CPU Giveaway + Lenovo Legion Pro 5i 14900Hx Laptop and Homeworld 3 Gameplay

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[Music] good evening everybody Welcome to a very special intel after dark I like by the way we saw that comment and we were like yes this is such a great name for uh the uh Intel late at night because we actually have it's kind of Alex it's kind of this weird time that we're coming into with Intel shows right because we have this one that's at like 6 and then the next one is like really kind of early in the morning uh on uh on Tuesday or on Wednesday morning uh East Coast I mean here in the here in the United States right yes yes yes yes so this one is is at six West Coast and then the next one is really early for the people who are here in the west coast you and I are going to be somewhere else though yes so it's it's 11:00 a.m. so just mark your calendars it's 11:00 a.m. uh in on Wednesday uh what is Wednesday that date uh Sarah well that's a I completely space what is Wednesday next week no it's two weeks from now I think it's gonna be the 4th the 4th yeah Wednesday the 4th that's right Wednesday the 4th 11:00 a.m. eastern 9:00 a.m. Pacific time we it's back to Intel Morning Show essentially right and we're going to be doing we're going to be covering all of the cool Intel news from the fine folks over uh at computex plus we're going to be giving away a PC and partnership with be quiet so it's going to be a little bit of a longer show uh and it's going to be at 11:00 p.m. in taipe 11:00 p.m. p.m. until 2 2 a.m. yeah yes you know we're going back to our we're going back to our morning show cant rout well did it I was I already I already had mine lined up too I already had mine lined up too dang it uh but yeah hopefully you guys have grabbed your late night uh Starbucks Quant and you guys are ready for a great show today because we actually have a really really awesome show and I'm really really excited about it so um I'm going to have a lot of fun it's not going to be Friday it's going to be Wednesday it's you have it's like two Wednesdays funny enough it's like Wednesday and then two weeks from Wednesday but instead of this time early in the morning that's how is that not easy to remember right oh yeah we'll put it all in Discord for you guys we made that completely and and completely NE unnecessarily complicated but it's going to be it's going to make a lot of sense but uh super good to have you guys here uh Alex you do not seem to be in your usual place my friend no I am in my secret lair wow really is it like so is it like in a volcano like tell me about your secret lair and is this part of what Sarah has promised us and yet has delivered yeah so this is the basement in which I record all my evil videos before I publish them on my evil social media it it doesn't look evil though it looks like like Nao like noovo like 50s retro no I'm actually in Santa Clara there's a lot of stuff going on here in Intel as we're going to get ready for computex and a lot of announcements so there's a lot of stuff going on right here so I am down here getting ready getting a lot of material that we're going to share with you guys about all the new things and the all the new releases and launches are going to be coming up in the next couple of weeks so that's why I'm not at my home that's why I'm here in this amazing evil lair oh okay you're evil I like how it always has to be evil ever sense okay I I think honestly uh Sarah we may have to ground Alex from ever playing like dead by daylight ever again cuz ever since he went like murder serial killer like that Vibe just has never gone away and the problem was is we talked about the game the other day and so I think this has really been just like stuck and he's yeah it's just not GNA bring it back so I gotta excited I think we unlocked something guys we just have to figure out how to put the genie back in the bottle apparently we did we did something that I don't I don't I don't I don't really know what we're going to do about it but you know what if you guys are here for it that's all that really matters but it's super good to have you guys here we have a really really good show for you today really excited about it uh we we've done a couple like uh we we did a desktop thing in fact actually it's sitting right back behind me I don't know if you noticed that Sarah but we have the uh the uh BTF 14700 bill just kind of sitting back here but today we're back and we're going to talk about a laptop uh and this one you know it's funny I probably spent more time with this Lenovo this is the legion Pro 5i we're going to open it up we got more benchmarks uh we're going to tell you guys all about it and all that sort of fun stuff as well but I've spent a lot of time with this laptop and if you're looking for a really good um just honestly like a really good like travel gaming laptop that that's not too flourish but just performs and looks sleek this may be one that you need to pay attention to we'll have some links and and know more about that and then we've also got interesting gaming news um we're going to talk a little bit more about pastries what else is on the uh on the agenda Alex anything else so besides cisson we have a different couple news that want to cover and I don't know if you want to start with that so we got those oh yes and we're going to play home World 3 which is a pretty cool uh game that I was able to play for a couple of hours but because I forgot my mouse next to my ceson at home uh Rob's gonna do that but the good idea is even though I am traveling I I'm going to do some some little cosplay not too comp but something for you guys so you know and you know I I feel really bad Alex because yeah you're right I completely spaced on the fact that we're playing home world and if you've never heard of Home world so home world is like home world was honestly like it was like an earth shattering title that came out from Relic entertainment which I don't know if you guys know anything about Relic but Relic was is now the developers behind the New Age of Empires for from uh the fine folks over at Microsoft I got the part they were one of the games the last games I shipped at my time over there um but they did the game Relic entertainment did the original home World in home World 2 and then gearbox uh in Partnership uh with another studio uh actually just released home World 3 so for me this is like such a return to Nostalgia and I am so sorry that I forgot to mention that we were going to play home world today I feel like that's a huge Miss so it was totally you being on the show just for that I got your back like cins in the morning don't worry dude I don't know man anytime that we can get Quant together I mean it is a thing guys I just want to let you know that any partnership begins with Quant if if you know what I mean right isn't that right Sarah I feel like this has turned into just can anybody guess the pre-stream bet we made here have a little beted going on yeah okay so anyway why do we yeah it's the word of the day guys the word of the day is how can how many times can we naturally get it we're not going to do it too much because we're not going to ruin the show but luckily we have a good time when we basically get to host this show I mean if we were I'm really happy that we're not those people you know what I mean who like can't like have a good time while also basically getting through and having a fun time here at work so I appreciate it thanks for hanging out with us um you know we'll uh we'll send some f cant just to celebrate but on to gaming news and this one this one is actually really cool um you know I don't know if you paid attention last week uh or not um Alex but a little game that we played called ghost of tashima uh basically is doing very very well in fact it was like the what does it say the game just became the biggest single player station game to debut on Steam platform even surpassing God of War now I still have to laugh because that little bar to the left is Hell divers 2 and wow I mean you know wow that's that's pretty amazing to see and I you know what I have to say I noticed that it's always right after we play it Alex that then they make these announcements so obviously obviously they're waiting for us are we are we responsible we are definitely responsible I don't know I'm just saying um but anyway it's uh I'm really excited about the congratulations to the team uh over at Sucker Punch um they made a beautiful game I you know all in all like even with the time we got to play it I know that all actually Sarah you ended up spending your own money on it yeah I did yeah yeah and not a regret right no not at all it's absolutely stunning you know it'd be a more Curious question if you were regretting it would you tell us what are the spot I would like to say yes I would like to say yeah we're if you don't know the she is a very honest person and she she like definitely keeps us going but sometimes it's just fun to to push buttons we do that with Alex for sure as well but um yeah speaking of push buttons somebody is saying you're not going to push my next games buttons for a while is uh stardo Creator uh who won't Rush uh haunted chocolate here because he says I'm gonna I better have a good game and a delayed game than a bad game and if you guys uh Alex I don't know if you you've read this there's a great book you and I were talking about it we actually recommended reading it to Sarah uh reading it to Sarah not reading it to Sarah having Sarah read it that's it's six o'clock guys sorry uh and it's it's uh you you want to talk a little a little bit about that game that book have you had a chance to read it uh well let me get we get the title right is uh games Blood Sweat and pixels blood swe and pixels there we go yeah it's it's a it's a it's a great story about the I mean pretty much about the about him how he started this whole this whole game and how he developed it so it's a pretty pretty cool pretty interesting story about that yeah and if you guys haven't got a chance definitely worth reading it's an actually it's a very fast read absolutely amazing story but if you don't know anything about stardew Valley it's essentially made by one dude one person made that game art everything and it took forever and it's just a cool story about somebody who was just very passionate about something and it was all about taking his time so to have him say that he won't Rush basic HK uh won't Rush haunted choler no surprise he's a person who you know just really believes in making something amazing and I think it's cool to see that he's holding the line to be honest it's not like the dude is hurting for m or anything like that either cuz I mean he did very well with stardy Valley and you have played stardy Valley have you not Alex I think we didn't we I think we did we haven't played it on stream yeah but you have have you played it in real life or sorry it on outside of the stream yes I play outside of the stream it's a fun little game yeah and then Sarah you just recently started it yeah I did and and I got I got into it a little bit but guys had to go back I have to finish Dave the diver so but it is on my list of cozy games for sure and on top of that rumor is based on well it's not really a rumor because you told us about this a couple nights ago you're playing Dave the diver on the claw right so how's the experience been on the MSI claw oh it's been so much fun yeah um yeah that is definitely that's G to be my travel companion as I head out to am Dallas uh here next week so um very excited to get some good gameplay in on the cloth and then we apparently we're going to have some people joining us you guys are going to have some folks here in the audience and others who are going to be joining you hanging out in I am Dallas too right so and if look out for those of you that have expressed interest in tickets I'm reaching out to you probably tomorrow so um we did not get enough tickets to for everybody that had requested but um I'm hoping that uh we're going to have a great crowd uh there for next weekend I think it's going to be awesome and then you got noisy Butters and nothing joining you right um it's actually going to be uh nothing and um who else do we have we've got a couple of influencers coming Maddie K is going to stop by the booth okay um so yeah we're still should be a good show it's gonna be a really good show gonna be a good time really good time and and is this gonna be if people want to follow along can they do so just hanging out on Intel gaming Instagram like where do they get the updates where can they are you going to like wear a body cam like what's the deal like how how how we getting how we how are we doing this I'm probably not walking around with a gimbal but there will be a lot of updat on our Discord um as well as check out our socials um and I'll double check but I imagine a lot of the matches are also going to be streamed on our Intel twitch Channel okay awesome that should be awesome and then if you do win if you do win a ticket just so you know the cool thing is is that you'll be able to pick up your tickets from Starbucks and it comes with a f Quant right Alex two number 17 number 17 speaking of not number 17 but June 9th uh it's it's it's Video Game Show season is it not Alex what's happening on June 9th you know yes on June 9th uh PC gaming Show returns and it has returns to all the different uh streams it returns to Twitch YouTube and yeah I'm pretty excited to see that come back and it's going to be you know it's going to be a lot of fun it's been a while kind of waiting for that to to come back it is it is going to be let's let's just be honest it is going to be a really interesting year because I know something that we've been talking talking about over the last like little while has just been a lot of the layoffs and we've seen a lot of the games that had almost like this this really filled um ecosystem of game devs and now that we looking at the other side this is kind of the first time that people are starting to look into a holiday season and wondering what games are coming out and all that sort of stuff so it's going to be I mean honestly show season PC game show you know Xbox showcase PlayStation showcase Nintendo Direct this is where we're hoping to see the Nintendo switch all that sort of stuff there's a lot of things that people are anticipating to kind of see what the holiday is going to basically end like end up like so any thoughts Alex what what are you expecting I I mean I'm I think I'm expecting like a busy year just like we had last year which was so many so many good games that we uh that that launched last year right we had oh balers gate we had so many good things such a good game and and this year I think I think we're we're you know I think we're for a treat I think we're going to see a lot of cool things out there I mean so far we've played a lot of really fun games I mean we just play Ghost of sushima and we play Oh many others that were pretty pretty awesome so I mean it's not not been a bad year after all for when it comes to gaming so excited to see where the gaming season in the end of the year brings with all this so should be pretty cool it says so um fisio if I'm sorry if I mispronouncing you said Roby did you hear about the Microsoft guy trying to buy Nintendo and valve uh Unfortunately they denied my application to to purchase both of them you know so oh there you mean a different Microsoft guy actually I haven't I don't know either of you guys heard about some Microsoft guy buying uh uh no I did not hear that so uh we'll have to look into that maybe that'll be uh maybe that'll be something else 16 billion that's chump change you know what I mean that's Alex's cosplay budget here on the show yeah know especially after after last last week's that I mean know that just got us over the edge that you know all this special effects for that it was the production it it was pretty intense pretty pretty costly but we got there we got the budget Rumor Has when we play Star Wars Outlaws we're actually going to be doing it on a replica of her Starship so really excited about that it's going to be absolutely amazing what is happening what did the wheels just fall off what you know what we just we can dream right that's what we can do we can we can we can totally dream uh speaking of dreaming about my worst nightmares uh Elden ring shadow of the El tree uh the story trailer came out uh let's go a and uh turn down the turn down the music Turn down the uh turn down the lights and let's uh let's take a dive into the very hard very difficult world of Elden ring this is super awkward because it's playing no music sorry guys we can we we know that it's not playing any sound so not really sure why I'm I'm I'm working on it it was all working before and then I think all the Quant jokes basically just decided you know what we're not going to have you work let me see if I can yeah no it's set right so anyway well let's just yeah we're not going to do a my movie let's just go back to the thing it's a it's a missed opportunity now uh Elden ring story trailer's out I thought it'd be a really cool thing to kind of show apparently it's it's decided it's not going to show I think honestly Sarah you jinxed it because you said I jinxed it yeah because you said if we want to show the whole thing it's kind of long right not in a bad way you know but you were just thinking about uh time and everything like that and then I went to play it didn't work remember N I don't remember that being my issue I don't think Nai came from my system oh man yes you it did because you said like and now we won't have any any sound issues I could have hummed music with it but it would have pretty much been like he die Hun die die that's how that's how Alex and I get to play uh how Alex and I get to play uh uh Elden ring so I don't know if you guys remember when we played that a long time ago and we did a competition about who could live the longest it was pretty pitiful it it was pitiful in both cases so yeah to me that was like golf the lower at the time the is the winner so I think I won that one yeah but it's still an amazing game and I know everybody's excited to kind of get a you know at it and excited that uh we might be able to play it in the near future oh and I and and I would not disagree it's just it's one of those games that I don't know it would be interesting like somebody was asking me uh when I was I think it was at Quake conon or whatever because it was like it had just come out and they'd seen me do a couple streams they're like what would it take for you to like put in the effort to actually beat that game and you know what I put that question to the two of you Alex and Sarah if somebody said you need to like you you what would it take to sit there and have you like take the time and uh like you know to learn and play and beat that game what do you think Alex I think I got to be brutally honest I'm you probably have to take like two weeks vacation to just to dedicate to that and then I'm going to need like a like a like a guide because the problem for me is I go there and I'm like ah I'm so happy I'm going to go kill the bad guy and the bad guy is like level 2,00 and I'm like 05 and he just goes like because I don't know where to go right so like I mean I love the game looks great uh I guess I just I need to spend a lot of time to make sure like oh go here go there and go all the stuff but yeah it it definitely take take I'll need to take two weeks off to to at least get somewhere I don't know to finish it but yeah so Sergeant nobody says I have 370 hours in the game and he still hasn't finished it man is he going for like 100% or I that's crazy I what what's going on somebody said the people are somebody says uh is uh Yoshi saying there's a knobi issue what was the kni thing so we're just trying to understand if there's actually a sound issue but um Sarah what about you would you what would it take for you to sit down and finish Elden ring see I got to be honest about my gaming skills guys okay so I think there's games that I play and then there's games that I love to watch okay and Elden ring is in one of those categories that I just get so much more enjoyment of watching other people play um so it's really hard it's a little above my skill level so I would put that like and we've seen some amazing Elden Rain Gameplay I mean do do you remember uh who was the G who played it on a um DDR mat yeah start with yeah I just forgot I hello gosh darn it she just I knew you were going to ask me and then my mind went Blake that literally was goingon to say it and she is awesome in fact she has done it on a lot of different games and yeah and the other too is like she's done it with like uh like a like a speaker and like a dance pad and like all this other stuff and so um yeah it's you're absolutely right and then her and then there's been the uh other two who we actually I'm expecting to probably see him again we did a we did a couple mod Workshop builds with them um who are like uh who are literally their uh speedr Runners for um yes I was going to tell you the speedr runners for for yeah for alen rings I was so impressed and he's like and now we're going to the final boss I was like damn that was it's such a beautiful game and it's one of those that I just appreciate those that are really really good at it no it wasn't ma it wasn't Miss ma um no I'm trying to remember but uh no I'm trying to remember what it was um you know what my favorite challenge that they did Sarah was H they actually did it while eating a cant did they know one-handed onehanded hey Alex there is a lot of questions in chat about your shirt oh yes do you want to tell folks about your shirt it's a nice black T-shirt cotton made very comfortable I'm kidding so this is the 8080 so celebrating 50 years so this is the second processor that Intel launch uh 50 years ago of April 1974 uh and it's celebrate it was called the 8080 uh I think you were on the let me get it was running a a top speed of two mahz so a long way uh yeah so it's one of the first designs and was an integrated circuit and uh I was today I'm today in the headquarters here in Silicon Valley in Santa Clara at the Intel and I was walking out to come and do the the live stream and I run past the the Intel store you can actually go in if you're here and I saw I was like oh that's a really cool shirt I need to get it I'm going to wear it and I grabb it I thought it was pretty cool because you you know 8080 not only is a it's celebrating 50 years but like it's kind of those things like if you know you know so it's a pretty sweet sweet sweet shirt yeah I I get you're bringing one for me yeah uh yeah I can actually go get you one okay oh see look how that see how that worked okay so here's a question we're going to do a poll right now we get everybody ready PLL what was your first CPU the first PC CPU you had so when when you had your first PC CPU what was it we're going to date some folks what about you Alex do you remember what was your first one I know what Pro I know what computer was I need to go figure out what processor was because I wasn't that okay mine was an 8286 mine was an 8286 sx12 from Packard Bell that was my first PC Sarah do you remember I don't I could tell you the year I got my first computer I can tell you it was an IBM but I couldn't tell you what the processor was okay yeah yeah I'm looking right now cuz it's you're just going to really date myself I'm love it I love it look at all these such respon such 186 wow so that was even before me dude says a 14900 K somebody's been spoiled just like the like just like a bunch of you guys so the guest user 17 my first processor was a 6502 microprocessor from the Apple 2 plus dude somebody had an sx12 just like me MP option basically rocking it the same PC my first PC was also the same one mine was a packer belt somebody Ric says I remember it had a green screen guys so I had green screen my first ever so my my my when I went back to my grandparents house my grandparents were like so like on the edge with technology they actually had like an OG pong system and the way you traded you you changed games is you took this plastic sheet and put it on the TV so you'd be like I'm playing table tennis I'm playing tennis I'm playing and you just you that's the way you switch the cart the cartrid is it was like this plastic thing that you put on the TV I was like what is like it was crazy so yeah uh no not a cartridge it was literally just a film to switch the game so pretty crazy I love it I love seeing all this history which is awesome okay last story before we get into talking about uh the the tech of the week um something big is coming up in in Perry the land of Quant am I right the land of Quant we have Intel you guys it's all this is really it was all reading up to this I promise uh Intel uh sponsor for the Paris 2024 Olympic games uh and uh we're just getting people stoked uh because I don't know if they people know this this has been something that Intel's been a sponsor for for quite some time but you know who has all the details Sarah go I've been watching this for a while because I'm a I'm a big big Watcher of the Olympics both winter and summer and Intel has had this partnership um so we can link here if you guys want to know more but there's actually some really interesting stuff we've been doing with athletes as far as doing some tracking of data as their training um so we've had some Olympic athletes come out to our headquar or come out to our facilities in Arizona um a couple of uh I think it was Winter Olympics the last one we've done some drone shows uh we've done some other analytics as far as like jump Heights for the long jump and the Winter Olympics so definitely look out for all of those added things offering 5G Network um you know at the Olympics those types of things so all of the details we can link it but it's actually really cool so Intel is not only a sponsor with the Olympics but also the par Olympics so both of those things are coming up so if you're a big fan and want to watch those look out for Intel and then rumor is guys so during the opening ceremonies right in the center of Olympic Stadium we will be doing an Intel live episode during the ceremony where they come out with all the Flags so really excited about that both just me and Alex sitting in the middle no context for anybody in the middle of the stadium really excited to see what people are like who are those two dudes sitting in the middle of the field just talking to no one oh you guys are silly that would be the best would it not I I just I have to say that would be absolutely the best to just sit there and be in the who can I get a raise a hand who would watch that show just literally two Tech nerds in the middle of like with all these like next level athletes well Alex is actually pretty much a Next Level athlete so like one not next level athlete and Alex chilling in the middle of the thing just basically chatting and talking about tech in the middle okay good so we got I mean we how many how many do we have how many uh lives do we have to have Sarah to actually make this happen let's get a goal I'm still enjoying the until croissant show let's go pretty sure croissant just taken over the street at this point oh man only if you're eating chili dogs gleam bite says if we're like sitting in the middle eating chili dogs oh man and Roby cat's got to be there Roby cat will always be there right I don't yeah uh for sure I mean that's that's just a given okay guys well thank you very much I really enjoyed we we went a little too long on our news section but it's okay I'm actually very very excited about what we're going to talk about next um and that is the Lenovo Legion 5i uh absolutely incredible uh the low Lenova Legion Pro 5i absolutely incredible laptop um and I'm going to hand it over to Alex who's going to give us some of the details on this really awesome uh laptop we're going to get ready to walk through all right so the the Lenova Legion has a 14 gen uh processor the core I 94900 HX uh it also has an NVIDIA GTX uh sorry an Nvidia GeForce RTX you just dated yourself buddy I know is the shirt I'm going to blame it on the shirt yeah you're gonna you're GNA have to it comes with a 60 gigb ddr5 uh set out of 56 uh 100 megga transfers per second it also comes with a one terabyte SSD with m.2 uh it's a 16inch uh book and also has a uh with a screen of 240 htz and also an AC adapter for 330 Watts it's a beautiful beautiful system it has a bunch of aios that Robie will definitely cover I mean it comes with USBC 3 USB CA HDMI it has an SD car rator which is pretty cool if you are a content creator like fori and I that are running around with cameras and SD things SD not things cards uh it comes really handy so it is it is is a beautiful system it is beautiful build and I mean Robie was talking about it like if you wanted something that is very well balanced for gaming and taking around with you this is the system kind of you're looking for it's I mean again uh and you know we we'll actually go ahead and jump down here we'll we'll we'll drop the top down here real quick so this is a take a look at the laptop so again I kind of talked about it's it's it's pretty unassuming but one of the things I actually just really love about uh the leion go laptops is they're still very classy looking versus I think some of the like the more standard gaming laptops so uh you know you got the nice Legion on the right hand side it's got the Lenovo logo the other two I actually really like is that back here this lights up so it actually shows you where the network cable the network Port is which again is just a full port it's none of that full down business it just you can just plug it directly in you've got USBC uh that also basically works for um your display you got HDMI you've got uh two usba and then you've also got a power uh as well on the left hand side you got usba and another USBC and then finally you have a usba uh you have a camera this is your camera shutter which is actually pretty crazy and then you also have your combo mic and headphone jack on the bottom on the back side side you can actually see that we have um uh essentially these these these foot pads that allow you to basically have it elevated so if you have it on your lap or you put it on um you know uh like a a a table or even something like a soft surface like this you are going to get some elevation so it can breathe uh we'll show you temps and benchmarks and all that stuff here in a bit but for the most part you still get uh quite a bit of room and then on the inside the screen is actually 16 in it's 2560 X 1600 it's an IPS display uh you have the option of either 240 HZ or 165 HZ uh and then for the most part the screen itself great colors and then the only two is that you also have a really good sound array uh for uh uh gaming and all that sort of stuff so I've actually spent probably about three hours playing home world on this um and then for the most part is one of those things and I think Alex you would agree you can always tell if you have a good gaming laptop when you have like I was sitting down uh at my kitchen and I was like okay I'm going to spend some time with this laptop just to kind of get a feel of it and you know right in my living room I have a you know a 14900 K system uh connected to an OLED and then upstairs I have a you know a beautiful gaming rig and all that sort of stuff but yet I still sat downstairs even if I didn't have to and continue to play on it because the experience was actually pretty good uh in terms of playing the set like gaming volume like the the sound of the speakers totally out um um was was was louder than that of basically the sound of the fans Etc so a lot to uh just really kind of be happy with uh as you're kind of playing with this laptop now before we get into benchmarks and stuff like that you guys always like it when we basically uh tear it apart so we're going to do that here in a second um but I just want to make sure that it we see any other questions but wouldn't you agree Alex that's usually a good sign of a good laptop when you can you know play on it and not be uh not like be completely okay doing it for hours at a time it's it's great because like you said it was so immersive that you didn't have to go back to your your big systems like oh I'm just happy with this lapt I'm just stay here and play and that's what I you know that's what you and I do a lot is we just bring bring it's it's interesting because we're bring a laptop and I'll bring the claw and like for the example in the airplane I'll be playing with the claw but I once we reaching the destination like all right let me bust out the laptop and let's go playing some games and you can just I got for example I had a problem long story that Robi actually knows about it I had a problem with my desktop uh and oh that's right yes oh I do know that yeah yeah so we had was having an issue with my desktop and then so I couldn't I couldn't play cuz it was stable for so many reasons so I was like you know what I'm just going to grab a laptop and I grabed a laptop and I was like there's no need to I mean I love both of them but yeah it was it was a great experience to to have both to have that option I mean right now they're so powerful that you know that they have that experience great experience for both of them and then um I think the other thing too somebody had said that I saw that saw going in there is that somebody said I was really amazed that you get good sound from a laptop but I will tell you I would say that there's almost been Renaissance uh in this last round uh I'd say since last year really with um you know some of the 13900 HX laptops even the meteor Lake laptops with the quality of sound that you get out of um speakers in laptops right um you know just how much power can be driven some from just such small speakers uh and then the quality and honestly I'll say Dolby atmas has really kind of changed how like how much um I don't know almost how how good spatial audio is coming off of a laptop and this one is no exception yeah I mean yeah the I mean overall like actually right now I'm listening through through the speakers and it's and it's great and it's just beautiful so they have to come a long way when it comes to ltop speakers and so and and it's funny because glean bite says sound is pretty important in a few games and I would absolutely agree and so I would say sound even in this game that you guys are going to see playing home world I mean there's a lot of uh there's a lot of communication that happens uh via the um the the um the AI and stuff like that the other computer so you if you don't have good audio it could actually ruin your um your gameplay experience so I'd say that there are more than a few games that actually um it ends up being really really important in for sure wouldn't you agree Alex yeah I was going to say I think there's more than a couple games there's a bunch of games that you definitely need out here especially if you're playing like first person shooters or or anything related like that you're definitely want to know where that person is as in the walk in the steps you want to be really it's one more uh I mean one of your senses that it can actually help you know where that other person is and keep you alive and and take advantage of that so yeah sound is very very important or like you know we were playing that game last year high five Rush is all about I mean sound was very PR important because you have to go to the beat so there's a lot of G out there that are definitely sound related or you want to keep a have a really good sound system and so it's like you're you're absolutely right the other thing too is that screen I think screen and then just the the appropriate mix of having the right GPU plus the right CPU um and the you know as a mix with the screen and that's one of the other things too is that when we look at certain laptops and all the ones we've kind of covered the RG stricks um this Lo Lenova Legion all of those have had a really good combination of CPU and gpus um in terms of uh pushing the screen so at 2560 by 1600 uh your 4070 and your 14 your 14900 HX are going to be a great combination um for uh for uh pushing this screen and for being able to push it for a long period of time so sorry guys just getting the last little bit of this up takes a little bit of work here no no worries Ry they're saying like are you using your guitar pick for that no this is actually part of the iix it kit so it's like a little plastic thing that helps you kind of uh without breaking the clasp you just use it to kind of separate Electronics uh there's a couple things that we use for that so it's not it's not a guitar pick oh that's why ah I was like something's not coming out the way it's supposed to this is why this is why you use a tool and not just be crazy there you go okay pandarian grace is like if you're a pro you can do this with a flathead screwdriver which is like not a good idea that's how that's how you get dings and stuff uh in the uh in the in the back of or like you know dis uh like you basically deform um kind of the back of your your laptop I definitely say using uh a toolkit like I fix it um to help do the separation and stuff like that is going to save you from uh breaking your stuff so here is the inside of the laptop so again you kind you already got a good idea we talked about this with um with Alex so here you can actually see we have a battery here um in terms of this one is uh basically 80 Watts 80w hour uh 51 uh 82 milliamp so I guess what it's saying is about 8 hours from a Netflix standpoint gaming wise you're going to be looking at you know closer to 2 hours in general for um your RAM you can actually get to it it's just right under here under this metal box so you have two dims which means you can go up to 64 gigs of ddr5 this is ddr5 at uh 5600 MHz um and then these are just standard sodiums so it's actually pretty easy to do upgrades in that way the other thing that was actually super interesting is that uh and I don't know if you've seen this Alex but they actually have metal Shields over both of the mvme drives so these are Gen 4 nvme drives but on each one of them they actually included heat sinks so even for the secondary nvme you're going to be able to get that thermal pad and be able to maximize performance so all you do is just remove that and then you basically see here you have another 2280 uh nvme drive that you can actually add yourself uh in this location and then the other thing too that they're talking about and I don't remember the name I think I don't know if you know at the top of your head Sarah the cooling uh they have a special name for their cooling system um but but it's you guys we'll show you volume and all that stuff afterwards but volume wise it's actually not too terribly loud and then it does a really good job especially when you run it in their balance profile of keeping the temps of the CPU uh in the80s which has been really good for uh keeping the overall volume down um of the system so you can enjoy it for Content uh content cons uh consuming uh eating your you know eating a cant at your local uh coffee shop while playing games or doing email uh or like basically uh playing games in general you know what I mean yeah they call it the legion cold front hyper there you go yeah so so anyway guys that's just kind of the system in general and we can zoom in here a little bit just to show you a little bit more but again you've got your one m.2 right here uh your sodm right here in the center uh and then you actually you can see here on the other side your Wi-Fi 6 uh card plus you also have um you also have um your second nvme now I don't know I was going to ask you actually ask you this question Alex I don't know if you know the answer to this but if you were to replace this I think this is a Wi-Fi 6 nvme but if you were to replace this could you replace this with a Wi-Fi 7 in VM card like it like that or do you know okay yeah you should be able to drop a WiFi 7 in there just make sure that the the most like the thing that is really delicate about that is those antennas man those are those are so if yeah just got to be careful with those Nas but yeah you can replace that with a Wi-Fi s which shouldn't be yeah it's not that difficult to do it's just like a pretty it's an M2 slot so just put put it in there yeah and that's the good thing is is like given that you have a 14900 HX right like that's one of the benefits of using a 14900 is that you also get access to Wi-Fi 7 on certain motherboards Etc okay so we're going to get this all put back together and then we'll do some benchmarks here guys wait what's that underneath that right here yeah yeah oh that's a cant never mind yeah that's a Quant yeah it's you know I I I like to hide them in my laptops because that's always like you know a key part of just being able to get to enjoy it save your snack for later yeah you could actually yes and the only twoo is the because one of the things that Lenovo added um as part of their what is it Legion cooling is that what it's called Uh Legion cold front hyper yeah because of their yeah their Legion cold front hyper is they actually uh set these to be the perfect height to heat quants right so it's like again for warming up your Quant in the morning while doing email that's why they have them in this uh in this pattern I don't know if you knew that there Sarah it's actually interesting because both the fans are spinning in opposite direction um so it means the cool air is guided inward through the central hyper chamber um so there's there's actually something kind of interesting like do you guys ever um when you're playing G on on your laptop do you ever find that like the hot air is blowing onto your hand um so this was something with this new Innovative cooling that they were avoiding so I'll side this is actually this is a really cool cooling technology nice yeah and then you guys will see cuz I you know I ran a bunch of benchmarks on it last night um you guys will actually see when we when we actually test this um how it translates to actual performance as well and then to replace the uh you just basically snap it all back on so it's definitely one of the easier ones to get inside of and uh uh get inside and uh basically do the upgrades it just took some figuring out in terms of where to get access to put your uh your guitar pick as you guys call it your tool um but once you basically get the Tool uh you know this is the second time that I kind of took it apart pretty straightforward in terms of that so you don't have to like you know some laptops we've said that we've worked with we said hey if you're really going to upgrade this and Alex I think you could say this too it's like you you should take it to a professional because it's really tricky to actually open and you've had a couple of those yeah yeah I had some very tricky there can be very complicated some especially when the back end is kind of part of the one whole piece uh I mean I learned by experience unfortunately I actually broke a couple of lips uh no big deal still came back on but you don't want to do that with your laptop I mean this is your this is very precious and I mean you you sacrifice your piggy bank for this so so yeah we always like to we always like to share with you like if we feel like hey this is something if you're going to do this upgrade you know we we try to warn you in advance is like hey don't do this or take this to a professional uh to have it opened up or whatever it was um because we don't want you to have to you know this you know it's a $1,600 laptop not something that you necessarily want to break you know what I mean yeah no completely agree actually one of the things I like about this guy and actually was mentioned in the chat earlier is like they are very generous with the usba yeah they are which was which I kind of run into that problem earlier today yeah ESP she as a content creator right yeah I was like wait I don't have I don't I only got three I only got three and two of them are USB C's because a lot of things haven't transitioned yet fully to USBC so it's like everything is usba and the good thing is for fingerprints again all you have to do is use a microfiber cloth uh and then a lot of the fingerprints and stuff come right off which is one of the things I've noticed even if you just get it a little wet and wipe it down uh it'll actually clean off pretty nicely okay so let's uh let's get into the The Benchmark portion of this we got some benchmarks and stuff to basically show you uh yay okay so and then uh we'll uh we'll go from there so let me uh but I know one thing that you guys always like to know before we turn it on is just how big is the brick and I'm not going to lie guys it's not small in this case so I don't know if you remember this from yours Alex but the good thing is is it's not necessarily fat like it's not thick but it is it is quite like girthy now it's 300 watts right in terms of your overall size it's it's you know thin wise it's not okay uh from a banana standpoint if you measure it against an imperial siiz banana it's about 7 and 1/2 in 7.3 in uh from a banana so it's about the size of an imperial banana a thickness about as thick as an imperial banana too but um you know not necessarily really really um really really fat so definitely want to show you guys that so you guys can essentially see that as well hey Roby yeah the chat the chat wants to know how many corant in sizes that oh it's about the size so if you were lock if you were taking so there's a there's a couple measurements we're going to use the um the SCM just so you know so that's the Starbucks cant method which is um we're going to use the chocolate translation so it's about one and a half half chocolate Quant if you use the SCM method if you use some fancy one that Sarah we thought she was just mad at us so she was saying bad names about us but it actually end up being like a French pastry shop I don't know how big would uh 7 and a half inches get you at that pastry shop there Sarah a solid one croissant solid one croissant solid one solid one now with that I got to say though like because we have we talked about the rapid charge on this thing no you you can talk about that yeah while I get this plugged in this actually was really interesting when I was looking up this system Alex is like hold on hold on um so you can charge up to 30% in just 10 minutes um or you can get 70% in 30 minutes if you want from dead to a brand new charge at 80 minutes so so that's actually really fast that is really fast like a cell phone that's quick yeah so it's thin but I mean that's a really fast charge so then this is the thing I mean this is the thing that I really like so one of the things and if you've watched me on shows before you know this is something that I always struggle with is like one thing you do not need to struggle with with this laptop is that it shows you where the connections are so when you want to just plug something in you just get it so you don't have to go behind your laptop you can just look down from the top and it makes it really easy to basically just plug in your laptop which is really nice and that's one of the things that they added right here okay so let's boot this up okay here here here's a good one from the chat the charging his bananas we've started so many bad things on this episode like all of a sudden they're going to be like you guys are no longer allowed to Stream post like no more Intel after dark right like it's it's just it's too crazy it's too much you guys are too much so all right so here we are we're inside of the Lenovo Legion so a couple things I want to let you guys know before I jump in too more so I'm going to show you guys a couple things um from who okay uh one of the things is that they actually have a color profile um a profile that you can just touch uh using and you can see a little bit about this the function q but if you hit function Q if you look up here at this right up here at the top and I hit function Q you'll actually see this color of this changes now it's red now it's blue and now it's white so those are the different settings that you're going through uh for your um your um performance so when you looked on the screen I don't know if it actually shows up on the screen cuz it's one of those things that's always weird um but if you hit function Q yeah you can see it there so now it's in performance mode which means now it's letting it get as warm as it it can right it's going to go to that top in performance for the the 14900 HX and it's not going to worry as much about thermal Junction or thermal Max it's not going to be it if you go to the quiet that means no matter what you're going to you're going to see the clocks drop on your 14900 HX and it's going to maximize the amount of it it's going to maximize the quality of the experience in terms of the loudness of the fans over the fact of performance and then you have this thing called Auto and the auto mode actually does have some AI assisting in terms of using the microphones to uh keep the volume of the speakers uh the volume of the fans while maintaining performance and I'm going to show you some uh cin bench scores in the two in this mode and then in the performance mode so you can see the difference between the two so you can make the decision to say hey I'm gonna go ahead and use this for doing like heavy rendering tasks versus using it for something like I'm just going to do some gaming so let's open up cinch here and then we'll open up CPU ID and then uh Alex while I'm getting this all prepped up and we're going to start this you want to talk a little bit about why the scores might be different from CPU to CPU to CPU from CPU to CPU to CPU yes so well let's cover that from two different angles right so the the temperature will different from CPU to CPU when we're talking about from like an i5 i7 I9 it be different just because of the different characteristics I know where you're going with this but but hold on R it buddy yeah different characteristics different cores different frequencies you know the the frequencies change and also uh you know frequency depending on the frequency it also depends how much thermals and also they have uh for mobile processors you can always the the builders the o can actually go ahead and tone that now there's also what we called um variation within the process so that means that one I9 is not going to be the same as the another I9 uh they might run very different and just just because as we build things they're not I mean we try to make it as as similar as possible but there's always going to be a variation when we're we're making in the fat in the fat so every time we like even though we have they come from the same wafer from one to the other it's going to be could be behaving very differently and that's where it com com s the the saying of oh you got a golden part or you got a Golden Ticket because that part performs a lot better like let's say you have an I9 that's going to perform a lot better than another I9 so the temperature is going to change from one processor to the other even if there are the same 14900 HX so sometimes you get lucky and like get like awesome part and then you have like oh just runs normal like an average so for those uh Geeks like you have this gsha distribution and you have standard deviation so times you land right in the average or you land some standard deviations better or standard deviation a little bit less but yeah no no no every part is the same so that's why we have different types of temperatures and performance so and then again the other thing too that you talked about right is also between motherboard between G uh sorry laptop manufacturer you can also have the laptops that provide more power to them given the cooling capacity as well yeah exactly so you yeah so now we're going to look at from L the perspective you have different things you have to take into account from the type of chassis the type of cooling uh how many heat pipes uh is it a vapor chamber uh what type of team are you using uh so all these kind of things uh will add uh to what type of performance and heat or or thermos are you're going to see and these are kind of good things because that way it gives some room for the uh laptop makers to to play and see what they want are we looking for performance are we looking for quiet are we looking for battery and you're going to see that a lot of actually processor architectures are defined by that are like okay what is this is this going to be like a mobile processor in which people value mostly battery life or this is going to be like a super powerful Flex uh processor for gaming and for rendering and doing all this number crunches so a lot of a lot of thought goes in before when process are being designed not only processors but also the whole system and that and so and again now that we kind of do that you guys have seen cin run I don't know if you guys noticed but if this is what I was talking about when it uses AI um is that what it did is it uses balanced and what it notices it's doing a cin bench so initial few runs it was actually up above here at 26,000 in terms of a cin bench score which is about the equivalent of a desktop 13600 K which is around 21 22 so it's you know pretty pretty up there in terms of the overall performance pretty close to a 136 but what happened was is that notied that actually these overall PE cor drops and the temperatures are in the' 60s and 70s this is where it noticed hey I still I'm noticing it's doing a long a long basically render but at the same time I'm keeping the overall nose noise noise noise can I say that fastly noise profile down man I sound funny when I say that you ever have those moments where you're like saying a word and then it sounds weird when you say it it was I remember him talking about it on uh on uh uh Ted lasso every word that comes out of my mouth you mean [Laughter] so yeah so again we you know basically arxus was saying and I'm going to zoom out here arxus was saying wow that's really actually very cool for a laptop and then I'm just going to be quiet here you can actually see from a a noise Pro noise profile how quiet it actually is watch so we're getting 49 DB on a laptop at with a balanced Prof balanced profile for power right so again this is the mode that I actually played home World 3 on uh and I was basically playing at 1440p everything maxed sorry at 1600p because it's basically 2560 x600 1600p everything maxed and you're getting 49 DB which again when you're talking about speaker sound and everything like that is going to have no issue uh getting over um the loudness of the the loudness of the fans so I'm going to go and stop this run now and I'm going to go ahead and bring it in right this go ahead what were we going to say Alex you can actually with with that uh such a low noise profile you can actually hear the crackle of the cant as you you okay so now what we've done guys if we've actually put it up to Performance so if you were looking at our top down view you can actually see now we have the Red Dot it's ready to do it's ready to to jack up the performance all up so let's go and jump in here and now you're going to see what the cin bench score uh jumps up to so here we go we're just going to hit start and then you're going to see a pretty big performance jump and temperature jump as now we're at performance as well as loudness profile see there it is already 97° right there and then while it's doing it we'll let we'll let this first round but watch watch watch how much the the cin bench actually jumps here and this is actually cooking boom look at that jumped up to 28,000 so that's a 5,000 Point jump in the cnit score just by switching to a higher performance profile and then this is the volume so we're looking looking at a 10 decimal jump 10 decel jump just over the overall like not only do you see a performance jump but you also see that deciel jump which is why the performance mode exists so if you were going to be somebody who's going to render all the time like Alex did because he just does a lot of rendering of his face and making beautiful pictures of himself this is what the the nose the the noise profile would be right Alex so sexy Sarah's like I quit we're not doing this after hours anymore no more yeah no more after dark so yeah I thought I think what do you guys think of that like is that I feel like it it uh I feel like that gives you a good idea and and shows you just a general idea of like how good um you know a a gaming laptop like this is uh from a like a like a a noise St standpoint Etc but I thought something else that would actually be super interesting that new Alex this is new are you ready for New give me new I want new I'm going to give me new and Sarah's probably like we're not playing games no we're not we're going to load up 3D Mark um which um we're gonna we're going to check out yeah she was like no uh no we're gonna throw up 3D Mark I was just like I I don't want to have her yeah we need we need Sarah to be fine we want her to hang out with you guys in Dallas trust me we're not going to break we're not going to break any rules here uh we're going to load up 3D Mark and then we're going to load show you guys a couple scen scenarios so you guys can get an idea of how this laptop would perform against similar based laptops um that are out there uh you know with um so that just you know giving you an overall performance idea so we're going to keep this on performance and then run um some 3D Mark at the same time um and then uh th uh T-man basically asks a bunch of questions no we're not going to talk about any of that stuff because we all want to keep doing our jobs 15 gent and all that stuff that'll all be you know this is not an official announcement uh not an official announcement uh uh show wouldn't you agree there Sarah yes I can say this for Sarah because she's probably recovering right now but yes this is an official announcement I'm just making sure she hasn't logged off she's still there I I missed something so you missed something I'm glad I missed [Laughter] it oh man so we're going to collect some system profiles here and then we'll base it so this is just this is running the CPU profile on 3D Mark uh and then just giving you an overall appreciation honestly jimo 1972 like like I get to touch and I get to use a lot of laptops and every time so I actually have spent my own money on a l Lenovo Legion slim and I like every time I I use one of these laptops I come away very impressed with how much you get for the money but also just what the experience is like you using the laptop which is actually pretty cool yeah actually I I completely agree like all the laptops that we had Tred especially lately on the show has been amazing and it's been really hard to give him back yes like wait you have to give him back shh don't tell Sarah wait that wasn't that's is that in my contract Sarah it's in the fine print oh no oh no no no my day is ruined my day is ruined here here's what I love about the Lenovo legiance is because when you guys start traveling and that kind of stuff this is the one that pops up the most when I see you guys travel um because it really can handle work and gameplay so um I'm I'm always excited to see what new things that they they fit into this system so so for so for folks who don't know the Leno and actually you know what I'll just you know what let's let's just go off script here Alex that's what we love to do these shows right go off script let's go let me get close andt let's just go off script here you know what me do you guys I just want to show you this cuz like you know sometimes like you guys may be like hey he's just you know he's just pretending to be excited he's just being pretending to be excited about this laptop and you know and and that's not true I will tell you here right here this is actually the streaming the portable streaming PC that we use for our CES and all of our like we're going to be taking this to computech so when we we do our live streams at some of the booth this is the laptop we use and lo and behold it is a Lenovo Legion Slim 9i Right so it is like we we use this laptop this was one that we spent our money on because as we test it we were so impressed with the quality um that we were like yeah it's perfect and the slim version is actually just really really cool so um yeah so again if you got I love the N this one I had not got to use to use the pro this is like their thicker their thicker model screen's great soundscapes great uh even on and all in all like the performance to noise stuff like that also very very good so gleen says the the entire Lenovo line is balance yes what's up now we were having this conversation I think was yesterday or or Monday because we were getting ready for the show and you and I were talking well mostly you I was asking you it's like hey I'm going to be in the road you have a little bit more experience than I do what should I and we're going over like the different options like cameras lights blah blah blah microphones blah blah blah and they're like all right laptops CU usually like at home uh we have two systems I have well I don't know I think you have two or three systems doing the show I have two systems doing the show so I was like oh I'll bring two laptops so yeah they're they're being pretty powerful and they come really really handy yeah you're absolutely right and the other too is like yeah so I think you're yeah I think it's cool uh I think it's cool Sarah that you've noticed that because it's just like this is one of those laptops I've really enjoyed another one that I would say that's up there that the other one that and actually it was like really cool that I got a chance to reach out to MSI was when you and I Alex got to play with the Titan yes oh yes that that's the Titan was was amazing I mean they're all amazing but it's like the great thing is like what do you want what are you looking for like the Titan is like a this workstation laptop then you have this Lova that is like an allaround or then you have like uh the MSI that Prestige like th light so like what do you want there is and they have great experiences like right now this Lenovo is like all around amazing and like R we said we do you know we we eat our own dog food and that's his uh mobile or on the road uh uh system for broadcasting for streaming so anyway it's it's wrapping up here we'll we'll let this one finish up there goes it's loading the result and this will give you an idea so here we go we'll so our Max threads was 12902 you can see right here in terms of you can see what the graph was and then we'll go and just compare the results online so we can get an idea of where this is from O Okay well apparently apparently 3D Mark's going to not let us do it oh maybe if I do I have to accept the cookies not the gun drop cookies no show me the results well that's not fun it's like what I want to show the results okay well I it's it's about that time so it's about that time to you know she she jinxed this too I said it after it didn't work that's not jinxy I don't know how I still get blamed for everything well th you have to deliver on the arc GPU with what was it uh zetabyte yeah with a zabte so Alex your cosplay what's up for uh what's going on like we need to get off of this right now we're done with this conversation going from there anyway guys that is the Lenovo Legion 5i uh Lenova Legion Pro 5i really hope you guys enjoyed it huge shout out to Lenovo uh for hooking us up and letting us show this off here on the show uh and uh let me know if you guys have any additional questions spent a lot of time with this one very very excited about it and uh I think we're I think I think it I think it's it's well worth checking out uh and anything you guys should say it close as we get ready to play some home world uh uh either Sarah or Alex let's start with Alex first anything you want to say to close uh no uh first of all say like thank you guys for hanging out with us in a different uh day and schedule and a little bit more loopy or loopier than the usual and uh no this is great and also I mean for the for the cosplay since I'm traveling is a little bit hard to travel with katanas and space guns and all that stuff so just uh yeah so set set in expectations there but it it still be something something silly fun well I mean again that's the thing was is that let's be honest Sarah and I I think Sarah you'd agree we did actually expect cosplay this week and he's still cosplaying are you not Alex yes I am I actually see so I can't I can't complain at all like Alex is still like still showing us up every time like we always think oh he's not going to do it this time and then surprise surprise Alex comes through for each of you guys so we're you guys are still going to see you guys are going to still see some uh some cost today so I'm going to go ahead and get everything set up to play some home world and uh we'll go from there and then Alex I'll go and take over full screen now and then you can go ahead and get ready ready okay so let's go to here we'll go to I think this is it maybe okay so here it is yes okay so I think I chose right so we're now in game okay and then I'm going to get this going okay I do hear audio that's a good thing let's go and load up home World okay so I do want to give you guys a little bit of 411 on the uh home World game uh for those who don't know about home world uh home world is a uh it's it's an RTS but it's a space RTS uh and it's uh the thing that's so that made it so different is that this game is actually uh played in three dimensions so what you guys are going to see may actually blow your mind a little bit and it does take some getting used to to understand uh just kind of how the the the game kind of works uh the way that I'm the where I'm going to kind of pick up in it is um I'm going to pick up uh during the campaign so I'll give you guys a little bit of History once we kind of jump into the game but that's where I'm going to kind of pick up and then the cool thing about the campaign is it's been introducing you to different ships over time um and so we haven't gotten to like some of the bigger frig ships and stuff like that yet um but you guys will uh you guys will get to see them here uh pretty soon and the graphics the visuals for this game are actually really really awesome so I hope you guys uh enjoy it uh it's it's uh it's definitely a game that I grew up on on the first one and the second one which I like I said uh came from Relic entertainment at the time um who uh now works on Age of Empires um and so I hope you guys enjoy enjoy the game play so so uh you guys can you guys hear audio and stuff do you guys hear it I'm G to go ahead and glow from here okay yes okay people are saying yes that's a good sign I'm going to go ahead and jump into the game here support frigate construction complete use them to repair the Mother Ship immediately so Robby as I was looking at this I haven't played the previous game so maybe you can help me kind of understand but it looks like there's somebody who is able to control the ship with their mind so it keeps flashing to that character yeah so it it does have it does have some it does have some tie into to the the other games but yes the the other games were about this race trying to find its new home and doing some Discovery um but um yes she is controlling like she is like the AI for the Mother Ship uh and then um and right now what happened is we just got finished flying out of this gate and as we were flying out of this gate we crashed through the ship just like this and then that Dam damaged our basically our beautiful ship that's right here so what I have right here and then I'll show you a little bit of this is that we move in three dimensions so like the the actual games and ships all fly in three dimensions like this and then it does have all the same RTS controls in terms of uh moving around so like and then you have both FPS and all that sort of stuff but yeah visually the game looks very very sweet and what we're trying to do right now is we're repairing our home our our Mothership and then we're trying we're going to get it they need to get it into the nebula so that's where we kind of are at right now but it's it's damaged so we're waiting for it to get fixed which I've got a couple frig that are being built to get it built up here I think Alex might be ready what okay here we go we're going to pause the game oh actually I forgot you can just pause it with this okay and then we're gon to jump to Alex Alex you ready yes here we go he's gonna show up is he there I think I need to refresh look at that that's amazing I my head's too big Alex Alex your your helmet is you know you die if you wee that helmet right oh it does open I can't breathe now dude I have my head's too big your head's too big barely fit yeah they need to make like a custom helmet for me when I go to space yeah they do so Alex you've played a you've played a bit you've played a bit of this game yeah I played a bit of this game uh I think it was Monday or Sunday it's a lot of fun but like you said it takes a little bit of time to get used to especially to like for the view because you are you're using pretty much everything mouse and keyboard just to generate the view and then uh try to make sure that one thing that it was a little interesting that's pretty cool I don't know if you can show them you still have it is like how do you tell one ship to go from one place to another and it and it it pops up like a radius and then like coordinates and it took me a while to make sure that I was sending it to the right spot because uh it's 3D space and you know like I've been playing RTS only 2D space I was like clicking here like oh no that's not at the right height level orre Z coordinate that I wanted to so yep and this is what he's talking about right here see is you can actually get your you can see how you can so like you basically have your you have your x- axis and then you can hold your and then move up and down so I'm like oh let's go here and then it'll basically move to that location understood flagging all your damage control requests as Priority One here we go and we're finally moving our ship and then what I'm going to do right here is I'm going to put assign these guys to actually guard the mother ship and we'll keep them in an aggressive standpoint and then we're going to keep them in and then the other thing too is the formations are actually really important because they'll determine how easy it is for them to get attacked so there's actually a lot to kind of think about as the ship moves down down here and you're seeing it kind of move at the same time so and then I've got my support frig right now that's currently working on the whole Integrity of our mother ship and then we've got some resources being kind of taken care of over here but I feel running low on resources yeah what's up be aggressive be be aggressive yeah be aggressive thank you for that okay I found another ship here you said aggressive St went into cheerleading that's what he does that's just that's how he helps my contribution for today want to be Ina the Schwarz is strong with me is the Schwarz right yeah it's the Schwarz yeah Schwarz there we go I think the other one is actually too copyrighted okay something's happening so this is what this is the person who's now the ship around one moment we were on for Thea 27 system and the next somebody asked where the pom poms are and Dro us through uh I need to go get him he's like looking for Pon poms go make some out of your out of the toilet paper in the bathroom hey hold onely at doesn't matter what you kurasaki wants to know if Alex has if Alex is going to be on Starship or op cores is located in the nraa gate complex with only one functional core nraa is now out of range so we will have to use the Trinity gate to get there so we're trying to get to our location and there's there's some bad guys us since weed in they really bad they all they were all bad we must gather resources and reinforce our Fleet concentrations of resources are loc supera deploy controllers to these locations immediately okay so we got some resources now so let's grab so we got those we got this other one right here so we're going to move that down there and I'm going to take this other group here but so so the resources pretty much like your workers in which they go and get get and it's just generic resources right yeah they're generic and but that's what gives you I guess the money or whatever you need to build your other ships send your message message okay so we're now going to defend while we have the resources go we're going to have defend our ship here we got some resources going over here I feel like was there only one resource ship I thought I had two so is it are you fighting against other humans or or is like another alien this is part of this is part of the campaign so we've just so what happened is is that so just to give people the story what happened was is that we were building this ship and it was going to go look for another homeor ship that kind of disappeared but when the ship came to fruition all of a sudden was a simultaneous attack across the Galaxy that basically destroyed like trillions of people and at the same time started to take parts of the Galaxy offline so you the ship all of a sudden got rushed to kind of uh got rushed to kind of get going and then now we're trying we went through this gate to kind of see what's we were supposed to go to a specific place but it malfunctioned and put us somewhere else and so and then in the process damaged the ship and so now we're trying to get back to our original destination and that's where things kind of sit right now okay okay so you were attacked you went to check where you attack you hyper for a lack of better word you jump into space but it was broken and you landed somewhere else and now you're like oh snap let's go back here we go we're under attack here guys by who these guys oh them guys oh he disappeared oh something showed up Alex you saw it too right yes there right there wait what what's that oh oh oh okay there's my other ship here she's a mess Al everywhere her Bridge looks intact though she's responding to my transponder query wow in the words of CCS it looks like we're in a cant what are we going to do we're going to find out we're just chilling right now while we get resources I love the so some people like the story like people are you know there's you know some people are kind of mixed I've been enjoying it what I've played so far like I've been enough that I don't have to play every game but I've been enjoying playing this game and and honestly I love the cinema like the cinematics and stuff like that especially the ingame because the engine just looks really good is that what I think it is the engine's really nice I like the the physics not only the physics but also like how the spaceships move and attack and and the and the what you call it the duck fight combat I thought was pretty neat are already the she the C Min so this is a ship from that missing ship from that ship that disappeared that you were originally going to go look at wait so that all all that big thing around your mother ship was the ship that they were building yeah ran into wow it crashed through it it's a it was a pretty epic cinematic actually stand use a resource controller to salvage that FR immediately we need to recover it logs no pun intended B that's the mother of All Ships oh okay hold on whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there we go we got some we got some fighting going on here guys we got some sh know the the other thing that is cool about this game is like even though it's real time we got a lot of ships oh so many ships how many ship ships one two ships ships good ships All Ships but the cool thing about this one is actually even though it's a real time strategy game you can actually uh pause it and then get the the orders and then press play right so you can kind of have time to strateg your eyes uh pos position your your your ships give them the orders and they're like all right let him rip let's go ready I'm trying to take out whatever these ships are while we're getting the resource controller here in over they hard where did they get this Tech undetermined we are facing an unknown threat of equal or Superior power possible pror origin told you that when they started ripping through our armor so we're fighting people that we don't know that they just yeah they they're like they're like they don't understand and I'm trying to keep us from getting wrecked up here using bombers to engage do they have the same ships or they just different kinds of ships ship destroyed we're getting we're kill I I feel like we're killing them at least desty we seem to be okay priority alert you can do this Roby you can do it Roby it's a trap it's a trap it's a trap it's a trap we lost a lot of ships though unknown hostiles eliminated threat contained complete okay I'm going to go dock these bad boys yeah go get them fixed dock them dock we need to save them save the Cheerleader Save the Planet whatever it is are they spicy chips why are you not docking go dock there go Goose any other questions that people have asked there miss uh Sarah people just are probably overwhelmed at how amazing my gameplay is controllers you got num skills and gaming skills no question wait where is my where is my support fre I mean my support ships that are supposed to be fixing my thing resource well that's your that's your mother chip ship right there oh the support FR is like over here why are you over here B production complete and then you have your frigs right that they're also built ships yeah this was supposed to be like fixing the fixing the home thear frig wreck has been recovered objective complete the drifting container boxes are packed with resources begin Salvage operations and collect those containers ready okay yeah I need like this ship was supposed to be healing my ass construction template now available these powerful attack vessels will allow us now it's going stri you were disobeying orders he needs to be Court Marshal yeah he does I built two of those things and it just feels like oh shoot oh gosh oh no no was I oh I wasn't ready okay oh more people good what types of ships do you have now you have Scouts and what El Scouts and I have I have Scouts and I have bombers right now int bombers we got a lot of ships like let's be honest so are you their pastor with all the ships no survivors no how do you say that support systemed ship oops bu indates to vacuum okay the ship's finally fixing something so any news to share on computex yes when we are in computex we will share all the news yes right now no but soon in the future in the future not to distant future we will be sharing all the news and more resource B depleted that's not good there's going to be a lot of knowledge drop so much knowledge drop that Sarah's going to be like Alex turn it a little bit down I love it we have fun in games but we do not skimp on knowledge drops yes I'm going to go full geek talk about Quantum uh flux capacitors and DeLorean material site locked in collection underway priority Al knows we're under attack 26 emotes of your cosplay uhoh 26 that is more than enough forar oh my gosh get two pictures get two years W what is that dude yeah uh White Flag I think that would be a oh my God com are those the Martians atang trying but Comm this is not good we need to jump out now no I will not take my Katana to compex I want to come back from Taiwan I need more time understood I like how she's like I need more time I need something I don't know what to do there so much stuff dealing with incom where's the panic button hit the panic button Roby hit the panic button 26 that's that's crazy I mean it started with the the the shirt and the glasses cuz we were playing uh all the races in Hawai I'm trying to get resource controllers to do their jobels on approach your bu Comm some time oh I I get it I get it controller inbound uh okay do we have any Rus here comp you cosplay tag yes uh we'll see about that man I'm trying to see I it is a long flight and a lot of stuff to carry but uh you never know you never know so Robbie I thought you said you had too many ships but now it's kind of like a head-to-head kind of fight I'm I'm I'm killing I'm trying no don't try dud dud I'm I'm killing everything I can oh yes actually that's a good idea it's like 26 cosplays almost for one for every day of the month so I'm only five away for one of as yes this is why you like like you just got to you really got to okay we got a big ship here good ver life support to whole Integrity Captain I'm giving it all that she's got Captain I'm trying I'm like trying to kill stuff this is a lot to pay attention to I'll be honest guys there's a lot to kind of there's a lot to kind of manage here that we're trying to I got more I got more crafts going to do some stuff here but it's it's it's got some CRA you got this man I'm believe some damage and some stuff addal enemy forces are route to the we can't might be I would be interesting if I cosplay as a pilot I don't know I think we just lost a lot of Fighters guys maybe I can pull a Catch Me If You Can in there is finally holding and then get tackled by security not but it will just need to finish spooling up when we are ready we will have to go I'm I'm killing that FR pretty good actually okay fr's down understood but when we initiate jump we will need to dock strikecraft or they will be left behind come on kill the frig oh cosplay has a Gundam would be sick but if I want to do Gundam it has to be like and I don't know cuz I really like gun it's a lot of good I mean my first uh animes were my my pron but yeah robots actually that's how I got an engineering because of robots I wanted to be robot doc doc Goose get out of here gr one suffering loses gr two trying to get the ship oh I'm getting everything docked take radio that's a good joke that's a bad joke right there I'm going to jump I'm going to jump I got to jump sorry initiating hyperspace I'm so sorry no all my ships are going to die I death come on man I believe in you you got this the burden remain I just abandoned all my ships no don't do that I just abandoned them all get back in there get back in the fight there I could couldn't they said I'm dumb you're done oh you needed to be done fire up the Clone Vats so this is like this whole thing that we're trying to figure out what's going on she keeps showing up in this place every time they hyperspace is she like you know like in in Dune they have these Pilots that can actually hyper navigating hypers space I wonder if she's kind of the same thing lady Ken grandma says you're leaving will you be hey it's me time is fleeting IM yeah the Gil Navigators exactly moments are Eternal why does it have to be you there's something I've been searching for and I may have finally found it but it's very far from here always remember the things I have t IM no matter what the future I don't really know what's happening right now guys you are going to hey Alex he has your haircut my little star yes I know goodes are hard but she's not wearing your helmet it's all right I mean we we can of have the same the same [Music] uh I can't do it what you need to take off your helmet he was like I'm done with the helmet I'm stuck that was funny right there that was a moment right there we had a moment we share a moment we share a moment everybody I like all the people who are selling who are like sharing Quant in the uh in Discord she's lost it's me oh pyramid is that a pyramid she feels us and we feel her and we have very loud volume is is is that from the game from me or for from Roby the volume oh it's very low you guys okay I'm sorry I can turn up I am just like you Karen needs us to save her go to her hyperspace coordinates to go finish the hyperspace coordinates locked in guys doesn't this game look so good though I really like and I'm really curious to just to finish the story to see how the story unfolds thank you Robbie you're welcome luckily you have this game Alex I actually I do I actually uh I I bought it my own time it was it was it was really good did I actually none of us actually this time we can say none of us got this none of us gave we gave the copy we G every copy went away to you guys cuz I pay for this yeah yeah I'm preped for it too so all the copies are for you guys hyper space complete we have arrived at Trinity okay so I had some ship survive I didn't abandon them all yes sorry the chat is just killing it Intel we may have a problem hyperspace navigation is compromised I am not alone there are others be advised I'm reading you Fleet command eyes are open Intel trying to connect to Gate Systems but they are locked down where did they send us wait is this still the same spaceship but deny us ACC it's just damaged right now yeah send transmission so we had to run away we are deep within the anomaly hostile territory I don't know enemy for and position unknown we must use this gate to jump onwards to nraa where we can repair the cores we got to jump these three data spires will give us control of the Gate Systems lack of data on enemy forces in position makes caution a priority oh you got explaining what this view is though yeah this is like tunnel this is like it's called the sensor view use the tunnel to approach the Spire undetected so the sensor view so pretty much that where you see that blue sphere is the the SP the maximum reach of the sensors of each uh ship so pretty much what you can see outside of that sphere is pretty much kind of a fog of war or you can't see outs you can't see what coming uh so you have to be you know you could have like SPAC ships that have a bigger array so yourh are designed to inflict Dage on Capital ships at long range trying to get trying to build some stuff and get some Rus while I can ready to copy you think you're going to get rushed I don't know I'm I I I'm so it says this is the place to go so you can to fly here who what's the mission I got to get to these data spires so I think I should be able to take a scout ship like a single ship and do and do like a smash and grab run you know you said you're welcome and now I have that song in my head I see what's happening here your face your face to face oh my battery is running no no no no no no no no go over here go over here captain we're running out of power okay I'm try this one ship let see if I can do this here we go I'm a lone ship enter theor structure confirmed showing reduced sensor profile on you now inter production complete oh I don't have to go that far um oh hello looking for we're going to go to right here upgrade confirmed things you never leave your home with power strips yep oh really yeah I have started getting a whole lot better okaye so we're going to try and get up to this thing here exiting the tunnel be ready to engage cap confirmed I'm on the other side oh shoot there's another ship there's a dominance fire just one line them up close the range I almost got almost got okay he's dead that did I thought like I thought I'd only have to do with one I only have one ship come on okay good shot upgrade complete upgrade complete okay we have the data Spire now that's how amazing I am justing plot TMC set two okay so we have a lot of sh a lot of bad stuff over there so I'm wondering [Music] if okay we're going to build some big frig and stuff like that oh we're out of we're out of money though wait so I'm confused so you already got that uh raette ready you need to grab and now what's next now I got I'm going to take out I'm going to take out this I'm going to I'm going to try and I'm going to try and use this rail gun carvette to see if I can assault ready for action see if this will take out this this this thing this data this assault craft nope that that did not work well at all okay let me go see if I just take it out with a lot of ready for action wa I I say this is a compliment it actually RC brought up feels just overwhelming Force seems like the best call you mean like how I open my laptop with a sledgehammer yeah ready to copy okay be advised turret scanners are highly sensitive and we detect bombers as soon as they fire let's go get this data Spire check screens and get us moving Advance ships to the three data spes to capture them okay so I got one and now we have this other entry point here so I can put this here coming around assault frate ready for action ID all now Roby makes it look really easy what he's doing at as the way he navigates through space but it takes a lot of practice I was I was I was doing it and I was getting a little dizzy and I was the one doing to driving but it takes he's a really good cameram man here on this 3D space just taking out this taking out this like this ship assault foret ready for action is that a shipt accessing gate database now I'm in oh it's a dock it's a dock ship oh you took over like you over right now okay I didn't okay so I guess you got to keep stuff there oh assault FR ready for action you know what I think I just I think we just you got to keep it there until it comes out I guess yeah I guess so but okay let's just go kill it just go I'm going to go just do it with overwhelming force that seems like the best idea just want to blow some stuff I just want to blow some stuff up you [Music] know Interceptor lead in position and standing by out of money the best thing to do is just blow stuff up you know what I'm saying oh like what's that movie understood attention Fleet the enemy is building scans indicate they are proficient at engaging FR and capital class vessels so are you just uh taking over like alien taking out the spires just taking them all out I just figured this would be the best way just let's just take them out take him out take him out take out take him out check are like crushing those turrets there we go feel like we still had position confirmed we lost a lot of ships though I had way more I feel like then a few making more making more more ship let's get rid of this control one data Spire captured two remaining s yeah that's the guy stri yeah it's like trying to you just got to come on die receiving oh shoot there's more Ships coming rece engaging we were not ready no we were not ready set these are like some cra these are some not good these are some powerful ships here the oh actually we seem to be be holding dude that 3D is so cool neutralized good all right I got to go play some video games now wow okay there we go okay we got all those desty destroy here get okay get that ship just trying to take out the slap cuz we just got this last data SP then we're in good shape does the lady with the flowing hair has a know her name she's like the she's she's your AI like but she's human oh this is not good come on take it out I have no take it out one more shot one more shot we can still win get it you got this hostile eliminated new heading set wow I killed like do I have anything left okay I got a bunch of FRS okay send message course scope's clear I'm going to try and cuz there's there's some there's some oh these guys are going through the they're going through the tunnel oh wait your ships are going through the tunnel I mean us yeah I have access to the gate and its Transit coms bad news an enemy force is inbound what Roger that command All Ships prepare for income no I don't have any I have like no I have like no I have nothing to fight with production system upd available do we have any anybody see any oh there's some there research now available you guys be advised they are designed to engage Capital ships at close range they stop working no more well I didn't know I had any things and now I found out I have all sorts of things can't be the progenitors but whoever they are they carry the symbol of suuk for me they were know more about the gates than we do we need answers quickly wait well well hope there's a couple ships like in here in the center that were killed me so we still have we still have stuff but all these Corvettes are about to come out go for Assa moving the primary I don't want any surprises we are we may be in trouble ladies and gentlemen where you you going guys where are you going I need some I need some I need some some stuff pretty badly I need some I need some resources there we go I need some stuff I need some resources pretty badly move complete all three data spes captured objective complete we now control the gate enemy frig's detected this is an opportunity I believe in you we must capture an enemy vessel and interrogate its crew for additional I got capture a vessel use a resource controller to capture an enemy wow okay do you have enough do you have enough have to Intelligence on the enemy wait it it capture to bolster our Fleet copy airm assault foret ready for action hey we got some money fin the ship are doing a pretty good job of ripping up these other cap get ready for action might have spent my money well ladies and gentl oh there's more coming oh that's okay the big ones are coming assult ready for action see here let's get some rail guns going here I'm doing the best I can with what I got okay you guys need to uh Target set hel full burn oh no I have a problem guys I need to get you guys going uh I'm building the best I can here oh jeez build I on frigs to repel the incoming ion frigs those aren't even oh no now it tells me have I IR am FR or coming just told me that these guys are jerks ready to copy confirming security esting link ID I on FRS like a big jerk we must capture an enemy vessel and interrog coming right at us Captain Intel I had assault frigs okay uh let's put these to guard this where do you want us lead okay and let's get these to attack our other ships are coming our fleet's under attack R they're saying that you've not been paying attention cu the fs were announed 5 minutes ago oh did they reage yeah now I'm supposed to use one of these resource controllers to capture we have captur spin up collectors but keep an eye on one attack setting up for attack Target eliminated bring it down we got to salvage that confirmed ready for counter Target set set collectors to capture configuration we seem to be doing okay my fleet was able to re get itself and desty hosti destroyed of money what these guys get some stuff get your stuff they're working like me weing on the way okay we were able to s Salvage okay so then then we got this ship that's salvaging stu okay so I was able to to get back guys I was able to stop stop the madness did you get that you I thought you were supposed to or take over a ship processing okay they're all like getting some Rus now no why would there be a bot guys I'm no bot home World home World 3 also has like quick quick Keys like F1 F2 F4 like F4 is all military units I don't know the previous had that but at least in the tutorial they teach you that like F1 is the yeah like it takes you through all the sh no cuz I'm just saying cuz and gray is saying that home World 2 had some macros on it yeah so rail gun Corvette production complete sorry this is my first ERS have been though it's a th it was being directed to link up with an inbound task force actually in a lot of games we can get the jump on them we can get the jump on them but we got to take care of this problem prepare to Ambush arriving enemy Force okay well that sounds good let's do this everybody guard this R you got and then let's move you here we go Quantum waveform detected from the gate Trinity is active how big is this task force coming through damn task force Omega this is the last thing oh no it's a gate it's a gate and everybody's coming are those we only enter this region of space because of the attacks on our world space is H are at the B alone you will stand down ni prepar to receive her wisdom name yourselves We Are Who will incarnate you can take those I mean you have youve buil plenty or or those midsize ships are not All Ships engage these incarnate and destroy their Carrier Group man you got to get some reinforcements anti strikecraft turrets now available for research tax Force you got get your Omega 3 I'm going to take care of these like ships here and clear this area I'm just going to take care of these cuz that way we can get rid of this stuff there's a lot of pew pew going on over there I just don't want I don't I want to take care of this problem Target the reactor tarting the I'm targeting everything I'm just like trying to kill it all magnesium Torpedoes engaged get him get him get him get him adjusting upgrade complete okay I'm going to get some ion frigs now a lot of that's a lot of money Interceptor but they're worth it they're worth every penny need set message just trying to get these ships come on hit it hit it hit it hit it okay there we go that L that latest Emoji with me with the helmet makes likey come on get him guys a new class of eny FR has entered the AO energy reading suggest an ability to engage multiple targets simultaneously approach with caution oh thanks data spes controlled only one remains ion frigate constructed objective complete oh yeah I don't know has the pictures of his onesies I don't have mine with me right now so I can't model it but it's pretty it's it's really nice and it's actually pretty cozy pretty it's definitely put winter do not there you go there's 20 we ones beta Spire has hostile control we must gain control of the two remaining data SP okay let's pause it it's fire pause pause we have all these other ships here that are wait where's all my iron FRS I have one that's not supposed to be very good that's not going to be very helpful uh okay well let's not do that then I have three on the way Direct Hit C Target FR is ready there other FRS they seem to be doing I see this this like area frig seems to be doing okay go for Assa so you're the red ones right no we're the green they're slowly taking them out right oh shoot these things are there have like a thous they're like weeds man they just keep growing and coming back you should you know what you have to like shut off the portal kill the dial oh man this is like this is already oh those are the ion fres right that's that multi be FR it's like crushing Focus all fire power on that ring FR it eliminated down it's like slowly getting all their things like the multibeam frigs are like come on guys get them get like get rid of the ships there we go I got a couple let's get somea hostile Carrier Group must be eliminated I think I think Sarah was on the edge she's fighting it's like right this like this like nering on get it get it get it direct H down these things take a lot of hits HTI sh assault F ready for action understood okay they're they're going down they're going down we seem to be okay like we're this the ship is like freaked out now okay up I need more are we out of like are we out of like pause are we out we need we need we need Rus and stuff like that okay get over here and give me some resources you know you know what we're out of Robby what are we out of time time I'm in the middle of this Mission I know I got to save the world I can't even save the world I'm gonna call Sarah hates me spicy tonight spicy gonna say the world okay guys well that is it for today's show yeah there's no time and space that is it for today's show huge shout out to everybody for joining us at this late late hour you guys are amazing I hope everybody enjoyed um Everybody enjoyed that uh their time dude it did fly by did it not like I was like like and it was intense like I have armpit stains I'm just kidding that's not true um but uh and now I need a Quant but uh thank you so much to everybody for joining us uh super appreciate again Lenovo and uh for sponsoring and letting us show off uh the laptop obviously for Al joining us all the way from Intel HQ in his beautiful uh astronaut outfit for Sarah joining us from the comfort of her own home hopped up on Red Bull um you guys are you guys are absolutely amazing now remember next stream June 4th right Sarah June 4th I double checked the calendar June 4th uh at 1100 a.m. eastern time is that 9:00 a.m. p no it's 8:00 a.m. Pacific so really early in the morning but 11 p.m. China Standard time or also till 2: a.m. uh we're going to be uh building a be quiet system we're going to be talking about all of the latest news from computex uh there's going to be some cool surprises and you can walk away with a PC as well guys so it should be absolutely amazing and awesome super appreciate you guys joining us uh thank you so much uh to the home obviously obviously to the team at gearbox as well for letting us have uh letting us have access and showing off the game and giving us the keys that we gave away to many of you um Sarah anything else Alex anything else anybody going to IEM Dallas come see me at the Intel booth there you go come see uh come see Sarah on the Intel Booth anyway guys that's it for us we will see you guys on the next episode bye guys see guys great to see you I I I you
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC, building PC, custom PC, gaming pc, how to build a PC, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, lenovo, lenovo legion pro 5i, lenovo legion pro 5i 4070, lenovo legion pro 5i 2024, lenovo legion pro 5i unboxing, lenovo laptop, lenovo laptop 2024, 14900hx, 14900hx benchmark, homeworld 3, homeworld 3 gameplay
Id: XBPC0C-Ytzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 16sec (7456 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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