Extremely dangerous horse bites and attacks owner! How can I help?

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um this horse could could attack her and have nerve damage probably for life and that bike could have killed her I know what he's capable of Edwards should be euthanized Andrew has been now become frightened of being frightened for her own words yeah a horse is looks like I've seen a little clip of it I think it's really it's really not not going well um the relationship so what you've just witnessed there is Andrea's horse attacking her in the stable okay there are a couple of other videos I'll just show you one other clip now and then I'll explain what's been going on foreign guys this is after the attack in the Stables this is after the attack and Andrea knew she needed to do some groundwork and you know basically try and find out what's going on with a new horse and you can see here there's absolutely I don't know what to call it really is no respect at all he's kind of threatening but as you saw in the attack it's as if any second um this horse could could attack her and and do even more damage uh so there you go it's not very good it's all on a discourse for disaster um yeah just someone trying to do their best guys and obviously there's children around as well which is not a good mix for a horse like this yeah it's just seconds away isn't it you can see it's at any minute that Andrew could be attacked again yeah it doesn't look great so we're gonna go and spend an afternoon see where we can get see how we can help at all over on a round pen over there that's what you wanted look right remember and if you notice guys that's our round school there and it's about the same size that that would be absolutely ideal for that round pen and I've left the message for them to ring back and to sort out how much these things cost and that's that our little bit of Heaven There guys you can see where we live there look you know this is the Drone footage we were sent guys Fantastic look and that's it there that's our Riverside Ranch that we built ourselves it's a beautiful place for horses I'm about to start work for the first time with this horse now guys I must admit Tanya she didn't feel great about the whole thing to be honest um on the way up with the little videos and things should Steve I don't feel great about this can you be really careful so Tanya was worried about it guys yes which way is that right now all right so we've got the steps here okay now I know what he's capable of so that's why I said to you very quickly we're going to establish some guidelines I've done a little list here I need to explain a few things now about the whole situation so everyone's aware and I'll start off by explaining about Andrea and her family we have never been we was looked after so incredibly well we stayed overnight um they've got a beautiful house that they built with their bare hands guys I mean they the amount of work they put into the house and and they put their heart and soul into the house and it's beautiful and what we need to know is Andy's got two of the horses lovely horse got in there and a little pony and their lovely respectful horses she's done nothing but good with them not had a problem at all and um Andrew rides really really well she rides dresses she loves dressage and that's why this horse came out and this is the beautiful Andrea and her horse now this particular horse is very very well bred uh dressage was from brilliant dressage breeding and the horse came from Germany now Andrea didn't just ordered online like a lot of us have she made the trip to Germany and went with people who know what they're doing know what they're looking at and the horse seemed fine it was a little bit fresh but seemed fine for the age I think it's only five-year-old that horse is it's not uh Tanya is that horse five there's five maybe five or six so it's a youngster um and the horse is bought and had all the vet checking and everything done properly as it should be then the horse was delivered guys the horse was delivered over didn't go straight to Andreas and he thought it'd be a good idea to go to her trainer and have a little time there a little bit of bringing on when the horse was delivered trainer said better come down here because things aren't as they were different horse several people said it it wasn't like the same horse that they'd gone to seal though obviously is the same horse uh guys the horse was aggressive you couldn't even things like picking the feet up all complete change the horses no who knows what happened who knows if the horse was drugged in some way whatever it's there's nowhere telling that but it was a different horse and it was generally decided that the horse would go home to Andrea and maybe try and get to the bottom of it somehow you know maybe the horse wanted to break a rest after being broke to ride and trained so that was decided the horse went home and that's when pretty soon the attack the attack happened that's this attack and I'll just show you very quickly again don't look if you don't want to of course Andrew was injured while she was injured her husband and I think a couple of other people kind of helped with the horse her husband very quickly got damaged by that horse as well you know when a horse because her husband backed the horse off a little bit tried to keep the horse off him with all that biting and nipping and the horse got very very very aggressive and started stamping down with its feet very hard and if you've seen that guys when they really really come down hard and broke his feet uh broke his toes on the one foot uh broke broke bones in his feet anyway so that happened some very bad bites as well and other things so it really really really did start to deteriorate now I know at this stage most people would take advice which Andrew was given taken advice that maybe the horse was mentally um blew up in its mind I've seen it the horse would be destroyed the horse would be euthanized um for safety the kids really and I can see there's some Merit in what people were saying a very very famous trainer that she knows she sent some footage to abroad and he said the same thing please don't spent time and I'm about to start work now on the horse now I know that I've got to do a lot of firming up not angry firm enough no anger with this sauce you'd toast uh I know I'm gonna be quite firm with this sauce you'll notice and in a little while you will see Andrea uh do a little bit little bit with the horse and you need to know how Andrew feels about everything obviously because of the attack uh and Andrew knows that horses know when you're frightened okay when you're scared the horses usually know it they can see it in you they can even hear your heartbeat and stuff like that I mean it is deep with horse there's senses are that of that acute so andra's been now become frightened of being frightened for her own words and is now frightened of being frightened her how what a situation that is to be in so remember that when Andrew does do a little bit in a while so yeah let's get going with the video again I have spoke a lot there but it needed to be said in this situation because of the danger aspects and everything so here we go let's get into it and I will button again a couple of times I have to I need to stop immediately right beautiful but he's got to recognize that I saw it he's got to recognize I saw that drop the head really good really good now here he won't want to stop because he wants to be by one pace so I'm gonna I don't release till I get speed in the feet okay okay can we take that one foot back two feet good man okay no didn't ask for that see how I'm touching for back touching for back plucking for forward tell him how good he is can I lower his head down have you ever done any of this with him okay uh well I'm gonna ask for a little if they go up there that plays right into our you understand someone's saying they got there he's gonna feel because he's kind of the leader of all that like he wants to be there with the new mayor come in we need to be in here but that's great I'll work through that so it's a sort of thing on your list would be to do this in the stable with them find peace together I don't want it actually right on the floor all right tell him how good he is he is a switched on horse because he's learning this that quickly I'm thinking it not down there neck the longer it takes me to find that option the better so tell him how good he is I'm relieving a little bit of stress from him because he's just had a shock that a human is very particular about his space so now I want to just get him a little bit there you see what do you think so far seen a change okay so I'm on it I'm on it like Sonic you cannot come forward and right now I didn't use this at first I didn't want to frighten him too much so now when I lose his attention I might lift the flag up and bump his nose a little bit but a lot of this handling is when a horse looks looks all over the place then they just go you said he dragged your husband all over the place that's because their attention their ear goes their mind goes their nose go then their toes goes and you see how we're getting this now but it's important I stop in between each of these to let him know the summer any for him okay brilliant it's a really good thing to notice guys I've got used to noticing it when a horse feels the need to protect yourself an attack they put the weight on the back end and you can see here the weights on the back end and that's what I've noticed often they'll wait the back end lift the front feet a little bit to attack and look at that the actual attack here it's the same thing see that the legs are coming off the ground this is exactly what I did think would start to happen and when once I started to ask for um for him to move around me and give me space so in other words I'm moving his feet he doesn't move mine I kind of expected it I had to be really careful for it wasn't too long but I had to be very assertive with my with my space and make and make sure that he realized that I was serious about moving his um and he did kick out to me a couple of times which Tony did did get on camera but yeah things hopefully will start to get better so all that's going to do okay what did that do for him did nothing for him all it meant all that meant was he got backed up pretty pretty sharpish can you go foreign yeah that's why I'm doing this side really important that he knows that this has a meaning because this is could save your life okay foreign really interested if you notice there I shook the flag now watch him he cut see his head there turn into me right there as I shook the flag he thought about coming into me and I kind of recognize that these days quickly better boy no see the change yeah I'm where I'm aware where he is attention's more on me now but he's gone through some emotions there that was a foot too towards me that was a foot towards me see I was again I'm so patient the methodical with these feet I don't care if he keeps going forward goes into my favor but he has just gone through some motion there he said there's no way you are going to get me to go around that side with that flag I'm going to come in did you see him try to come in so he thought about biting me a couple of times he thought about it okay can you go this way yes you can tell him how good he is no don't worry about those this is your problem you couldn't be a dressage horse if you're having to worry about all of those uh winning he said you got me out here in the in the rain all right you see how I'm keeping his attention eventually you just touched that or thinking okay can you go this way yes you can who have gone straight and stop that's really good can you go this way yes you can stop back up all right guys stay with us stay with us stay with us stay with us there don't come into my space Stay With Me now I'm going to levels that I don't usually go to I know I must to try and hopefully save you and him it may not turn out that that's what happens but leaving me beautifully he's leaving look so I'm not going to overdo that now I'm gonna let him know that's good that's what I've been waiting for so guys I was a couple of hours for the first session so I can't show it all else it would be ridiculously on the video so I'm showing you all the bits I think you should you should see if you notice I'm concentrating with me in the right eye in the horse's right eye that's the sign that I had the difficulty the aggression the pushing on me was on that right side not too bad going to the left and we worked out between us all that the when the horse attacks or bites more or is pushy more it is when you are on the right eye so it all kind of figures out while that was happening so yeah that's it that's it find it no different stop can you go we found it switched on there's your breathing hey thank you good boy he'll end up loving me say for this this is where it's hard to get your head around it I'm leading him now I want that yes that's quite big this is for him yeah can he go there's driving there's leading there's driving leading um driving leading driving God you see how that's working don't know he's gonna experiment here and come up on me a little bit so tell him how good he is leading good boy that's a nice look can you see that load of the head that's another sign of let's negotiate let's yeah I'm kind of feeling you mate is thinking now because it's a little bit of submissive thing that is can you Trot out boy nice look lovely look drive it a lead in it's not lovely leading Laden lead in to driving better better better now I'm gonna let him know about that let him know about that little break there stay with me [Music] unrequested forward motion how much is a sense is this making seriously Can you feel it uh that that that's good so we'll go go for this uh yeah just um just be cool around him you know um you've picked that up quick these well bred horses like this just like the really well bed Quarter Horses don't take long to try and something in but also it doesn't take take long to to train something bad in see because he doesn't has no idea what's right or wrong he has no no clue it's only what feels best to him they don't know what's right they don't know what's wrong just the easiest path and the most safest path for them in their mind is what's right you know nice look yeah come on come on yeah he does look exhausted but a lot of that's meant a lot he's only done about tensor because that's a lie that's a mentor you can't get this having to move his where I'm asking him to drive into leading that's a big thing that driving to Leading because they're following but to be driven by a human being you know uh because what I'm doing is taking space behind him yeah well I'm trying to show you what I'm doing I'm doing whatever it takes uh no can he go yes you see really nice really nice now I'm going to take him down the bottom now have you ever took him down there never do you think if you had it done he would have performed a little bit away from the others yeah well let's see how we get on so I'm about to take him down to the bottom end of the Arena he hadn't been in the arena for a long time the reason Andrew wouldn't take him in because he just blows up pulls away kicks out just goes very very difficult so just the fact that I'm going to take him to the far end of the arena is big for Andrea um it didn't feel like it was going to be anything to me um to see what you think now wow good boy thank you any better than you thought any better than you thought honestly foreign you wouldn't have heard what Andrea said then she was absolutely godsmacked that I'd gone up the other end of the arena and everything you know it wasn't too too much no problem was it so that's a really good sign that with me getting to his feet you know getting control of space a little bit and being persistent so there's nothing in it for him to be difficult uh still didn't feel 100 safe at all but it was a hell of a change in my opinion and and Andrew thought the same thing that's what I've had to fight to get from him right that's the first hindquil to ask this is another biggie for him stop tell him how good he is don't let his front come can you take your hindquarters yeah so when he gives it I'll let him know about that let him know about that foreign good so can I will he drive there will he take his sign end can you take that that way yes hi then yes to come in go this way yes good man good man that's it come on oh Neely [Music] that that's pressure you're nearly there hindquarters in hindquarters in good ah pressure pressure come on over there over there that's a good place that's really snuggled up you say this is building guys this isn't just about getting on on him this is me moving his feet and him not moving mine which is what he always can do so it's a real opportunity to do some siding up that I know that he needs it or not it's the fact that I am controlling his feet and standing still and he's doing really well now I think these hindquarters right down things often get worse before they get better we um he's just gone through something there hasn't he come on that's nice mate nine quarters in Iron quarters in fine quarters in yes yes there you go mate there you go mate hmm he's very quickly become not bothered about a flag I mean he's a very very confident horse because he's almost like well I've worked that out now you gotta go to another I mean air-to-head skin to Bone it's you will not hurt him you can't hurt this horse as long as you don't hit him in the eyes like you might need one of these for his chest start so you would wave it a couple of times or right and then when his feet you're not even bothered about that really that much I'm trying to get a cue for you so you've got something with it there see how we went uh no all right tell him how good he is so you know you've got to watch his expression without looking into his eyes you've got to kind of get you know if you I want you know when you look into it's like it don't work very well because then they can really get challenging all right so I'm getting him to yield better than he was there's a different look about him without a doubt yeah can he go that way yes okay that was not too bad can you go that way no that way boy not bad so I'm lowering everything now just like can you go that way not too close you see how he's giving me his face now that's good good I like this the stable all right good boy boy this is the spot now there you see it did you see that the same clip slowed down watch his right shoulder move out then his left shoulder moves out or away from me to give me space he that was his idea to do that and that's what I was looking for that or important space stop I think for session one we'll do another session in a bit I think might take a one more walk down the bottom and then we'll put him just let him in with them yeah okay oh boy that's it not bad really so we'll let him come out here now okay no no no no good boy boy you see I'm controlling his feet here okay okay now I'm gonna you all right I'm gonna take that off all right I'm gonna come in here visit repair that guys up that to me felt okay awesome no no no no much more confident safer he knew that he was starting to respect me he knew there was a leader I was a leader to him I control his feet I control the space and he was safe I was now his parents well you see I'm controlling the parent to him which really deep down that's all he knows that's all he wants is for that and so I was feeling really really good at this point I must admit well we'll see don't worry we'll see let's get in there in a minute so guys this is during the intermission because we had a break right there and then uh Tanya's asked me rather than having lots of messages um about the flags there about the flags and the equipment they're on Shopify uh here's the flags that we use the telescopic ones that's those they're on Shopify we have these cut to the exact um size that I think is best um so that's the the flags are on there there's also really important our ties the the the the the ties the safety ties uh the several colors um they are awesome guys and Tanya has said uh for every two ties that I mean they they save horses guys they're they're the design is fantastic so Tanya just told me as a special offer for the safety ties for every two if you have two ties uh it's like getting one free really because uh you don't have to add it to your basket you get a brand new um rope hole to send out um they're one size they're really good good ones guys uh so I think that's it so that's the flag and the safety ties my favorite things really and of course you've got our special ropes as well which are cut to at the length I like with the splice in the end no no clips to hit under so yeah okay guys I just needed to fit that in for Tanya at about an hour's break guys and this is exactly where I picked up again start another session and it stopped raining because it suddenly started raining that's why we packed up but he was ready for a break anyway good boy yes right then foreign you want to move [Music] foreign [Music] but I'd like to get him really good with that so you can do it you know it's a real nice thing to have he's feeling better with his head down yeah you're noticing how Lucy's gone yes he's finding that see then why dive you know why they lift their heads up alert when they are low yeah but do you know why they do that when they look the distance because they always don't Focus like ours yeah the bottom of their eyes alongside the bottom of their eye you see how he's really like I'm only thinking this now all right at the moment it's not the killer we're thinking is he cut it off um he's the other bit that I said was there yeah yeah you knew it was in there it's a level of parentage they're natural my space sure space yeah I move the feet we move their feet they don't move out now you've got to remember some mark because I'm only here for limited time I'm going way quicker than I would at home no I know yeah I'm done till tomorrow yeah Love Gone two I can't just do a bit and say okay bye yeah I'm trying to figure out here what you know where the holes are what you've got to look for it's a lovely look him I should only do a little bit um oh yeah the main thing you've got to do in a minute is just get your space yeah yeah because if he thinks he can just straighten you and right so I'm going to put the lunch line on now and see whether we can get kind of expecting on that side to kind of kick the butt up and I'm going to try and work through it all those would be nice for you with your Fitness regime to be able to to do that wouldn't it very much so so what I'm gonna do got these so now I just want him back a bit so I'm just gonna wait for him to decide to stop it himself right yeah but remember you can always go that step further yeah I mean look it's buying it it's it's gonna it's gonna know it's Captain yeah but if he's ignoring that and he's coming to you just look at them feet and you just tap them as hard as you needed to get him back yeah right so I'm looking at that foot now so I'm gonna give him a chance and again so now I'm going to tap now I'm going to come up to a level that I need to to get a change in the feet there do you see the change in effect very much so yes and then tell him how good he is yeah I've got a horsemanship string which these are fantastic they are they've got a special splice in the end yeah so we can fit them on on the like a London tool or put them around the necks the horses we can catch horses with them and then lead them in yeah I can ride with them around the neck yeah just so many things and for picking feet up I don't know if you've ever seen well if I've also won't pick his feet up we put this around the fat lock and pick it up yeah around effect and I just hold until they take the weight off the foot you want and keep releasing yeah and eventually you can pick it up with this rather than get kicked yeah they're really handy tool with our Bowing in sticks you just put it through like that so that is now my lunch he looks over to us yeah for his first London how long our months months about 10 months so now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna close him up okay because the only place he can go oh he's good yeah I would say that was good felt good is Seafood lover is right right mate hey okay lose a little beautiful and just fire stop in there beautiful let him know everybody is nice so I just feel quiet here that's you see how I dropped the Rope as soon as he is [Music] foreign no I'm just mesmerized to be honest ly everyone who want him now yeah when we go to a demo we got pulled over I went it's okay I'm still filming and they all start laughing hey hey I got that I'm still filming am I terrible he's coming isn't he look all right he's coming now you see yeah and then and then say that's it if he crouches that's funny enough that gives you a chance to practice to you the less is Gonna Come on you and all right you know so important about to see whether she can get some sort of space going you know it is the hardest part of all of this because of the history that the horse has got with Andrea and how things have kind of turned out between them so it was difficult she was her art was going bless her but uh yeah um remember what her what she'd said earlier she's frightened of being frightened so fair play to to have a go at this now especially in the big arena as well you send him back twice as far as he came that's how you feel about that perfect practice yes put your hand on his forehead is that look at that a little bit of pressure chill as soon as he goes down the internet yeah look I'll hold him down a bit more right bring it into you yeah hold his nose again that's it lovely okay how's that feel all right to empower you a little bit stop that's fine get his attention yeah good you can look at his face but not his eyes you can see the peripheral get his attention on you yeah smile look at his face a little bit when you do that but not his eyes yeah that's good bye back him up oh for God's sakes okay that's good brilliant brilliant yes he's almost waiting for the Pat isn't he on his head to say I did good in a bit we'll take him in the stable we're leaving for a bit from because all this soaking in is where he learns right all the soaking and we're leaving for a bit we'll take him in the stable and see what we can do in there see how we can make him feel in there I don't even I can't even describe how good I felt she she did so well she kept focused smile on her face as much as she could the nerves seemed to just leave her we we ended there on a great note oh and Andrew was so happy uh but there's more work to do because of the remembering the stable is where the attack happened and where it his most it is um most aggressive had some real breakfast and I'm just gonna go in and feed him now and again yield yield so he's he's pushing on the door here please put it on the door so I'm in a way this and I asked him to move back he's thinking forward so I look at that look at that yield now wait no that's respectful now we can have it you see what I've just done don't waste that don't just put it down and you're gone yeah wait till he yes that will carry over okay so much is this the doorway yeah yeah so around this door area because he won't forget what happened here yeah guys we're in this door area did you see what I just done I asked like this got big and then I tap this until I had a change in his feet then I went in and I looked his feet he's getting that did you see that stay respectful yeah okay yeah so wow what a visit guys what a visit that was again one of those you don't forget uh too readily um I we had a beautiful night lovely meal a few wines uh real good night and then Andrea came to the demo because the very next day that was the Thursday the next day we went to Croft top get everything arranged and ready for the the big demo we did and that was on the Saturday I had six horses there four I'd never done anything with before they're all all those sessions are on the subscription channel uh but I'll show you a couple of clips of of those those four just little bit I um one of my team actually so everyone you can see but here or this was a horse the bolts but just bolts and can't stop it so that was interesting one and getting the horse used to the clap in was one thing we did because that that's when it tends to bolt and got a foundation started in there for the all-important one rain stop we did a walk Trot and this was the first try at Canter um which in all fairness this young girl she really picked this up really well brilliant really I like that and this little pony here was absolutely petrified of poles they know it I think it had a jumping accident and you couldn't get it near them and we worked on that guys and that turned out really good as well and this is the little girl uh going over poles that's well known across well know where all these horses everybody that makes men that was a great one yeah Andrew really enjoyed that day it gave it some more little ideas so demo was finished we had a night in a local hotel and then all went back then and probably retired guys we went up on the thirds got back on the Sunday evening uh a lot of work it all went well though hopefully we helped some people out and people enjoyed the demo a really great turnout up there so final final thoughts um I'd I we've had a message back saying that she um Andrew's done a few sessions with the horse things are on on the right in the right direction I don't know what everyone anyone who's watching this thinks if I've tried to explain to Andrea if things deteriorate and they can uh then I think uh one maybe talk to her friends deeply about it if she wants to ring me we can have a chat about it if things got worse my suggestion would be one of two things one uh find someone I don't know someone with my kind of experience it's a very well bred horse uh maybe someone would be interested in taking the horse on uh maybe that or uh is there a case for euthanization I think if the horse attacks are again touch on the children then I think there is a case for that that's one to be discussed and argue and people could argue all or or for hours about it but that's that's my final thoughts on it hope she does okay I did my absolute best and that's it guys so until the next video um Happy Trails again and if you can like share comment we do read the comments guys that'll help us keep plodding on and uh until the next time and again Happy Trails guys see ya
Channel: Steve Young Horsemanship
Views: 325,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pee64pQl_UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 47sec (3287 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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