Big Disaster | The Purge | Ep. 28 | Minecraft One Life

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oh my gosh because I'm not wearing my armor hey guys what's up LD Shou lady hand today is the big day on one life it is the purge we've all been secretly planning for this for a while now so later today a world wallet will go up around our town locking everybody in and then all rules go out of the window PvP is enabled griefing is allowed stealing lying cheating basically anything you want to do now is the time to do it and so that I don't die immediately as soon as the purge starts I have been preparing so step one making sure I don't die as you guys know I have my handy dandy spa of eternal life here that helps me regen hearts which is really convenient but I think it's gonna be one of the first targets that people try to attack so we're going to need a different way to heal ourselves that means making lots of potions so I already have a bunch of splash potions of healing I'm just gonna make sure I have loads of these and I'm gonna fill this backpack with them so I'm gonna diet the backpack magenta and then I'm gonna rename it health and this is gonna be a really good way to organize all of my potions because I will be carrying a lot of them around with me then I also decided to make a backpack full of fire resistance potions you know in case somebody tries to set me on fire or put lava by my feet and my next big secret is these invisibility potions which I will use to move around the server without being seen so I've color-coordinated them in these backpacks hopefully it will be easier to find the right potion this way and I won't die okay so we have a staying alive covered but now we have to decide how we're going to murder people and you know since we've been brewing all these potions it got me thinking that's probably the best way to kill everyone because as you know a lot of people on the server have this super enchanted obsidian armor and there's no way that my pathetic sword or even my amazing bow is gonna be able to break through their armor but a potion of harming might so it's time to dawn my witch's hat and brew some evil potions excited I don't think I've ever made one of these before I mean why would I they basically kill people so first of all we need to make a potion of poison and then turn that into a potion of harming there it is the scary potion of death so let's make it extra strong with the glowstone turning into an instant damage - and then I'm gonna add if the Gunpowder so it's a splash potion because I'm not gonna be drinking it myself now am i no we're gonna be throwing this at people like an actual witch I'm kinda tempted to actually wear the hat during the purge but I really need the armor that my helmet provides so I'm gonna have to leave that at home oh my gosh death potions so exciting let's make a black backpack specifically thing is that way I know that the stuff in here is deadly so we'll put these in here wow they look so cool and I'm gonna rename this deadly stuff and it fits in with my wonderful collection now I'm gonna need a lot more of those potions because I want to kill a lot of people so I have half filled up my backpack with instant damage potions and I'm gonna fill the rest of it with potions of poison because that should take them down to half a heart and that should be pretty scary oh my gosh these are so easy to make - you just need a spider's eye glowstone and gunpowder I hope nobody else is making these because I'm probably gonna die otherwise oh wait I have an idea I should carry around milk with me wherever I go can you milk a mooshroom cow yes so I'm just gonna carry this milk around with me starting from now in case I accidentally splash one of my potions on myself I would hate to die that way okay so now that we have all these pop them in the bag and I call this death in a bag so let's pop that out the way so I don't accidentally use it and I am doing a brewing now so let's take off this ridiculous hat and now I'm actually gonna be doing some enchanting because as you guys know I did manage to get some elite Roe from the end and I'm super paranoid that they're gonna break so can I invent them I thought I could but maybe I can't nope I cannot well maybe I have a spare book of them breaking down here No aha I'm breaking three I didn't think I would ever have to use those books but here we are let's see if we can combine them we can okay perfect yes so now I can actually use my Electra and I don't have to worry about them breaking on me mid-flight oh wait we should also probably make some fireworks stuff so that we can actually fly around so we need paper and gunpowder you guys in the comments were telling me I didn't actually need to use a real firework to make it work so hopefully now I don't keep getting fire up my butt so let's test if this works without hurting me well oh my gosh okay I'm not quite sure what went wrong there but I think it was just bad piloting on my part let's try that again this direction huh Wow I totally almost killed myself testing out my wings that is embarrassing let's take a little trip to the spa before we continue our experiments yikes okay maybe I was flying a little bit too close to the ground I think that was the issue and this time I'm just gonna trust fall yes okay I got it working and I didn't take any damage from the firework so now we know that's how this works I just need to land somewhere huh yes perfect landing and I didn't take any damage so now I know how to use elite really thank you guys for leaving the comments because I was being a doofus before I didn't realize so now that we have done that I also wanted to enchant a compass to be able to tell apart so I've seen that some of the other players on the server have figured this out if you put a compass in the enchanting table it will give you an enchantment I'm not sure which one I guess let's just go for the highest one so now we can tell apart I think I can set it to home if I do this home and now I guess let's test it out I hope I don't die please don't die huh what's going on whoa that is so cool and we know it works now that was awesome although not as fast as I thought it would be but very handy to have especially for the purge now the next thing I'm gonna do is get some defensive things to booby-trap at my house and I have a perfect idea a few weeks ago I stumbled across this pool of poison water with CPK so I'm gonna try and find it again and collect some of the poison huh is this the poison yes that looks like the poison I kind of want to test it but I also don't want to die maybe there's a chicken we can push in okay how do we get him in the water maybe let's lead him to the edge come on pal you go in for a swim and you go oh I almost fell in myself okay it's definitely deadly I'm so sorry let me pull the poison up from beneath you let's clear this pond out okay I think that's it we have a lot of poison now so now all we have to do is head home with my new secret weapon three days later so it is time the purge has begun look how many people are all on the server ready to kill people well not quite actually because there is a 30-minute grace period where we can prepare ourselves for battle so what I was thinking I would do it this time since I already have all of my potions and weapons ready I am going to booby-trap my house to keep people away and to do that I will be using the poison buckets I collected earlier let's place it around so that it's basically impossible to get in from the outside and I'm also carrying a bucket of milk with me because this water poisons you and I don't want to die from my own poison that would be embarrassing let's make sure that this covers everything man this is the best defense ever okay this is perfect nobody is gonna be able to get past so they might try to avoid it but it's gonna be difficult and at least it will slow them down a little bit I'm gonna be so upset if nobody even ends up getting close to my poison lake after all this effort I put in lets also cover up the main path just in case anybody tries to be so brazen as to just waltz through the front entrance they will get a nasty surprise oh that looks good this is gonna be tricky for them to maneuver past we just want to make things difficult for them I am NOT an easy target okay so we've got our water defenses finished it's not perfect but I think it's gonna slow people down if they try to attack the mermaid palace the next thing I want to do is actually craft some TNT because what's a purge without blowing up somebody's house so hopefully I have a little sand I do not we're gonna have to go get sand I can't believe I'm doing this in the middle of the purge oh my gosh where is the sand Danny I couldn't get out my own front door ah I don't think we're gonna be able to make much TNT because I don't have a lot of sand but I still want to blow up somebody's house so let's get as much as we can now how am I gonna get past here oh wait I will use my tail apart I know it's kind of a waste but I really don't want to risk it there's loads is perfect how much can we make Oh quite a bit whose house shall I blow up first now we're gonna need some redstone or a flint and steel probably flint and steel is better because we can use that to set people on fire as well and oh let's also get a bucket of lava that could be handy so let's go down into the mines ah there's a zombie down here somebody sent a spy to assassinate me who did this now let's just get a bit of leather I'm so nervous look lack and let's get out of here because I don't want to be down in the caves wait maybe I should look off my strip-mine that's a smart idea because that is a direct route right into the safety of my house hopefully this works doc some water down there there we go that seems to be effective and I think the grace period is almost over so let's sort out this mess wait all my stuff people could take my stuff and use it like my gold and my apples I'm just gonna throw it on the floor if I can't have it nobody else can what else is valuable all my potions I'm just gonna break my potion chest is a useless anyway I don't know what just happened there but that is not good okay right now so in my hotbar I'm just gonna have these things because I want to have an empty and so that when I drink my invisibility potion it doesn't show you know what I'm gonna be super prepared and I'm gonna drink one now well okay so what I'm gonna need to do actually I know I can't hold my totem of when dying oh I'm gonna take off all of my armor which is a little bit scary and not hold this and not hold that and then I am pretty much invisible also my fire resistance potion I'm gonna drink that too okay I think we are quite well hidden I'm gonna go hide on my roof because the pair just started oh wait what if somebody was coming for me what if they're here now is there somebody there I don't see anyone coming I think I'm safe I wonder if I should try and put on my elite rrah and fly around to have a look that might be silly though I think I should oh wait my spring water I have a feeling because Stacey lives over that way and my spring wafted aqueduct runs from over there I think she might have closed off the spring water supply I'm too scared to go check I think I'm just gonna have a little fly let's have a little fly around so right now I just look like a pair of wings hopefully I don't get shot out of the sky but let's see I'm gonna go and visit somebody's house so I fallen I have fallen and taken a load of damage oh this wasn't meant to happen I've already messed up so bad now would be a good time to test out the health potion I need to fly I'm doing it I'm flying oh my gosh I'm so scared okay I can't really see a lot I'm Way too scared to be able to see anything what happened to Joel this feels really dangerous I'm Way too close to people's houses they might just snipe me out of the sky let's go back to my house and land okay that is not a good idea let's take off the elite row and oh we can't go to Joel's house while he's logged out and he won't know that we have arrived now let's make sure that we are 100% invisible it should be safe to move around oh I can blow up his house I should blow up Joel's house that's whose house I should blow up wait can people hear me running are they gonna hear me just gonna have a little sneaky steak while nobody's looking at this point I should probably wait I see a name oh it's Scott it's Scott oh my gosh I'm right here and there's Scott Scott's right there and I'm right here I'm gonna back up I'm backing up I'm backing away what if my invisibility potion isn't working and he can see me oh it's so good I didn't think I'd be too scared I'm such an idiot I shouldn't take the main path Oh what was that I heard an explosion oh I bet he's blowing up some nice house we could watch I'm gonna eat my Apple is that Scott inside her house I think fighting let's get a little closer I'm feeling dangerous whose house is this this is Britt's house right there's definitely somebody inside there okay I'm gonna use that as a distraction I'm just gonna go straight past well at least I know where Scott is let's see if we can sneak up on joel though until they break through the wall he's probably expecting people to use that up a block my worst enemy well no this can't happen I can't be picking up blocks all the time it'll give him away my position maybe Joel isn't here maybe this is my chance to blow up Joel's house Oh No the lava moat I almost forgot about this I need to be careful please don't die in lava oh wait I have fire resistance why am I scared of that let's just place this tnt around being a sneaky as possible maybe he's not even home I'm gonna set it off with his own doorbell boom well I should have thought about my exit faster whoa okay I got away got away did it blow up wait Annie explode oh it blew up a little bit not quite as much as I'd hoped wait what urban arrow that has flame yes we'll set it off from a distance Loeb ever delayed reaction there there we go okay this is not doing as much damage as I had hoped I thought TNT would be scary than this okay so we've done some considerable damage to Joel's house let's run away but unfortunately he wasn't there for me to kill him so let's look for somebody to kill let's put away the TNT and instead let's get out the potion of poison I really want to try and use this on somebody we just need to get really close to them though which is kind of scary what was that what I just what the heck just happened to me what the heck is happening to me oh I'm getting poisoned by the dawn's because I'm not wearing my armor oh my gosh I totally forgot that that would happen I need to go refill my bucket with some milk let's go break into this person's house and steal their cow milk cows wait invisible again oh I'm an idiot I was just running around completely visible I forgot that my milk would get rid of the good potion effects too now we are fully invisible and no longer poisoned let's go find somebody yeah oh my gosh there's a player who is it oh is it oh is it well I've picked up a tulip oh no no I keep picking up flowers there's a player somewhere here where they go oh I see your name I see a name there they are there they are it's Joel where's he going I finally found him I'm gonna throw this potion of poison on him when I catch up with him I did it did it poison him oh my gosh oh my gosh he can see me well we can use poison he's poisoned what's he doing what's he doing he's running around he doesn't know what to do oh he gave himself a healing potion but he's still being poisoned and somebody's killing him Joey Joey's killing Joel sure help I don't think I can I could try no I think I'm about to witness Joel's death where did they go uh-oh it's scary what do i do what do I do I'll try to help I'm gonna throw some instant damage splash potions oh my gosh did he write did he die am i visible what's going on what's going on I'm so scared I'm so close to the action this is too scary I don't like it I think Joel's gonna die I'm pretty sure Joel's gonna die that doesn't look healthy okay let's try poison Joey I'll save Joel wait where'd they go who's that oh it's Joel I'm gonna poison him again haha oh my gosh he's almost killed me oh because I'm not wearing my armor oh my gosh I'm gonna dive in the water to try and get away oh that was so close I totally almost died whoa what's going on more explosions okay they're not after me though that's cool okay let's do a splash potion of healing oh my gosh that they almost killed me whoa who stepped on the day button okay that was way too scary I think he saw me holding the potion okay let's try instant damage instead okay I'm gonna try and get in from behind oh my gosh he just splashed a potion behind him does he know I'm following him where is he going he looks like he's going towards my house he's just waving his sword in the air just in case hey maybe if he goes by my house he'll actually poison himself on the water nope he's gone the complete opposite direction John come back am I still invisible yeah okay cool Oh what happened I'm almost catching up with him but not quite how is he so brave he doesn't even care that he's totally visible to everybody what is he doing he's gonna do some shopping oh shoot I missed I missed I know I lost him there he is there he is there he is he's heading towards spawn okay let's try and splash him and then escape as quickly as possible oh what's that what the heck was that oh my gosh there there are things exploding it's time to get out what even is that why is there stuff exploding Oh Joey killed Stacy and I'm gonna kill Joel no I'm not really I'm just gonna damage him a little bit what is going on okay I don't want to go near that are there traps huh wait who's there Joel and Scott oh I had to help I'll splash them let's splash them both with a potion ha oh did I get one of them I don't know I like the poison potions better I can see the effect no Scott kill Joel okay now I have to get my revenge uh now he knows him around now he knows I'm around Oh get away get away get away I'm um I started splash potions I have to go and avenge Dahl I want to poison Scott man he's just trying to destroy people's house oh my gosh I keep trying to splash him and it just won't get him okay Scott is just unsplash a ball he is too sneaky like a little weasel I just can't get him I really want to kill him oh look at him getting away what are you serious he got away again how oh my gosh this is so annoying I think it's lagging I think he knows what's going on though look he looks suspicious mom so it's good okay he's running off in the complete opposite direction so I guess I will do the same ah this has not gone well so far I guess let's go and pay a little visit to cpk oh wait his house is right here maybe I can splash him with a potion and make my witchy dreams come true I hope there aren't any traps ah did some people like this house crikey let's teleport to Joel's house he's already dead so hopefully nobody will be here looking for him I know I can't find anyone I bet that they are attacking my house right now or at least trying to get past my poison wall okay I'm going in to my own house oh I made it through that means other people can too did anyone use the secret passageway no apparently not so that's a good sign and my house is still intact which means nobody has been here yet but why maybe they're waiting for me where is everyone oh the spirit water has been cut off at the sauce Stacey must have done it before Joey killed her she's closest to the sauce let's go to Yummy's house since Yami might actually be there where is everyone there's nobody here my invisibility plan is not working especially if everyone else is invisible too ah what was that what I should take damage from I'm not even sure but that was terrifying you know what I'm gonna go and try and kill Briton Mario because that pretty weak I'm sorry guys oh my gosh is a Blood Moon this means I'm probably gonna have to put my armor on I don't know if mobs can see through my invisibility Oh Joey killed Brett I was just about to kill her wait who's out there ah that's Scott I can hit him oh I missed I missed I keep missing him why don't I such terrible aim dang it we're gonna have to get up there maybe I should put my armor on ah okay there are explosions let's do a poison potion wait there's somebody up there I saw something who's up there it's Scott Scott still up there I can get him with the poison he just needs to calm down did he just send a pearl he is ender pearling he and the pill there he is there he is I see him I hope none of these mobs blow me up I hope they can't see me where is he running to come back here boy oh my gosh she closed the gate behind him hi I don't want to sound fire what is he doing in there has he gone back out the other side what what if what is he doing he's gone down a hole being very careful because there might be traps where's the hole there it is wait he's just at the bottom there where did he go oh he's right there he's right there wait what is he doing is it Scott yes Scott was he got a secret room in there what where did you just go he just like flew maybe you teleported away dang it maybe potion's was not the smartest way to try and kill somebody I should probably just put on my armor and go and kill somebody like a real minecraft day 3 I'm still looking for somebody to kill one day I hope to find that special somebody to kill so I've heard rumors that Meghan and shovel are teaming up so I'm gonna guess that they are hiding out in Meghan's house somewhere so we just need to find them wherever they are let's avoid all the traps it's that person no that's a zombie chicken I don't see any oh my gosh that on there oh I can see them how am I gonna get up there I don't think I can get up there I could try it bow and arrow up there let's try and get on one of these surrounding trees hopefully nobody's watching me tower up cuz that will totally give my position away okay now we're a little bit closer we might be able to get a best shot let's climb up through the tree I know what you're thinking how am I gonna get back down well I will use my elite row I have planned this out thoroughly there they are now I don't think I'm gonna be able to reach them with my bow and arrow from here but we will try anyway are they watching me kind of okay I'm just gonna fire a warning shot huh they saw that they saw that they're freaking out they're freaking out hopefully they can't see me but they are freaking out a little bit so that's good that was the desired effect unfortunately now though I know that my arrow will not reach them so that's not good so I guess let us just get out of here wait I have an idea what if I set their tree on fire perfect I'll just do that can i end up hill down to the ground I'm gonna put my armor on to do that just because I want to be super safe okay that hurt a little bit so I'm glad I had my armor on but now I'm invisible again so we good did they see that they might seen that but what they won't see is me in their tree on fire which I'm about to do okay let's get the flint and steel out and let's just go crazy prepare to burn ladies and now we'll just watch as the flames spread up the tree oh wait are they attacking somebody over there is there somebody around I don't know I can't see okay so this might take a while oh wait somebody is exploding their tree they have a whole base in there but luckily the fire is spreading it should reach them any year now did they teleport away I can't see them up there anymore they might had a second base where are they how did they get in well who's that oh my gosh it's Scott use right there I'm gonna I'm gonna potion him it didn't work or maybe it did I don't know let's pour some lava down there lava where is he he's running away he is the running away and a little worse where is he going where is he going off to how does he keep escaping from me where is Scott so sneaky oh my gosh wait is that him no that is an armor stand I'm such an idiot okay well oh my gosh cpk I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna get him with this humming fire potion Hut oh my gosh oh oh he saw me he saw me he definitely saw me he's running away though oh no I always kill myself I'm such an idiot well what just happened why is there a wolf attacking me Oh let me see what accounts wolves I thought means I must have hit him a little bit so that's good I guess well then I'm stuck I can't get out huh so we just had to pill to me is this the end is this the end of ldshadowlady probably no there's nobody behind me is that yeah no there isn't there is something over there though who's that right I'm just gonna put my armor on and we are going to fight because the end of the page is almost here I do however have to eat all these apples first what's that what is that what is little is that everything's so laggy I just need to get away I'm gonna take my armor off I've hid I've hidden what just happened I need to get away from the lag was there even anyone there I don't know what happened I feel like a ghost just attacked me okay I think I think we should try to kill Joey he's down there can we get him he's digging around it's kind of scary wait he's coming up he's coming up we should totally get him but this potion yes I think he took some damage are all my deadly potions gone how ha who is that oh it's an Enderman okay I hope Jimmy took some damage at least but I'm all our oceans now so I'm just gonna have to go in for the attack maybe while he's not paying attention I'll just dive down and hit him I know he's down there I really love to kill Joey he's really strong wait he just went invisible oh no oh wait no he isn't oh he was just shifting I think I'm gonna go down there I think I should just go should I just go yeah I'm just gonna do it ah he totally saw me oh there is there is no i intimidate me with the Sidewinder you will totally kill me oh this is actually not killing me as fast my thyroid at least I might have a chance at life just kidding ah this is a slow and painful death and I wasn't holding my turtle and dying so I did not get a second chance I don't gift so I guess that's the end of the purge and the end of one life for me obviously this is my last episode of one life I hope you guys have enjoyed the series I have a lot of fun with it let me know in the comments if you would like to see me come back and do the next season of one life also I can't believe I actually have to say this but please make sure you don't go and send any hate to Joey for killing me I did attack him first after all and the pointless a purge is to kill each other so I'm totally fine with it and you guys should be too I hope you all enjoyed this video if you did don't forget to leave a like and I will see you in another video [Music]
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 6,152,218
Rating: 4.9146271 out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, one life, modded smp, minecraft mods, minecraft server, multiplayer server, modded server, one life season 2, one life s2, friends, smallishbeans, yammyxox, joeygraceffagames, shubble, seapeekay, skeleton horse, mr boney, house, base, nether, biomes o plenty, ep 28, episode 28, the end, finale, the purge, minecraft purge, the minecraft purge, one life purge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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