Birria (Comsome and Quesataco)

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[Music] hi guys i'm laura vitale and in this episode of learning the kitchen i'm finally going to share with you my beauty recipe my if you follow me on instagram i've been teasing you over the past couple of weeks with this recipe we love it i'm very excited to share with you obviously it's not authentic but it is absolutely delicious and media for those of you that don't know is a classic mexican dish typically served at a like celebration weddings things like that and i figured new year is right around the corner if you're having a very small intimate gathering like we are with our just very four best friends at home this would be a great recipes to serve it's just delicious and you're gonna love it i've actually made it for small celebration dinners throughout the season over the past couple of months uh because it's really quite wonderful so let me share with you how i make it we're gonna serve it two ways we're gonna survey consummate style which is sort of like a soupy style and then we're gonna make some queso tacos with it which is just insane so the meat you're gonna be working with uh will vary a little bit i'm using chuck roast and i'm using these are backbones these are beef backbones i like to use something like ox tails for this uh bone with marrow in it for this the interesting thing for me is that a very very good butcher is a good 20 minutes away and if i don't order things ahead of time especially at this time of year i'm really kind of left with whatever's left over so the two things that i know i could always find are beef backbones and some chalk and it works out really beautifully you're gonna get a lot of flavor from the from the bones and the chuck will cook down and be absolutely mouth-watering delicious like i said you could use oxtail for this you could also do typically you could also find this with goat or with lamb it's completely up to you but this is sort of like a pretty safe way to go i like to take my meat and just sear it a little bit in a big heavy duty dutch oven it does not have to be perfect i just want to develop a little bit of color because enough color is flavor so now that the meat's going let's talk about sort of the the the flavoring that this sauce is going to come from this broth is going to come from so you're going to need dried chilis i've got ancho chile over here and i've got some guajillo chilis both of these are quite mild i love this combo i think it gives you a really beautiful slightly smoky flavor but again it's quite mild and we are going to make a spicy salsa to serve with this so this is perfect for me but if you wanted to use you know if you want to add some pastilla chiles whatever your heart desires by all means do that but these for me are perfect you're going to want to depot them and get rid of the seeds and rinse them because they they're kind of powdery and they can have a little bit of a gritty residue so just de-pot them and it's really simple i'll show you you basically just tear into one right see that you want to get rid of all the seeds and then just get rid of that get rid of all the seeds in there and then any of the veininess i will rinse them really really well and then uh i will show you the next step all right my meat is nicely seared i just flipped it once the first side developed a good amount of color you don't have to get crazy but it's important now what i'm going to do is i'm going to add some water i like how i do this in a big pot you need about 16 cups or so of water total for me it's right under that line that's perfect so this is going to come to a simmer and i want this to cook gently for about 30 minutes before i add my sauce and the reason i do that is because it gives me an opportunity to skim off all of the impurities that come off of the beef which is really like a protein but all of that foamy all those impurities i want to get rid of those so once this comes to a simmer for a good half an hour i'm just going to come in here with a slotted spoon or a little spoon and just sort of skim it off as it cooks while that happens in that same 30 40 minute time we're gonna work on well the everything else is going to steep so i've got a little pot here with some water to it i'm going to add my washed chiles over here remember i took the seeds off as many as i possibly could out of both and i rinsed them and washed them really well to this we're also going to add an onion that i've peeled and halved along with a whole lot of garlic is that is that an amount it's an amount for me a whole lot of garlic and three roma tomatoes what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring this up to a boil once it's up to a boil i'm going to let it simmer for about 10 minutes and then i'm going to let it sit for about 20 minutes so all in all we're looking at the two kind of happening at the same time in the next 30 minutes i'm going to skim off the impurities from this this will boil then sit and then i'll bring you back here to put everything else together all right while those two things are working i'm going to work on this really quickly before i forget i'm going to take a couple of bay leaves it's fine if you break them i'm using a cheesecloth you can actually use a coffee filter if you want to anything that can stand being in boiling liquid for a while cheese cloth cinnamon stick and some peppercorns and all i'm going to do is wrap these up and just tie them up with a little string this is just some kitchen twine and this allows me to be able to fish this right out once everything is cooked and then i don't have to worry about later fishing out little peppercorns and bay leaves and whatnot so you're going to get all the flavor with none of the frustration of trying to find every last piece of cinnamon and whatnot so we have this done so now i'm just going to set this aside i'm going to clean up probably get myself a fresh cup of coffee and wait for this to come to a boil wait for that to simmer and then steep and then we get closer to getting this thing going all right so my meat has been simmering here for about a half an hour i did skim off some of the impurities from the top i have them in this bowl right here it's kind of gross looking but you know all part of the deal so don't forget that i also had the chili mixture i brought it up to a simmer simmered it for 10 minutes then turn it off and let it sit and steep for about another 20 minutes so this is what it looks like over here so now i'm going to take this mixture and i'm going to add it to a powerful blender because you're gonna blend all these up i like to strain out as much of the liquid as possible um and i actually don't like using the liquid that these steeped in because i find that it has a little bit of a bitter after flight like an aftertaste from the dried chiles so i don't use that but what i do use is some of the broth some of the cooking liquid from the beef so we took everything out of there some of the cooking liquid from the beef right so i'm going to add some in because i really need to get this going so maybe like a cup full in total because i do want this to be quite nice and smooth so that it makes it easier for me to process so i'm going to go ahead pop this on i have a strainer next to me over a bowl because i am gonna have to strain this out when it's done and then i get nice and smooth that should be good oh it is steamy make sure like i said you strain this so that you get rid of any grittiness or anything that didn't quite blend perfectly and i am going to quote unquote rinse that out in a minute you'll see add that straight in and then because there's so much goodness in this blender i just take a little bit more liquid about i don't know yay much because listen i'm not wasting an ounce of flavor okay not an ounce put the lid back on give it a shake shake you didn't see that not my proudest moment but see took all that off and now my bean get that off my hands like how i mix spanish and italian together i just do one of these because it's gonna have to work through grab everything see that thick paste right there it's a little bit too coarse so i'm not gonna add that in and then you're just gonna take this mixture add it right in oh yes this is just gonna be so fantastic as it cooks and then we're going to go ahead and add the little bundle that we made remember with the bay leaves this is chicken bouillon powder that's going to be your main source of seasoning and some vinegar i'm using apple cider vinegar today but i've also done this with just plain distilled white vinegar and they worked out great so no problems there all i'm going to do is just let this simmer and cook for a couple of hours i want the meat to be super tender and i'm just going to go ahead and sort of partially cover this and just let it steam steam simmer low and slow all right so my video was cooking for about three hours simmering low and slow so i'm going to walk you through what i did up until this point the first thing i did is i made my salsa which is right over here i know there are many many ways to make salsa this is just one of my favorite ways it's nice and spicy all i did was i took a few roma tomatoes a few cloves of garlic an onion that i just have and a few serrano chilies and i place them in a cast iron just to scorch them on all sides then i place them in a food processor along with some chicken bouillon powder as my seasoning but you can also use salt and a handful of cilantro and i just went ahead and pulsed it until it was salsa i place it in the fridge to cool for a bit because i want to make sure it develops lots of great flavor and that is ready to go then what i did to my bdi is i took the meat out of the pot i let it cool for a bit and then i went ahead and skimmed off all the fat on the surface of the broth because i want that fat to cook my queso tacos so i have the fat in one bowl the broth in my pot and then i just took my meat i got rid of any fat and all the bones and i'm just taking my cleaver and just chopping it in small pieces and now i'm going to show you how to serve up one of them okay this is just your standard video which is just kind of like a brothy delicious phenomenal look at this color of this broth it's just deep it's gorgeous it's not it's hard to say i don't want to say it's thick right but it's not thin it's got really good texture to it i like a little bit of cilantro and raw onion on top you need just a squeeze of lime and a spoonful of this fiery delicious nice thick salsa right in the center that's really spicy by the way so proceed with caution and that with some rolled toasted tortillas is incredible now let's move on to the queso tacos the queso tacos are it's sort of like a quesadilla but in a taco shape okay so the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take all of my meat that i chopped up really nice and fine and place it in a bowl because i want to add some of the broth to keep it nice and moist add some of that broth just like i said to keep it nice and saucy just like that not too much because i don't want the tortillas to get soggy i'm only going to do one at a time here a couple at a time because this is something that is really best made for small gathering because you're going to have to stand over here to make these as you need them i also mentioned earlier that this would be great for new years which it would be but maybe for new years of 2021 because i didn't realize that this is when we posted after new year's it's the week where i don't know what day it is what hour it is the week between christmas and new year's listen it could be june right now and i wouldn't know i'm still trying to process last april for all i know so bear with me i'm using corn tortillas but you could use any like i really like corn for this i also make some with flour tortillas for friends of ours you know and then floats your boat so the fat that we reserved earlier okay you remember it it's it's congealed a little bit because it's cooled down you're going to need some of this fat okay this is going to sizzle it's going to make a whole lot of noise i also have some shredded monterey jack cheese i like to do one of these because you want it coated enough fat okay i'm sorry but you do do a couple like that okay then you take a little bit of your meat like that i'm using monterey jack you can really use any cheese that you like anything that melts well is really what you want to use i like monterey jack but hey if you want to use some quesadilla cheese whatever your heart desires my friend and you're going to just cook this okay until the tacos just get kind of really nice and crispy and the cheese melt and i start flipping it you're going to flip this over a few times okay and be careful not to break the tortillas like i do um like i said it will splatter so you might want to get a splatter guard which i don't even know where mine is it will splatter so i'm gonna get a splatter guard and then just keep my eye on this and then just keep flipping it until it gets crispy on both sides these look kind of incredible okay i know you didn't ask me but if you ask me i'll tell you it looks pretty incredible i'm gonna stop here just for now because i feel like this has been a long day i've been waiting for my reward and although i love a nice bowl of consomme you have not lived until you've had a queso taco with your bilia made from your media is what i'm trying to say so you take a little bit of your consomme you top it same as you did minus the meat because the meat is in your taco okay teeny bit of lime like so i don't have a spoon but you know what that's never stopped me before being creative so i'm gonna use my tongue for my salsa okay this will most likely destroy me because it's so hot but i mean if you can resist what's happening right here you and i were just not meant to be friends if you can resist this maybe we weren't meant to be friends but i'm gonna tell you right now i can't resist that you dip it in here like so like that like my favorite person in the world right now tabitha brown like so like that she is queen you dip it in there you consummate your salsa and then you say a little prayer for the roof of your mouth that's about to get destroyed if this is not what heaven is i don't wanna know oh no no really hot this one you need to go to get this recipe so you can make it i need to go so that i can make more tacos so that i can sit down and enjoy the fruits of my labor beyond this house was hot but then again so are you hoping you're just spending time with me i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Laura in the Kitchen
Views: 124,174
Rating: 4.9277258 out of 5
Keywords: chef vitale, chef laura vitale, laura vitale, chef laura, traditional mexican dish, mexican food, easy birria, birra, Mexican food, hispanic food, recipes, cooking shows, easy recipes, easy dinner
Id: e0FOPDBb5Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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