Gina's phone being more interesting than the actual 99 crimes | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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Gina what the hell new phone who this you can't do that in person it's Charles boil your coworker Gina the da needs copies of our interrogation transcripts from the Adams case Gina Gina Gina sorry I was playing quy cupcakes crazy cupcakes quy with a w a backward W no say thing as a W yeah there is see okay how you play you just line up three cupcakes with the same color frosting kab and this little game of yours it's more interesting to you than your work yeah quy cupcakes is a lot more interesting than this stop saying quy and stop playing this innan garbage it's embarrassing say it to my face I did you were looking at your phone oh cool my be listen up there's been an issue with the motorcade the Serbian president is delayed in Washington and we can't start locking down intersections until he takes off apparently he's on an important call with the Albanian president is that buard nishani or is it still bum or taupy oh Ames let me check it just says no one likes you look I'll talk of course you will but I'll only talk to her you want to talk to Gina yeah hi do you sell purple pants all right well good day then every ending is A New Beginning another great Gina lanetti entrance you better Savor these while you still can Sarge Gina I am not in the mood how are you so unaffected by all this because I have already moved on I'm devoting my energy to my new project gazon it's a One-Stop online portal for my Legions of followers speaking of H what's up G hiive it's Queen G I'm bored at work so I'm going to prank all my co-workers that sounds like a bad idea for an already crappy day fine sge I won't do it it I will do it so you can count this as my first prank I guess unofficially mapping mapping mapping mapping mapping mapping what's going on there buddy just making a final imprint of your face before the lasic surgery goes poorly and my eyeballs get burned off why stop at the eyes burn off your whole head it's not a big deal at all but someone's threatening to murder me what damn Gina I mean I'm not worried about it in the slightest anyone who has an online presence gets meaningless threat it actually is a sign that I made it congrats thanks thank you the only thing is I have my first speaking engagement tomorrow and the organizer says he's going to cancel it unless I have police protection so would you guys come tomorrow and police protect me yes of course yes oh thanks so much this is my agent I'm so sorry Duncan this better be good news oh it is your video is huge from Spokane to Spain your Global jeans now let's talk strategy this is going to take a while do you guys want to get drinks at shop pause later and catch up oh yeah that sounds really fun great I'll see you then okay so dunks I have an idea for a second book it's a memoir and it's made of memes so it's called a memoir hey can I talk to the captain he's on the phone do you want to coffee while you wait they made me an extra one on accident oh sure thank you oh my god what is that cement you just drank cement guys check back in to see if she dies you're not really going to die probably okay just a little honey for the gve also you can talk to hold he is not on the phone what is happening that's a little something my call two pranks for the price one get familiar with these faces or get familiar with the unemployment line I'm so sorry but I have to check you in I need a member number I don't have my member number with me it's too bad you can't just use my AMX black card oh that's great we can use that you can well you think I carry around my own wallet I'm sorry sir if you could just give me a name that would be great I'll give you a name pompus laqua I'm so sorry Miss laqua you're not in the system this is ridiculous you know what call Daddy Daddy will get us in daddy the man won't let us into the club oh yes Daddy no Daddy no Daddy wants to speak with you gladly hello Daddy yes Daddy no Daddy Daddy oh well good question daddy daddy wants to get this young man fired what is your first and last name uh you know what forget about it you can just go on up fantastic everything's well Daddy we're heading in daddy hello Gina what are you creeps doing made me look away from my phone better pray I didn't miss a text in the two seconds you looked away 17 texts all of them important Jake that was so dope when you were like clear p guys uniformed officers found Marvin hiding in a bathroom at the event space he's in custody we got him that's great I hope they give him the chair o we should celebrate champagne's in the fridge on it Duncan I almost died it was amazing I heard all about it jeans look you're trending and from my pain comes Triumph love that and we can use this publicity to get more money out of those bottled water guys you really impressed them at drinks last night yeah yeah yeah we should talk about this later sorry you're breaking up look I said they loved you at the drinks last night the drinks last night that you had with the water people crap look I just hit the Holland Tunnel but again great job with the drinks last night did you hear that I did and there's been a change of plans I'm going to take a rain check on the Champaign but it was wonderful seeing you why are you talking like a flight attendant this is how I always talk when everything is okay which it is right now please enjoy the rest of your day what are you two up to I'm on my phone and R is just sitting there silently the US do you want this Union to be blessed Jake or do you want this Union to be freaking unblessed blessed totally blessed I'll do it it's fine but I should warn you my car is a piece of junk and it's always breaking down ah come on the universe isn't going to let anything bad happen to two best friends unless we're in a firy crash and our bodies are burned beyond recognition ooh Gina's got jelly beans Pento no bad sorry Gina that was amazing he actually listens to you hey you should come with us on this trip you know in case he starts acting backat crap Looney Tunes yes you can use your powers to keep him in check yeah people fear me the only reason I'm not your boss right now is cuz I'd hate to do that to Halt he needs this and also you're not a cop well you're not the basis of a character on an Empire Jake but I don't throw that in your face every damn day so you will come with us yeah I'll be there you to man bye girl see you in the car girl tell us what he look like I only saw his back uh he had a blue hoodie on W we got a lead you just drank cement you just drank cement Timothy sham shim shim Timothy sham shimy Gina oh sorry I'm doing my vocal warmup great well cyber looked into the threats and they traced a number of negative comments back to another internet celebrity Marvin Lennox Marvin Len yeah I'm not worried about him he's an inspirational Baker inspirational Baker what the hell is that a man is like aiche and aich is only as strong as its crust what's your crust oh that's exactly what it sounds like yeah he's not a threat he lives in Utah and again just to remind you inspirational Baker and then you release the Jack and voila tire changed don't you feel empowered yes there is nothing more empowering than getting a condescending colleague to do a menial task for you what are you talking about I'm talking about how you just changed my tire while I sat here watching a 20-minute video of a monkey getting its hair combed but you were paying attention you laughed at my joke did I I like to call this the Jack of all trades silly monkey all this monkey I see you filming linetti what's in a yogurt normal stuff nothing you'd use to make a sidewalk with what's going on sge you find that leak yet yes I'm hiding behind a coffee maker spying on everyone in this office because I found the leak oh Terry sarcasm is not a good look on you but you know what would be a really tight Henley very helpful I know he your leak is what I looked up the reporter who published the crime numbers and I noticed you two follow each other online well he followed me and you know I'm a proud member of Team follow back so I went through your feed to see what you were posting a lot of pictures of your kids nobody cares and then I found this picture you posted last week living that # yogurt life embarrassing but what's even more embarrassing Terry is that the arrest numbers are in the photo clear as day oh my God I was Sleek I got to take that picture down Gina I am so sorry I blamed you and I knew you would say something like that so I went ahead and bought myself a cake on your behalf check it out oh dang and this has been here for the last half hour detective didn't even notice it God I'm so sick of doing everyone's job for them it's like help me out a little bit just once in a blue moon I told you you can't be back here and I told you I already am what did you do I was live streaming a prank when Captain Hol made his big speech about how you did the right thing for the city I guess people were moved they were like what can we do to help and I said call the Commissioner's Office the G hiive is real I can't believe you did it g you're a legend to the 99 9 hey you guys I thought of a funny response to Terry's text from would you mind take him a look before I hit send Charles you've trained for this moment okay we trust you just send it come here good job all right I'm going to do it mhm way to go hey Gina you got that file I needed Captain H to sign [Music] uhhm [Music] Gina hasn't taken her eyes off her phone in two hours first person to make her look up wins the pot I'm in bet which improve someone's manners double score sorry guys I got this in the bag I used to have to distract her from a phone all the time when we were smooshing booties yeah hey girl catch you later mid morning dance party she's dancing even better than normal oh my God did you hear that George W Bush died who that Gina may never look at another real human being again she's unbeatable uh I don't know about that Terrence Jeffers are you kidding me change my relationship status to It's Complicated Pony up y'all woo it's my wife hey baby no no no no it was a mistake my thumb slipped in I have to go [Music] home
Channel: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Views: 200,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, brooklyn 99, b99, Stephanie Beatriz, Rosa Diaz, Jake Peralta, Andy Samberg, Detective Charles Boyle, Melissa Fumero, Detective Amy Santiago, Detective Jake Peralta, Terry Jeffords, Chelsea Peretti, Andre Braugher, Gina Linetti, Terry Crews, Joe Lo Truglio, brooklyn 99 gina and boyle, brooklyn 99 gina pregnant, brooklyn 99 gina headphones, brooklyn 99 gina interview, brooklyn 99 gina gets hit by a bus, brooklyn 99 gina moments, brooklyn 99 gina incident
Id: al0vdRktQtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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