How to Set Up a New Gaming PC - How To Build a PC Part 4

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hello everyone and welcome back to part  four of my how to build a PC series for   2023 and this video admittedly has been  delayed pretty significantly so today   I'm going to be walking you through the  basics for setting up a brand new pc that   you've just assembled installing Windows  11 getting the system set up basically   taking you from a PC that you've just  built to a PC that you can actually use today's video is brought to you by the Corsair  IQ link system Hub a single small controller   that manages all of your system Cooling and  RGB lighting the IQ link system Hub mounts   magnetically to your case and can control up to 14  devices 7 per port with Daisy Chain support so you   can simplify your cable management while still  enabling glorious synchronized RGB corsair's IQ   software can automatically configure IQ link  components while enabling precise fan speed   control and real-time system monitoring click  the sponsor Link in the video's description for   more on the Corsair IQ link system Hub before  I get into the tutorial I wanted to say a big   thank you to those of you who did watch my part  one part two and part 3 videos part one was an   introduction and PC basics part two was a budget  oriented build and that's going to be the one that   I'm setting up today part three was a high-end  build with lots more bells and whistles and part   four of course is setup and I'm not going to go  into all the details as to why this video was so   long delayed but in order to actually produce it  in a timely fashion I'm sticking to the basics   today just doing the setup on the budget PC but I  will include links to the other videos as well as   a bunch of helpful stuff down in this video's  description all that said let's kick off the   tutorial with some preparation and going over the  parts that you'll need the things you need to get   your system set up you will need the system of  course the actual computer that you built along   with some of the accessories that came with it  such as a power cord you also need peripherals   a mouse and a keyboard and you'll need a monitor  to connect the computer to I actually have two   monitors over here one that's right there and one  that's right here part of the reason I have the   one right here is because the next thing you'll  need for this setup is another computer at least   temporarily in order to get your windows installer  USB setup if you already have a Windows 11 USB   installer you can get by without the additional  computer but I'm going to be assuming that you   have one at least temporarily because that'll be  some of the first steps I go over along with that   additional computer you will need a USB drive to  make into your windows 11 installer so it will be   wiped and blanked so make sure you have nothing  important on it I recommend one that's at least   eight gigabytes in capacity but you can use a  larger one if that's all you have you should also   have a reasonable understanding of the hardware  that that's in the system that you presumably   just built which you probably already have but  keep in mind at least the brand and model of   the motherboard that you use because that will be  important and keeping your motherboard accessories   on hand and even the manual can be helpful as well  because the last thing you need for this setup is   internet either a wired connection to your home  router represented by this ethernet cable or   your PC might have built-in Wi-Fi depending on  the type of motherboard that you installed the   motherboard we're using in this system does not  have built-in Wi-Fi but if yours came with that   it probably came with a Wi-Fi antenna and you'll  probably want to grab that and connect it to the   antenna leads on the back of your motherboard's i  o if the system you built doesn't have Wi-Fi and   you don't have close access to your router to  plug in an actual cable fortunately there are   10 to 20ish Dollar USB Wi-Fi adapters available  you just plug into one of the USB ports on the   back of your motherboard so that's an easy way  to add wireless internet if your motherboard   doesn't come with it now if you're excited about  getting your new pc set up you can go ahead and   start plugging things in now such as your AC see  power cable which goes into your power supply you   also need to switch the power supply on Madison  keyboard are typically just going to plug in with   standard USB connectors so plug those in I only  have a type c for my keyboard and there's none   on the motherboard i o but fortunately this one I  can use temporarily up here on the front panel i   o to plug in your monitor you'll probably have an  HDMI cable like this one or possibly DisplayPort   plug that into your graphics card here note that  your motherboard i o might have some video out   connectors if your CPU has integrated Graphics but  if you have installed a discrete graphics card you   want to plug your monitor into that and not to the  motherboard lastly for Wired internet we have an   ethernet cable here that will plug in right there  but I'm actually going to leave that unplugged for   now now that everything's plugged in I'm going  to set that PC aside and take out my USB drive   because I'm going to use the other computer to  make this into a Windows 11 USB installer so over   here on this system I can see the USB drive that  I've just plugged in it is empty and blank right   now so next I'm going to pull up my browser and  I'm going to go over to the website   the download Windows 11 page which I will link  in this video's description and there's info on   this page that you can read but what I'm going  to do is create Windows 11 installation media   the second option right here go ahead and click  download now and over here it is downloading the   media creation tool this is a pretty small  utility so once it's downloaded I'm going   to double click to run it I get a user account  control prompt I'm going to click yes for that and then it will take me to this page getting  a few things ready some licenses that we must   read completely and thoroughly and agree to  we're going with English and the windows 11   Edition recommended options for this PC is  usually going to be okay for you to choose   and we're doing a USB flash drive not creating  an ISO file because I only have one USB drive   that's connected that's viable to setup as a USB  installer that's what it's chosen but do bear in   mind if you have multiple drives connected you  want to make sure that you choose the right one   here and at this point we have a little bit of a  weight it needs to download Windows 11 to plop it   onto the USB drive that might go faster or slower  depending on your internet connection speed but   take a short coffee break here and we'll come back  once the progress has gotten up to 100 percent and thankfully it finished this took a little bit  longer than I was expecting so again bear in mind   internet connection speed and the speed of the  USB drive might affect that but let's click finish   all right I'm going to rename this to win  11 USB just so I know what it is and this   is still a USB drive so we can still add some  stuff to this that might be helpful as we go   through setup on the new computer foreign the  things I want to download now are the latest   UEFI or bios for our motherboard to update that  to the latest version and I'm also going to get   the network driver for whatever Network device  I have on the motherboard whether that's wired   internet or Wi-Fi sometimes Windows 11 will  recognize that off the bat but sometimes it   won't and if it doesn't you can't connect to the  Internet so having that up front can be helpful   so if you find your motherboard's product page  and for this it's the gigabyte b550 gaming xv2 and   note that sometimes there's different revisions  so make sure you've chosen the proper revision   if you're curious It's usually on the label on  your motherboard box I have revision 1.1 we're   going to click on support and then we're going to  go to downloads note that we're installing Windows   11 so go ahead and choose that we don't need  to worry about other drivers like the audio or   the chipset just yet of course you could download  those now if you wanted to I want the Lan driver   so I'm going to download that and then for the  BIOS here there's probably quite a few different   revisions so you can go ahead and take a look at  those chances are you just want to get the latest   bios that's available but you might want to go  back a version or two if the latest one is a   beta for example so on my windows 11 USB I'm just  going to make a new folder for the motherboard I like to label the folder the name of the  motherboard it helps me keep things sorted   we'll do one here for bios and a folder for the  Lan the two downloads are zipped or compressed   folders so we will want to decompress  them for the BIOS in particular there's   four files the only one we actually need  is this file here which is the actual bios   and then for the Lan we have this executable  file here so I'll drop that into that folder wait for that to copy over verify that  it's there and we should be good to go   so now I'm going to take my newly created Windows  11 USB installer and plug it into one of the open   USB ports on the back of the new system and now  we can turn the system on for the first time or   maybe the second or third time if you already did  a few practice startups now when the system first   power is on it will try to find a drive that's  connected that might have an operating system to   load up it might reach out to your USB drive if  it doesn't find that and automatically boot off   the USB drive that's a cool thing if it does that  alternatively you'll want to tap the delete button   as the system boots up and you need a splash  screen on the screen like this usually it will   be the brand name of your motherboard if you tap  to the delete button while the system is initially   booting up it will take you into the UEFI or  bios environment bios stands for basic input   output system and that's where you can control  and adjust some of the low level features of   the motherboard and that's also where you can do  some useful things like updating the UEFI or bios so you can see there at the bottom it says  delete to enter Bios setup or cue flash so   that's why I was tapping delete that'll take  us to this screen here this is the easy mode   UEFI bios this will show us some basic information  about the parts we have installed like what our   motherboard is the current BIOS version what  CPU we have installed the ryzen 5 5600 our   Ram that's installed and we can even see the two  dimms and the two dim slots with eight gigs per   stick we can see connected drives we can see our  fans are spinning and their RPMs over here and   very importantly if we click on m.2 we can see  our Kingston nv2 one terabyte SSD there that's   where we're going to install Windows but before  any of that let's update the UEFI we can access   that down here with Q flash there's a shortcut by  click hitting f8 or you can just click it we want   to update the BIOS it's automatically pulled up  our USB drive that's plugged in right here so I'm   going to click that folder that I made go into the  BIOS folder and then there's the BIOS file that I   copied we'll hit next are you sure to update yes  and here we'll verify the file and then it will go   ahead and run through the update here's where you  should be very careful not to disconnect unplug or   otherwise shut off your computer while it's going  through this process I do need to click one more   to start most motherboards now have a USB bios  flashback function that will allow you to recover   in case you have a bad bios update or a failure  or power outage in the middle of it but it's   something you want to avoid if you can and once  again we'll wait a few moments until this finishes after the update completes the system will  automatically reboot and here is where you   want to go into the windows 11 installation  environment as mentioned before if you don't   have any drives connected that have operating  systems loaded onto them it will often just   reach out to that USB drive if it's the only  bootable device and I'm automatically boot   from there so the restart might just take you  into the windows 11 installation environment   but if that doesn't happen for you you're going  to want to hit delete again to get back into the   UEFI menu as we have just now and you'll want  to find a menu for boot devices or boot sequence   again since we're in Easy Mode here it's trying  to put the most useful stuff right here at the   front for you so we have a boot sequence here  that we can choose and we can quickly and easily   just drag and drop these to rearrange them the  UEFI generic flash disk is what we're booting   off of so that being first is where it should be  and if we restart it will boot off of that drive switching over to advanced mode we also  have a boot menu and here you could also   change the boot priorities sometimes  there'll be a boot override option   here and you can just choose the device  you want to boot from that's another way but if we save and exit I'm going to try to show  you the last thing which is a quick boot menu that   you can access as the system is booting up instead  of pressing delete we're going to press I think   it's f11 or F12 so it says on that splash screen  that shows up at the bottom it happens so quickly   I wasn't able to see but I was tapping f11 and  lf12 and it got me to this menu so here you can   just directly choose your boot device again we're  just going with the UEFI generic flash disk that   is our Windows installer so selecting that will  boot off of the USB drive this is the first screen   you'll see after booting off to the USB drive  change these if you need to we're using English   and we're in the US so we'll stick with that note  that your USB installer has a repair function so   don't format it or get rid of it after you have  Windows 11 installed keep it around so you can   choose repair your computer if you ever come  across problems in the future I'm just going to   click install now if you have a Windows 11 product  key or even an older product key for Windows 10   or Windows 8 you can punch it in here you can also  do that after Windows is installed though so we're   just going to choose I don't have a product  key for now and then here you want to choose   your windows 11 version which is likely either  going to be Windows 11 home or Windows 11 Pro   I'm going with Windows 11 Pro but make sure you  choose the version of the key type that you have   if you already have a key there's another license  here that we will very thoroughly read and accept   and as for installation type we want to go with  custom because a clean install is always going   to be the best way to go this screen is where  you choose where you want to install Windows   note that the drive name like drive 0 means these  are both partitions on the same drive we actually   have two drives connected right now one of them  already has some games on it and I can tell by   the amount of gigabytes here that that is the two  terabyte drive and it has another partition but   we're not installing there we're just installing  on drive one here again the drive you install tool   will be completely erased and overwritten so  if you haven't already backed up data off of   the drive you're installing Windows 11 onto stop  right now reboot connect the drive elsewhere and   copy stuff off of that before you format it you  can also run into a question at this point where   if you have multiple drives installed and let's  say they're all brand new drives but maybe you   have multiple m.2 drives that are installed  up against the motherboard and you wanted to   do that before you installed the graphics cart  because it would be a pain in the butt to remove   the graphics card to install more m.2 drives  here again your manual can help out if you go   to the storage section where it talks about SATA  connected devices or m.2 connected devices and   here it will usually list based on the actual  physical connector on the board that the drive   is connected to the order that they go in and  that should help you determine which drive you   actually want to install to if you are installing  to a drive that already has partitions you should   select each partition and hit the delete button  to delete that partition so that you're just   installing to unallocated space on this new drive  you can create partitions yourself but I find it's   easiest just to click next at that point and  the installer will automatically set up your   partitions for you using up the maximum amount of  space on the drive and here we once again have a   short weight as it installs the windows files  onto that drive this part's usually a little   bit faster especially if you're using a fast  SSD so probably in the 5 to 10 minute range after the installation completes it will  automatically restart and boot you into   Windows for the first time note here that if  you changed your boot order to boot off of   that USB drive it might boot back into the  Windows installation utility and you don't   want to install Windows again you just did  that so just keep in mind if you change that   UEFI setting you might want to go back into the  UEFI to change it back but typically it will   just reboot and then boot off of the drive that  it just installed Windows to as it is doing now and now we're in the windows 11 initial setup  environment so here's where we're going to choose   stuff like what is your country or region what  kind of keyboard layout you have do you want to   add a second keyboard there's some accessibility  options in here if you need it and it's kind of   funny because this is my first time working with  this most latest Windows 11 installer and this   is the point where it wants you to connect to  a network so it can tie you into the Microsoft   account so I'm not sure what it does here if  it doesn't recognize any network connectivity   devices maybe it lets you bypass this but right  now it's saying hey you've got Ethernet plug in   your internet so we can connect now some people  who have a Microsoft account have their Windows   installation tied to their Microsoft account  that's totally fine if you want to do it that   way it does allow Microsoft to track you a little  bit more closely though and if you're like me I   like to go the old school method and install  Windows to this PC rather than having Windows   tied to me personally fortunately there is a  workaround for this it's just a little bit of   a pain in the butt so bear with me I'm going to  press shift and F10 that will open up a command   prompt I'm going to type this and I'll put this  in the video description down below as well oobe   backslash bypass nro and then I'll hit enter  that will reboot the system and theoretically   when it reboots it will let me bypass that  requirement to have an internet connection back to our setup steps us skip and now  magically we have a button that we can   click that says I don't have internet and  then we can continue with limited setup and now we can just punch in our name you can  make it your name you can make it a name for   your computer whatever you want to call it I'm  going with b550xv2 which sounds cool I would also   recommend you add a password I'm going to skip it  now for ease of use but a password is definitely   something you should have on your system and now  we're going to select privacy settings and this is   again one of those things that's giving Microsoft  more permission to track you and if you're the   kind of person who thinks like oh I love seeing  advertisements having them more tailored to me   would be a good thing then yes you can leave these  on personally I like to deselect pretty much every   single one of these none of them are required  to use Windows or even to use Windows properly   I think the most useful one that you'd want to  keep on maybe is find my device but that's a lot   more useful for something that's portable like a  laptop so I'm going to turn them all off except   oh hi then Windows says hi to you and does a  few more messages and in just a few moments we   should be in the windows 11 actual operating  system environment where we can do stuff almost there and there we are it's Windows 11 and  windows 11 thanks to the tie-in with   the UEFI has certain stuff that might pop up  automatically like download the gigabyte App   Center personally the software that ships with a  lot of motherboards or that they want you to use   with a lot of motherboards I find to be a little  bit bloated and unnecessary so I usually select   do not show this message again and cancel but  if you open up Explorer and go to this PC you   should be able to see your drive that you just  installed Windows to which is mostly empty it's   only got the windows data on there for right now  an additional drive if it's already set up might   show up there as well this is my two terabyte  SATA drive which has a bunch of games on it and   then this drive here which is our USB installer  that we made and if we open that up we can see   the folder that we made before and if the internet  wasn't working then we would probably want to run   this file right here to install the Lan driver  alternatively if the windows 11 installer was   able to recognize your network connection Hardware  then you can just plug in your ethernet cable now   and hooray we now have an internet connection  fantastic now there are a few things that you   can do at this point but personally the first  things I like to do with a freshly installed   copy of Windows is to get Windows update going  and do all the windows updates as quickly as you   can and to install the basic motherboard  drivers specifically the chipset driver I   think is the most important so I'm going to hit  the Windows key and I'm going to type update   Windows updates is in the settings you can  also go right here to check for updates and   will automatically check for updates and it's  probably going to come up with a pretty long list fun thing about Windows update it will  automatically update your graphics driver   so my screen just turned off there for a  second and then turned back on and if you're   looking at the screen cap you might notice  things are looking a little bit sharper now   that is because it automatically updated my  display resolution to 4K because the capture   card I'm running through is 4K capable which  is why it did that let's change this what I'm   trying to make though is that as it's running  Windows update it might be installing stuff in   the background such as basic drivers so a screen  flashing off and then back on is pretty normal so   your Windows update experience might vary it's  going to be downloading some things it's going   to be installing some things because I have an  Asus device connected it's asking me if I want to   download Armory crate that's another motherboard  provided software utility that I don't want so I'm   going to cancel that and at various points you'll  see this button here turned to restart now so if   you see this prompting you to restart you can go  ahead and click restart it'll probably do some   additional installation things as it's restarting  and again depending on when you're installing   Windows when you're watching this video you might  have fewer or more updates to run through but the   basic idea is run Windows update restart when  it asks you run Windows update again repeat   that over and over again until when you click  find more updates it says you're up to date so now that we've rebooted I am checking  for updates again just like I said there   are more updates so it's going to download and  install those as well some will download and   install automatically you might have to tell it  to download and install some of those that one was   really quick at least we're going to have to use  Microsoft Edge at least briefly and I always turn   off all the things that like try to access your  data and have you log in and do all those things   no Microsoft I don't want to just just let  me search for something on Google please okay so when you're running Windows update it will  be downloading and installing a more up-to-date   chipset driver for your motherboard it will also  probably download and install a more up-to-date   graphics driver for your video card but usually  what Windows update has available might not be   the latest and greatest so I'm going to go back  to gigabytes motherboard page and I'm also going   to go to the Nvidia driver download page since  we're running an Nvidia graphics card here I   would go to the AMD Radeon driver download page  if I was downloading a graphics driver for an AMD   Radeon GPU for the motherboard I'm going to go  back to the support tab again and I'm going to   go down here to drivers and again you don't  need all of these like your sound will work   without the full on real Tech HD audio driver  but it might give you some more features if you   download this since we're going for the basics  here I will definitely want the latest chipset   driver which is from April 2022 so chances are  the Windows update one is totally fine for that   since the latest chipset for the b550 chipset on  the motherboard we're using is that old that is   likely what windows installed but we can download  it anyway over on Nvidia I'm going to choose the   RTX 30 series we have a 3060 TI installed here  go for Windows 11 search download and download cancel okay now generally speaking you  shouldn't overlap driver installation so   if Windows update is running in the  background try not to install like   your graphics drivers or your chipset  drivers at that exact same time this   is prompting me for another restart  so I'm going to go ahead and do that Papa all right we've rebooted once again so I'm  going to open up Explorer go over to my downloads   let's go ahead and get that motherboard driver  installed remember it comes in a zipped package   so you gotta pull it out of the zip in order  to actually run this I'm going to do some UI   tweaks here in just a second so we can actually  see file name extensions and stuff like that okay that one seems to have finished I'm now  noting also that we have an Nvidia icon down   here in our system tray so I'm going to  double click that to see what version of   the NVIDIA drivers got installed 457.51  versus the one I just downloaded which   is 536.67 so the windows available one that  will download through Windows update quite   a bit older than the most recent NVIDIA  drivers so I'm going to load that up too go ahead and click yes click ok again in my quest to reduce the software bloat I  usually just go with the graphics driver and not   the graphics driver energy force experience if  you use the GeForce experience if you use it for   game capture or anything like that by all means  install that too for now I'm going to keep things   simple I usually choose custom here that way I can  make sure the proper things are selected and since   this is a completely fresh Windows install a clean  installation shouldn't be necessary and once again   we have a little bit of a weight this should be  the last of the major like driver level software   updates that we need to do for the system I would  keep running Windows update to make sure that's   okay but while this installs in the background I'm  going to do a couple more quick UI tweaks so for   instance your toolbar is in the center by default  in Windows 11. do you like it that way I don't   if you right click on the taskbar and go to  taskbar settings it will take you to this menu if   you scroll down a little bit to taskbar behaviors  you can set the taskbar alignment to left oh look   and now it's over there on the left like it used  to be there might also be stuff on the taskbar   down here that you never use or don't want to use  like chat or widgets you can turn those off too   if you don't like them graphics driver finished  installing I'm going to hold off on the restart   just for a moment to show you my other vital  Windows 11 tweaks if you pull up Explorer and   go over here to options you will find the folder  options menu I like to open to this PC and under   view I like to display the full path show hidden  files and don't hide empty drives in this is this   is the one that's most important Hyatt extensions  for known file types I always turn that off   because I like to know what my files are like this  is an executable I like seeing that it's dot Exe   on the end those are just a couple quick ones that  I like to do while I'm at it let's get Firefox you   can get Chrome as well I like Firefox because you  can actually use some of the add-ons that Chrome   based browsers like Chrome and Edge have done away  with or at least greatly reduce the functionality   of like u-block origin but whatever browser you  prefer you can go ahead and install that now or   you know just keep using Edge it's not not the  worst thing in the world these days ta-da now   Firefox is installed and I've set it to my default  browser you can unpin stuff that you don't want   from the taskbar like the Microsoft store oh  look look how simple and clean that is now okay   I'm certain there's other UI stuff that you guys  might do so if you guys have any suggestions for   other people watching this video or some really  great ones leave those in the comment section   down below last thing I'm going to do here is  right click and on the clock down here and go to   adjust date and time this is actually set to China  time right now because a lot of these motherboards   are manufactured in like China or Taiwan set  time automatically I'm just going to turn off   and then back on and then it should set me to my  local time here which is three in the afternoon one other thing here I'm typing  in start to go to Startup apps   right here and here also you can turn  off some of the startup apps that you   don't necessarily need like Microsoft teams  if you don't use that or OneDrive or Edge   good at this point you could start downloading  and installing more software to your system to   get it set up for gaming and stuff like that I  highly recommend Hardware info or HW info the   portable version of that is a great way to load  up to monitor temperatures and system performance   OBS is fantastic open broadcaster software you can  download that for screaming and game capture steam   of course or any other game clients you should  install and start those games downloading if   you're not going to copy them from an existing  drive but there is one more really important   thing for system setup that's a little bit more  low level and fundamental that we haven't done   yet and that's enabled the XMP settings for our  memory sometimes you can do that right off the   bat but not all XMP settings are actually going  to be stable so to be safe I usually like to get   the system setup going make sure everything's  running without any issues before that that way   we know if we suddenly turn on xmt settings and  we're getting hangs or that sort of thing in the   operating system it was probably the XMP settings  that did it so here's a trick to get back into the   UEFI open up your windows menu go to  the power button here you're going to   go to restart but I'm going to hold down the  shift button before I click restart and that   will take me to this menu which lets you do  multiple things but restarting contextually I   think is kind of How It's called if you go over to  troubleshoot and advanced options we want to go to   uef5 Firmware settings also note that from here  you can choose startup settings and that will   let you reboot into safe mode which is really  really helpful for troubleshooting if you need to   do that down the line but I'm going to click UEFI  firmware settings that will boot straight into the   UEFI bios environments that before we had to tap  delete to get into some PCS start so fast that   it's actually hard to get your delete tap in time  there so this is a great way to do it from Windows   and make sure you get into the UEFI every time so  all we're going to do here is turn on our XMP I'm   switching back to easy mode because they have  a button for it right here all we do is click   that button now XMP is enabled for our ddr4  3600 speed memory alternatively in advanced   mode it's right here the XMP profile and you can  choose that and go between disabled or profile 1.   it's already loaded so I'm just going to hit F10  to save and exit and then we'll reboot back into   Windows now if you're the kind of person who likes  to look at your system tray down here and likes   to have it as clean as possible you might notice  this little Windows security icon pops up this is   for account protection they need you to sign in  with your Microsoft account to do that so don't   be fooled into thinking oh no I have to sign in  with my Microsoft account you can just dismiss   that right there and then that gets all these  check boxes to Green that should make that little   icon thing turn green too so now as I go back to  Windows update to check for updates yet again and   there are more updates yet again and that's why  it usually takes maybe three or four passes of   running Windows update and restarting before you  get all of them in there but at this point I would   say this computer is pretty much set up in terms  of the basic functionality of the hardware getting   Windows 11 installed with some basic tweaks to get  it working the way we need it to and also getting   you prepared to actually make use of your new  computer placing games and do all the fun stuff   that you can do with a brand new pc so I hope you  guys have enjoyed this video I hope you've enjoyed   this series again my apologies for part four being  so delayed but I really hope this has helped you   guys out and if you have any questions for me or  feedback leave those in the comments section down   below also in the video subscription I'll post  links to those other three videos in this series   if you happen to have missed them or need to jump  back to check on something but as for me I have a   bunch of work still to be done I need to move out  of this office and a few other things but I will   still be running Tech news every Sunday as well as  a few other scattered videos and as we get towards   the end of summer I'll be ramping production  back up and hopefully getting back to my regular   upload schedule of about three videos a week but  once again if you guys enjoyed this video or if   it helped you out hit the thumbs up button that  really helps me if you know anyone who might make   use of this video who is setting up a new computer  make sure to share it with them and of course if   you want to check out my store and help support my  channel you can find that at Paul's   Linked In The Video subscription I have Shirts  Mugs pint glasses hoodies and all manner of   high quality merchandise thanks once again for  watching and we'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Paul's Hardware
Views: 206,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer, PC, PC gaming, personal computer, computer hardware, paulshardware, how to build a computer, how to build a pc, step by step, how to build a gaming computer, how to build a gaming pc, building a gaming pc in 2023, 2023, monitor, bang for the buck gaming pc, am4, CPU, gpu, graphics card, motherboard, ssd, storage, memory, ram, new pc setup, how to set up a new pc, windows 11 installation, windows 11 local account, windows 11 installation without microsoft account, xmp, expo
Id: ecwC780Ohy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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