Are you too heavy for your horse?

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rub him come on oh absolutely amazing since this video within the year Carlo has lost 80 pound in weight and he's still losing weight it's amazing no try you can't you can't have a life going out because you can't w box and that's what you want to do with Billy and socks and just what you got so thing about water Crossings I think charlot yeah yeah yeah he doesn't like water or mud I don't know whether it's an issue of him thinking that he's got to balance with me when he's being ridden or whether he just doesn't like it we've tried a few times to get him to go across the stream and then the latest last week was he just sat down like a dog now that video was about eight or nine months ago Charlotte came home a couple of days and said said she'd met met this this girl and she's really down about her horse because she couldn't do what she wanted with a horse she couldn't ride the horse anywhere she couldn't even go on a hack you know ride out into the woods because her horse would just refuse everything wouldn't go through the Brooks even if there was loads of horses in front which is very rare uh because of the herd and Instinct what is this video done for car amazing amazing change in her life uh Charlotte came home a few days ago and said you won't believe it I've Just Seen Carly Carly since the making of this video which isn't that long ago has lost six Stone there's £14 in a stone so it's over 80b in weight since and I've got a couple of pictures here this was about a month ago and Carly has lost I think1 15 since then uh this is more up to date uh in indoor arena and you can see here you can really see um how more they just look a bit better picture don't they and that's up to date as well she looks wonderful there doesn't she so guys this is an amazing story and one that's not by any means finished yet and I will update again in the future and also to give you my opinion on if a person is too heavy to ride their horse um and what my feelings are on that I'm going to quickly show you a few minutes of how I managed to help the horse in that first in the first two visits it was two visits I made quickly show you that now and then uh we'll get right into it I know he's only a baby but that's kind of telling me he's not de sensitized enough would you agree he should be able to cope cope with the Rope to the water before he sat down his legs were shaken see I shaking yes so I can understand it's a fear thing oh yeah it is he's getting relaxed you know disengage change eyes not great but a good morning of this the picture of me doing this would be less so when change eyes that nice nice yeah now I've seen this before guys watch that hoof it lands and his his left leg collapses there he's that frightened to put weight on it that's how frightened He Is We to [Music] get give him his leg now hey mate being careful here don't don't think you back legs went really wobbly yeah that's it right go put him away then direct him direct him and then rub him come on just stay there guys true to what he sat down on Q right there and then in front of me filming it just look at that and that's what he's worked out he needs to do he's not being difficult he's just doing what he thinks he needs to do to survive the day but he'll either sit down like that till she gets off or head for home this is funny come on Direct him direct him rub him rub him give him a rub now now stay there don't go anywhere woo and just little clucking a rub little clucking a rub hey girl now turn around come on look at that now you two carry on now I'm going to take the bike a different way oh uh oh okay oh saw the other horses oh maybe okay lead saw the other horses if you want to get off get off and then we'll over than me I'd be like I'm off yeah I'm off I am pushing the limits of everything I've done I've got to be on I've got to I've got to do this skate okay rub right I have to go give him a rub and then go up there like it's nothing like it's nothing give him a rub and then go through and come back neck as he goes through that'll do it Well Done Right bit of feed lovely job I'll put this over what's the secret how she she managed to lose the weight the motivation it's gave her um being able to ride more uh Carly did did say to me um yesterday that by uh being more active and less intake obviously riding all the time in fact a couple of days ago Carly went on a amazing fun ride with a load of other horses and it was Carly who led the way through the the Brooks the streams and the bugs which just shows shows what a difference um you know that little bit of work I did I must admit I am a little proud with this one I proud and Charlotte said as well Dad look at that what amazing difference so we we do get asked about weight on horses what weight should be a maximum weight for a certain size horse well I I remember years ago it was talked about quite a bit and there is kind of a saying that we as as a horse person you know when someone's too heavy for a horse you can you can see it okay you can see it and there are other variables how well you ride how balanced you are and things like that but I kind of go by the equation if you can ride quite well fairly balanced that it's 20% of the horse's weight now to give you an idea of 20% neita the last time we uh weighed her on a away bridge at uh the Vets was £185 okay 540 kg like but uh almost ,200 I'm 80 I it down no19 you've got to remember you got to add the T to it so when you add my saddle 30 the bridal £10 the pad10 I'm at 240 so I'm I'm pretty much bang on with all my tack and the Saddles are heavy with we use I'm about right 20% and that's to ride for hours I mean that's if you're just doing a smaller ride you get away with being slightly heavier um but that gives you an idea of what 20% is so I'm only just in really you know I'm okay but much bigger than me and then it would be theoretically too heavy for for my horse my feelings are if your hobby is horse riding if your hobby is horse riding and you know um and you you're run it for the horses and you love horses and and that then I think we owe it to our horses to be fit enough to ride and to be within really within that 20% if it's at all possible and then and then we we're good to go so that's my feelings that's why I work hard at keeping my weight down I know my dad ballooned up when he was my age and it could easily happen to me so I am very conscious uh of eating uh you know eating right to keep my weight down even as I get older to be able to ride even the younger horses like chev's you know um about NE to size so I don't want to get much more on this so yeah hope you enjoyed that guys great um sort of recap of that video and Well Done Carly well done Carly I mean that's an inspiration isn't it um for and the difference something going right in your life can can can make so yeah happy trial guys hope you enjoyed that CIA
Channel: Steve Young Horsemanship
Views: 58,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fPNSfnR1Pps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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