best books for binging!!

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She's speaking at a 6th grade level, can someone please simplify it for me?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 28 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Genus-God ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 30 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

tfw you will never be quarantined with this ready player one reading buxom maiden

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Spilledmysoylent ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 30 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Are these booktubers all made in the same factory? I swear to god I can't discern a single stand out trait about any of them. (Note the subtle rรฉfรฉrence to the underground classic Brave New World)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/-RichardCranium- ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 31 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Now that Iโ€™m quarantined at home I can finally distract myself from the real world with some pleasant readings like The Handmaidโ€™s Tale

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GunwooMP ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 30 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

its like some science lab combined every person I cannot handle (women, nerds, super-expressive people, people with that thick accent) into some comic book nemesis for me

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/readytokno ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 31 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

i was born in the wrong generation, why don't kids my age read hemmingway?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ScalawagInTheShadows ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 31 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What an amazing book for binging

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FractalLung ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 30 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I really think I need eyeliner hello everybody today I'm going to be recommending you some engrossing binge worthy books books you will not want to put down if there's one thing that I can do during this dark time it is recommend you a book to read so it strikes me that in this time of uncertainty and stress we're all looking for some distraction something fun to occupy our minds and there is nothing more fun and more engrossing then an exciting book a book that you put it down and all you want to do is go back to it a book where you wake up in the morning and you think yes now I can keep reading so I have quite a little like a range of books here from nonfiction to fiction to graphic novel just because these books were books I couldn't put down these were books that I read really quickly in like some of them in a day some of them most of them in like two or three days just because I couldn't put them now I just had to keep reading so look maybe let's do it in categories it's one piece of hair it's just not cooperating I just started to the video and I realized I never mentioned why my hand was totally green that's I was painting I was painting something and I can't get it off so that's it I'm not rotting let's start with fiction so I'm gonna start it off with maybe not okay I'm gonna start off with the last book that I read where I had this experience of not wanting to put the book down and that is albatross by Terry phallus this is a book I have not heard anyone talking about and that breaks my heart because it was so much fun this is absolutely become a new favorite book of mine it is about a kid in high school who gets a new gym teacher and the gym teacher is she's reading a scientific journal and there's this wacky theory in there if you measure somebody's body like their proportions how long their arms are how tall they are etc all of these things you will be put on a scale and if you get over 90% on a certain percentage thing you would be really good at a sport even though you've never tried that sport your body is just perfect for the sport so the gym teacher thinks it would be fun to try out her students just to like just for as a fun experiment so she measures a bunch of her students and our main character turns out to get a really high percentage in golf something he doesn't care about he's never played his dream is to be a writer he doesn't care about golf but his teacher loves golf and she's like well this is a funny coincidence let's go try let's see if this theory is correct they go to play golf and he is incredible and what happens throughout the book is just this wacky story of this guy who skyrockets to the the height of fame in golf he gets sponsorships he gets you know interviews and gets to play in major tournaments and it's about that but it's also about like should you late leave your life in a way that follows success or that follows passion and is such a funny fun exhilarating story there were two or three moments where I felt like legit emotional and wanted to cry and at the end I just left it like feeling completely exhausted but happy and proud and just like loving the characters the one thing I've heard when I've tried to recommend this book to people is like it sounds good but I really don't care about golf do not let that stop you because the main character also doesn't care about golf he hates golf and so it's a really funny element to the book and adds a lot of hilarity so I actually I think that not liking golf is a benefit to you if you're gonna read it the next fiction book I'm gonna do is ready player one um this is such a it took a modern classic at this point isn't it this is and if you haven't seen them the big movie either this is about a world where we have something called the Oasis and the Oasis is basically like the Internet if the internet became almost a physical space people work in the Oasis live in the Oasis they they they they hang out there they they like meet people from all over the world by putting on a headset and gloves and you kind of like enter this virtual reality and what happened is that the creator of the Oasis dies and he was obviously the most rich man on earth because he created this huge virtual reality that everyone uses and he dies and he leaves a kind of a treasure trail to find these Easter eggs and challenges video game esque challenges and if you finish them and you're the first one to do it you will win his fortune so everyone on earth goes crazy trying to be the person to find it so our main character is Wade he's a teenager who just happens to find the first clue first and it's the story of him trying to complete it it's the story of friendship in a time of isolation and loneliness when people don't really interact with people anymore they interact with just avatars of people but also the kind of big catalyst is that a company hires a bunch of people to try and solve the puzzle because why wouldn't companies try and solve the puzzle too and so it's kind of like way to versus this massive corporation it is so exciting it is so much fun it is just like a fever dream of 80s nostalgia and two references if you like the 80s at all things like John Hughes movies Steven Spielberg video games from the 80s etc you will enjoy the references some people think that the references are a bit too much but it's just the way that Ernest Cline talks about them is just so much fun you can tell he loves that stuff so much so this was this was a riot and I remember not like not getting so into a world in a long time I read this back in like 2012 and I still recommend this all of the time because it was so much fun and I also know like a lot of people that aren't really readers so people that don't read that often ready player one so next up okay I'm gonna do this one it's kind of a cheesy recommendation but I just think that the moment is right for the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins so we've all read it right like everyone has read The Hunger Games and it is kind of young adult middle grade fiction but it is so engrossing like if you haven't reread the Hunger Games in a while it might be time I am personally about to dive into a reread of the series and I cannot wait it is so much fun it is such a wild ride it is a very well developed dystopian where you feel like the world is real and even though of course there is a suspension of disbelief and you wonder how the world got to this point you still believe it you're sort of like wow this sucks these people are trapped and they need to be set free the entire series is a lot of fun but as a first book in a series with it like Katniss and like okay I was looking at the first paragraph it is so exciting hold on let me just another okay when I wake up the other side of the bed is cold my fingers stretch out seeking prims warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of the mattress she must have had bad dreams and climbed in with our mother of course she did this is the day of the reaping well yeah um okay what else do I have here for fiction Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe by Benjamin Alire assigns so this is a an interesting one because usually when you think about like a binge worthy read you think about something really action-packed like all of these books that I've mentioned so far have quite an adventure vibe to them this one really isn't an adventure it's about two teenage boys Aristotle and Dante and it's about their friendship it's about their families it's about it's about compare action and love and self-love and it's more of an introspective story than it is like an adventure novel but it is so beautiful it is so moving it is just it's it's gorgeous and if you're looking for a book that will suck you in and will it is easy to read and fast to fly through but is emotional and about characters and people this is the one to read it's also I think really apt for this time because it's about the importance of friendship and about isolation and it not like self-isolation social distancing like we're experiencing now but like loneliness and needing friendship and needing connection and how much of a difference a connection and a friend can make okay the next two are back to just being adventurous fun so a hundred and seventy two hours on the moon by Johann Hart said so this is devastating many many years ago I lost the dust jacket I don't know what happened but I lost the dust jacket and it's sad because the cover is really cool this book is about three teenagers who basically like win or are nominated for by their schools I forget but they win the opportunity to go to Space Camp and they are going to be able to go to the moon and already that sounds like so much fun so you have three teens who got like go to space school but it's not like Ender's Game or something where it's like a League of children else studying and are being astronauts no like they're they only train for like two weeks or two months or something and then they just go to the moon for they're supposed to go to first so 172 hours I guess and then come back but it's it's exciting right like the like it's exciting to see how they train and get ready and how they become friends and then they go to the moon and you're thinking this is gonna be a really cool like moon story and maybe a little I don't know something fun will happen what happens is it most absolute hell in a handbasket and there's I don't even want I don't want to say anything I don't want to spoil anything because it what was so fun about this book for me and this was one of the scariest books I have ever read it is young adult so I don't know like how it compares to adult horror because I had I don't really read much of that genre but if you're a person like me that doesn't read much horror and you don't want to like have anything gruesome or anything violent but you just want to be like freaked out this book is so scary and it was a lot of fun and I don't want to I'm not gonna spoil anything just trust me if you want to be freaked out check out 172 hours on the moon the other book I picked is with malice by Eileen cook so this one is a lot of fun because similar to what I'm talking about it's just an adventure story that the more the plot is the main focus yeah there's a bit of character development but really it's just a fun plot it's about this girl who with her school goes on a trip a study abroad trip to Italy but it all goes awry the way that this book is framed is that the main character wakes up in a hospital bed like that's what happens right off the bat she doesn't remember the last six weeks of her life when this eight trip to Italy happened she is completely like broken and bruised and stitched up and she's being told that she went to Italy she was in a massive accident and that she killed someone and she's like what are you talking about I don't remember going to Italy I don't remember being in an accident and I definitely didn't kill anyone but all of this evidence was mounting against her and she's trying to piece together what happened to her so it's stressful because you don't really trust the narrator she doesn't really trust herself and you're trying to figure out what the hell happened in Italy I found it to be a really fun ride it's quite as like a simple straightforward story it kind of feels you know like walked watching an action movie where you're sort of like yeah I sort of get what's gonna happen and nothing is that surprising but it's still super fun to watch explosions happen on screen that kind of vibe I had a lot of fun with this I also just love book set in Italy and this is a beautiful cover if that's enough okay so those were my fiction pics I also now want to talk about two non-fiction pics because maybe you just want to plow through some educational content that's also fun edutainment as they say so the first one I picked is so you've been publicly shamed this is one of my absolute favorite books I adore this book I would if it was up to me this would be mandatory reading for all of humans I think that this book teaches you how to be a better person for a multitude of reasons but basically this is about public shaming it's about this practice that has been going on for the last few years since the kind of advent but mainly just massive use of social media and it tracks stories of people who say did a really racist tweet or did something stupid on social media that then completely destroys their lives because they get cancelled right um and so it is so fascinating I think it's a well-balanced look at it he never says like canceling is a disaster we shouldn't do it and blah blah blah but he also doesn't say like canceling is great we should do it he's kind of looking at it and being like what are what can we learn from what we're doing and is there ways we could improve the way that we treat each other online again I think that this is really act for the moment we're in because we're spending so much time on the internet and we are connecting through the internet and I'm so grateful for the Internet you wouldn't be watching this video if it wasn't for a social media if it wasn't for the but at the same time when we're using these tools and communicating in these ways it's important that we think about how we're doing that so I think a it does that really well but B it's also so entertaining jon ronson is hilarious it kind of takes on this like documentarian in the field out and about kind of approach where he goes to meet different people and interview different people and try and go undercover to certain situations he has a really fun on the go writing style but he's also very thoughtful so it's entertaining it's really interesting and in the end for me taught me so much about compassion and empathy as a person who creates online and wishes that people were kinder online it was the kind of book where I was like please everyone reads this and I like for me that the kind of thing that I always point out to people about this book kind of my my tagline for it or whatever is that he talks about right at the beginning how we used to do public shaming like public shaming aren't new we used to do things like 200 years ago or whatever where if someone did something wrong one of the crimes that we would one of the crimes or one of the punishments we would do for that crime would be to for example make them stand in a public square with a sign on them or make them what it what's the name of those things where people are like the stalks and people like shame you publicly but we stopped doing that because it was found to be too cruel it's psychologically very cruel but suddenly we're doing it again online and how is it that we're doing that and what is the effects to the people that have that done to them etc it is so fascinating the other nonfiction one I wanted to recommend is tiny beautiful things advice on loving life from someone who's been there from Cheryl Strayed so this is so good oh this book is so good I think more people need to read this book it so so profoundly excellent again it's about empathy and compassion I guess if that is a theme that I love reading about um so if you have any books that you suggest to me or to other people about connection and empathy and compassion definitely leave them in the comments but this Cheryl Strayed used to run a advice column called dear sugar it was like an aunt agony thing right a dear dear sugar I'm sad my life is falling apart what do you suggest and then she gives advice and this is a compilation of some of the best and most interesting most powerful most touching letters and ok today the reason that this book is great is twofold fold number one is that reading people's stories is so powerful it can be funny but mainly it's just beautiful like you're reading about all of these different people with all of these different stories and this pain so much pain and it connects you to people it shows you that you're not alone you're not the only one who is scared right now you're not the only one who has this specific problem and maybe their problems are really different to yours but you see how complex people are and the way that people like her writing is beautiful but their writing is beautiful the way that they share their stories and are vulnerable with her it made me start a journal which I haven't done as much of but when I finished reading this book I did some uhm I started this journal where I would write letters to her and I was like dear sugar because I was so inspired by the way that they wrote but the second fold for why this book is so beautiful is her responses Wow she is so kind she is so generous and she lists to each writer so deeply the thing about Cheryl Strayed is that she has led a pretty crazy life she wrote Wilde that book that is a movie with Reese Witherspoon where she travels the ER walks the Pacific what's a trail called the PCT the Pacific Crest Trail she has led this crazy life and so she has no judgment when she reads other people's woes their stories you can tell her anything and she will not judge you she will just listen and love you and that is what makes her answer so powerful but not only that she got she has beautiful writing like the way that she formulates her responses are so good but also you learn a lot about her through her responses she'll be like this reminds me of the time that I did this or this reminds me of a friend I had who did this so you learned a lot about her and her experiences and a little bit of a brag here I got to meet her and I don't I'm not bringing this up to brag I'm bringing this up to like confirm that she is a wonderful person in real life and so I think I knew that that was gonna happen because I read this book before I had met her and I just assumed she was gonna be wonderful but I was so glad that she was she is as wonderful as she is in her responses um I guess a third reason why I think that this book is perfect for this kind of moment is because it's so easy to read because it is these letters it's someone writing a letter to her which at most will be like two or three pages but usually is like a page long and then her response which is maybe two to three pages long maybe sometimes four or five pages so it is very quick to read through the stories and read through her advice etc and that makes it feel like it you're going through it really quickly and encourages you to pick it up more because you're sort of like okay I'll just read one letter I'll just read one more um oh I love this book I want more people to read it it is so so wonderful alright my final category is graphic novels because this is the perfect moment if you have never read a graphic novel please right now please so there are somebody that I want to recommend they are so perfect for being really immersive but also being very quick to read because they really are kind of a combination of the two forms that were so used to books and movies you have the beautiful visuals of the illustrations that push the story along but then you have quite a long time to spend with these characters and you learn so much from their dialogue graphic novels almost well not almost definitely more than novels make me speak out loud like have outloud reactions I will shout and I'll be like no or I'll be so excited because I think because I can see the characters reactions and stuff so the first one is one that I read this year and it's bastard by Max Reddy gay I think is how you pronounce the end there this was so good it was so action-packed it was so exciting it is a beautiful illustration style and it's about this mom and this kid who have committed a crime but they've been part of a really big crime situation 52 simultaneous robberies in the same city happen at the same time so they're on the run and they're trying to not get caught basically you learn about their history a little bit why they're involved in crime it is so touching it is so beautiful but it's also very exciting because they just committed this big robbery they have all this money and they're on the run the kid is so sweet the mom is so interesting the character development is great it is a very compelling story and I read it in like one sitting it was wonderful another one I have to recommend is in real life by Cory Doctorow and Jen Wang I just lent this book to a friend because it's so good this is about a character who is very invested in a an online game kind of like world of warcraft style she's very into this game but it she kind of uses it as an escapism of her real life she really doesn't like herself in real life and so she uses this game to have an avatar that she likes and to make friends that she likes that she isn't able to have in real life and so that kind of what the book is about at the beginning and it's really exciting because she's going on these adventures in the game and the illustration is really good because it shows like her in game versus in real life but then it became becomes a lot more important I guess she finds out that characters in the game however what she's been interacting with are actually workers in terrible working conditions in Asia and this completely kind of changes her perspective on what is going on in this game how sinister it might be and what is important in life which is helping other people and it's just it's a beautiful story it is so exciting the illustration style is gorgeous Jen Wang is so good and Cory Doctorow writes a really exciting story and this one really had me gasping every time I would flip the page and I'd just be like oh my god it was so exciting so these are my recommendations for books you won't be able to put down I really hope that you pick one up I will link down below to where you can find them at a link that especially if you're in the States will really help out independent book shops during this crazy time so thank you so much for watching thank you so much to everyone who is staying home as much as possible thank you to everyone who's making extra content online to keep us all entertained thank God for art and thank you so much to our essential workers people who are working at grocery stores I'm so sure that you're having such a difficult time and I'm very grateful to you and of course to our health care workers who are helping everyone out so I really hope that you guys enjoyed this video leave me a recommendation for a book I won't be able to put down down in the disc in the comments and I will see you guys in my next one bye
Channel: Ariel Bissett
Views: 524,095
Rating: 4.9504709 out of 5
Keywords: arielbissett, ariel, bissett, books, book, book review, booktube, ariel bissett
Id: igSyCophYJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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