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It wont stop we cant stop it its slowing down. Yes lets put it down. Erh hello eh I know it would do that every time you put it down it does that extra little bit. Doers it yeah ok. Hey folks hows it going welcome it my virgin kitchen if you haven�t guest it already today it is our musical we are just going to sing yes we are going to do a Christmas musical. Yeah its our festive giant food and we are going to try and make you might of seen a video the other day where we did our three DIY Christmas treats yes. We are going to make a giant if I stand on tip toes you can see it a giant Christmas tree. A giant crispmas tree oh I see what you did there I did that pun the other day did you it still hasnt sunk in yet. Thats alright so what we are going to do we are going to use this as a template to make a massive tree out of rice crispys. Using the theory of the tini one we did the other day which was awesome if you didnt see that so we need to work out how we are going to do this. We do how we are going to do it dunno that was where I was going to stop and montage it sorry. How are we going to do this we genuinely haven�t thought this out um shall we just go to the supermarket and see what we can find yes. So this is your high tech um plan right yeah we got tree list and bucket that�s all we need. We are off to the supermarket to get are this is the weird angled camera fish eye oh yeah it is we look like we are in a goldfish bowl. Weve got to get loads of rice crispies yeah weve got to get loads we are not sure how much we are just trying to work that out. Um and lots of chocolate non branded rice crispies as well cos I reached out to kellologs I reached out to you kellologs but you never got back to me so we are using unspecified rice crispies yes. I reckon 100g rice crispies would make 4 of those little trees what I reckon 100g rice crispies would make 4 of those mini trees. So we need about 50 kilos whats that that�s quite a lot of weight. Mrs Barrys just raving about how theyve changed the locking system on the trolleys is that exciting. No its annoying I hate trolleys when youve got to put a pound in. Thats a Christmas jumper right there. We need like loads of these like loads. Oh yeah the different coloured ones shall we do that instead yeah alright. Theyve only got the medium expensive ones so its going to be quite pricey. Wheres their 50p bag they havent got any someone else is making a giant Christmas tree as well. You cant reached haha thats a smaller box than the other one init thats 375 haha. Alright I just got the while box thing down instead there isloads of rice cripies in this trolley haha. I caught Mrs Barry she bought some slippers I just snuck them in and hoped you didnt notice weve got loads of chocolate now. That�s was one hell of a shop that was the most expensive giant food ever that was a lot of money I am not going to reveal how much that was and also I havent had any breakfast I really wanted rice crispies this morning I really genuinely did. Your not going to want any now I dont think we are going to want any or see any rice crispies or chocolate for a while after today. So heres whats going to happen folks this Christmas tree shape os going to give us the initially start of our rice crispy tree. We are using baking parchment wrap it around it please don�t do that noise thank you tree wrap it round it like that and that will give us the template which we can build out of which we havent quite worked out how were going to do yet. Erh what are you doing I am melting up some milk chocolate ready for our bucket nice. Looks like a little wizard hat or something. Hey just for piece of mind folks. Lets see if this fits yay that will do. So we have now hopefully got a nice smooth bottom for our bottom. so we are going to pour in our rice crispies to see how many we need for our bucket. Oh wow that�s quite high it is that filled alot more up than I thought plus the chocolates going to go in there. We have just noticed if we fill it up much more we are going to get the lip its going to have a nice groove it is. That is quite high actually I thing that will be alright for our tree to sit on. Yeah its got to take the weight lets pour in the chocolate. We have cleaned this bucket by the way or we did its got rice crispy bits all on it now. Not the short one oh its alright no body died we are alright. Oh my god wow lets get it all in there. Im going to bring them closer they are going to want to see this. Alright then ladle in then folks oh my gosh. Oh just got chocolate on my face. Our conservatory out there is bliming freezing you could cut glass with a think about what you are going to say with a glass cutter so we are going to put it out there and it should firm up an absolute treat. A rice crispy treat. We are now going to do the same think but melting up white chocolate which we are going to dye green to start to form our Christmas tree so it looks like a big bag of chips but we are going to stuff it in there right yeah. Chocolate is melted right look at that it is good the milky bar kid would be proud. Hash tag not spong alright. Not what dont worry oh. Do food colouring and then do like a drop of oil cos it is chocolate and this isnt that food gel it is food gel but its not yeah just a drop as it does have a tendency to seize. We are using a gel based food colour you can get oiled based ones which work a charm so thats why we are doing that. Oh look at that green look at that we have green chocolate all we need now is rice crispies. This time we are going to pour the rice crispies into the chocolate so that any rice crispies that settle discover the green. Right does that sound good yeah it might not work. Wheres the chocolate oh there it is found it in the worgs of jaws we are going to need a bigger bowl. what do you mean in the words of jaws like a bigger boat that�s what they say in the film oh. See right now it has stained and coated but its not quite green enough. I cant see its alright you are doing very well. Is it all in yeah. I got every nook and cranky out of there just to stain it as much as we can but ultimately it should hold it and we can just tart it up at the end. Right measuring jug top of our tree right so we have pushed it right into the end so we should have a nice little point on it now we are going to load it up and keep ramming it down. Ready my role is just eating the rice crispies. Just shovelling it in now then folks get in there. Look at that it looks like a deranged piping bag or just a rice crispy infused piping bag. Urm ok tini bit more and then we have to ley it firm up a bit. Haha yes stage one complete right stage one complete what are you thinking right now I am thinking that would taste really good with lots of ice cream on top. It would I am thinking is it going to hold I dont know but the good thing is look we have actually made a rice crispy one of those right we are going to montage this up and see how high we can get it. Alright then folks that is what it is looking like inside we are using the foil to try and fan it to get a bit more width on it we reckon we can go as high as that then maybe one more and after that it is probably likely to break if it doesnt anyway right. We are getting there we are in green chocolate heaven. Wow that is look huge from up here it is I dont know how straight it is it will be alright we will get one straight side eyah and that will be fine and we will cover it with decorations anyway. Well I have painted the tree that is going to firm it up but I did make a bit of a mess and as you can see it is nice and straight. There is green chocolate on the floor but I am not going to tell Mrs Barry that here we go. I have already seen it look at that just filling up a little mould there to make a chocolate angel and theres are tinsel there pretzels marshmallows and popcorn. Does look a bit like a kebab actually but that is where like all Christmas trees things like our angel on the top tinsel and our baubles which are Ferrero Roches should give it a nice finish. What do you think of the tree good I want to decorate it. Its time to turn it over are you excited I am a bit nervous I an really really unconfident. It is going to be fine ok. One two three ok yeah arh has it worked yes I think so I feel like it just wants to fall down and me. Its kind of worked it has stayed in its shape just got a few spares yeah that is a relief. This has been pretty full on ok now it is starting to look like a Christmas tree right yes it is haha. That�s it big squeeze this is going to be beautiful. Stick it on the tree then alright yeah what did you want it to put there you can put it wherever you want mate. Apart from the floor Merry Christmas I know its not Christmas yet but we did do the Christmas tree so I say Merry Christmas to you. Alright *Chloe sings a Christmas song from school* Oh its looking like a right old tree now init could you see that oh no what oh no. we have got one more bit of tinsel to go yeah then the fairy yeah then we get to order our dominos haha not a dominos a dominos pizza. She is very excited for the pizza we are having for tea tonight cos this is taking so long we have had no time to cook dinner haha other pizza brands are available. Look at that mate that looks like a Christmas tree let me see wow Ill tell you what it doesnt look like a green kebab anymore. Its finally time to put the fairy on top of the Christmas tree the very heavy fairy this fairy could fall off so oh I hope not. Spoon some white chocolate on it I hope it holds do you think she is going to stay yeah me too. Here she goes I might have to stay there for a while Im afraid to let go of it I know ive got a cocktail stick here. Oh there you go haha Mrs Barry yes we have oulled this out the bag yes we have done it. This is our Christmas card picture cheese hahaha print screen that and send it to no please dont no they totally will now. This is our Christmas thing now and we could decorate it and urm edit it at Christmas eve we will put it up soon. Hardest one day giant food ever done so many potential fails but I hope you agree it looks awesome. It does I cant believe we managed to do it in one day I think the kids helping us towards the end there helped we were like lets just give up but now we are going to get some pizza and we did not give up cos we were full of energy arh we were werent we. What do you think Pheebs it was very good watching you watching hahaha. Phoebe stood from the side coaching. I think Chloe is happy now cos she has got a billion rice crispy boxes to use as a sledge. So there we are then folks another giant food in the bag dont forget to check out the rest of the giant food play lists subscribe for regular videos and suggest any future gaint foods and of course follow us on social media for behind the scenes bits and bobs and videos coming up soon before anyone else. And you can get this on Instagram snapchat or ob tube ob tube.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 186,876
Rating: 4.9323168 out of 5
Keywords: Giant rice krispy, giant christmas tree, giant food, giant rice krispie treat, rice krispies, chocolate, recipe, funny, epic, worlds biggest, supersize, enormous, XL, large, gigantic, cute, kids, family, fun, christmas tree, food, rice, giant, video, cooking, rice krispies treats (consumer product), diy, christmas, how to make, treats, krispies, challenge, my virgin kitchen, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, giant candy, candy bar, world record, guinness world records, giant chocolate
Id: QkgdbBu0zJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2016
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