GIS Video Tutorial #1

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okay so if you haven't looked already that the resources page and the Columbia website there's a tab over here called GIS and this is actually really helpful in the how-to section there's a number you know there's a few tutorials and they're all pretty straightforward they're really easy to follow so if you find yourself needing to do any of these things look here also there's a tab called data and this shows you this directory to the xDrive which I'm sure most of you familiar with but the Columbia there spatial information design lab keeps a collection a lot of GIS on file and a lot of this is the kind of open source stuff that we can download from the government anyway but some of it is actually really helpful because a lot of data you have to pay for and so the University will pay for and this is inaccessible to us here one thing to note is like if it's something that is available online it might not be up to date and the extras and for your maps you're going to want them to be as current as possible and then also at the bottom of this page is a list of a kind of the most common places where you can download data the thing to note about GIS data is that there isn't one set up data for any particular thing basically just certain companies or certain institutions or groups of people will collect data and so your data will only be as accurate as that individual sources also there's a tips and tricks and this section more or less just tells you that ArcGIS uses a lot of memory and fails a lot so we prepared that um in other couple things to note though is that I you have to make sure that in all of your filings there are no spaces ever and no periods and so not only the file names but anywhere along the anywhere along the path you're like none of the folder names can have spaces in them either and also try to avoid long names for files although you like it's like a happy medium between avoiding long names for files and also not burying them and like folder after folder you have to be really conscious of this kind of thing because it will also cost GIS to crash or errors in data um okay so you're going to want to open unfortunately we can't do this on one of the networked computers it's probably what you guys will be using when you're using GIS but you don't want to find you yes and you know in the program in the program tab and it's going to be under ArcGIS and the program is called arcmap which is already open and the thing you're to want to have open pretty much all the time is our catalog rfg arcmap is where you'll be doing all of your mapping and our catalog is essentially just a Windows Explorer you'll see that with shapefiles I'll open a folder for you that one individual shape file is actually a numberphile soft in up to nine so this is considered one shape file but all of these things need to be there in order for it to work and so when you're copying things around you know it's pretty it could be pretty easy to miss one of these individual files but if you do it in our catalog it kind of combines it into one package and see we would the desktop beyond this pile to see documents and settings but a user's sorry hi Helen decima okay so now we can see that in this folder it's actually it's actually just one file and so when you're copying things around you're moving things around you're going to want to do that in our catalog and that's basically what we're going to use it for um another thing to know so I because we're not connected to the server I can't take you to the xDrive so I just copy in a few of the shape files onto this computer but some of the things that you're going to want from the xDrive um let's see there's kind of here we go you know you're for the if you were going to do New York so everything's going to be inside here and there's actually quite a bit in there that you'll find pretty helpful so I've just tool around and see if you want to map any of that but for the base tiles some of the ones that I would recommend the main one would be the Pluto files and these are files that you're going to get from the Department of Planning and this is based on tax blocks and it will it will tell you quite a bit of information about each block including how much residential Eric square footage is built in each tax box versus the amount of actual building that has actually been built and who the owner of the buildings are and whatnot so you're going to want to get that file and that's located at I'll tell you right now so you might want to write this down it's in an xDrive in the new york city folder it's under face data and under base data there's another folder called Lots and then in that folder there's a folder called Pluto and then inside Pluto there will be food over 2,000 like six through ten the only reason f2 doesn't none in here right now is because 2010 yesterday was like being occupied by somebody else and I couldn't copy it and then another thing that you might want to grab is this an NYC map which is basically just a you know base set of files that you're going to want for geography and that is under again New York City base data and then NYC map and then again you'll have a series of folders for different dates and 2007 is the most recent for this kind of data at least on the xDrive you might want to look and see if there are more recent files as well but you can kind of determine what is most important to me most recent things like Hydra hydrology might not need to be updated every year versus things like the Pluto data okay so in ArcGIS you have this over here is called your it's called your table of contents and this is where all your layers will be um there are a couple other things you look on your computers in studio this would be like a whole bunch of toolbars open up here but these are kind of the basic ones this one is called the toolbox and it always takes a little bit of time to open but um and into blocks they'll be like a whole series of more or less functions and they're basically just like package scripts that you would run some of those things are quite sophisticated and then is also uh let's see this is art if you were if you were to press onto this button right here you would actually toggle our catalog which is already open and then this one is the command line there are there ways to script in ArcGIS I just don't know how to do that um okay so to add files that you can do it two ways you can click on this on this plus sign which is add data or you can right click in the we'll contents are you right-click okay well you can and you can add data this way um want something that you're going to notice it's not happening on this computer but it happens on pretty much all of the computers at school is that when you go in here and you're trying to find the folder that you're you saved all your info in it's only going to register like one folder in here and something some obscure GIS folder and so what you'll have to do is they'll be a you have to click on connect to folder and then you'll have to actually manually make a connection to wherever the folder is on your computer I'm going to do right now and then once you once you do it once and it will always be there okay so we're going to add the Pluto data and it's it's separated by each borough so you'll see you can do all of them if you want I did it kind of decide as studio what look like the extents of your map will be you might decide that it needs to be all five boroughs maybe it's only likes quick-like Queens Brooklyn and Manhattan maybe it's like all five counties that the city is in so you have to decide like how big this needs to be so if you add Manhattan Pluto it shows up um I'll add a couple others I'm not going to add them all because this quite a bit of it's quite a bit of data in the shapefiles and so it makes your computer kind of slow so that even when you're either me probably want to turn them all okay and then I'm just going to add the water the only reason I'm adding the water is because if you how do you give them a yes um you're gonna want to use a mouse so if you noticed that the edges of the pluto data are are actually beyond the geography of the water because a lot of this stuff is still you know it's mapped into the water as well and you can find that happens with like all the census data and a lot of the other block data and so you kind of more or less wanted to actually because if it's geographically like the city of New York so what I would do is just like turn the water on and turn it white and the way to do that is to double click on this color bar and you'll just get the sex symbol selector in here you can choose a variety of different ways to visualize if you click here then you can you have this like basic set of colors but you can also go to more colors and you have RGB CMYK HSV um my recommendation is to get I know like we our intuition is to get the map set of GIS as soon as possible into illustrator because we're comfortable there but so you really should try to get your Maps looking as close to the way that you want them to in GIS before illustrator because it will be much easier to change things so if we make this white and we turn off the outline then it kind of disappears um another thing is the exam so if you go into each of these um if you right-click on them you can you have a whole series of options and you can go down to the properties you can also do this by just double-clicking on it and in here the tab that you're going to use is called symbology and this is this is where you all again choose the colors and figure out how to visualize things because this is a shape file that's a polygon we're going to deal with fills instead of what you might use symbols or something else for other kinds of dot shape files and then in symbology you want to go to quantities and then the first it automatically highlights it it's graduated colors and so once you're in here um you can choose the value in which you want it to to actually visualize so in the Pluto data you have all of these different things that you can that you can access so if you want to know just the amount of let's see what do you want to know of commercial area okay in this will this will happen on your computer sister days as well as his maximum sample size reach down all records are being used so click OK and then in this button over here courses classify click on classify and then hit sampling it's defaulting to this ten thousand number if you look over here you can see that you have you have more so you want to set this to this at least this number or higher so I'm going to do three million okay and then just in case it didn't actually update that like morley kind of refreshing okay so you can see if we apply it you have a gradient it's based on the values for the amount of commercial square footage in each of these tax blocks so if we go back in here we can you can also within the color ramp options there's a bunch of kind of standard gradients but you can also set them yourself by just setting one end of the gradient than the other so if you wanted this to be yellow and you wanted this to be another color you can double click on it again and just choose a color and then select the bottom of the gradient and then right click on it and go to ramp colors and it will wrap it and you can do this from anywhere so if you wanted it to change midway through you would then click here and then you would click ramp again and it would it would sort of smooth it out another thing to know is that if you right-click on the colors again you can go to property selection for all symbols and this is where you can at once remove the borders um okay so yeah water that's like that is the hotel right so it the layers are exactly the same as rhino in Illustrator it's based on a hierarchy so the water is on top and that's why it blocks out anything that's below it there's nothing else is overlaying so you can't see that but um but yeah you can move everything around by just clicking on it and dragging another thing to know in in this box you have three different ways of viewing this information so the one that you're most often going to use as the display tab I'm going to turn I'm going to turn Brooklyn and Queens off and just do Manhattan for now because it's taking so long so I'm do this really quick so this will happen every time apparently um so sampling and this one has much more so I think the the more simpler that gradient the better for obvious reasons is you're just from in hotspots our highs are those okay so another way to view that this information is the way we are right now in the display and then you can also see it according to where it's located so these are all actually more or less in the same folder and then there's a selection tab and this one will will tell you what can actually be selected so it's more or less like turning a layer on or off for locking it so right now we can select any of these layers but if we only wanted to be able to select Manhattan pseudo map then we would select all the others but you have to when you do that you have to remember to turn it back on there because that will bite you yes um okay what else this okay another thing it's really hard to see this right now so I'm going to change the grading again okay and another thing to note with depending on the data that you using but especially with something like the square footage of commercial area in each tax rap tax block you really don't care about the the raw data you just you really want to normalize it according to you know like the total amount of square footage and you'll end up doing this a lot for like population you always want for instance when you're Matt being raised you always want to normalize it according to total populations need a percentage of that total population that is white or non-white so in this case for commercial area you would want to normalize it by the building area so this is the percentage of of what is actually built that is commercial and when you do that you can see in the way that it's it's showing up in this range I'm here that it's now set of percentages I would recommend because of the weight because the way this works you kind of want anything that's zero to be its own category because you don't really want to show it you want to show that this range from 0 to 0.6 nine but you don't want to show zero so within classify here you can actually this is where you can use different methods for distributing the data it defaults to natural breaks which is sort of what I always used because I don't I really know how this and things work but you can you can see it instead of for whatever reason natural breaks has been by statisticians proven to be like the most logical way to show a lot of different ideas but certain data makes more sense to have like equal intervals or what however you decide so I would recommend in this case to increase you can increase the number of classes so this would also change the resolution of your gradient but I would increase it to six and then over here you can actually hand type in the values for which it reclassifies so I would put zero I would more or less even it out so from zero to one and then press ok and now you can see you have this value that's just zero alone and now if you keep on here you can actually just make it Hollow and turn off the line color and so now anything that 0 will Sapir which makes it a much more accurate map um any questions if I as a cell step be kind of new already ok that's good ok so you can also we turn the water to white before just so we would match the background but you can also change the background so if you wanted your water to be a color you'll see that you know it's it's not like all the water in the state it's like the water in New York City you can right-click on the viewport and you can change the properties of the viewport pretty much the same ways that you can change the properties of a shapefile so in that tab you can go to terminal illnesses in frame you can change the background color there were two nations and you can get the same the same more colors here as well I think that's the same point so you can see that right now because we're only showing the Pluto data the water so see like we're in Central Park is so we'll have to block out the entire boundary of the city and I should go to that in a minute what another thing to note is that it depends on how you guys want to map this but in the data of you port you can also rotate so if you know we tend to map Manhattan as if it were perfectly north so if you want to show it that way you can do that in this in the general tab you can just go to rotation I happen to know that it's 29 degrees so that would make Manhattan it would or get it okay so now I'm going to show you a few places to download some other data we're going to download zoning data because I'm pretty sure that because these wants you guys to cite your factories in places that are actually some from manufacturing and so to do that there's a couple places online the main one it would because our sites in New York if you type in NYC data mine you can the city has collected like and it continues to update a lot of the data for the city so if you're here you go to data sets and then you're going to want geographic data and this means that it's our many of these already have shape files so you wouldn't have to do what we'll be doing next week where you'll be taking the raw data and assigning them to a shapefile yourself and then within here you can define a set of categories I if you go to business and economic and then search you'll see there's a variety of different things that you can choose from if you expand you can you can kind of tell you can see a little bit more about what they are one thing to really pay attention to is so the frequency so some of these things are only updated as required which might just be like two to four years see this one's the Pluto map from 2005 whereas we're mapping like 2010 2009 already but the zoning data is also in here and you want the zoning data that is an ESRI shapefile this means that it will it will add as in the same way that we've had their files so the data will be associated with a polygon and so you can you can download that here and then I'll go ahead and do that it will download the zip file and then inside that file will be a folder will have you know the eight different files that comprise a single shape file another thing where you want because of the way the map looks right now how we we can see the water below we want to get the boundary files for the city this will just be like the basic shapes of all the five boroughs and that is in administrative and political boundaries and then when you scroll down to borough and community of Strix GIS boroughs see this one's only updated two to four times a year which is actually quite often but it in other cases if you know there are certain things they won't need to be updated quite as frequently okay so when you download that I've already done it so you unzip it and you have a folder here you have a you all have this one anyway that one myself and I'll show you to do that later but you have all these files which will be the New York boundary files so you add that date in the same way that you did already it's always called n my BB so if you see that on other cases like you might see some n my BBS on the extra I think some of them are corrupt I tried to use them but anyway these ones are obviously more up-to-date and so it another thing to note just because I'm doing it now is that the zooming and panning in in the viewport is slightly different it's more or less like Google Earth where in order to zoom in you have to scroll towards you in order to mount you to scroll in so this is again like we're going to want to move this shape to the bottom and then you can visualize that however you want I'm going to make the water white again which is it this blue is amazing okay so now we have we can clearly see the five boroughs and then the Bluto data mapped according to commercial area the percent of commercial area in each texts block and we now want to add the zoning data so we downloaded that already as well when you download it let me show you another place we can download this onion get actually so you can download the way that we did it already but you can also go directly to the city of we Arts Department of Planning if you google that's it was it fun and I see it's called bites of a dead Apple he should remember that and this is all the data that the City Department of Planning collects you can see this is where they they also do the episode Oh information which is $300 per girl so luckily Columbia purchases fat and then down here is also the GIS zoning and so you can download the newest release another thing to note is that in this folder so this is where you would download the actual data and then in this if you click on the metadata you can then know you can use this to determine what each of the zoning classifications actually are let's see if I good for your exam I think I figured out that you actually can find that information I actually Google you can get to Google again um let's see an icy zoning districts so when you go here zoning reference so in this view part you can you can actually learn quite a bit quite a bit about zoning you go to the status manufacturing districts and it will tell you how to identify the district's basically anything with an M in front of it is going to be manufacturing district and then if you go in here you can learn more about the specifics so what an M one is and these might be really helpful for you when you decide what where what kind of zoning districts you guys will need to look at your institutions okay now going back to GIS and then you add the zoning and when you're in here so there's a number of different files that that come with it and this is actually what's in the metadata on the bytes of the Big Apple website but the zoning file is actually this one here and Y Z D for zoning district and so you'll see when you go into you go to the properties of the zoning district it won't appear in the same way that the Pluto data appears because you can actually there's nothing here to actually visualize in terms of the gradient because it's actually kind of Oracle so because what you really want to do is just extract the manufacturing districts if you right-click on the layer you can go to the attribute table which this open attribute table and this is where you can see this is this will basically um is the equivalent of your file but this is where you can see all of the data that's associated with that shape file so if you sort according to zoning district you can scroll down to the areas were there with their manufacturing and you can actually select the manufacturing district site selecting an entire row and then ship selecting to the bottom of the ends just quite a bit you know once you've done that you can so you can see that's actually selected in the viewport all of the geography that's associated with that data and if you right-click on the layer you can go to data and then this is something you're going to do a lot so you go to data and export data and here you want to make sure that each of all features it's going to basically it's going to export anything that's selected and you want to save it as its own shape file this is how you make your own shape files also and I already saved this I'll do it again but you can name it however you want in my new bag blue that's okay it will always ask if you want to add that new layer and say yes and so now if we turn off the full zoning you know I sorry I screwed that up I am need to delete that I sorry right click down the Pluto data and not the zoning data so it just made an entirely new Pluto data set so now we want to go to our catalog and delete that sorry so it's really easy to delete it now because it's just one okay so what you want to do again is go into the zoning go to the attribute table it's already sorted select all of the manufacturing districts which is still selected and now so at the point here is to right-click on the regular go to data export data and then now it will tell you it is exporting only when it's selected the selected teachers and this time save it in whatever you think it's in a sense okay and I did a much faster time okay so now when we turn off all the other data now we have this one this one shape file with a line of manufacturing districts so we might also decide that we we only want to show the manufacturing districts in the Manhattan borough we want to extract that data so the way to do that is to - to do a clip and so in order to do that first we need to have the borough of Manhattan as its own entity and so in order to select Manhattan we okay we have to do we have to go to Windows actually if you just right-click on the and the toolbar then you can you can open up in a variety of different toolboxes and the one it's not it's going to be open and all of your computers in studio but you need I've never had to open it before hmm so generally there's a set of buttons up here that have a variety of different arrows and use your selection tools I think it might be advanced advanced editing now what any other suggestions dating now hmm I have to I have to Google this and I know why it's not showing up hopefully that toolbox exists on this version and I've seen it before the different selections that one since it would just be called the selection tool bar this is 93 so what we want is this yeah and it has pan and zoom and I was calling navigation let's see you know it doesn't look like it's here I know I've seen that before on this on my computer okay okay you've tried in different ways others editors open a thunder this is sorry now that's already open I mean they obviously exist tools are up in wouldn't it seems like it should be called selection No - I think so it I think it's just always open tool toolbar it says that it's open I was hiding okay well that was unnecessarily difficult yeah well the editor is something slightly different I'll show you getting into that in a minute okay so in order to select something this is the this is the button this is the general arrow that we're kind of always using and it doesn't really select anything but it will just select a geometry you need this one that has this little like envelope next to it with the cyan and this is one also we want to make sure that we're not selecting anything else so we go to selection we turn off everything except for the end my baby and we select Manhattan and then you can turn everything else back on and once you've done that we can again right click on NY VB data export and then save it as its own shape file I already did it so so I'm not going to it again but you would just rename it and then it would appear in your folder and it would could be the option to place it back in I'm going to instead just add it so now we have the Manhattan shapefile and we probably want to move it down again and we don't even really need it to to stay for as long as we just review for this one clip so in order to perform a clip you should open the arc toolbox and go to the Search tab and just type in a clip and it gives you two options in the first one you want to use the ones an analysis tool and you can double click on it here and in this window you you just kind of answer these questions you know that input you want it to be the data from the zoning and you want the clip feature to be the boundary of New York herb Manhattan and then again you it will it will extract that data and save it as another shape file so you have to save it again grievances once you do it this first time every time you make a clip it will remember where your folder is you might say that as an MN VD okay so now we're only looking at the zoning districts in Manhattan we can get rid of this now um really even up to having just done that I realize that well now you know they do a clip give you what you really want to do is clip the manufacturing districts okay but anyway you get the point then you won't have any questions if barn so basically just showed you how to select something make a clip and export data inside its own shape file yeah yeah this projection is accurate um but uh I'll go over that right now all right so the thing to note about projection so projection mapping and j/s it really complicated I think like it can in many ways become its own thesis but we know that we have to use it so we kind of have to just understand it at some capacity but basically at the basic level is that because the earth is round all of this data in order to become a 2d image needs to be projected and there a variety of different ways of producing a projection and so depending on what projection you use you might have it you might have a completely distorted map the point in projecting data is that you want it to be most accurate to the geography that you're actually mapping and so there are two different ways of mapping data to a geography and one of them is going to be the projection and the other one is assigning as assigning an XY coordinate to the to the actual shapefile so the G if you go into our catalog you can see that because we were downloading all of this data from from the city of New York they've already projected all of it but you're going to come across data that hasn't been projected and so you'll need to know how to do this that's going to happen next week so you'll see more obviously the problems that can come from that but let's just go over really quickly um if you right-click on like Tristram the zoning data file go to properties this is an arc catalog it was just like within the file system you can go to this tab which is XY coordinate system and you can see so those these two different systems as a geographic coordinate system and is the projection and the projection is the one that will affect the way that it looks on as a map on your viewport and so this is the most important for when you're combining data from different sources you want it you want to make sure that it's that's not distorted and so when you really see the word conformal in the projection we mean that it's it's preserving angle so this is the most helpful for us when we're actually producing a map as a graphic and and also the geographic coordinate system is associated with the actual shape file so data won't necessarily have this but the projection is to the data in the coordinate system is to the shape file and so this is based on where it's located in the world it can get even specific down some states have you know I have actually calculated their own projections or coordinate systems but in most cases you're going to see this GCS on North American 1983 you're also going to see WGS 1984 there's a kind of the most common that we come across right now everything is projected it is these two values if you right-click on the viewport and you go to data frame properties you have a coordinate system tab here as well and this is where you want to make sure that this data frame corresponds to the actual coordinate system of the data so right now it's designed to this custom one which was more or less associated with the data when we imported it and the custom one is exactly the same as the one that we we just saw its Lambert conformal conic and then North America 1983 um you can change it and again so here's a if you go into predefined you have your geographic systems and then projected coordinate systems here many times be kind of ok we often use world so this is where you know WGS 1984 is there's a number of different ways of actually projecting this data live the same location you might want to google down to it's actually called so then but often you want to map it to like the state plane system and then so when so right now we're if we want to keep it conformal that's just so that we can maintain some kind of this is the way that we often see the New York but if it were in a different projection system it's not this rotation it's like it's actually this like skew in three dimensions you'll see sometimes like like the entire state would be really squat and fat but it won't be completely accurate still it's because it's just projected in a completely different system if you start to make calculations in GIS in the data table you want to make sure that your projection corresponds to whatever calculation you're producing and you can just change it for the time being or it will do this next week but for instance if you want to calculate area because you want to decide what populates population density is you have to change the projection first to a projection that conserves area instead of angle otherwise your area population to be completely wrong I'm both did it again next week done but but basically I mean two things two knows you can you can use our catalog to see what actual projections are signed to the data if any and then you can assign them the projection and a data frame okay really quickly I want to just this is really helpful just to get used to the interface Virginia's theirs wearing what is more or less equivalent of AutoCAD model space but if you look down here this also this other layout view is the equivalent of paper space and so you have this viewport and you can you can resize it and you can move it around you can change its scale here but you can also you can also zoom in and out so if you use the mouse it will zoom in and out with the page but if you use these tools it will zoom the actual me apart um and same with pan if you use the tools into a bar it'll pan actual the data versus the way you were generally pan or zoom with the mouse this leather side so if you right-click on the paper you can go to page and print setup and then you can change the leather but the size of the page if you want 11 by 17 landscape it is pretty straightforward you can also have more than one viewport so you can either just like copy this one by doing it I don't know if this computer will at me okay it's like copying it but you could copy and paste it in it's not doing that like like noted it was toggling like something in the like the windows it was a Windows max confusion it um sorry so you have to and when you produce another one and you go back into the models you can actually see here it now created two sets of layers it won't add any data is slow it won't so the file down but you'll see like you can now turn off turn on data in a different window something this thing that's really important here is that you want to save your viewport bookmark your viewports so if you decide this is the perfect scale then select the viewport go to bookmarks and create one and then you have to do it individually for the both of them it's just like hammer who parts in right now exactly um so now if I were to once you zoom in here an accident or even if I if I happen to be if I have one selecting I go back into model space and I start zooming around when I go back to paper space it will it will it will maintain that aspect ratio or the scale and so then you just have to again like it's the same way we know that there's that one here and if you select on the before there you have this bookmark here um some of the things for the paper space that are helpful all right the labels are the legend you might not choose you want to actually like have the legend around but it's pretty helpful to know so I'm actually gonna make this map that's glued on that instead and then we're going to select that you pour insert legend and then using these arrows you just want to keep gluto on this side so move water back move NYPD back and then your the next this will give you legend title so you can leave it whatever you want like hold a patent commercial space and you can change the font like obviously when he's Ariel always um and then you know I I which actually just kind of like zoom so you all this at first and then change it once you see it it looks like and then so here's your legend if you double click on it you can go back in and change other things so we really don't want it to say like the name of the layer so if you double click on here and you go to items click on style and go to properties and then to general and turn off show layer name and show heading and now if it will only show the label for each of the categories of data yeah it is sometimes depending on the file format it might make it will be like one full string of plants and each individual numbers enter your Titan yep it's this cake this tiny it's always tiny but it's so this the one that looks like a little globe is like model space and the one that looks like a little piece of paper is paper space so this it's this tab right here so they have a few letters already in here but you can you can type it in as well yeah if you want an actual scale and then so another thing to note about the legend is that you really don't you really don't want to show up with images like that you don't need that many decimal points so if you go back into the clue toad data and you go to properties and right-click and format labels and here you can change the number of decimal places so just to and then you also you can insert at a North arrow with some really amazing options here um I think this one and it already knows what North is so it is really nice because because we rotated the vport it's it's orienting north in the correct location um you can also insert a scale bar and there's a few of set options okay that's the paper space that's your beautiful die let's see should we stay there yeah okay any questions so far I think yeah we're almost done um okay so I just want to go I only showed you how to do that one kind of selection I want to show you that there are a couple other ways to do selections in GIS women make this okay um there's the identify tool which looks like this it's just an eye witness I circle with an eye in it and basically the way that it works is that it lets you zoom in and you can select any individual geometry and it will give you the data associated with that one block so you can see again LLL tell you you know what lot it is what block it is all this information that's associated with Pluto it will even how you who the owner is so this one happens to be JPMorgan Chase so that's just helpful another thing is again this is the selection tool so you can the way that it's set up automatically is to just we select every time you click but you can change that by going to selection interactive selection methods and um you can decide that every time you click you wanted to add and you can continue to do that also if you this this version doesn't let you but on your computers in studio there's a drop down menu and it will give you different ways of selecting so this Way's going to default on the rectangle it's real it'll kind of like illustrator an AutoCAD it will select anything that's in a rectangle but again because everything can be cited selecting the nyb being map as well so we want to go into selection turn everything off but food it won't do it it doesn't recognize this shift you have to use this interactive selection method on this the envelope what looks like an envelope but without an arrow is the clear selection tool and because you'll see like you if you try to click off of what you've selected it isn't it doesn't it'll discontinuance selecting one so in order to clear the selection you have to put this this button and then servicing sorry yeah yeah so that's all in this interactive selective method so when you click you add in the current selection or when you click you're removing the current selection or you can only select from what is already fully selected I don't really know how that would work okay let's see there are there other ones that are really helpful oh yeah so if you if you make a selection in the viewport and you when you go to the data table by right clicking and then your attribute table it will have wherever those boxer that selected it will actually have them highlighted as well so you can see they're kind of spread out but you can also at this this button on the bottom go to select it and I'll only show you the ones that are selected which will be really convenient so if you decided you only wanted to have those few blocks in their own shapefile then you could then export this data know or you could at least compare the data another thing in here is that you can also this this doesn't seem to have the option but on your computers in studio you can zoom to the selection so if you happen to have something selected you are IRA's your life further out it would not use any closer you can also do that outside of the data table by selecting something right-clicking and then zoom to selected features also let's see okay you can do something called select by location so this might be you'll have to decide it might be easier to show you this with the zoning data so you go to selection go to select by location and you have to read these as kind of a sentence so it says I want to select features from New York manufacturing that and then you have a series of qualifiers here and and you can say like that are completely can take are completely within Manhattan maybe so now it's only selecting all of those shape files that are completely contained like none of them are intercepting the boundary so if you decided that you wanted to you only want to find manufacturing zoning districts that are on the water you could do this by selecting against like the future for the manufacturing zoning chick file that are that intersect with the water and so now these are the only ones that happen to be on the water you can also you can also draw you have to open the draw tool right just here I don't see it though so my step okay okay there it is so these are even basic drawing functions and you can yeah you can choose the polygon and you can just draw so they like this double click to end it but you can if you wanted to do something where are you you knew that you want anything that's kind of within this area you can now that you've drawn that what with it's selected you can go to select select by graphics we have to make sure that the that the layer that you want the data to be selected is actually highlighting and then do it again is it rolling those shapes it's trying them on whatever they are you actually on did that not work you can delete it too let's see I can promise you that doing exactly that way and your computers upstairs will work here's why so now we want to just make sure this is only data that's selected so select biographic the waiter not my London okay so no and it chooses anything that intersects that graphics um so to delete this is another thing that will be really helpful for you to do like this you actually have to right-click and then delete it if you decide that you like love everything about this this zooming this manufacturing zoning but you really don't want that one that one shape there instead of having to select all the things you want and exported in some shape file you can actually delete it and that's when you use the editor so you go to editor make sure again that you're selecting the layer that you want to work on and then you go to editor and you start editing you want to choose the folder that is zoning okay and once you've done that you can actually hand select things and you can delete them by right clicking and deleting one thing that I would recommend though instead of deleting right on the viewport is to make sure that your attribute table is open because a lot of times what happens is that certain geometries have certain pieces of data have more than one piece of geometry that's associated with it so if you delete one enough the other then you have that kind of weird anomaly of data so in this case is only one but you might come across one somewhere else what is actually there's multiples associated with it but once you know that that you're deleting all of it deleted from here is love know we can't hide it you can win the same way that we've been doing you wouldn't do that in the editor so make sure that always to stop editing once you're done doing this but to put it on its own layer would be to actually select it and then you would right click on a layer and do it that way we've been doing it data export data you save it as its own shapefile exactly it's not it's not removing it it's exporting the data saving it individually I think we look a lot of things that will be helpful so the zoning data is we can't ramp it like we can the Pluto data in terms of cruising ingredient but what we can do is get custom colors according to each of the the different districts so if you right-click on and where the property is it's in the symbology tab again but because it's categorical data we want to go to categories and the only optional is zoning district and at the bottom click on add all values and then you'll see that this is these are all of the different values that exists within that one field for zoning district and in here you can then hand assign a different color value there's also this color map but because you have to select all of them these for all symbols so you change the color in the same way that we've been doing it so far and so this is this is actually showing you the different Zoning qualifications that are within the manufacturing cooperation um something else that might be helpful is in the wrongs done in the edge of a table you can actually produce calculations here as well some being able back charts it wasn't this one well almost unser might be able to do this okay so I already did this but you wanted to cut so this available SAR con doesn't actually exist I created that yesterday but if you wanted to you can create a set of you can use the data table as if it were an excel sheet although to be honest if you have if you have the data in excel sheet before you import it but pretty much any kind of population should happen there but so if you this is slightly it looks slightly different than what you will see in in studio here two options go to add field and name it I'm going to do that way I want again just because it's really easy and change it to a double I'm not really sure why I'm I just know that it's assigning more information to the the data okay so you will come across this a lot you wouldn't really want to name it availeth AI but I already did it so just to whatever it gives you and then when you select the column you can go to a field calculator and then everything in this the fields of course went to the column so everything in this box will be the different categories of data so you want to do in order to determine available they are you would be subtracting built fer thumb from maximum allowable so you would double click on maximum allowable head subtract and then double click on fer or building and then it will calculate it and then you would have a new field for which you could grab so you'll see like when you start downloading data specifically like someone wants to scan stuff off the internet it's not when we you want to be able to take these calculations because for one you you want to normalize as as much as possible and also because you're given some eyeshadows specifically of Pluto that you need to figure out what is first and then there's a couple things I may show you for the skies just to export to illustrator you can do it from this view or in the pay-per-view and it's really straight where it's just file it's like blaming always we're doing export map in you can export PDF illustrator EPS and series of images one thing to know this I don't know why I just I just know this from observation but if you have a map that has quite a bit of data and you're even zoomed out as far as we are in the Manhattan one here if you save it as an ApS or an illustrator file when you open it an illustrator you'll notice it lines it should be straight will have a kind of resolution since obedient so that we have jagged it's actually associating resolution of building for and I don't know any way to avoid that what the main way would be to actually export DWG s so to do that you have to use the toolbox and you can go to the main tab and click on favorites and then there's this tab called conversion tools and then there's the tab its to CAD and then export to CAD when you double click on that it will again give you the option so which one which layers do you want to map and you can choose more than one so you can choose all of them if you wanted I would recommend being really strategic right which might be shoes at a time because it could take forever - the export a CAD feature is putting labor intensive and a memory intensive but at the same time if you decide that you want to display your exports and maybe I have three different exports just make sure that you keep like one variable the same so you have something to to line them up with you and overlay them illustrator I recommend you better also oh yeah in the data table you can export to UM DBF which you can import in Excel so if you export here your only option is stevia so you just rename it save it somewhere and then you could import that this entire table into Excel so if you have you determine that you download something and you need to do a lot of calculations the best way to do it would be expert of India opening and selling to all of them there and then can pour it back into GIS another one is the export to KML which will it will directly linked to your data keyboard so if you right-click and open the tab or then which will Barden's so this I think maybe you have to download it as a plugin so the computers upstairs is really that on the computers upstairs when you right-click on the toolbar there'll be one called export to KML and the toolbar open is literally one button with a Google Earth image on it and you click on that and you own and you you hopefully have it's like three different options but one of them is a high option so if your data has a height field associated with it which you would be none of this data does but if you had a height it would be in the end it would actually have its own column and fuel in the attribute table so we like this height field so it asks you what would you like to link to height and then you would choose the height field and then you would it would actually link you to a physical boards after that it's all this Google APIs on your computer otherwise you can just report okay I'm all too reward can you open it um I think that's probably enough yeah um no I've never had any issues let's see I have a file here you might have just saved down I've never I've never had to go down I've had to I've opened older files and the newer version and then within an issue I've been let's say this opens yeah so this was so I wonder yeah let's see if this one is it file save as I don't know let me look into it yeah yeah okay and hopefully it will work what illustrator files will consolidate everything into one layer and at least for the newest version of GIS it will give you each of your layers it will it will maintain your layer organization which is awesome and you also don't have as many issues with resolution it just takes a lot longer and - it's like it's almost like a rendering time to export a DWG just because there's so much information but I didn't teach you those lines so I mean how the rest is pretty straightforward okay we're done I owe my way
Channel: kyleseyz
Views: 177,420
Rating: 4.6983604 out of 5
Keywords: 010, Factory, Studio
Id: eveae20q850
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 45sec (5205 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2011
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