Jurassic Volcano Dinosaur Quest! - T-Rex Ranch Dinosaur Adventures for Kids

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it's an earthquake it's an actual volcano it's erupting t-rex ooh bumpy man oh man rode into hq's gotten bumpy since we've been going to england stop what what what what what a crap oh yeah look at that crack man whoa that thing's huge goes like the whole way way down the driveway here man wow i wonder if it came from a volcano a volcano yeah like jurassic world fallen kingdom oh yeah yeah i guess that could happen there's no active volcanoes here in texas dude so man maybe i guess so it could be let's get back to hq we're gonna check it out man all right let's go all right here we go all right okay let's go check out hq to make sure despicable g didn't mess everything up while we were gone okay okay i'm gonna go in the inside and find the toys that i left here okay you check out the inside i'll check out the outside okay dude all right here we go [Music] you just keep on looking checking it out park ranger i'll be i'll catch up with you [Music] the door's open that door's open too don't have to speculate this my toys my toys hey somebody's been playing with my toys nothing is broken that's good hmm i'm gonna do this probably in here all right well dino hq is still here building's still okay water hose is still laying on the porch and despicable g didn't mow the weeds like i asked i wonder what he's been up to kind of trouble he's gotten in oh hey little chair just sit down here and wait for park ranger will be while he finds his dino toys [Music] whoever did it must be in here [Music] it's just let's close boring door [Music] hey maybe my toys are in here hello despicable geez is that you hello [Music] that's just toilets no i'm not going there i might be a little smelly [Music] hold on ah it's just a bed [Music] okay [Music] my toys hey my toys i finally found you [Music] what was that sounded like a raptor oh man what's taking park ranger will be so long it's an earthquake wow i've never been through an earthquake before i wonder if that crack that we saw on the ground earlier had something to do with it okay better go check it out oh hey it's one of our new high-powered sleepy dart blasters we just got better take it with me in case there's any dinosaurs on the loose now all right here we go all right the i can climb out the window wait it's closed i can't get out of it okay see if there's anything holy cow look at the smoke steam i don't know what this is coming out of this crack oh is that lava in there oh it's hot i think it's lava i think this really could be from a volcano parkway drill b could be right what's that noise it's a volcano it's an actual volcano it's erupting holy cow it's erupting it's like it's going to destroy the entire dinosaur park oh no i shot myself with a new sleepy dart these won't help it's a blue mask this might just work [Music] um [Music] it worked i gotta oh man sleepy dark blaster knocked me out hey wait a minute i can't move my arms or my legs this is not good i knew i shouldn't make those things so high-powered anyway it's that noise it's a stampede the raptors getting away from the volcano oh man coming right this way i gotta get out of here [Music] uh [Music] come on i made it just in time t-rex volcano volcano volcano parkway drill b what's up man there's a raptor that was chasing me a raptor oh we got bigger problems than a raptor there's a volcano that's erupting is going to destroy the entire dinosaur oh wait a minute there's no volcano it must have been a dream dude yeah but that raptor's not a dream oh raptor we gotta get out of here dude yeah come on [Music] park ranger will be wait man come back man come back work ranger will be okay looks like we're good to park ranger over me withdrawal man you're all like out of breath there never there's a raptor outside and it was chasing me and i barely even got away yet yeah wow that's a good thing you got away man you know all these raptors and t-rex running around ever since the dino master let's raptors and the t-rex took down her paddock fences a little bit of my health yeah man it's just been complete chaos around here hey what are you doing i was just checking our supplies to make sure we'll be good to hang out here at t-rex ranch while that virus is out there everywhere what do you mean so there's this germ that's out there and it causes some people to get really sick so we got to make sure we don't catch it cause we don't want to risk giving it to the dinosaurs that could be really bad and they've even closed dino school what just to make sure everybody stays safe and doctors are asking everybody to stay home so they don't catch it or spread it okay so how long are we gonna be cooped up in dino hq well we really don't know yet how long we're gonna be here because there's all these scientists they're doing research to try to beat this bug but it could be a little while so it's gotta hang out here i guess oh yeah so what can we do to prevent getting it well now that you mention it there are a couple of really important things we can do like using the proper sneeze and cough procedure i bet you didn't even know there was a procedure for sneezing coughing did you oh no okay it goes like this one two three like that okay let me try [Music] yeah that's it perfect just like that man okay great you got that one down and then the other thing you can do is make sure you wash your hands often for 20 seconds 20 seconds yeah you're gonna turn on the water a little soap and count to 20 or you can just sing the happy birthday song twice okay happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birth what what's wrong with that i got a way better idea you got a better idea what are we gonna do how about we have to do dinosaur stuff so let's sing the t-rex ramp song oh yeah i bet part of that will be 20 seconds yeah okay here i want you to come over here and wash your hands how tiny okay all right on your mark set go t-rex ranch is the place i want to be all the creatures running free come join me t-rex ranch has a mighty dino roar from our favorite dinosaur come join me come join me hey that was right at 20 seconds there yeah okay there you go all right so now you know how to practice good hygiene okay yeah okay man let's go sit down over here what to do all right that was good work practicing good hygiene there okay yeah but what if we still get sick you know it could happen i guess but the doctors are saying that most people who catch it don't get very sick okay they're gonna be a fine but you know what we gotta be careful because older people can get really sick which means we gotta watch out for the dinosaurs because they're like 65 million years old that's really old okay we don't want them to get sick now okay yeah all right so let's just keep washing our hands we'll be good okay important thing though is not to panic yeah so what are we gonna do that's a good question i hadn't really thought that far ahead [Music] i know get out of here let's go check it out over here check this out right here i'm gonna use this right there okay got a little bag there okay and then you need these shish kebab sticks right here yeah yeah there we go hot dogs or something no no no okay and then pick a color here one of these food colorings there okay great okay okay that'll work let's go try this experiment huh okay let's go we're gonna need some water for this experiment so let's use this water hose right over here okay okay yeah there we go right there watch out with that thing man okay yeah oh yeah we got to put the water in the bag okay all right here we go look that's good i think yeah you got the food going in there huh yep just keep turning be careful that stuff will stain yeah all right here put about two drops in there all right there we go okay now great yeah there we go it looks like grape juice now doesn't it but you gotta shake it up okay there we go there we go okay all right okay you ready for this yeah what are you gonna do i am going to put this stick through this back and it's not going to leak no it's not watch this here we go [Music] all the way through all right you want to try one yeah yeah [Music] [Music] there look at that okay you got one more left here all right oh wait now you're up in the atmosphere okay yeah there we go there we go awesome oh huh okay you want to know why that doesn't leak why because this bag is made out of what's called a polymer okay that's what this plastic is it's like molecules that are all connected together in a long chain kind of looks like spaghetti if you could actually see it you'd be like a whole bunch of spaghetti and then you put the sticks in between all the spaghetti like that okay like that and it makes a seal around it so it doesn't leak oh yeah the problem is we made a hole so we pull it out watch what happens let's go over here i don't want to put this on the patio all right you want to pull one of those bad boys out okay what yeah the water's coming out now because that's because you left a hole between the spaghetti last one [Music] there we go all right that's a pretty cool experiment isn't it huh yeah but for some reason it's making me hungry hungry yeah don't worry about that i got it taken care of there in the pantry in the kitchen let's take this inside and go have some food all right check this out looky here whole pantry full of beans right there okay we're gonna have all the beans we need to weight this thing out here at t-rex ranch okay oh this is gonna be stinky time at t-rex ranch yeah i guess it could be a stinky oh hey look it's tiny tiny the baby apatosaurus yes i forgot to feed the baby dinosaurs today you know this could be a problem feeding them while this is all going on we better get outside and come up with a plan okay come on let's go let's go all right park ranger b let's go feed these baby dinosaurs don't take care of them wait a minute what what what i thought we weren't supposed to go near the dinosaurs because we might give them the germ yeah you're right that could be bad i don't think we've got the germ but you're right we don't want to give it to them so you know what we do what we stay six feet away from them okay this is like from one tip of my fingers to the other tip that's about six feet so you need to keep your distance from the babies when you're feeding them and then that way even if we didn't have it they won't catch it then okay wait that would make feeding a lot harder oh yeah you're right it's gonna make feeding them pretty hard you can't get up close to the dinosaurs to feed this i got an idea what how about we feed the baby dinosaurs here oh here in the beginning yeah okay yeah oh i know we'll take these buckets here we have the feed in them and we'll just put these over here like that we'll make like a feeding station like then come right up here we're just buckets there we go okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute what how are we gonna get him to come back to dyno hq oh haven't really thought of that yet oh here we go here we go lucky here these are the dino lures we've been working on but go out and you know how they love to respond to shiny things yeah okay let's go out we'll see if we can lure them back okay yeah let's go let's go see any dinosaurs anywhere okay i think there's a thunderstorm coming we better hurry up find these babies uh-oh huh the fork in the road huh we do now huh that storm's getting close we better hurry up and find these babies and lure them back to dyno hq before the storm gets here yeah we'll never find him after the rain there's only one thing we can do what you have to go that way and i have to go that way okay let's see if we can find a baby dinosaur here we go okay let's get ready okay baby dinosaur come here come here no you're out here look it's a raptor oh come on raptor oh yeah i know you want it yeah we got to get you inside and feed you before the storm gets here oh yeah see it's almost here any second now okay i'm gonna start raining hard look it's a baby triceratops okay triceratops a raptor after oh look what i got here [Music] huh no no over here come on you know you want to follow me back to dyno hq okay okay here we go there we go oh yeah yeah yeah come on don't don't lose don't lose attention on the little shiny thing there okay come on triceratops let's go you're going fast oh come on stay with me triceratops [Music] hey perfect timing naomi you're all set up there's your vest and there's your name tag are you ready for your first day to be an official park ranger yes i can't wait what's our first mission for today labeling gadgets oh that's it yeah darren gets the water water blasters mixed up with the sleepy dart blasters no okay let me just set this down that's a cool volcano thanks i'm trying to win first place at the science fair good luck oh you have message special delivery from the dyno database welcome to t-rex ranch you're officially a park ranger how cool is that good luck protecting part b call us if you need anything and watch out for that t-rex wow cool thanks who's ready for some messy lava oh my god thanks part ranger dangerous i didn't know you need chips to make lava you don't i was hungry i wanted a snack i might know a way that i can help there now it's finished now you have potato chip dirt for decoration perfect let's make some messy lava but over there so we don't get it all over the floor i love floor lava me too [Music] [Music] great [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] what was that i know what it was it was that pteranodon that dude on me that one time and now it stole your homework oh no my science project why would it want that she must be the jokester of the the ranch chips they do kind of smell like dino treats i can't tell them a dino away my homework though never believe me we might have a bigger problem i don't think pteranodons can digest soda i heard park ranger aaron say once it can make their stomach explode this is a disaster we have to go before she eats it part red engineering could you hold down the phone for us while we're gone uh sure park ranger naomi park ranger asher we're gonna need some extra gadgets for this she's good darn tootin [Music] if i were a pteranodon where would i be she probably didn't know it was a science project she probably thought it was a prehistoric cookie oh i get an idea we can use the dino listener so we can hear it and track her down it's called noise enhancing mega oh you're right dino listeners better name this sound locator is wirelessly connected to the dyno listener so we can find their exact location oh that's a genius i hear some munching was that crunchy i got some chomping this way this way i think we're close the brachiosaurus is that my science project oh no it's just some leaves i guess the pteranodon still has it don't worry i don't think the volcano has has been eaten yet i don't want any dinos getting sick you take the north sector i'll take the south good idea we got this i knew i shouldn't install the tracking device into that volcano maybe the pteranodon realized it wasn't food and dropped it somewhere nothing this is tricky [Music] maybe things are looking up part ranger asha no volcano here any updates on your side not yet but i think i'm close it looks like i'm within chomping radius of a very hungry dinosaur i hope it's not dropping too hard steal that snack save that poor dino i'm on it i know snacking when i hear it wait a minute is that part ranger asher and he's creeping up behind that tree he must be close to a dino [Music] wait a minute that's not a dino [Applause] oh i'm a park ranger although some kids call me a dinosaur but i'm not that old what happened to holding the fort down i needed a snack break oh naomi false alarm i repeat false alarm i saw the whole thing see my binoculars lava oh my gosh there it is [Music] [Applause] volcano alert part rangers meet me with the north side stat copy that we're heading over her naomi we're here i found the volcano it's up there hey drop it bird and don't doo-doo on us yeah we have no dino treats here no fish either that's it i know i'm very smart what's it pteranodons they like fish i got an idea you stay right here and got that dino yes ma'am [Music] perfect the old lunch time swap [Music] she's fast but i haven't lost her yet i hope park ranger naomi comes back soon i'm getting tired i'm getting tired watching you my fish i was gonna cook that do you mind donating your food today of course not sharing is caring good this is a typical night switch i give her my lunch she gives me hers i love it but do you think she'll want to switch [Music] i think that's yes ah best friends forever sorry quick throw it up parker engineer you have the strong snow will you do the honors of course park ranger stand back ready wait for it heads up you got it it's fine all in today's homework what you two help me with so thank you oh shucks anytime running [Music] you always log your findings into the dino dab like this mission log 6-1 keep on guarded food as at least 100 feet away from all dinosaurs especially potato chips and soda these are growth i can see why the torii or dawn like them yeah that's why they're one of my favorite snacks but whoo it is hot that's why i'm going to cool off with this water blaster that's a sleeping art blaster not a water blaster we didn't finish labeling them oh no i can't feel my arm i can't eat my snack here just throw them at me you can use your other arm oh yeah no this is way more fun yeah yeah
Channel: T-Rex Ranch - Dinosaurs For Kids
Views: 351,705
Rating: 3.8518763 out of 5
Keywords: dinosaur song, dinosaur stomp, dinosaur videos, theme park, museums, t-rex song, t-rex roar, t-rex t-rex, t-rexes, dino, mystery, dino mustery, half past roar, roar, roars, raw, time machine, time reqind, time gadget, Dinosaur Mystery Box Challenge, mystery box challenge, pool is lava, floor is lava, lava, volcano, Jurassic Volcano Dinosaur Quest!, park ranger aaron, jurassic world, park ranger lb, volcano eruption, volcano bay, dinosaurs, dinosaurs for kids, dinosaur cartoon
Id: YA_5EjQtvjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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