Stay Focused | Jonathan Josephs

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I want to look at a passage of scripture that man it was months ago God started speaking to me through this text it was at a moment in my life Zac you remember I was real discouraged and frustrated about some areas of my life where it felt like rather than moving towards what God had intended for my life have felt like I was moving away from it and God really started to speak to me through this passage of Scripture but if it's any indication of how much the devil was fighting me these last few weeks as I was working on this sermon I believe that I am on assignment today to release a word from God that will catapult someone into their god-given destiny and purpose I am fired up ready to speak with God put in my heart to speak with me but how fit how fitting that they would allow a Canadian to preach to you on this holiday weekend yes yes yes I know it's Independence Day happy birthday America but did you know that is also Canada Day yes we're celebrating a birthday - I like your shirt right there mr. Canada someone's like what's Canada it's kind of our birthday too but basically Canadians are gonna just take Monday off to listen to the new Drake album that's what we're all gonna do together it's a good thing but hey since we're both celebrating look at the person next to you let's just make them blend them together do a hybrid look at the person next year and say happy Independence Day hey that's right that's right [Music] say sanam for just a moment I want to jump into our scripture for today we're gonna be looking at numbers chapter 13 just to give you a little context before we look at our key verse Moses has led the Israelites out from under Egyptian slavery oppression and captivity he's leading them somewhere though he's taking them on a journey into the Promised Land this is the same land that God had promet promised generations ago to their forefather Abraham and after all that time in Egypt they're finally on their way and they get to the edge of the land of Canaan the Promised Land and God gives Moses an instruction he says send 12 men one leader from each tribe into the Promised Land and he sends him in to explore for forty days so for forty days they are looking at the promise that God had given them so many generations before and they come back to Moses after 40 days and they give him a report on what they had seen and this is where we're gonna pick up numbers 13 verse 27 it says they gave Moses this account we went into the land in which you sent us and it does flow with milk and honey here is this fruit it tells us earlier that they picked up a cluster of grapes that was so big that it took two men to carry a single cluster grapes out it represented God's promises God's provision they lay that fruit in front of Jesus her in front of Moses and said here is its fruit but the people who lived there are powerful and the cities are fortified and very large we even saw descendants of anak there the Amalekites living then to give the Hittites Jebusites and a muroids live in the hill country and the Canaanites live near the sea and along the Jordan then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said we should go up and take possession of the land for we can certainly do it but the men who had gone up with them said we can't attack those people they're stronger than we are and they spread amongst the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored they said the land we explored devours all those living it all the people we saw there are a great size we saw the Nephilim there they were believed to be Giants these are some big people they said we seem like grasshoppers in our own eyes and we look the same to them my sermon title for today's message is this stay focused and at any point during my message that the person next to you looks like they're starting to doze off or you catch them shaking Instagram you have my permission to nudge them in the side real hard right in the rib and give them my title again stay focus in fact why don't you practice right now at all our locations as you take your seat hit the person next to you tell them stay focused [Music] hey real quickly for those of you at our Ballentine location this is gonna be old news because you probably see my boys running around the lobby but for all their locations and those of you joining us online let me show you a picture of my family real quick here we are up on the screen that's a servant during love week I got two little boys my oldest his name is Sian he's three and a half my youngest his name is Elias he just turned one and that's my wife Anna we've been married for eight years now just celebrated eight years of marriage that's pretty good she's my Georgia Peach and we're celebrating our anniversary it brought to mind right after we got engaged how the pastor who is marrying a set us down for premarital counseling and I remember one specific session where he kind of cautioned us and he wanted to let us know that while every couple will experience conflict in their marriage he he suspected that we would experience a little bit more than usual and here's what me and Anna grew up very differently we had very different experiences growing up I'm from Toronto Canada I have a loud big obnoxious family she's for rural Georgia her family's so sweet and proper our experiences were growing up we're so different he just wanted to warn us that because of our different experiences we just might have a tendency to experience some conflict he thought we would see things a little bit differently let me give you just a couple examples real quick I was thinking about the first time we met each other's family because it was a culture shock for both of us the first time I visit aunt Ida's family in rural Georgia I met one of her friends who asked me if I wanted to go mud in mud in I thought he meant mud baths on my shirt sometimes you just gotta treat yourself you know but no no no mud in is intentionally driving your Jeep through mud trying to get your vehicle as dirty as you possibly can I don't understand this Chris that was foreign to me but Anna's first time visiting my family in Toronto wasn't easy either I remember she got in on a late flight so I picked her up from the airport brought her home to meet my family it was their first time meeting them is already late so my parents had been in bed and I remember when I walked her in the house and my dad came down the steps in his raggedy white boxer briefs I remember how awkward she looked as like Anna this is my dad nice to meet you and just to clarify that is not a Canadian thing that is strictly a mark Joseph thing but it was hard for her it was hard for her and so the counselor wanted us to know the pastor said hey you might experience more conflict in your relationship because it would make sense that you would see things so differently as you go throughout your marriage he just wanted us to be mindful of it and that made sense to me that two people with two different experiences would just come to different conclusions about things that made perfect sense but what's always been interesting to me is how two people can experience the same thing and come to two very different conclusions you can be looking at the same thing and come to a whole different set of beliefs you know this when you go home at Thanksgiving you're sitting around the Thanksgiving table and you think you're talking about the same issue but somehow your Uncle Carl comes up with some crazy theories in your life are we even talking about the same thing here we we recently had this controversy around our office it got bad it got it got pretty heated it was a particular issue where I knew my opinion represented the minority but every time the issue had come up I always felt like I had to say something I couldn't keep my mouth shut and listen as a Canadian it goes against my nature to disagree with people but I felt like I needed to stand my ground on this one and it got bad because people were like I had co-workers losing respect for me and they're like questioning my salvation like do you even fear god man but I felt like it was such an important issue I felt like I needed to speak my mind on it and I don't want to cause division at any of our locations today I don't want to create a problem for you Terry at the uptown campus but feel like it needs to be said the greatest showmen was a really bad movie it was a really bad movie no no no no it was a really bad movie I walked out of the theater I looked over at Ana expecting her to be just as disappointed as me and she was smiling she was so happy was like you loved it she's like I loved it it was so good I was like Wolverine shouldn't be singing Wolverine should be stabbing that's what he should be doing I didn't understand it same version as everyone else two very different conclusions looking at the same thing two very different beliefs that's what initially drew my attention to this passage in numbers 13 because for 40 days these 12 spies these 12 great men of faith these 12 leaders from one from each of the tribe they go into the promised land for 40 days they're exploring this place is amazing can you believe that God said he's gonna give this to us oh my goodness okay okay over there I see oh man those look like some some cities over there some big walls but oh my gosh look at that this place is flowing with milk and honey no one knew what that meant but it sounded awesome well what's that oh my do you see that that's a big dude on us as a campus safety volunteer okay okay oh no no no no those whoa don't know there really are some big people in this land they look like Giants but whoa speaking of big look at that look how big those grapes are touch your neighbors say those are big grapes those are massive I can't wait to tell Moses about these grapes in fact rather than tell him about it why don't we show them to them and so two of them carried this cluster of grapes some pomegranates and figs they represent God's blessing and provision in the land and they bring it back to Moses and they set it down in front of them and they begin to give their report ten of the spies come to one conclusion they start talking about the Giants in the land the armies the walls that they would have to bring down and two of the spies Caleb and the text would later tell us Joshua felt the same way they had a whole different set of beliefs they said we can do it we can take this place God is with it with us how is it that two people can be looking at the same thing and come to two different conclusions I've come to believe in my life that what I believe is not a product of what I see it's a product of my focus that's how two people can get the same diagnosis from the doctor and one of them be absolutely devastated while the other person experiences hope and peace and strength and God like never before in their life that's why I've sat down with two different couples going through the same situation and one says we're not gonna make it we've got to give up and the other says no no we've got some battles to fight but we can forgive each other and we can move on and we believe God is with us and that God has something in store for us it's a matter of your focus your focus it's not that Joshua and Caleb works more spiritual than the others all of these were leaders from each of the tribes they were great men of faith and maybe today you are standing on the edge of something God has been trying to bring you into it might not look like Canaan it might look like peace it might look like joy it might look like freedom it might look like healing God is always trying to bring you into something but so often we stand at the edge never possessing what God has promised us because we lack focus and maybe you're here today and you've been so discouraged and you feel like everybody else is winning and everybody else is getting ahead and you feel like maybe I don't have faith I want to encourage you today it's not that you don't have faith in fact the Bible says that God has given us each a measure of faith Jesus says that all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed to be able to speak to these mountains and say move if you have just a little bit of faith he said nothing would be impossible for you it's not that you don't have faith it just might be that you don't have focus even great people of faith have weak moments and I think that's what happened to these 10 spies in this passage 40 days staring at the promise and somewhere along the way they lost their focus but I really believe that the reason Joshua and Caleb were able to keep their focus was because they'd practice so much discipline throughout this whole process and I want to look at three things today that Joshua and Caleb did so well that I think will help someone who's here today that God is calling you into something this might be the message that gives you the faith either confidence faith in yourself or hope faith in God too for it and what he's promised and the first thing is this focused what you think when I was first started reading through this passage I was judging these spies so hard man I was judging them I didn't understand how these ten men could spend 40 days staring at grapes and pomegranates and figs after all this time in the desert I would have thought they would have been so excited to be finally coming close to the promise God had given I was judging them because I didn't understand how they were so preoccupied with these giants why keep talking about the Giants man Giants sounded like allen iverson practice Giants what are you talking about these giants for they come back and they give their report and they say see and they give their report and they say Moses look at these grapes but then they start going on about these Giants and armies and the walls and I'm judging them because I'm like I just don't understand how they could miss the promises and be so focused on the problems I thought about I thought about getting up here to preach to you and be like if you just worry about devouring those grapes God will devour your Giants or something like that don't tweet that but something like that judging these guys but the more I read through numbers 13 the more I was able to get some context of what was going on in their lives and the more I got context the less I was judging them and the more I was actually able to relate to them see context is a powerful thing because context is the key to compassion it's real easy to make snap judgments off of snapshots when you look at someone's life they should have done this or they should have done that but if you can zoom out and get some context instead of judging them you start having compassion on them look at your neighbor's say if you knew my story still come on say it if you knew my story if you knew my story you wouldn't be judging me today you'd be celebrating me today if you knew what I had been through if you knew what God had brought me through how he kept me how he saved me you wouldn't be standing here judging me we celebrated me you'd be thanking God for what he did in my life yeah I know I got a ways to go but by the grace of God I'm still standing here context is the key to compassion and I'm reading through this passage and I started to see where things went wrong because at the beginning of numbers 13 God speaks to Moses and he gives them a simple instruction so you got to understand that Moses is in an informal sense Israel's first king but he's very much so a prophet a mouthpiece to God fertility from God to the Israelites God would speak to Moses and then he would relay that message to the people and so at the beginning of numbers 13 God gives him one specific instruction take 12 spies send them into the land to explore one thing so Moses is writing down his to-do list to do explore the land got it a simple instruction you see God is always trying to bring us into things but God is not the author of confusion God always makes it real simple we like to complicate our faith but God often just gives us one next step he keeps things real simple for us he gives them one thing explore the land Moses takes that list and look at this in numbers 13 18 now he's passing on that list to the 12 spies and he takes the one thing that God put on the to-do list and he starts making things so complicated numbers 13 18 it says what he says see what the land is like and whether the people who live there are stronger weak few or many what kind of land did they live in as a good as a bad what are the towns like that they live in is it on wall their fortified house the soil is a fertile or poor are there trees in the land or not do your best to bring back some of the fruit of the land Moses starts complicating the very simple thing that God asks them to do it's like when my wife sends me to the grocery store to pick up salsa and along the way she starts texting me about diapers and bananas of course I forgot the salsa I can only think about one thing at a time I'm a simple person Moses complicates the simple instruction that God gave them to pass on the difference between God's lists and Moses is lists is the difference between what dads have to think about when they go on vacation and what moms have to think about when they're packing moms are like I need clothes for myself and clothes for the kids and towels for the beach and toys for the beach and snacks for the car and a first aid kit and dads are like bathing suit toothbrush are you ready to go yet it's not fair [Applause] Moses has them considering things that God never asked them to consider no wonder they were talking about armies and walls and Giants Moses sent him into the land thinking about things that God never asked them to think about and what I've realized in my own life is that so often my self-consciousness is a product of my failure to be God conscious when I start thinking about things that God never asked me to think about us are undermining the very confidence that I need to move forward into what he's called me to we do what Moses did all the time God gives us a simple instruction and we start adding all kinds of considerations God speaks you and he puts it on your heart he says I want you to make church a priority because I want you to set a legacy of faith for your family a simple thing and we go yes God got it make Church a priority and then we start adding all kinds of considerations what's the weather like this weekend how's the parking lot gonna be is Pastor Steven gonna be there is that the canadian guy again how were the kids were they crazy or extra crazy God's feast you through his word and he says I need you to start trusting me with the tithe and remember every time God gives you an instruction it's not because he's trying to keep you from something he's always trying to bring you into something every good and perfect gift comes from God so he puts it on your heart I need you to start trusting me with the time and we go yes God I got it I'll do what you say and then we start considering all these other things like did I get the promotion I wanted what were the bills like do I have all the shoes what kind of vacation do we want to take this year what kind of school do we want to put the kids in and we start considering things that God never asked us to think about that's where the 10 spies went wrong they undermined the confidence that they needed God was sending them into the land because he wanted them to bring back a report be able to encourage the Israelite community about what God had in store for them and instead Moses had them thinking about all kinds of things Giants and walls and instead of encouraging the people they discouraged the people because of what they were sent into the land thinking about so what do we do real practically we need to focus our thoughts because I think so many of us we have thoughts that end up dictating what we believe in the conclusions we come to and we never stop to ask the question where did this even come from what would it look like if you took time to actually think about what you're thinking about look what second Corinthians 10:5 says at the end of it Paul says we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ in other words he says every thought that passes through my mind I grab hold of it and I make it to submit to what God has spoken over my life if God hasn't said it I don't need to think about it because what I believe is not a product of what I see it's a product of my focus I need to focus what I think but the second thing that I see the two spies do so well in this passage and this is number two focus what you hear because look what happens in the text they come back from the land they're given their report to Moses and they start talking at first about the promises that he had given them and he says that they say this in verse 27 it says we went into the land in which you sent us and it does fall with milk and honey here as its fruit but but the people who lived there now they're talking about the problems are powerful and the cities are fortified and very large but look what Caleb doesn't verse 30 he says shut up he focused what he heard he took looked at them and said I don't need to hear all that it wasn't that Caleb wasn't aware of the Giants and what was in the land he knew about it he had spent 40 days looking at the same thing as they did but he looked at him said I don't need to hear all that man there are some things in my life that things I need to deal with that I am very aware of I don't need someone always coming into my ear just telling me about all the things that are wrong I need people in my life who can speak God's promises over my life tell me what God's declared over my life God said he would give us this land I don't need to hear about all these giants you got to focus what you hear man and we pollute our faith we pollute our hearts we pollute our spirits because we expose ourselves by what we hear these 10 spies come back and they're talking about grapes and promises at first and then they're talking about Giants and wolves but but but but but in the moment they start sounding like Sir mix-a-lot instead of men of faith talking about butts caleb has the fortitude to say stop talking about that man I don't need to hear all that touch your neighbors say I don't need to hear all that see there are some of us in this place today that God has put some things on your heart there are things that God has called you to but the reason you haven't had the confidence to move forward is because there are still voices in your life that are talking you out of what God is calling you into dreams he's put in your heart dreams he's put in your spirit and every time you get ready to believe them and every time you get ready to take that step there's someone in your ear saying bump up up up up up up butt butt butt-butt-butt didn't the doctor tell you you wouldn't be able to conceive again buh-buh-buh-buh-buh but do you really want to put yourself through all that heartbreak again after what you've been through but-but-but-but do you really think you're qualified for that job and we let these voices talk us out of what God is calling us into because we lack focus but you got a come selectively with your hearing man like my kid it's amazing how he can hear me when he wants to hear me and doesn't hear me when he doesn't want to you gotta become selective in your hearing because your faith is a product of your focus you gotta focus what you hear the Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God in other words my faith is not determined by what I see my faith is determined by what I hear I gotta submit my life under the words that God has spoken over my life I need friends who will stand in my corner it declare what God has said over my situation God said I belong to him God said he's much I'm his child God said no weapon formed against me will prosper prevailed hallelujah thank you God I don't need people to talk me out of the battle I need friends who will come into battle with me declaring what God has spoken over my life he said he would give it to me faith comes by what you hear what you hear what you hear encourage the person X you look embed in the eye and every campus and with faith look at them say God is with you no no no don't no say it with faith God is with you you can do it I don't know what it is that God is calling you today but God is with you and you can do it I don't need to hear all that I had a friend in high school who is so good at pointing out people's little mannerisms that they did things I would never notice but he had a way of picking up on those little things you do those little weird things you do I remember one time he was like hey do you notice how this guy clears his throat between every other word hey man how you doing I never noticed that before but once he said it it was all I could hear and we wonder sometimes why we're so focused on the wrong things that's because we haven't become selective enough in what we hear I'm not saying you can't be friends with the person but I had a friend the other day who started talking real negatively about something I care about and it's not that I don't want to be friends with them anymore I love the dude but I just had to say I don't need to hear all that some of you wonder why you're so anxious in its light maybe it's cuz you're listening to the same news cycle every night at 11 o'clock maybe you need to change up the music you listen to because faith comes through what you hear so if it's not pure if it's not true if it's not excellent if it's not praiseworthy if it's not audible then I don't need to be hearing that kind of stuff man Caleb silence the people number three this is my last point focus what you say there's a real difference between the way that Joshua and Caleb talked about their situation and the way the other 10 spots did when I first started reading through this passage I just assumed that those 10 spies were lying about what they saw I could understand man they'd already been through a lot maybe they just didn't want to go into another battle maybe they didn't feel like fighting again so maybe they thought hey if we just kind of exaggerate about what's in the land maybe we can talk them out of it you know what we'll get there eventually but we're just not up for it right now I thought they were maybe making up what they saw because Joshua and Caleb are saying like man we are stronger than they are God is with us we should go up we can certainly do it and they're saying no name these people are so big we see my grasshoppers in their own eyes who's right who's wrong in this situation I thought one was something the truth and one was lying but then I noticed a small detail in verse 32 look at this it says and they spread amongst the Israelites a bad report did you catch that a bad report not a false report not a wrong report a bad report what they saw in the land was very much real there were big walls there were big cities there were big people that they would have to conquer they weren't deceived in what they saw they were deceived in what they said because they spoke about what they saw in the land and then they started saying all kinds of crazy things like man we are so small we seem like grasshoppers in their own eyes now how could they know that how do they know what they're thinking they didn't know that and often where the enemy will deceive us in our life if you'll have us looking at a very real situation but coming to very false conclusions and what you say is a reflection of what you believe there's very little space between what you say and what you believe and the more they started saying we're so small we're so inferior we can't do it we can't take them they're bigger they're stronger the more they started to believe that that's where the enemy deceived them in what they said and I am so guilty about this in my own life where I can be looking at a very real situation something that I have to deal with and something that I need to face but I undermine the faith I need to do it by the words that I say and it gets crazy sometimes the other day we got into an argument just a little argument don't worry about this just a little argument we got into an argument but I remember walking away saying to myself like I'll never be good enough for Ana I'll never be the husband she deserves I lost my patient with the boys picking him up from school the other day and instead of just seeing the easy thing to say I'm sorry you know what I started saying to myself in the car they're gonna grow up believing their dad's a hypocrite and they're gonna hate God and they're gonna hate Church and they're gonna hate me crazy conclusions real simple situation but we inject all these thoughts and we start saying things that contradict what God has spoken over our lives I need to do something different yeah I've got to deal with it yeah I've got to address it and say sorry sometimes but I need to declare over my life the truth of what God has spoken I am a good husband I am a good dad see there's someone today that you are looking at a very real situation but what God is calling you to do is change the way you talk about it he wants to you to focus what you say and make sure every word that comes out of your mouth is in accordance with what he's spoken Paul wrote he said I believe therefore I have spoken what you say as a reflection of your beliefs for some of you you're looking at a very real sickness but that doesn't mean you can't declare the truth over your situation I am healed by His stripes I am healed I am Hall I am redeemed yeah you might have lost some years but you can declare over your life that my God is a redeemer that there is nothing too difficult for him that my best days are ahead of me yeah you made some mistakes that's real but you don't need to believe that God has done with you he has more in store for you yes please sir prosper you not to harm you sometimes you gotta look your situation right in the face and say yeah I know you're there but what my God has spoken is through and if he said he would give me the land he will give me the land talking about giant sand walls numbers 14 8 Joshua and Caleb speak up and they say if the Lord is pleased with us he will lead us into the land again talking about the blessings they say a land flowing with milk and honey and look at this they repeat the promise that God initially gave to Moses and even before that gave to Abraham and he will give it to us don't rebel against the Lord don't be afraid we will devour them see the 10 spies kept saying this land is gonna devour us surely God's brought us out here to die we can't defeat them we're so small in their eyes but Joshua and Caleb they focused what they said they kept repeating the promise that God had said he will give us this land there's some things we're gonna have to fight there's some battles that we're gonna have to go through but if God said he'd give it to us then I believe that he'll give it to us stand your feet out all your all our locations I'm gonna close this thing down see what you believe is not a product of what you see for 40 days they were all looking at the same thing and yet came to very different conclusions because what you believe is a product of your focus you got to focus what you think focus what you hear and focus what you say because what you believe is not a product of what you see but get this the way God works what you believe will determine what you see for the 10 spies who believed that they couldn't defeat them who believed that they would die in the wilderness who believe that God couldn't do it through them for the 10 spies and the entire generation of Israelites who believed their bad report they would never step foot into that Promised Land again because what you believe determines what you see but for Joshua and Caleb the ones who have the courage the confidence the focus to believe God for what he had spoken because they believed God they would see that promised land again yeah it would take some time and yeah there'd be some fights but they would have the opportunity to leave the next generation of God's people into the Promised because what you believe determines what you see and there's someone here today under the sound of my voice you've lost your focus you've let too many voices talk you out of what God was calling you into you've been considering things getting all insecure thinking about things that God didn't ask you to think about and you've been saying some crazy things yeah they're based on what you see but they don't align with what God has spoken over your life you need to focus what you say I believe that God is bringing you into something today you're on the edge of a breakthrough you're on the edge of a miracle you're on the edge of a blessing don't your focus now because what you believe will determine what you'll see and if you would believe God for it then by His grace you will see it I don't know who this message was for but it's for someone who was giving up someone who felt so frustrated that they were on the edge of something God had put in your heart so long ago now is time to possess what God has promised focus focus in his presence today right now I want to actually give a very specific invitation for someone under the sound of my voice maybe you're in Asheville maybe you're you're in Morrisville maybe you're in Raleigh you've never made a decision to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior you've seen his grace he's been in your life the whole time you've experienced his goodness in his mercy but you've never surrendered your life to him it is possible that you could have been looking at your Savior your hope all along and completely missed it when Jesus hung on the cross with a crown of thorns and blood running down his face as he poured out his blood for our forgiveness there was a thief on either side to people looking at the same promise the same promise one the same Savior of the world two people looking at the same promise but came to two very different conclusions one thief on the side of Jesus looked at him and said if you're really the Son of God he didn't have the faith to believe and because he didn't believe he wouldn't see Jesus again but on the other side of Jesus was a thief who desert deserve to be on that cross but he looked at Jesus and said I want to be with you in paradise I believe in you I believe you're the savior of the world and because he believed Jesus says you will be with me today God not only wants to spend eternity with you but God wants to come into your life right now God is with you in this moment don't miss him surrender your life to Him choose to believe it that's you today this is your moment your moment of salvation your moment of faith I want to lead you in a prayer right now to surrender your life to Christ there is leave the promise of His grace and his forgiveness with heads bowed and eyes closed all over this place pray with me I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and the savior of the world I believe he died and rose again to forgive my sin and give me life I received your grace by faith coming to my life made me new I'll follow you with heads still bowed and eyes still closed at every location if you just prayed that prayer when I count to three boldly shoot your hand up in the air do it courageously man we want to celebrate what God's done in your life on three one two three shoot your hand up don't hesitate come on across all the locations let's celebrate the of new beginnings it's come on lift their voices give God praise in this place oh hey thanks for watching the Elevation Church YouTube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute click the subscribe button on your screen that way you won't miss a single video and if this ministry has impacted you and you'd like to partner with us to continue to reach others you can click the link in the description below to give now thanks again for watching and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 196,441
Rating: 4.9116874 out of 5
Keywords: Elevation Church, Pastor Steven Furtick, Elevation church 2018 sermons, Elevation church sermons, The elevation church, the elevation church sermons, stay focused, elevation church stay focused, stay focused 2018, 2018 sermons, faith, gospel, jesus, focus, god's promises, Elevation church charlotte nc, pastor, the bible, elevation, elevation charlotte nc, the greatest showman, wolverine, discipline, confidence, focus your thoughts, sir mix a lot
Id: ATQzo-G74Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 12sec (2232 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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