Giant Dating Game In Real Life to Find Best Friend Crush!

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- This is like a Tinder in real life. Giant dating games. If you like them, you swipe right, and if you don't like 'em, you swipe left. Zoe cannot know that I am one of the seven guys. You all ready? Hey, Zam Fam! I's Rebecca Zamolo, and right now, we are going undercover in disguise because, thanks to you, we are setting up on a giant dating game in real life Tinder style! Wait, I hate this! Why are we doing this! I don't even trust Zoe! She hacked into our house! You have to set her up on a date? - This is the Tinder board that we used for Agent R when we were trying to set him up with Maddie, remember? - Wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on. I knew Maddie was there, but were you all there, as well? - It's not fine, this is terrible! - I actually need to get my costume on. So you guys are probably wondering why we're in disguise. Well, I promised Zoe seven guys to choose from to go on a date, and not all of them could show up, so we're stepping in to kind of fill in the gaps. - Oh, and I actually took care of that for you. I did invite a few people over. - Okay, so Agent S has some guys coming. And at the end of this, she will pick three people to go on a first date with. - Oh, they're here! - You invited the Fake Game Master to this? - And Q, my best friend? - Yeah, and who's the guy in the red? - Agent S said you needed my help, so I'm here. But why are they here? - I don't know who the guy in the red is. - What? - It's me, it's Daniel. - Zam Fam, did you guys know that it was Daniel? I totally knew, yeah. I think it's time for a face reveal, though. - Seriously? - You gotta do this every time? - Guys, we've seen them before, remember? We've done lie detector tests on them? Hold on, hold on. Zoe just texted me. She's getting ready, I gotta help her. Matt, just handle this, okay? Just make sure they don't take anything, and no matter what, don't let Agent S be in charge, okay? - True, true. - Okay, I'm gonna put my mustache on later. I gotta go. - Welcome to the crib! - [All] Yeah! - [Matt] Thank you. - It's technically our house. - It's our house. - Can you actually go set that up inside for the game? Thank you. - Wait, didn't she say you're not in charge? - You're not in charge at all! - Definitely not, Matt. - Quit giving orders! - Can you go stand over there real quick? - Fine, yes. - Okay. - I'm coming Zoe, I'm coming! - How'd you guys get in here? I didn't see you guys come-- - The, uh-- Side gate. - Side gate? - The side gate. - Okay, Zam Fam. So I have this onesie out here so I can hide my disguise because Zoe cannot know that I am one of the seven guys for this giant dating game. This happened because you guys gave 50,000 thumbs up in 24 hours, which means you guys want Zoe to find a crush! So let's see if we can get 50,000 more and we can narrow it down on which three she's gonna choose to go on a first date with. Okay, so hopefully this onesie works and she won't know. - [Zoe] Rebecca, is that you? - I gotta go! Let's get her ready for her first date, kinda? Dating game. Okay. Hey, Zoe! - [Zoe] Hey! - Hey! - I've just been standing here not knowing what to do. Oh my god, I like your onesie! - Yeah, just, you know, it's cozy, and I know you're getting ready for a date and I'm gonna help you. - Wow, super fuzzy! - Yeah! - Can I wear this on my date? - No, I actually have something else in mind, but first, let's get you ready. - All right, guys, we are men! That's right. We are gonna win this dating game! Except for me, except for me. What's going on with this right here? You have a bandage back again? - Yeah, I told you, I fell and I hurt, it takes a long time to heal. - You keep hurting yourself, like, a lot. - In the pool, you lost a bandage, and it was there for a while. I mean, what's going on? - I don't know. But can you just tie my hair for me? Can you just get that? - All right, guys, once again, we're men! - Okay, Zoe, so with all the sickness stuff, I actually have new brushes for you, okay? Yeah, yeah. - We won't share germs. Just have a seat. - I feel so special! Is this eyeliner? - Nope! That's a beauty blender! - Oh. - Zoe, do you mind, quickly, just taking off your glasses? - Yeah, I just won't be able to see anything 'cause I won't even know how I look, so-- - That's okay! I got you covered. So what kind of boys do you like? I typically kinda go for like the bad-boy type, but like, also maybe a tad geeky at the same time. - Okay. - So like a subdued bad boy. Like bad boy, maybe as in style. What would you consider Matt? Like what kind of guy is Matt? - Matt's definitely not a bad boy, but Zam Fam, actually, I want you guys to comment what kind of qualities you think you should look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend. - Do you have, like, seven guys lined up for me right now? - Yep! Seven good looking gentlemen waiting to date you. - [All Chanting] Hype House! Hype House! - And this is like a Tinder in real life. Giant dating game. So what you're gonna do is we're gonna go through different rounds, which I have all planned downstairs, you like them, you swipe right. And if you don't like them, you swipe left. Right, Zam Fam? - It's hot in here. - Are you getting nervous? - Yeah, I'm very nervous-- - No, no, you're good. - Rebecca, I don't even know, what do I even talk about? Do I wait for them to ask me questions? Do I ask them questions? - No, no, no. Don't worry, I got you all covered! All of the rounds for this will definitely determine the best guy for you. You'll be able to choose three of them and then you're gonna get to take three on a first date. - I hope you invited someone in particular. I mean, what? - What? - Did I say that out loud? - I'm just giving you a little bit of wave, right Zam Fam? Beautiful, obviously, the way you are, but there's no reason that you can't just, you know, dress up every now and then. - Yeah. - No Zam Fam merch on a date, so I have a dress for you. - I mean, Rebecca, I don't wear dresses. Have you every seen me in a dress? I don't wear a dress. - For this, you have to wear a dress. You have to trust me! I wore a black dress, remember? - What would you do if you were going on your first date? Comment below! - Here. I'm gonna let you do the rest of this. - I gotta get back. Just check on the guys, make sure they're ready to go. Clamp and twirl. Zam Fam, so Zoe's in a good place. I just realized, I forgot my costume! My jacket's right there, so I need to grab it. Okay. And now I need to change back into my boy disguise so that I can be ready for this Tinder in real life! Okay, okay. Okay, you guys, so Zoe's almost-- - [Boys Chanting] Hype House! Hype House! - What are you guys doing? Matt! - We're broing out a little bit! I missed these guys, I haven't seen them in a while! - They're part of the GMI, we can't really be friends with them! - The Agents are part of the GMI and this is their hype house! - That is true. - Tiny House, Hype House, same thing. - Guys, this is not the Hype House. There are TikTokers that have a Hype House, you guys cannot have a hype house. Okay, so I've got to get my mustache on so I can go in disgui-- - Perfect. - Wait a second! That's Matt's shirt! - Yeah. - Oh, yeah, that's my shirt! - When Zoe and I were at the coffee shop, were you guys the ones that pretended to hit on us? Zam Fam, comment below! Were Zoe and I pranked, you guys? - No, we didn't prank-- - Matt did it! Matt did it! - Maybe. - Okay, anyways, Zam Fam, so. I know I literally have the worst disguise. There's no way Zoe is going to pick me and I am okay with that, I just need seven boys like I promised her. - Rebecca, we can't trust her, she hacked into our house. - I mean she's basically my best friend. - I mean, you know how that worked out last time. - Okay, but this is different, she's a hacker. She's like a Daniel but a female version, okay? - Rebecca, you can't forget: we need to find that note that's above the stove! - Yeah, I know, but the dating game's inside now since it's raining, so we're just gonna have to do it when they're not around, okay? - Yes. - Okay, I gotta get back to Zoe. She has to get ready soon. Just make sure the guys are here, in line, and ready to go, okay? - That's the worst disguise. - Matt, this is a giant dating game! We have to be ready! I'll be back! Getting back in the onesie as fast as I can. All right-- I almost forgot the wig! All right, coming Zoe! What's going on? - Um, I don't know which dress you wanted me to wear. Was it this one? - Uh, no-- - What is this on your face? What is that? - Oh, I was kissing Peanut. Peanut's been shedding a lot. - Peanut was on your face? - Well, no, I, like, kissed him, It's complicated, anyways! I have the perfect dress for you, Zoe. Are you ready? - Yeah, I think so. Oh my! - You like black, - I like black! - So I want it to go with the theme. A-line type dress for you. - Can I pull that off, though? - Yes! - It's so nice! - No, you can definitely pull it off. I'm gonna go check on the guys, make sure they're ready. Put on this dress, and I'll text you when it's time to start this real life dating game, okay? Get dressed, get dressed! - Okay, okay, okay! - Zam Fam, that was so close! The mustache! How could I have left the mustache on? So I need to get these guys ready so we can start this game. I cannot wait to see what Zoe looks like, and also I'm wondering who she's gonna choose. She mentioned she might have a crush on someone? Who do you think that is? Okay, wait I'm forgetting some, Glasses! Glasses! Oh, I need to hide the onesie! We got this. Let's go get the boys. All right, boys, are you all ready for this first date giant dating game? Let's go get Zoe, I'm about to text her. - Seriously, Rebecca? The accent's a little too much. - You're the one copying my outfit, copying my style. By the way, I borrowed this from your closet. You know, Matt, I gotta text Zoe right now and she's gonna be coming down any second. Wait a second! Where's Daniel! - Daniel! - Where'd he go? - Right here, right here. - Oh, Daniel! Sorry, I didn't even recognize you! - Man, that disguise is good! - Zoe's coming. I mean, Zoe's coming. Get in line, now. - I'm good, I'm good! I'm not used to these heels, you know? - You know what, it's a safe place here, you can just take off the shoes. You don't need 'em. A little more safe that way. - Okay, cool. - Yeah, Rebecca told me that there's some cards over there for you, and I'm gonna get me and the rest of the dudes to line up for this Tinder in real life. - Your mustache looks familiar. I feel like-- - Guys, guys, let's go, let's go. - Hey, fellas, uh, thanks for coming to, uh, go an a potential date with me, Zoe. I guess you know that already. - Pick up the cards! - I'm guessing they're these cards. Yes, this says read aloud. I wonder where Rebecca is. - Oh, she said she might be coming in a final round. Right guys? - [Guys] Yeah. - So informative, over there. The game is easy. You will play each round, and if I want to move you to the next round, I'll swipe right. If not, I'll swipe left, and then you have to move to the loser wall. The final three will win a first date with me. Good looking group over there. All right, I'm very excited. We're gonna start round one. First person is gonna come up and answer the questions. As will everyone else. - Ey, watch Jeremy do it. - Hi! - Sup? - What is your name and tell me a little bit about yourself. - Wassup, girl, my name is DJ Farnt. - Did you just say fart? - Farnt. Far out and turnt up. You know, like, we like to party! - Okay, sometimes I like to party. Swipe right! All right, next. - Hi. - Hi! What's your name? - Oh, I'm Dann, Stan, Staniel. - Staniel. Oh, I've never heard that name before. That's unique. Is that like German? - It's Spanish. - Close. - Yeah. - Tell me a little about yourself. - Oh, right! I'm a hacker, I'm a hacker, I sell hacksaws, I sell hacksaws. - You sell hacksaws? - Hacksaw salesman. - Okay. Well, I guess I'll never know when I need a hacksaw-- - Yeah! - To hack into these computers. Swipe right! - Who's up? - I guess It's my turn. - Oh, a lot of personalities here. Hi. - Hey. - What's your name? - My name is Justin and I'm a rapper. - That's really cool! Can you, like, spit something for me really quick? - Oh, like right now? - Like on the fly, yeah. - Oh, yeah, yeah, let me do it. - Oh, you got a-- - Your name is Zoe and I'm here to rhyme, looks like I came Just-in time. I'm Justin. - I like that, I like that! Swipe right, Justin! - Going to the next round. That's great! That was a pretty good rap though, right guys? - Hi! - Hi. - Hello! - My name is Q, but my friends, they call me Q-T-Pie. - Cutie pie? That's so cheesy, right Zam Fam? I mean , right Zam Fam? Justin is way cuter. - What's one more thing about yourself? - I don't know, could we get a picture later, just so I can prove to my friends that angels are real? - That's good! I'm gonna swipe right! - Do you think that's a cheesy pick up line? Comment below. Also, comment your favorite pick up line. I need some ideas. - Oh, hello! - My name's Matt, I mean Molly. - Matt has Peanut! She's obviously gonna know it's Matt. I mean, Zoe's not dumb. - I like dogs. - Okay! What's your favorite type of dog? - A miniature Pincher that hangs out in my arms. - Oh, like this one, right here. Right there. - Yeah, yeah. - What's his name? - I don't know, I just found, I found him here. - I like dogs. All types of dogs. Molly, thank you. You are going to the next round! Swiping right! - Great. - What?! She swiped right on Matt? Why did she do that? Matt, what are you doing? You need to get out! You need to go see what the note says while these other people are distracted playing the dating game. - I'm trying, but I'll try harder! - I mean, you're holding Peanut, but it's not enough. - Okay, Zam Fam. I'm obviously not stupid. I know that was Matt and Peanut, but I swiped right just so I can mess with him. - This is how it's done, boys. - Hey, what's your name? - I'm FGM, short for Fake Game Master. I'm an actor hired by the GMI, and maybe I can act like I don't like you, but we know that's not gonna happen. - So you're an actor for the GMI, I used to kinda work for the GMI, and then I split off. Did you know that? - I didn't, but I would love to get to know it. - Also, Zam Fam, where is Daniel? Do you think maybe he's searching for some of the pieces? - Right here. I'm here. What time? It's me. Remember? - Oh! - I'm gonna swipe "ruh-zight" on the Game Master as well. - Next! - Everyone is still in it, so far. - Do you think she's gonna swipe left on anyone? - Oh. - What's up? How you doing? - Hi! You were at the café-- - Maybe! - With Rebecca's girls date! - Zam Fam, she recognized the disguise from the guys that went to the coffee shop with us! She doesn't know that it's Agent S, though. She cannot pick him! If she knew it was Agent S, she could definitely swipe left! - So what's your name? - My name's Billy. - I like to hit on girls like you at coffee shops! How 'bout that one? That's kinda cool, right? Facts. - That's facts. And you're a football fan? - Lots of football. Different football teams-- - Well maybe, you can like, take me to a game. Swipe right! - No! She swiped right! - Yeah, okay! - Yeah! - Zam Fam, who do you think Zoe is going to pick to go on a date? It just, it can't be Agent S! If she knew it was Agent S, she would definitely not pick him! Also, comment below who your top three would be, and it can't be me, you guys, because I can't go on a date with Zoe, okay? - Okay, so that was the end of the first round! - All right, Zam Fam. It's time for round 2. Comment below who your favorite is so far. You guys just said a truth, but now it's time for a dare! - Okay, Zam Fam, so I have to get out this round. I can't even believe I'm still here. Whatever dare I get right now, I'm gonna do the worst possible thing I can. - First one up! - Yeah! All right, new guy. Watch how it's done. - All right, DJ Farnt. Are you ready for your dare? - Born ready. - Show me how you kiss your hand. - I go in, nice and slow, nice and slow. Something real . - No girl wants that. She better not swipe right on Agent R. - Just because I want you to stay to go wash your hands, I'm gonna swipe right. Go wash your hands, please. - I really hope Maddie does not have to see that because she would definitely not have a crush on Agent R after that . - Next up, Staniel from Spain. Okay. Do as many push ups as you can in a row. - Ready? Ready to count? Okay, here we go! Three, two, one, go! - Oh, not even a one. I really-- - Have you seen that been done before? Like that? - I really respect that you tried, though, so A for effort! I'm gonna swipe right. Show me your best ninja skills. Wow, that was fierce, Justin! - That's right, boys! - Swipe to the right! - Seriously? - Yeah! Aren't you excited? Don't you wanna go on a date with me, or-- - Yeah! Zam Fam, can you believe Zoe kept me in? Those were literally the worst ninja skills I have ever done! They were the worst for a reason though, because I wanted to get out. Why am I still in? - Q is here. Show me your best flirting skills? - If I had had a quarter every time I met someone as pretty as you, I'd probably only have a quarter. - Zam Fam, what do you guys think about Q? He seems, like, too good to be true. He's being a little too flirty with Zoe and I don't really like it. - I mean, you can just swipe right yourself. Go ahead, you can do it. - Hey, Molly. - Hi. - Tell me that Blackjack is better than Peanut. I can't hear it. - I can do this. I can't do, I can't do it! - What are you doing? Why are you in disguise right now? - I mean, hold on, hold on. - Matt, why are you even trying to date me? I mean, how'd you get here? - I know, I didn't wanna try and do this at all! My wife made me do it! We didn't have enough people! - Where's everyone else? And what do you mean you didn't have enough people? - I gotta go. - Nobody wanted to try to date me? Get Rebecca over here, I need her help! - [Matt] Rebecca! - Finally, Matt is out. He needs to look for that note that you guys told me about above the kitchen. Obviously, I don't want my husband going on a date with Zoe, 'cause that'd just be weird. - All right, Zam Fam. It's down to six. I gotta start eliminating people faster. Hey! I want you to bark like a dog. But more, like, rugged. - Woof, woof. - Right, okay, that sounds better. I like it, I like it. Go to the right, go to the right! - Billy-- - Wassup? Gimme a dare. I'm ready to dare with you. - I kinda want you to smell DJ Farnts' feet. - [Agent S] You want me to do what? - [Boys Chanting] Smell it! Smell it! - Yes, yes, yes, lookit, lookit. Okay, this exactly where I left the two pieces. I'm glad that they're still there, because I don't trust anybody that's at this house right now. And you guys know that we think that those pieces are gonna help us get into the tunnel system upstairs. I don't know, I just don't trust anybody right now. Oh, wait! I forgot! The note! I can take this off, I can take this off. I need the note. Okay. - [Boys Chanting] Smell them! - You sure this is the dare you want me to do? - Yeah! I mean, he likes to party, and he licked his whole hand just now, so I'm sure he's real clean. - No, that's irrelevant. - You know what, just so that way maybe this happens, and you swipe for me the right way, I'm gonna do it. Oh, I smell 'em. - I smell 'em, too! - Zam Fam, I cannot believe that Agent S is smelling Agent R's feet. That is commitment. I mean, if it's anything like him having dairy, it's gotta be bad. - Wow, you did that for me? I am swiping right twice. - Thank you. - Right twice. All right, Zam Fam. Next round is round 3, and this is where your best pickup line wins, and the worst pickup line loses. - Yeah, okay, check it, check it. Are you tired? - No. - Because you've been running through my mind all day. Let's go! - Swipe right! Oh, yes. - I must be in a museum, because you're a work of art. - Wow. And there's a frame and everything. - Yeah. - I like that one, and I like museums. Swipe right. Even though he can't do a push up. It's fine. - Feel this shirt. - Sure. - You know what it's made out of? - What? - Boyfriend material! - Okay, I like that one! You like that one? - Yeah, I'm looking for a boyfriend! I would steal that hoodie every day. Swipe right! - You sure about that, Zoe? - You seem like you don't wanna date me. All right, yeah, get in line. - How about this: you close your eyes. - Like really? - Yeah. - Okay. - Now open them. Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes? - You know, actually I've heard that before, so, I thought you better than that Q, come on. Imma swipe you to the left. Go to the loser wall! - Zam Fam, finally Q is out. I'm so glad Zoe made that call. Maybe she's getting more confidence. What do you guys think? - Buttering me up in the beginning's not gonna work. - I know that the note is in this kitchen, I just can't remember if it's above the microwave or if it's above the stove. I know one of them's broken, the other one has a hidden secret note that you guys are talking about. The microwave. It's above the microwave. Ha! Three, two, one, Ha! - Bonjour! - The Game Master, okay. - Bonjour. Are you French? - Oui. - 'Cause Eiffel for you. Get it, like Eiffel tower? - Oh, the Eiffel tower! - Oui, oui. - So would you say you're taking me to France? Like Paris? - Oh, get a little croissant, some tea? - A little baguette, some cookie? - You gonna, uh, swipe right-ie? - Okay, swipe right-ie! Merci! - You guys said it was up in this spot, I think. Can we see if we can, Oh, it's up in the middle! I can see it in the viewfinder of the camera! - So, um, do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I, like, walk by again? - I mean, maybe, you can walk back to the next round, 'cause you're going right! Let me know what you guys think! Comment below how these guys are doing! That was actually the end of round three! Round 4. TikTok round! Show me your best TikTok dance moves. - DJ Turnt got the tempo. - All right, so Rebecca gave me her phone so we can do this TikTok. It's real basic: it's gonna be a boom, boom, clap, and whoever is the worst is going to the loser wall. Everyone was really good and there was almost no mediocres. A little bit of a hard round for me. I'm gonna have to choose, everybody stays! You swiped right on all of us? - This isn't going as planned. Let's just get back in line, guys. - Zam Fam, that TikTok will be up on my page, so go and check it out and, yeah, okay, we just gotta get more people out faster. This is taking too long! - All right, this is the last and final round! The Bite It, Lick It, or Nothing Challenge. They'll each be given a box, and this challenge card will prompt you to bite it, lick it, or nothing it. DJ Farnt! - For you. Pick one, and follow the prompt. - Ooh, which one should I pick, which one should I pick? Middle. - Zam Fam, I am actually worried about this round. I am so mad that I am in it because I'm the one who made it, and I know what's in those boxes. I just do not wanna get that big box. I cannot get that big box. That is a bad idea. - Bite it. I ain't scared, I ain't scared. I'm still not scared, I'm not scared. - There's like a-- - There's a scorpion! - A scorpion in there. - There's a scorpion. - There's a scorpion, and you have to bite it? - He has to bite into a scorpion, Zam Fam? That's gross. - This is for our date. All right, DJ Fart, let's see what you've got. - It's not fart! - Is that gonna hurt? - I'd rather get swiped left than half to eat a scorpion. - As everyone knows, I will do anything for a date, and anything for love, so here we go! - Off with the head and swipe right! - Wow! You really bit into that scorpion for me. You're definitely going back in line. - All right, Staniel. There's your box, and pick a card. - Really? - What does it say? - It says pick your nose and get a booger. - I gotta lick it! I gotta lick it! - You're gonna lick your booger? - I gotta pick it and lick it! I gotta pick it and lick it! - [All Chanting] Lick it! - Oh, I can't watch. - Okay, I got it, I got it! - I did it. I did it. - As always, I love your tenacity, so, swipe right! - This is a bit of a heavy, bigger box. - I don't think I should've gotten that box. That's a big box. - That's a straight-up fish. - I'm gonna get nothing, it's okay. I'm gonna be good. - Maybe, maybe. We don't know. - Bite it! - That's uncooked! - [Boys Chanting] Do it! Do it! - Oh my god, Rebecca would love to see this right now. Where's Rebecca? - I can't do it, I can't do it. Just swipe me out. - The rapper can't do it. I guess I'm gonna have to swipe left to the loser wall. - I gotta use the bathroom! - Come join the loser wall! - Can somebody take this? - Okay. Zam Fam, I am so excited I am finally out. Now I can actually help Zoe so she does not make a decision that she will regret. - All right, the Game Master. Still smells like fish. - Nothing! - So I guess I don't have to give you a box. - All right. - So I guess you're automatically passed to the next round! - All right, I'll see you in France. - Wait, give me my card back. Okay, thank you. - Here we go. - All right, so I'm just gonna grab the first one right here. - Nice, nice choice. - Yeah, it might have nothing, too. You can just swipe me right out. - I have to lick it. - Oh, lick it! We got one more box here. - It still smells like fish around here. - [Boys Chanting] Lick it! Lick it! - I did it! - Okay, wow, you did it. Get back in line! Swipe right, swipe right! Get out of here with the fish! Put it outside. - All right-- - Zoe! - Oh my god, Rebecca! Where have you been this whole time? - I was waiting for the right moment because, you know, you thought this was the final round, but really, I'm here to help you out. - Oh! - Now all four finalists will get to come up here and describe their perfect first date with you, and then from there, you either swipe right or left. And the final three you will get to go on a first date with. - Ooh, okay, I love it, I love that idea! - All right, can we get the boys out here? It's been so long. Wow! So many-- - Yeah, have you seen these gentlemen? - So, this is a speed round. You guys are going to say what you would do with Zoe on a first date. The pressure's on, 'cause this is fast. On your mark, get set, go! - Okay, check it out. The stage is lit, all eyes on you. I bring you a beautiful bouquet of flowers and whisper the most romantic sweet-nothing in your ear, "DJ Farnt on the track." - Okay, next! We'll say her decision at the end of this. - So, it would be a great date. We could go to the movies, get some sweets, I'll invite RZ Twin, she's so cool, we can just like hang out, - RZ Twin? and talk, and watch a movie, it'll be so cool. - Okay, great, great, great, yep. - That's easy. Do whatever you wanna do, and if that means let's go to France, we are going to France, baby. - France. - Okay. Probably not a good idea, right now, but okay. - Real easy, I'd re-create where we all started. Coffee shop, and then maybe some football. Coffee shop and football together. At the coffee shop, we'll do football! - Okay, okay! So, Zoe, let's have all the guys line up now. I'm gonna move this board. Okay, so all of the guys are lined up. Zoe will choose one of them to swipe left on. Meaning they will not get to take her on a date. Zoe, are you ready? - All right. All you guys made it this far, I like a little bit of everything of each of you, and this is a really hard decision, but the person I call will not be going on a date with me, and that person is Staniel! - What? - Sorry, Staniel. You said you were gonna bring RZ twin on the date and I don't really need to have, like, a three person date. - I talked about RZ Twin? Oh, I guess so. - Sorry, Daniel, you're gonna have to go and stand by Q Wait. Where did Q go? - I almost got it, okay. I have it. I should read it. No, I should wait for Rebecca. I have to wait for Rebecca. What was that? - I think Q said he's going to the bathroom. - Hold on, say right here. I gotta grab Matt. Hey, Matt. Matt! - Okay. Well, hey guys! - Sorry, Staniel. - Is that Q? Q? He's not there. - [Matt] What's going on? - Q's missing right now. - Q's missing? - Yeah! Agent R said he was going to the bathroom, I just checked though, and it's empty and he definitely did not go out the front door. - But you know what, I heard somebody go out the back door, I think. There's like a noise over by the door. - It's open, it's open! - Zan Fam, there's footprints out here. Do you think these are Q's footprints? Matt, look! - [Matt] The gate! - It's open! We need to go out there now! We need to know where he came from! A lot of you guys said that people were coming from that basketball court. That gate is open. We need to find out what's over there. - Rebecca, I forgot to tell you, I got the note. - The note? Okay! We'll read that after we do this! - [Matt] Careful, careful! - Come on. We gotta figure this out before Zoe goes on any of her first dates! - [Matt] What's that noise? - It's just a dead end! How do you think Q got out? Matt, have you seen that before? - [Matt] No, what is that? - I don't know! We didn't check out here when we bought the house, we just looked at the basketball court. - [Matt] I thought that's where the property ended! Wait, wait, wait, what is that? - There's a handle. - [Matt] I don't know, Rebecca, should we do this? - I don't know! What is inside? What do you think this means, Zam Fam? Comment below what you think is inside this! Okay, I'm gonna do it, okay? Three, two, one. It's a giant tunnel system! - Like a Game Master tunnel? It might be a Game Master tunnel, but it might be something different. Look, Matt, there's doors inside. - [Matt] You're right! - Okay, Zam Fam. Shout out to you guys that got my merch and tagged me on Instagram. Go to and stay tuned for the Matt and Rebecca channel because I think we need to explore this tunnel.
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 10,040,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: giant, dating, game, in real life, best, friend, crush, win, first, date, 24 hour challenge, challenge, kiss, vs, sis vs bro, cats, james charles, makeup, charli, d'amelio, dude perfect, quarantine, classic, sssnipeerwolf, how, to get, rebecca zamolo, matt and rebecca, lucas and marcus, the labrant fam, 24 hours, tiktok, familia diamond, life hacks, viral, reacts, first kiss, game master, dating game, comedy, best friend, 123 go, pencilmation, extreme, hide and seek, mrbeast, vlog, 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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