Cod, Pollack and Ling - Fish and Chips - Catch and Cook | The Fish Locker

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[Music] oh [Music] look at that oh lures just popped out [Music] that is a fantastic eating size puller what a stunner [Music] this feels like a nice fish a very nice fish yes yes a lovely chord fantastic wow we're slopping about a bit aren't we there's the lure right well we have the fish that i caught earlier we have three nice cuddlings and a pollock and what i'm gonna do now is i'm just gonna fill them off now i've already i've dispatched and blade them and then while i was at sea i've also gutted them so all you do is you just open up the belly cavity and just take out the insides now you can see how fresh they are they've still got rigor mulches let's try them out a bit is it easier when they've got rigor mortis depends on the fish okay some fish are some fish right first cut going just behind the fin and up towards the head like that then straighten right through now like that right checking one side off and just turn the fish over and just do the exact same again but switch around like i say you just peel the meat across with your thumb you're not pulling on it you're just kind of lifting it across and then all you do is you just feed the knife in until you hit bones you see these rib bones here all i'm doing is by pulling it across i can get the knifing behind them all see and then all you'll do is you'll just run the knife in behind all the way down so it meets up with the backbone and there you go and v-bone and then just like that so all those bones are just in that little piece that i've taken out now this here you can i'm going to leave the skin on it for now and i'm going to skin them all at the same time but skinning is really easy all you do is you start at one end and you just shimmy the knife along there we are same as before i bled them and i've gutted them and all i'm going to do now is i'm just going to take off the two phillips just like i've done with the pollock so up underneath the fin up towards the head and then in and out so you can see along the center there where you're going to run the knife it's going to be this side of the fins so it's and then all i'm doing is like i said you just peel the meat back and just run the knife in along you can feel that sorry you can't feel it you can hear it here where it's hit the backbone um nothing but bones and just like before if you work your way up until you hit bones there switch it over go into the belly cavity like that and there will be a line of ribs and you can see them there they're just underneath this stomach lining here if you miss one you can just nick in behind it just lift it out okay yeah did a better job of that than i did with the pollock just looking at the fish you can see there there's no meat being left behind just all born and you've lost a millimeter as you've got to the belly cavity there same as before if there's any worms it's going to be in it it'll be here in this belly actually this one's pretty clean hasn't got any worms in it there are going to be a couple of little bones just here and the best way to deal with those is to v-bone just like that and there's two little strips there i've got all the bones in so that fillet now should have no bones no mess right so you saw me fill it in off the cord in the pollock and i brought them around to jim's and i will just i'll just hand you straight over jolly good ah here are the um superb cod pollock phillips that uh you saw john finishing earlier and i've um just whip taken the skins off i cut them down and i've got them on a bit of paper drying and um i've also got some ling from a previous fishing trip of john's and i'm just going to do some goujons and we're going to do a little comparison of cod pollock and ling you can't see very much difference kanye between the pollock is maybe just a little bit pinker so we have cod pollock and ling and besides three fishes we're going to have two batters so this is all the ingredients for our chippy tea tonight i've got some regular plain flour in a dish with some sea salt and a little white pepper and i'll use that to coat the fish before battering it we're going to make a beer batter plain flour and beer a little bit of salt a little bit of pepper and john was so enamored of that very likely indian seasoned batter that i did last time i'm going to use a bit of cumin and some ground turmeric a little bit of ground pepper in there i will say it's in we've done quite a few cooking videos before would you put that one that that cod video that we did before that's the one that i've been fantasizing about the most every single time i go back and answer some comments on that video i still think that was delicious because it was absolutely amazing cracker looked batter was something else wasn't it we've moved out onto the deck to use the dryer mainly because carol will allow us to use it inside so i've got my classic yeah someone mentioned that in a video and my lovely 1999 deep flat fryer sorry all the friars are available at higher order prices if they're any cheaper don't bother john brought over a bag of red rooster potatoes which i peeled cut into reasonable sized chips and we're going to got the fryer set to 150 [Applause] sunflower oil isn't it i like to fry with sunflower oil if that's just half full i would have said half them as well [Applause] well whatever [Applause] one it drops the temperature far too much and the chips begin to soak up the oil and also you can see that bubbling away madly too much in the basket it could be all over them do you agitate them so they don't stick together is that why you're doing it could be or it could just be unnecessary so let's go back in right um just opened a bag of regular plain flour and i'm just gonna go free hand with the flour and we will put some this will be the beer batter so that was a little bit of ground white pepper a little bit of ground black pepper because i like too this is very finely ground sea salt so i put in a little bit extra and a bottle of doom bar you can use others can't you can use parallels you can use non-alcoholics if you don't want it it's not something i would usually use in a batter but it seems to be very on trend now so we'll start with a bit because we can always add more just a regular whisk there we go another good swallow there the lumps have gone i haven't put any small beer or anything but that's the sort of consistency you want if i get a spoon it just coats the spoon [Music] now we'll leave that to rest let the gluten relax jug of cold water which i've had in the fridge i'm gonna make a bit more of it because i think it will be the most popular so again i'm going to put a little more white pepper in just for a bit of heat a little bit of ground black for the seasoning [Applause] about half not even a third of a teaspoon about two tabs uh some cumin got my tad measure two tabs which would of course for those in the know would be six snaps turmeric this is a you know no i'm gonna be getting comments asking about this is not too much because turmeric can have quite a unpleasant fat face but it's much used in pubs and restaurants because it gives the batter a deeper yellow color and of course turmeric is purported to be very good for you uh sorry just need my whisk back that batter will be the look like your sunny rosy face whilst we've been making the batters these are finished cooking nice and soft put them into this saucepan they will have to go back into a hotter oil to finish cooking again not too many and then as we lower it in [Applause] just keep your hand on the handle and then if it flops to alignment you can always lift it and stop the process of clean music that's going to be okay we're just finishing off the last load of chips we have got the batters resting you can see the colour difference in the null camera and jimmy's making what you're making a homemade some sauce so i've got mayonnaise i'm just using this jar to mix it up in so a bit of washing up that's all got some capers okay smell it there we go so not they're not diced not chopped or anything [Music] if you don't like capers leave them out if you don't like gherkins leave them out finely diced [Music] into the jar i'm just going to take a break there to lift the last of the chips right back to the total sauce just a handful of uh curly leaf parsley or you could use flat i'm glad you said that because my question was going to be what's the difference between your curly and your flat uh just the way it looks the way it looks and there is a difference in taste i'm just going to squeeze some lemonade [Music] just a little seasoning a little bit of black pepper there we go perfect right it's time to batter some fish so i've got two relatively thick pieces of cod fillet which i've passed through seasoned flour and this is the beer how are you going to get help i hope john has just reminded me his favorite with that spiced batter it's a mango chutney mayonnaise so we've got a couple of heap spoonfuls of mayo just two heaps of mango chutney it did add a wonderful just like a wonderful different flavor to it [Music] we're doing all the frying outside just because of the smell now i'm not going to have enough light to really do all the videoing soon but all we're doing is we have the code the pollock and the ling and they're being floured and then into either the beer batter or the flavored batter the chips have already been through once i'm just putting them on a second time just to finish them off take off the oil onto some kitchen paper let's go in because there are so many of us tonight we are all gonna be able to sit down at the same time because the friar's only big enough to really do a couple of people at the same time so hannah and i are gonna sit down and we have two sittings we're gonna be having many sitting examples we have got the cord in the beer batter with the twice cooked chips homemade tata sauce with a mango chutney mayonnaise and you just paint yourself [Music] let's get stuck in here i've got a piece of the pollock cooked in the flavored batter and some of the cod and you can see there there's no real difference between them is it just nice white flaky meat the difference you can see is in the colour of the butter mixed with the homemade tartar sauce and the mango chutney is absolutely delicious and here we have our best boy enjoying your fish and chips good work can't just eat the butter though i have my fish yes good lad is it good yeah job there we are that's the finished article policing flavored butter corn in beer butter and ling strips in flavoured butter with homemade tata sauce mango chutney and mayonnaise and chips delicious well i am absolutely stuffed just enough space though for cows now world famous this is a giant pavlova and james what are you eating pancakes bubble over and pancakes indeed perfect well there is the pavlova almost finished it was a really big one so we didn't finish it all yeah you enjoyed it james what did you like the best pancakes pancakes no pollock ling cod both in beer butter and the other one was cumin and chewy yes all absolutely delicious so thank you very much incredible i hope you enjoyed joining us all the very best and what do we say james bye from the fish vlogger bye
Channel: The Fish Locker
Views: 52,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shore fishing, shore fishing uk, beach fishing uk, how to cook crab, how to cook scallops, beach cook up, beach foraging, how to cook shellfish, foraging, bush craft, catch clean and cook, coastal foraging, scallop, cook clams, cook scallops, solo, fishing tips, crab, seafood, shellfish, bass, underwater, catch and cook, clean and cook, lobster, survival, sea fishing, fish locker, the fish locker, fishlocker, fish and chips, cod, pollack, how to fillet, filleting fish, battered fish
Id: shNe-oLbN9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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