La pizza napoletana di Gino Sorbillo

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Good morning everybody, I'm Gino Sorbillo, Neapolitan pizza chef. Together with my brother Toto I'm leading the "Antica Pizzeria Sorbillo" in Tribunali Street, 32. To make Gino Sorbillo's Neapolitan pizza, we start from flour. 1,550 kg of organic farming flour by Molino Caputo, all-purpose. Then we have 1 liter of water, 45 gr of salt and 1,5 gr yeast. For the topping, we have organic farming tomato, a fiordilatte Napoli type, extra virgin olive oil and fresh basil. First step, we're adding flour in the kneading trough. Then we're dissolving a gram of natural yeast, fresh, in a liter of water. In the meantime, we prepared 45 gr of salt that we're directly adding in the flour. We're working the flour with salt. At this point we're adding the water where we added natural yeast. It's very important to have a flour that is constant, that is balanced that is always reliable, to absorb the water needed for the kneading of the dough, that can satisfy our needs, that can be predictable in the reaction. We understand that the dough shaped when it is a little sticky on the hands and a little sticky on the sides of the container where we decide to knead, in this case, a traditional wooden kneading trough. So, if this dough, as I was saying some time ago, can be lifted, it always stays soft, sagging, as it's, anyway, a very oxigenated mass, but in the meantime we notice that the gluten net formed, it's a nearly done dough that can even be moved to the counter while the container remains clean. This dough must be completed, there's this system of kneading that includes the stretching of the dough and the closing. Why? Because we're covering, extracting in the outer layer the parts that are still moist and must be lightly covered in flour, the one we obviously used for the dough, to obtain a certain consistency, equal and without zones of moist, still wet of water, through the entire density of the dough, to then decide the moment, the "dough point", when we stop. What do we do now? We're taking the dough mass, ready, we decided about the "dough point" and move it to the same kneading trough where we prepared it, then we're covering it with a wooden lid. The time between the closing of the dough and the placing in the kneading trough is called "puntata". Our "puntata" lasts about one hour. After one hour from the making of the dough and placement in the kneading trough, our dough, let's say, changed its identity, changed its consistency. We're removing it from the madia - here it is - to move it on the counter and start cutting it into portions. For Neapolitan pizza, it's 280 grams, for fried pizza about 150 gr. The cutting is made in this way: a thin veil of flour, note that the pizza chef, differently from the baker, works with a little flour on the counter, he needs what is strictly needed in order to work, to avoid sticky hands without excessively dirtying the base made of marble or steel, as in this case. We're cutting loaves of dough that are usually as thick as the loaf we need. In this case, for a thickness, a width of about 10 cms, we'll obtain a loaf of about 280 gr. We let the loaf fall, depending on the hand, if you're left of right-handed, in my case I'm right-handed and I'm starting with the left, proceeding with this cut, can you see? A cut, just like it's done with mozzarella, here it is. From the same mass of dough, made with organic farming flour by Molino Caputo that is practically a revolution in the world of Neapolitan pizza, what can we do? As I was saying before, we can make 280 gr loaves to make traditional pizzas: margherita, marinara and all the most known pizzas, or changing the thickness of the loaf, make much smaller loaves at the same time, to make fried Neapolitan pizza or "calzoncino", or "montanarina". Here's a typical food tray where we're placing the loaves of oven baked traditional Neapolitan pizza. Ok, here 15 ones can fit. In the same tray, we're placing the small loaves to make "pizza a portafoglio", from which derived our Neapolitan pizza. If it's rushed, the dough for Neapolitan pizza doesn't come out well. The dough needs a slow work. The ingredients are mixed, kneaded, they're not just blended. The miracle, after hours of patience, because there's something else to say: when we say that we are able to and we make this kind of work, cover this tray with a food lid, or if we haven't that, with film, and put it at a room temperature, sheltered from the sun, cold, moist, air flows. After at least 8-9 hours, with the amounts I showed you earlier, they will look like this. Obviously, these ones are like these, they're the smaller ones. The dough let's say, collapsed on itself. What is important to notice is the signs of juncture between the pats. It's very important, as we decide to take the pat that we're using to make pizza, be it Neapolitan or fried pizza, of any kind, we should reach well with the tool that we call "stick", in the juncture, to avoid picking up the mass of the next pat, as this one from 280 grams could reach 300-320 grams and this one, from 280 grams could become 240 grams, so from one side we'll obtain a bigger pizza, from the other we'll obtain a so-called mignon pizza. Here is the traditional working of typical Neapolitan pizza. We're keeping on the counter the same flour we used to make the dough. It's a obviously manual working, useless to say. We're applying the "slapping" technique, so we're bringing the pizza dough towards the other hand and then we stretch it. We're now adding the tomato from organic farming, one and a half, in the center, then we spread it, obviously not reaching over the border as its function is to keep the ingredients we selected for the topping in. In the meantime, here are fresh basil leaves we're placing on top of the pizza. Fiordilatte, an extraordinary fiordilatte from Campania, from Naples. Olive oil. We're now moving the pizza on the peel. Usually, there's people who move the peel under the pizza, but we're making it the other way round. The traditional wood oven cooking, just on the outer border of the oven, allows us to obtain a perfect pizza in a minute, 55 seconds to one minute. This pizza looks soft and pliable. A feature of Neapolitan pizza is that you can bend it like a book, a wallet (portafoglio), as it's the way it was born, eaten on the street, wrapped in paper. This is my recipe for the traditional Neapolitan pizza. Follow my advice and try to make it at home as the tools available nowadays makes it possible for us to make it at home. Use a flour, in this case, from organic farming by Molino Caputo, fresh products, from delicatessen, genuine products that you can find close to your home as well, and you can make this and serve it right away!
Channel: Italia Squisita
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Keywords: pizza napoletana, ricetta pizza sorbillo, gino sorbillo, pizza sorbillo, ricette sorbillo, mulino caputo, italiasquisita, pizzaiolo sorbillo, antica pizzeria sorbillo, sorbillo ai tribunali, ingredienti pizza sorbillo, pizza gino, sorbillo fa la pizza, pizza margherita sorbillo, le pizze di sorbillo, farina sorbillo
Id: E4r0tGfTh68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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