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my god yes good start it's gonna be a mess we're going a little bit of old school would be a video right now only because it's gonna be me talking about a lot of books that I'm very excited to read but I probably don't know a lot about that mess is gonna be in the background because I have nowhere to put all of these so let's just do this and I'll stop adjusting my camera okay so I'm just going to literally pick up after any book that I see and we're just gonna start in on it because I have no rhyme or reason to this just like I have no rhyme or reason to my book my habits there's a lot of parallels here so I think in this one the only memories we're gonna have is if I have already read it if I'm going to read it in the near future like it's already on duck the card to be read or I'm in the middle of reading it cuz some of these I have started / finished already so so the first one I have is one that I have finished and that is chain of gold by Cassandra Clare this is the water stones edition it is just really nice cloth hardcover that doesn't have a dust jacket but I fall I fall so easily for anything that is shiny and I mean I mean obviously I needed to get this and I did really want the dark artifice versions of this I actually have the Lord Of Shadows and queen of air and arc Ness I do not have lady midnight if anyone out there wants to help you grow out I'm here but I figured I might as well start my copies now so that I can actually keep up with him this time I have learned a lot from lady Cassandra Clare over here get it while you can cuz Lord it will be sold out next let's go for some ghosts so I got another really beautiful water stones edition and that is the animals of Lockwood Manor I want to definitely show how beautiful this is but this sprayed edges third I guess because the top and the bottom are sprayed but this is stenciled so it's like a hybrid of everything all of the current why a butt bug subscriptions are trying to do but like she did it first you know so this is about a woman who is in charge of running a museum and she is basically put in charge of moving everything in that Museum to this manner awkward manner out in the English countryside because World War one no World War two is a region and you know the bombs and stuff they're worried it's going to ruin the museum so they move out there and it's what so far I have read some of this I'm almost 60 pages into it I really liked what I read of this and there are definitely paranormal element she's already seeing a ghost or two I know one of them is this tale of his lady in white but she has seen the lady in white and the way that the ghosts are described in here is so just amazing cuz it's not gimmicky it's not trying to be scary it's just this is a ghost and it's mad and I just I really appreciate when books just kind of state the paranormal as truth versus trying to play it up and like have a conjuring moment although I love the conjuring it doesn't translate into books well in my opinion the next one I have is a thriller and that is darling rose gold what I know about this is if you know anything about the Gypsy Rose case that is a case where Munchausen's by proxy was prevalent and the mother was purposely harming her child to get fame and money and all of this so here we have a Munchausen's by proxy accepting mother goes to prison and this is about when the mom gets out and comes back to live with the daughter that is what I've heard from all the videos I've watched regarding this I do not want to read the synopsis for myself because thrillers I won't read the synopsis because I do not like how sometimes they try to pitch the most entertaining or thrilling elements we didn't the synopsis therefore ruining the book because it's like you already knew about the most interesting parts haven't read this but I've heard people speak on it it's a beautiful book which is kind of messed up for what it's about the next one I have is another beautiful book this is a fairy loot edition of the shadows between us by a Trish 11 seller Trish 11 seller also wrote daughter of pirate King as well as daughter of the siren Queen which is a duology that I absolutely loved I loved pirates I loved very short books she does both this is about a girl who makes it her mission to infiltrate the castle marry the king and kill the king and I don't I think that honestly she's just power-hungry that's why she wants to do it however that might be wrong because I did read this in January but the king is very mysterious and he has these shadows that follow around him shadows between us and no one really knows why they do that they just know that it is a thing that is done so I do find that that was a very interesting element although I think the reason why was not all that interesting but this was still very fun read so I definitely recommend this if you liked her other books or you just don't like a quick y fantasy that's definitely more of like Hawaii romance in a fantasy world she's very good at that okay the next one is another book that I have already started and I think I have a type because I tend to get about a hundred pages in and then I'm like but that is Fallas fair this is a book that revolves around a girl who is enacting revenge on a group of boys that assaulted her at a party and it is very much in the vein of the Heather's or the crafts like it's got that campy vibe of a eighty scary movie but always isn't that scary for us because we know she's doing it but I heard recently someone said this is a Macbeth retelling which I wouldn't guess that but I pitch it more in line with the Heather's because I think that that from what I'm reading if I read the same Macbeth and I'm reading the same this makes more sense to me be next to her some arcs that a very sweet friend sent me one is cemetary boys which I again do not know very much about I just know that there is a lot of magic but there's a mystery there's ghosts there's a martyr I'd like I'd like to see it I'd like to read it so I know that this actually just got pushed back to the release date so this was gonna be something that I read in reading my June Arc's blog but now I don't know how to do that I might still do it because I mean I have it and I want to read it the next one I have is star daughter so our main character is the daughter of a star and immortal and she accidentally ends up using her powers and it harms her father and she the only thing that will help is if she finds a star to help heal him someone like her mother who returned to the sky years ago so basically she's on a quest to find this Court to get this help and I'm just so excited this cover is obnoxiously beautiful like I can't I love arcs because I like to read the books early if I'm really excited about them but I I'm just looking at this and I'm like I need the final copy and usually if I like a book okay and I have an arc of it I'll just like keep that as my copy but like this is beautiful I really really need that final copy and then we have a pattern here another book that I have read or not read but I'm in the middle of reading I'm only 23 pages in and that's honestly because the writing style is super weird but that is the return by Rachel Harrison this is a thriller I believe with probably some paranormal aspects and basically what happened is there's this group of girls who are friends and one of the friends goes missing while she is hiking and she is declared not not declared dead but basically people are assuming that she said because it's been 2 years well two years on the day that she went missing she comes back and from the synopsis it says that she's acting really weird she's really pale she's really thin she's got weird cravings and I'm just like that's a vampire or a demon so either way this goes will be a good time if it will just start going because it's like kind of really boring for such a short thriller we should like already be into some stuff like she should have already sucked at least one person's blood you know or I guess possessed one person depending on which way we're going with this the next one I got is a fantasy book and that is the hundred thousand kingdoms by NK jemisin I got this because my best friend B has been absolutely raving about this this is one of their new favorite authors I would argue probably one of their favorite authors ever because they talk about them all the time on FaceTime and I'm just like I'm gonna get it I will read their books I promise I just haven't yet and just from how much they love this I'm like okay we have pretty similar reading taste when it comes to fantasy so I'm pretty sure I'm gonna love this I do not know if my love will ever be on the same level as b4 NK jemisin but I hope because it seems really good I do not know again a lot about this I just know that there are gods there's magic there's traveling there's like some weird star moments what is this is this my thing for intimate scenes I guess so moments next we're back in my element which is thrillers and cults and here we are with Lisa drool to family upstairs I obviously got this from Book of the Month but I read an arc of this back in August I cannot remember if I hold this or not because I think I hold the art because I just wanted to talk about the book but I can't remember if I hold the physical book after getting it from Book of the Month so we're back because I want to talk about it anyways so what happens here is we're following two timelines which is my absolute favorite and we're following the timeline of the modern woman who is trying to solve what went down in this house who she is what happened to her parents why she inherited this house who this man was who was in it and the other timeline is what happened in the house like as it's happening one is in the modern 2000s the other ones in like the 70s or 80s I guess probably late 80s I've been assumed because I think the girl is 25 when this starts which would be the 90s where I'm math as like right here what happens that you know for the synopsis because so much of this can be spoiled I feel like if I just say the wrong thing so it's gonna be a very vague description but you should just trust me okay just trust me Lisa drool does that basically the police come to this residence they find a man a woman who are no one identified their marriage and then another random man who is unidentified they I've never seen him before I do not know no mm-hmm do not know who he is and they are all dressed in the same clothing which is described as cult-like clothing and if you know anything about me yeah girl loves a good cult not to join one if you're in a cult call your dad or call me I'll get you out of it too but I do I'm I'm honestly fascinated with the cult I think that that might be one of my favorite things to look into and read about in true crime I'm currently reading helter skelter to bring that in for the but it reads a lot a book club and Lord I think it's because it has the crime be it psychological and just all of the like I genuinely don't understand how this happens aspects in this book captures that very well so you literally watch it happen and it is just so fascinating I just I really really recommend this because it seems like a domestic thriller until it's not so after that I actually have two copies of this book and I thought I was gonna regret that but I surely don't because this might be my favorite read of 2020 so far which if you're surprised I'm more surprised and that is house of earth and blood by Sarah J Maas so this is my use use my US Edition which I sprayed gold which looks really good on camera like immaculate but um oh she's stiff it sounds just school staying when I turn the pages so I bought the Waterston's Edition which is beautiful or pret sprayed edges which part of me wants to paint a very thin layer of that gold on top of it cuz it looked beautiful but I'm like don't do it don't do it so I'm not gonna do it but I'm thinking about doing it the thing that I really liked the most about the UK Edition is UK us beautiful it looks just amazing a mess I do not like this at all this I don't know how to describe this this looks like they're trying to make this look like a court of thorns and roses and be like hey remember she writes an adult even though this is not young at all and neither was a court of thorns and roses really this one looks like an adult fantasy this book follows Bryce and Bryce has been through it she is half human half faith and she ends up in a sticky situation you could say blood technically is sticky and some people surely of the murder and she basically goes out on a mission to find how what happened to them and that's where we meet hunt now do you want to specifically love hunt not on his own I love him with the characters in here specifically Brice and like her like trio crew but I don't know uh you'd shoot see you know you choose actually technically isn't me like an FBI agent because to me then that's like on the same levels Reid Spencer and then that is different so I really really enjoyed this the thing that I'm gonna say is do not go into this thinking that it's gonna be fast paced it's it's fast paced in the exact same way that every other adult fantasy that I've ever read his fast pace it's two to three hundred pages of exposition we're just getting into the world building it up then from page 300 to about like 600 you're just really going through the mystery kind of getting more acquainted with the characters in the world that's been built which I guess would also be more exposition and then from the last 200 pages it's just you're going in and it's like boom in a boom and a boom in the plotviz plotless plotviz who died oh my god who died they died so yeah keep that in mind because I'm getting really annoyed seeing her on Twitter everyone's like this is so slow and I'm like why did you big like kingdom of ash was slow but she's long I can't wait for the second book of this I genuinely oh I can't wait I'm already thinking about rereading that one so next I am nothing if not a sheep and I got the library of being written this was recommended to me by Heather specifically to me no one else she hasn't been screaming about it on her Twitter Instagram I'm assuming her snapchat if she hasn't I don't follow her there and her YouTube channel like she's been screaming about it everywhere but just to me only to me did she recommend it so I don't know I always say that is if people like even talk to me this is about a librarian help so we're going in you know oh speaking of Heather her bestie car we also specifically recommended a series to me and only me alone that is fury born and kings bane so I do not know anything about this I know there are two timelines that follow - Carly say two separate Queen I don't really I heard two timelines fancy fast-paced and dramatic and I bought them all so they were $8 apiece on Amazon and I mean faireborn is a little beat like she looks like she was eight dollars but Kings bang it's doing that so I am very excited I'm a little annoyed decklid ages ages deckled edges not deckled edges what is the truth Amazon okay next we have the gentleman's guide to getting lucky by Mackenzie Lee I know that a lot of people talk bad about the gentleman's guide divisive virtue and the ladies guide to pirate pirate piracy petticoats and piracy pees really get me but I love that series I am biased towards that series a hundred percent because I just said scraping at the bottom of the barrel to get any kind of accurate Epilepsy representation and that is the only way a series that I've ever seen it in also petticoats of piracy lay off that was a good book she's a young she's learning she doesn't know what she's about yet but I really love that serious so this is just a little novella so it's definitely about Monty who is one of the main characters in gentleman's guide advice and burnt you although I kind of would like to see one a Percy who's the one that actually has epilepsy because we see each other you know what I'm saying here's another copy of chain of gold why not so I collect Cassandra Clare books because I love them and I have to say that she's the only author that I'm not like I could find a better Edition at this because I I just love the look of the Shadowhunters books and I love the look of the spines they all are so different but still cohesive and so I have my US Edition but then also my like aesthetic Edition which I've kind of decided that when we move out all of my clothbound ones are probably going to be on a bookshelf in the living room to make me look like literate and smart you know because rich people have those people who are rich of the mind I'm neither so we're just fronting the next one I have its another series gold obviously and Dark Age these are big I didn't realize how big these are but I just finished Morningstar I'm really I'm still in recovery but this is the next one and then this so one after that I've heard that I should take a break between Morningstar and these two because it gets rough in Dark Age and I'm gonna listen because I normally don't I haven't cried in a third book since mockingjay yeah you know you know time up so I created twice to two to Finnick deaths in Morningstar mm-hmm who gave Pierce brother right so the next one I have is actually an arc for Rama the publisher and it is the order of the pure moon reflected in water and this seems to be just like a little novella or maybe a short story but I think it's really cute cover and I am excited to get into it oh my god I'm so dumb you're like that's not groundbreaking news Olivia this is under 150 pages this would work for miles and I wouldn't even have to cheat duh there we go look at this when I haul my books I never minded of what books I bought and how many I bought and if I'm okay so the next one I got is bone Criers moon I will be honest not proud of it but this was a cover and a hype by I don't know anything about this I mean there must have been something oh yeah I just read like as single word than the synopsis and that was revenge and that's why I bought it that's how i justified buying it cuz I already wanted it because the cover but the fact that it's a revenge plot no I now I remember so next I bought a I believe this would qualify as a backless book and it's one that I have been wanting to read for a very long time and that is the queen of the tearling this is one that I did not read the full synopsis of but I read the little blurb because fantasies tend to have like a she's a princess she's becoming Queen she must do this so their version of that is an unattested young princess must claim her throne learned to become a queen and combat the malevolent Sorcerer's in an epic battle between light and darkness in this spectacular duet the first novel in a trilogy it does sound like a stereotypical fantasy like the middie kind of fantasy that I was just saying I'm kind of over reading I've heard just such good things about this series that I kind of can't not at least give it a shot here's this giving it a shot next we're going back to the thriller murder mystery eight moments and I have the tenant so this one I know is set and Zen Copenhagen Copenhagen that's not you say that Copenhagen and this woman is found in her apartment murdered but there's something yeah with an intricate pattern of lines carved into her face so this follows the people trying to solve that I don't know if it follows the actual circular I am hoping it does because I love books where it's like the cops are trying to solve something but then also like you get the POV of the serial killer cos if you haven't read the whisper read read the whisper man that book is magnifique next I got the good daughter by Karin slaughter I do not know the plot of this I did read let me see how far and I got I got two chapter 1 but the prologue itself is like near thirty pages and it was really intense so I mean it starts out with these girls witnessing the murder of one of their parents and then the actual novel is set 28 years later and that's when things start to happen so I am very I'm honestly I'm very interested in this because I haven't had a thriller or mystery that has made me uncomfortable like this prologue did because one of my biggest fears I have two huge fears one is water which mainly is because I'm epileptic so like we don't mix well but water especially being trapped in water and then buried alive and we've already covered one of those two things in the prologue this is gonna be a trip but I've heard that Karin slaughter is definitely one of those like a very graphic very intense thriller authors but Chandler from Chandler Aynsley really spoke to my soul when she was like the characters are just so developed because I don't think I've read a thriller where I really knew that much about the characters and I mean if you think about it this is what almost a 500-page theater which is so not common for that genre so I'm assuming that that may be why but I I'm just I'm very excited because I was worried I wouldn't like it and I didn't know what other Thrilla author to pick up that has the same kind of vibe and elements the writing style despite how long it was it didn't feel like I was reading that long because it was not that I read it fast because I didn't because you really have to take this slowly but it was just so interesting and just so like I felt like I was in the moment which was both a great in a terrible thing next this is a book that Elijah got me for Valentine's Day and that is if I'm being honest I don't read a whole lot of contemporary books if I'm being honest uh-huh-huh-huh that was great good one yes but I'm pretty sure this is a 10 Things I Hate About You retelling which is technically ever telling obtaining the truth but if I can mention Heath Ledger within a video I'm going to do it so 10 Things I Hate About You check it out next up I believe and wanna say this is an owl crate book but another one of my sweet friends sent this chimi and that is scavenge the Stars listen I am really good about not knowing what books are about but here let me just show you the back can you point out the word to me that maybe you want to read this can you do it do you find it can you find it can we find it yeah so that's why I have it next up is come tumbling down by it shine McGuire I absolutely love the wayward children series I think Shawn Maguire is just a phenomenal writer their writing it's just it is so good I have also been reading more of their work under the pseudonym Muir grant is that their student or is like this or like are they both and we don't know the true the true person behind all I'm in a conspiracy move because I've been falling down a lot of rebels I have a lot of time on my hands is there any protective no conspiracy theorizing yes so this is the latest installment of this series I do not know who this evolves evolves they'll be playing Pokemon who this it revolves around but I don't care because I love all of the characters so I'll literally take anything very excited the door kind of looks Jack and Jilly so I'm kind of hoping maybe next I went light-hearted and I got a would this be technically a picture book it's I think it's in the same vein as to dragon society and this is Night Lights I was actually sent this by a very sweet so we subscriber simply bookish mom her name is Chelsea so you should definitely check her out and this was the fastest but also cutest read ever actually I lied this was not that fast to read because I was just staring at all the pictures because it's like so beautiful like look at how aesthetic that is hello Whitney novels just jumped out I say Whitney novels like her whole government name I don't even know I just I think more books should have pictures in them I'm just saying not to take over the words but to just add something to him you know next up it was a very recent by as in Monday and that was ghost squad I just listened to be again I don't know anything about this I don't even think they've read it but have it and I'm going to read it because middle grade ghost stories are kind of the best and I just really want it in my life right now honestly next up is next up is pretty much the only contemporary writer at that I trust and that was Christina Lawrence the honey don't was I have heard a lot of things that people don't like about this which seem to be things that I do like in romances so I'm excited basically this follows two characters who are I think what it is is their assistance for this couple who are kind of like Joann and chip from what's that show that they do on Magnolia how they have Magnolia farms in Waco last time someone had such a big compound in Waco didn't work out well so maybe this is like gonna be about that not that happy that would be too awesome to have a Christina Lauren true crime book come on this just looks cute I think it's about them trying to keep the couple who are on TV together because I think they're wanting to get a divorce which would really suck because there have a show together but yeah also the cover is adorable oh my god I could have read this for one of the prompts first my I actually do my hauls before I set TV hours like that just needs to be what I do apparently next is a heart-stopper volume three and this is obviously the third installment in the heart-stopper graphic novel series I'm assuming it's just gonna be a series I don't know if it's a trilogy I better not be it better be like a six Ilic it is past I think it's just called a series once you get past four this one is super cute it involves the two characters actually beating together a roll Ferrell at this point and they go on a class trip to Paris and it's just adorable and we explore more of the side characters backgrounds and more of them getting together with their crushes and it's just the cutest just the cutest thing ever I will say trigger warning for disordered eating in this I haven't seen anyone talk about it but it does come up it is not shown but it is talked about between the two characters and it's dealt with very sweetly very kindly but it is there just in case the one I knew it to go in and be like do what now so this one I've had for awhile but it's been recently moved up on my TBR and I don't believe I've ever hauled it but that is the tattoos of a schvitz and this I believe yeah based on a powerful true story of love and survival so I have not read anything about this I have not seen anyone talk about it on booktube or really even on like Twitter or anything and I mean I don't really follow people who talk about historical fiction anyways but I looked on Goodreads and there were only raving reviews and I just like historical fiction sometimes very specific historical fiction link that's actually more true story but there are fictional elements added in and I believe that's kind of what this is so I am very excited to read about that I feel like saying the tattoo is of Auschwitz tells you what this is about next I have another book of the month pic and this is another contemporary and I do not know how to say what this is like a retelling of so don't make fun of me but this is Anna K and I think it's a retelling of Anna Karenina okay so I just I cut out all of the time that it just took me to try to look up what Anna Karenina isn't even about but I'm not because that was embarrassing and just a total mess and I still don't know so I've heard of the book I know who Leo Tolstoy is I've refrained work my Tolstoy so the next book I have is all the stars and teeth this is the owlcrate edition it is absolutely gorgeous this is another one of those fantasies I believe that it is the beginning of a series or is it I hope it's a standalone fantasy but on the back it just says princess pirate stowaway mermaid the crew makes the Queen like I love love love when fantasies will do that on the back they just put important interesting gripping words instead of like basically spoiling their own book good convent we're not done I still absolutely next this is a book that I got sent by the publishers normally I try not to show books sunset my publishers when I don't request them because if it feels braggy the other half of the time it feels like they just are sending me random books that I will hopefully show on camera only because I say that only because I got like the fourth and fifth book in a series one time and I was just like I've never read these I don't even know what series this is I can't help you so this one is little secrets I don't know anything about this I've decided because Riley Sager blurbed it as unflinching and unforgettable everything you want a thriller well Riley a Sager is my favorite thriller author of all time ever period it's done and I trust him and I think that I saw the word FBI in this I love the FBI in theory and I love Riley Sager in factual actuality actuality next up I got my all crate version of ruthless gods by Emily a Duncan this is compared to wicked Saints I mm-hmm this is another book that I am having a hard time with some of my Twitter people that I follow because they keep saying that this is like a try-hard fantasy and it wants so desperately to be like an adult fantasy and I'm just like if you ever read adult fantasy this isn't even kind of scratch the surface of being an adult fantasy at all it doesn't have any of like the same elements I don't think it's just a very bloody gothic aesthetic story also I think that people are labeling it is Gothic literature because it's just that's not what it is but that's like an English snobby thing and I know that it is very gothic aesthetically and I love it and does he look familiar to you guys you see you don't I well honestly that's cuz it's kylo ren's spot the difference you keep okay we're down to our last six we can do this so next I have Nocturna this is the absolutely gorgeous fair loot addition that another very sweet friend sent to me and I actually just finished this so it was really really good so it follows two points of view one is a thief who she has been on the run and thieving said she was a child and her parents were killed and then the other one is the prince who was actually meant to be the spare but an heir died or did he you know we're following those two storylines they collide in a way that I won't say cuz it kind of spoils some things like very tiny things that turn into very big things at the end but basically in the midst of them being in the same room for this scene so a lot of dark magic is let loose and then they have to go on a quest to basically tame it and hmm did they I don't know about all that but this was really really fast-paced it was just reminded me of why I love why a fantasy so much it had so many different cultural elements that I have never been exposed to before and it was so interesting I loved the magic system in here because everyone can do spoken magic however you know you have your own like special magic for some people like the Prince can travel through magic and then the girl can change her features and the features of other people it was just such a very interesting intricate world and I am very excited to get to the next books when they come out the next one I have is my book of the month pick for this month and that is the guest list so what I know of this is there is a wedding a wedding yeah I said that right there's a wedding happening on Island and during this some people die I think multiple people start to like die one by one so I'm very interested in this on the back it says an exclusive wedding on a remote Irish island that means our gonna be drunk the bride the plus-one the best man the wedding planner the bridesmaid I think those are all the points of view that we get all have a secret all have a motive the only one is a murderer so I'm excited about that for some reason it reminds me of ready or not that it's a movie that came out where the husband's family believes that they have to play a murderous board game with the new wife for parallel organs that movie kind of sloppy it was pretty good if you're born in isolation you should watch that next up I got an arc and it is either year of the witch thing this one comes out in July July 21st so what I know of this is that the author of city of brass blurbed it which already had me interested but also what the main character is given this journal from her dead mother and it describes her basically trying to seek out this sanctuary in the woods and at code I think it talks about her working with these witches that are have known to have been murdered in the woods by the first profit of like their little colony and it's her kind of unearthing that mystery and just trying to find out what the truth is about her mom and about I mean that happened I like feminist fantasy and this once is a young woman living in a rigid puritanical society discovers dark powers within herself in this stunning feminist fantasy duet this is I mean which is feminism historical let's go speaking of historical I also got the deep this one is about a worker on the Titanic and then the Titanic sunk as we all know and she then is recruited to work on the Britannic which is the sister ship and this is during the time of World War one which also coincides with the time of the occult and everybody being really into those parties to have the Ouija board sessions although I don't know if the wood was technically branded in this time but it was the seances and contacting the spirits most of it was a hoax but on the ship they start to have that and paranormal things do start to happen and there's a lot of obsession about the water so I'm thinking that it may be the water and I think whatever happens with the Britannic is going to explain what did happen with the Titanic so I'm very interested to find out where this goes I've started the audiobook and it's a very good audiobook because they do different British accents for each part like where each person is actually from so I definitely definitely recommend the audiobook for this and then last well sometimes I'll use one so I got the last podcast on the left book the last book on the left this just has they have like 10 or so chapters and each chapter is a dive into some of the most notorious serial killers of history this includes Richard chase it includes BTK Ted Bundy is that gate yeah Gacy kiss a clown so all of that kind of stuff and it's just amazing and I love that it is David Berkowitz how you doing dude it has the main part is Marcus talking and then it has like each of those little pictures is a different one of the dudes on the podcast putting in his commentary and the audiobook is fabulous because they all narrate it together and it feels like a 12 hour podcast and it's great then the last one is the southern book clubs guide to slaying vampires this is about a bunch of middle-class housewives who have a book club and a vampire moves to town and I'm assuming they're gonna slay him very very very excited about this I have started it 10 chapters in can vouch that this is big little lies and Tru Blood crossover I didn't know I needed so there you go so yes those are all the books that I've bought mistakes were made but I'm moving into a new house with a much bigger room for just the library so we're gonna be fine thank you so much for watching I hope you're having a wonderful morning afternoon or night wherever you are if you liked or hated any of these books let me know down below if there are any that I really need to get to right now let me know and I will catch in my next video bye [Music] I get a little bit breathless my thoughts are too big can I get some comfort
Channel: oliviareadsalatte
Views: 63,653
Rating: 4.9477324 out of 5
Keywords: book haul, books, haul, booktube, booktuber, young adult, ya, book of the month, giant book haul, daily videos, daily, vlog, book shopping, bookstore, bookoutlet, manga, graphic novels, pierce brown, sarah j maas, crescent city, house of earth and blood, cassandra clare, chain of gold, shadowhunters, ruthless gods, the last book on the left, big haul, biggest book haul, contemporary, fantasy, recommendation, unboxing, owlcrate, fairyloot
Id: bsfmRn3UxzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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