ArcGIS complete tutorial | ArcGIS for beginners

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greetings folks welcome to arcgis complete tutorial in this tutorial we'll cover a lot of things but obviously can't cover everything in arcgis but we'll try our best to give you one solid foundation on arcgis after i'm not gonna give you actually a list of names what i'm going to cover in this tutorial but i'll say that after covering um or watching at least one hour you will be able to make a base map like this or or that okay so i would say yeah that will be that will act like a fuel to keep you watching the tutorial at least one hour so without further ado let's right get into the video at first this is arcgis interface now if you are still struggling or you're figuring to how to download this arcgis then go to get into okay here you can search arcgis and you can download one of them which one you would like to download and you can also see the installation guide here okay back to arcgis interface so i first will introduce you this interface you can see this is our layers whatever we will load in this arcgis you will see that they pop up here now by anyhow if it got deleted then you can again go to this windows and click on this table of contents it will be back okay fine now you can you might have one thing right in this corner but i don't have but if somehow it got deleted in your case then again go to view and what and this layout view yep now you can see that in this corner that appears okay now these are some tools you can see you can also drag it place it anywhere you want but make sure that when your cursor appear changes that that's the moment when you can do that okay you can also add new layers let's say i want to add this advanced editing tool you can see this is not here and to delete it you just uncheck that okay uncheck it draw fine and now let's see how to load data there's two way to download data in arcgis one is this one this add data just click here it will show you you don't have this data at the beginning so to add you need to add first connective folder with arcgis and another way of adding data is using this catalog okay let's get a look this is the easiest one and i think if you are a heavy arcgis user you would prefer to use this catalog always now how to connect folder at first at first to connect folder you can see connected folder this plus button tab here connect to folder just click here and navigate to the folder which one you would like to connect if you don't connect a folder then you can't import data from that folder okay so let's say anyone you want to connect just click here and okay click ok it will be it will pop up here then you can load data by this from this but um catalog you can you can add data by just let's say this is my shapefile just drag it here you can see it's loaded and from this add data section you can do that also just for the connection gis let's navigate to the folder higher storage and yeah this so these are some ways how you can add your data okay and you can also make new files if sorry folders let's say in this location right click here and go to new then folder it will create a new folder for us you can also delete it that's it so that's all about a bit of i'll say brief introduction on this interface now we'll take a look at a bit of theoretical knowledge theoretical knowledge of gis data types there's two kind of gis data in arcgis one is vector data and another is raster data okay so let's see them now in the above section you can see these are actually vector data there's three kind of data storing ways in arcgis one is using point another is line as polygon so when we we use vector data to store data in our gis format actually so you can use three way so vector in vector data case we represent data as point line or polygons on the other hand in the case of raster data datas are being stored as grids or cell size you can see here this is one just point like point one single grid cell here a line like a line of weights here like polygon objects multiple huge okay so in this case in vector data vector data in could be discrete there's multiple boundaries here and there but in the raster data set it's not discrete it's continuous okay now in the case of vector data there's two other type of data type one is a shapefile type another is geodatabase that's actually a data storing extension type so and people would prefer to use geodatabase i don't see that why we use or preferred geodatabase in the later part of this video now let's see all those things into action in this tutorial we're going to learn how to create a new customized ship file of your own and we'll just not confine ourselves within shapefile and i'll see how to create personal geodatabase and you might assume that everybody using shave file but it's not the case in professional life in professional life you see that everybody using your database so we'll also see how to create your database and so let's see that at first you're going to see one template and this is what we're going to create right now okay so over here you can see that we have what here's some landmarks this green color triangles and this is a school and this red line is let's say it's a road or river whatever now if you want to edit this shape file you can easily do that let's see how let's say you want to add more schools and you can change the activity of them also here you can edit its name code okay you can also add more points and polygon also yes i would like to enlarge it yep so you can enlarge it you can do everything you want and you can also change the attribute okay so let's go ahead and see how to create a first this shapefile then you'll see how to create such geodatabase okay so we're going to start with a fresh one new blank map okay now i got a blank map now to create a shape file you can create a shapefile in any folder you want so let's say we would like to create that on this for the gis tutorial right click here and go to new then file you know we are going to use shipping create shuffle okay oh no not again now we're going to let's name it shaper shp and it's going to be a polygon then a coordinate system it's very important so geographic guardian system oh geographic word and then wgs 1994 okay so that's our coordinate system then okay and yeah our shapefile is ready now you can draw a sh shape easily but to draw a shape let's say i am interested in a particular area i would like to draw a shape file of that area so i'm just going to load one base map and the reason i loaded this but this street base map is because it's it doesn't take long time to load but if you do imagery satellite image then it will take huge time to load okay now i am interested in let's set this zone yep here so you can easily all right editor yep start editing now i'm going to draw a polygon so to drop a draw polygon you can just right click here create features and by the way if you don't have this editor toolbar right click here and go to check this editor editor okay now here shp if you just click here you can create a share file but in your case you might not be able to do that you need to first click here then click here this polygon i just made a template actually so to create a template you need to go here organize template then new template and check it then finish now i have two of them close it down okay let's say this is my shift file polygon then i want to create a viewership file so let's again go to the what catalog then this js tutorial folder then new again shift file and it's going to be a viewership file so river is line so it's not polygon now so it's polyline again you need to specify the geographic coordinate system okay so it was word wgs 1994 but if you are going to create a geodatabase then you don't have to write or specify that geographic code in its system again and again it's just one time okay now we have created our river line so let's draw everywhere we don't have that but um river temperature so river finish yeah now we can digitize it that i i think you got the idea so i'm just going to make one randomly okay so when you are going to finish that just double click and we haven't created any new fields yet so you can create new fields right click here go to open it to be developed and before creating a new field you need to stop this editing toolbar okay just so add field name let's say we are just interested in that everyone name our road name so name shouting teacher name is going to be a string text so text okay fine so now start editing [Music] this is our reverb so we just activated it and right click it now you can see that name and you can edit the name let's say it's river what pad oh my keyboard okay that's it so now you can also change the color of this river and let's say i will like red color no but not okay let's change the color to this um blue one okay fine so it's changed now let's say oh now one thing to notice here is that before you start your work it would be a wise decision to check the coordinate system of your layout that is this data frame and you can see it's wgs 1994 fine same as our shift files coordinate system with the properties and under this source tab you will see the coordinate system yeah geographic coordinate system gcs wgs 1994 okay that's fine now let's create another ship file a point shift file so that we can assign some landmarks okay new chevron it's point by default fine unknown coordinate system go to edit 1994 okay so this is like 0.9 you can change the style okay and let's see point on your shift one i can edit that also let's find landmark okay so now go to template you can add landmarks where you want now just to make it hollow okay so now it's not just about making a map and adding some landmarks your task also is to store the data for this map for such landmarks so now we are going to store data in this landmarks for this landmark now to store you need to create a new field and you can create field from this attribute table from here or you can also yes create new fields from this shapefile so let's just i'm going to do that new shift oh it's not updated yet but i'm gonna properties now you can see your fields you can add new field now let's say what name of this field landmark name or type type type type it's going to be text yeah also you want to add a code for each landmark type it's going to be integer sorry yeah integer integer means numbers okay apply now let's see if that is updated or not yeah it's updated yes you can see here landmark type code fine now for each landmark start editing click here now right click here you'll see those type code let's say this is a what it's a mask and for that code is 15. [Music] sorry you can do that by just clicking here see now if you click here now the attribute table is open for this landmark and you can add that let's say it's a school and for this code is 20. similarly you can activate another one and add an edit but let's say you need to add thousands you are going to add thousands of landmarks each time you need to do select that one and again what again add those data now there's another way of doing such thing and that would be a bit easier for you all right let's see that so to do that go to editor options then attributes and check this display the attributes okay for the following lists and this is our landmark field apply okay now wherever you are going to add one additional what landmark one window will pop up see type let's say it's a house and then code is 15 now double click on okay don't go away see really efficient one and i found that really helpful in my working project so let's type in anything you want fine so that's how you can enhance your working efficiency now let's say i want to sorry cut one polygon not outside this polygon inside this polygon you can also do that outside let's say i'm going to add another polygon you can do that right click here just click here and yep [Applause] oh it's a bit you can also go back undo what have you done just yep again yeah now it's okay now if you are going to cut one polygon inside already built in polygon then you need to check that at first active that then go to this cut polygon tool okay and then choose this one straight line that's how i'm interested from here fine you can see all new polygon is created now if you want to add some data to the attribute table of this polygon then just right click and go to attribute and these are just by default field you can add new fields and store data okay let's see one another thing at first i'm just going to create another yeah so now if i want to let's say i want to cut a polygon just along this river line so to do that right click on this cut polygon tool then go to this tool and select this one trace trace tool now after that just click here then it will automatically follow the reverse shift file and double click at the end point see on your polygon has been created that's really easy one so these are some ways of cutting new polygons and well there's another thing to mention is that what this sticky mob tolerance this one right now it's zero i don't know what is by default one but if it's zero then there's going to be some problem so it can make some distortions in your map you don't know even okay so how can it make some distortion let's see you can move that map now but sometimes you don't want to move them but somehow they can be mobbed so go back yeah so you can move them anywhere you want yeah so you can go back actually yeah fine okay so now let's see one thing that is merging merging to polygons let's say i wanna merge these two polygons so to merge them what you need to do is just hold shift key and click another one then both of them will be selected if you are interested in selecting more polygons then again hold shift key and select another one okay fine now go to this edit tool then this merge on merge and now you need you can you can see that you have two options either this one and that one now if you do this one then the left one will be marched with the right one and all the data of the left one will be vanished and only the data of the right polygon will exist right now we don't have any data so we can't see any changes but that's one major major problem of marching so before you merge be careful okay all right let's see another editing to an editing tool actually which may save your time significantly so let's say i oh sorry okay now to overcome this problem what you need to do is go to options and sticky more tolerance make it to 999 or thousand apply okay and now you can't drag that independent fine okay now let's see another editing method not my editing method it's just i'm correcting correction method so let's say for example i am interested in drawing this river line so just to rever zoom a bit yeah so you've got the idea okay i'm just to save our time just randomly drawing it okay now you don't want maybe you don't want that extended line outside your boundary shape file you can undo that and create again new one but in a large data set it's not possible to undo that and draw again okay so how can i do that to do that you can double click on the shape and now you can see all those vertex so you can see there's a vertex there's another vertex so we can just delete this vertex okay now you can see that that extended line is gone but our shape file is not just from the boundary so to do that what you can do is again double click here then just drag it to yeah here now you can see it's just from the boundary so that's how you can correct some errors and if you don't have that option you don't see that vertex in identification then go to this editor again and snapping you can see check this snapping toolbar and you can see that right here snapping toolbar all right so so far we have seen so many things now let's see one thing called leveling how to level let's say those um landmarks so go to point um properties then under this levels level tab at first check this level feature in this layer otherwise you won't see any level then here you can select the attributes what you want to visualize so let's say i just wanted to visualize type name of those plant marks and here's color you can change the color let's just green board apply yep you can see this was a house it was a mosque it's cool okay here there was no data we didn't store any data for this landmark that's why it's blank fine now let's say you also want to visualize or want to see the code for each landmarks so and you can't actually at a time you can't show two of the fields here there is no option you just apply sorry you just you can show just one field but there's one option for you using this expression so at first you need to select this parser python javascript or bb script i would prefer python okay but effort there's one field you can delete it so let's say i want to plot i want to visualize type and also code so just you need to write plus that is in python concatenation so type plus code you can verify that here just just to see that is it working or not yep mask 15 you can see it's working okay apply yeah now you can see house code 15 school 20 here you can see zero zero these are just by default values okay now one thing isn't looking good is that there's no space in between code and house and let's say i want to i want to show this 15 this code in new line okay so how can i do that again go to expression and after this plus for a space you can just give a comma quotation again a plus okay now you just verify yeah there's a space okay now if you want to put a new line then just backslash n that would yep fine backslash and now you can see house 15 15 okay that's a little bit of about leveling now let's see how can i calculate area of each of those polygons if you go to the attribute table you can see there's no field for area now i'm just going to create one new field so at first stop the editing session go add field name name let's suggest area yeah i don't wanna use that a name hh so you can name it anything so it's going to be integer that is number okay and just to calculate area you just right click here and calculate geometry but you can't calculate area because area disabled because we are using wgs 1984 so to calculate area you need a projection system you need to project it that is utm zone image we could have done that at the very beginning of making shapefile when we specified or assigned our coordinate system to wgs 1994 that time we could have assigned it to utm zone okay so okay now we need to we need to change it that so to change it just you can do ctrl f search uh you can do it from windows then search okay you need to project it yeah object okay go to this project under data management tool double click here then import data center feature so our share file then output data setup feature class um here [Music] location actually so i happened to actually what i usually store it in this folder in another new file geodatabase just give it a name and you can save it anywhere you want let's project that output coordinate system that's the important one how can i know that which projection system is appropriate for me so you can simply go to google and let's say um utm world utn zone map okay just get oh it's nice now you can see that from my location it's 45 46 here i'm here bangladesh you can actually find out one more transparent one i did found one yeah that's it now you can see that here is my study area this one it's utm 46 and you can find it for your own study area as well okay so it's utm for day six so go to here projection projected coordinate system then utm okay wgs 1994 and it's in northern northern hemisphere it was 45 and 46. all right yeah here okay then what transformation which i i leave them just alone okay yep our projection is done now project it's actually not a new feature class i'm just unclicking out them just this one now if you go to the attribute table you should see new yeah shape length and shape area automatically and i think it's in um meter square yeah centimeter square you can add another field add fields let's say in kilometer in what kilometer so it's a integer yep now values yes okay so right click on it then go to field geomet geometrically geometry then here you can see units square kilometer okay okay yep you can see now 44 kilometer this one 44 kilometer then 46 39 73 if you double click here then that portion will be zoomed you can see over here yeah and it's really one powerful tool when you are going to visualize a large dataset okay so not too technic so before we dive into geodatabase let's see one another thing that is um just now we have this nice template this green color template let's say that this um blue color river but if we just now delete them all okay and again we drop or load our data shape files you can see all those what all those templates or styles are gone so to preserve them or if you just want to start every time you want to start from the point where you left so to do that you need to create one mxd file okay now let's do a bit of change like the previous one let's just keep it red shape okay fine that's it so we're not going to save it so let's save it go to file then save as you can save wherever you want i'm just going to save as like g i s d u okay okay now i just opened a new one then go to the folder how you have just stored this mxd file um i saved it here it's what name was gis toppo yep tutorial yeah yes now you can see that all the changes we made the last time are now here and now you if you do let's say edit start editing okay if you change anything here or edit anything here that will automatically be stored or saved in this shape point shape file reverse effect or this polygon shape file let's try one so i am just going to cut a new polygon yeah and save it stop edit fine and now if again i just drag that shape file you can see just unselect them that change is already saved in that shapefile also so i think that's enough about shapefile editing all right so far we have seen how to create a shape file and how to digitize it then we have also seen some of the basics of this editing toolbar now it's time to move on to geodatabase how to create a geodatabase okay so as i said earlier geodatabase is much more efficient and easiest way of gis data story and it's more in more accurate actually and geodatabase allows us to apply topological rules but on the other hand shapefiles doesn't allow us that so now let's see how to create a geodatabase now what we're not going to create a new one blank map okay now again in a folder we can do this at the same folder.js tutorial go to new file geodatabase okay yep so we're going to file the g database what's happening here yeah so find your device you can rename it um let's say i want don't uh touch that jdb extension this is the file extension dot jdb okay now let's say what geo database god okay now right click here and again go to new and create a feature data set this feature data set is actually to refer to each feature class a same geographic coordinate system or coordinate system like a speech dataset and then the feature dataset let's say i'm going to see let's name it utm 46 because my utm zone is 1846 next now it's region 5 utm 46 it's a geographic sorry it's a projection system and if i do that then you don't have to reproject your feature for generating area of that polygon so next leave that alone next again next finish so we have created if i'm just going to delete all those things um yeah i don't need them anymore yes fine so it's utm 46 now in this feature data set now we are going to create new feature classes what are actually feature classes which is what we have seen earlier that road data set then um what a polygon these are all feature classes so feature class adds up we need at first we need a shape file so let's say it's a shp file shape okay alias don't doesn't matter polygon it's going to be a polygon because it's a polygon file default okay next now this is attribute table we can add some attributes in that shape in that polygon file feature class you can add from attribute table also but it's good to add from here let's say and name name i don't use that a because of my keyboard problem and i mean name is going to be text yeah let's say one unique code so it's going to be integer fine allow null values yes default value you can also assign one default value let's say for code our default value is zero finish yep so this share file is created that's i wanna add another feature class and that is going to be a road road so it's like a rod but i don't use a calling it's going to be line feature next next now you can see that you don't have to specify again and again that coordinate system but in the shape file in the case of shift file we have to do that but here we don't have to do that so let's again root name or type but each no right now let's say um name yep name going to be text then diameter diameter and it's going to be integer next yeah so road shape fine now let's say i i'm just not interested in one road i need i i'm interested in multiple road type it could be local road village um major highway etcetera so in the case of ship fire you need to create another ship file let's say for one is for major highway another is for village road but in the case of g database you can create subtype so if i just write here on this property and go to what subtype here here subtype you can create new subtype and for sub tab you need a field and that should be that should be a integer so we are going to create one another field for this subtype so let's say it's a type of road but it's gotta be integer okay now apply again go to subtypes now you can see we got that oh no okay again go to properties and again subtype yeah you can see that type right now so type it's a new subtype code one it's a description that is the name of the subtype that's i'm interested in this one one oh what i did um as your highway highway then number two is village road the number three four etcetera you can add i'm just interested into apply okay now just delete this root remove and again load that you can see we have two new features symbol two road symbol highway and village route okay now you can also create new what feature class that's going to be a landmark l and the landmark okay it's going to be point feature next next and let's type this text yeah and code that's going to be a integer finish fine let's now add a base map however you're interested in we're going to just find that open straight okay so this is now an utm zone actually that's why this ship udm 46 okay now let's say i'm interested in here okay now to create new shapefiles rows you know we go this create features and already our templates is ready template is ready fine now let's say i am just at first shape so say for example we're interested in this shape from this highway so i do that you need to do that carefully i'm just randomly doing it okay double click the end point fine now make it hollow you can also change the kind symbol yeah if you are interested in simple marker fill symbol no no no okay then highway highway lsa so this is going to be a highway yep now village road a local road let's say this is a this is a local route okay i first draw highways fine now village road that's this one this is a highway right now if you want to add data for this local village road then you just need to click here attributes you can see name whatever the name of this road let's say here that i wrote ro8 i am not going to write a diameter let's say 30 meter okay then fine and for this road this one just selected the name xyz something in diameter it's a bit high let's say 35 that's it i don't even store for this one now if you go to the type let's go to table open attribute table where is the type yeah here you can see that this selected one it's highway we know that and here you can see type highway automatically and this one it's low color village wood you can see this is village automatically fine and you can also change that here it's like a domain village with okay fine now you can change the symbology io is let's say red color okay and village road let's say it's in railroad residential street and um color okay now you can see that now that car is not good okay now you can see highways versus local waste so that's the beauty of what geodatabase now you can also create domain but i'm not going to do that so to create domain you can create just from this right click on this geodatabase then properties and you can create a domain here you can also create specific domains let's search for road right click here properties and you can click from this domain section although we don't need any domain here so fine that's how we create geodatabase okay now if we look at the attribute table attribute table and see the area you can see it automatically generated the area for of this shape for us automatically due to just changing that coordinate system to utm zone okay and as you can see that it's 16 square kilometer it's given in meter square so if you just change it to kilometer square you can do that and by just adding new field okay now what let's add some points also a point landmark so online mark here if you just want to store something you can store here type and let's say it's a house code 15 then here let's say it's a mosque or temple code particle okay you can do those things fine now change that for school you can do sc h development school you can search for schools this is the school symbol you can see symbol is changed now you can make subtype for landmarks or just create another feature class let's say new feature class uh cannot create a feature okay stop editing yes then again what new feature plus name library let's say library it's going to be point next next and name text let's say and what code integer finish now one library added we can change that lib library this way so if you are just start editing and want to add libraries you can add them also okay and by the way if you are just interested in to know you want to know the coordinates of this but this point so you can do that just landmark go to open attribute table you need to create one new field actually then let's say here it's not good right click here fade calculator no not critical um calculate geometry if now you can see x coordinate so you can see here x coordinates if you just give okay here then you can you need to open another field then again go to field sorry i can go to calculate geometry in a y coordinate so you can also have y coordinate in another separate column okay so i'm not going to do that just if you're interested in all right let's now talk about how topological rules work and what is actually topology topological rules are actually some of the geo geometry related rules to find out the errors in your geodatabase is there any error let's say your this road is a bit ahead from the boundary so that's actually an error so you need to find that error but it's a pretty small data set that's how you can find that out but if it's really big one and in real life you will have really big one then you can't just visually see that so you need to run that topology rule then that will automatically say you that is hey that's a there's an error and you can inspect that okay now so let's see how actually topological rules apply so again go to catalog then here in this ugm46 or feature data set if you don't haven't created any feature data set you need to create one before applying topological rule so right click here new you can see topology cannot create a double okay okay stop editing save changes yes of course again new topology next okay next now select the featured classes that will participate in the topology so let's say i wanna add road um landmark and ship next rank okay that's fine next add rule that's the main point features of feature class this is our feature class landmark a rule must be covered by boundary okay we want to all the points be in our boundary so that this rule will apply on our data set and we'll find out find out if there's any point beyond our boundary okay okay we have added that add another rule now let's do not landmark i want to shape file so must not overlap or you can add many more must not overlap must not have dangles that is it should have an ending ending point okay add rule must not also overlap must not overlap okay add roll now it's for shape rule must not overlap by default okay fine next finish so let's see what it does new topology has been created would you like to have validated yeah of course so just unselect this one now you can see one new layer has been created just to drag it here do you want to what add all the feature classes yeah of course use okay now you can see here is the issue actually we got huge dataset yeah let's just delete all of them at first yeah then again yeah yes now it's okay fine so you can see these red points are telling us these are some errors actually this is this is not a because these are our school points so so but there is no school file so to inspect that you need topological tool what is that topology yeah here this one topology you can see it's inactive so to activate it start editing okay now it's activated so i'm going to inspect error this window will pop up i don't need that yeah so let's see must be road must not have dangles for the search i'll search now i thought there's no error here but it's showing us so right click here and what zoom zoom to yeah you can see we thought there's no error but you can see here it's actually beyond the boundary so to fix that you can fix that but if your um trim if you do mark as exception then it will be just um interpreted as it's not an error snap show rules select okay now you're going to actually fix that so double click here you can see a vertex here just delete that vertex and you can see now everything is fine so let's see the next one zoom to what's the problem here i think it's fine okay isn't it yeah it's fine so mark this as exception it's not a problem let's go to the next one zoom to the ah so now how can i fix that okay just yeah i think now it's okay isn't it no yep nice so let's see the last one zoom to the layer again you need to extend it a bit okay so now just whether you're going to validate it whether it topology in current extent if it's validated now so must not have dangles in that rule we don't have now any error such no that's one also this one maybe zoom to this one okay it's okay just mark as exceptional fine so that's how you need to correct all of the must not overlap for shift i think there's no because we just just have one single shape there's no error must not overlap must be covered by boundary for points search now we have some problem you must be covered but why not this is actually a problem obviously i think i validated that that's why it's not showing us any error oh yeah now go to zoom 2 where is this one yeah this one so just what can i do for that just delete it okay then go to second one [Music] um zoomed to it so it's inside our what inside our polygon but why is that showing us as one error because it's actually i think it's our library that's why so it's exception it's also exception okay fine now you don't need to actually validate it because the editings are actually occurring on our real shapes real feature classes okay so now you can delete it remove that do you want to save it yeah of course now that you have seen that just in this small data set we have huge errors so in a large data set you you really want to try that one this topological correction if you are a gis professional you definitely use this topological tool okay so if now i just you can delete it yes fine it's not a problem now i can what again if add those things shape you can see all the white errors are gone we have no errors not no points outside the boundary okay so that's it that's all about topological rule all right now in this video you're going to see how to create a base map of your own maybe we'll not see how to create this type of base map that but we'll see different types of study area mapping but if you are facing trouble on making such one then feel free to comment in the comment section down below now we'll see a pre-recorded video after finishing it we'll be right back with new ideas okay you have to download the country shape file so if you don't know how to download i am assuming you are a beginner so head over to the then go to free spatial data and then country level after that select your country and administer degree okay download a zip file then move it to a folder and extract it then back to our arcgis and to add your data click here and go navigate to the folder where you have stored your data then okay edit file now let's find out our study area so go to properties oh no we don't need properties i need attribute table go to open table fine now you have to search your study area location name from this attribute table and in which column your location area exists it's actually difficult if you have a big shape file so we're not going to do that so we're just going to find search our study real name so it's sad fine now you can see in this column adm3 en your study area located your desired study area name is okay that's fine then now to select that study area just go to selection then select by attributes fine now now here you can see all the column names and select the column name higher your location lies is equal to then a question mark and write your study language fine apply oh i found it then we need to cut that equip that right click here go to data export data then save it in the folder you can browse here okay fine okay okay i don't so this is our location map fine all right then now click in the down left corner view layout view okay we don't want this layout then go ahead file and page i will give it a4 and that's it okay finally just resize it that's the board fine now what now i want to show this map in my original this large mothership file so to do that at first go to insert and insert a data frame fine then go to here this catalog click here then navigate to the folder where you have stored your data shapefile data counter shape file so i am very and drag it here now you can see your quantitation file is here now just right click and zoom to there right click and zoom to there all right now let's say you want to highlight your your study area in the big shift file that is your country shape file so how do we do that so to do that you have to again in add your study area map in this second new that is second data frame so now again go to the shape value study rear shift file and drag it here now if you uncheck it you can see this is your study fine so at first hollow it otherwise you can't see your study area and change the color color i'm gonna give it all right cool now you can see this is your country ship file sorry you studied here okay now you can draw something like draw fine i'm gonna give a line so double click again it still line this line and again that's it so now if you want to provide grades it's pretty simple grades new grid where next levels only i want it like 9. nine next next next fish and apply you can see the grids here and these are pretty pretty small and i don't like this format there's a horizontal from it i want it vertically so go to properties and hit check right and i don't want to check it for left sorry because in the left side i already have another map so i just wanted to write okay okay apply and increase it to eight okay nice and nice as because i have i didn't check the left side that's why in the left side i don't have any coordinates but if you want you can get and if you want more coordinates just you can change the interval for interval of coordinates interval of latitude longitude degrees so from here from this section this section you can like say five by five then there will be more coordinates okay good okay now you can make some coloring and make it more compelling like go to the shapefile properties then symbology now levels and check this level features and here expression we are going to select adm4 in this column we got our union names apply now you can see names right here and they're small so we are going to increase the font size 12. and fold it fine apply black now you can see that there's no more appending than the previous one okay now i can color this map by different name of the location so to do that go to symbology and categories here unique values under unique values go to value field and again select the same column then add all values you can change the color ramp okay apply okay now it's colored then what you can do is insert some text here oh it's pretty small okay what do you want like study area and change size oh and place it here well you can add scale lord thorough scale bar fine and i don't need the legend because you can see which union name is what clearly from the map so while agent but if you want you can insert it just click here legend next next and you can provide a background like next times to finish this is your lip sorry legend you can group it you can resize it by just group it resize it access it you can do many things with this but our focus is not that we want to create another location map where we can see where is the river where is built up areas and everything that is we want to create another stair area with a satellite image using satellite image so remove all of these okay to make a desired image map you have to at first download certain image so if you don't know how to download one then you can watch my video on how to download cloud freezer image okay then extract then satellite image and you have to do one thing called composite file you have to make computer i have already made my composite file if you don't know how to make this composite image you can watch my another video on land use classification it's just a two minute task fine now again import input your study area where is my story that is okay next go ahead to windows search and here write extract my mask then hit enter okay under special list tool fine here you set that image then you study specify location save okay okay fine you can see our extract by mask is ready so now we don't need the previous big dial remove it okay zoom to the layer all right it's quite different after extracted export this map all right okay now i want to make this one as my steady area map seven five three the same color combination color you you may find in lens seven when it's seven four two six is okay now you can see over here this is the this is built up areas this is river ganges river it's pretty pretty informative now how can we make it like our previous one so oh it's default so now what you need is insert data frame it's like previously how we we did previous make our main previous map it's pretty simple that way so r is a country shift front there it is fine make it a little bigger me zoom to there right now again extract these this one or just the shape file you had i have here and make it hollow okay and change the color red okay now you can see again you can draw a line now you can write here the river name like it's ganges river so go to insert text what again just say river so i want to rotate it so again 52 change symbol okay how is that okay fine now if you want to add your location data that is your stations you can add them at data then add extra editor your coordinates go to the folder i you have stored your coordinates and make sure your coordinate system is in wgs 1984 read it and make it okay okay fine i'm gonna change it fine now if you want to add legend you can edit inside legend next next background next next okay now we don't need this rgb so to delete it just convert to graphic then again ungroup it here you can select which one you want to delete divide them again group them fine uh okay fine now now if you want to add legend you can edit before that i'm gonna change it to stations st or sampling locations fine i'm going to insert legend next next next you can give a background patient okay convert it to graphic because we don't need rgb we are going to delete it fine eliminate them okay now again group them group okay fine let's imagine so again if you want to add coordinate grids you can add them i'm not going to do that again so it's now the final part is so you know i'm gonna just export it export map okay jp easy just 300 dpi save it i just saved fine now you can see it that's it this is our map okay fine that's it for now i think you've learned something previously you have seen how to make a map like this now we are going to see how how can we add two different maps together and before we move on to adding two different maps together let's just see how can we add one excel file with our existing maps attribute table so now let's see say for example this is a district data restricted wise district names or you can say state names versus number of um solar panels installed so i just want to geographically show or plot this data in a map so to do that you need to join this data with your one existing maybe shapefile so let's go back to arcgis and i'll delete this map at first now yep fine now i'm going to load one country shape file so it's actually g database fine now what let's see the attribute table of this here you can we also got one what um state name in this map these are just all the district names of bangladesh okay now our task is to drag that csv file in our arcgis and remember to save that file excel file in csv format okay now you can open that see that district names find volatile right you can see but we have another one now to before you join you need to confirm that there's one common common column name in between in your excel file and also in your arcgis map if there's no common common column then there's going to be no joining okay so open attribute table and you can see why we had bundle one same thing and it will actually match every word single word if there's any spelling mistake or any spelling discrepancy in between two of them then there will be none uh that will not be joined okay so to join right click here and go to what join and relate join so join attributes you have two options we're going to join from a table and choose the column which is common in between both of them so this is our text column and that's the and you keep all the records that is we are going to give all the data's whether they are common or not so if there's some data not common in between both of them then we'll see some nand values fine so if you are familiar with sql then it's actually in a joining and if you just sorry it's outer joining and if you just select this one keep on the matching records it's in a joining okay so we want to see all of them fine so let's again see the attribute table now you can see we got all the district names added with our to our arcgis map and corresponding number of installed pp cells now if you right double click here then you will see all the nand values you can see two nand values and maybe because they didn't match the name spelling didn't match so you need to again edit this this column so that they can match and you will get the value so for the time being i'm just going to start editing okay okay no problem just a random one i started editing but i can't edit oh i need to export this map now the second task is to export this map because to save all the changes you have just done so do it exported data export data store wherever you want okay okay what is that saying as you can't create anyone oh okay stop that editing session stop editing and we are now going to put export data let's export it now we don't need them anymore if you see that which table you can see number of installed district and then values and you can manually edit them let's say this for this zone it was 100 1050 and for this one it was let's say 500 just okay now save it and stop editing so that's it that's how you can join to different attribute table in arcgis and if you are interested in uh visualize this data you can do that go to properties then symbology and yeah categories yeah categories quantize yep quantize let's say we are interested in graduated colors so here click the value and we are interested in this in stock pv cells fine you can classify it um let's say i'm just interested in four classes and it was natural break you can do equal interval or quantile all right let's see four different now you can see one nice colored map and with what with number of installed pv cells range so this one is the lowest range those color okay here it's highest okay now you can also change that symbology let's say you want four classes yeah but you can manually change this class range let's say you want to start from 2000 then second one you want to be in 5000 so on there yeah so you can do that and you can also change the color yep if you would like to so that's it that's how we do such thing and then next we are going to see how can i join two different layers attribute table okay now we are going back to our previous data um this gis mxd okay yep now you can see this is a library layer this is school then roads okay so if you go to the library attribute table you can see some library names fine and here let's see some school land so i'd like to join those school names to library names and we're also interested in the closest school uh closest library from a school okay that is we want to know which library is close to this school and also we'll see the distance between them so let's see that how can i do that let's say we're gone we're going to open the attribute no no need to open attribute table it's going to join but now you don't need any common column common attribute okay so join from data from another layer based on spatial location so choose the layer to join okay fine now you're going to select this one each point will be given all the attributes and this is going to be a new layer okay fine join output three okay so yeah it's giant okay now if you see that beauty table you can see open attribute table and let's see fine school name library name you can see and also the distance um just close here so you can see this x school name x is so library name x is closest to school d actually yep and the distance is about sixty six kilometer fine it's not like it's magic metering so 66 meter pretty close so that's i would say a really powerful one powerful joining by which you can also measure the distance between two features now you can also measure the distance between two objects manually using this tool here okay so let's see which is our d school name d um attribute this one this is now here if you click here then what is it showing us find good weights okay now here click here and double click here you can see 68 meter and we found that what open it with table d versus x 66 68 i'm pretty close maybe i got some error here but it's fine okay okay now if you would like to join this attribute table in one of your existing feature layers let's say you want to join that feature the table in this library table or school table you can also do that because we have a column common let's say school name is common in this join output also it's common in this school name column okay so right click here open um go to join so join data now we are going to join table not layer choose the field in this layer based on school name choose the table to join yep join output three yes then chose yeah everything else to keep all records keep on the matching records okay keep all fine quick there you can see schoolname schoolnet yeah here all right double school number library name distance everything is here fine so that's enough about joining different layers or attribute tables let's now see how can we join two different maps together so let's say i am just going to add one new shapefile and new feature class name it new shape okay next next and just one column name and it's text by default name i'd like to say let's say yes by default let's say it's okay finish okay so we are not going to edit okay now you can see this new show yep new ship yeah so you're just going to create one new ship file that has nothing to do with this existing ship file but we assume they do share common border yep so you assume that they do share down border but you can see there's one gap in between them but don't worry when we merge them we can fix that so let's say i want to merge these two shape files shapes into one so what you can do we have two options just to go to here um windows search okay one is union uh union so union 3d analysis we're now going to new shape and merge okay output file name eu okay so we got we have connected both of them let's just unclick rest of them so here this you delete this what is that you you here okay now if we go to the attribute table we should see two polygons open attribute table but here you can see we got three polygons one this one okay fine it's the previous one okay but this one this little one is one actually error if you double click here it will zoom so need to merge that with this one so to match that you need to select both of them just hold shift and click this polygon okay now click edit and merge so you can see this is the valid one so double click here this is merged now you can see that still there's some problem here you can also fix that how i just double click here you can see this vertex so just we are going to yep i think it's not right okay so if there's still some problem you can also merge both of them into just one that's another line this line you can remove that just delete vertex delete vertex now it's done again you can draw a boundary from here to here now there should not be any error yep so that's one kind of joining there's another joining that is merge m e r g e merge and i would prefer this merge tool but it depends on the attribute table if you take a look at the attribute table closely then you'll see the difference between march and union and if you have any any questions about them please let me know in the comment section down below and now let's see how does this merge operation or tool or um function so again just these two new shape and old ship new ship and shp fine m-e-r-g merge we'll do much when we have two common features two common columns or you can say attribute in the attribute table so and we are going to join two large maps having same attributes then we use this merge tool okay okay let's see close that you can see fine same thing right we have seen before but just a little bit of difference in attribute table now you can see only two attribute table and if this is actually one name with capital letters starts with capital letter and this one starts starts with small letter but if the spelling of that two column name are same then you would see just one column named name not two but in the case of march sorry in the case of union whether they they're same name or not you will see always two new column names okay that's the difference between march and union i would say yeah major difference and you can see here a bit of what um error as we right as we fixed those problems previously we can also same way you can solve this problem also okay so fine that's all about merging joining and i think i showed all kinds of merging in arcgis possible marching maybe there's some other merging or data joining yeah actually some other types of journey exists so join if you go to there join there's another type of joining you can see here this one and sometimes you can join if you don't have any primary key by just a geological or special relationship i'm not going to show you that okay cancel that so that's it for today's lesson okay now in this section we're going to see different types of buffering in arcgis and we're going to start off by just the common one okay so to start buffering counter life yep you need to just write here buffer okay then go to this buffer analysis double click here okay now the you need to select the layer on which layer you want to perform buffering so i let's say i would like to use this road okay the location saving location buffer save that let's say i want to create a buffer zone of 30 meters around the roads okay so 30 maybe it's a restricted zone okay so okay now close now you can see that we have made a 30 meter of buffer zone in the of both side of the road and this overlapping appearance isn't looking great so we can dissolve that let's just delete that one make another one so again you're going to select our road then location okay meters 30 meter and we want to dissolve the overlapping boundaries so here under this dissolve type you can specify all okay close that now you can see all the overlapping areas are gone that's fine so now let's see say that say for example i don't want same buffer zone for for all the all the road type maybe for highway i want 20 meter buffer zone and for village road i want 30 meter buffer zone so how do i do that to do that you need to modify your attribute table a bit so let's go to the mark add vegetable of river road sorry road yep here you can see the diameter of road now if it's a highway okay then diameter we said maybe it's for buffer zone 20 maintenance and if it's a village word and then we set it to you can see here 30 meter you can edit it by just what you want actually so let's now see how can i how do i deploy that so again go to buffer import the layer okay output location then we don't select this one now you're going to select this field okay we're going to select the field which is going to participate in this buffering now diameter okay again um dissolve all let's see how it turns okay oh no i have selected maybe this road that's why i just deployed on one road so remove that yeah unselect that then again go to buffer do the same thing again [Music] filled and diameter them all okay fine close now you can see this buffer zone is a bit smaller than this one because it's 20 meter and it's 30 meter so by this way you can make different buffer zoom for different it's a feature class not feature class actually symbology root types okay different attributes now let's see another buffer method that is multiple ring let's say you want to make multiple buffer zones for one road maps for some different purpose so let's see how can i do that remove that again now we're not going to use this buffer analysis you're not going to the toolbox yep here you can see this is the buffer one that we have used now we are going to use this one multiple ring buffer okay now double click here input features our road output location okay now distance let's say i want to create a buffer zone of 10 meter then 20 meter and 20 meter and another one of 30 meter okay okay default dissolvable okay distance unit meter okay let's see now our buffer is now you can see we have three different classes 10 20 30 this is 10 this is 20 meter and this is 30 meter so that's it that's all i have got for you about buffer tool in arcgis up next we'll see quite interesting one that is data filtering in arcgis so move to the next one greetings folks in this tutorial we are going to talk about some of the data manipulating data filtering and preprocessing techniques and it turns out that some people at the beginning of their journey they seems overlooked this data processing but it can significantly save you time and efficiency working efficiency i would say so without further ado let's get right into the video what you can see in front of you it's actually a real world um gis problem it's national map making project and here you can see that this is actually boundary or shift shape some polygons of an area and these are the roads different road types national regional zela road okay village road now for the convenience of your understanding and so that my laptop would not freak out i have deleted huge amounts of those data's it was really a big one and these are some landmarks these green dots are some landmarks okay and what and there was also some other layers as well i have deleted them for the convenience of our understanding i as i said before and let's just take a look at those layers okay here this is our jio database and if you just take a look you can see here we had this forest layer image index layer then landmark 3d i have already already removed that we also had river network you can see here then road yeah we already have that water bodies also what whatever is now if i just zoom you can see how complex it gets we're not going to use that we're just going to delete all of them index yep let's just start our working now at the first step i'm going to show you guys how to select some particular areas of your data set of this shape okay you can select a polygon by just this tool select features this tool just click it then click the polygon where you are interested now you can see this is selected now if i head over to the attribute table you can see this one is selected and if you just double click here it will be zoomed okay this one is just selected and now to unselect this one you can just click here okay or you can just click outside of this shape it will be gone okay unselected fine and there are some other ways of selecting another one is by just starting this editor toolbar then select this one click on this one and click on your desired one okay you can see this one selected uh yeah here this one selected and similarly you can unselect that by just clicking outside but if you select by this editor toolbar you can see if you right click here and attributes you can see the attributes okay but there's another way of seeing all those attributes associated with this what with this a polygon so just by using this one identity so click here and click on anywhere you want it will pull out all the data for that what for that um polygon or whatever it is so you can also select that the layer for which you want the data it's for your boundary this one this layer okay okay i got it i can see that yeah now you can see all the data associated with this one sorry this one now you can see okay fine so this has two ways of um inspecting or selecting your shapes or polygon now we are going to see another one that is sql sql command or sql command using if you are familiar with sql then that's fine but if you don't know about sql that's also fine because sql is just normal plain english language like okay so to select you will go to the select watch toolbar select by attributes my attributes main we are going to select by some of the columns present in our attribute table like mojo name here you can see union word etc uid okay so yeah now select by attributes so let's say i want to select some of these what some of these um polygons by the way there's another thing to show you let's say i want to select more than one you can select by just this one you can see more than one and if you can also one export that map this selected one if you just go to right click here and export that data export data you can um export that as a geodatabase or as a shapefile also okay you can use specify that shape file or personal geodatabase okay so let's say i'm going to save it as a database that's it okay okay let's now is it here zoom to the layer you can see this is now exported you can now also see that in google but you also open that in google earth pro okay so let's just delete this one okay so we are in the selection select by attributes okay so i wanna select some mojo name okay you can also select from this attribute table yeah you can see here more than one also if you would like to okay now unselected and clear selection there's another way of selecting let's say you just want to select everything every polygon except they selected this let's say 10 10 polygons so to do that um just switch selection now you can see all the polygons are selected except those selected at the first moment what is selected okay really cool one okay fine oh i forgot some other ways of selection if you just go to this um selection no here not here this one you can see selected by polygon let's just open this one so let's say now you can create a polygon and inside that poly every everything inside that polygon will be selected now you can see everything inside that polygon is selected okay yep so now there's another way of selection that is select by lasso this lasso is just you can make irregular shapes whatever you want they will be selected and is there anything else circle create a circle and everything inside that circle will be selected okay uh there's also one another thing is called select back graphics okay so i think i'm not going to show that right now that's enough enough about different selection types so now let's select by attributes well now you can change the layer on which you are going to perform that sql query so let's say i'm interested in mta boundary and right here you can see that most name i am interested in this module name so in a big data set maybe your mood's name is not here it's um in a distant place you can't find that easily just close that for a moment so in the case of that problem you can go to the properties then i have this field okay then you can this is sort mojo name here move that to top so you can easily find that field and you can select some unnecessary fields they are not going to be deleted they are just temporarily not going to participate in your geodatabase okay so i can do that okay so apply now you can see this mojo name this column is not the first place now you can easily find that column okay now i can select by attributes so i'm tested in this mode name so here this is they already have written some sql query for you so that it's going to be more easy to you select every column from this star means everything everything from a boundary this is a boundary column this event layer higher mojo name equal you don't have to use double equal just one equals okay let's say get unique values you can directly write a name just um copy it ctrl c then you paste it but before pasting here you need to paste it in between quotation mark apply you can see that selected here this one selected but that's another way of selecting okay it's by this get unique values now you can see all the names are here you can select any one you want let's say if you write here first one was mal you can see here apply and it will do that um quotation mark for you automatically okay now we just selected one single polygon let's say you want to select multiple of them all right now i'm gonna select another polygon let's say this name but if you just write this way you can verify that it's an error it's not a valid sql command okay you can you cannot use that way so you need to use one operator this equal is an operator and now we are going to use another operator and we are going to use either and or this or operator now if you're going to select something in the same column you can say that you can't use that and operator because in this same column there's no field where there is you are going to match two names at a time in this field there's not two name it's just one single name so you can't use and you need to use or operator so it's it's going to find the first name then second name also okay so let's just let's see this one or again you need to use molds a name equal let's say this one so it's just two of them let the middle just the name so we want this one or this one and if we have both of them then it will return select both of them if we don't have one one of them then it will at least return this one okay so if i just verify it you can see it's successfully verified i apply that okay you can see two of them are selected okay apply that too now let's say you want to select another polygon or another name so again you need to repeat that again you need to write that r and then moves name equals but there's another way of doing that it's actually easiest one so we're not going to use this or equal operator now you're going to use this in mojo name in we're going to use this parenthesis or bracket and within this bracket we're going to pass our desired names that's this one then use one comma this one also this one there's three of them okay now you need don't need to use any and or or okay fine just apply it oh no what's the problem okay mars name in oh i forgot fine apply now you can see all of them are selected this one is nice okay now clear that clear from here now let's say we want to [Music] um select a range of names you can you can't select range of names in sql but in arcgis as our names are sorted you can select range of names using between operator so you need to write that w between you can write that in small later that doesn't matter okay so model name between let's say this one and you don't need to use any anything here between comma okay let's see verify that now it's not verified you need to use one and i guess yeah now apply that yeah it should get selected yeah select it you can see now all of them are selected this range of names but the range of values you can select by between operators because it just works on integer integers yeah but it doesn't work on string but in this case it works in arcgis now let's see the valid use of this between operator that's uh shape area unique values you can see shape areas some of them so let's say i want ship all the shapes where area is in between the t in the middle between um this one 19 kilometer and let's say this one so in between this range apply that okay now it only selected those polygons where our query get criteria met okay fine so let's again select select by attributes clear that query and we'll also use some other operators let's say is that shape area greater than this one apply okay to save all the polygons higher shape is greater than that value this seems like everything is selection only these i think four polygons didn't match that criteria now there's another way of doing such things basically when you want to narrow down your data set or obviously it's going to be more faster okay let's see how to do that so just double click here that is going to property yeah then go to this definition query and we are going to query build equity okay and this time we are going to use two different fields that's most name equal what this a h this one and we're using another field and here you would say union word name equal let's say b am this one you can also see right here this i can select it the matched this one this one yeah verify that yeah okay apply fine now let's just zoom in to zoom to layer now you can see only this data this polygon is selected right now everything else is just vanished but they are not deleted i haven't created in any new data set if you just go to properties again and clear that query okay you will see the previous data set again so it didn't it's not going to actually delete your dataset it's just going to narrow down your dataset for you to be more what to be more efficient or you can do your task more easily okay zoom to there fine now if you take a look at this attribute table you can see now all the fields are available only for this polygon okay fine so we often use this definition query so that we can do our task more easily yeah so let's now see why we use such definition queries or we select something yeah so just remove the definition query clear okay apply okay so it's back to the normal condition now let's say i'm going to landmark paid open attribute table you can see this is landmark name these are some names you can see crop field pedified post office okay let's zoom it a bit here you can see that this is land now we also have some landmark code these are specific for certain type of land landmark name so let's say i want to do something like when landmark code is 47 i want to say that lm type is fields any type of field and when landmark code is 44 and say that it's a mosque or temple such thing so i'm not going to create a new but field and you can say we're going to use every classification so based on this landmark course how can i do that one way is let's just sort it yeah let's say for nine these nines the lm type lm type is it's a text field so let's say if code is nine then lm type is none or some office field calculator so you can see baby script or python doesn't matter lm type equal say for example what office so you need to write that in quotation mark fine and close that quotation okay that's taking that long time yeah you can see office office only for those two fields but it's not a good choice when you have got a large data set we can do this for this small data set you can do that manually you can see for 47 you can again go to this alarm type field calculator you can write anything you want okay say okay as a failure what is that i don't know beautiful okay is that double quotation sensitive i don't know python isn't sensitive to that baby script yeah if you are using baby script then you need to use the double quotation but if you just convert it to python then you won't need to do that let's see that let's do one condition yeah that's what so if this is a small data set then it's quite easy for you but this data set was around we got 22 000 rows and in that case it's not actually feasible for you to every time do that manually so you can now you can use that selection select by attributes why was it landmark field yeah so you are well landmark code okay landmark code equal get unique values 44 applied it okay now you can see all the landmarks code where the code is 44 are selected now you can go to lm type and use your field calculator and let's say it's it's a mosque or what our temple okay okay so now if this is a huge data set it doesn't matter they are all selected you can see yeah mask template temple so then again you need to manually for another class you need to again select that if you you can also match two fields at a time okay you can also see a landmark name equal this one and um let's say lm name equal something else so that should match both of them then you will get one what new type let's say this one if the alarm code is no no it's not going to work now it is 15 and lm name is this one apply that should get selected on yeah that's one you can see this one this landmark now you can again apply that field calculator okay so but this is not actually very fast or you can say you need to again and again do the same thing but there's another way if you are familiar with python but if you don't have python background it's okay because writing in such else alif statements are not that hard let's now see how python can do the whole thing by just at once okay so yeah let's see a bit of code so this is our code just a simple function this is def defining a function or custom function this is a name you can give any name you want now this function takes some parameters and this is a parameter you can give any parameter name x y z etc etc so now it's telling them if x equal 15 that means our code landmark code if x equals 15 we're going to return house and and if if otherwise if x equals 44 then we will return mask or temple and by the same way alif alif we can make it long but we're not going to make it long just we're going to else if the condition doesn't meet this 44 or the code is not 15 then we're just going to return others okay so just copy this function copy go to your arcgis interface now before that i am just going to unselect everything and this alum code field calculator um make sure that you have selected this one parser python okay then just delete this one and click this show code block okay now paste your code here you can see our function here now just you need to write that function name here if you n then in parentheses in parentheses we are going to pass the field name that lm code so the x is replaced by this landmark code okay now let's hit ok oh no everything is like yeah fine yep now you can see when it's not 44 or not 15 it it just returns others other sellers if it's 44 then moscow temple otherwise if it's 15 then house and we can also hurt let's say if it's not 44 not 15 then we are just going to return our x that is just the code you want just the code fine let's again copy that let's again see field calculator and yeah okay fine now you can see just the code 56 26 26 but if it's 15 then it's going to write house or if it's 44 then it will be yeah moscow temple so that's really on fast thing so i would say yeah you'd definitely prefer this python syntax other than those what sql or manually selecting things so now you if you are familiar with python you might be wondering why this 15 is in this quotation mark because this 15 is actually integer so integer doesn't take that quotation quotation takes when this is a string or it's a text now i am treating this 15 as a string it's because in this lm code field if you go to properties you'll see that its type is string we stored our these values this codes as a string that's why you need to use that that quotation in our python syntax this quotation okay if it was a what this type was an integer then you don't need to use that quotation okay okay now finally let's talk about select by location and this is actually one power of using a special analysis let's see how to use that selection go to select by location okay let's just delete them okay okay now let's say i wanna know or i wanna find out all the landmarks which are within the hundred meters of our road network okay so to do that again or go to select by location then select features from this one landmark field on which field you want the output so select that field this is our landmark so we want all landmarks that are within 100 meters of the road network so here you need to use road network okay now we are going to use the you have a bunch of um conditions let's uh are within a distance of the source layer feature okay so here but if it's 15 let's say you want to know yeah let's say 15. you can also change the main a unit okay apply okay now you can see all the landmarks which are which have or which are within the hundred meters of a road network got selected now if we go to this attribute table you can see they are selected you can see here only the selected ones fine so if you just switch selection or you can see out of 350 240 got selected so there's 110 landmarks those don't have um road network within 100 meter or 50 meter okay so that's how you can use that select by location okay so i'd say experiment with it a bit more you'll find out some interesting things that's it for this video hey guys so welcome again previously we talked a lot about vector data analysis now in this video we're going to take a look at raster data analysis and by this time i think you might know that we might have a bit of understanding of what raster data is in raster data it doesn't store data as points lines or polygons in this case data is being stored as grades of cells if i just zoom over there you can see now single cell sizes so and each of those cells are equal in size and it's 30 by 30 because it's lines at 8 image so its resolution is 30 meter and the lower the cell size the higher the resolution now you might be wondering how to download this data to download this data head over to this usts website and from here you can download landsat 87 etc images and i have uploaded a full video around four minutes in youtube you can watch that to see the process how to download that okay now let's back to our arcgis okay now let's see how to do one indexing that is known as ndvi normalized defense vegetation index there's couple of ways to do that in arcgis we're going to use this image analysis tool it's i think the simplest one at first you need to activate that layer then we need to see our bands you can see red band is for infrared band is 5. you can change them also but in ndvi our equation is four minus five divided by four plus five that is red minus infrared divided by red plus infrared but if you were using lens seven image then it would be three and four okay you can do other indexing here also that is a built up area index then you just need to change them as long as you need just two bands and there's nothing but just plus minus then you can use this tool otherwise you need to use raster calculator yeah so at first activate that then click on this leaf tool okay ndvi it will automatically create indexing for you all right now you can see a new layer where values are ranging from minus one to one while highest value indicates high vegetation okay now before we classify it let's say for example you are not interested in this whole tile okay you are interested in a specific region now let's say you're interested in this region now you can cut that there's many ways to cut it one is by this graphic so let's see how to do that at first we are going to draw a polygon here let's say you are interested in um this area okay now to cut this area you need to go to this layer right click here go to properties okay then what then data frame now clip options no clipping turn it to clip to shape okay now specify ship current visible extent um outline of selected graphic i guess yeah outline of selected graphic okay and then apply now just delete this shape you can see that zoom to the oh no the band is only showed or is only you can see for that graphic your expected zone you can also undo that just go to properties again and click no clipping apply okay it's our previous thing now there are some other ways of clipping or masking the control if you can use here cl ip clip clip data management if you are clipping any vector data then you need to use clip analysis i guess but in case of raster data you need to use this clip data management okay here you can import your raster okay ndvi but we don't have any shape yet so let's say what that's this is your study area you want to cut that landsat image for only this study zone so to do that you can use that clip or you can do masking and we prefer to do masking extract by mask not clipping because i found that masking is masking seems to give you a better result than clipping sometimes so extract by mask spatial list okay it's pretty simple input raster our let's say for example ndvi 8 composite then input raster or feature mask what mask is our shape file and this is output shape location save that maybe it's too big okay now it will cut that landsat image only for that shape or only for that zone yep successfully done now here you can see zoom to there here only for this study zone okay remove that all right now we are going to classify it go to properties then symbology classify yes it's gonna take some time you can see over here it's processing okay i'm gonna do two classes and there's a threshold that i guess above 2.25 that's all they're all vegetation and below 0.25 there's no vegetation it could be water it could be a built-up area anything but not vegetation below 0.25 okay so let's change the color i'm red to green yep so high value indicates it's healthy vegetation okay now seems like though that is uh majority of the area is um vegetated okay but what's the problem in this red one are these red zones like you saw that previously that these are well just i'm going to seven five three now you can see these are actually water bodies and whatever it is do have low end vi value that's why it's in red okay so this is not vegetation but let's say what is this it's actually built up area if you just change that to 543 you can see clearly that these are built up areas and now if we see the ndvi value for that zone you can see these are red that is it's not vegetation now why this is green this zone now if we just you can see this is actually green yeah this is vegetation this red color means it's vegetation okay now if it's dull to you you can again select it and activate that dira now it will be a bit bright you can see it's not bright you can also activate that swipe tool why is that swipe to here now you can swipe it yep sweep it you can see here that all these are these are what these are um built-up areas are not at least not vegetation so that's a good um the good tool to our index to identify which is vegetated or not vegetated okay now let's see another type of roster data analysis let's say you want to plot or interpolate manganese concentration over a country how do you do that so it's you can do by what's called idw or gringing interpolation techniques let's see that at first our data these are latitude and longitudes and we also have our magnets concentration now why you want to plot that on a map so i first i need one country shape file a geodatabase so this is my country data now i want to import that excel file in arcgis so before you do that you need to shape it save it in a different format okay and you can see i have saved it as 97 2003 workbook okay or i think yeah csv file also worked yeah all right now let's um but let's load that excel file in this gis interface okay now go to display xy data it is a longitude wise latitude and make sure both of them are at the same geographic coordinate system okay okay okay fine so now this is our rdw part ctrl f just to write idw and if i go to the path toolbox path you can see we have another option cringing this screening sometimes is more suitable than idw in certain cases actually right now i'm gonna use this itw okay input raster that this is our sorry input point features this is our excel sheet with x y latitude and longitude and z field is the field which i would like to interpolate manganese and output raster make leave that default or you can now number of points is 12 by obviously i don't have 12 points i think i got thousands of points it doesn't matter go to environment and processing extent here we are going to same as our ship file [Music] and then rust analysis it's also our ship file okay now wait a moment it's not going to calculate this idw for us fine it's done now let's unclick them for a moment you can see i can change the symbology go to symbology classify let's say i want um three classes you can manually change the interface you could do equal interval quantile or just do a manual okay so that's 0.2 and 0.4 greater than 0.4 okay okay apply okay i forgot to change the color let's say red to green apply okay now we can see that this red zones are greater than concentration 0.4 okay now you can say that this zone is this red zone ranges from 0.4 to what you're 8.4 so you don't know the exact concentration at this point let's say say for example so to know that go to properties again and then display and check this show map tips apply okay now you can see the exact value for a particular point now is here it's concentration is 0.69 okay so let's now do another thing i want to know manganese average manganese concentration for this polygon this one and all of them now to do that you need to know the attribute table which column represents all of those what separate polygons then go to what attribute table now if we is that let's name three this one actually belongs all those represents all those polygons i just click on so you can see this one yeah it's more than one defined we don't have any smaller resolution so let's this is name three column okay so just unselect it and again control f we are going to use zonal statistics so you can here this one our statistics under special analyst toolbox so input raster this is going to be raster feature zone our feature zone is bgd that is our shapefile zone field this is important and this is going to be that name three field yep input value raster what is this oh raster this thruster idw rust okay output location save that and now statistics type you can find out the minimum maximum range standard deviation whatever you want we'll go for mean okay okay now it's working right here you can see that yep successfully done let's uncheck all of them now you can see all right all the values now it's spectacular to us that it calculated mean values of manganese concentration for every polygon now if you go to categorize it and go to symbology then classified classes again three now class is not three classes it's uh six and it's not natural it's a quantized okay apply and change the color okay all right guys now we are at the end of our video and i would say probably this is the most interesting and a bit a bit advanced one and in this section we'll do one overlay indexing method we'll see that we have different layers at least we have here seven different layers and will give different weights depending upon their importance to our study different weights and different ratings depending upon different classes then we'll superimpose one upon another and derive one final index so it's actually a bit advanced but i'll say you'll definitely learn something new now let's see by one model so this is our raw data these are seven different layers then we'll apply interpolation technique on them then reclassify them and when we will classify them we'll give different what ratings to them and after that in this conv conventional drastic algorithm will give different weights to different layers and then pull out the final index now let's see that into action okay this is my actual ship i don't know on which i'm i will be working on what you need is excel value it will be required for you like in my action file it is well depth and you can find such information from geological survey in your locality or from literature some reports etc okay i am now going to display it in a map in my map now go to file add data and xy data okay you must have latitude and longitude and x field is longitude y field is latitude okay and make sure you are in wgs 1984 coordinate system if you are not in it then go to edit section and what and under geographic geographic coordinate system go to world and find out wgs okay click okay okay fine now we have our data points where we have stored our depth to watertable fine now we are going to interpolate it so to do that go to windows search and right here you can do it by idw method or bringing i am going to prefer idw so okay so under special analyst to be here fine input feature it's your excel file said this is really important and is that field you have you are going to specify which parameter you are going to interpolate so we are going to use well depth fine give it a location name save it here number of points i have 64 points you can change it but if you don't don't change it it doesn't matter it will not affect your result now processing extent here is your study area okay now rest sorry rest analysis under masking tool select your stud area okay fine okay we ready to go i'll get successfully done this is our interpolated map for well depth now we are going to now these are classes we are going to sort our classes under symbology section go to classes how many classes you are you want so to do that go to a table for depth to whatever in meter there are different classes 14 meter to 15 to okay depending upon this table we are going to classify our map so here there is no it is only one value below 14 meter and is 28 okay so how many classes are there one two three four five four yes okay let me write select four classify now you're going to manually classify it here select manual then it's hey what is this it's going to be and oh okay the lower bound is 13 now you're going to write here the upper bound upper limit okay the lower limit is 13.71 now you are going to write it the upper limit and our upper limit is 15.2 so right here 15 sorry 15.2 and then it was 22.9 30.5 22.9 30.5 and greater than 30.5 okay apply fine you can change the color go to symbology and apply it okay but we don't want to see these values we want to convert them like hello sorry this format 1452 okay now we are going to edit it right here so it was 13 to what 15 0.2 it was 15.2 to what 22.9 and it's 22.9 to 30.5 and it's actually greater than 30. okay apply it okay cool now you can export this map but before that you have to click here for me it's actually in default i have set it like this but in the case of you it will not be like this so okay then you can do like make that legend and grab drag kill a scale and arrow north after that export it like go to file and then export map click here and give it a name as you wish then here change the dpi maybe for paper it's 600 600 very good you can see the paper recommended paper requirement okay fine now our depth to water table parameter is done now what we are going to do is we are going to calculate like equifa media how can you interpolate equivalent media for example i have equivalent media like this fans and said i can't interpolate them but one way you can interpolate them is like if you assign different equivalent media different integer values like sale is four fine sand is five etcetera then you can again interpolate them but this way will make some error it's not actually a good way to do i think but if you when you don't have any option then you have to do it by this way now if you have boundaries like this then you can do it but without interpolation method but how let's go to our attribute table of ship file see here we have different union names and i have equified data by unions so it's a good opportunity for me now we are going to make one new column pervert for aquifer media because i know that this union equivalent media is fine sand and this unit is fine it's also function it's medium sand so i'm not going to interpolate them but i'm going to use another way so let's see how we can do that so at first you have to make one field here right here add field click here give it name like you want soil then type it's text okay you'll see a table is ready for you named soil see i even write here but normally it will not let you write so to write here what you have to do is what's happening is go to editor if you can't find it then right click here after that here select this editor okay go to editor and start editing then select your study area okay fine now again go to the attribute table now you can write in your soil column so for example this union union a location these locations soil is sandy okay sand yeah now similarly you can assign other soil classes for other locations or unions i'm not going to do that because i have already done this for a quiffer media in this column to save our time okay fine so far so good now we are going to properties and after properties go to symbology categories then here change it to a kuiper add all values apply okay now see this is our aquifer media map now you can you can't use it for rating waiting because it's a vector so we need to convert it to raster so to do that okay i'm going to my toolbox so how can i go to my toolbox click here catalog then then it will be like this then system toolbox okay after that the conversion click conversion toolbox okay we are going to use to raster okay higher trust we are going to use feature trust double click here then input feature our feature okay now select feature field it's very important equifa if you are you want to classify soil media then select soil okay fine then fine there it is of course we don't need it oh fine now we have two layers so far now one another important issue is topographic so to download topography you have to head over to earth explorer create account here then here search go to world feature here write your location name like dhaka okay hit enter fine now here you have to specify your time then data sets go to digital animation after that here is start team you will see like this at first clear digital elevation then select srtm and check this srtm1x second global then click write result and you will have one result say then download it in your local computer a machine okay i have already downloaded it okay fine now we are going to add this slope map in our arcgis so this is our slope map this is a hotel it's a large area but we want it for only our study area oh against area okay now what you need to do is called mask to mask it go to windows again search right x tract by mask fine under specialist tool right then your boundary lms save okay done let's see there it is fine cool so now i delete it okay good we don't need it anymore all right now what are you going to do again this you have to convert this map into slope map to do that write slope okay now under special analyst tool double click here then again go to here input your slope map then give it a name okay z factor oh now output measurement here there are two things degree and percentage percent degree is for 90 degree we consider it as a cliff but in drastic modeling we use percent rise okay i'm gonna leave this z alone okay fine cool there oh no it's okay fine we don't need it okay now we need to classify it but we are not going to do that now now our final step is actually reclassifying all of our input data parameters so we need a total of seven parameters but i am not going to do that for all parameters to save your time i believe if you can do this three parameters perform develop these three parameters you will be able to build this model so without further delay let's reclassify each of them to give our rating search rate reclassify under special list now one by one at first i am going to give the slope map okay value here you have to put the rating but we don't need these classes for slope let's see something about slope range 0 to 2 rating 10 1 2 5 so we need five [Music] classes again classify five and what why are there 0 2 2 6 12 18 2 2 6 12 18 and more than 18. fine okay okay now new values these are our ratings so let's see the table for zero to two the rating rating is 10 so letting say 10 9 5 3 1 10 9 5 3 1 okay ten nine five three and one okay now give it a name it's our slope map is not slope map save it and okay we're done we don't need this another other slope map anymore so remove it okay now we are going to reclassify our aquifer media okay let's go even media so in equipping media first one is fine standard set faster so our first time for first one find senator it's four so four five six seven four five six seven four five six seven okay nice now let's change the name to cue agree okay observe it okay cool so delete it now it's for i can reclassify well depth firm okay now again specify you have to what was it so at first if you at the first moment if you classify it then it's actually wasted time you have to again reclassify it so then one two three four four glasses four glasses it's actually manual yes so what was it 15.2 22.9 30.5 and greater than 30 okay now waiting so that to a table five three two one it's five three two and one okay good now it's depth you have to do it this thing for seven parameters but i'm not going to do it for saving all of them because if you can do for these three you can do for all of them and you can also add people also add one additional parameter this is land use class and if in your ground water nitrate concentration is high then land use pattern might be useful but if the groundwater is reducing zone actually really highly reducing then you might not get high nitrate concentration in that case people you maybe you don't use land use class okay now we got our three classes you can say seven classes for example hypothetically then what you're going to do now that brings us to the final stage and now we are going to ready rate it right we are done waiting now we are going to give it weight and have our final index the windows against search right weighted sum you don't have to use that freaking raster calculator divided sum okay one by one input you all parameters fine value you have don't have to worry about value values are here ratings we already did it now wait for depth so it is five equifer waiting is what is what four no equifax [Music] it's three okay [Music] three now for slopes slopes1 save it final index okay okay let's see how it turns out oh what's the problem let's see again okay five five three one give it name final final index okay save it there you go this is our final index now you don't need them anymore but you can save them how to save them to save them you can go to file save or save as then however you want to save you can save them and when you need them you can directly open this map okay now see this is our final index we don't want so much classes so many classes now let's see three and equal not equal quantile okay apply we're going to use applied see this is our final index now you can use validation method like you know which area how much arsenic chromium or nitrate concentration is so this is your final map after that you have to insert legend like this next next background if you want next next and finish that's it zoom to lap okay okay so now our final map is ready well that's all i have designed to share with you guys in this full course now if you have any questions or suggestions please comment in the comment section and i would love to hear from you so hope to see you in the next video thank you for watching
Channel: Data Analytics.m
Views: 7,875
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Keywords: ArcGIS for beginner, arcgis for beginners, ArcGIS for everybody, ArcGIS complete tutorial, gis for beginners, gis complete tutorial, GIS full course, ArcGIS full course, ArcGIS advance, GIS for beginners
Id: 6Y374jROIv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 16sec (12436 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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