Why Am I Anxious? | Bars & Battles | Pastor Steven Furtick

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We want to shift gears a little bit this week and teach you a message that I taught our staff. It's a different version of it. I was sharing with our staff on the subject of anxiety. The reason I did that is primarily because our staff is very young. Many of our staff have never worked in another work environment than Elevation Church. It's a fast-paced environment, a growth environment, and there's a lot of performance pressure. I felt like as the under-shepherd who serves to oversee our staff I wanted to share some very practical principles on the subject of anxiety. Don't judge me for this, but sometimes I do a YouTube search of my own sermons. The only reason I do it is when I want to spot check and see how I can preach better, but I also want to see what people are looking for, what kind of help they're looking for, what kind of subjects tend to draw people in, so that we can tell them the good news about Jesus Christ. In order to do that sometimes, I'll look and see what are the top sermons that have been watched that have been preached out of this pulpit, because we give them all away for free in as many different formats as we can. We kind of embraced the day we live in, so right now people are watching on Facebook Live and YouTube Live and the Elevation Church app. You'd be shocked. You would be so surprised how many people are up in the middle of the night in another part of the world and wanting to tune in to your church. They write me from time to time. They tell me they're coming to church, like Morgan Freeman on a bucket list, to be here. I always thought that was cool, because growing up, for me church was not a bucket list-type thought. It made me want to die, but I didn't want to do it before I died. What I thought I would do today for you is share from the top subject I've preached on, because in the top three sermons I preached in terms of views the subject was anxiety. I want to share a message with you today on the subject of anxiety, and I want to do it from Psalm 139. We're somewhere near the middle of this series looking at David's life and looking at the lyrics of the psalms he wrote. We're making comparisons. We're saying that David is the greatest rapper or MC of all time, and I stand by that. I would say that David's words in the psalms are divinely inspired to help us search within ourselves. The reason I love Psalm 139, where I'm going to share with you from today, is because the first time I tried to write a Christian song I wrote it based on Psalm 139. Holly is laughing, because every once in a while we'll mention this song. It's not a very good song. I'm not going to go into it right now, but it was based on Psalm 139. It had this cool little walk-down in it, but other than that the song really wasn't very good, but I was only 16 at the time. It's a wonderful psalm, because it gives us a picture of both God's all-seeing eye (meaning that he is watching over our lives in every situation and season) and the intimacy with which God sees our lives. I want to pick up in verse 17 today and bring you into the flow of the psalm a little bit. David says in Psalm 139, verse 17, "How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you. If only you, God, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty! They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies." Here comes the shift. David is focusing on external factors, and all of a sudden he makes this move that we see him make over and over again in his life from dealing with his enemies to the inner me. As much as that sounds like a little preacher thing, it's really the most important life skill, because David is about to take responsibility for his own anxiety. He's not going to put it on the economy. He's not going to put it on King Saul who's trying to kill him. He's not going to put it on his teenagers. (He didn't have kids at this point, but you know what I'm saying. He did have kids, and we'll talk about them in a future week.) He's not putting it on anybody but himself. Watch it in verse 23. "Search me…" Those two words would set you free from 90 percent of the drama, because some of you borrow drama trying to look into other people's lives. "Search me, God, and know my heart." Did you notice the shift? He's fussing and cussing about the way things are in the world, these bloodthirsty men and all these selfish politicians and all this systemic corruption. "God, do something about it." Then he shifts and says, "Search me." Nothing changes until I do. "…know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts." That's where I want to spend some time today. I've been asking myself the question lately (this is my sermon title)…Why Am I Anxious? Apparently, according to my non-scientific YouTube study, all of you are anxious. So I won't ask the question…Have you experienced anxiety in the last week? We live in the age of anxiety. Let's be honest about it. It is almost marketed to us through the stations that are supposed to be giving us our information. They actually engage us using fear tactics so they can sell advertising time, often promoting the same drug and pharmaceutical companies that are owned by the same conglomerates that push out the information that is designed to make us anxious. Now let's be careful, because we sound like David in verse 22. "Kill them, God." David came to a place where he said, "It's not what's happening out there that makes me anxious. It's what I allow in here to go undetected and unchecked. It's my thought process." He uses an actual Hebrew word that means disquieting thoughts. It's translated as closely as it can be into English anxious thoughts. David is saying now, "It is not what is happening that is creating anxiety. It is the way I am thinking about it." Look at verse 24. I know that David didn't know about neural pathways, but it sounds like he did, because he said, "I want you to look inside, God, and see if there is any offensive way in me." Now we know that when we think something long enough it creates a 485 in our minds, a 77 in our minds (the 401 for our Canadian friends). There's a process by which I get stuck in a rut, so David is saying, "See if I've been thinking in a way that has allowed the Enemy to traffic in my mind, where I've just been letting him in." That's what I want to do today. I want to take you through a seven-point test answering the question "Why am I anxious?" and hopefully help us to get past this point of answering that question with somebody else's name and hopefully get us past the point of answering that question by mentioning something that is happening that is outside of our control and hopefully to get us to the place where we can see that not only is God watching over my life… That's what David understood. "When Saul is trying to kill me, God is watching over me." God has his surveillance system in every situation of my life. He will not suffer my foot to be moved. "The Lord which keepeth thee…" He has 24/7 surveillance on me. Touch somebody and say, "You'd better be nice to me. God is watching how you treat me. God is watching how you talk to me, and God likes me." How do you parents like it when somebody talks about one of your kids? God feels that way about you times a thousand, and he's watching out for you. So why am I anxious if my Father knows my needs? Why am I anxious if he has numbered the hairs on my head? Why am I anxious if he promised to supply every need? I have to get honest about it. I'm not necessarily referring to this in a medical sense. Please don't take this to mean that I'm saying your sin or behavioral choices are always responsible for anxiety, but what I want to show you today, regardless of where it's coming from, because I'm not a doctor… But maybe there are some ways in me that are making me vulnerable to the way things are and allowing me to remain anxious. When the Bible says, "Do not be anxious," I don't think it means we can never feel anxiety. It is when we stay anxious. It doesn't mean there won't be moments and seasons in your life where your hands are shaking. Demi Lovato couldn't sing the national anthem without her hands shaking. I don't know if you saw it. She sang it in front of a lot of people. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about this pervasive sense of when things are going right you can't even enjoy them because it probably won't last long. Looking around every corner for what's going to happen next. I want to take you through something quickly today. It's kind of a sermon/seminar from Psalm 139. It's a "psalminar." Pay attention and write this down. If you don't write this down you're not going to sleep any this week. You're going to have horrible stomach pains while you try to sleep. Write this down, and God will bless you. Ask somebody next to you, "Why are you anxious?" The first thing to check is your intake. The first thing I consider when I'm anxious is how full I am of what. I found out that anxiety and cellulite have one thing in common. You can't pray either one of them away. They are both about intake. Oh, they showed me this new feature on my phone the other day. Can I show you? My kids are always showing me stuff, so they showed me a feature on my phone the other day. You know all these great functions on the iPhone. The iPhone 7 has this function, and I want to show it to you. If you hit this button and hold it on the side and then… You'd be shocked how many… I'm going to tell you a secret. Touch somebody and say, "It's too much." We can't take it all in and still have room for the peace of God. You're praying for the peace of God. God doesn't have anywhere to put it. Your mind is too full. You were not designed to have the entirety of the conversation of the whole human race buzzing on your back pocket on your butt bone, just walking around like snipers. "What did they say? Where did they go on vacation? What about that press conference?" It was not supposed to be this way. Of course we're freaking out. Of course we're zombies. Of course we're numbing ourselves and drinking and smoking and popping. Of course we can't stop it. The Devil has a shock collar on our back pocket, and we don't even know it. So you want me to give you inspiration for 45 minutes every week, and you're going to lay it over top of 17 hours of media that is designed to hardwire the way you think. What hope do we have to have peace if we don't make a place for it? They used to teach me in youth camp this saying called "Garbage in, garbage out," and it was basically a way of saying, "Don't listen to rock 'n' roll music or watch bad movies." There's some good to that too. I think you have to be in tune with your conscience in terms of what creates a sense of darkness in you, and you have to know that, and we shouldn't make rules for each other but say, "God, search me." I think that's very good, but I also think that sometimes what we don't take in is just as fatal to our faith as what we do take in. I think some of us are on a spiritual starvation diet and we don't even know it. We have faith that we don't feed, and then we cannot access strength that we actually possess if we feed it. So you have to get your intake levels up. When Buck first started trying to get me to work out more, he said, "The first thing I want you to do…" He was telling me the only way for me to get the result I wanted… He said, "You have to do two things." What was the little cheesy motivational poster you had up in your gym? "You can't out-train a bad diet." He was like, "I want you to keep a food log and write down everything you eat." I didn't do it, but I thought it was a good idea, because before I can change what I take in I need to track what I take in. I wonder what it would look like if you kept a thought log of just what you let in. If you let the Enemy in and then pray for God to drive him out, it creates a cycle where you are creating your own state of mind that you're trying to pray away. There has to be a knowledge… "Search me, God." You have to let God show you. You have to let his eyes see what it is you're taking in. I even mean this in terms of relationships. Some of the people you are around are draining your faith. I know you have to be around them a little bit, but you might need to put on a little protective… Like SPF 75. "Spiritual Protection 75," just to get around them. I think it would be good sometimes for us to check our intake levels. "Oh, you know what? I didn't read a Bible verse since the last time they put one on the screen for me at Elevation Church." I have all of these apps on my phone, and 97 percent of them are empty calories. I mastered Candy Crush. I'm not saying don't play Candy Crush, because Holly would leave me if I put that out there in the universe. She loves Candy Crush. I'm pretty concerned sometimes that we're filling ourselves with empty calories, so we're weak in the battle, and we wonder why. Check your intake. Your intake levels have to be balanced. The second thing I want you to write down is imbalance. Check for imbalance. I don't mean chemical imbalance. That's beyond my purview, but I do mean that when you don't have a sense of what's important in your life, when you don't have a sense of priority in your life and everything feels urgent, it's a sign that you haven't figured out what's really important. Now you are open to everybody's demand, and they all take up equal space. By saying yes to people who don't really matter, you say an automatic no to those who do. By saying yes to people who essentially are using you in order to achieve their own goals, now you find yourself unable to give, because you are a limited resource, to the people God has entrusted to your care the most. So I have to have a sense of balance. I could preach about balance. You know, you have to work out and pray and eat and all of that, but this is not that kind of seminar. What I mean is you have to be balanced in what you give weight to. Sometimes we are stressed out because we are giving too much weight to the wrong words and not enough weight to the right words. We're out of balance because we have this feed, and everything on our feed is the same size, and because it's all the same size we think it carries the same weight, so we live in a state of stress because we haven't learned how to weigh it out. You have to weigh it out. When someone doesn't like you, sometimes it doesn't matter. It depends on who they are. The other week someone was telling me that there was somebody who hated our church and came and said it wasn't that bad. I said, "I don't care." I knew it wasn't that bad. In fact, not only was it not that bad; it's freakin' awesome. Tell them I said I didn't need them to validate something that I see every week, thank you very much. I already know God is in this place. I already know he is glorious in this place. I'm glad you think it's not that bad, but I wasn't really waiting for you to hand me the award for "not that bad." It was not that bad before you decided it was not that bad. I was talking to a guy one time about something here at the church that was complicated, and I gave him a 30-minute speech asking for his advice. I got my notebook ready to hear what he would tell me after I listed everything that was happening, and he goes, "Steven, it doesn't matter." So I wrote that down. "Point one…" Because I need you to tell me what to do. He didn't say another word. Turn to the person next to you and look at them and say their name if you know their name. Tell them, "It doesn't matter." You have to tell them with that little bit of… You have to do it from your diaphragm. Tell them, "It doesn't matter." Now what you just said is true about 99.9999999999973 percent (scientific number) of what they're staying up worried about. One time I was lying in my bed at night worrying about something, and God spoke to me through his Spirit. "You're staying awake worrying about something I've already worked out." Now when you give weight to that promise from God, when you give weight to the right things… When I have a clear sense of priority in my life, I'm okay if people are angry if I say no, because my no is a yes to something I already decided was more important than what any given demand might require of me at any given moment. This is the thing I'm coming to realize. Christ is the solid rock, but if you don't know how to stand on that rock with the right balance, the Devil will push you around and you will always feel unsettled and tossed and turned, but when you make up your mind what does matter and what doesn't matter… Let me help you out a little bit. What doesn't matter? What they think. What does matter? What God knows. "Search me, God. Know my mind. Test me. You see. You speak to me." "It doesn't matter." He was so right. What he was talking about didn't matter. In fact, I thought about writing a book and calling the book "It Doesn't Matter." I already have my subtitle figured out: "Really." And my first chapter will be called "At All." I feel somebody getting their balance back, getting their equilibrium back. You're seeing it right now for what it is. This doesn't matter. This matters: that I keep my faith, that I keep a grateful attitude, that I don't let my situation contaminate my spirit. This matters, not that. If you don't sort this out, you will live in constant imprisonment to your own indecision. Indecision is a prison, so I want you to make three decisions before Wednesday. If you're watching this at a midweek worship experience you're running short on time. The clock is counting. I want you to set a D-Day, all you procrastinators. You're claiming to be thorough. I want you to make three decisions this week. I want you to set aside a day this week. Sit down, have four cups of coffee so you numb your rational thinking processes, and go in and just make them. Just make the decisions, and if you make dumb ones, apologize, but make the decision. Fifteen minutes to decide chicken or shrimp in a restaurant? I'm serious. You've been dating her seven and a half years and you can't decide if she's the one? Well, if she's not, get out of the way. Do it or don't. Buy the house or don't. Sell the house or don't. Stay in Raleigh or don't. Do it or don't. You can always move back. Now we're making up more stuff to give us opportunities for anxiety and we call it options. I don't know if it was just growing up in Moncks Corner. You didn't have to decide where to send your kids to school. There were two. I moved to Charlotte. I never saw anything like it. It's crazy. It's killing us. Too many options. I just want gas. Not a Slurpee, not a car wash, not a back massage. Just gas! It's too many options. I did it this week. I was feeling that anxiety, and I told Jess to send over my notes for my Why Am I Anxious? teaching, because I felt like I needed my own notes. I don't keep them after I write them. I give them away. I scratch them down and then give them away, but somebody else keeps them. So I said, "Give me the notes and send them over. I need them." She said, "Are you going to teach it?" I said, "No, I need to live it." I was feeling all unsettled. I went through my list and found this one, and the Holy Spirit hit me and said, "You're very indecisive right now. Everything everybody asks you, you go, 'Yeah, let me get back to that. I'm going to go through a few things.' You're not going through a few things. You're not talking. You're not praying or anything like that. You're just waiting till it comes around again." It was becoming the way I was handling things. So I just came in that day and I made three decisions. I felt like I had spent a day at a spa just by making three decisions, and they all started with N and ended with O, and it felt so good. Try it. One, two, three. "No!" Now this only works if you are living with integrity. Sometimes my anxiety is a result of a compromise in my integrity. It's kind of hard to have a peaceful heart when you're hiding secrets and feel like a hypocrite. It's kind of hard to have a peaceful heart when you're having to hope that your wife doesn't check your phone to see certain text messages. It's kind of hard to have a peaceful heart when you have three Snapchats and the one your parents think is your Snapchat is just a decoy. Now you're asking God to give you peace, but your life is so many different pieces. The word integrity means whole. Like in math class they taught us about integers, whole numbers. Whole. Integrity. All one person all the time. When there are three different me's I have to manage for every different situation… It's kind of hard to pray the panic away when my own lifestyle is creating it, when I'm trying to figure out which mask to wear at church so no one will see into my situation at home, when there's work me and after work me and Friday night me and 9:30 Sunday morning me. It's kind of hard for me to have peace when my foundation is cracked. It's kind of hard for me to manage all of those different me's, because I might send out the wrong one at the wrong time. Have you ever done that? "Oh, I meant to send preacher me out there right now." It's kind of hard for me to ask God to bless a life that is divided in so many different directions. I don't mean by this that you have to interact with everybody on the same level. For instance, if we were to meet at Pizza Hut, I wouldn't talk at this volume. I would modulate. People say, "Well, you should be the same onstage that you are out in public." Well, that would be obnoxious. Can you imagine "Touch three people" at the baseball field? Scandalous. "Touch what? Who are you touching?" What I am saying is that although you might bring a different approach to different situations, the essential nature of who you are remains unchanged in every encounter. It shouldn't be like that for my family to watch me preach and go like "Who is that?" It shouldn't be like that. It should feel like a continuation. Somebody shouldn't see you on the television program and go, "You go to church? I heard you say 'Hallelujah' in the church service, but I hear you say some other…" It's costing you your peace. I'm not condemning you. I'm telling you you might be anxious sometimes because you are trying to manage so many different versions of you, and if you would bring it all together and just be honest before God and just ask God what David… "Search me. Know my heart, and if the way I'm doing it is wrong, I want to be changed. I'm already accepted because of what Jesus Christ has done for me. Now, God, help me to align my life with what you made me to be so I can be the real me. I want to be the real me, the highest version of me, that called me, that chosen me, that secure me, that stable me, that 'God loves me, and I don't have to prove anything to anyone.'" "This is my child. With him, with her I am well pleased." I don't have to be anybody else. My cortisol levels just dropped just by being the real me, because all of those other layers of stuff and all that anger is not the real you. Not in Christ. That's what David is getting to the bottom of. Did you notice that all of my points are starting with the same letter, the letter I? I figure that's a common denominator in a lot of our anxiety. "Search me, God. Your eyes can see." God's eyes. "God, see beneath the surface of what the situation is. I'm anxious because of my money, and I'm anxious because of my health, and I'm anxious because my mom." No, no, no. That might trigger it, but the truth of God's Word can enable your heart to transcend. This is what the New Testament preaches: the peace of God will actually pass all understanding and guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. So no matter what triggers the anxiety in any situation… David said, "Search me and know me." Sometimes I have to fix my intention. Sometimes I can reduce my anxiety just by shifting my intention, just by going from "How are people thinking about me?" to realizing they're not. Maybe if I would think about others… "Why didn't she speak to me?" Why didn't you speak to her? How about that? When I'm up here, a lot of times I can get locked into performance mode, and it makes for a thirsty sermon. It's not the best sermon. It's hard to give living water when the preacher is thirsty, but when I shift my intention and go… I hope this doesn't offend you, but sometimes I make up stuff about you. I just look in your eyes and pretend like you're going through something horrible. I just picture it like you're just on the verge. Just by wanting to help you rather than perform for you… When I shift my intention… I feel something fall off when I do. You can shift your intention in any interaction, and immediately when you do, when you step out of the center and try to see, "How can I serve?" I'll tell you what will go when you step out of the center. The burden of the weight of how you're coming across, the burden of the weight of how you're being perceived, the burden of the weight of what other people are and are not giving you. You have to get out of the middle and see things from God's point of view. "Search me, God." Am I anxious because it's just the rhythms of life? Then fine. I'll get through it. Or am I creating more waves than necessary because my eyes are not focused on Jesus? I found out a lot of it is not even real. Have you noticed that? A lot of it is in this sacred place God has given us by which he shows us who he is. It's the sacred space of your imagination. I want you to reclaim your imagination. I want you to take back your most valuable asset. I want you to take back that place in you that used to be playful, and now it is so stressed and panicked. That place in you that used to just make up games as a little kid, just would walk up to anybody. I want you to get back that childlike faith. Just play around. The Devil wants to turn the place that was meant to be your playground where you could enjoy God into a battleground where you can't even feel or experience him. When the Enemy comes after your destiny, his first step is to set up a stronghold in your imagination. The Enemy wants to make it where you can't stand to be alone because you have an internal ISIS that has set up terrorist cells, and every time you go to think you worry so much about what might happen that you can't worship God. So now you can't worship because you're so worried, but God said today we're going to get this thing turned around and recapture your imagination to where you feel free again, to where you can dream about something again, to where you can think crazy thoughts and just write stuff down and just walk around singing stuff off tune, making up words. You used to do that. You used to walk around with just anything, but now you're so… I told the Devil the other day, "Get your hands off God's property. My imagination is God's house. My imagination was purchased with the blood of Christ. You can't set up camp here. I've got dreams to dream. I've got visions to see. I've got a future to imagine." The good news is if you're really good at worrying you're going to be great at worship, because all it is is the same imagination serving the opposite purpose. God said we need to reverse the cycle of the way you're thinking about things. We need to reverse the cycle so when you wake up in the morning, stop checking the "fearcast." Stop waking up in the morning and thinking about how every possible meeting could go wrong and you don't have anything clean and you wore that on Tuesday. I promise you nobody has been keeping a spreadsheet of your shoes. Put on those same shoes you wore Tuesday and walk into your Thursday and expect to see the goodness of the Lord. Where are you, faith people? Do I have any "faithcasters" in the house? David said, "If I take the wings of morning or dwell in the uttermost part of the sea, even there your hand will lead me and your right hand will hold me fast," because God is watching over me and he's looking into me. I didn't check the fearcast this week. I checked the faithcast. It's corny, but I bet you it'll drive back depression if you check the faithcast, because God has been too good for me to stay anxious. The Enemy wants to fight you in isolation. Why am I anxious? I think the answer to that question can often be found right in the middle of the very word itself. Right in the middle of the word anxious is the letter I. I was looking at it a few weeks ago, and I was just looking at the word anxious. I was thinking, "Why should I feel discouraged? Why do the shadows come? Why should my heart feel lonely when Jesus is my portion, a constant friend is he; when his eye is watching over my life?" David said, "You were there for my conception, and you have been there for every conflict and every season of my life." David wrote this beautiful psalm. Although we cannot pinpoint the occasion, many think it was at the occasion of his coronation as the king over both the southern and the northern kingdom. It really doesn't matter when he wrote it, because God was watching over every stage of his process. David says, "God, I want you to show me what's really making me anxious so I don't spend the rest of my life waiting for my enemies to disappear before I choose to have peace." I was looking at the very word, and I saw something. The I is right in the middle of anxious, but the word ends with us. I was thinking about what we do in coming to church for our weekly reminder that we're not the only ones. We are not the only ones. You're not even going to be able to leave church today without having to make a decision whether to apply this message, because many of you don't have the support system you need to walk in the peace you're praying for. When you walk out today there are going to be balloons and grown men in pink tee shirts and youth in white tee shirts to sign you up, whatever age or stage of life you're in, for these groups we put together within the church, a place for you to come and actually take the message and water it. What good is the seed of the Word of God if there's no water applied during the week? Dying of thirst. Faith dehydrated. It ends when I becomes us. Real change happens there, when you get in and say, "This week, man, I had this moment where I almost…" Then the dude over there in the corner who never speaks speaks up and goes, "Yeah, me too." You look at him, and you're so glad, because when you came in you felt like it was just you, but it's not just you. It's not just you. We came into the presence of God today to be surrounded by like-minded people, but let me tell you something. You have to stay surrounded to stay in peace. I want to challenge you this week to take my psalminar and go through it. Why do you always talk about Zaxby's on the way out of church and never take a moment and just digest what you heard, act on what you heard, and ask God what David did? In fact, can we do it for a moment? Can we just be still for a moment and even lift our hands, if you feel comfortable lifting your hands? It puts you in a posture where you're no longer self-conscious but you're more God conscious. Just pray this. "Father, show me the ways I'm thinking that are preventing your peace from flooding my life." Stay right there for a moment. I believe this week God is going to show you decisions that need to be made and how to make them. I believe that when you will get in his presence and ingest the pure milk of the Word of God, the pure air of worship, and come out of the air of anxiety that the world is suffocating with and come up to an altitude where you can breathe the breath and grace of God that the peace of God that transcends all understanding would guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. I declare this over you today regardless of your situation. I declare this over you today regardless of your diagnosis. I declare this to you today in the name that is above every name, the name at which demons tremble. We don't tremble before demons; demons tremble before the name of Jesus, and we speak peace to storms in our souls today in the name of Jesus.
Channel: Elevation Church
Views: 2,031,350
Rating: 4.887928 out of 5
Keywords: elevation church, pastor steven furtick, elevation church sermons, elevation church steven furtick, why am I anxious steven furtick, anxious thoughts, bars and battles, intake, imbalance, indecision, integrity, intention, imagination, isolation, how to reduce anxiety, how to find relief, sermon, 2017 sermons, church, set you free, stress, peace, fear, do it or dont, preaching, preacher, worry to worship, sermons about anxiety
Id: JOvc2Imvzvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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