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yuii shien is one of the first Shinigami that we encounter within bleach while for the majority of the early chapters of the Manga she is in her cat form we do later find out that she was the former captain of the second division as well as the former leader of the onme sko and the head of the noble Shian household despite her decorated background we never really see yor Ichi utilize her zako throughout the entirety of the story instead yuru Ichi adopts a more unconventional fighting style for Shinigami as she lies primarily on shumo earning herself the title of flash goddess shumo or Flash step is a high-speed movement technique that is unique to the Shinigami a lot of bleach fans have been wondering what had happened to yorii zako and more importantly what are the shikai and Bankai abilities that she is hiding in today's video I'm going to be deep diving into the possibilities of yoruichi zako I'll be discussing theories that I have about her shikai and her Bankai I'll be tying together everything that we learn about her possible abilities from the Bleach Manga as well as the light novels and all of the information that Kubo has revealed about Yori ichi's abilities via his fan club club outside so without further delay here is my video uncovering The Mysterious abilities of the one and only flash goddess yoru Ichi [Music] shoin discover the undead collection and be amongst the very first to join us on our journey over at getsuga god.com the relationship between a zako and its Shinigami is a bond that lasts for a lifetime the shape and abilities of a zako are manifested from the wielder Soul a shikai is activated typically when a Shinigami learns the name of their zako this then allows both sword and wielder to become stronger together given that zako are the trademark weapon of the Shinigami I was really curious as to why somebody like Yori Ichi does not rely on her blade I mean even a character like kimachi Zaraki was heavily Reliant upon the zako even though he proved to have no relationship with his own blade I have a theory that since Yori Ichi was born into the xhoan household one of the five Great noble families her zako May well be an inherited Divine blade this is a zako that is unique to a specific family rather than belonging to an individual Shinigami and it's usually inherited by the head of that family across several Generations examples of such a Divine zako include muramasa which belongs to the Noble kuchi family as well as the Shinken haken which belongs to the isi family and lastly you have enra kyoten belonging to the sun yashiro Noble family within the k your world light novels there is a scene where tokinada Sun yashiro comes head-to-head with yoruichi and saone being the villain that he is tokinada taunts yoruichi about her not having her own zambak do it is a somewhat comedic light-hearted moment and yorichi quickly retaliates as she states that she does in fact have her own zako but it is is out of her own preference that she chooses not to utilize it and she prefers to utilize an alternative style of fighting when she engages in combat she even adds that she soothes her sulking zako on a daily basis now I strongly believe that these light novels are Canon material and yorichi was actually being honest here when she was speaking to tokinada this conversation puts to rest a lot of fan theories that yoruichi may have lost a zako at some point in time furthermore there were some theories that yorichi had discarded a zako during the 10 back the pendulum Arc back when she had rescued urahara from the central 46 but these remarks from the can't VI on world light novels finally reveal that she is still in possession of her Zak do as she states that she constantly needs to calm her zako down because of her not utilizing it enough details like yoruichi being a former captain of the goate 13 reveals that yoruichi has some Mastery over a zanako to the point of at least achieving Bankai however throughout the series your each relies nearly exclusively on hoo and hakuda yuuichi is infamously known as being a master of hoo or footwork hoo consists of maneuverability techniques which are unique to Shinigami now keep in mind when we look at members of the stealth division they are typically unarmed and they are shown with no Zak do you have to also consider the fact that yorichi is well regarded as one of the finest hand-to-hand combatants within the soul Society taking all of this into consideration perhaps her zoko would provide provide no benefit or even hinder her specific fighting style therefore the theories that I speak about within this video are going to try to include plausible explanations as to why yoruichi zako is never seen in battle we see yoruichi take part in four major battles throughout the series the first is with her Proto J soyon which occurs between chapters 154 to 155 and then we have her brief battle against Yami in chapter 194 and then her battle with during the fake kakura Town Ark between chapters 403 to 46 and lastly her very memorable battle against askan nakava during the Thousand-Year blood War Arc which we see in chapter 656 and between chapters 662 to 664 now a common theme of Yori ichi's fighting style is that she loves to get up close and personal this close quarter style of combat appears to be the norm for members of the stealth Division and yoruichi as the former commander of the stealth division is no exception to this sihon is also seen to use a very similar Close Quarter style of combat despite her frequently using her shikai and even her Bankai whenever I think about yoruichi zako it's hard not to think about Sion zako in particular her Bankai jakuho raikoben her incredibly destructive Bankai trades the stealth of a shikai for a loud destructive oversized Bankai Farm which is understandably very cumbersome for someone like I phone to use so we can deduce that your Ichi zako possibly gives her a similar disadvantage when it comes to close-range combat in order for soyon to properly utilize her Bankai she needs to in some way distract her opponent as well as maintaining a distance between herself and her Target and lastly pray that her not so subtle blast that she fires off makes contact with her opponent because of the destructive power of sion's Bankai she typically only has one or two chances to use it in battle before her energy becomes depleted it's for this reason that I deem sion's Bankai to be among one of the worst within the series it's just way too cumbersome and it comes with its own fair share of limitations which make you understand why cyone only uses this power as a final result so before we continue our speculation on yourichi zako let's talk about a unique ability that she possesses I'm of course referring to her cat transformation this is a unique ability which allows her to shape shift into a black cat at will thank for the Kubo does reveal some insight into this transformation via His official fan club club outside in question 331 that he answers Kubo reveals that yoruichi had initially developed this ability to transform into a cat for the sole purpose of sneaking around her family's Mansion chapter 465 also reveals that yuichi's ability to transform into a cat is a quirk that is exclusive to the shien family occasionally shien members are born with the ability to transform into a a specific type of animal it's important to understand the nature of yoruichi's cat transformation as it may have some hints about her Zak Do's shape and abilities we know that some zako can disguise themselves as other objects within their sealed State we see this with urahara and head captain Yamamoto as they disguise their zako as canes analyzing some of the shikai and Bankai transformations of some of the Shinigami may help us to better understand yui's abilities now if a Shinigami has a small Shai or a partial ability with their shikai then their Bankai is most likely going to be a completed version of their shikai or just an oversized Bankai in general we see this with individuals like komamura renji gin and even Sion additionally if a Shinigami shikai is projectile based then that Bankai will be full of condensed ratu or it will be a melee type Bankai we see this with Ichigo zako zatu as well as head captain Yamamoto zako ryujin jaka if there's a that has a partial change then its Bankai form will be a completed transformation or a full manifestation just like my's ashisogi jizo there are some zako which have a positive effect in their shikai state while the Bankai proves to be an opposite of the shikai this is perfectly demonstrated with the zako of unana minazuki and also soyon suzumebachi lastly a Target effect shikai will become an area effect Bankai this is definitely the case for kaname to suzumushi now all of these points are important to keep in mind when we discuss yuichi's possible zako seeing what Kubo has done in the past will help us to theorize some of the stuff that he's keeping hidden from us so my first theory about yoruichi zako is that she has a living type zambak do now these types of blades are designed around the ability to generate living creatures that obey the wielder the most obvious example of such a zako would be sing komamura's tenen since yorichi has the ability to transform into a cat my theory is based on this idea that a zako has extremely feline qualities which I believe would manifest in some of its abilities as well as its shape and form in terms of the shikai release of this potential zako I believe that yorichi zako would dissolve into a shadowy shape that takes on the form of a cat in this form her zako is able to mimic her movements using her ratu and it would also Grant yoruichi some level of stealth as she would be able to hide from the sight of her opponent my head Cannon is that yoruichi is able to have such a shikai because it lines up with her abilities that we see in the manga because while yoruichi is in a cat form she can still Channel her spiritual energy and move at incredible speeds despite her being physically Limited in the body of an animal I believe that yuichi's shikai transformation would Grant her a complete disguise similar to rangiku's huko while rangiku's shikai uses ashes I believe that yuichi's shikai would embrace the concept of Shadows so continuing on with this first theory that I have about a zako I believe in her Bankai form her zako would transform into a pure white large sword it would have a proper Hilt and guard which is shaped after a brist tric scallion I think that the zako in its size and length would be equal to tensa zangetsu in its Bankai form yuichi can summon an obscenely large dark cat monster into existence the purpose of a Bankai is to completely engulf enemy spiritual pressure I think that your Ichi would manifest a miniature Shrine which he sits inside of while meditating the bankai's power would then be seen as pulsating waves of light that expand outward from her in addition to this once it has absorbed the spiritual pressure of one of its targets the cat then transforms into an exact copy of the person even mimicking speech and body movements I think this would be a very effective tactic which would confuse her opponent as yorichi is able to mimic multiple targets once she acquires enough spiritual pressure however the the more spiritual pressure that a Bankai absorbs the more massive that it becomes and I think that this will be similar to komamura's Tangen mu thus forming a bit of a disadvantage for Yori Ichi as her bonai becomes a larger Target for her opponent to attack I believe that the next stage of this bonai would be trapping her opponent into a circular stage similar to a 2d Fighter game stage this would force herself and her opponent to remain in close range of each other this small area of combat would force the two opponents to chase after after each other similar to Tigers chasing after each other in a circle now the nature of this ability is similar to shunu Katan kyokotsu only that this Bankai brings only a single game to life which would be the game of tag I believe that a Bankai such as this one would be a massive weakness to yui Ichi if it became too massive to move around at Lightning Fast speeds this of course is in reference to the creature her Bankai would manifest with it absorbing its opponent ratu in order to transform into a perfect copy of them as we all know yoruichi is considered to be the most proficient hoo Master even in all of the Soul Society in chapter 154 we see how yoruichi has mastered this ability to the point where she can appear to be in several places at once and she is even able to wipe out an entire stealth division Squadron in just mere seconds additionally using such a large and cumbersome Bankai would come at the cost of a speed if y Ichi is able to utilize abilities such as utsu semi which he uses in chapter 20 99 that she doesn't really need to use the shikai of zako which gives her stealth if she is already able to generate a lot of speed and make herself difficult for an opponent to catch without even using a zomboko my second theory which I think is a bit more plausible involves Yu Ichi wielding a lightning type Zak do the only other person within the soul Society to have a lightning type Zak Doo was chojiro sasakibe and while it was only briefly shown to us in chapter 504 this was expanded upon within the anime via some anime exclusive scenes now this second theory about yoruichi zako is based upon her technique of shunko which she reveals in chapter 158 she uses this technique against Sion and it's a power that enhances hakuda with Kido users of shunko have their arms shoulders and back covered in Elemental Kido energy within both the anime and the manga yuichi's ratu takes the form of white lightning whilst using this power we are shown an enhanced version of her shunko during yoruichi's battle against Asin in chapter 656 it is referred to as shunko Rin sen whilst in this form the lightning that is emitted from yuichi's back creates a circle of electrical energy as she unleashes a giant column of concentrated electrical energy in order to engulf her opponent now applying this power to her potential zako I believe that these lightning bolts that she generates can be used effectively Within the context of a zako so with this zako Theory when herika is activated the blade of Y Ichi zako is turned white hot as it begins to emit small bolts of lightning these flashes of lightning chase down your ichi's opponent as they begin to reduce that spiritual pressure yoruichi is able to control the direction of a lightning during the first release of a zambak do we could also speculate that yorii shikai is similar to Ken's like it may be able to transform into a weapon that yoruichi Wheels which emits lightning to strike her enemies the respective Bankai form of this lightning type zomok do would create a massive Draconian tiger Beast which Bears a strong resemblance to yoruichi in a cat form this Beast is literally made up of lightning and it moves and attacks at astonishing speeds and if her opponent merely touches this Beast then it electrocutes them persistently I think that the weakness of such a Bankai is that it gets smaller and weaker the longer that it is activated another the weakness of this bonkai would be that it would indiscriminately Target anyone on the battlefield with the lightning bolts another limitation would be that the lightning bolts would not have a lasting effect on someone who has a lot of spiritual pressure such as Eisen kimachi or even ichibe I would theorize that the lightning bolts would literally bounce off of their bodies rendering the attack wholly ineffective now my third theory about yoruichi zako is based on the fact that yoruichi is always on the offensive so maybe she will builds a defensive type zomboko which is designed around defensive capabilities with little or no offense this also could build upon the idea that the noble shien family are the keepers of divine zako and divine tools said to have been bestowed upon them by the gods now this defensive type zako in its shikai form I believe would take on the shape of a massive Shield which counteracts any attacks from yoruichi's enemy its size will be comparable to yoruichi's own height and it would definitely hinder her movements in its Bankai form this Sako would transform yuichi shield into a heavy metal body armor similar to what she wears in a battle against eizen from the fake kakur Town Arc however this time it's not only her hands and feet that are covered it's her entire body her ratu or spiritual pressure would increase and the armor would begin to emit a glow that can be seen by most of her enemies and this glow would be blinding and give yoruichi somewhat of an advantage in battle maybe yoruichi would not like to use this type of zomok do because it doesn't allow her to be stealthy at all especially if she's emitting a blinding glow therefore she would be severely hindered in hand-to-hand combat with her not being able to sneak up on her opponents and with her being heavily weighed down with this massive armor that she is wearing my final theory for a Zak Doo is that yoru Ichi has a power type Zak do upon the release of it shikai it transforms itself from its usual form into an enormous Warhammer which is nearly as large as y herself with a head that is roughly the size of an engine block despite it being really bulky and heavy it carries enormous power being able to crack Stone and pulverize her opponents with a single attack yuuichi can increase her shikai's power even further by spinning the hammer similar to kaku's Bankai when the hammer is spun around it would crack and Sparkle with electricity which is focused on the head of the hammer and when she launches an attack all of the generated electricity will be discharged creating an incredible powerful attack which would simulate a localized earthquake whenever she attacks with this generated power despite the incredible power of this shikai yuichi despises it because it's impossible to use stealthily and it's far too heavy and it throws off a balance when she is using shumo it is also really loud when she uses it so it isn't suited to her stealthy style of fighting with this type of zako I doubt that yoruichi would sacrifice all of her other skill set just to use an incredibly powerful weapon that has a lot of raw power now similar to sion's Bankai I think that yoruichi's Bankai would be severely limited in this form I think that it would allow yuichi to generate a lot of powerful lightning energy which she can disperse off into a single attack which she can fire towards her opponents at long range again this type of Bankai would be absolutely useless in a stealthy scenario and it would not mesh well with her preferred fighting style now these were just a few theories and they are based upon this principle of your Ichi zako being cumbersome or not convenient for her to use with a Zak do not complimenting her fighting style yuuichi had trained soyon not to be completely reliant on a Zak do we've seen yorichi in some of the most important battles in the series not even use a Zak do at all this makes me feel as though y Ichi and a zako spirit may not get along or her zako abilities are more troubled than they are worth soyon does find herself in a very similar situation but when she is pushed to her very limits she still does end up using her Bankai which has proven to be very effective in her battles against baragan as well as bg9 now this notion of a Shinigami not getting along with a zako is not unheard of we see this with hisagi not really getting on with his zako or even Yumi referring to his zako with a incorrect name also urahara has commented on how Benny Heime isn't always Cooperative with him so maybe yorii just has a troubled relationship with a zako with yuichi having been trained excessively in shumo and hakuda she firmly believes that her body is probably the only weapon that she will ever need I presume that she would have been horning and training her own fighting style well before she had received an asauchi and had imprinted her soul onto it so while it's difficult to actually assume what yor ichi's true zako is in this video I've tried to make similarities and parallels to sion's situation with her zako these are four of the best theories that I was able to come up with but I am interested to know what all of you think about your Ichi zako we definitely know that she is mastered her zako to the point of attaining Bankai because she was the former captain of the second division but unfortunately we have little to no idea what her true shikai or Bankai is if you agree with some of the ideas that I proposed in this video then definitely let me know by continuing the discussion in the comments I'd love to know all of your thoughts about y Ichi zako what are your own personal theories I really look forward to reading all of your thoughts and lastly thank you for making it to the end of this video and I cannot wait to see you in my next bleach video a massive thank you goes out to all of my amazing patreon supporters for helping to make this video possible if you also want to support the channel and see your name in the end of my videos then check out my patreon which has loads of perks like early video access and so much more thank you for sticking around till the end of the video and whatever you contribute will mean a lot to [Music] me [Music]
Channel: DBZimran
Views: 67,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach anime, bleach manga, bleach hell arc, bleach 2024, bleach tybw, bleach new anime, bleach tybw anime, bleach anime trailer, bleach tybw trailer, bleach hell chapter, bleach yoruichi, yoruichi’s zanpakuto, yoruichi vs askin, yoruichi shikai, yoruichi bankai, yoruichi zanpakuto name, yoruichi zanpakuto theory, yoruichi zanpakuto, bleach yoruichi zanpakuto, does yoruichi have a zanpakuto, yoruichi god of thunder, yoruichi bleach, yoruichi bleach bankai
Id: anBkR4VEliY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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