Cod Fishing in the Bristol Channel - Charter boat fishing from Minehead | The Fish Locker

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hello good morning and welcome back to the fish lock there today I'm up in my head I'm joined by a couple of friends uh Chris you've just seen the background there he was in the thresher shark video and we've got Grant and Adam are just unpacking the car they're going to be joining me at the NEC boat life event later on I'll put a link in the description like this video but we'll probably chat about that we're fishing with Mikey Weber on his boat Teddy boy so he's just about to come pick us up the clarity today in the Bristol channel is probably about three inches we've got Alpha tackle shop Stacks a bait the plan is we're going to do some mixed fishing at anchor it's for anything and everything we can find when it gets alongside we'll get loaded up and get going all the way up along that Coast yeah that's uh next steps for me [Music] [Music] bring it up to the first Mark when we get there I'll talk him more through when there's not the sound of the engine [Music] first Mark that Mark has brought us to we're fishing on an area to clean them pebbling mud Sun for everything mixed ground so there's going to be transfer Rays Conga reels puss spur dogs Adam's into the first fish over there we have a couple of rods fishing uptight we'll talk about those in a second we just wanted to get everything set up first before we started talking and we've got a couple of rods here that are fishing downtown see the court running past [Applause] e that's what it feels like something just holding we'll come back to you one of the things you've got to fight against here with the amount of tide is a thing like it's caught right at the minute all it's done is it's just laid itself out on the tide so it's got full force on the tide against you Kate left to right and it's just skirting about him ready there we go nicely done so is it thornback it's just shooting Thorn back here yeah we're female and you can see why it's called a thornback yeah they are almost prehistoric art then look look at the eyes on it as well almost like really deep green I'm just flipping onto it just turn around yeah you can see that it also has a few thorns on its better oh yeah yeah this is be careful though because although it is just crushing pads they can extend the mouth a little tiny bit and if they go out of your finger you know that you'll know about it right how do I put it back just just drop it back on the side mate yeah all right so we can find a bigger one where kids well done cheers mate thank you very much what we're looking at my pain so the rig that you caught the Ray on there was just it was fish down tired wasn't it Grant it was down tied yeah and you've got I don't know what you're fishing ten or an eight ten ounces so all he's got is he's just got a sliding Ledger ruin up your leader and then what if you've got three foot of yeah about about three foot eighty pound mono not too not quite a subtle one over the raise and just onto um a small but that is a smaller business yep 3-0 I've seen that small chunk you've still got a good Gap and a good gauge good gauge on it very strong hook it was absolutely pinned as well wasn't it and you're just using a launch Frozen launch Frozen yeah Frozen launch just chop the head off get the blood flowing out of it drop the tail off same thing little tag there above the hook just for helping um yeah wind elastic against hold it I saw that when you were looking and I was thinking how to cut that tug end off and I thought actually you'll be using it as a bit stop yeah use it as a bait stop wind it really tight keep it straight in the tide brilliant just a very simple sliding Ledger straight into your link and you've got your bone nuts you don't need to worry about binding them got a little bit of elastic's not going to bothering the slightest disease no no if you've got them soft enough you can thread the line down through these have just come out of the pack Frozen so you can't really thread it at the moment but yet later on we'll just thread it through a little bit of elastic just to stop it slipping down the hook at the bottom and do the job brilliant thank you that is the type of bite you're looking for Rod nearly leaving can I just hand that to you please mate thank you that was a proper bite you saw that didn't you there it was just of course I'm fishing down tag the line's tight to the tight to the lead take to the bit takes the fish as soon as the fish picked it up I'll be surprised if this is anything because of the pull of the tag just like you're just taking time we've got a strap s foreign sliding lead and a clip of a hook length man's about throwing it after three feet and I'm fishing with a four row a fresh mackerel I'll show you how I beat up now right when I was rigging up I made up a few spare hook lengths just so I can be pre-baiting a few of them so that when I bring mine keep me straight on now I brought these up from Cornwall these are special conscious they're just Fresh Market and all I'm gonna do is just take the cycle well I like cutting them diagonally um the reason being is because I like like a long thin strip bit because I like it too kind of flap around in the tide so that'll make two bits the sinews are all in the tail end so the hooks go through there first you'll see how tough that is there just put it in a twist it over and then back through probably one shot twice slide it up to the knot and I'm just going to use a little bit of bait elastic just to lash around the top and this is just going to Anchor the bait onto the shank of the hook that's it that gives me a proud hook point and the bait's going to be sat in the tide now with a little bit of movement plenty of scent coming out that's just going to sit out in the tide like that waiting for a rare or a horse or a or anything and the next one I'll just use that to break my second one Chris is just taking a second to knock a couple bits off as well you've been fishing upside haven't you yeah just the same what you're using there is a five or a six or uh 80 pounds but it doesn't really matter what size I think strong enough so it doesn't get bit enough if you hook something toothy up there then just a section of blue I'm just gonna wrap that into the hook oh so you've just you've cut your Bluey into a section of it and then halved it yeah halved it and then halved it again I took the head and tail off put this on you've been using cocktail bits aren't you yeah because it's quite a big hook and get away putting the squid on this side just trap a bit of scent in there because it get washed out pretty quick let's go back through there we'll cover that in there Squid's good like that for wrapping up a softer beard isn't he yeah because if there is going to be any little fish now or any little crabs it's more just trying to traps auto upload and then up the images how many teeth how many coffee please mate there you go nice little compact bait hook points proud thank you so whereas the little eel before and it came to me when they're doing this I took a wall with him decent one was it you're all there is just you have to when it wants to fight away you'll have to kind of Let It Go yeah once it stops you then you'll bring it back yeah yeah but that I didn't even know I just picked you up it was gone it was gone yeah okay next time videos you know you don't know yourself the amount of footage that you'll cut away because you've been waiting for a fight like that indeed that's why I like the low fishing because at least the bites bite we really they can sometimes give you a false bite as they land on the boat right because obviously you've seen where the mouth is you'll land on it like a predator right yeah and then position it underneath get the mouthpiece so the first one you say might be pinning it yeah we can try and strike on that one the best thing you might look for is inside of them right I'm Gonna Leave it until it gets a bit yeah I think still having to go at it it's still sat there every now and again maybe a little bit longer don't worry I'll just get all the small ones out of the way foreign when you get there set the hook different as well fishing mono Chris has got mono on there and there's a lot more stretching monitor than bread to your wind right down and then you'll set into it and you'll feel it be a little bit more springy there we go you're either coming up my heart might be smart playing with this one then yeah you are you're on me stole that for a second I think you put a lot of everybody here gretching up my I must have just been obviously so please cuddling there's no no pressure now or anything yeah oh he's a nice one if you're stopping its mouth Sherlock is just very gradually walking back and taking his time with it you see that when it comes up opens its mouth it feels full of Tide well don't there's a belter of accordingly he's a cracker size of company as well done mate Pig Ayla saying that for sure lovely lovely fish there other side there you go oh he's just swimming don't come away from that side go straight back off its side yeah stunning condition fish okay shut up you just had that coddling on here so right squid and Bluey well I just had that one six oh that's uh 80 pounds just a swivel no I got a swivel on there but I mean you can use Quick link or anything bead um and a zip slider I don't use a bolt rig for my up tidy uh I've always sort of find gets more things just Tangled around um so I'll just use running Ledger um rod and reel just to fathom um I think that's 60 pound leader spider hitched onto that and the only reason to use spider riches because these are my show rails and a bit lazy and you're a mono all the way are you yes that's mine all the way I think that's 20 pound I mean really probably do 25 but just like with that card just plate really um really steady don't awesome and you're you're casting so that you've not got a long hook length and a bit flapping around you I'll cut on my uh gripper so when it's it's just gonna literally yeah just pop straight off like that that's it [Music] because I find when my hands get covered in Squid and everything the last thing you need is a uh your real slide in when you cut a snack but yeah that's it when you're casting he's going to cut over the boat so make sure if you are casting or if someone else is casting around be safe then let that hit the bottom I mean the tide is dropping off a bit now but I'd probably let that out for I don't know 10 seconds something like that count it down let that gripper dig in your legs hit and you've let a belly align come out down there so that you your lead has enough time to bed into the sun before the tide picks it and then you're gonna fish you're not fishing like straight to the rod tip like the downside rods you've got a belly a line out of there so my Line's down there but my legs actually over here and make sure you take dry okay brilliant thank you you know how fishermen are really superstitious I can't help but think there's some type of jinx on me oh don't come out now bananas healthy as well bananas he's only just put his banana down and got a bite straight away found it I missed it that'll be that banana it's cleared out a little bit now I think you can see a little bit more of the the wonderful scenery of mine had the Tide's dropped off a bit from what it was and we first got it we're using 12 ounce leads we've now dropped down to eight we're in about 40 feet of water foreign like that Cody had that cut right up beside the boat it was only maybe a foot below the water you still couldn't see it you're going for a big bit nice chunky coffee now just a small hook just to hold it in position at the bottom a nice big hook at the bottom we've got two two unwashed Squidwards just one just one one a few blacks up against it it's a decent soil that's good luck the tire has dropped away to almost nothing here it's gonna move to a different Mark and see if we can't find a bit more tide see what we're saying earlier but once you get it on Surface you can get it it's actually easier to skate across on one of these reels if it is on that fixable [Music] nicely done same again male thornback back until it's a meal I'll buy them see what I mean about the extending mouth why you want to watch your fingers yeah yeah Marine plastic yeah a lot paler than the last one in it brilliant it's the same type of rain yeah going back love it okay [Music] do this type of this type of fishing at this time of year a lot of the fishing is this is that talking about all the big fish that we've caught in the past I don't want to catch in the future whilst watching most of the squad tips yeah trying to stay out the wind in the rain see we have got she's a bit confusing because we've got tired running that way we've got the wind coming across sat well if we'd been in my boat right now would have been all over the spot oh how deep are you now we're going about 30 foot of water still you see that around with the upsiders it's bent over with a belly of line she's obviously them lucky bananas yeah the uptighter rods have really nearly so far boards managed to swing around now we've gone past low tide so they've got strong round and we've got winding tied together Chris has managed to find himself a little strap that's exactly the same did you see like a proper bite on there and you see a drop back so you saw it yeah yeah slightly better fish there nicely done oh there's a fight thank you that's a way to get it right now he's stuck right on the feed [Music] this is still there yeah yeah [Music] well I was going back to shop sooner or later yeah [Music] well hopefully this is a sign at least official coming on the face yeah you're right the sun's a tight started floating the weather's taking a little bit of a turn see it's got an awful lot darker the Chad's just pick it up now the upsiders are just nearly getting probably two or three bites to every one that we're getting from the downsiders foreign yeah it is yeah so um first year for the angling event um but obviously boat life's been around for two years this is the second year of the show um the Suzuki Marine power angling Zone um it's a really interesting thing I think for the angling industry you know bringing boating and fishing together bringing some ambassadors together there's going to be some really interesting boats big Brands Warriors Suzuki Marine power the wolf Rock are bringing boats and but obviously loads of different people from the angling world so people come and ask some questions and uh hopefully have some fun well there's a few things that are going on like the talks from the charcoal yes yeah yeah like people pretty angry just I'm interested also I was thinking this I assumes over there are they doing here yes so Isuzu and SBS trailers are doing a kind of um trailer test drive track they're talking about so it's a yeah yeah maybe we can have a race all right I might have to get the lumps on him well yeah the main thing of the main thing that I'm excited about the boat life is it's just gonna be a bunch of Anglers and people who enjoy boats talking about everything they enjoy doing a laid-back atmosphere where it's hopefully a little bit warmer than today yeah fingers crossed we knew it was coming didn't mind foreign [Music] little coddling [Music] I thought you were gonna knock it off on The Reeling then he wanted to yeah again it's missing bottom of its tail like we were saying early on yeah is it fresh is it oh pretty fresh so much had a so much fancier nicely drawn on the up chatter again we're just looking there discussing at what we thought maybe checking bottom of its tail off it's full of crap absolutely full in this yep The Telltale thing obviously to show you part of the Cod family is this little baby here document brilliant well there we go we've come to the end we have fished it until well as you can see the best fish throughout the day was definitely Chris's Cod in fact the uptighters and the rigs that Chris was using out fished everything else that we had on the boat I was just fishing and it's not in the same areas and yet he caught three times as many fish so the proof is in the pudding then hopefully we will do some more trips with that light going on there hopefully we'll do some more trips with Mikey on titty boy Grant Adam and I will all be at the NEC in Birmingham for the boat life event that's between the 16th and 19th of February I'll put more information in the description of the video for that also there'll be a discount code if you want to buy your tickets I hope you enjoyed joining us I hope you found it interesting all the very best seal it
Channel: The Fish Locker
Views: 166,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shore fishing, shore fishing uk, beach fishing uk, how to cook crab, how to cook scallops, beach cook up, beach foraging, how to cook shellfish, foraging, catch clean and cook, coastal foraging, scallop, cook clams, cook scallops, cook mussels, solo, fishing tips, crab, seafood, shellfish, bass, underwater, catch and cook, clean and cook, campfire cooking, lobster, survival, sea fishing, fish locker, the fish locker, fishlocker, cod, cod fishing, saltwater, fish, cornwall, boat fishing
Id: MWoWjqDPcbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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