Girl buys new car, learns in 3 days she was scammed. Here's what happened. Roadside Rescue

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well basically this girl called me i said hey  i'm recovering from surgery i just had my nose uh   fixed and um i said i'm not gonna be able to do it  but i know somebody who may be able to do it today   and uh he kind of works around the area and i  send him some referrals when i'm just real busy   and uh well i didn't know it at the time but he  wasn't going to be able to do it till tomorrow   she's just across town and  she said my car is overheating   and i said uh yeah i'm like if you're still  sitting there i'm like pop the hood and uh   and see if the belt's on the front of the engine  well she sent me a video because she didn't know   what she was looking for and sure enough that  belt was gone so i'm gonna pick up the belt   now they have it in stock here at autozone  2007 ultima so if you're familiar with it   it's not the easiest belt to get to and route  all the way around but hopefully i can do it   with my tools and not have to jack the car up  take the tire off and do anything weird and   hopefully it's not that tensioner because  it's down there by the harmonic balance or   not gonna be a bit of a pain to get off so  hopefully not about a tensioner issue i'm   gonna grab it just in case because i'm gonna be  over there and i don't wanna run across town just   in case it is i'm gonna have to get it running  all right well they didn't have the tensioner um   so i guess if it is the tensioner or something  else i guess that's a good enough reason to say   hey yeah it's a little too much for me to do  right now but it's just this belt we'll get it   on for her and uh if it is the tensioner and that  other guy doesn't want to do it tomorrow or can't   maybe i'll order into it tomorrow but hopefully  it's just the big came off because the belt was   messed up and nothing else so here we go  oh it does have a belt on there interesting   i thought it wasn't on there because i saw  all these i saw all these other pulleys   like the top of that one which is ribbed so  yeah i was like oh surely it's not on there   it was just so dark i couldn't tell okay well is  that something else then something else probably a boomer man i really thought it wasn't on there i  was like oh especially when you sent me a picture   i was like no yeah i had a guy right he was parker  so he said that's what the problem was too so   yeah it was like at the perfect angle  where like the belt blended in with   none of the pulleys so um let me see though was  it was it overheating when you drove it or was let's it this ac up full blast here it's awful west so how far do you live not impossible but how  does that thing run all the way under there   welcome back to the roadside rescue youtube  channel i'm ernest and we're gonna head out   today this is actually kind of a sad job um  i made a short about it in a few posts um   last week or so right after my surgery i actually  went out and looked at the car and wasn't supposed   to do anything with my you know post surgery and  the girl didn't push anything at all and i think   i said that in the intro i was going to film for  just going over there basically i got tricked   i tricked myself it looked like she sent me a  picture well she told me it was overheating and i   said hey i can't really do anything i said surgery  but she said she thought she had transmission   problems as well and i said well send me a picture  of the front of the engine because i thought maybe   if the belt came off and the alternator you know  wouldn't be charging the vehicle and when you're   accelerating stuff it can feel like you have a  transmission issue if you don't know specifically   the difference so i said maybe she didn't have  the belt so she sent me a picture and i couldn't   see the belt i actually enhanced the photo a few  times when i posted it in my short and everything   um but basically it was like the perfect angle  every single pool you looked at the belt was   running underneath so you could see the top of all  the pulleys so just kind of a couple of things uh   together made me think oh that bell's not there  so i got a belt and i went over there to help her   and the belt was on it and i was like shoot well  it's not your belt but i looked and it had coolant   and it looked like it was circulating okay and uh  i said maybe your thermostat but i really can't do   anything else i mean put putting that belt on was  my limit and so i said uh you know you might just   have to take it to another shop well here's the  sad part she bought the car three days prior she   had just bought the car and she said you know i  didn't overheat the other days but i don't really   drive it far and that's how kind of everything is  out here so close by you know five minutes down   the road and that's about as far as you need to  go for anything so uh she took it over to another   shop and they said it had a bad head gasket why i  texted her like a day or two later i said what was   it she said the engine and i was like what how  many could you take it too but apparently they   got some um exhaust gases reading in the coolant  which isn't uh which is what will happen whenever   you have a bonehead gasket so i have a block  test i'm going to take with me and we're going   to put maybe some compression on that as well and  a little camera and look down in those cylinders   just to make sure you know that it is a head  gasket i don't know what she's going to do it's   a pretty nice new vehicle and uh yeah we're gonna  head over there and just see we're gonna make sure   that that's got a bad head gasket and that the  shop wasn't just pulling a fast one on her but she   went to the one shop around town that i know is  pretty reputable i've heard uh lots of experience   from people going there and nobody's really ever  had any issues so i doubt they're trying to pull   a fast one on her but we'll double check just  to be sure it's pretty hot and uh here we go   all right well i just stopped by autozone and  i grabbed um that block test fluid because i'm   out of my own so i'll probably just end up keeping  that when it's full but actually if you rent that   tool they don't even charge you for the fluid you  use so it's pretty interesting but what i usually   do because i pay for it because i don't return  them um i would usually just if the block test was   good if it wasn't negative you know the fluid  didn't get discolored i usually just pour it   back in the little jug so i can reuse it um about  like this truck has a oil leak so about once every   other month the oil check oil light comes on which  uh it never gets low oil pressure as soon as that   light comes on but basically there's just a sensor  in the block that says hey your oil's too low   and i was literally just thinking i'm like when is  that light gonna come on it's been a while since   i changed the oil in this and uh lo and behold  as soon as i got out of out of autozone here   came on so i'm gonna put in the gps here real  quick because uh there's like two ways to get   over there and one's that way and one's that  way about equal distance i think so i'm gonna   see which one's faster and uh we'll head  over there and pressure test that cooling   system and then block test it as well and see  if we can get anything to uh come about it   yeah i actually didn't even know you  could come this way to get over to   that side of town so it's a good thing  i put it in the gps found a new shortcut all right here we are so we're gonna start off  with the block test maybe well maybe i'll open the   cooling system and put a funnel in there because  it tries to pump up the interesting thing was the coolant looks clean and it was cool got um but full as well because if it's you know  drinking coolant through the head gasket then it shouldn't be all the way full so  let's see here if it's gone down any   good sign it's full as well so let's go to  the brim interesting that's very interesting   um yeah i mean it looks like somebody it  almost looks like a used car dealership   i mean when you see stuff like this it's a little  like that always raises a red flag for me when i   buy a new car or help somebody do an inspection  it's like if everything's just covered in like   wd-40 or silicone spray it makes it look nice and  i do that to my stuff and it wears off after a few   weeks and it keeps rubber and plastic from dry  rotting but if it's like that when you go to buy   it it's like what are they trying to cover up you  know like they're trying to make it just look good   all at once yeah you know it hasn't been  maintained um so just that's just a red   flag but i asked her about it she said the  people sneaked on and when i went and looked   at it initially that was before we knew it was a  head gasket or we're told it was a head gasket so very interesting let's get  started okay so what i'm gonna do   is actually just go ahead and pressurize the  cooling system in case you know there's a   passage then we're starting to push fluid into  some of those cylinders hopefully hopefully   it's one of these ones in the front here could  just be one cylinder it may be in the back and   i'm not going to pull the intake and everything  just to check it out back there so this will be   like an easy way to see oh is there coolant in  any of these cylinders before we get started   or you know it's the first thing we  do and then i would like to start it   up and see if it blows that white smoke  that smells like cooling is a good sign   after all that i'm going to let it warm  up and then i'll probably put that uh   block tester on there which is uh i'll show you  how that looks like let's set that up there's nice okay so here's the cooling system pressure tester   oh it's got a thermometer this is  nice and a subscriber sent this to me again for sending that this is awesome uh yeah i really appreciate it and let's go ahead and just put this  kit on here this one's nice aluminum too   that's a super nice probably like  this uh this size here yeah okay push her down and on probably see that from that  angle basically yeah i'm just gonna load up the   system with pressure see if it leaks down at all  that's a good sign that there's something going   on it could be an external leak but usually you'll  see those and uh yeah we'll just put some pressure   on here nothing more than you would normally put  on the cooling system so you don't want more than   like 16 psi on here which is what the cooling  system normally holds i'm actually gonna go yeah i'm gonna go yeah probably just a little  bit past that right at 16 maybe 16 and a half   there that's fine that's like max pressure  you would see and um too much more just   because maybe there is a delicate head gasket  in there i don't want to blow it out all the way so yeah we'll just let that sit  and make sure it doesn't leak down   i'll put it right on the 16 so i  can tell if it leaks down actually then it may take us about like 30 minutes  of running this thing to actually get it up let's see if i can get it right on that 16 there something up here so close okay right above that 16 i can remember that's at   i don't remember what i was saying though  yeah i'm about to get a beach umbrella   we used to use those at home in tennessee at my  dad's barn shop where we always worked on cars   we just had some beach umbrellas from fishing  and stuff that we would put out no i think it's   worth just getting one to toss in the back of  my truck because it's starting to get pretty hot   see if that's just this size here make it quick  like the one thing i always leave under hoods of   cars i've left like three of those things  i don't know okay and i've got my camera got some pressure off there that way so yeah we'll put that back up keep my hand  off of that i guess so stuck so when i'm doing   a pre-purchase inspection a lot of times i'll  test the compression anyway just depends on the   inspection the person wants like this morning i  did one they didn't they just wanted to know what   was wrong with why there's a check engine light on  but basically yeah pull the cover off that'll give   you a good idea people usually don't clean under  the cover if they do they usually don't clean the   bottom side of the cover so that's the second  option you can just see this is like the dry   rottedness of that rubber that's what you'd expect  except it's hard to tell with everything sprayed   over so let's pull this off and check inside those  cylinders and i've had this tool kit open for   like all of four or five minutes since i've been  sitting here and these tools are already so hot yeah this definitely hasn't been  serviced in a while spark plug-wise shade maybe i don't need anything more than that  oh here uh yeah just everything's uh got this nice   layer of dirt on it that's pretty even throughout  i haven't lost any pressure yet so that leads me   to believe we're not creating any extra space in  there if we were it's gonna be coming out of those   some of those cylinders and hopefully it's one of  those front three all right well luckily i have 14 millimeter spark plug uh sockets now i keep  them with me because randomly got a vehicle like   this that just uh decides hey you know what some  toyotas is a nissan i need to be 14 millimeter   instead of three eighths makes no sense to me but  tiny little hole this yeah lack of maintenance it   looks like just a little bit of neglect from  what i see just kind of signs of it uh dirty   and then oh we're gonna sell it spray everything  with wd-40 it's a well-known hack and uh   yeah just doesn't inspire hope i wish uh i  wish this person would have contacted me to   do a pre-purchase inspection because i may  have told them this looks a little sketchy well i say that but the other day the  other day i actually said i'm kind of   glad i didn't do a pre-purchase inspection  on this car or maybe somebody did but um a   lot of difference there so that one's got some  moisture in it and uh it doesn't look like oil   sitting down there so maybe coolant oh but anyways  i may not have seen that i mean it'll caught the   the issue here because it's you know it's got  to warm up just one of those things like it's   easy to just overlook and then if she would  have bought it man i thought it felt so bad   if i said yeah it was a good vehicle so  i don't know if i would have said that   i mean i usually don't give super firm answers  anyways just ideas and let people make their   own decisions and you kind of give them all  the information they need to make their own   decision so i'm i'm trying not to ever say yeah  this car is going to be awesome you know i don't   i don't think i've ever said that but we  haven't lost any pressure let's get the camera   anyways yeah just unfortunately so i've got these  all pulled out um and it's real hard to see on   the screen i don't think you're really going to be  able to see much so you can kind of see the carbon   on the tip of that just kind of get that cleaned  off to see but um yeah this isn't like something   i can like put a sd card in and save this is  a really cheap uh camera i bought it actually   when autozone stopped making them and they just  put them all in clearance to get rid of them   and uh yeah everything's real dirty in your tons  of carbon and you may not even have any idea what   that's trying to look like in there so i can  slide it down a little bit yeah so look at that   shade yes flaky carbon that's about all there is  i don't know if you're gonna be able to see that   all three are the same no coolant and we've  actually built half a psi of pressure since   we've been sitting here so probably just having  the hood open and all that heat has built a   little bit more pressure on the system but there's  definitely nothing leaking in those front three   and uh this has been sitting for three four days  now here's the thing about these specific bolts as   well on top of these coil packs you don't have  to over tighten them like they just have to be   snug enough to keep the cool pack from jumping  up and it's like the easiest tool i always just   use this to tighten them back down i always  try and use that most of the time you can get   them out with that because that's the right way  to do it but you know somebody whoever did it   last either overtime or they were really they're  really dirty so that may have been the issue okay   oh yeah i should let the  pressure out of that first   uh hard to tell now that that squirted up there's  a little bit less coolant looking right there   but when i start this up i'm gonna look  for uh like i said i'm gonna look for   uh coolant exhaust white exhaust it smells  like coolant burning coming out of the back   that'll be a good sign that hey we're  getting cooling into the cylinders   if that's the passage that this head gasket's  going through to overheat you know that's the   symptom of that one um you'd expect to see some  coin coming out so it's weird that we didn't see   anything on the pressure test but here we go let's  start this up all right these coin pumps uh these   coin fans are pumped and if you can't hear me  that's why i've actually just put a big pigment   in here to kind of soak up some of that coolant so  we don't soak it up into the block test i'm gonna   grab that we're gonna go ahead and get started but  i don't see much circulation in the coolant here   so that might be a sign that we've got a bad water  pump or something but i'd still like to put this   on here thermostat should be open this is hot  yeah and uh it's not overheating yet that block   test should be able to go on there now and give us  an info okay so it basically just looks like this   again there's machines that can actually read  parts per million and stuff basically i'm just   going to put this on here with some fluid and suck  some air through it and if it turns yellow instead   of blue the front blue then uh you know it's  got combustibles in the coolant here so pretty   good little test again not as good as a machine  though i'm not that cool it's hot so we should be   fine here but you can see there there's really  not much circulation so i would expect to see some   you don't you want to get that level down  low enough they don't soak up suck up   coolant because then you gotta pour out your  fluid and restart because it'll turn green so like that it's blue turn yellow okay this  should turn yellow um i suck some more of   that food went out because i sucked up and  pulled up as soon as i started doing this so okay well i'm gonna leave that on there  see if i can trap some fumes underneath   it and i can pull them back through and i'm  gonna make sure this doesn't get too hot   real quick i'm just gonna go ahead and slap  this on here and do a full system diagnostic   diagnosis which is what i'm doing right now  we're going through every single system we have   one in the transmission it looks like and i know  that can sometimes cause some overheating issues   and i think this has a cvt if i'm not mistaken so  i'm just curious to look through every single last   detail here before i run off all right well uh it  never uh that block tester was never conclusive   um it stayed blue and it got up to the point where  the coolant just started boiling and was just you   know splashing out boiling so at that point i  just had to shut it off this water's from i just   cleaned it up i carry water with me so i can clean  up especially in this case i knew i was going to   be dealing with coolant and uh yeah so it's pretty  interesting let me know in the comments down below   what you would do but honestly what i want to do  is say hey i didn't see any fluid circulating so   i don't know if that's common for this vehicle  people who are real familiar with them maybe let   me know your two cents down below but um there's  no circulation as far as i could tell right here   and i may just say hey you may want to consider  replacing your thermostat and your water pump i   think i heard somebody in the comments say there  might be two thermostats in this vehicle so   chime in as well on that one if you have any  opinions but we're going to close this back up   for now and i'm just going to tell the person  here um you know if you're if you're willing to   put a little bit more into it just to find out uh  we could do a thermostat in a water pump because   if the thermostat was stuck closed it could  inhibit you know flow from that water pump as well   and uh maybe start with the thermostat because  it's the cheapest see if that helps see if we   start getting circulation anyways let me know what  you would do down below the one thing uh that i   didn't do that you can also do is we'll either  have a really expensive machine that can read   parts per million or you know and maintain  pressure on the system so it doesn't boil   uh or the other one is to just pressurize  each cylinder and see if you get bubbles   coming out but again dealing with those ones in  the back is a little tricky in this case and uh   that's right well i wasn't i didn't disprove  it it's hard to do uh i guess i'll keep you   updated if anything else happens or or what  happens check the community page maybe i'll   just say one day hey she sold it maybe i'll just  say one day hey they sold it you know so we'll see   but uh i kind of want to just slap a thermostat  in there just to see uh and then maybe a water   pump but it's so hard to say without breaking it  down and looking at it and you're paying all that   labor anyways to get to it so anyways that's  uh interesting i wouldn't say a job well done   yet but uh i wasn't able to replicate that test  so that's curious see you on the next episode   all right so just real quick afterwards i  talked to the vehicle owner and they said   they are pretty much just sped up with the  vehicle and we're gonna send it to a junkyard   and i feel real bad so i think what i'm gonna do  is donate some time and some parts and fix it for   them or at least try to put a new water pump and  a thermostat in there so if you're interested in   helping that out i dropped my venmo my paypal  in the description down below check that out   drop a few dollars my way or if you just want to  buy me a cold drink for working out in the summer   or help me take my wife to dinner feel free to  drop some money down there as well or check out   becoming a channel membership they really support  these videos specifically the channel members   and yeah so if you want to help that out check  out that vidmo drop me a few bucks and we'll   get this new water pumping thermostat put on form  and i'll update you guys in a bit with a new video
Channel: Roadside Rescue
Views: 942,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roadside rescue, mechanic, diy, automotive mechanic, roadside mechanic, mobile mechanic, mobile mechanic truck, roadside assistance business, mobile mechanic tool box, mobile mechanic setup, auto repair, mobile mechanic toolbox, auto mechanic, mobile mechanic business, box truck business, how to automotive, automotive tecnician, Roadsiderescue, Mobilemechanic
Id: X0B349xDZwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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