GIANT STONE CRAB Catch Clean & Cook

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what's up everybody blue Gabe we're in Island Roja turkeys at bud marries marina with the legend himself Nick stanczyk y'all look at all them motors this big bad Freeman y'all are probably thinking right now I'm going to do a swordfish video wrong we're trading captain Nick in today for his beautiful wife captain Sarah stanczyk and we're gonna go catch Stone Crabs on that awesome vessel the heck with the Freeman the heck with those big giant y'all Mahal's we're going on ab a boat back country pulling stone crab traps and we're gonna do a stone crab catch clean and cook for y'all today on this windy beautiful Monday hey captain are you ready look he's over there on boat cleaning dude you just stay over there I'm going I'm going with the pretty captain this morning all right y'all we got the bait loaded and we are all how far we run it about 3 4 miles 3 4 miles out into the Gulf to a secret location we're gonna be pulling stone crab traps y'all are over here at island rata Florida or anywhere in the keys going or coming stop by bud marries Marina you won't be disappointed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright y'all we're pulling up to the first trap and I can tell you one thing I've already learned is Captain Sarah is waiting more bossy than captain Nick I was gonna try to do it with no gloves and I got told to put the gloves on we got alright I've seen these things are heavy freshy huh whoa doggie we got pay dirt y'all we got pay dirt oh yeah that bad boy all right Chum my first keeper stone crab so first we're gonna measure this one's a keeper we're gonna measure that don't flip him over so this is how you measure this ball so it's right from that inside joint to the outs to the bottom claw he's our keepers he's touching all right she's gonna show us the trick now what do we do so we're gonna stick the knife in this joint here and we just wiggle it around just hold on to him and he's gonna drop that claw just like that so tell me cuz I know you do this all the time I see people when they break them juices just flow out of the crab that can't be good if you do it wrong like there's no way you can do it wrong because the crab is let go and no juice came out then from what I saw this is the better way to do it sometimes you are yeah if you rip this joint out which you do by accident it kills the crap yeah so I just prepared this a fisherman takes charters yeah it's hard to teach someone how to do it and just an hour of being out here you'll see that no harm done to that crab we can safely turn him loose and he'll live to grow more claws it's a female crab she has the larger apron underneath so she's totally fine and she's gonna grow new claws and let her go and we're gonna eat her old calls and I'm so excited cuz this is my favorite thing to eat in the whole wide world but guess what we got more this say I ain't scared of that let's measure it y'all ain't dealing with the big ones get a normal person you're gonna cry again you're gonna cry whoo okay just short I'm not just short like let's get it now grabbing the water claw on the boat don't throw the claw y'all so you've seen captain Nick and his wife Sarah on my channel Gator huntin they think I'm worried about a little crab when I deal with 12-foot alligators these crabs don't scare me this one's been caught already see so this is a good example this was a wild crab that got back in the trap see how that's already healed over that means it works you want to rebait it now I want to put a barracuda head y'all look at that look at that huge Barracuda head I'm having a feeling that that's gonna be next week she's gonna call me more they're hungry then huh holy cow that's all she wrote now all we got to do is throw it back out Oh Oh hold on let me show you all real quick oh look at that big boy I bet I could put him on both ears what do y'all think I should do it is that you're freaking me out all right so we got the big one out of the trap and we're gonna save him until we dump this in and then we're gonna deal with them because we want to get a thumbnail with him but for right now there's still more keepers in here and yeah I took my gloves off I just don't feel as manly with gloves on so - come on oh we got another keeper in here y'all another keeper yeah all right we're gonna let her do it this is what she does every day and so it looks good on video I'm actually about her hold the crab and her break the calls off the correct way I'll keep doing it but I want you all to see it once the correct way oh he's definitely breakdown that would be your finger all right let's see how this goes hey you crap I kind of put my pinky under there to give it a little bit of leverage and then you just roll it forward till it stops yeah why don't you show me how to do it like that hold the crab for the second cause same thing roll it forward till it stops that's way cooler than hi hey see you next time little buddy on the blue Gabe adventures I think that's it let's bait them leave a comment below if you know what this is just leave a big comment below and I don't think it came from Captain Sears boat I think maybe it came from Captain Expo so when we do these crab traps we do them just like I do my blue crabs she's got marks on the GPS she knows exactly where she wants to put it it's a proven spot she's fished there a ton of times so when we pull them the wind blows us off we get done with the trap we drive back to the mark throw it into water and go to the next one you guys right here I'm going to show you on this GoPro is one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet and will wreck your day the Portuguese Man O'War so that Manowar floats along and its antennas are like eight nine foot long and it will literally reach out and grab you and then wrap around you surfers divers free divers have been devastated by that thing now let's get back to pulling traps that ain't even the biggest one oh come on look at that that traps full of nice large stone crabs oh yeah Nick are you excited though I can smell it already turn the camera around and show him who's filming I'm Gabe's cameraman now check out our channel Stan's fam right Gabe right now crushing the stone crabs so y'all Nick stanczyk and his wife Sarah lived down here in the keys their family owns Bud and Mary's marina y'all check it out any time you're coming to the keys or leaving the keys and I'm guilty of this too I've been coming here my whole life I never knew but Mary's marina had so much to offer a awesome little quiet restaurant a big clothing they sell all the plaid jakirah a bunch of local gear a bunch of but Mary's gear ice cream sodas you name it and they also have one of the biggest charter fleets in the keys check out Bud Mary's marina this little guys got a little teeny pincher yep so somebody's already kept this claw land that's a newbie that's him growing it back no I'm not gonna kill this one he's kind of good big just like that easy peasy yeah look at this chunk of who caught this big Bonita or this big Barracuda bad on the redfish golly that's massive right yeah it came up eating whole but he doesn't I freaked out [Music] so do you notice a difference between clean traps versus dirty traps the clean ones catch more dirty ones catch more no she said nope I would have thought a dirty trap would catch more so he almost thinks he's actually getting in the legitimate hole actually the commercial guys clean their traps off they scrub them every time they pull it Malcolm clean because the theory is that craps prefer cleaner they must be women they prefer a clean house and another fun fact you see her eating that banana show up Nick so captain Nick I don't know which one of the two of these started it years ago started bringing four bananas and I'm one I don't believe in this and definitely don't believe in if you bring a banana you can have a bad day but there's not a better fisherman on this planet than the guy holding the camera and heeds have been in on the boat every day of the week see all this stuff that grows on the rope you want to get it off and a lot of times there's fire coral and nasty stuff so most people wear gloves Gabe can do whatever you like yeah but I ain't most people my Charter is y'all look up in here they're running a little small today but that don't matter we're not out here to get a hundredfold we just need enough to make dinner for quit we're gonna get one two three four six you see that one right there okay look now drop the crap like this and he's gonna pinch the trap ya rabbal you just set me up for failure I'm just trying to help you know just see that she just tried to drop that crab on my toe sake good cap shot hey that's better than beer ad did on our swordfish and video with the harpoon we got some crabs oh look what we got a little bonus a little bonus I look good - we know baby wahb's sir he's bycatch we can't keep him but what about this guy look at that y'all this is my first time ever stone Kevin I'm getting the hang of picking them up without getting bit yeah you'll see that I was a little nervous before I didn't want to kill the crap but I've about figured it out now y'all look at this bait though we saved this for the bitter end that's about how big is that swordfish Nick hundred pounds out of mine no big enough though that one actually had some worms in his bottom section so he left those bottom wines on purpose yeah some calves love worms y'all this has been super fun but the best is yet to come we're going back to the marina and we're gonna cook these fresh stone crabs and we're gonna eat my favorite food in the whole wide world and then I'm ending this video after we eat of course and I'm heading down to Alligator Alley to go get on that boat you watch me film on on the boat show video the Miami Boat Show video that I did that little inshore Texas made a boat and we're going to do high-end bow fishing this guy's bringing everything really nice gear really nice lights and we're going bow fishing but you'll have to wait for the next video for that one just all this balloon fall out of the sky land on the water we see a ton of them out here it's glitter we're gonna get it out a turtle could eat that and everybody loves turtles we don't want that so maybe cut down on the balloon use they always wind up in the water or don't turn them away right so take care of the ocean it takes cross we'll see y'all at the dock alright y'all we're back one of the coolest things about Bud Mary's marina you can come charter a boat they've got awesome houseboats out there on the water they literally are right on the water you'll go to sleep to the wind and the waves rocking back and forth they've got yellow tail boats inshore offshore bonefish tarpon but another cool thing that they have is tarpon you can come here and also hand feed the tarpon when most of the time you would have to go to Robbie's or other places like that bud marries marina now has their own school of tarpon we don't charge you to walk on the dock Spanish sardines let's see if it hungry what you want hey everybody loves to feed the fish I don't care how many times you've done this and fed the tarpon it never gets bored yo this is the star of the stands fam show Sadie Minnie herself go show them the big swordfish do you think Gabe should come down and try to catch a swordfish like that leave a comment below if you think so it is the time my favorite time to eat fresh Stone Cove I've only ever got to eat stone crab fresh like a few times in my life they're totally different when you're the first person to catch them and cook them and eat them most of time when you buy them at the store they're already cooked and then you're rewarming them so right now this is like if I had a dying wish it would be to be on the deadliest catch all that crab right in front of me cooked and big bowl of butter and just start eating that's how much I love crab hey what we gonna do here this is gonna be hard right like we're getting technical with coconut right now you boil crab sauce for seven to ten boiling hey you know we're filming right so you're still willing to do snapchat is it ready to go or what I'm super excited just boy I don't think all those crabs are gonna go in there gonna fit perfectly and the water is not going to overflow are you swearing on that yeah it's gonna be real close but alright they're gonna turn nice and red almost as soon as you drop a minister contagious so I'm not big one one more times okay that's like a $30.00 crab ball all right so while all those cook we got seven minutes I want you all to leave a comment below and tell me what's your favorite crab to eat blue crabs Dungeness crabs snow crabs king crabs any other kind of crabs mud crabs in Australia I've heard those are amazing and I'm going there to catch them one day to do a catch clean and cook on a mud crab that's his 750 pound swordfish tail it was so big they didn't even have a like a life-size mount for it so they just did a tail I thought you said it wasn't gonna overflow it didn't but your clothes mmm yo look it yeah but most importantly look at that I'm gonna eat these like cereals put all the butter get a spin so Sarah herself has a cool little cracker that I've never seen before and we're about to put it to work as soon as captain Nick gets done eatin cuz he doesn't like crabs a little weird if you ask me he's gonna film me crack these claws oh man if y'all could only smell that though but look at this cracker this cool little deal here I've always used a spin take it in hard towel towel and then you end up singing shells everywhere but we're gonna do it like this because this is how Captain Sarah stanczyk said we had to do it the simple little crack bring it in there like that okay and one more right here I'm not even gonna open that yet but I'm so excited to eat it all right so we never even told you how many crab calls we have how many we have 36 36 crabs now trust me when I say if you went and bought this at a fish market it would cost probably two to three hundred dollars you can book her for not much more and go do it yourself bring your kids bring your wife come by yourself and leave with a mess of crab and this is just an average Pole this isn't like something crazy this is what she gets almost every time but for the last two weeks she's been averaging 40 to 50 calls a pool look at that goodness right there holy moly that's like what dreams are made of no seasonings required just butter that's all we're gonna do fresh huh that's like life-changing good now most of the time when you get these even in a restaurant they've already been cooked they've been cooled and then if you want to warm they got to reheat them or you're just eating old fresh cold crab and that doesn't interest me at all but here comes the stars of shell we're good hot let me dig it up out of here where did it go yo look at that colossal crab now this is how I grew up doing it if I would eat them because I've ate him a bunch I've just never went out and caught very many just take the hard part of the spin like that at the bottom mmm y'all don't even know how hot that is but look at that huge chunk of meat hmm yo this has been fun like all my crab and videos for some reason my crab and videos are the best videos I do on my channel for watch time minutes y'all watch them the most financially they're the best videos and I can't thank you all enough for them but right now we're gonna stay here and enjoy these crabs check out Stan's fam that's Nick the guy behind the camera legendary sword fisherman you just saw him with Robert deer meat for dinner his wife Captain Sarah stanczyk yeah well we can't tell you enough these people are awesome check out their channel check out his Instagram but right now I got to eat these crabs get showered and head to the Everglades so we're getting out of here thanks for subscribing thanks for all the positive comments but like Jake always says we're getting out of shape see y'all
Channel: Bluegabe
Views: 599,525
Rating: 4.8932071 out of 5
Keywords: crabbing, stone crab, cooking, educational, learning, deer meat for dinner, bluegabe, fishing, hunting, how to, fun, exciting, crab boil, pulling traps, YouTube, bud, and, Marys, matinas, house boats, boating
Id: EzdpqiJXxHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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