GIMP 2.10 Tutorial: Crop an Image Into a Circle Shape (Easiest Method)

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to yet another tutorial by Davies media design my name is Michael Davies and today I'm gonna be doing kind of a bonus tutorial since I took last week off but I'm gonna show you the easiest method for cropping an image into a circle shape and this is using 2.10 point two so this is the latest version of I've got another tutorial on this subject but it's pretty outdated now and it uses a method that's not quite as quick so I'm gonna show you guys the updated better faster method before we get into that of course I want to direct you guys over to my website at Davies media we've got plenty of video and text tutorials on here so definitely check it out and you can enroll in our photo editing course from beginner to pro photo retoucher and I'll include a link to this as well as all the relevant links from this tutorial in the description so here's the image I'll be using for today's tutorial this is obviously the FIFA World Cup 2018 official ball so you can go ahead and download this for free just click the free download button here and then this allows you to choose what size download you want so go ahead and click download and that will download your image once you've downloaded your image go ahead and open up your downloads folder and find your image right click on it and go to open with and choose and that will open up your image into now the first thing I'll do is change the name of this I'll just change it to ball and now I want to add a transparent background to this so that when I erase the background and create a circle shape here it'll be transparency behind it so I'll right click on here and go to add alpha channel and that essentially just turns your background into a transparent background instead of using the background color you have selected here next thing I'll do is grab my ellipse select tool and here you have your tool options the first thing you see is the mode and just make sure this is set to replace the current selection next thing is anti-icing and this just ensures that the edges of your circle are crisp and clean versus jagged and you have the feather edges option and that just allows you to basically blur the edges of your circle and that helps with blending your picture into the background so it kind of allows your picture to fade into the background a little bit better then you have the expand from Senator option that just has to do with how you're drawing the circle so when that option is checked you'll see that when I click the circle will be drawn from the center of my mouse click as opposed to when I have that option unchecked wherever I click will be the top corner of the circle and it'll drag in the direction that I drag my mouse so go to select none so make sure that options checked here fixed aspect ratio allows you to set an aspect ratio for when you're drawing your circle so if I check this option and you'll see here I typed in 1 colon 1 that allows me to have a circle with a 1 to 1 aspect ratio which is basically a perfect circle so you'll see when I click and draw this it creates a perfect circle I can change the aspect ratio if I want and that's just the ratio of the width to the height so you'll see here the height is twice as large as the width of this but I'm just going to change this back to 1 to 1 and then you can also set the exact position of your circle and the exact size of your circle and you could choose whether or not the circle is highlighted when you draw it and then also whether or not there are guides in your circle when you draw it so right now I have the set to center lines which you can see that just marks the center of the circle I'm actually gonna turn the highlight off here but I could change this to no guides or rule of thirds which is a photography principle or rule of fifths golden sections diagonal lines and so forth so I'll just set this to center lines it makes it easy for me to align the center of the circle to my soccer ball here as best I can and with these options checked here I'm going to draw what I think is the center of the soccer ball here or football as some of you call it depending on what part of the world you're in so once I release you'll get these things called the marching ants and that just shows you the selection area then I can click inside the selection area and move this around until this is fairly centered on my ball so I'm not totally sure if this is perfectly centered the soccer ball and the ellipse select tool so I'm going to grab my zoom tool hold ctrl and click the zoom out then I'll grab my alignment tool and click on this layer you'll see that this is the active layer that we're aligning because it's got these squares in the corner here and what I'm going to do is change the align relative to to selection and that is allowing me to align my image layer with my selection that I just drew and so I'll go ahead and click this align Center of target option and now what that has done is it's perfectly centered in my photo with my selection area now that obviously only works if the object you're trying to align to the center of the selection area is in the actual center of the image so keep that in mind now I'll hit ctrl I and that all selects outside of my selection area and I'll hit my delete key and that'll go ahead and delete everything outside of my selection area and then I'll hit control shift a to select none so that will deselect our selection area now you can see our image is cropped into a circle shape but we've got all this excess area so now you can just go to image crop to content and that will crop your image down to the size of the circle so now I'm going to go ahead and export this as a PNG file because that is the type of file that allows me to have no background or a transparent background so go to file export as and I'll go ahead and choose my destination folder and then I'll come up here and just change this to World Cup 2018 ball cropped and then down here by selects file type by extension I will scroll down until I get to P&G and go ahead and hit export and I'll hit export again so now here's my image exported as a PNG and you'll see that it is obviously a circle shape and there's no background here alright so that's it for this tutorial let me know in the comments section who you're rooting for to win the 2018 World Cup but if you like this tutorial you can visit our website at Davies media you can also join over 300 students in enroll in our give photo editing course from beginner and a pro photo retoucher and i'll include a link to that as well as all the relevant links from this tutorial in the description so thanks for watching and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Davies Media Design
Views: 57,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp for beginners, how to gimp, gimp graphic design, gimp photo editing, gimp 2018, GIMP 2.10, GIMP, basics, image crop, ellipse select tool, crop an image into a circle, circle crop, image crop circle, beginners, gimp basics, photography basics, photo editing basics, world cup, FIFA World Cup 2018
Id: hdsxCvuzuro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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