The Best NBA Trash Talk Stories | Luka, Draymond, Pat Bev, Embiid, Larry Bird, JJ, Book KD and More

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have you always been a big trash talker no but you are now he talks a lot maniac patrick bailey is a maniac i am i don't give a [ __ ] so what was he talking well we're going to get to that i don't know i think there's a certain guy that you just you shouldn't you shouldn't leave it on it was like i'm gonna just go in and i'm gonna create this mindset of just totally disrespect these dudes and destroy them there's been a lot of weird things that have been said to me certainly jj drinks his own pee is up there like he's not gonna shut up i'm not gonna shut up and i'm just like whoa man that that's just a little bit ah that's disrespectful no he did he either he gonna bust my ass on my buses it's one of those two closest i've ever came to a teammate punching me i have like a real scar you were all [ __ ] talking team if you were to make a top uh starting five of [ __ ] talkers in the league you can either count yourself or you don't have to oh well draymond has to be on the kd ah the way i also look i trash talk is like you gotta back it up like i mentioned one knee uh no disrespect i know what you're gonna say too say say i wanna go no no no no you say it say it you talk i swear you're gonna say patrick beverly yes like i feel like yeah it's all like he's all fun and all that stuff and it's good for you guys you know on tv to talk about the next morning or whatever that is but it's like i feel like like if you can't back it up like i don't know to be like he just feels weird to be in a position where like you always talking trash non-stop non-stop but like are you gonna back it up like are you gonna you know come down and like get the ball and [ __ ] go calling up on the person and then go on the other end and you know lock him down and talk more trash uh he can't do it because that's what he does he's gonna score you and he's gonna come down on the other lock you down uh there's a few guys that can do it uh but i don't know draymond uh kd i really can't think is there anybody else i have two other names uh cp and book i think book is located loki yeah people don't realize i don't know i don't i don't think people know that he talks a lot i'm sure you heard something last yes i'm sure you hear something well he's always talking literally but that's the thing i love that about you know these type of guys like they just know how good they are [Music] you you brought up that 2005-2006 texas why did i bring i don't know earlier i don't i mean we've talked about one other time on this show we talked about it doesn't really come up it's not like we talk about it katie truthfully came on kevin kevin brought it up when he came on he said he was at that game this is single like hands down the number one thing in my career through everything that i've got killed the most about number one oh number mind jj had his best game his college career like jj went abs it was like almost like i don't well i don't know what was up with you it's like you were mad at us or something i don't know jj went crazy on us yeah like 46 44 all right 41. was he talking well we're going to get to that i don't know we're going to get to that so there was a i had remember adam morrison used to play like late at night and i had watched his game either the night before or on thursday night but at some point that week and i was watching him shoot and you know how he had the ball off to the side a little bit yeah it was really high off to the side yes and at the time i was more straightforward and i remember a warm-ups that day i was like you know what i'm gonna try i'm gonna move my shooting pocket just ever so slightly aside i'm not gonna exaggerate it like adam but just ever so slightly and i shot a few in warm-ups and i was like oh [ __ ] this feels good and then like the ball boy looked at me and he said how many gonna have tonight and i said for sure 30 or 40. it feels that good right now oh my god and i actually missed my first two shots of that game and i was undeterred because it felt so good so at the end of the game towards the end of the game pj didn't like he wasn't really guarding me for most of the game i did for some reason towards the end of the game it was already a blowout he starts guarding me he's doing the pj stuff he's not letting me cut he's cutting me off he's shoving me he's talking to me i grabbed a rebound he's tickling me and doing all this i don't know just all this weird [ __ ] and it was it was apparent that he was trying to get under my skin and obviously he was frustrated you know i'm not i'm i don't hold against you and i don't remember exactly how the story goes but i got fouled i had 39 we were up 30 and he's yapping at me at the free-throw line and like as i'm shooting my free throw i said something to him i think what i said was pj i've got 40 and you're down 30. why the [ __ ] are you talking something like that it was something to that degree it was something that agreed it was it was definitely my hey listen my friends destroyed me about this and i i'm not gonna lie for a year i was so mad ken paulino wanted to guard you like kp he wanted he wanted to guard you and then every like i'm like dude all right cool like mind you they got a bunch of other really good guys do like it he couldn't like you couldn't just hone in on jj because he's i mean yeah two of the best screeners i mean nobody screamed like like sheldon williams would just kill people elite screener oh god the only thing that bothered me that game though was that they put this walk i had like 33 in the second half and at one point we're taking the ball out underneath and they make a substitution and they put this guy jd carey it was a walk-on and they put him on me for one play and i scored and i lit into your bench going back down the car crazy on the bench oh you were crazy [Music] have you have you always been have you always been a big trash talker even when you were a kid no i never no i wasn't but you are now well if somebody tells me something i'm going to say back i think this year it's been a lot but before i was never never do you feel like um i i don't remember if this was a um a label that was given to you when you were coming into the draft but it's certainly been a label that i've heard a lot in terms of my career my my generation my era in terms of the soft european did you hear that about yourself yeah you did yeah even when you got over here or just we just when you were at real madrid no i think it was like before the draft and like let's say first couple games you know i saw on twitter or something for sure i feel like guys this is my thing and i'm not saying you tr you're um you're very sarcastic you have a very dry sense of humor you talk [ __ ] in practice it's funny we laugh we talk [ __ ] when we play cards it's funny we laugh but i do feel like at times people test you and i'm sure early in your career they tested you and even now they probably test you and i've never seen you back down from that like there's always there's always a response a rebuttal whether it's verbally or with a play where does that sort of come from where does that toughness come from i just think i'm competitive in everything you know whether it's like i said playing cards playing whatever i just want to win and you know it's if somebody tried to get me going it gets me going too sometimes you know and the game should like slap a little bit uh or me i don't know you but but sometimes you are and then somebody you know tries to test you it gets me going it actually helps me so but like i say you know i'm just competitive in everything you can ask all my friends sometimes we get mad a lot because i'm the competitor there's been stories about this with you know kobe and ron and jay back in the day about even like fans getting people going where it's like you might be there and you might sort of not be into a game and then all of a sudden you hear somebody talk has something like that ever happened where like in the middle of a game some sort of thing random thing happens and you just kind of wake up and you're like i want to kind of kill now well yeah that too you know but you know fans be saying everything man especially some places my friends was just saying whatever you know but just to get me going uh fans i i don't really know if they did but they've been saying some crazy crazy stuff our games on our plane you seem wild like i remember one time i walked away with like 80 000 cash in my backpack like off of la to west or east coast trip like we used to get it in those games were intense i remember when you almost depressurized the plane at thirty five thousand i'm just a [ __ ] i have a like a real scar where are you trying to touch the window and it [ __ ] luckily they're double paying double page but i broke through the first one and i had amazing i still got a real scar on my hand from that [ __ ] that's crazy i lost an unbelievable hand that was worth a lot of money maybe 15 or 20 000 were what was on the line and there was no way i probably got cheated um but as soon as i lost i was pissed and i just i don't even know why i didn't again ball fake punched the window at 30 000 feet in the air when i punched this one on after i was down like yo what did i just punch the window like what if i would have punched through it luckily it was two panes of glass but like my hand was bleeding bad but were you there could you hear it yeah he's right there you're sitting right there yeah he's at the same table jj probably took some of the [ __ ] money i lost like we used to have like these real good card games just because it was recent and and your perspective on things and and your your uh candidness on things are always so enjoyable but the the the tweet about russ so just to provide some some uh history on this um when he played for the thunder you know there was a collision at half court and he got hurt and then a couple years ago he said that patrick beverly tricked y'all and he all he does is run around and then the other night after um you know again another uh off game for russ and the lakers lost you wrote uh that he was the real magician you know um how much have you have you held on to that i call that perfect timing divine timing you you know people looked at me differently people around the nba coaches players like after that people were just taking the ball just going at you i'm like what the [ __ ] like all because of what one person said that's and that's how the media is like if one person says one thing that's how they take they take it just for that like he he really looked at it like people like yeah maybe this [ __ ] don't play defense the only thing he does is run around so obviously you don't have one bad game oh russ was right did he i knew this [ __ ] only thing he did was run around and stuff like that and you know there's no falling rabbit gots to go now you know just you know just a real humble tweet you know forgive but not forgotten type of thing you know perfect timing too huh trade deadline yeah yeah maniac patrick bailey is a maniac i am i don't give a [ __ ] so what so what so it was perfect it was perfect timing it was a perfect time yeah perfect time he damaged my career like coaching staffs and players fans they looked at me way different they looked at me like you know what you don't play defense he just yells and running around well okay and held on to that and held on in it and some people still do you know and perfect time perfect [Music] i don't think there was any other team that could have beaten that rockets team as far as them sneaking up on us i can't quite say they snuck up because they were playing so well throughout the regular season that you knew they had to be reckoned with and we had some great games with them in the regular season but i will tell you where they made their biggest mistake where they made their biggest mistake was daryl mori coming out and saying we this team is built to beat the warriors like we built this team specifically to beat the warriors what i would say is there are more real g's moving silence they just kind of they just kind of do what they do and they move in silence daryl so if you take any advice from this interview darryl that was their biggest mistake they come out like this team is built to beat the warriors so for the rest of the year we like all right we'll get there we'll get to that game and then we're going to beat them they're not going to beat us we don't think they can beat us why didn't we think they can beat us we felt in our game plan james harden and if you go watch them games they were up 15 to 20 each game but our game plan was to let james harden do everything that he's going to do we're probably not going to stop him and that's fine but we're going to stop everyone else and then james is going to get tired because he's dribbling the ball 32 times per possession i don't care how good a shape you and i don't care who you are that is taxing so our game plan was let james do his thing even if we get down 15 points we'll be fine just gotta stay the course and we'll come back and win and every game they were up every game that we won they were up 15-20 points and we came back and walked them down so most of the time we would walk them down by half time so did they sneak up on us i guess they were trying until um daryl moore made it obvious that hey we want them all right buddy we want you all too come on we'll get y'all out of here when we started this podcast an hour and 30 minutes ago i was not expecting daryl morris shade i just did not oh [ __ ] it's almost it's almost advice did you have an all 90s uh trash talk team yeah i mean me you got to get reggie miller larry bird he was just good then he was he was wanting to go and only played against him for two years he was really really good uh mj used to give his little things underneath his breath but people don't really understand chuck percy was a cold one too boy he used to talk a lot of trash riflemen man he whoo he used to talk a lot of gang the best so him us us five we'd have been something else if we would have been teamed up together man talking a lot of trash man because we had everybody just violated but i'm telling you that we did we did a good job what was larry's what was larry's trash talk style like what was what would he what were the things he would kind of say he was cold man he'd tell you like this yeah bend down said salty he's like you know what i don't know what you got for christmas but i know what i'm gonna give you what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take on this block i'm gonna dribble two times and then i'm gonna pull up in your face in the neck and say and then that your christmas present for me i was like whoa you called down for that yeah he use he used to tell you where he gonna shoot it in your face and how how you couldn't stop him and how you ain't no good to him and i was like whoa man that that's just a little bit that's disrespectful and then it'll happen that's the whole cold thing about it everybody used to say very very slow and all that game yeah i mean i don't care what nobody said he had the ultimate game and he used to do it you should back it up [Music] going back to this clip obviously the history of uh you know he weighed me the first game that bit us in brooklyn and you know the second game you know i had to like we beat them so i had to like tell him to uh get off his court uh his home court so but in this clip uh you know we talk about flopping like i feel like this is a flop like you feel men enough like if you get hit don't flop stay up so uh i don't really want to talk about what we'll say but it was something like i'm staying here and then i'm like well if you stay here what then why would you flop like it doesn't make sense but i love kd like you know i mentioned it so many times like you know like um i think i can do everything on the basketball court and you know if there's someone else especially when you consider size and stuff and if there's someone else that can do the same stuff and better that's probably one guy that i would think about uh because you know he's just so freaking talented and so good whether it's calling the ball or whatever he's able to do on the basketball court so i have a lot of respect for him but i love playing with him he's always talking trash for no reason sometimes like you make a bucket and he started trash like that's just the way it plays like i love his intensity and you know knowing me i kind of you know played the same way and i love talking trash and i like and i love everybody i love letting them know that you know i'm here like you know i'm dominating you and you know that's just the way it is i mean you were in his [ __ ] the whole game he was hitting ridiculous shots and i'm thinking to myself like pj's done this now for six nights he did it in the first series he's gonna do it in the next series you did it in the finals and you're going against you're guarding literally the best offensive players in the world and that night i just thought to myself pj tucker could not have played better defense tonight and kevin had what he ended up with 47 or 48 yeah 50 points yeah called eight golf 50 ball okay 50 ball at times does it feel like an exercise in futility like there's nothing you can do against the best players because if if i felt like that then i couldn't do it yeah do you get discouraged i guess is a better question you know because it's like okay you oh man that was incredible you made that now do it again now do it again because i'm not going to stop i'm not going to stop and that was the that was the that was the conference that was the confrontation but we do that dude me him like ever since i've known we've done that forever like it's i'm and i kept telling i'm like and we're talking [ __ ] you know it's like whatever but i'm like he's like stop hacking me i'm like i'm not going to stop like it's like we got face to face i'm not going anywhere like it's that tricking myself because he's killing me like he's he's got 50. he's going to score 50. i'm telling my teammates he's going to score 50. y'all got a job man he's going to score but how many times how many shots he's going to take him how hard is he going to i'm going to make him work harder than anybody i'm going to work him cause he's gonna score like and then i'm telling you have to trick yourself [Music] the knicks series playing in the garden doing the bow the chanting the taunting back to the crowd um was that was that peak trey young i'm not talking about the the basketball part oh no what was that no i know you're not i know you're not yeah you're a fourth year dude i'm talking about just like peak trey the villain was that peak trey young um i don't know i don't know that was that was a that was a fun series you enjoyed it you enjoyed all of that i did i did just because i know the stage like i just knew the stage and it being their first time back to the playoffs and i don't know how long and just feels so bad for nixon it was it was it was loud like it was crazy like i've never been i mean i i gave him a lot of credit it was the craziest environment probably i've played in and i played in college environment you would it was way different than nba games so for the fact that i was even that loud and from start to finish and then them yelling the whole time it was a probably one of my favorite favorite uh times playing basketball are you aware that you live rent-free in new york knicks fans heads are you aware of some of the stuff that has happened they'll win a game and they'll go out in the streets and they'll start chaining [ __ ] you trey young oh yeah but it's against the celtics or i believe there was a time where they started chanting [ __ ] you trey young at a concert yeah yankees games they uh i i saw a clip the other day somebody somebody showed me denz i don't know if y'all saw denzel say something to the heat heat players about the elevator yeah give me give somebody give that boy a haircut talking about me what is it comes to find out he's a new yorker at denzel so it's like i mean i'm a big fan of him but then it finds out he's a new yorker so i mean it's it's uh i've come to to realize it is what it is the thing is they also they gotta beat you like they haven't be they haven't you this is a one sided battle right now so it's like they could say this is [ __ ] earlier they could say whatever they want but like the knicks need to beat trey young in a playoff series for this to become more of like a back and forth rivalry right now it's not yeah i mean it is what it is you clearly have the upper hand in that department when you're playing does like is if you were a fan would should they not heckle you because it feels like it makes you it feels like it makes you play better it's like if you're if you're a nick fan it's like trey's coming in should they just like leave you alone like let you do your thing yeah i mean yeah i think the heat didn't say nothing at all like in miami like i think they just kept it business i i think i think there's certain guys that you just you shouldn't you shouldn't leave it alone i feel like i'm i'm one of those guys in that category there's definitely a couple of guys in this league that you shouldn't you just should leave alone i feel like i'm uh one of them are you beefing with him too who draymond is there a beef right now we're gonna call it beef and i mean we just you know we don't see eye to eye okay like i'm not at at this stage of my life okay i'm 37 years old all right i'm 300 plus pounds i'm eating good i'm not beefing with nobody like i'm past that i can't let nobody disturb my piece i'm going to sleep every single night with the ac on 60 and the fan blowing in my face you know what i mean like i'm not i'm not beefing with nobody like draymond is great but i love his competitive nature like he's not going to shut up i'm not going to shut up it was part of it but again i don't want him to change continue to be who he is right be outspoken be a guy that called people out whether it's me for being wrong on predictions or whatever the case may be i don't give a damn it's part of it [Music] i want to actually go back for a second because i did have a question about those videos um when you're on the ground why do you try to pull people's pants down you know there's a legit reason i want you to explain it it's the same reason i got kicked out of the [ __ ] nba finals no man is just going to step and stand over me i'm sorry i have a kid watching at home with my kids at most games but like how am i supposed to explain to dj daddy why is that dude standing over you while you land on the ground like oh cause like i can't explain that but what i can explain is why i'm pulling up on him so because he's standing up i can explain that you know i i don't want my two daughters seeing a guy standing over me that i can't respect that and so why do i pull the shorts is because my core isn't tight enough to just get myself up so so i use the shorts to get me up yeah you need to use the shorts to get me up but i'll tell you what about pulling shorts when jaylen brown went in the media and said he tried to pull my shorts down i knew i took his heart i knew i took his heart and not that i'll have it next year i gotta regain him next year and next next time we play him but i knew for the rest of that series i had him because you know you're standing over me and you're going to go to the media and say he was trying to pull my shorts down like come on bro you standing over me like own it like i tell all these stand on that you got to stand on business and when he said oh turn your alarm off man we're pretty cool we're pretty cool we are pretty cool when he said he's trying to pull my it's two things that jason brown went to the media said and one thing these young guys are going to learn like hey man you better pay attention to what you say because somebody else is watching he said he tried to pull my shorts down i said yep i got him it reminded me a lot of you remember the clip of alonso morning and dennis robin and dennis robins talking to him in the line so like this [ __ ] is crazy when he said that i said yeah i got him but another thing he said and i sent it to our team he said we are not afraid of the golden state warriors i sent it to our team in a group chat and said we are afraid of the golden state words cause nobody asks you are y'all afraid of us why the [ __ ] are you talking about that he's like we are not afraid of them uh we we'll do this and we'll do that i knew at that point i'm like yup this this is baby food and this is over and we're going to walk on out of here with a championship my second question about that video very specifically the the when you fouled jaylen brown and you decided to move your legs to the right and rest them on his shoulders instead of just naturally going to the left it seemed it seemed like you decided at the beginning of game two that you were just going to be an [ __ ] that night and i i want because i i actually have said this on espn on the podcast it seemed like after game one you guys lose you didn't play particularly well you admitted that on the podcast going into game two you were like i'm just gonna wreak havoc no matter what i also told y'all i was going to i was shocked at the reaction of everyone after game two because i told y'all what they say they're watching your podcast and taking clues with them and i told y'all i was going to act as going into game two because i was awful in game one the reality is that i wasn't really awful but you know we drove i drove that and so i'll take that but i told y'all like i was soft we were soft we let them come in our house and get a win we hadn't lost at home i felt like i could go out there and bully them a little bit and sure enough i was and i hear their coach on the sideline yelling stop talking to him why are y'all talking to him just stop leave him alone don't get into that with him and i said you know what i need to do more and everybody's like everybody's like slow down you're going to get ejected i told my mom i said mom and my fiance by the way i blame my game three performance on them they they dogged me after that game like why are you like this it's ridiculous you need to carry yourself better blah blah blah and um and so i knew that i told my mom i said mom we are better off with me getting ejected and causing a bunch of havoc then we are me just going out there and playing soft and going through the game and me staying in the game because if i get ejected on that type of time our team can win i got bench in game four we still won like our team can win but i'm gonna make sure i get them on that type of time and so for me it was like i'm gonna just go in and i'm gonna create this mindset of just totally disrespect these dudes and destroy them and if i can create their mindset whether i get ejected or not we're better than them they're going to just keep this going and we'll win this game whether i get thrown out or not so that was how i felt and i roll with it and i i mean i don't think i deserve to get kicked out though which most people said i did but it is what it is i want to talk about chris because my understanding i talked to him um i don't know if it was during the series or right after the series um and we we chatted about you a little bit and he told me that you actually went to his camp at his point guard camp when you were in college so he had known you a little bit um but that challenge that you just you basically embraced uh head-on of of guarding him making life tough for him were you at all were you at all intimidated i mean you were going against a first ballot hall of famer one of the greatest point guards ever there was no intimidation nah i mean no i mean you know he's he is like that's something i i i look forward to you know that that make me you know make me probably look good you know is it he either he gonna bust my ass on my bus his ass it's one of those two like you know and i don't like you know nobody coming at me so he's either he and he not so we're gonna have to you know do a dog fight now it was no attempt but it was also like a great feeling like all right you know you looked up to him as the you know when he was playing basketball and you seen him you went to his camp and you know all you just said i like the way chris paul play i like to wait in and now you got a chance at the highest level to guard him so let's let's just give it all we got you know you know his game a lot even though not as much as better as you as well as you should but you know it because you've been watching it ever since you was a kid so you know um going on with was one of the you know best part of my um this year you know uh obviously you know we we bump heads and you know chris is chris you know jj so um uh it was fun though it was fun yeah just two psychos just going at it i loved it what's the weirdest thing a fan has ever said to you mm-hmm i gotta think about this jj's got a deep jj's got a deep bag of these there's been a lot of there's been a lot of weird things that have been said to me um certainly certainly jj drinks his own pee is up there the weirdest thing though i thought this was strange was my first year i think it was my first year in philly uh towards the end of the first quarter a fan clearly a unc fan a fan said to me that i couldn't shoot which i thought was very odd considering at that point in time i'd played 12 seasons in the nba i had graduated at duke uh as the all-time leading three-point shooter here we go and i had made i i mean i made tens of millions of dollars based on the fact that i could shoot a basketball so i thought that was a weird thing to say to me and it it like it surprised you didn't mention the national player of the year no i'm just saying it was like a weird thing it's it's like it's like i don't know it's just it's just that is a weird it's a weird that's a weird like factual it's a factually wrong jj you can't shoot you could say you could say a lot of nice things but not a factually inaccurate statement and then i i had a great i had a great like like running towards the corner at the end of the first quarter turning the wrong way and i did a quick release three at the buzzer and then i turned to him and i i can't remember what i said but i started yelling at him he was he was on the he was court side down on the the hornet's end and i was just yelling at him and then for the rest of the first half i just yelled at him every time i made a shot yeah i don't know if i have a real answer for this i like the majority of stuff is like about my shorts because i like my shorts short so i hear a lot of stuff about my shorts needing bigger shorts i have an unorthodox jump shot as people talk about my shot uh i would say the weird it was like i don't remember where we were at maybe okc or something and somebody mentioned like our rival somebody was like you're not playing and they mentioned like a rival high school like man you went on your phone you went deep you were in your phone you looked up my rival high school and uh they're like you're not playing oshkosh west anymore and i'll say that's weird yeah that's respect [Music] did you have any moments with him oh yes uh the craziest moment was uh when he almost got in the fight you remember oh yeah oh yeah all right what was it about again because i don't remember so we were playing and i don't know where it was uh him adjusting justin anderson yeah yeah yeah jay like i don't know what like jh stands up and starts screaming and then they all i go back and forth and then i'm like yo what is going on like this is crazy that yeah yeah i closest i've ever came to a teammate punching me yeah on that team because we played the next year but yeah i mean we were all at the table and thank god you didn't sit at the table you were the fifth guy so you were in the aisle and jay and i were across from each other and i felt that he was sabotaging the game and a few of us had a few he just remember him and bayless would always get into it yeah but that's because you know you know bayless playing that stuff so but anyways jay stood up on the table freaking with me you you you stopped him from doing any violent acts the flight attendants the flight attendants got involved like they partially broke it up too what was wow to me about that story was i had probably two or three friends across the league over the next month text me be like yo y'all boys are wildin in [ __ ] philly because the flight attendants were telling the story to all the other teams that's crazy [Music] you
Channel: JJ Redick
Views: 1,042,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jj redick, jj redick podcast, jj redick youtube, jj redick youtube channel, the old man and the three, jj redick trash talk, jj redick trash talk compilation, luka doncic, patrick beverley, devin booker, kevin durant, kd, joel embiid, larry bird, russell westbrook, draymond green, draymond green podcast, jaylen brown, chris paul, luka doncic devin booker, kevin durant joel embiid, pj tucker, nba trash talk
Id: nDDvHU6azwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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