GIN’S FINAL SECRET | Gin Ichimaru’s DEADLY Bankai: Kamishini No Yari | BLEACH Explained

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gin chimaru is a character that we are suspicious of from the very beginning of the bleach story from his physical appearance alone he appears to be somebody that you cannot trust he has an unrelenting stench of villainy which is just really hard to shake off gich chimaru is iconically remembered for his two-faced personality as well as being Central to an incredible plot twist from chapter 414 of the manga which reveals that he hasn't been completely honest about the true nature of how his Bankai functions now when gin Reveals His True motives to eizen it is evident that he has been concealing the real abilities of his Bankai and for a very good reason in this video I'm going to be dissecting everything that there is to know about gin chimaru Bankai so make sure that you stick around until the very end of this video as I'll be uncovering why gin had decided to work alongside eizen and why he had concealed the abilities of his Bankai from eizen for close to 100 Years also I'm going to be breaking down and analyzing the meaning behind the name of his Bankai kamishini no Yari with tit Kubo there are no accidents and he has been very purposeful with the name that he has given Gins Bankai but I'll talk more about that later on in the video additionally I'll be briefly analyzing the connection between gin and rangiku as well as the flashbacks between their characters from chapters 129 and 415 of the manga because they are very important plot points that help us to better understand gin's motives as well as gin's Bankai ability these flashbacks tie together the story in an incredible way as we understand the weight of gin's decisions and how his Bankai was made for the sole purpose of defeating eizen so join me as we break down and analyze everything that there is to know about the Bankai of Guin [Music] chimaru discover the undead collection and be amongst the very first to joiners on our journey over at getug in chapter 129 of the manga we learn more about gin Chim maru's past via a flashback told From rangiku's perspective here we see gin as a child handing out some dried pmen to rangiku who is lying on the ground within the forest of the rukongai district gin comments on the fact that she must have spiritual energy if she has collapsed and exhausted and she responds by commenting on the strangeness of his name since then both gin and rangiku became close friends and it is evident from their flashbacks that rangiku and gin are more than just casual acquaintances their story is actually told in segmented flashbacks that are scattered throughout the manga now as gin and rangiku began living together one day there was a chance encounter in the forest that sealed gin's Destiny in chapter 415 we see gin collecting some firewood as he looks up to see a strange Gathering of Shinigami there appear to be three men who are bowing their heads to another man who is wielding a glowing pink orb in his hand we quickly learned that this individual is of course ssuk eizen and the glowing OB that he is holding is in fact the hokoku this device is a source of much conflict within the series because when it becomes the completed hokoku it propels eizen to unparalleled Heights of power the hokoku was initially invented by kisuke urahara and eizen had ended up creating a replica of it he had made it for the sole purpose of breaking down the barriers that exist between a Shinigami and a hollow we can see from the manga panels that it is a tiny spheric device but it is powerful enough to be able to manifest the desires of its wielder in chapter 415 eizen is seen taking some form of spiritual energy from one of the Shinigami this scene is josed against rangiku lying helplessly on the ground we eventually learned that eizen was feeding the souls of hundreds of rukongai citizens to his incomplete hokoku rangiku was among these rukongai citizens who fell victim to eisen's experimentations but the difference is is that rangiku had a fragment of the Soul King within her which ended up being taken away from her and was used in order to empower the hyoku now it is because of this very vital aspect of rangiku Soul which was stolen which had resulted in Gin forming an enemy out of eizen it was at a young age that gin had formed the desire to destroy eizen and his Decades of loyalty had culminated into the reveal of his Bankai during the fake kakor toown Arc this was during one of the most pivotal plot twists in all of bleach since we know that gin was a former Captain we are aware that he is among some of the most powerful characters within bleach before diving into his bunkai abilities I want to First explain how is shikai works this is because in chapter 507 we are reminded that no zako in existence has a shikai and a Bankai which are unrelated in their abilities depending upon a shinigami's ability to communicate and control their zako Spirit a zako can manifest itself into two additional forms before it returns to its sealed State these two forms are referred to as shikai and Bankai shikai is the initial release stage of a zako where we get to see the partially manifested powers of the Shinigami personified inner soul a shikai typically transforms the zako into another unique weapon or it remains unchanged and instead displays a unique ability a shikai can only be activated once a Shinigami learns the name of their Zak do Gins shikai is referred to as Shino which translates to God Spear and his Bankai is called kamishin No Yari which translates to god- killing spear now names are incredibly important within the story of bleach and Kubo makes it obvious that gin was destined to at least try and kill eizen who himself is a false god who had the desire to sit at top of the heavens taking the vacant Throne of God that the soul King occupies one of my favorite quotes within bleach is gin's Bankai relas command which is kill kamish Shino Yari the way that he utters this is so simple and straight to the point gin's delivery makes it an epic oneliner that sends chills down your spine every time you read it so after gin had activated his Bankai what was it able to achieve and how did it fair when it was executed in a battle against a hokoku evolved eizen we see a demonstration of gin's shikai abilities in chapter 75 when Ichigo attempts to bypass him and enter the Ser he ends up being forcefully pushed back by the force of Gins shikai we see his shikai want again when gin faces off against hitsugaya in chapter 132 he activates his shikai using the release command shoot to kill Pierce him even in its released form his shikai looks like an ordinary sword in its shikai state we can see that shinzo's blade grows white and extends at high speed in order to Pi gin's opponent from a distance in chapter 75 we get a demonstration of the powerful force that is generated when a Zak Doo is extended gin is able to effortlessly push back both Ichigo and the giant jiumo out from under the Ser gate now when rangiku had intervened in the fight between gin and hitsugaya her zako Hino had started a crack from the sheer force generated from blocking Shinzo in addition to these abilities gin can maintain the extension of his zako in it shikai State and he can swing his blade around in wide arcs attacking multiple targets at the same time when he retracts a zako Shinzo it displays the ability to also Bend in chapter 3 339 we learned that shinzo's maximum length is equivalent to 100 times its original length gin explains to each ago that this fact alone had ended up earning his zako the nickname 100 swords before Gins Bankai kamishin no Yari was revealed we could probably deduce that it's an extension of its shikai power because even in its Bankai state it does not change in appearance aside from having the ability to extend its length in chapter 399 gin states that his zako conect extend up to 8 mil in its Bankai form this ability absolutely crushes the laws of physics as we see how easily entire buildings are shredded in half the force cutting power length and speed generated from kamishin nari are vastly Amplified to the point where gin is capable of swiftly cutting an entire town in half with a single slash of his zako while standing a considerable distance away now the next statement has caused a lot of debates amongst fans as in chapter 400 gin states that a zako can extend itself up to 8.1 Mi at 500 times the speed of sound this would be exactly 106.6 m/ second in order to arrive at its full length in under 0.08 seconds I don't know about you guys but these statistics sound way too impossible to even imagine this means that gin's weapon is not just the longest Sako but the fastest the extension and contraction speed of kamishini nari is highly dangerous and gin does attempt to downplay its speed whenever he talks about his zako Ichigo in chapter 399 states that the scariest thing about is zako it's not its destructive force or its length but rather the speed of its lengthening and Contracting kamish Shino Yari may seem relatively harmless when compared to other Bankai but it's probably one of the most dangerous when applied to a practical situation prior to him revealing the true abilities of his Bankai gin focuses on the length and power of His Zak so that he continues to have the psychological advantage over eizen in chapter 44 gin uses another ability of kamishin no Yari this power is known as b as he adopts a stand where he firmly grips his zako with both hands and places the hilt of his blade squarely on the center of his chest gin is then able to utilize the tremendous extension and contraction properties of his zako to an even more terrifying extent than its normal State Kubo shows us how fast this is by illustrating how Ichigo barely has any time to register what is happening Gins attack occurs in the form of a piercing maneuver where the extension and contraction of gin's Blade becomes almost completely unseen no matter how closely You observe it gin then releases another command for his Bankai called kamishin No Yari BH renin this ability repeats the action of extending and then Contracting is zako as it happens multiple times in Rapid succession this generates an apparent Mass mass of blades that leaves little opportunity for his opponent to evade successfully Ichigo is thrown across the buildings with such force that his Hollow Mask ends up being activated now during the final stages of the battle against eizen gin reveals kamishini noar's true abilities before his big deception is unveiled in chapter 414 of the manga eizen states that he is surprised by gin he thought that after seeing rangiku that he would have shown her mercy gin then gives one of his most iconic speeches which links back to why the true abilities of his Bankai remained hidden he says that he is a snake who has no heart he swallows people whole and true to his snake-like nature gin chimaru betrays the man that he has been following for a century everything is going smoothly and Isen contemplates his Ascension within the soul society as he then casually remarks about creating the Oaken but he doesn't know what's about to happen next as ginan impels eizen with the true form of his Bankai now the true beauty of how all of this is executed is the composure of gin in one instance he appears to be walking away and then in a Flash eizen doesn't know what has just hit him gin gives us some Exposition relating to why he is the only one who is able to catch eizen off guard this is where we learn about the weakness of aizen's shikai kyokasuigetsu gin had spent decade spending time with eizen in order to learn its weakness which is you need to touch Eisen zako while it's in its sealed state so that it's complete hypnosis will have no effect on you nobody else within the entire goate 13 had known this weakness except for gin I've always admired a lot of characters within bleach but Guin chimaru tops my list for having some of the most insane levels of dedication for his goal now unfortunately for him eizen had known all along that gin was planning to kill him and this is why he had kept him close gin then pulls out an UNO reverse card and states that he has lied to eizen about his bankai's true power he explains that kamishini noar's true ability does not lie just in its length or speed but it's the power of the zako to turn into dust for just a second at the moment when it expands and contracts there is a deadly poison within his zako which is released into his opponent's body when his blade impales them with his poison dissolving into the blood and beginning to break down cells Gins Bankai enables him to leave a small portion of his zako within his opponent's body when his bonai retracts this effectively allows him to kill an opponent at any time that he chooses to Gin had left a fragment of his blade within eisen's heart and he literally does this within a fraction of a second after pacing his chest gin then utters his super cool release command kill God killing spear we then see eisen's body breaking apart with the upper right portion of his torso completely disintegrating despite the wellth thought out plan Isen ends up evolving into his chrysalis stage and he states that he has now finally ascended into a be that transcends both Shinigami and Hollows and this of course is thanks to the hokoku what happens after this is absolutely heartbreaking as gin is impaled through his body and thrown to the ground at the very end of his life kamishini nari was obedient to its Master the god-killing spear however was unable to fulfill its mission of killing the false god that is eizen Gins Bankai would have definitely been able to kill eizen but he was unable to foresee how effective the hokoku would have been in assisting eizen in this situation after failing his mission gin apologizes to rangiku for not being able to return what was stolen from her this just highlights how much of a burden gin had placed upon his shoulders for the sake of his desire for revenge in a recent question and answer on kubo's official fan club club outside in question 545 a fan had asked Kubo that if gin continues to leave pieces of his zako within his opponent's body will his Zak Doo eventually cease to exist with the fan rightly assuming that gin zako may not be able to rest itself this is in line with what myi had told Ichigo about a Bankai in chapter 515 he states that a damaged or broken Bankai can never be returned to its former state but Kubo reveals that over time the pieces that are missing from gin's Bankai end up being restored similar to how a snake's venom replenishes over time in summary gin has an incredible Bankai it amplifies several qualities of it shikai like its force cutting power length and speed and the most incredible ability of his Bankai is that he can leave a piece of his zako inside the body of his opponent which he is then able to dissolve into a deadly poison which kills them at a cellular level I really love Gins Bankai and I wish that we got to see more of it within the actual manga but its brief showcase plays into the tragic story of gin in the end what do you think about gin's Bankai did you learn more about the extra abilities of hisako like BH and B renin and what are your thoughts about the true power of His Bankai personally I absolutely love love all of the abilities of gin zako as well as the culmination of his character Arc with his motives to kill eizen finally being revealed during the fake caror Town Arc I look forward to reading all of your thoughts about this formidable Bankai so definitely continue their discussion in the comments and lastly thank you for making it to the end of this video and I cannot wait to see you in my next bleach explained video a massive thank you goes out to all of my amazing patreon supporters for helping to make this video possible if you also want to support the channel and see your name in the end of my videos then check out my patreon which has loads of perks like early video access and so much more thank you for sticking around till the end of the video and whatever you contribute will mean a lot to [Music] me
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 36,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach anime, bleach manga, bleach hell arc, bleach 2024, bleach tybw, bleach new anime, bleach tybw anime, bleach new chapter, bleach anime trailer, bleach tybw trailer, bleach hell chapter, bleach gin, gin ichimaru, gin’s bankai, bankai, gin bankai, gin ichimaru bankai, kamishini no yari explained, gin's betrayal bleach, aizen vs gin, gin bankai explained, kamishini no yari, gin ichimaru bankai powers, bleach gin bankai, bleach gin’s bankai, gin vs aizen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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