Giant T-Rex Dinosaur Takes on The Skeleton! Halloween Ready! Dinosaurs For Kids - T-Rex Ranch

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- [LB] Despicable G? - [Aaron] Despicable G, you out here? Where are you? - Where are you, Despicable G? - Despicable G? - You see him anywhere? - Nah, I know. - What, oh! Yeah, maybe he's over the fence there, huh? Is he over there? - Nah. - Okay, I wonder where he's ended up, huh? - Mmhhmm. - Okay, so last time we saw him was in England, but you know, T-Rex was there in the garage. So, hopefully T-Rex didn't stomp him when he was putting him in the garage. - Oh yeah! Yeah, like Bob the skeleton. Remember when T-Rex stomped him? - Oh yeah, what about that time that T-Rex stomped the inflatable sprinkler T-Rex. Remember that one, yeah? - Oh yeah! (twinkly harp music) Hi, my name is Bob. (grunts) There you go. - Hey Park Ranger LB, whatcha doing, man? - I'm fixing Bob after Ghost Ship Dread blew it up. Like (makes sound of explosion)! - Oh wow, man. But why do we need a Bob? - Well, I was thinking maybe he can replace me as a park ranger while I'm at dino school. - Oh yeah, that's a good idea, but, wait a minute. He's a skeleton. We can't have a skeleton as a park ranger. - Well, maybe we can put him in some tests. - Oh, to see if he can be a park ranger, we'll run him through the tests to see if he can live up to our high standards, huh? - Yeah. - Okay, cool man. - But what are those two things? - Oh, these are my surprise pinatas for Halloween. - Cool, that's so awesome. - Cool, it's like a surprise game we're gonna go do out back, okay? - [LB] Okay. - Cool, except you know what? I think maybe we should take Bob and run him through his tests first, okay? - Yeah. - Okay. Let's grab him and go then. - Grab him and go. - Okay. - Let's go, man. - Grab him, oh no, his foot's falling! Oh no, his legs, his legs! Here Bob, you can have my old park ranger hat because you're a park ranger in training. There we go. - Okay Bob, now that you've got your hat, you're ready for the first test, okay? We're gonna try you out here on this playground to see how well you can hide from a T-Rex in a playground. Go for it, Bob. (bones clanking) Ooh, ooh, ooh, oh, that looked like a rough slide down there, okay. Get Bob a good push there on the swings, see how he does, okay? Yep, get him going. A little more, okay. Now give him a good push on the next one, okay? And go for it! Ooh, Bob, he fell out, man! Ooh, did that hurt, Bob? Ooh, his eyeball popped out! That's not good. - Oh man. - Oop, there's his eyeball there. Okay. Yeah, Bob. I think maybe we should go over and do another test, okay? - Yeah. (door closing) - Okay Bob, you ready for the driving test? This is the big one to see if you can drive like a real park ranger does, huh? Yeah, okay, I know you're ready. I'm gonna go over here and ride in the passenger seat while you do the driving, so go ahead and start her up. You ready back there, Park Ranger LB? - Well, I don't think this is very appropriate. - [Aaron] Aww, dude, it'll be okay. Don't worry about it. (car starting) Okay, Bob, you got it there, you got it. Bob! Dude, pay attention Bob. Keep your hands on the wheel, man. Ohhhhh. Oh, you stop showing off, dude. Uh huh. Wow, Bob, you're pretty good at this. I didn't know you could drive a truck like this. Oh, yeah, right turn up here, okay? Come on, Bob, turn right. Give it some gas, Bob, let's get up this hill, okay? (engine accelerating) You can do it, man. You can do it, Bob. Come on, let's go, let's go, gun it, yeah! Go, Bob, go. (laughs) Bob, you're doing good, you're doing good. - Hey, you know, Bob, you're actually pretty good at this. (static on radio crackles) Ooh, yeah, music, yeah go, Bob. - [Aaron] Yeah, yeah, you don't need to mess with the radio, Bob. You should focus on driving, okay? Okay, here we go Bob, left turn. - [LB] Ohhhh, there's the hat, Bob. - [Aaron] You lost your hat there, Bob. Wait Bob, you're going a little fast here dude. Slow down. No, Bob, Bob! Slow down, Bob! Bob, come on man. Slow down, Bob. - Bob (screaming), (screaming) Bob! - Look, do not go into that-- - (screaming) Bob! - Stop, stop, stop! - [LB] (screaming) Bob! - Okay Bob, I think you failed the driving test there, Bob, okay? I'm taking away your license, man. Give me the keys. Let's go try a different test. Whoooo, okay, Park Ranger LB, get his hat back on there, okay? This is the ultimate test to see how Bob handles that T-Rex right over there that's heading this way. Look, the T-Rex is coming! Stay there, Bob! It's gonna be here any second. Come on, let's go! - T-Rex, run! - Get outta here! Run, run, run, run. You show him who's boss now, huh? - Yeah, take care of business. - Yeah. (footsteps rumbles) (T-Rex growls) T-Rex looks mad! - [LB] I think he's gonna eat Bob! - Oh don't worry, he's not gonna eat Bob. Bob's got no meat on him. - [LB] Yeah, he's just a bunch of bones. - [Aaron] Yeah, yeah. (dinosaur screeching) (bones crunching) - [Aaron] Huh, he just stomped Bob! - [LB] Bob! No! - Quick, T-Rex is gone. Quick, let's go get Bob. - [LB] Bob, Bob! Noooooooo. - Oh, dude. - We gotta put him back together again. - T-Rex kinda took care of Bob there, didn't he? - Uh-huh. - Okay, you can put him back together again. You know what, I think he failed the test. - Yup. - I don't think Bob can be a fill-in park ranger for you dude. - Nope. - Okay. I'll tell you what. Let's just grab all the bits here. We'll take 'em back to Dino HQ. - Yup. - You can put him back together, okay? - Okay. - Ooh, and then we can open up our surprise pinatas! - Yeah! - Cool, let's go, come on, Bob. All right, check it out, Park Ranger LB. Look at this eyeball pinata! (chuckles) - Cool. - And over here, we got an awesome Jack-o-Lantern pinata. - Cool. - Okay, so here's the game. We're each gonna take a stick and a blindfold and try to open up the pinatas. And whoever gets to open it first gets to see what surprises are in the boo bag. - Yeah! - Which pinata do you want? - I want the eyeball. - One, two, Three! (whacking) Ooh, I heard something. What was that? - Well, let's see. - Where'd mine go? - Let's see. Oh no! - Oh, mine fell down but it didn't open. Put your mask back on. I still gotta beat mine open here. (grunts) Okay, here we go. Keep going. (whacking) Oh, I think I got mine, I got mine! Oh, you know, I think that was a tie. - Aw man! - I tell you what, I'll let you open the boo bag okay? - Yay! Oh cool. (yells) - Yeahhhhhhh. - Candy! - It's a candy rain! - Oh. - Oh wow! Ooh! - I think we picked out too much. - Look at that. - Cool. - What is it, dude? - It's eye masks. - I think your greens glow a lot better than my oranges do though. - Yeah. - [Aaron] Hey, you wanna go try them out? Hey, let me see your greens one there. Oh yeah, that's pretty cool. You see these orange ones? - Uh-huh. - Can you see 'em? - [Aaron] Wow, it's pretty cool. It lights your eyes up really neat, doesn't it? Awesome, this'd be great for trick or treating, wouldn't it? - [LB] Uh huh. - [Aaron] Speaking of Halloween, let's go see what kind of sour candy we can find, okay? - Okay. - Okay, you go that, wait-- - [LB] Wait, the door is that way. - No, it's this way. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it - oh. - Wait, oh, that's not it. Or is it over here? - Oh. - Ooh, what is that? - Oh! - Oh man. - Oh! - Ready to go outside and have a silly string battle? - Ha! - Okay, let's go for it. - I want the green. - What, you want the green? Here, you take it. - Yeah. - Let's go! - Woo-hoo! - I've got the yellow crazy string. - And I have the green and it matches my shirt too. - Cool, okay, you ready to go for it? - Yeah. - Oh yeah, it's yellow! Let's go. (giggling) This is good stuff, man. (laughter) Oooh! Wow, this is like the best can of this stuff we've ever had. Uh oh, uh oh. I'm out. Ah, (spitting), not in my mouth. Not in my mouth, (spits). Ah, I gotta get away, it's not stopping. (giggling) (screams) (spits) When's it gonna run out? Help, you have too much. Ah, let's go back inside. See what other kind of candies and goodies we got, okay? - Okay. - Oh, no, no, (screams)! Dinosaur in my Slimy. Is it like, I think it's some sort of dino egg. - Oh man, look at that green slime, oh! Is there a dinosaur in there? - [LB] Oh yeah, right here. - Oh wow! - I think it's a pachycephalosaurus. Roar, oh help, help, ahh! - All right, you know what we still have in here? - What? - Some dinosaur figures. - Cool. - Okay, why don't you grab one over there and hold it up and let's see if our fans watching at home know what dinosaur that is. They can tell us in the comments. And we'll try this one next. - Okay. - I don't think anyone's gonna guess this one. What else can you find in there? - This. - That's an easy one there. Let's get him outta here. We got one more. Hey, it's an egg! - Cool! - It's a dinosaur egg, actually. - Oh wow. - Okay, this is one of those kind that you put it in water and it's gonna hatch, but it takes a few days, okay? - Oh, okay. Hey look, it's hatching! - [Aaron] All right, man, you wanna help it along? because it's been there a few days now. - Yeah. - Let's give it a little help. Oh, now you got it! Now it's hatching. - [LB] It's like a Kinder Surprise egg. - Yeah, except with a dinosaur in it. Oh wow! - Oh wow, that's so big. [LB] Bigger than I thought. - [Aaron] I think that's a stegosaurus. - Yeah. - Wow, it's pretty cool, huh? - Uh huh. - Let's go for the boo bag! - Okay, let's go, ha! - Ooh, what is it? - Cool, it's a big flying plane that you go outside with! Another one! - There's two of 'em. - Yeah, you get that one. - [Aaron] Oh, you want me to take this one, okay. - Yeah. [Aaron] E-Charger, easy to fly Airhog! Okay, so it's like a flying glider but it runs on batteries. - Okay. - And since we have two, that means we can race! - Yeah! - [Aaron] Cool, let's take 'em outside and race 'em. - Let's go! - So I think you're gonna use this. It's like a power pack, right? - Yeah. - Flip up your charger and you plug it in the bottom, - Okay. - Like that, and you push the button. - Okay, - And you count-- - I wonder what it does. - You count to what? How long did it say in the instructions? Like 30? - 30. - One Mississippi. - One. - Two Mississippi. - Two. - [Aaron] 28, 29, 30. Okay, so now we're fully charged. You let go of the button and then we're gonna lift it off and launch, right? - Okay. - We're gonna race. - Yeah. - Okay, on the count of three. - [Both] One, two, Three! (screech) Ooh, it got my finger. Ooh, ooh, come back. Where's mine going? Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Yours is going up off in the forest! - [LB] Come back! - [Aaron] Wow, that is cool, man. - [LB] Yeah! - [Aaron] You won that one. Best out of three, here we go. Number two, and go. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, wait. Is that one mine? - [LB] That one's mine! - [Aaron] Where'd mine go? (screaming) - [Aaron] Wow, was that one yours or mine? - [LB] Mine! - [Aaron] On your mark, get set, go. (whirring) ooh, ooh, mine's going, don't go that way, ooh. Don't go down there. Oh, into the woods! - [LB] I win! - You still won. You definitely know how to fly these bad boys, don't you? - Yeah. - All right, let's go see what else we can find to do here while we're out at the new Dino HQ, huh? (whirring) (screams) - Man, its so hot today. Good thing I have my handy dandy mist fanner. - Hey, Park Ranger LB! - Oh, Park Ranger Aaron, you scared me. - Oh, sorry about that. Hey, whatcha doing man, huh? - Oh, I'm just trying to cool off because it's super hot today. - Oh yeah, it is, it's really hot, huh? - Yeah, hey, what's in the box? - Oh, hey this box-- (roaring) Hey! - T-Bone! - I think it is T-Bone. - Yeah. - He didn't sound like he was doing too well either. - No. - We better go up and see what's going on with him. Here, I'll leave that here. - Yeah. - Get in, let's go man, huh? - Get in? - Here we go. Oh wait, I gotta turn it on. Here we go. Oh, backwards! Okay, we gotta be careful and quiet now. Sneak up on T-Bone, alright? We don't want him to know that we're here, huh? - No. - Especially if he's having a bad day. We're almost there, okay? Oh wait a minute, there he is, right there. - Yeah, right there. (roaring) (chewing) - Hey, you know what? I don't think he's doing too well. - No, he looks a little hot. (chewing) - Yeah, he does look hot. - Yeah. I know, let's take his temperature! - I think that's a good idea. Hey, you know what? I got a thermometer right there in the glove box. - Okay. - Okay, open it up there, huh? - Need to pull out ♪ A thermometer! ♪ - Okay thank you, here we go. Let's take his temperature here then. - [LB] Okay. (T-Rex roars) - Yeah, he's definitely overheated, huh. - Wait a minute, that's not a thermometer. - No, you're right. I lost the thermometer. So I had to put a stud finder in here instead. Check it out, see? (low pitched beeping) It works pretty good huh? It's not finding any stud there, huh? - Here, let me try. (high pitched beeping) Wow, man, that was loud. - Oh yeah, whatever, stud finder, okay. We gotta figure out what to do about T-Rex because we don't want him to get sick if he overheats, you know? - Hmm, we need to cool him off. - Hey, I got just the perfect thing for cooling him off. - What? - When I was in the store the other day, I saw, it's perfect man, I'll, here... I'll show you just in a second. Let's go back to Dino HQ, okay? - Okay. - Uh oh, three-point turn here. Maybe more like a four point turn. Oops, okay, let me make that a five-point turn. Alright, here we go. - [LB] Whoa. - [Aaron] All right, back at Dino HQ. You wait right here, I'll go get the big surprise for T-Rex, huh? - Okay. - All right, this'll work perfect. - Man, what's taking him so long? - Okay, Park Ranger LB, check this out. Ginormous T-Rex sprinkler. - Whoa! - Okay, so you remember last year when we did the cooling stations for the dinosaurs? - Yeah. - T-Rex didn't want to go anywhere near water. This way, he'll come right up to this inflatable giant T-Rex, and he'll think it's another dinosaur. And he'll probably come up and try to be buds with it, you know? - Yeah. - And we'll turn it on and splash him. - Yes. - Okay, you ready to go set it up? - Let's go. - Let's go. Wait for me. - All right, this should be about as good a spot as any to set this thing up, huh? Whoa, that is a big inflatable, huh? - Yeah. - Okay, here. Tell you what, why don't you take the inside. Go for it. - The inside? - Yeah, go for it. All right, we'll unroll this and we'll blow it up. All right? - Okay. (T-Rex roars in the distance) - Man, I think T-Rex might be coming this way. - Yeah. - Maybe you should stand guard while I do this, okay? - Okay. - Man, this thing's gonna take a while. Ooh, wow, that's a sleepy dart blaster and a half right there. - Yeah! - Okay, well, you're gonna stand guard then, right? - Yep. - Okay. I'll get to inflating, then. (exhales heavily) (jaunty music turns minor and menacing) - Okay, we're gonna be here forever. You gotta go faster. - I will, I got my thumb in there so the air doesn't come out, all the air I put in there. Oh, wait a minute, my thumb is stuck! There we go! Oh, the air's coming out! (exhales heavily) - Okay, let me take care of it. - What? - Got it! - Oh, what's that, a pump? - Yeah, an air pump. - Well yeah, that's pretty clever. But look, you don't have any electricity. So we have to do it the old-fashioned way, okay? (exhales with spit) - Can I see that? Thank you very much. - Oh, you got a cord there. I bet I can still blow it up faster, here we go. (exhales heavily) (air pump whirs quickly) - Oh hey, you got the blower ready! Oh, look at that, okay. Let's turn it on and see how long it takes. (air pump whirs) - There it goes. - Yeah! - All right, cool, man. Good thinking! - Oh no, T-Rex! - It's starting to look like a T-Rex, huh? All right, you think that's good? - [LB] Yeah, that's good! - Sorry, what was that? - That's good! - Let me plug the hole up there. Hey, check it out, look. There's the sprinkler right there, and the water's gonna come out, T-Rex'll just walk up, and "Hi!" (makes water splashing sound) Now we just need a water hose. I'll go get -- (T-Rex roars in the distance) You stay here and stand guard, I'll go get the water hose, okay? - [LB] Okay! - Okay, keep the sleepy dart blaster! - Oops. (footsteps clomping) - Okay, this'll work good. I'm coming, Park Ranger LB! - Stop smacking me, T-Rex! (thuds) (T-Rex roars in the distance) (laughing) (rubber stretches) (boing) - Okay, Park Ranger LB, I got the hose, I'm coming. Here it is. Let's hook this up. Okay Park Ranger LB, here's the water hose. - And here's T-Rex. - Let's hook it up. Where's the water connection? - There! - Okay, why don't you lift T-Rex up and I'll go turn the water on and give it a test, okay? - Okay. - I'll be right back. You shout when you're ready. - Go! Oh no, (screams)! - Okay Park Ranger LB, did it work? - Yeah! - Oh, I got you wet there, huh? I think T-Rex is gonna be here any minute, so we got this ready, let's go hide out and we'll wait, all right? Go get your sleepy dart blaster and let's go. Hey, I got an idea, let's hide behind these chairs! - Oh yeah! (metal scrapes across the floor) - Okay, come on. This way, we can watch for T.Rex, and I'll reach over and turn on the water when he shows up, okay? - Okay. - I don't know why T-Rex isn't here. - I don't know either. (T-Rex roars) - Maybe he's occupied back up at the front again, huh? - Yeah. - Let's go get him and lure him here. (dramatic music) - Let's go. - Let's go! - You see any sign of T-Rex? - [LB] No, I don't. - [Aaron] Wait a minute, wait a minute! - Oh, there's T-Rex! - Yeah, there he is right there. I think he's still eating that same buzzard or whatever it was. - We need to get him back down to the sprinkler! - Yeah, we do, so, I guess we're just gonna have to lure him down there somehow. I know, we'll just use the golf cart. Why don't you get in the back, okay? - Oh, yeah! Hey, what's the bait? - You're the bait! Come on, get on the back, man. - Oh no. Just for the record, I didn't really actually agree to this. - Don't worry, it'll work out just fine. Just hold on, okay? I'm gonna do that three-point u-turn again, okay? - Wait, stop, stop, stop! Gotta put on my seatbelt first. Get The Judge! - Okay, you ready now? - Yeah. - Okay, here we go. - Wait, how do we get T-Rex's attention? - Oh yeah, that's a good question. I tell you what, we'll back up right in front of him and you can whistle at him, okay? - Okay! - Okay, here we go! (nervous whining) Now, whistle! (LB whistles) - Go! - Here he comes! (yells) - I don't have any time to reload! (screams) - Uh-oh! - Oh no! - We'll come back for that later. We're gonna hide over here, okay? Come on, let's go, dude, we gotta go turn on the water! - I'm stuck! - What, you're stuck? - Here, gimme this, undo it, undo it! - Got it. - T-Rex is coming, go go go! (T-Rex stomps) - You stand guard with the sleepy dart blaster, I'll turn on the water. (T-Rex growls) - Oh wait. - Backwards. (The Judge thuds on the chairs) - There goes the water! - Hey, T-Rex is coming up to it, and... Uh-oh. (T-Rex roars) - Man, he flattened it. - He stomped it, man. Flat as a pancake. Come on, let's go check it out. - [LB] Oh no! - Oh man, look at what T-Rex did to T-Rex! Flattened it like a pancake. - Man, I miss him already. - I know, a perfectly good inflatable sprinkler, and he's now he's (spits) splat. I'm still pretty hot, though. Let's go back to the old Dino HQ and go for a swim. - Okay. - Let's go. (twinkly harp music) - Despicable G, you up there? - [LB] Where are you, man? - He's not up there, I don't know where he is. - Maybe he got eaten by an alligator! - An alligator? There's no alligators around here! - At the gator farm when it was feeding time! - Yeah, but nobody got eaten at the gator farm. - Well, they could have. (whooshing) - Okay, Park Ranger LB, I think there could be alligators here, because this is an alligator park! - Awesome! - Hey, I found them, I think they're right over here. The sign says "Do not feed the gators," so don't feed the gators, Park Ranger LB. Or they might come over here before feeding time and eat you up! (alligators growl) Okay LB, look, this platform here takes us out in the middle of all these American alligators. - Cool. - It's kind of freaky looking, isn't it? They're all laying out there like statues and everything. It almost looks like a concrete statue, doesn't it? But I bet if it came up here, and you weren't paying attention, it would get you! (laughing) Okay, let's go to feeding time. (bell rings) (water splashes) Look, he's just feeding them like big steaks or something is what it looks like. - [LB] Mmhmm. (water splashes) I noticed after they get fed, they get still again. - Hey, big boy! - Oh look at that one there. - Alligators don't eat anything in the winter time. And these alligators are just now coming out from being dormant. They just started eating. The bigger and fatter they are, the longer it takes. So he's still a little bit dormant. - Aww, that one didn't get fed. (alligator growls) (water splashes) - Oh man, that's scary. I wouldn't want to reach that close to an alligator, would you? - Yeah. (alligator growls) - You will do as my command! - Hey Park Ranger LB, you having fun with the chickens? - Yeah. - You feeding them grass, here? You know what, I think there's some more farm animals right over there, you wanna go check it out? - Cool! - Come on, let's go. - [LB] Yes! (donkey brays) - Okay LB, I think there could be some toys hidden inside this barn, okay? - Awesome, cool! Let's do this! - So what kind of animal is that right there? - I think it's a pig. - Is that a pig? And that's a... - Um... - Goat. (Aaron makes buzzer sound) Missed that one. How about here? - Turkey. - Yep, that's a turkey. And those are lemurs in there, but I don't see them anywhere. And this was a bull, but I think he walked off. And that's a surprise toy! - Cool! - Cool, go grab it! (LB grunts) - [Aaron] Cool, it's an Animal Planet Rescue Excursion, it's like an alligator set, awesome! - [LB] I wonder what's on the back. - [Aaron] Let's go open it up and see what's inside, okay? Okay, Park Ranger LB, let's open this bad boy up. (tape rips) So we've got this little airboat here, and then we've got an alligator that's gonna get you, (chomps). And then this guy, we got all the baby alligators. And they go like (little chomps). And then the guy, he's the rescue guy, he's probably gonna get eaten by the alligator. (making eating sounds) And then he goes in-- (plastic thuds on tables) Oh no, I broke his legs off. - Good one. - Good one, Park Ranger Aaron. Like I seriously broke his legs off. Okay well, he's gonna sit here. Alligator sits on his perch. And the boat comes along and the alligator's watching him. - [LB] Wait wait, you have to put your stuff in. - [Aaron] Put the stuff in there, okay. - [LB] He's mad because-- - [Aaron] Because I broke his legs off, yeah. Close it, all right. Now he spins his propeller here, (makes propeller sounds) all right, so he's coming along and his net scoops up all the little baby alligators. (LB screams) And takes them off to the alligator farm. So the big mama alligator is up here, (LB growls) and she's mad! She comes by and (yells)! - Ahh, my body came out, ahh! Ooh, it's a tortoise! Here, eat some leaves, you should have - Turtle race! (chomping) (crunching) Wow! - Hey LB, did you find the surprise toy? - Cool. - It's a Socker Boppers inflatable boxing glove! I think we can get in a boxing challenge with this. Cool, let's go try it out! Let's open up the Socker Boppers! One for you, and one for me. (exhaling loudly) (sighs) Okay, now we're gonna have - wait a minute, I think we were supposed to buy two sets. (boing) Oh well, you take one and I'll take one. And we're gonna go over here and have a boxing match, okay? Put 'em up! (grunting) (thudding) - Hi ya! - Wait, this one's got a problem, it doesn't hit. (grunting) Come on, show me what you got! - Bring it on! - Ha, you missed, you thought you were doing tae kwon do, huh? - Hi yah, hi yah, hi yah! - Ooh, we gotta try this on the dinosaurs, huh? - Yeah. - Okay. Okay LB, you see any toys around here anywhere? - Nah. - Ooh, there's - oh wait. That's just a log. (LB gasps) - Wow, what kind of snake is that? Hey, what's that right there? - A toy! - Is that a surprise toy? Awesome, it's an Animal Planet remote control King Cobra! - Cool! - Let's go open it up and try it out. - Yeah! - So this is our remote control King Cobra from Animal Planet, this is gonna be cool, I think. Ooh, I wonder how it moves around. - So, you see this button? If you push that, if you're pushing this and this, it goes toward that way. (laughs) (upbeat music) Bye bye! (LB gasps) All right, this is Sharon. And LB, Sharon's got an American alligator here. You want to hold it? - Now remember, you're gonna hold about in the middle of his tail. Don't keep sliding to the end, okay? And I'll let you slide up under my hand that way. - [Aaron] There you go! - [Sharon] What do you think of that? - [Aaron] So it's kind of cold, is it kind of cold? - Mmhmm, did you notice how many toes he has in the front and the back? - There's five in the front and four in the back. - He has 18 toes, and he has two sets of eyelids, too. - [Aaron] Did he just pee on me? You wanna check out that big one? - You wanna see that one? - [Aaron] That's not breathing, is it? - I got a bigger one. - [Aaron] You like the bigger one? - Uh-huh. - [Aaron] You wanna see if we can find some snakes now? - Ooh yeah. - [Sharon] We got plenty of snakes for you. All the snakes in here in the lobby are constrictors. They like to eat rats. Except Elvis has a little different thing. He eats other snakes, and he'll eat all the poison snakes, so he's kind of like a snake vacuum cleaner and good one to have around. Yay, look at you, good job! All right! Look at you, you got a fancy necktie. You can twist him around up, too. Now look up there and say, "Look at my new tie!" New necklace? - [Aaron] Great job, Park Ranger LB! - You are doing well. This is Monty. - He's not a Monty Python, is he? - He's a ball python. - Does pythons bite? - No, he's not gonna bite, he's also another constrictor. You know why they stick their tongue out? They're looking for something warm, they're sensing and they can smell, like, oh, it's cold over here! - They smell through their tongue, right? - On the sides of their tongue, they have little holes on their snout that help them sense, and he's like, "I'm looking for someone warm to sit on." That's why he's coming back here. - So what kind of python is this, again? - A ball python. - What's the name of this guy? - This is Lemon Drop, and he's an albino Burmese python. - Albino Burmese python. So Park Ranger LB, you think we should get one of these back at the dinosaur park? - No. - No, you'd rather have dinosaurs around than this? - Yeah. - Okay, it's licking my arm now. You wanna see what other critters they have here? - Ooh, yeah, yeah. - [Aaron] Awesome! - A bearded dragon. This is Berta. - Berta. Come here, LB. There you go. This is chinchilla from-- - South America. - South America. - [Aaron] Okay, chin, you can go back. - Vernor, it's your turn! See, he's like, it's my turn! I never get a turn! - Oh wow! Okay LB, I think we should get a souvenir to take home with us. How about one of these growing alligator eggs? - When it gets home, it's gonna get you! - It is gonna get you, ooh hey! You know what else we can get? Let's get one of these umbrella hats here. - Red. - What color you want, red? Are you gonna put this on instead of your little safari hat there? - Yeah. - There, and then this just pops on your head. There we go! That'll keep you in the shade all day. You gonna put that on top? There. (Aaron laughs) All right cool, let's take them home. Come on. Despicable G! - Where are you? - Are you in here? - Are you in the tubes, no. - He's gone, he just, poof! Disappeared somewhere. - Yeah, where is he? - You know, I bet he had so much fun at the dinosaur parks we went to in England, he must have gone back to a dinosaur park. - Oh yeah, like Dinosaur World, remember? - Oh yeah, Dinosaur World, or maybe even Playground Number 3, you know? We've seen T-Rex there, huh? Okay Park Ranger LB, this is Dinosaur World! This is the place I was telling you about where we can see how big the dinosaurs are, let's go! All right, so this is the part of the park where they have animatronic dinosaurs! Check out this stegosaurus, huh! That's pretty cool, huh? - Yeah. - [Aaron] Ooh, and what's that over there? (dinosaurs roar) What's through here? Ooh, look at this one, it's eye is moving. Isn't that cool? - Wow! - That's a really cool animatronic parasaurolophus, isn't it? - Yeah! - It's like a whole little family of parasaurolophuses? It's like the mommy, the little babies. - Yeah. - It's cool, isn't it? - [Aaron] Ooh, there's like a whole scene, wow! Hey, there's a velociraptor right there! - [LB] Wow! - [Aaron] Yeah, not very big, is it? But I bet it could still come up and eat you, man! - Yeah. - [Aaron] It's two velociraptors! Is that an iguanodonna? - Yeah! [LB] Iguanodon! - [Aaron] I called it an iguanodonna! Oh wow, that one's like opening its mouth. "Hi!" Wow, it's an amargasaurus. That's a pretty cool looking animatronic dinosaur. Like the eye, it looks really real, doesn't it? - Yeah! - [Aaron] Wow, that's so cool. Almost like it could reach right over and bite you! - Yeah, like an anthropologist. - An anthropologist doesn't bite! - But an anthropologist is someone who studies... - Wow, dude, check it out! - [LB] It's a T-Rex! - Awesome man, and what's that? - [LB] A pterodactyl! - [Aaron] A pterodactyl, and? - [LB] Triceratops! - [Aaron] Awesome, dude! Hey, check out little T-Rex's arms there, huh? I think he's mad, we better get out of here before he comes after us (yells). Oh wow, look it's a lake. - [LB] Wow. - I wonder if there's any fish in here. - Hey, can we feed the crocodiles? - Ooh, I see those crocodiles over there. - Okay. - I'm gonna go first. - Here's some fish food. Throw some in there, those fish look really hungry. Like dinosaur fish! You gotta give them more than that. Oh yeah! (laughing) - Fishies! - Oh, they're hungry, man. Okay, do some more, I think they're still hungry. Don't dump the whole bag at once! Oh, they're going nuts! Oh wait, it's a T-Rex, run! - Ah, wait, wait! - Check it out, man, it's a -- - Allosaurus! - Yeah, allosaurus, dude, that's pretty cool, man. These are big dinosaurs, you think we could fit those back at the park? - Yeah! What's that on your leg? - [Aaron] Oh, I meant to tell you about this. I had a bit of a run-in with some pretty nasty poison ivy there, dude. But check out what I found in the gift store! - [Both] Bandaids! - From "Jurassic World," man, that's pretty cool. There we go, let's do another one. Poison ivy makes you itch. That reminds me, I've got a surprise hidden for you out here in the park! - Yeah, I got one for you, too! - You do? Cool, how am I gonna find it? - We're just gonna look for it. - Oh okay, I was gonna give you clues to find yours. We checked out the allosaurus, let's go see what other dinosaurs we can find and our surprises, dude, let's go! - Bye bye, bye bye! - Hey, do you know what kind of dinosaur this is? - [LB] It's an iguanodon! - Man, you know your dinosaurs, don't you? - Yeah. - Hey, did you know that this was the second dinosaur ever named? - Whoa! - It was one of the first ones they ever found. - Talking about finding stuff, what's my clue? - Oh, you mean your clue to where I hid your surprise? - Yeah! - This dinosaur, near where I hid your surprise, probably ate a lot of beans. - Beans? (Aaron laughs) - Okay, you know what this one is, don't you? - Styracosaurus! - Yeah! Did you know this thing, they think, could have run as fast as 20 miles an hour? - Whoa! - That's pretty fast. Like in a herd, just like this herd right here. So what's the clue for me? - It's by the giraffe. - The giraffe? There's no giraffes out here in a dinosaur park. What kind of clue is that, giraffe. - Stegosaurus! - Stegosaurus, okay, we're gonna have those, right? - Yeah. - No question. We're gonna have a stegosaurus in the park. Hey, did you know that a stegosaurus had a brain the size of a golf ball? That's not very big, is it? Well, I think a T-Rex was a walnut, though. That's even smaller! (laughs) Okay, I'll race you! - Hurry up, Park Ranger Aaron! - Wow, Park Ranger LB, look at this! What did you find here? - It's an ultrasaurus! - Ultrasaurus, these would be awesome in our dinosaur park, wouldn't they? We should be on the lookout for them, let's go. - It's a spinosaurus! - Spinosaurus, man, they are huge, aren't they! This could be a little big for the park. Oh look, they're in Africa. Speaking of Africa, I'm still trying to figure out where there's a giraffe around here. - Yeah, and I'm still trying to figure out which dinosaur ate beans. - Beans, I knew you'd never figure that one out. Oh, look at that! It's a dilophosaurus, dude! Ooh look, it's another dilophosaurus, this is just like the one you saw! - Yeah! - Ooh, it's a scary looking thing! I'm coming to get you! Whoa, man, look at that thing! It's gonna come out and bite you! - It's a dryptosaurus. - A dryptosaurus? What's it dripping, huh? I've never seen a dryptosaurus, I don't think I want one of those in our park, okay? - No. - It'd be drip, drip, drip. - I'm gonna beat you again. Saltosaurus. - Saltosaurus, it's a cute looking dinosaur, even if it is kind of big. Oh, it comes from Argentina. If we went there, we'd know how to do the tango! You wanna do a tango? - I don't know what that is. - It's like a dance. (sings tango beat) - [LB] Stop it! Oh hey, it's almost time for the fossil dig. You ready to practice on your fossil digging skills? - Yeah! - Let's go! Okay, Park Ranger LB, this is the fossil dig, dude. - Wow! (sand and dirt slide) (pieces of bone rattle) - Oh, yeah, we get bling. - Okay, Park Ranger LB, what did you get in the fossil dig? - I got all this stuff. - Oh wow, that one's a shark's tooth, and a worm and a snail. I know that's not what it really is, is it? I know there's more dinosaurs around here, let's go see what else we can find! - Yeah! - Here it says right here. - [LB] Triceratops! - Yeah, that's a easy one, we can definitely get these bad boys in our park, right, we got them in the old park right now. I didn't know though it was one of the last dinosaurs to go extinct! Maybe we can fit a herd in our new park. Okay, let's go. - Hey! Beat you! - This is a ceratosaurus. - Ceratosaurus. - I'm not very good at pronouncing that, but I think it's the only meat eater with a horn! That could probably fit in our dino park, couldn't it? - Yeah! - Okay, it's a big one, what is it? - Pachycephalosaurus! - Pachycephalosaurus, man, this is a big dinosaur. With kind of like an armored head. They think it did head butt games! Wanna try a head butt game out? - Yeah. (heads thud together) - Ow. - Ooh, that hurt. Way worse than I thought it was going to. Ooh, what's that one? It's a Mini Me! - Mini me! - No, I think it's a minmi. Not Mini-Me, (laughs). So hey, this was in Australia, so I don't think we're gonna be able to go back and get these. We're not gonna go to Australia. - I'll beat you to the next one. - Ooh, look at this big one over here! - Silvisaurus! - They said they found a partial skeleton in a cow pasture in Kansas. Hopefully they didn't find it in a cow pie in Kansas. (laughs) - Velociraptor! - They're not very big, though, are they? - No. - You know why? Because these are the ones from Asia. What we're used to in the park are Utahraptors. - Yeah. - And here's the big guy, right here! - Tyrannosaurus Rex! - Or as we call him, T-Rex, back at the park. We got plenty of these bad boys, don't we? - There's a T-Rex? - Did you know his arm were so short he couldn't even scratch his chin? That'd be really bad if he had poison ivy like me. He'd be like, "I can't scratch my chin!" All right Park Ranger LB, let's check out the dino gem mine. You got your bag of, what's that stuff called? Dirt, basically. This looks like a good spot over here, let's try this. Here we go. Stick it down in the water and see what you can find. - Wow! - Wow, look at some of those minerals in there. Look at that, is that a piece of quartz? - I think this is a diamond! - I don't think it's a diamond, dude. Oh wow, look at that. Man, you got quite a haul. I think that's obsidian right there, isn't it? - [LB] Obsidian. - Pyrite, there's your pyrite right there. It's fools' gold. Cool, you did pretty good, dude! - Yeah! - Let's bag it up and get back to see if we can find some more dinosaurs. - I win again, yeah! - What is this one here? - A gastonia! - That's right, gastonia. - Wait, that was a part of your clue! Remember, you said the clue was a dinosaur who must have ate a lot of beans. - That's right, and it would be a gastonia! - Get it? - Yeah, there's a surprise hidden around here somewhere. So, take a look around this gastonia. - Hey, what's that? - Did you find it? - Yeah! - Yeah, there you go! - It's two surprise eggs! - Awesome dude, we'll open those up later on, when we check out the more dinosaurs, okay? Hey, it's a-- - Brachiosaurus! - Did you know that this was one of the largest land creatures ever on Earth? - Wow! - Got a really long neck, too. Just like a giraffe! - Yeah! - The clue, you said my surprise was at the giraffe! Is this it? - Yeah! - It's here, okay. I wonder where it's hidden. There it is! - Yeah! - It's a skeleton fossil. Cool, thanks, dude, we'll go back and open this up. All right Park Ranger LB, so we're back at HQ, and do you want to open your eggs first? - Yeah. - Okay, go for it. (tape ripping) - There we go. (grunting) - Hey, looks like a puzzle! - Yeah! - [Aaron] So I'm guessing it's a dinosaur, because it was in a dinosaur egg. What dinosaur do you think it is? - I don't know, I think it's a... - Let's see if we can put it together and find out. Okay, you got it all together, dude! I think I know what dinosaur it is, do you? - Yeah, I think it starts with an A. - Ooh, don't tell anybody. Let's see if our fans watching at home can tell us in the comments! - Yeah! - Awesome, what else do we have here? It's another dino egg - or should I do mine first? - Yeah. - There we go. (fossil rattles) What is it, man? It says its a skeleton fossil. Oh wow. (pieces rattle on table) Man, look at all these skeleton pieces. - [LB] Wow. - Okay, better get to work. We got it finished, man! Wow, that was a doozy to put together, this acrocanthosaurus. I've not heard of that dinosaur before. Hey, that's pretty cool, though. That'll look great on our little dinosaur collection table there, won't it? One more egg for you, dude, go for it. - Oh! - Oh, it's another puzzle. Okay, you got it all finished. What dinosaur is it? - [LB] I think it starts with a P. - [Aaron] Don't tell anybody. Let's see if our fans watching at home can tell us in the comments! - [LB] Yeah! - Awesome, dude! (dramatic music) - Come in, Park Ranger Aaron! - Yeah, go ahead, Park Ranger LB. - Hey, I don't see you on the map, where are you? - I'm over at Playground Number 3, still looking for my backpack that I lost yesterday. Hopefully it's here. - You know, the other day, I was at the gift shop and bought some toys, I actually left them at Playground Number 3. Please can you see if you can find them? - Man, you and your toys all over this park. I'll go check and see if I can find them. (walkie-talkie beeps) - Thank you. (walkie-talkie beeps) I just wanted to tell you the storm knocked out the power. Some of the fences are failing around the park. - The power went down? So that means there could be a dinosaur out here then, you said? (rumbling) (intense music) There's a dinosaur right there! (T-Rex roars) - Park Ranger Aaron, I see a dinosaur! You better get out of there! - I gotta run to the playground! (T-Rex roars) (dramatic music) Hey, it's my backpack. Awesome, I found my backpack, cool. Maybe we can find some stuff in here to get rid of the old T-Rex. All right, let's see what we got in here. A skateboard, I don't think that's gonna do much good. Hey, dart-shooting dilophosaurus. Something tells me that's not gonna get rid of T-Rex. World's largest Whoopie Cushion? I don't think any of these are gonna work. Have to go back to the truck. Hopefully something in the truck can take care of T-Rex over there. Hey, it's Park Ranger LB's toys, cool! It's a "Jurassic World" stegoceratops! That is so cool, he's gonna really be happy that I'm bringing this back to the Control Room. Hey look, it's another dinosaur toy LB left here. (T-Rex roars in the distance) Awesome, Interactive T-Rex from Animal Planet. Yeah, he's gonna be happy I brought this back to the Control Room. Just gotta figure out how to get back past that dinosaur. (T-Rex roars) You know, I think I might have something in the truck that'll do it, though. See if I can get to the truck without getting eaten. Don't step on a stick now. (stick cracks) (T-Rex roars) (dramatic music) (T-Rex roars) (car door opens) That was a close one! All right, let's see if I can find something back here to get rid of the old T-Rex. This is it! (plastic crinkles) There we go, flare, that'll do it. (lid pops) So I'm gonna use the flare to distract him. Hey, this'll scare him senseless when I take off. (exhales loudly) T-Rex, quite the surprise. Here we go. Here he comes. (dramatic music) (flare whooshes) (T-Rex roars) (car door slams) (keys jangle) (engine revs) (T-Rex roars) (window whirs) (T-Rex roars) (loud, wet farting) All right, she did it! (footsteps rumble) Hey Park Ranger LB, I'm coming back to HQ with your toys! (walkie-talkie beeps) - Awesome, I'll be waiting! (footsteps rumble) (pleasant whistling) - Hey Park Ranger LB, look! I found your toys at Playground Number 3! - Cool, let's open them up! - Awesome, let's go. - Okay, Park Ranger LB, so you got a "Jurassic World" stegoceratops. - Cool. - Move his tail, and then his head kind of pops up and down. So that'll be a cool one to add to our collection. And then we got this Interactive T-Rex! - Cool! - Why don't you try him out? I think you touch him, well, you wave your hand in front of him first, and his eyes light up, and then he starts making noises. But then you touch him in different places to make him make different sounds. Like you can make his mouth chomp, (electronic chomping) Don't let him bite, those teeth bite your fingers off! And then back here, you can touch him back here and he's supposed to make him snore. (electronic roaring) (electronic snoring) That's snoring, I think. And back here you can touch him, all here in the back. (electronic roaring) And then his legs, well, his arms move, I know that. (electronic roaring) (electronic chomping) And then somewhere-- (electronic burping) (laughing) He burped, he ate a big meal! (electronic chomping) He's chewing on something now. (Aaron growls) (electronic snoring) Oh wait, there's a spot down here in the front, did you see this one? (electronic roaring) He's gonna eat the stegosaurus! (clanging) (electronic roaring) See, he even left a little cut behind. - [LB] Cool. (electronic chomping) - [Aaron] Yeah, go attack him. (clanging) (electronic roaring) (clanging) (electronic roaring) (electronic farting) (laughing) Oh, that was a stinky! - Blow it towards Aaron! - All right, well, I guess we better get back to looking for him. He's gotta be around here somewhere. - Holy cow, what's that? - Hey, it looks like a note! Or maybe it's just a flyer with some junk mail in it, let's see. - Yeah, probably some junk mail. - It is a note! It says, "This is the Dinomaster, yeah! "I've made Despicable G disappear!" - He made Despicable G disappear! - What? "Good luck trying to find him, ha ha ha!" How did the Dinomaster find Despicable G? - I don't know! - Where did they even meet each other? (whoosh) - Where did those guys go now? Park Rangers, you out here? - Ah there (laughs). These park rangers won't know what hit them with these new hybrid dinosaur eggs. - Park Rangers? Oh, there's somebody with a nice black cloak on, let me go and ask him. - There. - Hey partner, you haven't seen - oh. That's a good set of teeth you got there. I should get me some of those. You haven't seen those park rangers running around here, have you, by any chance? - No. - I've been looking for them all morning, and they just seem to have disappeared. Oh yeah, we're also looking for some other strange looking individual with a black cloak and a mask or something. You haven't seen him? - No. - It just looks like everybody's disappeared. - Disappeared? Now that's a good idea. Time for you to disappear. - Yeah, okay. (laser whirs) - Now for me to disappear. (laser whirs) - Okay quick, we gotta go find Despicable G before the Dinomaster makes him disappear forever! - Yeah! - Come on, let's go this way! - [LB] Hey Park Rangers, if you liked this video, please subscribe to our channel and give us a big thumbs up!
Channel: T-Rex Ranch - Dinosaurs For Kids
Views: 12,056,374
Rating: 3.9942727 out of 5
Keywords: Dinosaurs, Dinosaur, Giant T-Rex, T-Rex, Dinosaur Adventure, Dinosaurs for Kids, halloween, halloween for kids, skeleton, halloween toys, halloween candy, Pretend Play, Kids Pretend Play, Life Size Dinosaur, Giant Dinosaur, Pretend Play Kids, Mystery, Escape, Toy Dinosaurs, Dinosaur Toys, Kids Adventure, Adventure, Nerf, Nerf Toys, Surprise, T-Rex Ranch, Park Ranger Aaron, Park Ranger LB, ToyLabTV, Family, Family Friendly, Toy, Toys, Fun, Funny
Id: _QXqMHCjXhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 17sec (3377 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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