Pizza Napoletana: Fritta vs. Montanara con Gino Sorbillo - Zia Esterina

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Hi everyone from Gino Sorbillo. We're in the heart of Naples, at Spaccanapoli. We cook the traditional pizza in the oven, as well as another wonder that is sometimes believed as unknown: fried Neapolitan pizza. We're also making fried montanara and I will reveal you which are the secrets you can keep in the drawer. Neapolitan fried pizza and fried montanara are as ancient as oven baked traditional pizza. They're made with the same kind of dough for oven pizza, and you can find it in the ItaliaSquisita video about traditional Neapolitan pizza. At home, obviously, you don't have, it's difficult to have a traditional oven, but a pan with an extraordinary oil can be placed everywhere in order to have a product that is perfectly identical to what you find in our pizzerias. Now let's stop talking, and move on to practice. Let's make pizzas! Hi, good morning! Thank you. - Here is our Neapolitan ricotta! - Thanks, we'll make a great pizza. Thank you, see you later! The oil I'm choosing for frying is a sunflower seeds high oleic oil, Frienn by Olitalia. It's 100% Italian, with a high smoking point and it also has the advantage of allowing me to obtain a frying and a restaurant without bad smells. While we're waiting for the oil to heat up, we're starting to cut our smoked provola cheese from Naples. The very important thing I care about a lot is to cut the smoked Neapolitan provola cheese with all of its rind, because it has a natural smoked flavor with straw, as it used to happen in the past, so we have this fragrance and taste obviously like smoke, that characterizes our fried pizza, so we have for us some buffalo ricotta and zucchini that we quickly fried. Our dough is well risen since more than 20 hours. I used a type 0 and a type 1 flour. Another secret is to use little flour on the work counter so we will make the oil less dirty. So, small movements. We need to focus mostly on the border, the cornicione. Since we need to overlap two edges, it can't be too thick. Once we stretch our pizza for a diameter that is a bit more than 15 centimeters, we're adding in the central part some buffalo ricotta, but we can use the sheep's milk one as well, cow's milk, whatever we want. We're adding our extraordinary provola from Naples, then we're adding straight away our zucchini, that we fried for a few seconds before. We're adding coarsely ground black pepper and nothing else. We're overlapping one edge of the pizza with the other and allowing the air inside our pizza to come out, because otherwise there would be a swelling and it could maybe break during the cooking phase. We should always be careful not to pierce it. We're shaking our pizza lightly. We're making sure that it is sealed perfectly and at this point we just need to lift our pizza and throw it right away in the oil. Here it is. What is important is to soak it with hot oil right away. We're frying it at 200°C in order to have a browning. It's perfect, see how good it looks. We're turning it around a bit, obviously careful not to make holes. At this point we're lifting it. Here it is, a vegetarian fried pizza, very tasty. We're placing it on a grill. We can also skip this, but we're giving a further last drying to the pizza. From what we can see, the paper is basically dry. Here it is. This aspect is very very important for us. We're taking a paper sheet for food and adding our fried pizza on top. Here it is. Our bag, our package can't be missed, everyone knows it. We're now going around with our Neapolitan fried pizza, brown and perfectly cooked. Let's go! Are you following me? You also collaborated to this brown fried specialty. Thank you for the Neapolitan provola, Carmine, thanks for the zucchini for our fried vegetarian. It doesn't need any introduction, guys. This is a memorial made food, it's a piece of Naples with 300 years of history that conquers everyone with its fragrance, with crunchiness, with flavors, the territory and all of the territories, indeed! The Antica Montanara da Esterina Sorbillo is none other than a disc of dough, stretched and pressed, that we're stuffing as we like, in this case with tomato, basil and a bit of Parmigiano cheese. We're making holes, we can also use a fork, in case. The stretching method is different. We're not touching the border, we're just making the central part a bit thinner and we're throwing it straight away in oil. Just like for the fried calzone, we need to soak both sides with Frienn oil by Olitalia. Then we're lifting it. Here is our montanara pizza, fragrant and full of bubbles. We're lightly straining it, placing it on our steel grill. We're doing the same as we did for the fried calzone, this last precaution in order to make sure our montanara, straight from the oil, is nicely dry and ready for use. We basically lifted it from the oil maybe 15 seconds ago. It's perfect, brown, crunchy, well leavened, which is really something, to now top it with whatever we like. So we could use, let's say, Neapolitan fiordilatte, we can use cold cuts, cheeses, and not only that, we can add vegetables on top if we want it vegetarian, and free your imagination! In this case, we're topping it with tomato that we cooked before with a pinch of salt, a bit of extra virgin olive oil, a clove of garlic that we're later removing, and we're adding Parmigiano Reggiano, a basil leaf, here it is, if we want we can add more pepper, or let's say, cacioricotta, some carmasciano cheese, whatever we like. Our fried montanara, our super fried montanara da Esterina Sorbillo is done! Enjoy, buon appetito! Come, come, here you go! Thank you! Come, good guy, come! This is how pizza is, to be shared! I made my pizzas, and you can make yours, obviously following my advice! Tag me and tag us, so we can take a look at the results and we can always be in touch! Greetings to all friends of Italia Squisita and happy pizza to everyone! <i>Neapolitan fried pizza, Gino Sorbillo makes it!</i> <i>He’s the nephew of Zia Esterina, the queen of fried pizza!</i>
Channel: Italia Squisita
Views: 169,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza fritta, fried pizza, montanara pizza, +gino sorbill, staffed fried pizza, deep fried pizza, street food neaples, zia esterina sorbillo, pizza spaccanapoli, pizza tribunali, il cantore del balcone topolino, pizzeria gino sorbillo, classic pizza fried, ricetta gino sorbillo pizza, italiasquisita, olitalia, olio frienn
Id: bHwtiL3m86I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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