of a bigger a little bit bigger and they could have all could have all worked all this for getting a cable there we go okay there we go now it's in and it's enough now the question is it is straight but I don't think there's anything I'm going to be able to do to I can't I can't actually secure it like there's no way to secure it in here outside of there's no way to actually secure it outside of go like this okay it's in and now so you can look at the bottom here you can get to all the connections and all that sort of stuff so it is actually in there it's just just gravity is going to help keep it secure but there you go guys that is a 4090 7800x 3D build inside of the fractal mood now I think what I'm going to do just to be safe and you're going to have to be if you're going to do this just know you're going to have to be careful with this build we're taking this build apart right so the one thing I will will say absolutely guys is that this is not something you're going to want to travel around with but just because of how close this is I want to give it as much breathing room there we go taking that off now remember the front of the case is the case that does you can't see the GPU yeah I guess you I mean you could yeah but I don't even need cable tying it like there's not there's not really an easy way to do it okay well we got it it's in there we're just going to have to be careful with it we're going to find out very we're going to find out really quick Kurosaki it's not a bad idea like almost like a thing just to get air flow up into it um it depends on the case uh Andrew like this case like a 14700 K with a 240 mm a iio was was uh quite a bit quite a bit uh more uh like it was in the '90s so it it can affect it quite a bit uh I 127 over a ryzen 75700 x 3D you are you're hampering your productivity x3d chips are gaming chips so if you're going to do video and video editing video editing you should not use an x3d unless you're using DCI resolve then you could argue that that's possible because you're using the GPU more than the CPU but if you're using Adobe Premiere or anything like that you should not use an x3d chip okay here we go guys um we're going to talk about our sponsor real quick and then we'll uh we'll get this all plugged in get it turned on check temps and all that stuff but we did get it in there it is right there the build 7 4090 ooh die oh I got some oh man I scuffed it up okay so don't drag it across a thing I scuffed it up oh man now my now my fractal Ridge looks like crap oh I guess you can't really see it okay I shouldn't don't drag it across the thing it'll get it dirty okay um yeah wow that was getting that getting that built was not straightforward but it's done would I recommend it that's up to you how bad you want a 490 in there but again you can put a 480 super you could do the 4080 super which would be great and luckily they've been more in sale and easier to get a hold of now but we actually have the 4090 sitting in there right so there it is right there but you get a 4080 super you could do that Pro 40 super it wouldn't require near as much work and uh you could have that in there if you wanted to so there it is and this is a negative pressure case so again it's exhausting and pulling air well it's actually only pulling air from two places the back and the front so all right uh let's do our zip tie count and then we'll do our will it post and then go from there and then uh we'll do our sponsorship okay here we [Music] go I don't know will the Trinity fit is that uh is that sff I don't think that'll I don't think that'll fit in this okay here we go even or odd one two three four five there's five one two three four five there is 10 there is 10 right there 10 it was even today guys sorry guys not odd oh the 480 Trinity fits okay cool again you can do the 4080 super Trinity too then that's awesome I won awesome congratulations okay last thing we got to do and then we'll get into will it post while you guys are doing that we're going to talk about our sponsor for today which you guys are used to it's been a little while we got to get couple more videos in for [Music] [Music] them do I have I think I have the white version of that is this the TR Trinity ampo that they sent me Trinity OC I got to look up the Trinity ampo see what that is they just sent me a they sent me a trinity what else I got in here I got 4070 super there's the amp Arrow pretty that's a 480 super Trinity amp so this one fits then okay so this one would probably fit you're right it's pretty thin I wonder if the p and would fit then that's the P Andy must be thick but the the thinnest card it's not the thinnest card is the um the thinnest card is the pro art and I'm pretty sure the pro art from what I understand the pro art is the only one that fits that's what I understood but somebody said that they uh that a trinity OS would fit or do you think it would fit uh sorry to keep reposting just roby's opinion sorry if I had seen it Go and post it one more time Andrew hey uh sort the Explorer thank you very much muffin 065 thank you very much as well why did the computer it has too many windows oh I like that one any guess is on 1590 price my press is great three I don't think it'll be that expensive but truth be told we won't know until CES next year I'm guessing oh he got it okay so he got it in there okay so the 4080 super okay the Trinity OC that's cool okay well there you go that's good to know so it's two there's now two 480 supers that fit in there all right well let's talk about our sponsor real quick and then I you know what's funny cuz I have a 480 uh Trinity OC super I actually probably would put that in this over doing a 4090 but there's a 4090 in there now um okay so just to uh go back to uh the what we did today um we uh so you get finished building a build like this you want to put in a copy of windows but windows cost you know if you were to pick it up at Best Buy or whatever it was that would cost I don't know anywhere between 250 or 150 bucks but here at vipk you can actually pick up a copy of Windows for $23.65 if you picked up Windows 10 Pro or Windows 11 Pro for $32.45 but if you hit buy now and then you use buy now again and you use RBC at checkout and hit apply what was $23.65 Drops all the way dollar down to $16.55 which is quite a bit of savings uh if you are trying to save money after spending you know $3,100 on this or you could buy a 4080 or 4070 TI and get the price of this down by well into the $ 21 $2200 range so um yeah so it's saving you quite a bit of money but Roby what if I didn't want to pick up a copy of Windows what if I wanted to pick up a copy of office well cool here let's check out office because you didn't want to pay for Office 365 maybe you're doing some summer school and stuff like this so here's office 2016 which means you have the full version you get it all the time you don't have to pay any extra it's not monthly here you can pick it up for $39.60 but again if you hit buy now same thing use RBC at checkout hit apply what was $397 92 drops all all the way down to $27.73 so again significant Savings in terms of the cost and again we've had thousands and thousands and thousands of people who've used this so if you're interested VIP cdk great place to get copies of Windows and you can pick those up uh right there so there it is right there um Windows is cheap now yeah it's it's it's going to get more inexpensive but I mean again it's still it's their their OEM keys they do work on if as long as you don't change the motherboard you can't transfer this between build and build but as long as you don't change the motherboard you should be fine you can change any other hardware and feel free to do so there you go kurasaki I got a Windows OEM Roby and still had money to buy gasoline there it is that's all the story that you need to hear right there um okay let try to make sure I'm set for the next thing perfect there it is okay so the other two I want to tell you about is uh this is your site and destination for all thing builds and everything like that so if you're interested in having commission the only thing too is that you may not be able to help uh you may not be able to help us financially maybe you're not able to support uh with subscribe subscriptions or anything like that but one thing is is if you need to go grocery shopping or you need to buy parts or anything like that you can click on any one of these links it'll lead you to or whatever it was the best thing about it is it doesn't cost you any extra to then go shopping on Amazon and buy anything but we do get a little bit of Kickback which uh helps us and uh continues to let us do PC builds and giveaways and all that sort of stuff so anytime you think hey just go to see if we have an affiliate click on there go through and then you're good to go it's a great way to help us without doing anything more and uh allowing you to just do your daily shopping the way that you do also if you have a build you're interested in here's all our builds um for all of the months so if especially if you're thinking about putting a build together this is a great place to start um and say oh you know I'm going to look at you know building in this case or whatever it was or I have a price around this price then you can go find here see what parts we put into it and then you could use that as a guide to go and choose other builds but say for instance here you know we're building the the fractal mood here it is it also has the link to the actual video as well as well as a link to all the parts so it's a very easy place to go and put your own builds together if you really like a build that you saw here at um last thing let's talk about deals let's see what deals uh Tom has got for us today uh Acer Nitro this is a 27in LED screen uh free sync gaming monitor right now on sale $169.99 if you're looking for a monitor 7900 x3d kind of a weird chip but for 329 bucks that's a heck of a good deal uh you can get yourself an RTX 470 gaming OC V2 uh this is a 4070 on sale right now $ 5349 all you got to do is use that promo code so if you're looking for a nice mid-range system and a fairely inexpensive 4070 there's your option the Acer Predator Helio 16 we've shown this a number of times over on the Intel live show it's got a 13900 HX 16 gigs of RAM an Nvidia GeForce RTX 480 and a 1 TB SSD you can upgrade the RAM and the storage so you could add more storage Etc to it on sale right now 7 $749.99 over at Best Buy uh the Anor solx s522 portable power station love these things we actually have a couple of them uh not the anchor ones but ankor obviously makes great power products uh on $70 off making it $199.99 from Best Buy that's a really good price and honestly having one of these things uh I have you know is such a deal if you lose power or anything like that this allows you to power like your refrigerator a lot of things like that for a pretty good amount of time we have a really really large one um and I really really appreciate these the Insignia 58 in class f30 LED 4K UHD TV say FR inst you were going to build this build and you wanted to throw a 4K TV and actually use it as a a home theater type PC build well this one's on sale $289.99 from Best Buy which is actually man that's a pretty inexpensive price for 4K TV so there it is there is everything right there um and uh you are good to go so that is the deals for today everybody say thank you Tom thank you Tom for finding us the deals and all that SED Jazz and now guys it's time to see how this build actually performs now would I recommend doing this you know honestly what I kind of want to do is we're going to see how this performs and what temps are like but if I was going to do this same build again given how precarious the 4090 is in there I would probably do like the 4080 super from uh the 4080 super from the pro art or I do the 4080 super Trinity OC um versus doing this to a 4090 it feels a little bit sketch I'd much rather I'd much rather have um put that that inside of this um and like not been able to really secure the power cable make sure it's in nicely and then put the top down versus having to do like the force fit that I did in this case but there is a little bit of a proof of concept that I do this stuff so I can show you guys cuz somebody's like I really want a 4090 it is possible and as long as you don't move it around Etc you shouldn't have much of an issue but let's get this down um and uh get it plugged in and then we'll uh see how it actually performs and I like I said just be very careful with the build itself it does technically fit I mean I I would agree it does technically fit the HDMI cables do go in there without any issue so I wasn't having any problem with whatever getting the HDMI cable or the other cables in there without any problems so they do go into the 490 nicely the power cable is in an is like kind of at an interesting angle but again it will make it easy to kind of get that in there and that was one way that they definitely save space okay let's grab our and I'll show it to you guys so you guys can see it here in a second I'll use the remote cam so you can see it it's going to be a little bit easier in that way there we go put the cables like this just nicely set it up there you go cables are good and then we just go huh push the power button and it's on it is on guys I can see the light of the 4090 on the outside shining through still waiting to see it post here saw a light switch oh there it is new CPU detected oh sorry it actually showed up on the screen here so go to remote here so you guys can see that it did in fact post here there it is right there posted so it is posted it does actually look a bit like a giant series X right so we're just going to enable Expo and we should be good there so all we did was enable Expo he's like oh man and then he finds out it's like a giant a new beautiful PC you mean I will say that the cables plugged into it are going to give it more support but yeah it does look a little bit like a subwoofer doesn't it it is a very attractive case I do have to agree okay so it is coming through now there you guys can actually see it there and there we go we are in in the robit tech thing now okay yeah make sure you guys get your like in where we at on likes let's go to display settings let's duplicate the displays keep [Music] changes 2560 X 1440 keep changes okay we are in okay let's open up MSI After Burner oh oh it's not getting a network connection that's weird see what's going on here with the network connection oops oh well it would help if I plugged in a network cable oh yeah there's no network cable plugged in that would help I was like wait [Music] what there we go there we go now we have a network connection there we go I'm going to switch our side camera here oh no there we go since we're in the testing part of the build now there we go nope a little too low the base on that sub is expensive huh there we go all right let's see how this bad boy how this bad boy does okay first thing we're going to do is just make sure that we get our stuff done so on screen display override grp name this is an RTX 4090 Fe oh dang it there we go we don't care about vid usage I'll put on there anyway you guys you guys like all the data memory usage for sure we want core clock then we want power for sure then we want no load CPU temperature for [Music] sure and this is the RTX um sorry the uh ryzen 7 oops spell it right 7800x 3D there we go CPU usage we want there we go CPU clock and then CPU power there we go RAM usage we don't care about frame rate we want okay there we go so everything's all set there I tried putting my motherboard on stagram and it wouldn't post I like that one okay let's start with cinn bench just to see how this does I do want to check I have Armory crate in here so we're going to do our Armory crate just make sure our spinning and stuff is good everything's good here oops that's not what I wanted oh man always the updates update what's the matter Tony let's open up steam real quick make sure that all this stuff is updated always fun to do all the updates steam settings Library do not show streamable games okay we're downloading Elden ring the update for Elden ring real quick cyberpunk on here we're already good okay launch I just want to make sure that our stuff is like everything's good couple more add-ons here 170 250 guys go hit those likes there is enough people here heading over we're going to give away a $25 new a gift card all we got to do is hit that all we got to do is hit those likes they're free so go go knock it out real quick let's see how fast we can do it we're at 170 250 and thank you everybody who gave Subs uh Kish gaming sort it yeah Kish gaming thank you for the resub tier one 22 months appreciate it two minutes still left here yeah we have hardware monitor installed I'm just basically making sure the fan curves are [Music] set I should have plugged that in real quick I'm going to do that now just so it's set the one thing I I'm not a the one thing that's kind of a pain in the butt about many ITX builds especially with the stuff at the bottom is like plugging things in always a little bit more of a pain in the like it's yes it looks nice when it's all done but just to do it you have to do like this whole like put it down hug it in you know that sort of thing which is it's just not as straightforward as like just plug it in the back [Music] all right oh yeah making sure all our updates are in feel like okay all that stuff is there okay let's look at our fan expert okay chassis fan everything is basically I don't know okay so there it is chassis fans here okay good so everything is set let's just autot tune it while we wait I I actually really actually appreciate the fan expert curves that they give so I'm down I'm down to use it it's done a pretty good job you can like cook on the top of this thing you know what I'm saying like it'll this thing shoots out some heat just saying uh DJ techno I've actually had these for longer than compy text I actually used them at CES too too you're very welcome Evo cybernation um I like them because like today we shot not only did we basically record the video but I actually shot a first-person build inside of this at the same time so that's why I do it now so it allows me we did a cut of these and so I send these to our editors and then they'll turn them into a a full build cut which is pretty cool no I just have a piece of chicken stuck in my tooth and it's driv me nuts sorry for my gross picking tooth thing that's updated still running our stuff oh looks like we got a it didn't quite fully install something we going to have to go to here via tuner statistics right here know maybe it's not there must be in here drro redis this didn't install all the way I do not want the Bing Bar cyber Corsair says says my wife needs a system she would gain more ryen toothpick huh ryzen will a 79 be an upgrade for my 3080 or should I wait until I get a re afford a 7900 X or 480 super a 7900 XT I mean it's not a big enough upgrade from a 3080 I I I mean honestly I like I would rather get at that point in time I'd rather move up to a 7900 xdx or 4080 super because of the stuff goes in what kind of games do you play yeah guys head over hit that hit those thumbs up buttons this takes a long time d all right do you have games that aren't running well that's always my thing like people say I need to upgrade it's like well do you really need to is like there's something that you want to play that you're not able to play with your current system it was my birthday on Thursday and I'm looking for a GP upgrade and a PSU upgrade as well I'm looking at a 3060 TI um guner what's your what's your current what's your current uh your current GPU and what's your current PSU so it's kind of like a 7900 xdx is I mean there's some upgrade there but it's you know it's kind of like a slight diagonal upgrade oh a 1050 okay well that's a nice that's a nice jump how much is a 3060 and then what games do you play what what power supply do you have gunger I like how you're black like the sorry the black your your name is black I don't know how you got that okay so it looks like we got everything good all of the stuff is set let's go see how we test now it's actually very quiet let's see what this turns into we got cinch open this is not doing anything let's just close it just to make sure or'll reload it after loading up ciner bench go to cin bench okay yeah so 36 be nice uh I don't know I think we have on the website PSU requirements for different gpus I'm not sure I think six I think you need 650 for your power supply is it a it's not a Dell or anything like that like is it a DIY PC I'm glad you like it arxus okay here we go guys file Advanced let's go 10 minutes there we go starting the multicore now see what we got here CPU temperature 788 o that's getting a little oh nope nope that did not that is peing wa so this this AO this little cooler is not strong enough I'm going to see what our cin bench is because that that we might actually still be okay and I'm I'm curious to see what again I'm this is more of a gaming one but I want to see where to go there's 90 but it's if it's 177,000 then it's still okay okay clocks are down it's it's basically sitting at 89 the whole time okay so it's a little bit of a slow it's a little bit of a lower it's a little bit of a lower um definitely a lower clock speed I really honestly thought this would be okay but it is not so we you see a little bit so but again the real question is I do I care as much about this know not so much it's really what the gaming temps are like so let's let's check out let's let's throw it into let's throw it to the wolves and see what our gaming temps end up being remember this is really justment as a gaming PC so let's throw some cyberpunk 2077 in there the 147 would not have the 147 you couldn't cool with that CP with this cooler this is a a box cooler right uh gunger it's just I asked if you if it's a Dell like if in other words it's a DIY PC or is it like a Dell or something like that this case is a little bit of a wild one okay yeah so it's a it's easy for upgrade so I'd go to 650 if you could 750 cuz the price difference isn't all that much and then a 3060 TI is great if that all fits within your budget um if you can go to a 40 series that would be awesome but I also understand that you may not be able to CU you're Pro you're more than likely telling me that the cost is going to be you know dude it's it's 90 like this is capping out at in gaming I mean I'd much rather okay so that seems to be okay let's see what it's running it like might just be at the burst and it's let's see what the average ends up being but okay 70s is okay that's still really kind of warm f is running fine so we're going to do R Trace Let's do let's give it let's make it the worst it can be overdrive dlss it's super resolution uh we're going to leave it on auto turn on Ray reconstruction no frame Generation all that kind of jazz go to video we're good here I'm going to change this to full screen make sure that it's good there make sure this is still recording because it likes to not record okay here we go run our Benchmark still pretty warm oh don't worry Elden Ring's coming okay here we go so 84 86 82 so it's warmer but it's still below Max temp that's a nice average 78 still I mean it's if you did an AIO in this you could do a 240 mm AIO and get that PR that temp down the FB is not having any problem whatsoever I mean this thing but it's like just drawing air directly from the outside that seems to be okay 85 84 yeah I mean I'm just looking like so CPU temps are going to be fine during gaming as a as a you would just definitely need to make sure that this thing is out where it can get air flow so if you stuck it like in a hutch or something like that I don't know if I would recommend doing like Hutch cooling or anything like that but in terms of otherwise that should be absolutely fine it's warm but it's okay move this up a little bit okay let's check one more time let's just show like average gameplay that was like the worst kind of setting so we'll do what we could do here let's go to Ray tracing Ultra we're going to do dlsa dlss we're going to do daa so in other words this is now ludicrous like the best it will look frame generation off texture quality high this is like the cleanest de this is the cleanest uh you're going to see and this is definitely going to be a higher hit on um on uh the CPU okay still recording yeah like a cabinet yeah yeah so don't put it in like a C like you know some people will stick this like this would need to be out and getting air does that make sense I don't you don't have to change the cooler if you're using this as a gaming one yes that if you're using as just gaming I don't think you're going to you wouldn't have to change the cooler if you wanted to do any productivity I think you're going to want to do a 240 mm AIO uh instead of doing an air cooler like we're doing scottamus Prime thank you for the resub bukin thank you for the resub as well this one we use the noctua NH d9l so here we go in 80 frames look at that 74 the the gpu's temped up a little bit but still very very reasonable temps here hey Casi thank you for the prime sub Kuda thank you for the prime sub as well guys we need more likes let's go hit those thumbs up buttons over at sorry robobitch let's hit that thumbs up and there we go guys 78.3 one and again temps seemed okay it looks like in the menus is where you'll see the highest temps from the uh CPU okay so let's test something that's not as not as graphically intensive but still a game that does a lot and has a pretty big loop on the um has a pretty big loop on the CPU so we'll throw in some eldering real quick no it didn't throttle at all no there was no thermal throttling on this at at all there was thermal throttling when you were doing like if you were going to do like if you were going to do um like rendering and stuff like that like then you would see it looks like this would you would change a cooling solution if you were going to plan on doing some rendering so like a 7700x a 14700 K and you were doing nothing but gaming sorry sorry if you wanted to do like video editing uh heavy machine level work AI work all that sort of stuff you would want to change the cooling solution if you're going to do this as just a gaming PC you're you're going to be fine it's not going to Thermal throttle it's not we we've shown by using probably the worst case in terms of gaming right there that you might hit Max temp but it's not going to throttle so hoko asked he said where so where the highest frames hit the processor is when you're paying at 1080p this is 1440p and 4K if you're going to do a 1080p system then yes I would say at that point in time where you're going to be using the CPU a whole lot more you're probably going to change the cooling solution and go to a 240 mm AIO over the air cooler which isn't it changes the complexity of the build this is really a 4K or 1440p gaming rig with a 4090 or 4080 super if you wanted to drop the price and not have to worry about all the fitment issues I did um the 4090 the GPU is getting no issue whatsoever with temps uh but the CPU is uh we're definitely at the very edge in terms of being able to cool the CPU effectively for gaming you're not going to have any problem whatsoever and we'll show you that here with cyberpunk you wouldn't that's the point punks you wouldn't do it on a 7800 x3d that's not a good idea idea I would definitely recommend at that point in time changing to Intel a 14700 k or a or you could do AMD 7700x but I the 14700 K has a tendency to do better than a 7700x which is at the top end in terms of amd's cooling on in this case Peerless assassin the cooler you couldn't fit it in this squirrel it's too big this is low profile coolers dude it won't fit it's 110 millim for the for the for the for the kind of temps that the kind of cooler you can put so we have a thermal like the thermal right 120 that might do better but then again this not to a cooler is actually pretty good um or maybe the new um the new one from deepcool if you can even buy a deep cool cooler here in the United States here pretty soon because of the whole you know them selling to the Russians guys we need 50 more likes let's get it done why am I not seeing um do I have there it is okay okay there we go okay here we go so 81 here yeah I would not use a 280 in this case uh it is uh it is very difficult to fit a 280 mm AIO in this uh without doing like pinching a hose even talking to fractal fractal was recommending at the max what you can cool with a 240 okay so let's do volcano Manor here so this one we're sitting at 60 FPS look at those temps 6735 you know what I mean you're not having any issue whatso over here in terms of temps uh I'm gonna stop the music for a second or could you suggest a PSU GPU package gunger a 40 a 4060 or a 3060 TI and a 6 750 watt PSU is perfect that's all you need to know you don't need to choose a particular set I any one of if you're doing an Nvidia you're not going to have any problem whatsoever okay fade that out okay here we go let's uh let's do a boss what do you guys say oh no problem you're you're totally okay now will I beat this boss I don't know we'll find out but let's talk to the volcano Lord you consider having an audience with our Lord our Lord will no doubt welcome you another kindred spirit treading yes as it should be now close your eyes for a moment I will transport you to the Lord's chamber farewell farewell then may your visit be fruitful okay boys and girls never fought this boss we'll find out how it goes oh hold on hold on whoa whoa whoa okay okay okay wow that's just one way to start oh shoot okay let's just start shooting fire everywhere ow ow howow he eating me okay no come on oh snap what's a god devour oh God he just oh okay that's a god devouring serpent I'm not a god dude why you got to eat me oh jeez I've never fought this boss I don't know anything about him just likes to throw me around like a little ragd doll whoa he threw me way over here oh jez oh come on oh oh oh man ow ow ow ow my guy's gone ow ow okay okay okay oh man oh I'm dead I was close plus me running out of life didn't help oh he was uh he okay let's try one more time I don't even know how much okay let's whoa did wait why am I not in the little area yes now I will transform that guy transform me to the Lord's area why didn't he send me to the isn't there America farewell then thought thought there was a sight of Mer yeah there's oh that's a summoning Stone okay okay let's try that one more time one more time for ow ow ow ow okay okay okay okay I get you ow ow got why you got to be so mean to the jellyfish dude oh poison ow ow ow oh he missed me ow oh no he bit me he bit me okay let's run away a little bit get some health oh you have no room here oh shoot okay oh there's my points let's go get those oh that was 164,000 that was definitely the right thing to do okay come on just leave leave me be let me let me eat my food and get back to life oh shoot he has no oh I have no oh man I hate it when that okay okay oh I did worse that time I didn't even notice the link the arms I don't like that you have to talk to this person every time yes I wonder if I I think I might switch to a fire I should probably have done that anyway farewell then I feel like I'm GNA try I don't know if I need hold on let me let me try this just to see that's an intelligence okay I'm going to try to see if by going to spell I know I'm going to take worse hits but it's better spell stuff so let's like go all in and do a better job of dodging maybe we'll see if that works this guy hits pretty hard all right for ow I wish I could hit him more oh shoot my jellyfish is still doing really good get him stay alive jellyfish get him get him he's like almost dead oh did I get him yes there it is guys on a boss oh wait is there a round two oh no well now C there's of course there's a round two very well that was not easy oh now he's got a oh God join your and King together we will devour the very go oh no no no no ow ow ow ow okay died at the very beginning well I thought I was pretty happy about that and then oh and I forgot to pick up my runes oh well together well it feels like you have to beat the other guy you have to beat the other guy uh yes now I the other guy without using your summon or unless you do you think you can use your summon again I'm guessing no farewell I'm G to try one more time guys and then we'll call it oh that's why okay so use that for this okay got it it I got it uh it's here and now they have this thing they mark it it's the serpent I that what was the name of it I didn't pay attention anybody remember the name of the sword is it this one there is supposed to be a a new what UI there it is okay here you go this one the serpent Hunter uh I can't use it it's called The Serpent Hunter trying to find it where's the serpent Hunter serpent Hunter trying to find it serpent okay oh there it is serpent Hunter okay I got it okay so this is what you kill him with huh at the beginning oh okay how many likes do we have guys there's my okay oh he like be way in the back ow I was just going to see what this fight was like but then I'm assuming it scales with with oh you still got a Dodge oops oh jeez okay three attacks there I have literally dodged none I dodged it attack okay okay so I want to spin the other way yeah I dodged none of those attacks literally zero but that was uh that was that was just called figure out the fight I wonder how far back you can hit him because it's probably pretty good it looks like yes now I will yeah it's a good range it's again I've never fought this dude there's a little bit of learning so understand there and like I wouldn't read too much into it as I figure out this fight okay it's not that oh it's pretty close no it's not that close oh oh is pretty far okay so that is hurts wow what is wow him at all oh now I'm poisoned nope I missed okay so that one I should be able to hit there no no oops yep that was stupid okay definitely an easier fight just got to figure out his his rotations guys we need 40 more likes let's get on let's get those last 40 likes Let's uh let's go since I'm not going to use this yes now I will trans yeah you guys are seeing like prolonged gaming and it's not having any issues whatsoever okay let's pay attention here you got to be relatively close get in no stay out of the W that I didn't expect the freaking I thought I'd be outside of the poison now I'm poisoned too which makes it even worse so I'm poisoned and fighting him okay so that's like spin left spin right get a couple hits there fire oops okay that's the one where you got to go when he comes this way you got to spin that way and then spin the other way so there's just a little bit of learning his fight cuz this one I want to you this one you want to basically I want to use the you want to kill him the normal way yes this boss is genuinely hard or farewell then lava snake of Doom I don't think fire is actually going to do me any good it also would help if this sword I was like I'm I'm an intelligence build so it makes it a whole lot harder oh man missed there we go see oops there we go DOD one there we go some nice hits okay oops fire sucks stamina up oh I don't like the poison oh shoot oh see that was much better yeah what is how do you do that Sergeant nobody that's a good is that the is that with right trick is that with the uh when he falls down it's because I use the the spell build how do you what what button is the what are we likewise guys I will I almost had him farewell then and now much better much better gameplay that one what is does this what does this do oh that's just a normal okay 220 guys come on we can do it there's enough people here oops oh that guy bit me so you got to roll you kind of it's almost like you roll into his attacks is the is the thing you need to learn through standing the fire shoot the poison sucks I need to go right too oh wow I wasn't paying attention at all it has small hands but big damage I need to when he poisons it's almost like you want to run to the far left just remembering all the stuff you have to remember for this build for this game yes as it should be now I will trans farewell then I like how she like you kill three people people and then you get sent down there to go get eaten I don't they don't have a lot of people who uh must be really supportive of this okay that's the one I don't know how to dodge that want to go this way that one to go this way you can't be that one works there okay this one I can Power Attack I don't remember how to do that try I'm in the fire which is not good oh that was good do drink oh shoot he did a three attack there we go oops wanted there it is again I wish you could remember have oh he's going to die now there we go my great sword oh shoot uh now I got to find my great sword left trigger okay uh what are the odds of me finding my great sword in time pretty low oh shoot oh no it didn't go the right way oh jeez okay can we actually do something here I'm not even going to do any damage here oh God I'm like stuck in the fire no I can't even see the camera I'm like where am I I can't I can't like I'm just dying I was like I can't was like I like I couldn't I mean like the fight was great I just I couldn't do anything okay guys well far obviously we're not going to hit those like so uh and we're going to call it there thank you very much for everybody hanging out today um really appreciate everybody I hope you enjoyed us doing the build inside of the fractal move um honestly guys and we showed you temperature wise and all that sort of stuff which was actually really cool um and uh it was it was a lot of fun thanks for hanging out and letting me play some uh some uh Elden ring obviously got some work to do on that boss and stuff like that so what's coming up next so next stream is on Tuesday we're debuting a brand new show with ufd tech uh and uh we're going to be doing it's called Tech Challenge it's going to be at 11:00 a.m. uh here on Roby Tech as well as on ufd as well so that should be a lot of fun it's a new tech talk show about us Tech talkers talking Tech with other Tech lovers so it should be a lot of fun and a lot of stuff like that then we're going to be back on Wednesday we're going to be doing the cougar FV 270 case uh oh no sorry we're going to be doing the brand new uh NZXT H7 flow we have a beautiful build that we're going to be doing inside of that so that should be a lot of fun we got some more Elden ring streams we might do some Elden ring gaming streams here on Monday but outside of that guys super appreciate all of you guys being here and uh joining me tonight have an amazing rest of your weekend and we will see you guys on the next build we talk to you guys later bye [Music] if feel again [Music]
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 3,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC, building PC, custom PC, gaming pc, how to build a PC, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, fractal, fractal mood, fractal mood build, fractal mood 4090, sff pc build, sff pc build 2024, small form factor pc build, small form factor pc build 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 19sec (10279 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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