Giant Shark and Dinosaurs T-Rex Dinosaur Missing in Jurassic Quest Kids Adventure & More T-Rex Ranch

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man I just can't get over how Hugh just Megalodon is aa giant the biggest thing I think we've ever seen underwater here is you've been a really wild today yes you have oh I already have enough on my plate you know so you could behave yourself okay maybe if I spine Park Ranger Aaron and lb they could help Park Ranger Aaron Park Ranger Albie bring its underwater sea creature we've ever seen how are y'all doing today oh we're doing good how about you you excited about the new exhibit are we oh my gosh we are so thrilled about our premiere show on Tyson but you excited all these dinosaurs here Tyson's even got a playboy there and notice ya see this toy has been a necessity today because Tyson has been a real Tyson yes now I'm a lot of work to do with our opening of ancient oceans and this is kind of helping me to strong that's a good idea there yeah Tyson you had to stay out of trouble no okay you guys what if y'all watch Tyson for me so I could get my work done great you hold the toy and I think I can hold time come on here we go okay Tyson you see all this stuff out here yeah there you go there you go yeah okay underwater creatures here what you down here there we go nice little bit of seaweed huh yeah there you go Tyson okay okay just stay right there okay here yeah let's take that off and I say yeah it's okay it's okay okay yeah okay go to sleep oh look at Tyson so you take a little we're gonna eat something you don't go anywhere Tyson okay ah Tyson's a handful isn't it yeah okay I tell you what I'm hungry I think I got some snacks in here in the mood for huh how would you like a slim jim huh what a slim jim yeah that's why I had to put Tyson down can't open up the old slim jim with a dinosaur in your hands right I'm good now here eat it later all right all right come on go Tyson [Music] would you leave him what are we gonna do man see you die no anywhere around here I know Sara's gonna be mad we are in deep Dino what we gonna do I know I know I know no the new Dino app the Dino tracker okay let's see if we can find Tyson on the Dino tracker okay okay I know it's still in beta mode and everything but it'll probably still work there was no hurry up come on Tyson where are you he's over by the inflatables oh come on let's go to the inflatables okay okay okay okay this is the inflatables this is where it shows the little blip on the radar map but it's gone I don't see the blip now you see Tyson anywhere why do you think Dyson's in there he's not here man I gotta get going what greed you'll be ok come on all right I got the app let's see if we can spot Dyson on the app beer okay here we go here we go where the t-rex did you see let's go Hey look working Joby it's the main entrance to Jurassic I'm sure okay let's go wait Dyson you in there where's the Spinosaurus okay look it's Spinosaurus thing's huge it okay all right you said you saw a Tyson over you there [Music] I said where are you man oh it's Tyson's toy yeah man leave Tyson was here do you see him in here anywhere Safari stairs gonna be back any minute we're gonna be really the big trouble I know silly me man the Dino tracker Apple thing yeah but Dino rides would look at their before he takes off again come on dude okay we're good okay all right these are the Dino rides this is where the blip was okay but uh you want to see if he can go on this one I don't see Tyson around here yeah maybe if you get on that ride you can look out you'll see Tyson hanging out here somewhere what get a port green gob do you see anything up there right yeah man where's that dinosaur going we're in trouble gift shop come on man let's go find it okay we're green cookie this is the gift shop let's split up and see what you find Tyson okay you go that way go this way come on Tyson whoo look it's a Megalodon oh yeah Tyson you were here oh man run out Tyson you're gonna get me in real trouble with Safari Sarah Tyson we're having did you find it you find Tyson anywhere no no wait a minute what's this like an inflatable t-rex yeah I got this at the gift shop with my own money good inflatable - hey wait a minute it's a Megalodon backpack oh man how much stuff did you get dude we don't have time for this we got to get back over to the ancient oceans exhibit because there's about to open it any minute Safari Sarah's gonna be there we're gonna have to explain to her how he lost niacin it's like the worst thing ever okay okay let's go I mean we're gonna do sir anywhere without - you okay where's my okay did you get - Tyson actually right now that is really oh really cool yeah so so park ranger Aaron - yeah okay so you say yeah well a carnivore oh okay yeah I didn't want to be positive one more time I'm still right yeah okay so the seems like y'all are trying to distract me or something and we lost I said no no okay I mean I trust you guys know like Rangers safe and warm you've been with him yeah yeah okay I take Tyson back here can you think you see like you really enjoyed it yeah no problem we'll see you later hey great job aimin we finally made it get a brand-new engine oceans exhibited your ass at least go let's go check it out got all these moving tentacles they're gonna get you so awesome I hear you me I think that is you and me let's go check it out see look it's a screen that's giving us information but you know what was in there it's Park Ranger Aaron the for great drill BC there's its Park Ranger me we teamed up with Jurassic quest to make the adventure videos as the virtual hosts of the New Age notions exhibit huh so as we work our way through the exhibit poor Cringer and apart green Dovie helps us go through huh Oh check out the rest of the undersea creatures by me look at who's look at that mean-looking piranha fish so good thing there look how real looking the movement is on this huh oh yeah it's very realistic business I think that's a Plesiosaurus but I'm not sure what that one is maybe we should ask ourselves giant ancient sea turtle yeah as big as this is this doesn't even compare to the Megalodon check out this hordes move in there like a giant prehistoric shark you know like the t-rex fishes or whatever in sharks Hey let's go around the side see how big this thing is okay look its mouth is opening up like big huge gosh yeah okay oh and look there its fins or flapping man this thing is ginormous look at the tail back there I can't believe how big this thing is this is like the biggest underwater sea creature we've ever seen okay looks like we're good to go what'd you leave me Latour man you're like out of breath they're outside they was chasing me and I really got away it yeah wow that's a good thing you got away man you know all these Raptors and t-rex running around ever since the title until those Raptors and the t-rex took down our paddock fences man it's just been complete chaos around here I was just checking our supplies to make sure we'll be good to hang out here at t-rex ranch while that virus is out there everywhere what do you mean so there's this germ that's out there and it causes some people to get really sick so we got to make sure we don't catch it cuz we don't want to risk giving it to the dinosaurs that could be really bad and they've even closed Dino school just to make sure everybody stays safe and doctors are asking everybody to stay home so they don't catch it or spread it okay so how long are we gonna be cooped up in Dino HQ well we really don't know yet how long we're gonna be here because there's all these scientists there doing research to try to beat this bug but it could be a little while so it's gonna hang out here I guess yeah so what can we do to prevent getting hints well now that you mention it there are a couple of really important things we can do like using the proper sneeze and coffee procedure I bet you didn't even know there was a procedure for sneezing coughing did you know okay it goes like this one two three like that yeah that's it perfect just like that man hey great you got that one done and then the other thing you can do is make sure you wash your hands often 20 seconds yeah you're gonna turn on the water billow soap and count to 20 or you can just sing the Happy Birthday song twice okay happy birthday to you happy birthday happy but what what's wrong with that we got a better idea what we gonna do how about we have two new dinosaur stuff so let's sing the two your true song oh yeah I bet part of that'll be twenty seconds okay here what'd you come over and wash your hands now tiny okay all right oh you might be set go t-rex which is the place I wanna be all the creatures run and free come toward a t-rex range has a mighty Dyna roar from our favorite dinosaur come join me now you're getting it come join me join me hey that was right at 20 seconds there okay there you go alright so now you know how to practice good hygiene okay yeah okay Mans go sit down over here what to do alright that was good work practicing good hygiene there oh yeah you know it could happen I guess but the doctors are saying that most people who catch it don't get very sick okay I'm gonna be a fine but you know what we got to be careful because older people can get really sick which means we gotta watch out for the dinosaurs because they're like 65 million years old that's really old okay we don't want them to get sick now okay all right so let's just keep washing our head and we'll be good okay important thing though is not to panic so what are we gonna do that's a good question I don't really thought that far ahead hmm I know let's go check it out over here check this out right here good use this right there okay double bag there okay man then need these shish kebab sticks right here yeah there we go no no no and then pick a color here one of these food colorings okay that'll work let's go try this experiment huh okay we're gonna need some water for this experiment let's use this water hose right over here okay okay watch out with that thing man oh yeah I'm gonna put the water in the bag okay [Music] okay that's good I think now you got the food going here huh just keep turning to be careful that stuff stain yeah all right here what about two drops in there all right here we go okay now yeah there we go looks like grape juice now doesn't but you got to shake it up okay there we go there we go okay all right you ready for this I want to put this stick and it's not going to leave no it's not watch this here we go [Music] yeah all right [Music] [Music] look at that okay you got one more left here oh wait now you're up okay you want to know why there doesn't leak because this bag is made out of what's called a polymer okay that's what this plastic is it's like molecules that are all connected together in a long chain it kind of looks like spaghetti if you can actually see it feel like all bunch of spaghetti then you put the sticks in between all the spaghetti like that okay and it makes a seal around it so it doesn't leak problem is we made a hole so we pull it out watch what happens go over here I don't this that's because you left a hole between the spaghetti there we go all right that's a pretty cool experiment is it don't worry about that I got it taken care of there and the paint three in the kitchen let's take this inside and go ahead yeah all right check this out looky here whole pantry full of beans right there okay we're gonna have all the beans we need to wait this thing out here to your okay you're gonna be stinky time at T roots ranch yeah I guess it could be a stinky - oh hey look it's tiny the baby a pair of Saurus yeah I forgot to feed the baby dinosaurs today you know what this could be a problem feeding them while this is all going on you better get outside come up with a plan okay let's go all right Park read Ruby let's go feed these baby dinosaurs take care I thought we weren't supposed to go near the dinosaurs because we might give them the drone yeah you're right that could be bad if I don't think we've got the germ but you're right we don't want to give it to them so you know what we do we stay six feet away from them okay this is like from one tip of my fingers to the other tip that's about six feet so you keep your distance from the babies when you're feeding them and then that way even if we didn't have they won't catch it okay wait don't make feeding a lot harder oh yeah you're right is it like feeding them pretty hard I got an idea what how about we feed the baby dinosaurs here oh here yeah okay yeah oh I know we'll take these buckets here we have the feed in them we'll just put these over here that will make like a feeding station like then come right up here we're just buckets okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute what how we're gonna get him to come back to Dino HQ here we go here we go okay here these are the Dino lures we've been working on we'll go out and you know how they love to respond to shiny things hey let's go out we'll see if we can lure them back okay yeah let's go let's go see any dinosaurs anywhere Wow Wow I think there's a thunderstorm coming you better hurry up find these babies the fork in the road we do now that storms getting close you're gonna hurry up find these babies and water them back Dino wait you before the story to get you yeah never find him after the rain one thing we can't do what you have to go that way okay let's see if you can find a baby dinosaur here we go let's get ready okay baby dinosaur come here come here no you're out here Raptor oh yeah I know you want it yeah you gotta get you inside and feed you before the storm gets here see it's almost here any second now okay start raining hard it's a baby Triceratops okay [Music] [Music] oh come on you know you want to follow me back to Dino HQ okay here we go come on don't lose those who've attempted on little shiny thing there okay come on Triceratops let's go oh oh come on stay with me [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll put that right there [Music] all right oh it's great I took myself selfie when didn't we get to sleep the t-rex I can't wait to sign again oh when we finished giving our base camp set up this is a mess a big gigantosaurus mess can't we go look at it now well we have to make sure that we are fully prepared before we go near the dinos hey why don't you go see if you can find the box of sleepy darts that Park Ranger Aaron sentence okay [Music] it's a shrink-ray so cool okay I got to make sure this stuff works all right ain't this little rock right over here shrink ashes soccer ball I hope I can fix it I have to do that later I don't know how these new gadgets work [Music] [Music] okay older whistles oh my ears already oh wait hey pour Girija Tara how's it going huh great we're just organizing all our gadgets oh yeah good idea it's really important to know where all the gadgets are you know be and I have lost stars wait too many times yeah and thanks for sending over those extra super darts now we'll be fully prepared oh yeah yeah you can never have too many sleepy darts you know but I did send another package over there did you get it it's a big surprise a surprise package that was nice of you let me check Park Ranger a sure hey did you see another extra package of some extra sleepy darts a break a t-rex t-rex oh no he doesn't have any sleepy darts oh man you better get over there quick hurry copy that [Music] [Music] I'm on my way to action behind the truth who's there back to base camp you don't worry about it I'm just getting my blaster [Music] [Music] - reckon my day yeah cool it now or die no meat no no we're not we're Park Rangers we'll figure something out Oh [Music] for the love of dinosaurs that thing is for having me crazy let me see if I can fix it blame off some first button [Music] but I have an idea what this is that the special spray that makes the dinosaurs smell their favorite food yeah all right well you lead the way tell me what you need for me okay let's go Hey [Music] I think we earned you're the best park ranger you're welcome thanks for all your help at Part B and where did I leave my Sleepy Eye blaster all right let's go like this up right you ready [Music] I can't wait openness let's do it alright remote see what else I can do hey poor creature will be what you up to man huh oh I was about to take my newest invention to the dyno science ferret win first prize oh that sounds like hey what are you doing was that green blank oh this green blanket this is my newest invention that I'm gonna take to the dyno science fair and I'm gonna win the grand prize yeah what's so exciting about a green blanket it's actually my brand-new invisibility disappearing dinosaur cloak that I can use to hide from the dinosaurs that green screen stuff only works in movies oh no this is no ordinary green screw I mean this is a dinosaur cloak okay just watch this huh check this out let me get my cloak on right here real quickly okay oh it's coming it's coming at you hold on now now I got to put on my special disappearing greens for a dinosaur cloak helmet there we go all ready you watch this here I take this remote and I wrap myself in green and click see you look you can't see me now what my legs oh man that's no good well it's still gonna win first prize grand prize at the Dino Science Fair okay well what's so special about your science fair project huh holographic projector what are the dinosaurs gonna watch movies with that or something no oh wait how is that gonna scare away t-rex just a little hologram [Music] man that was not scary at all it was just a little fake rapture okay okay well maybe that'll work if you got some of the dinosaurs in there so look it's almost time for the science fair to begin we put her head out come on go to the truck and go to the science fair dear ass okay I don't know what D Rex is doing out here now ever since the Dino master took down our paddock fences with a little bit of my help t-rex is just running all over the place isn't he okay we gotta come up with a plan try to get past to it if we don't worry we miss the science fair and I'm not gonna win grand prize okay we need a plan what but if I go undercover and invisibility cloak what wait wait you're gonna go out there yeah I guess you know that could work you're smaller you might fit underneath this without your legs sticking out like mine did okay all right well that could work wait a minute how am I supposed to get to the truck oh I got an idea what how about you distract t-rex this I'm gonna get rid of t-rex with a dome that's not gonna work doctor you know Dino hologram you know but that was a raptor t-rex is gonna be scared of a a raptor especially not a holographic Raptor dinosaurs we got t-rex allosaurus Brachiosaurus oh I'll just put another t-rex up there huh yeah okay yeah I guess we'll just epical fool you know we're gonna hurry up inside it's very gonna be starting here any minute okay oh I forgot to mention what dinosaurs are only up there for 30 seconds so you got to be quick on the projector 30 seconds okay okay let's do it man so am I getting anything else no you're not the hurry okay here you take this put your oh yeah you just here you take that okay and then all right and get suited up there and let's go okay girlby watch this t-rex I'm about to turn invisible work okay t-rex is not gonna see you and there you go stay low see but see it's working stay low you're about halfway now keep going no more Center watch out slow down so now you go disable yes now I'm gonna have to try out this whole hologram projector dome and see if it works okay here goes okay t-rex just ignore me now take this dear I've only got 30 seconds get out of here okay t-rex's just ignore me pull about your fighting there it worked Network do it we made it okay we gotta get out of here okay oh boy look at that okay all right okay put your seat belt on let's get out of here William t-rex behind him go to that science her okay yeah it's not starting I don't have the key man don't you the key oh I think I left it in decide Dino HQ okay all right so you're gonna have to go get it no no that's okay you can go you're the younger park ranger so I'll let you go do it okay yeah your old man park ranger you know no no that's the senior partner Ange you're okay okay fine I'll go get it but how am I supposed to get it because the holographic projector isn't projecting a t-rex anymore to distract t-rex because you designed it to run out after 30 seconds okay so what am I supposed to do I can't get past t-rex now yeah we come up another idea what what what okay you can use the cloak yeah but you said I'm too big for the Pope my legs stick out in the bottom there you can just crash it down okay fine fine I'll go do it you do everything myself okay give me that cloak their hats yeah okay I'll go for it [Music] [Music] [Music] that's not right come on come on don't fail me now there we go okay all right here we go yeah I'm disappearing now t-rex watch this okay t-rex you don't see me now do you alright Blackie Rex I'll be back okay t-rex you ready for this I'm gonna disappear now [Music] you can't see me candy tears because I'm invisible there we go Hey look I got the keys to the truck and we're leaving okay here we go t-rex see ya hey Derrick you can't even see me huh look I didn't even do a little dance you can't see me do you think you're so smart what poor creature be what's all that I love about huh t-rex can't see me t-rex you can see me honey I'm visible work ha Parker and you'll be the cloak failed battery must have gone dead I need an idea it's t-rex could him get me I know I know I know deploy the emergency drumstick poor creature be [Music] cee-trust no no no not that emergency drumstick the beaten emergency chicken leg drumstick okay yeah that one there that one there throw it yeah yeah Terry stone okay here I come it works yours I'm getting out of here okay here we go here we go got the D this time there we go got you gotta got let's go all right now off to the same awesome campfire really cooking these hotdogs good isn't it yeah man awesome park ranger old beat to be out here today way out in the woods away from all the dinosaurs learned campfires like a perfect afternoon here at t-rex ranches yeah everything's perfect perfect campfire perfect everything you know no campfire stories that's what we're missing oh yeah yeah I can't fire story that's a good idea okay well do you know any actually I do you do okay [Music] once upon a time okay once upon a time Dino Park there were two Park Rangers it doesn't sound like much of our once upon a time story campfire oh boy wow this is really fantasy here every time oh man that was you're a hologram machine again and you gotta watch out with the things not fair okay well that wasn't much of a campfire story okay I tell you what I'll tell you what mr. campfires storyteller are there I've got a real campfire story okay you ready for this yeah okay buckle up because this is a good one once upon a time in the Old West there was a bank-robbing cowboy wait a minute everyone I already heard the legend of the bank-robbing cowboy yeah well this is kind of like bank-robbing cowboy 2.0 okay just listen here i'ma tell you what happened to guys there's a great story here okay so there's this bank-robbing cowboy and he just pulled on the perfect heist whoo just paid me a visit down to the local bank look what I got here something in the bag down the empty there's nothing in there that's not good lovely loot gonna have to count it and see how much I managed to rob I've been worried over the bank [Music] they found him what did he do next oh he thought of an idea really quick to hide the evidence I'll put this in the box and bury the box I can come back for it later you're just thinking today get rid of the plaster don't want any trouble with it maybe put a poster in there there we go those big bright red bandana that take that bandana we can also put that in the box all put in my one favorite photograph you are handsome I'll put that photograph in there so that anybody happens to come across my box which they weren't they'll note belongs to me put the money in there that looks a bit big I know I'll just pour all those coins and they're like that then we could just bury all of that stuff together I'll come and get it later wait wait wait how does he know where he's gonna bury it so he can come and find it later well the legend has it Betty had a piece of paper lucky for him and he drew a map real quick so he know where to find the treasure when he went back rocket cannot roll with anything I wonder if that old drawer down here do do a video work okay so here's the tree stump eyes with it either bicep treat a check this one either you buy shaved field of Oliver that lovely big cloud right above where the boxes gonna go they're all there's a lost man everything points rock to the X all I gotta do is make sure I wait if he drew a map where does he keep it in a safe place he was smart he knew just where to hide that map to make sure it would never get lost you really are thinking smart today [Music] loser put the map in the box nobody's gonna find that little baby I'm out of here [Music] so did he get away no the posse caught up with him and they threw him in the clink huh what's a clink the clink is another word for jail so you locked him up okay there we go poor Creed Roby you're ready to make the world's smallest s'mores yeah why are this marshmallow so small yeah well unfortunately this is all they had at the grocery store right now you know times are tough and also okay let's go for it try not to set it on fire too much there so whatever happened to the bank robbing cowboy the sheriff had him locked up for a while and eventually the sheriff realized he had the wrong fella locked up in that cell so you just let him out I'll be sure to be a good boy not they couldn't keep me in there because they couldn't find any evidence I'm gonna go and get my loot Wow put it in the box [Music] now I'm gonna find where to put the box [Music] [Music] I did the bank robbing cowboy I ever find this treasure yeah he dug around for that treasure for months and he never did find it at least that's what the legend has nobody knows why you didn't find him so I guess this treasure is still out there somewhere waiting for somebody else to just come along and dig it up mmm what yeah somebody is this what do you mean we don't know where that treasure is what's that a metal detector wait you think we're gonna find it with a metal detector yeah has to have like little jewels or metal coins or something than metal yeah I guess we could go give it a try with that metal detector but I doubt we'll find it anyway we'd better take a sleeping dartblaster with us just in case but if we do find something we're gonna need something to dig it up with oh come on okay shovel yeah that'll work well let's uh put out the fire and we'll go dig for it okay let's go okay Parker you'll be gonna make sure you always put out the campfire yeah there's some water here there we go whoa all right did you put the shovel there in the backpack okay here's the Dino Nader let's get in you go look for your treasure when you mail the detector there okay hey where's the key here oh here it is doing here yeah problem with that is if we start in motion that dial off the source sees movement from us he's gonna stop us right on me I don't want that okay but just like in the movie you know that could be bad we know the planning of I know I know I know I know right there in that glove box got a smoke stick carefully sneak in there and get it okay that's it right there okay here we go eight Park Rangers if you like this video please subscribe to our Channel and give us a big thumbs up [Music]
Channel: T-Rex Ranch - Dinosaurs For Kids
Views: 1,171,822
Rating: 3.897475 out of 5
Keywords: Dinosaur, Dinosaurs, Shark, Giant Shark, Giant Dinosaurs, Life Size Dinosaurs, Megalodon, Megalodon Sharks, T-Rex, Trex, Dinosaurs for Kids, Dinosaur Park, Theme Park, Themepark, Jurassic Quest, Ancient Oceans, Dinosaur Toys, Dinosaur Videos, Baby Dinosaur, Dino, T-Rex Ranch, Park Ranger Aaron, Park Ranger LB, ToyLabTV, Fun, Kids, Family, Toy, Toys, megladon shark, t rex ranch, dinosaur videos for kids, shark videos for kids, learning sea animals, 1 hour kids videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 8sec (3248 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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