Giants, Frost Giants, Sea Giants & Illyadi | The Elder Scrolls Podcast #19

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to fudge mop but this is the elder scrolls podcast i'm scott and here with michael and drew as always and today we are talking all about the mysterious giants and surely you are familiar with giants having played skyrim you've been sent into space many a times when you've come across them but which one of you guys would like to start welcome they're really big they are big i mean yeah as you said everyone will be familiar with them from their adventures through skyrim but there's more to them than just being mindless mammoth cheese eating yitas you know that the high elves spend a lot of time trying to find their way back to the heavens back to a furious when all you have to do is go and piss off a giant you know that's all it takes uh bugger the old riemann space programs and sunbirds and stuff they've got it that's it and i will tell you what elder scrolls online has really been playing on that meme you can find this text in there all about giants from a bosma bonori in the wanderer talking about how they could send a wood elf far like with their smash surely and all this it says um they then they swing huge clubs and launch even a burly nord over field and stream like it's you know obviously clearly a reference to what was happening in skyrim would be a good mode of transport for the bosmer seeing as they couldn't chop down trees to make carts and things like this there's this quote there's this quote here he concludes i would say that wood elves can travel great distances when launched by a giants club okay matt well yeah let's get to um some of the real basics that you're probably uh you guys are probably familiar with so you you see giants crossing the tundras in in white run and we we've also seen roth gary and giants just very similar and as a general rule they are mammoth herders primarily they're pretty peaceful for the most part and they're quite like reclusive they just stated their own camps and so on um and they do have this rather intimate connection with the mammoths the mammoths kind of provide like companionship as well as the milk and stuff to make their cheese the mammoth cheese which is a big thing they also do have uh apparently giants know how to make mammoth tusk powder um and it's probably just because they're big and strong and can crush those tusks into tiny pieces but basically they're camps they they're not dumb beasts like interesting we'll get to this a bit later but frost giants we sort of see a lot of the time and they're kind of just we don't really see their um like civilization around them the campsites for for the for the giants they'll like they'll be tripwires with like mammoth bones there'll be all kinds of ornaments and decorations on the stones and painted on things so they've got cultural symbols and you know with places like secundus kiss we see formalized uh burial sites so where they'll go to die well i don't know if they bury but like funeral sites dying sites so the giants will go there to die and they're all decorated in sort of the cultural motifs and stuff and they also have like scarification like they scar these symbols into their own skin as well so they do have some like spiritual connection and totally and they even like do it on the mammoth tusks as well of the living rounds to sort of like symbolize a connection i guess perhaps and maybe that's sort of like a a mutual thing in the way that it's carved into their calves come tusks and then carved into their own skin so they are they are but essentially a nomadic group of mammoth herders and stuff that we see and they have different campsites but we've also seen at different times in history that there have been more and uh and we've seen like proper clans and a bit more um combative versions of giants i guess compared to what we've we've seen um so there's the legendary tale of um cinema who fought isgramor and isgramor killed him all great with wu threat and everything that is interesting story actually when you speculate about what giants may have looked like before or how embellished these kind of stories are because one of the um parts of that story says he grappled his grimoire seeking to squeeze life away aurora of laughter was the answer the monster received isgrimore's forehead and knee delivered two mighty blows simmer screeched and fell to his knees before our lord so it's kind of a bit weird to me because unless isgramor was a really big fellow how would you be able to headbutt and knee like unless you were headbutting their leg or kneeing their leg i think it's gonna be like he picked if he's picking him up choking wouldn't be like headbutts him and then knees him in the chin or something could be because when it said grappled i imagined it like on the floor like pushed him on the floor and jumped on him but then it says cinema screeched and fell to his knees which implies his grimoire is like standing up but if you if you go by this time too it's sort of like cinema is like kind of like a high chieftain of all of these giants who were more spread at the time of his grammar which also means they were there kind of when the uh the snow elves would have been there living peacefully as well as other needs and stuff as well like needed groups um but yeah so i guess i i guess that kind of we'll let we can also just quickly mention that they have so there's there's clan systems and they're usually led by a chieftain but there's also examples of matriarchal ones um and you know they're quite territorial as you've experienced plenty of times in skyrim um and then they've fought back and forth over territory sometimes they'll grab a little bit but yeah as you can expect but what's interesting here is to actually speculate their origins and that's what's most interesting about the giants i think um is their the speculation surrounding where they're from because there's the the simple basic thing is people go oh pointy ears therefore elven descented but there's plenty of things with pointy ears that aren't elven necessarily in the elder scrolls such as goblins for example um but the chief of all the theories um is the idea that they are from atmora along so the there's this idea that ancient ancient atmorans were these massive tall people who were very very intelligent but then apparently there was this sort of warring and division and they separate it into two people where you have the smaller nords who would retain their intelligence but not the physical stature and the giants the reverse they retain their stature but not the intelligence and you know that that's a guess people could dismiss that and say there is no common i'd be interested to hear what you guys think like well there's the you know there's also the idea that um the nords you know this is this happened on skyrim at least but kind of drove them up into the mountains you know when you hear the stories of isgramor and his companions just killing tons of um frost giants um being driven into the mountains and kind of like being pulled away from their civilizations and being forced to live nomadically in really harsh terrain you can imagine they kind of like become more primitive naturally as a result of that as well kind of like the minotaurs in a way it could be talking about frost giant specifically i don't really think they're as related to giants as they are to frost trolls especially given them having kind of multiple eyes and their their skulls definitely look quite troll-like um yeah the the idea as well i really like that they may even have blue blood like just based on um is grammar's story and supposedly the markings that companions would cover their bodies in these markings of their blood which did have uh like spiral like designs which normal giants are quite fond of actually yeah did they do it i can't actually remember if they had the blue blood in the sky in skyrim i don't think so i would i swear i'd remember i would remember everywhere yeah the blue blood texture i feel like yeah regardless anyway you know so the frost giants might be a little bit of a separate one um a bit of a i think they're distinct from the actual giants i don't think they have a common at mourin thing if the giants even are uh more and so if if we were to suppose this sort of idea the idea is that they split in atmora from so you sort of get your the atmorans to become nords and you get your traditional sort of giants um and then they would have come in different migrations but if we remember we've got needic groups that all come from atmora first and then you kind of also got giants i guess the giants would have left and and have come um unless the split was some really early old illness stuff before even like the sundering of the definitely could be especially considering it sounds like the giants were already there so i you know is grammar i know israel wasn't like the first atmoron kind of like i mean when he returned and was slaughtering everything um but i mean the giants feel very established at least by the sounds of the story in skyrim by the time he's there that you know they've got chieftain societies he's fighting against them they they if they split from it morons it would be a very long very long time ago unless they came over with the needs but also giants in ships like i know the giants in skyrim that we see are a set size but there's also examples in the law i mean you look at the the legends card art of ancient giant um i don't know how well they would go on a ship if they would have a giant ship for giant people to preface this for a lot of the giants topics we're going to have to somewhat delve into uncannon sources so like a lot of michael kirkbride's writings which kind of get canonized in law sources like giants a discourse seems to kind of canonize some of his ideas as well as seeing painted cows or seeing a painted cow in skyrim is a good reference to his stories but in one of kurt bride's writings it says here is why the giants came from old atmora up a cr up there across the northern ice back in the gone to twilight now age of myth so the idea is that rather than sailing on ships which would seem really unusual especially if they're as big as they seem this is when either there was a land mass or the ice was or it was so cold that the ice bridge skyrim to atmora that they they were able to just walk that's how i imagine it happened i mean i love the ice there i think so i'm personally i personally think it is they're definitely from at more at the very least the the the relation to the to the nords could be debated and stuff but they're definitely from atmora given that there's two accessible ways like that ice bridge one you say and ships given that we know that the sea giants have giant ships that they've built that are yeah the size of ireland so they've built them for themselves so it's easily that they could have come across and then they've degenerated into a primitive more primitive culture but perhaps back in the day and arguably so if you look at cinema being a high chieftain of all of these clans and he was a more formidable force their society could have been more advanced than the ones we have today same sort of go as we mentioned like for the minotaurs yeah absolutely 100 and that is a good thing to bring up the sea giants so they were added in elder scrolls online in skyrim and they they almost look like um giant sea elves in the term that they're it just in the sense that their skin is a bit like bluer i don't think they're related to the marmara because the seals kind of do have as much as it's blue they kind of do have a very whitish kind of skin it depends like there's a few different ones out there but yeah 100 um on that i don't think they're related to the sea elves i think it is just circumstantial that they look like that and they do also have um magic which is quite unusual um to see giants using they they have a kind of water magic which again we don't know these old giants if they were more advanced like minotaurs are speculated to have been more advanced if perhaps they did use magic well funnily enough actually at this time even in the second era so which is when we experience the sea giants in eso um they do by the virtue of having ships and you look at their armor and weaponry and stuff it's much more advanced than the giants you see in the time of skyrim and what they're doing so the sea giants perhaps have might have been sort of and maybe an earlier offshoot or something that sort of retained some of the civilization like you know the ability to make more advanced armor and ships and sailing and stuff and and culturally they're quite different because they're much more warlike they're all into the raiding um and they can hunt as well yeah they make harpoon-based weapons and kill whales and stuff that seems a lot harder you would think than just herding mammoths around the plains near whiterun yeah well that's like once again sort of a circumstantial thing for him but you know being sea giants going in the sea that the whales became their main form of of sustenance and stuff in the way that and you can sort of the hunt how they eat is really just the ideological difference almost you can see like they're peaceful giant herders and they're relatively peaceful yet territorial as you know you can be and then there's the sea giants which are like they're all about hunting these whales and kind of like their whales have been described as like bloody and dying of shock and stuff and they're already ripping it apart and stuff that also kind of mimics how they kind of act in their raiding and stuff but there's an important point to bring up here too because there are half giant kin of the of the sea giants and normal giants yes well because so we see that and then we've got there's the lyris titan born story where her father is a half giant so all of these kinds of half giant kind of things to me sort of implies a little bit more that that they do have some common ancestry in that way that they can sort of share and then there's these half breeds one thing about the sea giants as well is depending when we think the giants lost their intelligence or lost most of their intelligence this uh this kirkbride text talks about how the nords fell into fighting and drove the giant kin up into the mountaintops and then then it goes on to say and when they came down from the mountains again they were a bit different than we nords remembered or perhaps we'd forgotten much but they would not speak to us anymore they'd only smile and stomp and take out stuff and i imagine that perhaps when when some of the giants were driven into the mountains it's possible that some other giants were driven away and decided to make a life out on the sea perhaps they adapted somewhat in a way that the sea elves did and as a result of their prey being much more difficult to catch you know like needing to kill whales to survive maybe they became more intelligent and more magically gifted as a result of it oh for sure that's definitely a theory that i could agree with and i mean look we don't know just how intelligent they are because they have their own kind of language some have like learnt to speak a bit of basic tamrielic before just your normal giants but the other thing is it's kind of like the variety of giants and examples of their intelligence is kind of indicative that they're a complex race and not just a a kind of like brutish beast because there's there's so much variance among them like for example it some of them like people like to categorize things with everything so they're like oh giants big and angry that's it or they say giants are mostly peaceful keep to themselves they're territorial but like a lot of the the races in the elder scrolls they're also individualistic like there are examples of giants who come and steal things they're they're they're not like oh i keep to myself it's like no i'm a thief and if you let me i will take something of yours whether it be livestock or some valuable item that i just want to have or i'll encroach on your territory if given the opportunity so to me it's it's it's kind of like the the actions of a race that can think for themselves and aren't just programmed like you know how you would say a creature is just like i do this this is my habitat they're a bit more complex than that clearly yeah i'm pretty sure there's even examples of them being gladiators and bodyguards at times for others and stuff so they they're definitely on the level of like funnily enough some of the wiki's um has them under like as a beast race but i don't really think of them as a beast race because of at more in potential like more heritage and stuff and they don't really look similar to any creature or anything they're kind of just a giant humanoid type thing and when it comes to stealing livestock rather than just kind of like slaying them like beasts or like separating them from your stock um a lot of nordic farmers would would pick one piece offering cow and paint swirls on it as we as we mentioned before and design it in the same motifs that you see the giants quite like that they do with their mammoths and on their skin and this would be like a peace offering so it's like here you have this cow and please don't steal from us and it seemed to work a lot of the times it's funny that that that there is an example of where kirk bride's law or you know in more in broadly out of canon law has been sort of canonized by skyrim and so on and like there is that kind of two-way street like i wonder if any ideas we've ever said in elder scrolls lore videos will get like canonized or something because like even it read more recently the uh depiction of alicia and the grandma expansion with um the the horns and the more ancient sort of look got canonized and that's an actual statue and thing and that was a fan art depiction that has been that caught on and got popular so i think we all three of us need to be canonized in order to scroll south if we're not in the game i'll be very upset just a bunch of scholars in a library i don't care just just something yeah a couple of scamps oh that's an easy way to do it making them a day draw and you can kind of just give them like nod names like all very similar ones you know what i mean yeah because scamps can have like funny names anyway so so the other thing too while we're on the topic of out of law stuff there is a drawing by michael kirkbride that says talos farewells the king of atmora i'll put it up and you see the king of atmora and he's a giant he's massive and so on and i wonder too like i kind of i don't know if we know enough about sea giants and stuff yet but i wonder if they are sort of touching base with like atmora and so on and that maybe giants are some of the last civilization on atmora at this time maybe and the thing is as well with the the art by kirkbride you see that the giant is so big and like i was talking about before though that may seem like an exaggeration or like that's not possible we've seen skyrims in uh giants in skyrim they're not nearly that big but then the legends the legends card comes along and as much as it could be symbolic generally speaking i take legends like card art to be canon and kind of like that's what it is and that giant is huge so absolute monster which does you must admit go against the idea that some became smaller or less intelligent and some became these bigger brutish um sorry some became smaller and smarter and some became bigger and dumber because that giant starts bigger than everything yeah well but it could be like some that could be some giant in atmora of some as it says ancient giant like the ancient giants just in general they could have been massive and then slowly over time they've they degenerated but then there was the obviously divide that we see um just based on their appearance the the large ancient giant does look smart you know like i mean it just looks like an upscale nord yeah i do um because i do kind of like the idea of the big massive ancient giants that would have used to exist in a more sort of mythical sense in the more almost like more godlike or demi-god-like in the way because when you're talking about atmora you're talking about thousands of years ago and you're talking about this mythic era where crazier stuff is happening you know you've got daedric princes walking the plane so you can yeah do you know what i mean it could be a depiction from a time where the laws of i guess physics for a lack of better words were less stable you know like things were like warping and growing and moving around and time wasn't constant like we don't know how old ancient is a broad and a broad term and one thing that's kind of sad is it it does seem like as you said it's kind of mythical is that it it pretty much is becoming myth now because you see descriptions that more as it's changed over over the eras you know um one of his grammar's companions describes it as like the green summers of atmora and uh whereas now it's it's considered to be pretty much uninhabited it's it's frozen over and there's no sign of human habitation there are rumors of it in the third era but also expeditions that come up with nothing i do love avex quote of calling it the land of frozen bearded kings but the interesting about frozen bearded kings does not necessarily mean norm that could also mean giant they all have beards and stuff so there could be this massive giant and then you know and see but like yeah i kind of like the idea that sea giants are sort of like the last kind of inhabitants of that that they sort of become like uh nomadic sort of circling around the seas of atmora and stuff and in between tamriel and stuff because they just sort of like attached yeah they can kind of move slightly south when it gets very cold and wintry because i in a way you could almost consider the way vivec describes those frozen beaded kings as imagine you were to see at maura in the fourth era and you go there and the frozen beaded kings they're statues their giants turn statues from the cold and they're frozen in their thrones and you know that would be really cool imagery and it's and it makes it much more kind of um bittersweet to to see the less intelligent giants that are more abundant in skyrim that's like oh this is you know the last remnants of them in a sense the the other thing this is this is another thing to support the the giant heritage stuff but it is just obviously we know that uh skyrim and and the nords and stuff have a huge inspiration from scandinavians and vikings and so on and giants were a massive part of that real world mythology um and a lot of them there's lots of half giants and connections and stuff so i'm just sort of like there's a good chance that you know this is sort of uh the actuality of the situation that they are sort of related at least on some sort of mythical um level but if we look at giants from other places um i mean at least examples of other things kind of called giants you do have the i believe it's the iliadi or the iliadi yeah i've said ilyadi before but yeah and they're they're basically like a fairy right well in one of the books they are described alongside like i think it's literally a book called the fairies or something like that and it and it includes them as oh other names include ilyadi faye this so on um and they're supposed to be these big giants taller than trees with many many eyes on the somerset isles that are now extinct but when i hear many many eyes it also makes me think of the frost dragon yes same same so i wonder if maybe the frost giants are actually more akin to something like a fairy fake kind of thing if the giants are in relation or maybe you could just i can easily imagine this and i'm sure everyone listening can imagine this you know how a frost giant kind of looks like a frost troll especially with lots of eyes mixed with a giant um just skin it to a normal troll like the brown one and then chuck it in a forest yeah to me that could easily be what it is like a a frost troll but colored more more like a like bark like a darker fur there is a whack there's there's one like little inconsistency between the frost giants is the frost giant like car stack and stuff they had five eyes in blood moon so the frost giant caster has five eyes they only have four in the new in the newer and oh and then so does car stag when you summon him because he's just a frost giant type but frost giants ah and trolls have three eyes yeah but that's when it's kind of like the troll like at least that kind of looks like the old the old um the old frost giant just with two extra eyes at the bottom but regardless like they have been shown to be intelligent like we do have the you know karstag in solstein with his sort of like frozen kingdom and stuff and he has his little thing going on there but for the most part the only time we've ever seen frost giants are just in the forgotten veil which understandably it's a quiet area where they haven't been slaughtered by the companions um but yeah i don't know i can't i kind of vibe the i don't know what what do you guys think in like i think they're kind of the ill-yardy sort of fairy kind of thing a bit more in the way like you know there's like earth bones or or spirits or that kind of thing they're like more nature related they're not like a descendant of well that's the weird thing about fairies in general and considering the iliadi to be um of the same strain is that when i think of fairies i almost feel like they don't really exist materially in the world so it's almost like they're purely mythological or spiritual or what so it's it's almost hard to say it's hard to say what fairies are like in um in the elder scrolls universe because you kind of like you hear bits and pieces and you see kind of like pixies and things like that but you don't really get a very good idea of what it means to be a fairy yeah so yeah for sure i mean they could they could be like just more mythological or it could just be that any group seeing a big thing calls it a giant you know what i mean like if yeah if it's a giant almost humanoid walking thing no matter what it looks like most people could end up calling it something similar despite it having no relation whatsoever to the giants of the north the other thing i was going to say is there's also in elsewhere um this like i think it's the hall of colossus yeah which is just rumored to be built by giants i don't know if there's a whole lot of evidence for it because the name for that i'm pretty sure because because originally the hall of classes is where the where um type of septums rebuilding the numidium so that's why i thought it was called the halls of the colossus like the big colossal golem kind of thing yeah but then but then later it was the houses the the dragons i'm pretty sure for the elsewhere with like their wrath stone and stuff uh or write stone or whatever it was called um but yeah and then it could have been built by a giant it's a nice idea to think oh there are these cool ancient giants in elsewhere along long yeah built to honor an ancient race of giants but again it's it is a theory it could be well i don't know if you want to look at where in the lord giants have said to be um through valenwood and up through cyrodiil high rock skyrim kind of stuff so they're pretty widespread so valenward's only next door to elsewhere so it's like could be yeah like there's nothing um superset on it i don't think but primarily giants seem like a very skyrim thing like they have their heaviest presence yeah well they didn't put them in cereal and sale but i mean they're in the high rock and stuff in like daggerfall games and stuff like that and and obviously we've seen them in the rothgaryan region but yeah they seem pretty restricted to uh northern regions and the ones i imagine in valence wood where it's sort of the same right um kind of realm of like centaurs and minotaurs and stuff that can live there just because they get a natural protection and they're not bothered by civilization as much the bosmer are pretty easy and it's like what i was saying before a lot of the more intelligent races they have free will some will just go and do something you know not every single one it's like when we were talking about the sea elves one of them despite you know they tend to all hate the the high elves one of them has a relationship with the high elf yeah despite all the you know upbringing and being told that you know heils are the worst thing in the world people people are different and the same thing with giants you know i think it's funny imagining the early giants coming to to skyrim and and encountering the dwarf well encountering the dwemer and calling them dwarves and that name just sticking which is a cool cool bit of the lore about the fact that you know dwemer are no smaller um not noticeably smaller than any of the other elven races yet we commonly call them dwarves yeah it's so funny that that's caught on just because like at that sort of time when like dwemer would have probably been in contact with dwarves like in skyrim and so on like they've just sort of firmly been known as dwemer by like by the chimer or by the the snow elves at the time or so on like it's just funny that the dwarven name sort of stuck and i think these are the deep elves you know what i mean like yeah but the deep elves and then it's like oh no you're dwarves yeah but the only reason they call it it's only to like because it's a familiar fantasy trope kind of thing like you know dwarves they want to associate with like oh industrious and underground just like other fantasy things but exactly yeah but it it is um cool but i i definitely think they are i think the sea giants is a really cool addition but the silvery blue skins you know like you said it can just be to distinguish them and sort of like you know culturally culturally different because they fall on they fall in sieged um solitude at one point like they're not i wish we saw some of these cool i know they're adding all the cool stuff to eso because they keep having more ideas and they're like i've got to keep making expansions and putting stuff out but if they don't they sorry i was going to say they don't just have the water magic too there's shock magic and frost magic as well very very sea themed yeah but i i just feel like because the virtue of eso so much cool has happened in such a small period of time and the rest of history is blank it's like like all of these giant there's giant invasions sea giant invasions there's like uh sea elf invasions like we were talking about before we're seeing all this cool stuff and then by the time we get to an elder scrolls mainline game it's all gone um yeah they need to just make it a dragon break so that in the future they can just be like all that weird stuff that supposedly happened did it actually happen yeah they could just chalk it off if they find it's too crazy to go with i really wonder if they will refer to it as a dragon break at that time like put in a dragon break enable scroll six more to like explain it like yeah perhaps it's the final dlc for eso before elder scrolls six comes out is it results in a dragon break it's the final quest line or something and it just like somehow rewrites that whole era of all of this eso stuff what one i don't think they will no no they wouldn't they wouldn't i don't think it needs to either because i was just thinking why do we need a dragon break because the daggerfall it's not like there's multiple endings to the eso stuff no it's just outside of the three banner war stuff stop getting so logical about his dragon break joke man but yeah i agree um you know something else that's interesting about sea giants right uh kind of linking them to atmorans you could say but there's this sea giant kind of um leader but he has a an at more name seemingly like ismgar or yuzumga like the y-s-m-g-a-r that's quite nordic and yeah well i guess so cinema is as well the other named giant in that israel slew like that's the other thing but yeah like giants in general seem to all have like similar name names in general so i don't know if you go and find the ones that were supposedly in elsewhere and they've got like kijit names i highly doubt it yeah i don't think so which again supports the idea that they're not just taking it potentially a name convention because it's just in the area i i do subscribe to this idea that they seem very likely linked to it more and yeah yeah i i'm pretty sure like i feel like that's the the most accurate conclusion like otherwise it's just like or you could simply go oh they're just a native creature but that's boring as hell like but i kind of buy that theory in regards to the frost giants and and other sort of things that aren't those but um for sure i like i like reading the stories about the sea giants how it really just feels like a mini man walking among big men like talking about their campfire being like a bonfire and like how big their ship is and and things like this yeah i'm also curious how this half kin stuff happens so there's like half giants among the sea giants so what are they doing like raiding and you know doing the deed doing the deed i guess but like i don't know i don't think it's my first choice right let's see you know you know lyrics right yeah her uh her mom died during childbirth so it really sounded like she just exploded out of her you know let's see thanks for that mental image well it's not impossible that nords may have may just like coexist with these sea giants in their civilizations they may actually have men amongst them i mean there's there's no evidence to say they definitely don't right so you know who knows i don't know why i mean i i'm just i really like giants yeah just in mythologies in general it's like so cool but just like just make a really big but they sound mythical i think they're inherently cool and mythological just in the way that like you know god's on on a philosophical level and stuff or a metaphysical level like they're bigger they're greater they're bigger songs and stuff but it's the classic jack and the beanstalk story that captivated kids for so many years right um yeah i mean here's a one fun fact about the giants the uh the artist who who came up with the giants uh a guy well i don't know if he came up with them but you know made the models for them in skyrim a guy called jonah loeb um he modeled the face of the giant in skyrim after his dad and i'll say i'll have to send you the photo i think he tweeted it out that was a photo of him and his dad and his dad looks exactly like the skyrim giants it's freakish that that's really sick i wanna look that up to get immortalized yeah yeah it's funny but i'll make sure we got that so we can put it underneath the podcast yeah i see it i see it that's so funny wait hold on it's pretty wacky the guy's called jonah and then l-o-b-e i just typed in skyrim joan a giant face on google images yeah and it's like the fourth image across yeah but there you go no that's a beast all right oh yeah yeah yeah i see it i see it man but yeah i mean is that fun fact to end it or do we have anything else to be spoken about i think that the giants aren't the most expansive one it's a lot of mostly covers unless we were to talk more about just um again the general giant stuff we said at the start about their kind of culture that we know in skyrim but i feel like you covered most of it quite quickly yeah just because most of it anyway is kind of like most people have kind of seen it is it is what you've seen like there's nothing too complex to it it's just another one of those distinctions it's important to say they're not just some monster they clearly have their you know own sort of societal kind of cultural things so as you know and the primitive kind of element it could be just like we said with minotaurs a degeneration not due to physically degenerating but rather being pushed out by civilizations and and they're still pushed out i mean you look at the bounties you can get in skyrim if there's a giant that's kind of wandering near civilian territory understandably even though you feel sorry for them from an outside perspective if i was some farmer with kids running around on a cabbage field i would probably want the giant that's come over to walk around and stalk out my property taken care of too you know yeah you can't really blame them but you can tell why they don't really have a chance to become particularly advanced uh sorry oh no you go i was just saying an another thing just more at moore myth like obviously there's there's giants but it was in one of israel's things that isgramor was said to have collected the laments of giant wives while in atmora and then twisted those into the bowstring for his fabled bow but that's there's obviously more confirmation that he was slaying giants back in at maura um it sounds because giant wives cry and turning the yeah laments into bow strings it's just one of those poetic things that gets me i just really like his bow called long launcher yeah that's its name i don't know i don't actually find the name particularly cool it kind of sounds like a meme to be honest i mean that's exactly what a bow should do i know but like it's my long launcher oh yeah that's hold on is that uh oh no no sorry it's it's not yeah all good i was thinking i'm like is that is that the from the black book that one but no it's the stories from [Music] it's from fragmenter bissem hermaeus morris yeah is that out of out of canon or is that canon no it's a little specifically all right one thing i will say in the songs of the return volume 27 the story with cinema they do talk about a half giant one of the opening sentences is like many a brave companion had already fallen to the giants stalwart valder and sly hakra long may their spirits be honored fell assaulting the wily half giant many others now trod the blessed pathways to sovereign god so it sounds like there was more than just your normal giants around can throw something at you maybe obviously this maybe the distinction wasn't as like maybe israel could have even been like sort of much more half giant kind of size than some of the ancient atmorans were even bigger like just even just little things if you look at i know he's a god but he is still in that more in god but um uh sun out in front of the whalebone bridge like that sort of bigger kind of guy like maybe some of them back in the day half giants were more common as there were more giants around but maybe they didn't you know what i mean like it wasn't yeah and i mean another cool thing is uh which scott i imagine you're quite like is uh giants have been observed having their matriarchies where the giant test has the greatest authority and there's even like erotic you know but like i'm going into they have an erotic charade in some in some places called the king and the amorous giantess um enacted with bedroom stilts and large furry mittens so you can imagine that you know they may not be able to unlock their jaw like a snake but still it's a pretty some pretty big women i just thought you might want to know about that i feel like someone with only an english voice can say mittens in the best way possible beautiful yeah but yeah i think that i think that pretty much wraps it up i've got i got one more thing one more one more little piece of food for thought that also kind of says that they're from it can i have a drink with it as well some drink for thought as well because maybe some parched can have some sides as well he's getting thirsty after that amorous anyway is that their skin look at their skin they're like really pale like if you look at all of the things in the northern territories that are kind of from their snow elves as well they're pale sorry what sorry what was this for and just that giants have really really pale skin they walk around in the sun all day on the plains they're not getting a tan they have that kind of gray whitish skin tone but the sea giants have got like a really dark blue skin tone yeah and they're from further north but they're sea giants man they've got to be water it's almost like more than snow and ice oriented to be fair also the dwemer and kymer are just as north as the snow elves are i feel like a lot of it when it comes to you can't talk about the chimera they they migrated there plus it yeah well it depends when did the film migrate there so a lot of the time the nords are also migrating it seems like they kind of blend into their surroundings so the reason the sea giants would be dark blue is if they're hunting whales and they're these big gleaming white things um that it's going to be a bit more difficult to hunt you because like because because the whales have got like their big like you know little telescope thing looking at the top of the water looking for look i guess i've been trying to help the older scrolls what i'm saying what i'm saying as well is like the kaima obviously had their skin changed by entities like outside of the model but the dwemer didn't and the dwemer were just as normal and the dwemer lived underground case closed no they it wasn't exclusively under although if they lived on the ground they'd have they they should have paler skin because they don't get as much actually like you know speaking as a as a basement dweller myself you know you're very pale if you i mean how many how many dwemer have you seen though not really any jagram looks pretty normal and he looks pretty normal to see i mean like you know what i mean he's yeah he doesn't he doesn't have like an unusual like kyma or dark elf skin tone that would make you go whoa it's just kind of like a generic caucasian looking skin tone but yeah i don't know how much there is to the it's i don't know if it's about vitamin d in the older scrolls i think well yeah i guess uh yeah magnus is like in the sky it's not all i was saying all i was trying to say i think we've over complicated things was that the giants are pale and that they're from an area where people tend and and other elves and men tend to be pale from i bet you regret bringing that up now which is how off track we all got with it ah whatever people like it i like it good discussion but now i think we can officially wrap things up oh it's good we got that point out of the way really good mate you didn't i said it would be food for thought you said you want to drink for thought and then i put dessert for thought so that's all your fault thanks everyone for watching it's been it's been a lot of fun um tell us what you think in the comments below follow us on twitter social media links are always in the description and we look forward to nerding out with you all again very soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 63,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, elder scrolls podcast, fudgemuppet, elder scrolls lore podcast, elder scrolls 6
Id: 6R-PlPLgfV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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