- Hello, everyone! It's Barry here. Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen. I hope you are well. Ba-ba-ba-bah! Today, we are doing something
that is going to take a while, but luckily, through the power of editing, I can make it look pfft! And, it may not work which, generally, you guys really, really like, so I'm going to try to
challenge myself more next year. So, I'm sat on the sofa last night and Mrs. Barry sends me a What's App, even though she's sat right next to me. We won't even talk about that. That's fine. We do tend to just sort
of sit next to each other and send each other messages. (giggling) It's like, "Hi, I'm right next to you." She sent me this. This is from Sugarhero.com. Snow Globe Cupcakes with Gelatin Bubbles. Okay? So, effectively, what we're
trying to make is a cupcake with a snow globe on top, okay? Snow globe, snow globe! I don't know if this is gonna
work and it's gonna take 24 hours to really properly
make it, apparently. So, I'm scrolling through
here and the lady that's done these instructions is actually
very, very detailed indeed and all I can do is give
it my best shot and, if it works, they are gonna look amazing. I mean, look! Look at that! That's just delicious! That looks so good! Let's do it. Step One, apparently, is to
fill a bowl with ice water. I don't have ice water but this tap, this time of year,
complete with my mug that I didn't wash out from coffee, is cold. Yeah, that is cold water. I don't really have any
ice water so I'm just gonna stick an ice lolly in it. Maybe that will make it cooler. Yeah, it's worked. That has actually worked. Now, this bit was actually insisted. These are Platinum Grade
Leaf Gelatine Sheets. Apparently, there's like Gold
Grade and Platinum Grade. Different grades, and apparently, the Platinum ones work best. Luckily, in the store that I was in, this was the only one
that was available and Dr. Oetker worked pretty well. Apparently, I need 12. They look like a deck of cards. One, two. 11, 12. All right, cool. So, they're in there. I'll use eight gelatine sheets
for, well, if they fail. Just make sure they're
nice and spread apart. Ta-ta-ta-ta-dah! Okay, so these are gonna sit in there and just soften for like 10 minutes. I'm still struggling to
see how this is gonna be a bit like that but
we'll go with it, okay? Meanwhile, I'm gonna blow up a balloon. I actually bought a ballon
pump as well, for no reason. Oh, these are weird-shaped balloons! Oh no! Oh no! That's not very good at all, is it? Okay. (air hissing) It's a bit too nipply, isn't it? Look! Oh no! Okay, okay. I can shape it. I can shape it, I think. (giggling) Look at that! It's so wonky! It looks like a golf club! So, basically, that's all I'm doing now. (giggling) See, that would have been perfect! Why you gotta be like that? You know what, if it works-- (laughing) I'll tell you what, that's a good one. I am well happy with that! It's fair to say I've got quite a selection of balloon sizes. We're just gonna go with it
and see what happens, okay? So, the gelatin has soaked
for 10 minutes, which is good. We now need to drain off. So, we now grab the gelatin sheets. Oh, they're so soft now! What we do is we just
squeeze out any excess water back into the bowl underneath it. So, you've literally just
got a pretty much just wet, floppy flannel gelatin sheet. Put it in a saucepan. So, just do that with all of
the sheets, all 12 of them. Yeah! There we go. One good old pan of gelatin sheets. Before we cook up the gelatin, we need to get our balloons ready. This is gonna help us and so is this, because we might get messy. We also need bamboo skewers and tape. This one's gone right down. No, that was my favourite one! We're gonna stand it in there and we're gonna tape a bamboo skewer and the balloon together as one. Like that. (giggling) Look, I'm fishing! I just want to try it on
as a bit of a hat now. All right, so our wrung-out gelatin sheets go onto a hob in the pan and we add three tablespoons of water. Of water. I said that twice. Swirling occasionally until
the gelatin is melted. This might take a little time. All righty, that is pretty much there but we're not warming it through. It's just, as you can see,
it's all sort of disappeared. That's exactly what we want it to be like. So, what I'm doing is
getting my balloon and I'm brushing it all over. I've lightly greased the balloons as well, very, very lightly. It's gone quite glossy. I've covered the whole area but what we want to do is
leave it to go a bit tacky and then do another layer, so if you have a big enough bowl to dunk, you basically coat it, let it
set for a bit, dunk it again. I'm gonna pour some on. Ah, oh, that's much better! Oh, my gosh! And then brush some up from the sides. I'm not very hopeful about
this at all, to be honest. Once you get it in here,
it firms up so quickly, so you want to reheat it. It wouldn't pour back into
the pan so I microwaved this, put this back on the pan and
now, it's nice and loose again. See that? (laughing) Ha, that looks horrendous! (giggling) I'm not gonna let this beat me yet. I'm gonna go and get some more gelatin. I just got back from the shop with more balloons and more gelatin. I'm gonna double it up. You don't need to see the steps. I'm just gonna double it up. This stuff is so strong! All right, this time,
skewer is going into there and we're gonna tape it
actually on the nubbin bit. Let's do it. All right, so here's what
we do on that video, okay? So, we've got the gelatin here. I've lightly greased the balloon and they kind of just dunked
the whole thing in, swirled it around in one
coat whilst it was warm. That is it. Kind of let it drip. This feels a lot better. I've got to be honest. Then, just stick it in the colander. There you go. So, I'm gonna do that with my other ones. We let that set for a little
bit and dunk it again. That is what I should have done earlier. All right, it's time for our second dunk. I can feel it's a little tacky, actually. This is good. So, warmed up the filling
again, the gelatin. Just swirl it all around again. So, I'm gonna shove it in there and I'm just gonna let it, yeah, let it rest. Good news is I think I've done them. Bad news, we've got to leave them for 24 hours at room temperature. So, I'll see you tomorrow. All right, as I left the barn earlier, I squeezed the balloons and it
felt like firm on the outside where the gelatin, I
think, has gone solid. So, I've just quickly chucked together some chocolate cupcakes,
taste-tested one, you know, just to make sure they are
edible and boy, they're good. So, we'll take them with us in the morning and see if it works. All right, guys. So, I've actually just
walked into the barn. It's 8:00 a.m. I've got my cupcakes here. I don't think it's worked. (whimpering) Well, I think it has
but I think it hasn't. See, what's happened is
some of the air's come out of the balloons and
I think it's crumpled it, but the moisture does seem
to have gone out of it. It has gone hard and there
are a couple, actually three. One, two, three. These feel okay so we're
gonna carry on with it. I'm scared. I'll be really upset if
it doesn't work but hey, I'll put the video up anyway. All right, so I'm gonna pick up one of the rubbish ones just to show you. You see, the balloon's come away from it but that is actually gelatin. I think the balloon's just had it. It's given up. Oh no! Well, that doesn't bode very well. I did grease them. I greased them really well. Oh, this one would have
been perfect as well. I mean, that's the only thing. They have worked, they're
just not coming off. So, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm not gonna rush to put this video up. I'm gonna go back and get some
more gelatin and balloons. ("God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"
by Mannheim Steamroller) All right, folks. Some of these haven't gone to plan. There's some, there's like a
big bogey hanging off this one. Out of all of them, this
is possibly the best one. I don't know. I'm just gonna edit this right now, and then we'll just
jump to this at the end and just see if we can
set it off maybe like, five hours instead of overnight. All right, so I've just
finished editing the video. I'm literally up to the
point that you've just seen and I'm looking over and I
can see, in the distance, some balloons hanging over there. I'm thinking, no no! Please work! I don't think it's gonna work because I'm just done with this now. This one? (gasping) It's only been an hour. Oh my gosh! It's wet still. It's not dried enough. It's not firmed up but this
was my pretend rubbish one. Look! See! That's actually not too bad! Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Look! Look at this! (gasping) Look! (laughing) It's just-- No! The top of it, here, where
all the gelatin's just formed and it's got that little teat on it? It's so heavy! I'm gonna try and trim it. Let me get a cupcake a minute. (laughing) I'm not gonna say what I think that is. It's just too heavy. See, it's supposed to sit like that. I've got another one to try
as well, another rubbish one. (laughing) Oh! See, it's papery and now
it's much more transparent. Uh-oh. (laughing) All right, I was planning on leaving this a little bit longer, but
one of them, I just spotted. I think the balloon has kind of got a small hole in it and
it kind of deflated. Now, this was my worst
one out of the batch. (gasping) Oh no! Oh no! I can't get it out again. (laughing) I guess I can do this with it. Oh, my gosh! No, it's coming away! Yes, yes! (gasping) Yes, that is so much better! (laughing) It's too floppy, so
because that balloon was-- that's been like two and half hours. It's too heavy. It's just like going like that. I'm not letting it beat me. I've come home and we're
making some more, right? - You've got the whole family involved. - Yeah, you guys will help me. We're gonna do this. Good morning, everyone. It's Day Three. Let's give this a try. The dogs are here, down
there, for emotional support. (gasping) Oh, my gosh! That is well firm! Let's try it. Just for reference, the
back-up one I had that looks a little bit like a swim
cap is still very, very wet but the other one that
kind of flopped off, that has gone crispy so it
does dry out eventually. But this has been almost 24 hours. All right, okay, the
balloon's not coming away. I have to get right into it. It's happened again. I greased these-- Oh, oh my gosh! The balloon is coming away! Look, if I push it! I have to get a little bit weird with it. (gasping) Look, it's working! It's, you're working. I actually dreamt about
this last night, no joke. I was dreaming about gelatin balloons. Pretty sure I'm not the first
person to have done that. Come on. (gasping) (laughing) Yes, can you see? Don't break, don't break. (gasping) That sort of worked, look! I can put my hands in it. I'm done. I'm happy with that. That's fine. Changed my lens. Let's just do a quick
reminder of where we've been. We started with many popped balloons and a saggy mess like that. Then the swim cap cake,
which isn't too bad. I would have actually finished
the video and done that but we got better. It's like jelly, because it is jelly. But then, we finished
with an actual snow globe. So, let's stick it on our cupcake. So, in comes our semi-frosted cupcake. Looks like icing a little
bit but what I liked is that you can add some coconut
on top to make it look a lot more snowy, so I'm
gonna really cake in that. Yeah, snow! And I think what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna go for the solitary
Christmas tree in the middle, using the icing to grip it. Then, the icing will grip the snow dome. (giggling) Look! It's a bit misty in there
but I'm gonna take that. It's a bit off to one
side as well, isn't it? There we go. I actually have another one from home. These are ones that we made there but it's a little bit more misty. I prefer this one but let's
not go a bit overboard there. Let's compare it to that. So, I'm happy. So, of course the
benefit is supposed to be that this is edible but
it is just basically, a sheet of gelatin. (crunching) (laughing) A bit papery. In conclusion, then, don't try this. Well, maybe you should. I've actually really enjoyed
taking on the project. So, if there's any other cool
project ideas you've seen, maybe on Pinterest or whatever, let me know down below but I have an internet cooking show to run. I need to move onto my next video. If I have more time, I'll
try and work hard to get it even more clearer but compared
to how it was last night, I'm not dreaming about these any more. I am satisfied that we've accomplished what we wanted to accomplish. Full credit to the
website Mrs. Barry found. It is in the description
down below but that is it. Don't forget to subscribe for
regular recipes and food fun and I'll see you again next time.